1. Introduction
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
ðMLn Þ
Metal þ Ligandn1 þ L ⇆ Metal þ Ligandn Kn ¼
½MLn1 ½L
K1, K2, K3, … Kn are the equilibrium constants and these are also called stepwise
stability constants. The formation of the metal-ligand-n complex may also be
expressed as equilibrium constants by the following steps:
Metal þ Ligand ! Metal Ligand, β ¼
B2 ðML2 Þ
Metal þ 2Ligand ! Metal Ligand2 , β2 ¼ (6)
Bn ðMLnÞ
Thus Metal þ nLigand ! Metal ligandLn, βn ¼
β1, β2, β3, … βn are the equilibrium constants, and these equilibrium constants
are known as overall stability constants or overall formation. βn is called as the nth
cumulative or overall formation constant [12]. Any metal complexes will be of
greater stability if its stability constant has the higher value. Sometimes the 1/k
values are alternative values of stability constant, and now this is called as instability
constant. Log10K1, log10K2 … log10Kn, and log10βn are the ways that expressed the
stepwise and cumulative stability constants.
The parameters K and β are related together, and these are expressed in the
following example:
ðML3 Þ
β3 ¼ (8)
Now the numerator and denominator are multiplied together with the use of [metal-
ligand] [metal-ligand2], and after the rearranging we get the following equation:
½ML3 ½ML½ML2
β3 ¼
½M½L 3 ½ML½ML2
½ML1 ½ML2 ½ML3
¼ ¼ K1 x K2 x K3
½M½L ½ML½L ½ML2 ½L
½ML1 ½ML2 ½MLn
Thus βn ¼ …: ¼ K1 x K2 … Kn (10)
½M½L ½ML½L ½MLn1 ½L
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
βn ¼ Kn (11)
From the above relation, it is clear that the overall stability constant βn is equal to
the product of the successive (i.e., stepwise) stability constants, K1, K2, K3, … Kn.
This in other words means that the value of stability constants for a given complex
is actually made up of a number of stepwise stability constants. The term stability is
used without qualification to mean that the complex exists under a suitable condi-
tion and that it is possible to store the complex for an appreciable amount of time.
The term stability is commonly used because coordination compounds are stable in
one reagent but dissociate or dissolve in the presence of another regent. It is also
possible that the term stability can be referred as an action of heat or light or
compound. The stability of complex [13] is expressed qualitatively in terms of
thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability.
H2 þ I2 ! 2HI (12)
2HI ! H2 þ I2 (13)
R = gas constant
T = absolute temperature
At 25°C,
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
ΔG ¼ ΔH–TΔS (15)
For metal complexes, thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability are two
interpretations of the stability constant in the solution. If reaction moves from
reactants to products, it refers to a change in its energy as shown in the above
equation. But for the reactivity, kinetic stability is responsible for this system, and
this refers to ligand species [14].
Stable and unstable are thermodynamic terms, while labile and inert are kinetic
terms. As a rule of thumb, those complexes which react completely within about
1 minute at 25°C are considered labile, and those complexes which take longer time
than this to react are considered inert. [Ni(CN)4]2 is thermodynamically stable but
kinetically inert because it rapidly exchanges ligands.
The metal complexes [Co(NH3)6]3+ and such types of other complexes are
kinetically inert, but these are thermodynamically unstable. We may expect the
complex to decompose in the presence of acid immediately because the complex
is thermodynamically unstable. The rate is of the order of 1025 for the decomposi-
tion in acidic solution. Hence, it is thermodynamically unstable. However,
nothing happens to the complex when it is kept in acidic solution for several days.
While considering the stability of a complex, always the condition must be
specified. Under what condition, the complex which is stable or unstable must be
specified such as acidic and also basic condition, temperature, reactant, etc.
A complex may be stable with respect to a particular condition but with respect
to another. In brief, a stable complex need not be inert and similarly, and an
unstable complex need not be labile. It is the measure of extent of formation or
transformation of complex under a given set of conditions at equilibrium [15].
Thermodynamic stability has an important role in determining the bond
strength between metal ligands. Some complexes are stable, but as soon as they are
introduced into aqueous solution, it is seen that these complexes have an effect on
stability and fall apart. For an example, we take the [Co (SCN)4]2+ complex. The ion
bond of this complex is very weak and breaks down quickly to form other com-
pounds. But when [Fe(CN)6]3 is dissolved in water, it does not test Fe3+ by any
sensitive reagent, which shows that this complex is more stable in aqueous solution.
So it is indicated that thermodynamic stability deals with metal-ligand bond energy,
stability constant, and other thermodynamic parameters.
This example also suggests that thermodynamic stability refers to the stability
and instability of complexes. The measurement of the extent to which one type of
species is converted to another species can be determined by thermodynamic sta-
bility until equilibrium is achieved. For example, tetracyanonickelate is a thermo-
dynamically stable and kinetic labile complex. But the example of hexa-amine
cobalt(III) cation is just the opposite:
3þ 3þ
CoðNH3 Þ6 þ 6H3 Oþ ! CoðH2 OÞ6 þ 6NH4 þ (16)
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
For similar complexes of various ions of the same charge of a particular transi-
tion series and particular ligand, ΔS0 values would not differ substantially, and
hence a change in ΔH0 value would be related to change in βn values. So the order of
values of ΔH0 is also the order of the βn value.
Kinetic stability is referred to the rate of reaction between the metal ions and
ligand proceeds at equilibrium or used for the formation of metal complexes. To
take a decision for kinetic stability of any complexes, time is a factor which plays an
important role for this. It deals between the rate of reaction and what is the mech-
anism of this metal complex reaction.
As we discuss above in thermodynamic stability, kinetic stability is referred for
the complexes at which complex is inert or labile. The term “inert” was used by
Tube for the thermally stable complex and for reactive complexes the term ‘labile’
used [16]. The naturally occurring chlorophyll is the example of polydentate ligand.
This complex is extremely inert due to exchange of Mg2+ ion in the aqueous media.
The nature of central atom of metal complexes, dimension, its degree of oxida-
tion, electronic structure of these complexes, and so many other properties of
complexes are affected by the stability constant. Some of the following factors
described are as follows.
Ligands are oriented around the central metal ions in the metal complexes. The
sizes of these metal ions determine the number of ligand species that will be attached
or ordinated (dative covalent) in the bond formation. If the sizes of these metal ions
are increased, the stability of coordination compound defiantly decreased. Zn(II)
metal ions are the central atoms in their complexes, and due to their lower size
(0.74A°) as compared to Cd(II) size (0.97A°), metal ions are formed more stable.
Hence, Al3+ ion has the greatest nuclear charge, but its size is the smallest, and
the ion N3 has the smallest nuclear charge, and its size is the largest [17]. Inert
atoms like neon do not participate in the formation of the covalent or ionic com-
pound, and these atoms are not included in isoelectronic series; hence, it is not easy
to measure the radius of this type of atoms.
The properties of stability depend on the size of the metal ion used in the com-
plexes and the total charge thereon. If the size of these metal ions is small and the total
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
charge is high, then their complexes will be more stable. That is, their ratio will depend
on the charge/radius. This can be demonstrated through the following reaction:
Fe3þ þ 6CN ⇆ FeðCNÞ6 logβ ¼ 31 ðMore StableÞ (19)
Fe2þ þ 6CN ⇆ FeðCNÞ6 logβ ¼ 8:3 ðLess StableÞ (20)
An ionic charge is the electric charge of an ion which is formed by the gain
(negative charge) or loss (positive charge) of one or more electrons from an atom or
group of atoms. If we talk about the stability of the coordination compounds, we
find that the total charge of their central metal ions affects their stability, so when
we change their charge, their stability in a range of constant can be determined by
propagating of error [18]. If the charge of the central metal ion is high and the size is
small, the stability of the compound is high:
In general, the most stable coordination bonds can cause smaller and highly
charged rations to form more stable coordination compounds.
4.4 Electronegativity
When an electron pair attracts a central ion toward itself, a strong stability complex is
formed, and this is due to electron donation from ligand ! metal ion. This donation
process is increasing the bond stability of metal complexes exerted the polarizing effect
on certain metal ions. Li+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+, etc. are such type of metal cation which
is not able to attract so strongly from a highly electronegative containing stable com-
plexes, and these atoms are O, N, F, Au, Hg, Ag, Pd, Pt, and Pb. Such type of ligands that
contains P, S, As, Br and I atom are formed stable complex because these accepts electron
from M ! π-bonding. Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Bi3+ metal ions are also electronegative ions
which form insoluble salts of metal sulfide which are insoluble in aqueous medium.
A ligand is an ion or small molecule that binds to a metal atom (in chemistry) or
to a biomolecule (in biochemistry) to form a complex, such as the iron-cyanide
coordination complex Prussian blue or the iron-containing blood-protein hemoglo-
bin. The ligands are arranged in spectrochemical series which are based on the order
of their field strength. It is not possible to form the entire series by studying
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
complexes with a single metal ion; the series has been developed by overlapping
different sequences obtained from spectroscopic studies [19]. The order of common
ligands according to their increasing ligand field strength is
O2 2 < I < Br < S2 < SCN ðS–bondedÞ < Cl < N3 < F < NCO < OH < C2 O4 2
< H2 O < NCS ðN–bondedÞ < CH3 CN < gly glycine < py pyridine
< NH3 < en ethylenediamine < bipy 2, 2’ bipyridine
< phen ð1, 10 phenanthrolineÞ < NO2 < PPh3 < CN < CO < CH2
However, when we consider the metal ion, the following two useful trends are
The size and charge are two factors that affect the production of metal com-
plexes. The less charges and small sizes of ligands are more favorable for less stable
bond formation with metal and ligand. But if this condition just opposite the prod-
uct of metal and ligand will be a more stable compound. So, less nuclear charge and
more size= less stable complex whereas if more nuclear charge and small in size=
less stable complex. We take fluoride as an example because due to their smaller
size than other halide and their highest electro negativity than the other halides
formed more stable complexes. So, fluoride ion complexes are more stable than the
other halides:
It is suggested by Calvin and Wilson that the metal complexes will be more
stable if the basic character or strength of ligands is higher. It means that the
donating power of ligands to central metal ions is high [20].
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
It means that the donating power of ligands to central metal ions is high. In the
case of complex formation of aliphatic diamines and aromatic diamines, the stable
complex is formed by aliphatic diamines, while an unstable coordination complex is
formed with aromatic diamines. So, from the above discussion, we find that the
stability will be grater if the e-donation power is greater.
Thus it is clear that greater basic power of electron-donating species will form
always a stable complex. NH3, CN, and F behaved as ligands and formed stable
complexes; on the other hand, these are more basic in nature.
Now it is clear that H2O and SCN are in competition for the formation of Co(II)
metal-containing complex compound. In the case of tetra-amine cupric sulfate
metal complex, ammonia acts as a donor atom or ligand. If the concentration of NH3
is lower in the reaction, copper hydroxide is formed but at higher concentration
formed tetra-amine cupric sulfate as in the following reaction:
CuSO4 þ NH4 OH ! CuðOHÞ2 Small quantity of ligand (29)
CuSO4 þ NH4 OH ! CuðOHÞ2 ½CuðNH4 Þ2SO4 :H2 O ðHigh concentration of ligandÞ
For a metal ion, chelating ligand is enhanced and affinity it and this is known as
chelate effect and compared it with non-chelating and monodentate ligand or the
multidentate ligand is acts as chelating agent. Ethylenediamine is a simple chelating
agent (Figure 1).
Due to the bidentate nature of ethylenediamine, it forms two bonds with metal
ion or central atom. Water forms a complex with Ni(II) metal ion, but due to its
monodentate nature, it is not a chelating ligand (Figures 2 and 3).
The dentate cheater of ligand provides bonding strength to the metal ion or
central atom, and as the number of dentate increased, the tightness also increased.
This phenomenon is known as chelating effect, whereas the formation of metal
complexes with these chelating ligands is called chelation:
Figure 1.
Structure of ethylenediamine.
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
Figure 2.
Structure of chelating configuration of ethylenediamine ligand.
Figure 3.
Structure of chelate with three ethylenediamine ligands.
Metal þ 2 Ligand $ MetalLigand2 K ¼ (31)
Metal þ Ligand–Ligand $ MetalLigand Ligand (32)
or (33)
The sizes of the chelating ring are increased as well as the stability of metal
complex decreased. According to Schwarzenbach, connecting bridges form the
chelating rings. The elongated ring predominates when long bridges connect to the
ligand to form a long ring. It is usually observed that an increased a chelate ring size
leads to a decrease in complex stability.
He interpreted this statement. The entropy of complex will be change if the size
of chelating ring is increased, i.e., second donor atom is allowed by the chelating
ring. As the size of chelating ring increased, the stability should be increased
with entropy effect. Four-membered ring compounds are unstable, whereas
five-membered are more stable. So the chelating ring increased its size and the
stability of the formed metal complexes.
The number of chelating rings also decides the stability of complexes. Non-
chelating metal compounds are less stable than chelating compounds. These num-
bers increase the thermodynamic volume, and this is also known as an entropy
term. In recent years ligands capable of occupying as many as six coordination
positions on a single metal ion have been described. The studies on the formation
constants of coordination compounds with these ligands have been reported.
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
The numbers of ligand or chelating agents are affecting the stability of metal
complexes so as these numbers go up and down, the stability will also vary with it.
For the Ni(II) complexes with ethylenediamine as chelating agent, its log K1
value is 7.9 and if chelating agents are trine and penten, then the log K1 values are
7.9 and 19.3, respectively. If the metal ion change Zn is used in place of Ni (II), then
the values of log K1 for ethylenediamine, trine, and penten are 6.0, 12.1, and 16.2,
respectively. The log βMY values of metal ions are given in Table 1.
Ni(NH3)62+ is an octahedral metal complex, and at 25 °C its log β6 value is 8.3, but
Ni(ethylenediamine)32+ complex is also octahedral in geometry, with 18.4 as the value
of log β6. The calculated stability value of Ni(ethylenediamine)32+ 1010 times is more
stable because three rings are formed as chelating rings by ethylenediamine as com-
pared to no such ring is formed. Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) is a hexadentate
ligand that usually formed stable metal complexes due to its chelating power.
A special effect in molecules is when the atoms occupy space. This is called steric
effect. Energy is needed to bring these atoms closer to each other. These electrons
run away from near atoms. There can be many ways of generating it. We know the
repulsion between valence electrons as the steric effect which increases the energy
of the current system [21]. Favorable or unfavorable any response is created.
For example, if the static effect is greater than that of a product in a metal
complex formation process, then the static increase would favor this reaction. But if
the case is opposite, the skepticism will be toward retardation.
This effect will mainly depend on the conformational states, and the minimum
steric interaction theory can also be considered. The effect of secondary steric is
seen on receptor binding produced by an alternative such as:
2. Stick barrier.
The macrocyclic effect is exactly like the image of the chelate effect. It means the
principle of both is the same. But the macrocyclic effect suggests cyclic deformation
of the ligand. Macrocyclic ligands are more tainted than chelating agents. Rather,
their compounds are more stable due to their cyclically constrained constriction. It
requires some entropy in the body to react with the metal ion. For example, for a
Table 1.
Metal ion vs. log βMY values.
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
Figure 4.
Structure of hemoglobin is the biological complex compound which contains Fe(II) metal ion.
tetradentate cyclic ligand, we can use heme-B which forms a metal complex using
Fe+2 ions in biological systems (Figure 4).
The n-dentate chelating agents play an important role for the formation of more
stable metal complexes as compared to n-unidentate ligands. But the n-dentate
macrocyclic ligand gives more stable environment in the metal complexes as com-
pared to open-chain ligands. This change is very favorable for entropy (ΔS) and
enthalpy (ΔH) change.
Solubility products are helpful and used for the insoluble salt that metal ions
formed and complexes which are also formed by metal ions and are more soluble.
The formation constant is observed in presence of donor atoms by measuring
increased solubility.
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
In this method metal ions or ligands are present in solution and on exchanger. A
solid polymers containing with positive and negative ions are ion exchange resins.
These are insoluble in nature. This technique is helpful to determine the metal ions
in resin phase, liquid phase, or even in radioactive metal. This method is also helpful
to determine the polarizing effect of metal ions on the stability of ligands like Cu(II)
and Zn(II) with amino acid complex formation.
At the equilibrium free metal and ions are present in the solution, and using the
different electrometric techniques as described determines its stability constant.
This method is based upon the titration method or follows its principle. A
stranded acid-base solution used as titrate and which is titrated, it may be strong
base or strong acid follows as potentiometrically. The concentration of solution
using 103 M does not decomposed during the reaction process, and this method is
useful for protonated and nonprotonated ligands.
This is the graphic method used to determine the stability constant in producing
metal complex formation by plotting a polarograph between the absences of sub-
stances and the presence of substances. During the complex formation, the presence
of metal ions produced a shift in the half-wave potential in the solution.
This involves the study of the equilibrium constant of slow complex formation
reactions. The use of tracer technique is extremely useful for determining the
concentrations of dissociation products of the coordination compound.
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
For a successive metal complex formation, use this method. If ligand is proton-
ate and the produced complex has maximum number of donate atoms of ligands, a
selective light is absorbed by this complex, while for determination of stability
constant, it is just known about the composition of formed species.
Bjerrum (1941) used the method stepwise addition of the ligands to coordination
sphere for the formation of complex. So, complex metal–ligand-n forms as the
following steps [22]. The equilibrium constants, K1, K2, K3, … Kn are called step-
wise stability constants. The formation of the complex metal-ligandn may also be
expressed by the following steps and equilibrium constants.
M = central metal cation
L = monodentate ligand
N = maximum coordination number for the metal ion M for the ligand
Metal þ Ligand ⇆ Metal Ligand K1 ¼ (34)
ðML2 Þ
Metal Ligand ⇆ Metal Ligand2 K2 ¼ (35)
ðML3 Þ
Metal Ligand2 ⇆ Metal Ligand3 K3 ¼ (36)
½ML2 ½L
ðMLn Þ
Thus Metal Ligandn1 þ Ligand ⇆ Metal Ligandn Kn ¼ (37)
½MLn1 ½L
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds
This method was extensively used by Werner and others to study metal com-
plexes. In the case of a series of complexes of Co(III) and Pt(IV), Werner assigned
the correct formulae on the basis of their molar conductance values measured in
freshly prepared dilute solutions. In some cases, the conductance of the solution
increased with time due to a chemical change, e.g.,
þ 3þ
CoðNH3 Þ4 Br2 þ 2H2 O CoðNH3 Þ4 ðH2 OÞ2 þ 2Br (38)
6. Conclusion
All the authors thank the Library of University of Delhi for reference books,
journals, etc. which helped us a lot in reviewing the chapter.
Author details
Jagvir Singh1*, Abhay Nanda Srivastav2, Netrapal Singh3 and Anuradha Singh4
© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Stability Constants of Metal Complexes in Solution
Stability and Applications of Coordination Compounds