HED Education and Psychology Catalogue PDF
HED Education and Psychology Catalogue PDF
HED Education and Psychology Catalogue PDF
To this end, we have structured our list of Education and Psychology titles
to help students gain the knowledge they will need in the workplace. This
catalogue features our latest titles; our new interactive eBooks, that will allow
you to engage students through enhanced digital content; as well as Learning
Catalytics, designed to track students’ understanding of concepts in real time.
Images by Christof van der Walt
Welcome to our world 5 Content and titles 6 Digital solutions 43 Services and support 55
Our Learning Solutions guide 5 Guide to sampling and 8 Moving towards a 44 Lecturer support 57
prescribing textbooks connected future
Pearson support 58
Our Education 9 MyLab and Mastering 45
Implementation support 58
and Psychology titles
MyFoundationsLab 46
Professional development 58
Custom Solutions 42 MyEnglishLab 47
MyLab IT 47
MyVirtualChild 48
Learning Catalytics 49
eBooks 50
Interactive eBooks 51
Online courses 52
CourseConnect 53
Digital Literacy 54
Citizenship Course
Click any item on the Click the section icon on the navigation bar at Click on the left and right arrows
contents page to go the bottom of any page to go to the opening to navigate through the catalogue.
to that section. section of that section.
Clicking the home button will take
you to the contents page.
English Language Teachin
Co On
om e
st Co
Our trusted and effective learning solutions – a blend ur
of content, digital solutions and services – have been
Workplace readiness
created to enable lecturers, as well as students to flourish. and employability
This visual guide is designed to help you find the right
Choose your
own content Personalised
Pearson solution for you and your students. The inner
online courseware
circle of the visual guide summarises how our locally-
Custom solutions
relevant, customisable solutions optimise and enrich for your digital
your teaching.
g Cat
Your Pearson Key Account Manager can guide and
assessment via
mobile devices
support you in making the correct and most suitable
choices for your institution and your course. Dynamic delivery
of content
content experiences
Se t
rvic EE
es & Supp
Support during
Technical support
project roll-out
ICT skills
for lecturers
TI t O
LU Pe or N
SO ar pp
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su io
pp at
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t/ leme
al s mp
upp al I
ort Loc
Profession t
al Developmen
Navigating Information Literacy 11 Themes in South African Education 19 Making Inclusive Education Work 27
Fifth Edition First Edition in Classrooms
First Edition
The Adolescent 12 Handbook for Grade R Teaching 20
Fourth Edition Fifth Edition Opening the Doors of Learning: Changing 28
Schools in South Africa
Teaching–Learning Dynamics 13 Introducing English as First Additional 21
Fifth Edition Language in the Early Years People Leadership in Education 29
First Edition First Edition
Leadership Matters: School leadership 14
and management cases Alternative Access to Higher Education 22 Research-led Teacher Education 30
First Edition First Edition
Becoming a Teacher 15
Second Edition Cracking the Code to Education Analysis 23
First Edition
Being a Teacher: A Book of Cases 16
First Edition Creating Effective Schools 24
First Edition
Innovative Assessment Practice 17
First Edition Financial Management and Leadership 25
in Schools
Including the Excluded 18 First Edition
Educating the Vulnerable in the 21st Century
Learning Conversations: The Value 26
First Edition
of Interactive Learning
First Edition
Fifth Edition Navigating Information Literacy is the perfect tool to help guide students through
the 21st Century information world. The book, now in its fifth edition, has been
updated to cover the information literacy skills and topics needed to study and work.
In these environments, being information literate is no longer a special skill; it is an
everyday skill we all need.
This book builds student awareness of information literacy, and provides clear
instruction on how to learn the skills required to fully function in the information
knowledge economy.
Navigating Information Literacy is the perfect Navigating Information Literacy is also available
digital information; ethical and fair use of materials; referencing techniques;
evaluating information and sources; and documenting information and creating new
tool to help guide students through the as a fully interactive eBook. This eBook is a digitally
Key features include:
to cover the information literacy skills and that allow users to practise and review content learned.
abstract concepts
• Chapter openers with clearly stated learner outcomes
• A list of key terms at the beginning of every chapter introducing important to
Contents This ePUB is a digitally interactive educational experience that allows users to engage T H E O B OT H MA • E R I C A CO S I J N • I N A F O U R I E • C E C I L I A P E N Z H O R N
touching and experimenting. Our interactive ePUB brings together all these learning
preferences. This includes some short animations to help put content into context. It
Chapter 1: Introducing information literacy
is no longer a special skill; it is an everyday
also includes a number of practice and review interactive activities.
This book builds student awareness of information Chapter 4: The search query
literacy, and provides clear instruction on how to learn Chapter 5: Searching the web
the skills required to fully function in the information Chapter 6: Searching databases and online journals
knowledge economy. Chapter 7: Organising and retrieving
Chapter 8: Ethical and fair use
Features Print ISBN: 9781776101818
Chapter 9: Referencing ePUB ISBN: 9781776101634
• Easy and accessible language Chapter 10: Evaluating
• A new, engaging design so students can work Authors:
Chapter 11: Documenting information and creating Theo Bothma, Erica Cosijn,
through the text in a logical and practical way
Ina Fourie, Cecilia Penzhorn
• Full-colour screenshots and other illustrative
examples to provide students with a real-world ‘feel’ Copyright: 2017
Extent: 272 pp.
• Critical thinking activities such as Try it Yourself,
Read This, Watch This and Example boxes to
stimulate further interest, reinforce skills and
break down otherwise abstract concepts
• Chapter openers with clearly stated
learner outcomes
• A list of key terms at the beginning of every
chapter introducing important to know terminology
and concepts
The Adolescent, now in its fourth edition, • An animation explaining how to use the
examines adolescent development. interactive ePUB
• 30 short videos of adolescents talking about what it’s
Framed by discussions on the risks and
like to be an adolescent.
vulnerabilities adolescents face and their
• These experiences are mapped to the content
protective resources to negotiate these in the book in a video matrix at the beginning.
deficits, the book covers the developmental • They can also be accessed in the relevant
guidelines of adolescents’ lives. locations in the book itself.
• 4 interactive e-learning assets that allow users
This fourth edition of The Adolescent includes a variety to review and practise the content in a safe and
of videos, websites, scenarios and activities that can engaging way.
be accessed with QR codes and Study on the Go.
As such, this book is an indispensible text for all those Contents
who deal with adolescents – educators, education
students, educational psychologists, counsellors, 1. Happy teen or juvenile delinquent? Risks and resources
in adolescence
social workers, health workers, teachers, parents
and youth workers. 2. The physical development of the adolescent Print ISBN: 9781775953487
3. The cognitive development of the adolescent ePDF ISBN: 9781177595649
ePUB features 4. The social development of the adolescent eBook ISBN: 9781776101092 (Interactive ePUB)
5. The emotional, moral and spiritual development
The ePUB of The Adolescent creates a digitally of the adolescent
interactive experience that allows students to Eldrie Gouws
6. The adolescent in transition
engage with the book’s content in a broad and Copyright: 2015
7. Developmental challenges of the adolescent
exciting way. People learn by seeing, hearing, Extent: 312 pp.
8. Social concerns in adolescence
touching and experimenting. The interactive ePUB
9. Teaching, learning and motivation
brings together all these learning preferences
offering the student a complete learning experience. 10. Pathways to South African adolescent resilience
In addition to the content in the print book,
this ePUB includes exciting features.
Teaching–Learning Dynamics is a leader in way. People learn by seeing, hearing, touching and
the field of teacher education textbooks experimenting. The interactive ePUB brings together
all these learning preferences offering the student a
that has been used by student teachers and complete learning experience. In addition to the content
beginner teachers across South Africa for in the print book, this ePUB includes exciting features.
over 20 years. • An animation explaining how to use the
interactive ePUB
The new fifth edition has updated content to:
• 31 podcast recordings of four South African
• bring it in line with the Curriculum Assessment
teachers. These recordings provide a powerful
Policy Statements (CAPS) and other recent South
reflection on what it’s really like in the
African curriculum policy changes
South African classroom.
• include a new chapter on the theoretical
• 7 interactive eLearning assets that allow users
foundations of teaching and learning
to review and practise the content in a safe and
• include a chapter on using media in the classroom. engaging way
This book now uses a more reader-friendly design and • 3 interactive videos that connect real-life scenarios
format, including key terms and definitions for each with theory from the book
Print ISBN: 9781775959977
chapter, note boxes in the margins and QR codes linking
Contents ePDF ISBN: 9781776101764
readers to useful online videos and resources. The aim
eBook ISBN: 9781775957119
of this book is to support and empower both students 1. Theoretical foundations
and teachers with as many practical resources as 2. Participative teaching Editors:
possible, including lesson plans, assessment tools, lesson 3. Curriculum Monica Jacobs, Ntombizolile Vakalisa,
transcripts, case studies and more. It also supports
4. Aims and objectives Nqabomzi Gawe
lecturers with a range of additional resources including
5. Context analysis
multiple-choice questions, short answer questions and a Copyright: 2016
range of PowerPoint@slides with activities to encourage 6. Learning content
Extent: 462 pp.
student participation and engagement. 7. Teacher-directed methods
8. Learner-centred methods
ePUB features 9. Media in the classroom
10. Assessment
The ePUB of Teaching-Learning Dynamics creates a
digitally interactive experience that allows students to 11. Curriculum implementation
engage with the book’s content in a broad and exciting 12. Classroom management
13. Problem areas in schools
Using teaching scenarios, this book • touch parts of the book to find out more
highlights the complex journey a novice • watch content, as well as read it
teacher has to undertake to become a • play with the interactive learning objects that are
competent practitioner in the face of the built into the text
daily intricacies and messiness of teaching. • opportunities to check understanding and to reflect
Scenarios expose teacher education students on the content using interactive test-yourself
activities at the end of every chapter
to the realities of the classroom.
• two interactive, scenario-based activities that allow
This expanded second edition explores the multiple roles the user to safely practise what they have learned in
of the teacher and can be used to good effect to train a real-life situation
students to become engaged and excellent teachers. • a narrated whiteboard animation of a common,
yet challenging, dilemma faced by a teacher is
Features also featured.
• Scenarios, Think about it boxes, opportunities
for reflection
• A toolkit for first year students and teachers entering 1. The teacher as reflective practitioner
Print ISBN: 9781775950196
the profession 2. The teacher as a caring professional
ePDF ISBN: 9781775955665
3. The teacher as an educational theorist eBook ISBN: 9781775950202 (Interactive ePUB)
• Updated to include implications brought about
by CAPS 4. The teacher as a curriculum interpreter, designer and
implementer Editors:
• A multilingual glossary of relevant terms in Sarah Gravett, Josef de Beer, Elize du Plessis
5. The teacher as a mediator of learning
four languages
6. The teacher as assessor Copyright: 2015
• Lecturer resources available 7. The teacher as a classroom manager Extent: 416 pp.
8. The teacher as a user of media
ePUB features
9. The teacher in service of society
This book is now also available as an interactive eBook 10. The teacher as an agent of inclusivity
providing many practice opportunities that enable the 11. The teacher as an agent of transformation
following functions: 12. The teacher as a researcher
• add notes and highlight text
• search and navigate through the book by searching
for key words or just clicking on the Table of Contents
• Clarifies the different Socratic methods
• A common structure in each conversational type
assists students to understand the distinguishing
features of each type
• Localised and original adaptations of the Socratic Print ISBN: 9780796233677
method are provided for South African students Authors:
Meahabo Magano, Pieter Mostert,
Gert van der Westhuizen
Copyright: 2010
Extent: 106 pp.
• Written for a multifaceted educational setting
Print ISBN: 9780796224859
• Equips managers through case studies and
detailed explanations Authors:
Jan Heystek, Rita Niemann, Jean van Rooyen,
• Provides clear guidance on successful
Joe Mosoge, Keshni Bipath
people leadership
Copyright: 2014
Extent: 208 pp.
many more.
Once your custom solution is created, we regularly
review your requirements for amendments and changes.
This means that you control the edition of your solution, Tailor online resources to reflect your Digital resources and content from
and avoid unexpected edition changes. institution’s needs. Choose to receive Pearson's MyLab and Mastering
your book in print or eBook format. platforms.
We are always looking for new ways to customise
our content, so have a conversation with us to see
what is possible.
Our dedicated support team is here to help you get the best out of your
chosen solutions so that your students can thrive.
MyEnglishLab delivers your Pearson course content MyLab IT offers quality content, developed by practising
online, with the added benefits of automated marking IT educators that can effectively integrate into training
and extra support for your students. and assessment exercises to enhance students’
knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and
Exchange your workbook for MyEnglishLab to get online computer concepts. By doing this, we can equip
hints, tips and feedback, and take your course with them with the skills and know-how they will need
you anywhere. to flourish in the workplace.
• Cloud-based, HTML5 Microsoft® Office simulations –
no installations or downloads required. Realistic,
high-fidelity, skill-based training and assessment
scenarios with content that directly matches
Pearson textbooks
• Empower all students to experience MyLab IT – See how MyLab IT creates personalised online
Simulations are the most accessible with ADA 508 learning experiences that help students make
compliance guidelines real progress in their courses and in their lives.
Watch how MyVirtualChild increases student engagement. Learn how to create your own MyVirtualChild.
Millions of students around the world Our award-winning CourseConnect courses are
customisable online courses designed for lecturers
take online courses every year. to deliver blended or online learning.
At Pearson, we have developed various online courses Now you can bring your students into a stimulating
to help students along their journey to a successful world of multimedia content and rich imagery, where
career. The different online courses we offer teach high engagement is the norm and retention follows.
students how to behave in an online sphere and equip CourseConnect minimises the time you spend looking
them with the skills they will need in order to become for and compiling the best learning assets, so that you
employable once their studies are completed. can focus on what you do best – teaching.
At Pearson, we recognise the We refer to this as the CUBES framework. The course includes:
Tell Show Do
Digital literacy is your Each CUBE has content that sits in three levels of ability.
Apply the
Customer Services
Implementation support
Because support during and after implementation is
important, our team offers short (10–15 minute) student
orientation sessions at the start of each implementation
and help thereafter, whenever it is needed.
Professional development
Digital education is changing the way lecturers instruct
and students learn. It is important for lecturers to
embrace technology and learn how it can be applied
in higher education to challenge, engage and render
students more employable.
Our ICT training offers competency-based professional
development for lecturers, empowering you to become
confident in using technology in the classroom.
Modular courses offer you the opportunity to use
technology to inspire, motivate and engage your
students in order to enhance their learning experience.
Our training is designed to enable you to:
• integrate technology in the classroom to engage with
all types of learners
• match course material to individual student needs
and abilities
• add value to assessments, making them more
effective and varied
• immediately apply practical course material in
your classroom.
Pearson eStore
To browse and purchase ebooks visit https://shop.pearson.co.za