The Little Bit Naughty Book of Wild Sex Positions
The Little Bit Naughty Book of Wild Sex Positions
The Little Bit Naughty Book of Wild Sex Positions
US $11.95
the little book of
Siobhan Kelly positions
Red Hot and Ruder (Ebury).indd 2 9/4/09 20:48:02
Let’s go outside
Because bedrooms can
get boring…
Combine food and sex in this
delicious position. She lies back on Introduce a little role-play. He wears
the kitchen worktop or table with her nothing but a chef’s hat or apron. With a little
legs raised. He stands before her and flavoured lube and a handful of strawberries,
enters her, grabbing onto her legs or he turns her whole body into a living fruit
thighs if necessary to balance. salad – and licks her all over to get
Thrusting and holding her up can her ready for penetration.
be a lot of work for him, but this position
offers deep penetration and unparalleled
vaginal and clitoral stimulation. Partners can
maintain eye contact throughout, and she can
vary the degree of penetration by putting her feet
onto his chest to make it deeper, or wrap her legs
around his neck or back to increase the feeling
of intimacy and involvement. If she puts her feet
onto his chest, she’s got a bit more leverage and
is less likely to fall off. She can lower her legs
towards her chest to lengthen the angle of her
vagina and give longer, tighter penetration.
cabinet or shelf while she straddles him, THE PLEASURE
her knees bent, bracing her feet against
the wall opposite and her back against Make sure you’re wearing clothes
the wall behind her. Using both walls for that have easy access (and make for
support, she pushes away with her feet a quick getaway if you get caught).
and bounces up and down on his penis. A short skirt with panties that can
Her breasts are in optimum position for him be pulled aside is ideal.
to take into his mouth while she slides up and
down his length. He can grip her rump to help
support her and control the speed of her movements.
She can use her thighs to raise herself up so that only
the tip of his penis is inside his vagina. Using her PC
muscles to make sure he doesn’t fall out, she can then
gently swivel her hips from side to side before slowly
sliding back down again so that the whole length of him is
inside her once more.
He says: ‘I loved that she bit down onto my shoulder to muffle her
moans of ecstasy. I wore that bite mark like a badge of pride for days.’
THE PLEASURE for her to straddle, and she slowly
lowers herself down onto his waiting
Words can be as arousing as touch. erection. Gently, she moves her body
It’s possible to free one hand each in this weight back while leaning on the
position, so why not highlight steamy opposite diagonal so that from the
passages from a favourite erotic side the lovers look like the letter X.
novel and take it in turns
As she does this, both lovers will feel
to read aloud?
the angle of penetration become tighter
and more intense.
He says: ‘It took a couple of minutes to get used to the tight hold she
had on my dick – it felt like her whole body was bearing down on it.
I was worried I might come too soon, so I reached around and played
with her clitoris to speed up her climax.’
She says: ‘This is a great way to experiment with sex al fresco without
actually leaving the house. We tried it in the back doorway on a hot
summer’s night. It’s tough on the thighs, and quite strenuous, but
working up a sweat only added to the intensity of the position.’
pelvis in line with his. She presses the
front surface of her body into the wall,
and he bends his legs and enters her
To add to her feelings of complete
from behind, putting his whole body
surrender, and to amplify his sexy
weight behind her so that her body
suggestions, he blindfolds her
is pressed flat against the wall. This
and guides her body into
position offers deep penetration for position himself.
him and excellent G-spot stimulation
for her. He can whisper in her ear what a
bad girl she’s been, and list all the ways he
intends to punish her.
She says: ‘I like to do this wearing a really high pair of heels that
I got in a fetish shop in London. I can’t really walk in them, but
they bring my hips up to the right height for his dick and make
me feel even more vulnerable because I know that I couldn’t run
away even if I wanted to – which I don’t!’
Mild-to-wild rating:
She says: ‘I love the feeling of being laid out for him to
explore and conquer. I’ve discovered all sorts of new erotic
hidden places in this position, like the skin on the inside of
my arms and inner thighs.’
student and the strict teacher
who needs to instil some THE PLEASURE
He says: ‘I love the moans and groans that I get from her in this position,
and I love to feel the heat rush to her skin.’
She says: ‘I love the way that my tits press against the bed in this
position. Sometimes, when he’s not looking, I sneak one hand between
my legs and caress myself, or give my breasts little pinches.’
Mild-to-wild rating: 5
We’re used to sex positions where the man carries the
woman, but have you ever thought of reversing those roles?
After all, a good mistress knows she is a strong, capable
woman who understands that it’s important to protect as
well as punish her slave. Unless she’s an Olympic weightlifter
going out with a champion jockey, she will need to
support him on some kind of surface that can
bear his weight. The kitchen worktop, a
dressing table or office desk is ideally
placed to be at her hip height.
He sits on the edge; she stands
Her breasts are at his eye level in
opposite him and parts her legs, this primal position. She can enhance
allowing him to penetrate her. He them by letting them spill out of
stabilises himself by grasping her a tight, lace-up corset.
buttocks and gently the mistress and
her slave rock to orgasm.
She says: ‘I order him to lower his head and suck my breasts
in this position. He’s only too keen to obey.’
He says: ‘The only bit of your body you can really move
is your hips, so that’s what I kept doing – bucking them
up and digging my dick as deep into her as I could. She
was trying to be a strict dominatrix but she couldn’t hide
the pleasure every time I pushed a little deeper into her.’
He lies with his back and shoulders on the bed and his feet on
another surface, like a dressing table or sturdy chair, so that his
body is making a kind of bridge between the two
pieces of furniture. The dominatrix stands
at the edge of the bed between his legs, PUMP UP
and grabs his hips and slowly raises THE PLEASURE
his pelvis until his hard-on is exactly
where she wants it to be – ready Scatter scratchy sequins on the floor
to penetrate her. She can bend her below him and tell him that it’s a bed of
legs and use her arms to rock him nails. Fear of falling will add a delicious
to orgasm. This is a great position tension to the proceedings as he
for a strong, fit woman to revel in the struggles to keep the ’bridge’
power of her body, but avoid it if he’s in the air.
got a weak back, or if your furniture is
likely to slide out from underneath him.
She says: ‘His legs are supporting most of his body weight so it’s not
as tiring as it looks. A lot of BDSM positions are about psychology so
it’s nice to have one where I’m so physically dominant.’
There are a lot of reasons why this plain THE PLEASURE
old man-on-top position is the most popular
love-making pose throughout the world – If you don’t have a vibrating
it’s easy, intimate and nurturing. But it also cock ring then wedging a miniature
comes with a bit of a design fault in that he vibrator between your pubic bones
controls the depth and pace of the thrusting creates a similar sensation.
and can reach his climax within a few minutes,
while she can find it challenging to receive the
clitoral stimulation she needs to reach orgasm. So
take all the fuss out of it by slipping on a vibrating cock ring.
These are little toys with a tiny in-built vibe that he slips over
his cock and balls before entering her. The ring traps the blood
in his erection, making it feel harder and last longer, and the
little vibrating tip delivers a fast, furious stimulation to her
clitoris that could have her climaxing in as little as 20 seconds.
She says: ‘The first time we tried this I came so quickly that he had barely had
time to get started. Now I know that an orgasm is pretty much guaranteed,
I can relax into the penetration and enjoy that as well as the clit stim.’
Mild-to-wild rating:
Double-headed dildos are usually THE PLEASURE
associated with lesbian sex play,
but hetero couples can find plenty Assume this position in front of a mirror.
of places to accommodate the two- It’s a shame to share such an intense
headed beauty. experience and miss out on the eye
He sits with his back to her – contact and visual connection that a
she places the double dildo on the mirror allows you to share.
bed between them, and then lowers
herself onto it, penetrating herself
vaginally. He then raises his hips
and she guides his butt down onto
the dildo, using a liberal amount
of lube. She controls the pace of
the movement and can also reach
around to caress her partner’s
erect penis.
Many men crave knowledge of what PUMP UP
it must be like to be a woman and THE PLEASURE
to be penetrated. The nearest
he’ll ever get is experiencing He can give her a ‘blow job.’ Again, this plays
a strap-on dildo – a life-sized on notions of gender and power. If he kneels before
penis in a harness that ties her and takes the dildo between his lips he gets
around his lover’s waist or to experience the fullness in his mouth that most
women are familiar with. To add to the ecstasy,
hips. It can also be hugely
she can utter commands to him, such as
empowering for her to experience
‘Suck my dick.’ With his mouth full,
the thrust and power that
he can hardly protest…
penetrating a partner brings.
He bends over the bed or a chair,
propping his upper body up on his arms to
create the ideal angle for the dildo to enter and sit comfortably in his
rectum. She stands behind him, a strap-on dildo firmly attached to her
hips, holds his hips, pulls apart his cheeks, applies plenty of lube and
slowly enters him, going gently at first, and building up to a pace that
he’s happy with.
He says: ‘The first few seconds are the most intense. I can feel a swell of
pleasure as the tip of the strap-on travels over my prostate gland.’
She says: ‘I found a belt that had a little nodule to massage my clitoris.
He thought I was pumping in and out extra hard for his benefit but,
really the pleasure was all mine.’
They stimulate the prostate gland THE PLEASURE
in men but many women also
enjoy the feeling. Because Find out whether fast or slow works best for
they’re small and easy to use, you – as you approach climax, tease yourself
beads are great for people who and build up to a rippling orgasm by removing
are new to anal play. If you’re them slooooowly. The next time, whip the beads
having vaginal sex, love beads all out at the last minute to trigger an orgasm
lend themselves to the doggy that could be more intense than
position – she kneels on all fours. any you’ve had before.
First, he inserts the beads one by
one into her ass. Then, if she can stand
it, he penetrates her vaginally and thrusts,
pulling the beads out slowly to send her over the edge. She can
return the favour by bending him over and doing the same,
although it’s important to wash anal toys between partners,
even if you’re both healthy.
He says: ‘Watching the beads disappear into her ass really gets me hot.
I’m sure that her pussy feels tighter when she’s wearing them, too.’
She says: ‘I love the fact that the anal beads come in these pastel colours.
You could mistake them for sweets or a cute plastic necklace but they’re not
as innocent as they look!’
Mild-to-wild rating: 5
This position offers the double delights THE PLEASURE
He says: ‘I was a bit nervous about having her explore my anus but after
some foreplay in the shower I was confident enough to let her boldly go
where no girlfriend had gone before. The double sensation of her hands
and mouth gave me the strongest orgasm I’ve ever known.’
She says: ‘It can be a bit suffocating, but if you breathe through your nose
you’re ok. I was worried about him getting tired and smothering me, but
he came so quickly that it needn’t have been a concern.’
him directly. She then takes him
into her mouth and, using slow,
consistent motions, she gently
She decides beforehand whether she wants
sucks and licks him to a knee-
to swallow and makes the most of her choice. If
trembling climax. It’s a real
she’s going to do it, she tells him she wants to taste
novelty for him to find the tip
all of him, and licks her lips after the event. If she
of his penis in the soft hollow
doesn’t, she can still turn his ejaculation into part of
of her cheek rather than the game by asking him to come on her breasts
tickling the roof of her mouth. and watch her as she kneels before him and
If he’s thrusting too much, massages his liquid into her skin like
she can make her thumb and a luxurious body lotion.
forefinger into an L-shape until the
tiny webbed piece of skin between her
thumb and forefinger is taut. By placing her
hand at the base of his penis, she can use it as a ‘brake’ to stop
herself biting off more than she can chew.
He says: ‘I love the way she looks up into my eyes when she’s doing this.
It makes me know that even though she seems submissive, she loves
what she’s doing almost as much as I do.’
She says: ‘I love that moment when his whole body tenses and I know
he’s going to come. It makes me feel really powerful. I look up at him
and think, “I did that.”’
THE PLEASURE enters your mouth as, despite its visual
appeal, deep-throating doesn’t actually feel
If this position feels uncomfortable that great for a guy. When he’s in that deep,
for her – and it can – she can press he’ll come into contact with the epiglottis
her breasts together and ask him at the entrance to your throat (a soft part
to finish his thrusting in her of the body that she can’t flex or contract),
cleavage. which means that stimulation is minimal.
He says: ‘We tried this but to be honest once my dick was all the way in,
I couldn’t feel it. It’s definitely more about the way it looks and the taboo
of the position.’
She says: ‘This was hard work and an unusual feeling. I wouldn’t call it
unpleasant, but I didn’t feel like I could control or pleasure him the way
I can if my head is the other way up.’
known as ‘queening’ in fetish circles,
and everyone who has tried it either THE PLEASURE
loves or hates it. He slips a pillow
under his head and lies still This position is playful as well as intense.
while she gyrates over his lips, She can tease and tantalise her lover by stroking
tongue and nose (he should never the skin of his chest with a feather tickler while
he goes to work on her. If she can make him
underestimate the pleasure of a
laugh, the rush of his breath will further
well-timed nudge with his nose; to
stimulate her, and if he wriggles
her, in this pose, it feels just like the
underneath her, she’ll feel every
tip of a penis).
twitch of his body.
He stimulates her with both upward
and downward motions and lots of suction.
If she’s got her back to him, he’s perfectly placed
for toying with her anus and perineum. If she’s facing him, he’ll
be in prime position for stimulating her clit. It does require a lot of
thigh power on her part not to crush him, which might stop her from
relaxing enough to come. If you can’t go the distance, use this as a
prequel to the classic cunnilingus position, where she lies back and
he lies between her legs.
He says: ‘I can tell by the contractions in her pussy when she’s about to come,
and to tease her, I lay off her clitoris and make my tongue hard and poke it
inside her, delaying her orgasm for a few seconds more.’
She says: ‘I had to sink onto all fours when I felt my orgasm coming because
otherwise I knew I’d collapse onto his face and suffocate him.’
Mild-to-wild rating: 5
The Zig-Zag looks like position
impossible, but actually you’re
This position is all about confidence – confidence
both using your body weight to
that you can support your lover and confidence that
support each other.
you smell and taste good enough to eat. Warming up
Begin with her crouching
in the shower together beforehand is a great prelude
over him, with her back to
to passion. Lather each other’s genitals using a mild,
him and her feet on the outer
unfragranced shower gel (soap can strip away
sides of his thighs, while he sits
her natural juices). Hot water will also help
down. Then slowly, she raises her
loosen up your muscles before
ass up to his face, holding onto his
assuming the position.
thighs for support, and he leans slowly
back. Take each other in your mouths and
go nuts.
Although it isn’t easy for him to access the clitoris, a
strap-on vibe can do some of the hard work on his behalf.
You can also happily reverse roles so that he’s on top,
although you need to be fairly evenly matched in terms of
body weight and strength.
He says: ‘I loved the feeling of bearing her weight – she really sank
into my face.’
She says: ‘This was a killer on my thighs and I found that I had to choose
between holding the position and relaxing enough to allow myself to
orgasm. It’s worth it for the novelty value, but I’d never be able to hold that
position for the length of time it usually takes me to achieve an orgasm.’
He lies back with his head on the edge
of the bed or a chair and his legs bent. THE PLEASURE
He says: ‘Usually when she gives a blow job her mouth is the other way up,
but in this position you get the tongue on the top of your penis and the roof
of her mouth stimulating the underside, which is a real novelty.’
She says: ‘It’s not too physically demanding but we found that it’s hard to
receive pleasure when you’re concentrating on what you’re doing to your
partner. In the end, we took it in turns; I’d stimulate him for a couple of
minutes, then he’d kiss me, and that way we both felt the benefits.’
She lies on her back and folds her legs
in so that the fronts of her thighs He can capitalise on the controlling
are pressed against her breasts. He nature of his position by wearing a pair of
approaches her from the side and leather gloves and stroking her skin all over
gradually bears down on her, pushing before and during penetration. Black
her legs further towards her chest. leather is the stuff of sex-with-a-
His pelvis is pressed against the backs stranger fantasies.
of her thighs. His arms are out in front of
him, supporting him on the bed. When she’s
as ‘folded’ as she can go, he gently penetrates
her. There is little room for clitoral stimulation
in this position. If she’s hung up about her butt
and doesn’t like doggy style, then this is the one
for her as the taut positioning of her legs shows
her derriere off to its best advantage.
thighs, he then raises her off the
floor so that all her body weight
is supported by her elbow and
Strategically placed pillows under his
his hold. She feels wonderfully
knees and her elbow can take the
weightless but because this
strain off the joints and allow you
position is precarious, you might
to continue in this position
be better off slowly rocking and
for longer.
swinging, rather than thrusting,
your way to climax.
her ass and begin to drive himself into her.
In this position, his penis rubs against THE PLEASURE
the front of her vaginal wall, stroking
her G-spot. Because she’s on top, she’s Because this position is so visually
in control. compelling, why not try filming
yourselves, or set the camera
to take some sizzling stills
He says: ‘Just when I was thinking this behind you?
couldn’t get any more intense, she reached
between my legs and squeezed my balls gently.
I felt my whole body start to quiver but managed to
hold the position anyway!’
out in the gym than this demanding THE PLEASURE
posture. Make sure you try this one
on a bed rather than a hard surface She might find that wearing a pair of
– couples often find that they topple showgirl-style nipple tassels gives her extra
over without warning during Table- confidence to shake and shimmy all over his
top Mounting! body. Knowing they’re there, but that he can’t
He lies on his back, then props see them, is a huge tease for him and
himself up on his elbows, bends his will only add to the tension in his
knees and lifts his bottom off the bed mind and body.
so that his torso is almost entirely flat
like a table. With her back to him, she slowly
sits on his erect penis, keeping her bent legs tight
and placing her hands on his knees for extra stability. Like all
rear-entry positions, this one has the potential to stimulate
her G-spot. It’s also great for guys who suffer from premature
ejaculation, as the energy needed to maintain the pose diverts
blood away form his penis, slowing down his climax.
He says: ‘She leant forward and her hair cascaded all over my thighs,
tickling and caressing me, which was a nice contrast to the hard physical
work of holding the position.’
She says: ‘I felt very light and feminine and supported by him, and the
penetration was really snug – his dick felt bigger than I’ve ever felt it before.’
She says: ‘It took a while to get comfortable in
There’s something urgent and this position, but once I worked out that putting
animalistic about this position. Bare a pillow under my hips would change the angle
your teeth, growl, howl and snarl
of my pelvis, it was like, wow! It lets you enjoy
at each other and release
your inner animals. all of the sensations of that deeper penetration
without putting any of the effort in.’
a bed). He gently parts her buttocks THE PLEASURE
and uses his fingers to lube her
up, massaging her anus and If she’s already on the dining-room table,
checking that she’s relaxed, and why not keep the foodie theme going?
then he gently penetrates her. Massage flavoured lubes into each other as
His immediate instinct will be to part of your foreplay, or decorate your
capitalise on the tight penetration bodies with creams and oils that
by pounding hard, but that might you can’t wait to lick off.
overwhelm his partner. To control his
thrusting at first, he can make a ring
with his thumb and forefinger and place it just
outside the entrance to her anus as a kind of barrier.
He says: ‘My balls were slapping against the table with every
movement of my hips. This tiny distraction stopped me from
coming too soon.’
She says: ‘I found that once I was used to the feeling of him
inside me, I could alter the position of my legs. For example,
if I stretched them out, he felt looser. If I pulled my knees up
to my chest, it felt much tighter for both of us – and that’s
exactly when he came!’
She lies on her front and raises her ass towards him,
spreading her legs to make penetration easier for him. He
lies on top of her, resting his weight on his elbows, and takes
her from behind and thrusts backwards and forwards. This
is great for the man who enjoys being in control, because
she can hardly move. But this works in her favour, too, as
penetration is actually quite shallow and he can’t overdo it.
from him, she wraps her legs around his waist, in the
process of lining her vagina up with his penis so that
he can enter her. This obviously requires strength and
co-ordination on the part of both
lovers, so manoeuvring into
this position is slow and PUMP UP
controlled. Once she’s THE PLEASURE
comfortably penetrated,
let the swinging begin! If you really like this, but find it too
physically demanding, it could be worth
investing in a sex swing to achieve
the same sensations but with a
percentage of the effort.
This daring position has the woman
rotating on top of her lover.
He lies on his back while she
squats down onto his erect penis,
her feet near his hips and keeping
Slip and slide around by covering
her legs bent. To warm up and
yourselves in lube or massage oil
stretch both partners’ genitals in and making love on a rubber
advance of this acrobatic act, she or plastic sheet.
gyrates her hips in tiny circles and
figure-eights. Then she slowly rotates
to the side, using her hands and feet and
counting on his support until she’s facing his feet. He can
stimulate her clitoris or her anus depending on where she’s
facing at any given point in her spin cycle. Most couples
find that after one complete rotation, they’re dying for her to
lean forward and begin bouncing and thrusting in a classic
woman-on-top position.
He says: ‘It was a blast to sit back and enjoy this crazy ride.
I got to view her from every angle.’
First published as Red Hot & Even Ruder Positions in Great Britain in
2010 by Ebury Press, Random House
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
ISBN13: 978-1-56975-729-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2009905524