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iffelublit ot tbe ipbilippines

Department of @Ducetion

No. , s. 2022
(Establishing the Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Chiefs of Divisions
A11 Others Concemed

1. For the information and guidance of ail concerned, enclosed is a copy of

Executive Order No. 174 dated June 23, 2O22 tirled Establlshing the Expanded
Career Progression System for Public School Teachers.
2. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

Vic President and Secretary

As stated
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:


MCDJ/APA/MPC, DM Dissemination of EO No. 174

OIAS - Jnly 1. , 2022

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City f6O0 P 4633-7 2Oa I 4633 -7 224 / 4632- 136 | & 4636-4a76 / 463? -6209
(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2022)




WHEREAS, section s, Articre XrV of the constitution provides that the state
shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement, and ensure that
teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through
adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment;

_ wHEREAS, Repubric Act (RA) No. 4670 or the "Magna carta for pubric schoor
Teachers," recognizes that the advancement in education depends on G
qualificationsand ability of the teaching staff, and declares it a policy of the State to
promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers, their
terms of employment and career prospects in order to attract and retain in the teaching
profession more individuals with proper qualifications;

WHEREAS, Executive Order (EO) No. 500 (s. j978) estabtished a system of
career progression and promotion for public school teachers that is focused on
classroom effectiveness, and attaches a premium to advancement in stature and
compensation of teachers while remaining in the classroom;

WHEREAS, the evolving character of the 21"t century learners, the

implementation of the K-12 Reform, and the enactment of RA No. 1096g, which
institutionalized the Philippine Qualifications Framework, have brought significant
developments in the national educational landscape;

WHEREAS, there is a need to revise and update the system of career

progression for public school leachers that is anchored on the achievement of
qualifications and standards for teachers and school administrators, in order to provide
more opportunities for professional growth and career advancement, and ensure that
teachers are consistently motivated in providing quality education to learners;

WHEREAS, the senate and House of Representatives Joint Resorution No. 4

(s. 2009) authorized the President to modify the existing compensation and position
Classification System of civilian personnel; and

WHEREAS, Section 17, Article Vll of the Constitution provides that the
President shall have control of all executive departments, bureaus and offices;

NOW, THEREFORE, l, RODRTGO ROA DUTERTE, president of rhe Repubtic

of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the constitution and eiisting
laws, do hereby order:


Section 1. Establishment of the Expanded Career progression System for
Public School Teachers. The expanded career progression system for public school
teachers is hereby established to promote professional development and career
advancement among public school teachers, and define the career lines of teachers
within the public school system, specifically in the elementary and secondary levels,
including the Senior High School. The System shall complement other career
pathways for professional teachers outside the public basic education school system,
as may be defined by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and provide for
equivalence in duties, recognition, and compensation for teachers choosing a career

Section 2. Classroom Teaching Career Line. The classes in the Classroom

Teaching Career Line shall be as follows: (i) Master Teacher l; (ii) Master Teacher ll;
(iii) Master Teacher lll; (iv) Master Teacher lV; and (v) Master Teacher V.
Advancement to the Master Teacher I position shall require the attainment of the
minimum qualifications prescribed for the position as defined by the Civil Service
Commission (CSC), and meeting the teaching proficiency level equivalent to Career
Stage lll (Highly Proficient) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.

Section 3. School Administration Career Line. The classes in the School

Administration Career Line shall be as follows: (i) School Principal l; (ii) School
Principal ll; (iii) School Principal lll;and (iv) School Principal tV. The advancement to
School Principal I shall require the attainment of the minimum qualifications prescribed
for the position as defined by the CSC, meeting the desired proficiency level for school
head as defined in the Philippine Profession Standards for School Heads, and passing
the school head assessment which shall be conducted for the purpose and
administered by the Department of Education (DepEd). ln line with this, the
incumbents of the following positions may be promoted or reclassified for the
abovementioned School Principal positions:

a. Assistant School Principal l, Assistant School Principal ll and Assistant

School Principal lll, who shall be provided with professional development
interventions to equip them with the necessary competencies to be full-
pledged principals, and shall be given priority in the promotion or
reclassification to School Principal positions, subject to existing laws,
policies and regulations, and the guidelines to be formulated pursuant to this
Order; or

b. Master Teacher l, who areaspiringfora career in school administration shall

be classified, upon promotion, within the School Administration Group.

Section 4. Equivalence of Positions. The positions in the Classroom

Teaching Career Line shall be equivalent to the School Administration Career Line, as
Master Teacher V S choo P n nc
Master Teacher lV School Princi l
Master Teacher lll School Princi al ll
Master Teacher ll School Principal I

Section 5. Creation of Additional Position Titles. Upon approval of this
Order, the Department of Budget Management (DBM) shall create the new position
titles of Teacher lV, Teacher V, Teacher Vl, Teacher Vll, and Master Teacher V, and
include the same in the lndex of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups,
Classes and Salary Grades.

Section 6. Choice of Career Line. The positions of Teacher I to Teacher Vll

shall form the base of the career system. Upon achieving the qualifications and
proficiency level required for Master Teacher I under Section 2 hereof, a teacher may
choose to pursue the Classroom Teaching Career Line or the School Administration
Career Line. For this purpose, the CSC, DepEd, and PRC shall harmonize the
qualification standards for teaching positions in the public school system, speciflcally
in the elementary and secondary levels, including Senior High School.

A teacher pursuing a promotion to Master Teacher ll shall continue upwards in

the Classroom Teaching Career Line while a teacher opting a career as School
Principal I shall continue upwards in the School Administration Career Line. The
switching from one career line to another shall be allowed, provided that the individual
possesses all the necessary qualifications and expected competencies for the other
career line. Both the Master Teachers and School Principals may be considered for
promotion to the next higher positions in the service.

Section 7. lmplementing Rules and Regulations. Within ninety (90) days

from the effectivity of this Order, the CSC, DBM, DepEd, and PRC shall jointly
formulate and issue the rules and regulations necessary for the effective
implementation of this Order.

Section 8. Separability. lf any part or provision of this Order is declared invalid

or unconstitutional, other parts not affected thereby shall continue to be valid and

Section 9. Repeal. All Orders, rules, regulations and issuances, or parts

thereof which are inconsistent with this Order, are hereby repealed or modified

Section 10. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately after
publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

DONE, in the City of Manila, this z:ra day of June , in the year of
Our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Two.

By the President:

Office of t E
Executive Secretary UY, ,7w

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