Science in Action 9-1-192
Science in Action 9-1-192
Science in Action 9-1-192
Kirsten Mah
Josef Martha
Linda McClelland
James Milross
Joanne Neal
Lionel Sandner
ISBN 0-201-72963-6
Addison Kirsten Mah
Wesley Calgary Roman Catholic School District No. 1, Calgary, Alberta
Josef Martha
Northern Gateway Regional Division 10, Onoway, Alberta
Kyn Barker
Carey Booth Linda McClelland
Steve Campbell Formerly Calgary Board of Education, Calgary, Alberta
George Cormie James Milross
Dean Eichorn
Fraser Heights School, Surrey, British Columbia
Aubry Farenholtz
Gary Greenland Joanne Neal, Ph.D.
Douglas Hayhoe Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
Doug Herridge
Lionel Sandner
Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij
Saanich School Board, Saanich, British Columbia
Kirsten Mah
Josef Martha
Linda McClelland
James Milross
Joanne Neal, Ph.D.
Shelagh Reading
Lionel Sandner
Beverley Williams
01_GR9_FRONTMATTER _R Fin 7/31/02 9:13 AM Page ii
1.3 Variation Within Species 20 Focus On: Social and Environmental Context 37
3.0 DNA is the inherited material responsible 4.0 Human activity affects biological diversity. 56
for variation. 38
4.1 Reduction of Biological Diversity 57
3.1 DNA—Transmitter of Genetic Code 39 Give It a Try: Choices in Our World 57
Give It a Try: Superdogs 39 Extinction and Extirpation 58
DNA 40 Natural Causes of Extinction
Chromosomes 41 and Extirpation 59
Activity A-4 Decision Making: Human Causes of Extinctions and
Useful Genes? 42 Extirpations 61
Genes 43 Activity A-6 Decision Making:
Activity A-5 Problem Solving: Showing Balancing Act 63
the Relationships 44 Activity A-7 Experiment on your own:
Check and Reflect 45 Changes in Biological Diversity 64
Effects of Extinctions and Extirpations 65
3.2 Cell Division 46
Check and Reflect 65
Cell Division and Asexual Reproduction 46
Cell Division and Sexual 4.2 Selecting Desirable Traits 66
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 55 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 79
Focus On: Social and Environment Context 55 Focus On: Social and Environment Context 79
Unit Summary 80
Unit Review 84
Unit B: Matter and Chemical Change 88 2.0 An understanding of the nature of matter
has developed through observations
Exploring 90 over time. 112
Aluminum Foam 90
QuickLAB: Foam in a Cup 91 2.1 Evolving Theories of Matter 113
Focus On: The Nature of Science 111 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 136
3.0 Compounds form according to a set 4.0 Substances undergo a chemical change
of rules. 138 when they interact to produce different
substances. 156
3.1 Naming Compounds 139
Compound? 150
Activity B-5 Inquiry: Unit Summary 172
Modelling Molecular Compounds 151
Writing Formulas for Molecular Science World Case Study: Metal Contamination
Compounds 152 of the Environment 173
Unit C: Environmental Chemistry 178 1.4 How Organisms Take in Substances 204
that can support or harm living things. 182 Check and Reflect 209
Careers and Profiles 210
1.1 Chemicals in the Environment 183
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 211
Give It a Try: Chemicals in the
Focus On: Social and Environmental Context 211
Environment 183
The Nitrogen Cycle 184
Processes and Activities That Affect
Environmental Chemicals 185 2.0 The quantity of chemicals in the environment
Human Activities 186 can be monitored. 212
Activity C-1 Decision Making:
Viewpoints on Electric Power 189
2.1 Monitoring Water Quality 213
2.2 Monitoring Air Quality 225 3.3 Hazardous Chemicals Affect Living Things 248
Carbon Dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas 229 3.4 Hazardous Household Chemicals 253
Biodegradation 244
Activity C-10 Inquiry: Bury Your
Garbage 245
Phytoremediation 246
Photolysis 247
Check and Reflect 247
Unit D: Electrical Principles and Section Review: Assess Your Learning 295
Technologies 270
Focus On: Science and Technology 295
Exploring 272
The Dangers of Electrical Shock 284 Skill Practice: Using Ammeters 308
QuickLAB: Blow a Fuse! 286 2.3 Analyzing and Building Electrical Circuits 311
The Danger of Lightning 287
QuickLAB: Flashlight Design 311
Check and Reflect 287
Circuit Drawings 311
1.4 Cells and Batteries 288 Circuit Analysis Example—Bulldozer 312
Wet Cells 289 QuickLAB: How Does That Toy Work? 313
3.0 Devices and systems convert energy with Activity D-11 Decision Making: What
varying efficiencies. 318 Can We Do to Increase Efficiency? 341
Increasing Efficiency 342
3.1 Energy Forms and Transformations 319 Check and Reflect 342
Four Common Forms of Energy 319
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 343
Give It a Try: Going Shopping 320
Chemical Energy 320 Focus On: Science and Technology 343
Get Your Motor Running 326 Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy 350
QuickLAB: St. Louis Motor 328 4.2 Electricity and the Environment 351
Direct and Alternating Current 328
Air Pollution 351
Generating Electricity 329
Other Environmental Effects 351
Activity D-8 Experiment on your own:
Conserving Energy and Nonrenewable
Generating Electricity 330
Resources 352
Generating DC and AC 331
A Sustainable Future 353
Check and Reflect 331
Check and Reflect 353
3.3 Measuring Energy Input and Output 332
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society 354
Power 332
Benefits of Electrical Technologies 354
Energy 333
Give It a Try: Number Race 355
Skill Practice: Power Practice 333
Drawbacks of Electrical Technologies 355
Activity D-9 Problem Solving:
Computers and Information 355
Circuit Assessment 334
Electricity and Computers 356
Energy Dissipation 335
Electrical Transmission of Information 357
Understanding Efficiency 336
Check and Reflect 358
Skill Practice: Comparing Input and
Output Energies 336 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 359
Activity D-10 Problem Solving: Focus On: Science and Technology 359
Kettle Efficiency 337
Comparing Efficiencies 338
Unit Summary 360
Check and Reflect 338
Science World Case Study: Three Gorges Dam 361
3.4 Reducing the Energy Wasted by Devices 339
Unit E: Space Exploration 366 Tracking Objects in the Solar System 399
Check and Reflect 400
Exploring 368
1.5 Describing the Position of Objects in Space 401
Short Excursion to the Moon 368
Give It a Try: Estimating Positions in
Give It a Try: Crater Patterns Space 401
on the Moon 369
Activity E-2 Problem Solving: Where
Focus On: Science and Technology 369
Do We Look? 402
1.0 Human understanding of both Earth and Determining the Motion of Objects
space has changed over time. 370 in Space 404
Check and Reflect 405
1.1 Early Views About the Cosmos 371
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 406
Give It a Try: Evolving Ideas About
Planetary Motion 371 Focus On: Science and Technology 407
QuickLAB: Telling Sundial Time 377 2.1 Getting There: Technologies for Space
The Astronomer’s Tools 378 Transport 409
The Immensity of Distance and QuickLAB: The Power of Steam 409
Time in Space 379 The Achievements of Rocket Science 410
Activity E-1 Inquiry: How Big Is the Sun? 380 QuickLAB: Stabilizing Rocket Flight 411
Give It a Try: Take a Walk Through The Science of Rocketry 412
the Solar System 382 The Future of Space Transport
Check and Reflect 383 Technology 413
1.3 The Distribution of Matter in Space 384 Activity E-3 Problem Solving: Designing
a Solar Sail-Powered Spacecraft 414
What Is a Star? 384
QuickLAB: What Colour and Shuttles, Space Probes, and Space
Temperature Tell Us About Elements 385
Stations 416
The Life and Death of Stars 387 Check and Reflect 417
Give It a Try: Classifying Stars by Size 389 2.2 Surviving There: Technologies for Living
Star Groups 390 in Space 418
Galaxies 390
Give It a Try: Sharing a Small Place
Check and Reflect 391
in Space 418
1.4 Our Solar Neighbourhood 392 Hazards of Living in Space 419
Check and Reflect 425 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 455
Careers and Profiles 426
Focus On: Science and Technology 455
2.3 Using Space Technology to Meet Human
Needs on Earth 427
3.2 Using Technology to See Beyond the Visible 440 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 469
QuickLAB: Comparing Light Spectra 441 Focus On: Science and Technology 469
Radio Telescopes 441
Radio Interferometry 442 Unit Summary 470
Viewing More Than What the Eye Can See 443
Space Probes 444
Science World Case Study: Babies Beyond
Check and Reflect 445
Gravity’s Grip 471
3.3 Using Technology to Interpret Space 446 Project: Mission to Mars 472
You are about to begin a scientific exploration
using Science in Action 9. To assist you in
your journey, this book has been designed
with the following features to help you.
1 Unit Outline
The book is divided into five
units. Each unit opens with a
large photograph that
captures one of the ideas that
- - in the unit.
will be covered
-- -
2 Exploring
This section is an introduction. It has an interesting
real-world example to introduce the unit. A hands-
Each section has two to five subsections. Each subsection
3 The Sections heading clarifies and provides more information about the
Each section heading statement in the section heading.
summarizes what you will
learn in this section. These
can help you organize your
thoughts when you study.
demonstrate your
understanding of on
Check out this Web site for relevant links.
completing the section.
An infoBIT is an interesting
fact relevant to what you
will be investigating in the
activities will help you
think about what you
are learning.
At the end of the subsection
You will find numerous photos is a reSEARCH. This is an
and illustrations to help explain additional way to study one
or clarify many of the ideas in of the ideas in the subsection.
this unit.
4 Science Activities
There are three main types of activities.
- --------
- -- -Inquiry
- Activity: These activities provide the opportunity for
you to work in a lab setting. You will develop scientific skills
of predicting, observing, measuring, recording, inferring,
analyzing, and many more. In these activities, you investigate
many different phenomena found in our world.
Decision Making Activity:
These activities present
issues or questions related
to everyday life. You will
need to analyze the issue
and develop a conclusion
based on the evidence you
collect. Be prepared to
present your conclusion to
your classmates.
5 Unit Summary
At a glance, you can find out
all the key concepts you have
learned within the unit. You
can also read the summary of
ideas in each section of the
unit. This is a good page to
help you organize your notes
for studying. -------
6 Unit Project
A project at the end of each unit presents a
hands-on opportunity for you to demonstrate
what you’ve learned. You’ll work both in a
group and individually. The project requires
you to apply some of the skills and knowledge -
that you’ve acquired to a new situation. -------
7 Unit Review • questions that The Extend Your • opportunities
require you to use Understanding has: to express your
The Unit Review presents: the ideas in more • questions that have thoughts about
• a chance to review the than one section in you apply your ideas you have
important terms in the unit the unit to answer learning beyond what discovered in
you studied in the unit the unit
8 Other Features
Here are other features you will
find in each unit. Each one has a
different purpose and is designed
to help you learn about the ideas
in the unit.
Science World
This feature is a case study - - - - - -
about an issue that can have
more than one solution or may
involve several viewpoints.
-- ------
-- --
- -
Experiment on
mathLink your own
These are This is your
opportunities for chance to design
you to apply some your own
of your math experiment to
skills. check out a
hypothesis or to
solve a problem.
9 The Toolbox
These pages provide
references to lab safety and
other basic scientific skills
that will help you as you do
the activities. Remember to
check the toolbox when you
need a reminder about these
10 Icons
means you will be working with toxic or
unknown materials and should wear safety
goggles for protection or precaution 11 Glossary
means you should wear a lab apron to The Glossary provides a comprehensive,
protect clothing alphabetical list of the important terms
in the book and their definitions.
means you should wear rubber gloves for
protection when handling the materials
Now it’s time to start. We hope you will enjoy your scientific
exploration using Science in Action 9 !
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
Exploring 5
Wolf populations in Jasper National Park have been monitored throughout the past 60 years.
The size of these populations has been influenced by factors such as environmental
conditions, availability of prey, and control programs. Four wolves per 1000 km2 is
considered to be a low number. .Are Jasper’s wolves in danger? Graph the numbers from
these studies to find out.
• On a single graph, plot the data from the chart by date (oldest to most recent). What
trends do you see in the data and in your graph? (You may wish to review Toolbox 7.)
• For each trend, suggest factors that may have affected the average number of wolves.
• Habitat loss can put a species at risk of extinction. It has been estimated that 97 ha of
natural Canadian habitat are destroyed every hour. Use that figure to calculate the
numbers of hectares lost in a day, a month, and a year.
Exploring 7
1.0 Biological diversity is
reflected in the variety of
life on Earth.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• biological diversity
• species and populations
• diversity within species
• habitat diversity
• niches
• natural selection of genetic
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe the relative abundance
of species on Earth and in
different environments
• describe examples of variation
among species and within
• explain the role variation plays
in survival If you took a trip to a wetland ecosystem or carefully observed the life
• identify examples of niches and
forms underneath a rotting log, you would realize that we are
describe how closely related
surrounded by an incredible diversity of life forms. If you consider the
living things can survive in the
wide range of environmental conditions that exist on Earth, from the
same ecosystem
• explain how the survival of one
frigid cold of the poles to the steamy heat of the tropics, there is no
species may be dependent on single kind of organism that can survive in all of Earth’s regions. Each
another species area possesses its own unique community of characteristic life forms.
• identify examples of natural Tropical regions such as Costa Rica, Central America, contain the
selection greatest variety of organisms. The picture above shows a small sample of
the scarab beetles found in Costa Rica. Although they have many
obvious similarities, each beetle is from a different species, each with its
own unique characteristics.
Globally, the rate of extinction is on the rise. In the past, natural
forces have caused extinctions, but increasingly they are being attributed
to human influences. As a consequence, the variety of genetic material is
Figure 1.1 These woodland caribou share a boreal forest Figure 1.2 This prairie slough teems with life such as
ecosystem with mosses, lichens, pine trees, black spruce, dragonflies, mosquitoes, mallards and ruddy ducks, red wing
white spruce, poplars, wolves, grizzlies, wolverines, lynx, blackbirds, bulrushes, sedge, and muskrats.
and a variety of birds.
Species Distribution
The species on our planet are not
distributed evenly. Areas around the
equator have the greatest number of plant
species. These diverse plant communities 100
in turn provide food and shelter to a
wide variety of organisms. The number
of plant and animal species is greatest in 50
species in three regions revealed there
were 293 species in tropical regions of 200
biological diversity.
550 0
Figure 1.5 This map shows the number of bird species in different regions of North and Central America.
Information comes in many forms including information represented in numbers. Often numerical data are hard
to interpret, and scientists use charts or graphs to illustrate the patterns or trends in the data. For example,
scientists use a pie chart to display data that is part of a whole. They also use bar graphs to show relationships
between sets of data.
Below are two different sets of data. Determine which type of chart or graph would best represent these data
sets and create the appropriate chart or graph for each set. (You may wish to review graphing in Toolbox 7.)
Data Set 1 Data Set 2
• Two red-eyed, long-winged fruit flies could • The size in nanometres (nm or 109 m) for the
produce the following combinations for 16 offspring: following viruses are:
9 out of 16 would have red eyes and long wings smallpox virus 250 nm
3 out of 16 would have red eyes and small wings flu virus 100 nm
3 out of 16 would have white eyes and long wings yellow fever virus 22 nm
1 out of 16 would have white eyes and small wings polio virus 20 nm
foot and mouth virus 10 nm
10 Share and compare your design with others in the class. Highlight the features that
make your representation both accurate and effective.
Figure 1.9 This food chain in a montane ecosystem illustrates interdependence. Timothy grass
depends on the Sun’s energy for growth. Mule deer (herbivores) depend on timothy grass as a food
source. Wolves (carnivores) depend on animals such as mule deer for survival.
5 What is the purpose of the gall? Look for evidence of entry and/or exit holes
to help you answer this question.
6 What type of symbiosis did you see when you cut open the gall? What
evidence do you have to support your conclusion?
Figure 1.12 What type of
7 What is the role of the gall for the insects’ survival?
symbiosis is shown here?
There is one type of interaction between different species in which neither
Mycorrhizae species benefits. Interspecies competition happens when two or more
Mycorrhizae are species need the same resource. For example, if two different species
associations between compete for the same food, there is less of it for each species. Within each
plants and fungi. Use
population, each of its members has access to a smaller share of the
the Internet, your
resources, which leads to more deaths due to starvation. Interspecies
library, and other
competition limits the size of the populations of the competing species.
sources to find out what
kinds of associations If you take a walk through the woods on a summer morning, you
these organisms have might see many types of bird species that are similar to one another. If
and how they work. In a competition between species hurts the species, how can so many species
paragraph describe how exist together in the same location? The answer lies in the niches they
the survival of one of occupy.
the organisms is linked The term niche describes the role of an organism within the
to the survival of the ecosystem. An organism’s niche includes what it eats and what eats it, its
other. Begin your habitat, nesting site, or range, and its effect on both the populations
research at around it and its environment. If you were to describe your own niche, you would have to describe where you live, what school you attend, jobs
you work at, the food you consume, the temperature you feel comfortable
in, and any influences you have on your community.
Resource Partitioning
For similar species to coexist in an area, they must have
slightly different niches. For example, five species of warblers
(small songbirds) all feed on spruce bud worms. You would
think that competition among the five species would harm
them all. But because these species have different behavioural
adaptations, each prefers to feed on worms at different parts
of the tree. By doing this, the five species don’t directly
compete for the worms. Instead, they have divided up the
resource (worms) among them in what is known as resource Figure 1.13 These three warbler species feed on
partitioning. Resource partitioning doesn’t always involve spruce bud worms in different parts of a spruce
food. For example, species may have slightly different niches tree. Their niches differ in the feeding location
in terms of nesting preferences or heat tolerance. they prefer. Note that there is some overlap
between the species.
Figure 1.14 Although the members of this species may look alike, they vary genetically from
one another.
So far in this unit, you have seen that the stability of an ecosystem relies
info BIT on the diversity of its communities and species and on the interactions
among species. The many different species survive because of the
Coats of Many Colours relationships established in this complicated “jigsaw puzzle.” Healthy
ecosystems have a great deal of genetic diversity among the species that
inhabit them. But biologists have also observed a great deal of variation
within a population of a single species. For example, you and your
classmates are all members of the same species, Homo sapiens, but each of
you differs slightly in appearance. Some may have black hair, others
blonde; some may be tall, others less tall. This kind of variation is seen in
all species. Variation within a species is called variability.
Even though its common
name is the red fox, VARIABILITY AND SURVIVAL
members of this species
can have a wide variety Variability is important if the environment of the species changes. When
of coat colours. Aside the species has a great deal of variation among its individuals, it is more
from the typical red coat, likely that some of the individuals will survive environmental changes.
individuals may have Environmental changes do not necessarily have to involve climatic
grey-brown, silver, or changes. The introduction of a new predator, the spread of a new disease,
even completely black the introduction of a toxic substance, or the elimination of a food source
coats. are all examples of environmental changes that could affect the survival of
a species. In these cases, variability within the species will help the
species survive.
Number of students
• What shape does the graph have? What does it show about variation in hand
span among your classmates?
• Predict whether the graph would have the same shape if you measured the hand
spans of students in grade 1 and in university.
• What advantage might large hands have given to early Homo sapiens? Small
• What other human characteristics might be measured in the same way? What
prediction could you make about index finger length in humans?
Inquiry P R O T E C T I V E C O L O R AT I O N AND S U RV I VA L
Before You Begin
Many species show variation in colour and patterning which can allow individuals to blend
in with their surroundings. Species that are found in a variety of habitats may show a
wider range of colour and pattern variation than those that are found in only one habitat.
In this activity, you will model a population that exists in three different colours. Your
Materials & Equipment task will be to investigate the relationship between an organism’s survival and its colour
• 60 chips of each of three relative to the colour of its surroundings. Coloured chips or blocks will represent a prey
different colours (coloured population and some students in your group will play the role of predators.
counters, coloured algebra
tiles, lego blocks or similar) The Question
• a piece of paper or cloth Does the colour of an organism affect the organism’s chance of survival?
75 cm 75 cm, which
matches one of the chip The Hypothesis
colours Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
• graph paper
• colour markers or pencil Procedure
1 Your teacher will divide the class into groups of five. Three students are to play the
role of predator, one student monitors the population and sets up the population for
each generation, and one student records the results.
2 Your teacher will provide each group with a piece of paper or cloth, 75 cm 75 cm,
to represent the habitat. The colour of the paper or cloth will match one of the
colours of the prey organisms.
3 Set up a data table similar to the one below and record the colour composition of
generation 1. You will start with 20 chips of each colour in generation 1.
4 With the predators looking away, the designated monitor will set up the first
generation of 60 individuals of the prey population on the habitat by randomly
Figure 1.15(a) Step 4. Set-up for scattering 20 chips of each of the three different colours on the habitat. See
generation 1. Figure 1.15(a) for the set-up. The predators continue to look away from the habitat.
5 Have a predator turn around and very quickly take any chip, and then turn back. This
represents selection of a prey animal to be eaten. Repeat the process with each of the
other predators until each predator has taken 10 chips. The 30 chips that remain are
the survivors.
Forming Conclusions
15 Based on class results, what conclusions can you draw about the role of coloration in an
organism’s survival?
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• asexual and sexual
• inheritance
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between asexual
and sexual reproduction and
describe examples of each type
of reproduction
• describe types of variations
found within a species and
determine whether they are
discrete or continuous
• distinguish between heritable
and non-heritable
When you walk around a greenhouse, you might notice the number of
possible shapes and sizes of plants. You might also notice that
particular species have particular characteristics. For example, a Boston
fern has large green leaves and no real stem. The coleus plant, however,
has leaves of many different colours growing out of a central stem. What
process ensures that these characteristics in a species are passed down
from generation to generation? The answer is reproduction.
If you look at two coleus plants, you would see that although they
have many similarities in their characteristics, each plant can also have
its own unique versions of certain characteristics. For example, all
coleus plants have velvety leaves, but one plant’s leaf colour may be
dark purple, while another’s is red and yellow. In this section, you will
discover how these variations in characteristics occur.
Figure 2.2 Some of the characteristics in pea plants that scientists have studied include seed shape,
seed colour, flower colour, pod shape, pod colour, and plant height.
On a signal from your teacher, and with your eyes closed, quickly clasp your hands
together above your head, interlocking your fingers. Now look to see which thumb is on
top: left or right? Try clasping your hands with the other thumb on top. Note which way
feels more natural. Report your personal hand-clasping preference.
• On a chart, record the observations of the class for Left Thumb on Top versus Right
Thumb on Top.
• From the class data, try to determine if there is a hand-clasping preference. Decide
whether it seems to be discrete or continuous. Explain your answer.
Spore Production
Many fungi, green algae, some moulds, and non-flowering plants such as
ferns reproduce by producing spores. Spores are similar to seeds, but are
produced by the division of cells of the parent, not by the union of two
cells. One individual will produce many spores, and each spore can
develop into a new individual identical to the parent.
Figure 2.7 Offspring of this plant form at the edges of the leaf.
male gamete
(sperm cell)
(egg cell)
Figure 2.10 Sexual reproduction in animals involves specialized cells called gametes.
style filament anther
The Question
What are the reproductive structures of a flower?
1 On a piece of blank paper, sketch a cross section of the flower as it appears now,
Materials & Equipment
before you dissect it. Label the parts.
• small scalpel with sharp blade
2 Shake the lily gently over the piece of dark cloth. If pollen does not fall onto the cloth,
• magnifying glass
• lily carefully rub the anthers over the material. Using the probe, gently separate out
• piece of dark cloth grains of pollen.
• microscope 3 Prepare a slide to examine the pollen under the microscope. (Review Toolbox 11 on
• slide microscopes.) What do you see at each level of magnification? Record your
• coverslip observations on a recipe card labelled pollen.
• water
4 Peel back the petals of the flower. Label a card petals and use a small amount of glue
• eyedropper
to affix the petals to the card.
• probe
• labelled diagram of parts of a 5 Gently pull away the stamens from the base of the pistil. Label a card with the word
flower (in text) stamen at the top and then draw two lines leading away from the word. At the base
• 5 recipe cards of one line, write the word anther and at the base of the second line, write the word
• white glue filament. Carefully separate the two parts of the stamen and glue them under the
• poster board correct headings.
6 Dissect the pistil, cutting lengthwise from the stigma through the style, then through
the ovary at the bottom. Label a card pistil and glue one-half of the cross section to
Caution! it. Label the section of the pistil.
Use care when 7 Using a magnifying glass and probe, examine the ovule inside the ovary. Record your
handling the scalpel observations on a card labelled ovary.
and the probe.
Analyzing and Interpreting
8 Review the recipe cards that you have assembled as you dissected the flower. How
do you think these separate pieces work together to reproduce a new plant?
9 Go back to your sketch of the parts of the flower before you dissected it. In pencil,
show the process of reproduction as you think it occurs.
10 What characteristics do a pollen grain and an ovule have that help them carry out
their roles in sexual reproduction?
11 Review your work with a partner or other group, and then share ideas with the whole
class. Revise your sketch as necessary.
12 Arrange your recipe cards and sketch on a piece of poster board to create a display
of your work.
Forming Conclusions
13 In a paragraph, summarize the roles each of the plant parts play in sexual
reproduction and how these parts have characteristics that help them perform their
Figure 2.13 Examining flower
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• chromosomes, genes, and
• cell division
• inheritance
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe the relationship
among chromosomes, genes,
and DNA, and their role in
storing genetic information
• distinguish between cell
division during asexual
reproduction and cell division One of the most endangered species on Earth is the Bengal tiger. These
during sexual reproduction tigers, once plentiful on the subcontinent of India, have dwindled from
• investigate the transmission of 40 000 in 1900 to 4500–6000 today. Most scientists speculate that the
characteristics from parents to Bengal tiger will disappear unless humans act to prevent its extinction.
offspring, and identify
One important way to save the Bengal tiger (and other species threatened
examples of different patterns
with extinction) is to develop captive breeding programs.
of inheritance
Like all sexually reproducing species, the Bengal tiger has the best
• identify examples of dominant
and recessive characteristics
chance of long-term survival if there is a lot of variation within the
species. Without variation, the species would be unable to survive
changes in the environment, and would be more vulnerable to
extinction. But with so few Bengal tigers left, how can that variation be
One tiger looks very like another to our eyes, but there are ways of
finding subtle differences between individuals. Using modern
technology, geneticists and zoo staff can analyze the tigers’ genetic
material to determine how similar two tigers are. To do this, scientists and
breeders must have a thorough knowledge of the structure of genetic
material and how it functions. They also have to be familiar with patterns
of inheritance. This knowledge helps them analyze the tigers’ genetic
material, decide if the two tigers are different enough from each other to
breed, and predict the characteristics the cubs are likely to have.
Humans and dogs have had a close relationship since the end of the Ice Age, roughly
12 000 years ago. Descended from wolves, many of the approximately 400 modern breeds of
dog we see today still share many physical characteristics with wolves. Some scientists think
that canids (early dogs) adapted to human settlement. Others think that humans chose
canids whose aggressive behaviours had been selected out. One of the extraordinary abilities
of dogs is their capacity to learn and be trained.
As a class brainstorm a list of superdogs, such as TV show dogs or dogs that perform
special tasks, such as police dogs.
• Determine the breed of each superdog.
• Choose one dog and, in pairs, brainstorm a list of characteristics your dog displays that
help it do its job. Infer which characteristics are typical of the breed.
• If you have time, research the characteristics your dog’s breed typically has. Begin your
search at
• Prepare a chart to compare and contrast the
characteristics of your superdog with those
of a typical dog of the breed. What
similarities and differences do you find?
nucleus nucleus
Figure 3.3 Study the location of the nucleus in the animal cell diagram and the plant cell
diagram. Now locate the nucleus of each cell in the micrographs below the diagrams.
DNA contains all the instructions for an organism’s characteristic Figure 3.4 Paired
features. Because every organism has so many physical and chemical chemicals make up the
characteristics, there is a lot of DNA in a cell. If the DNA from a typical “rungs” of the DNA
human body cell was stretched out, it would be about two metres long, “ladder” and form the
genetic code. The overall
more than 1 000 000 times longer than the cell it came from! To fit such
shape of the DNA molecule
a large amount of DNA into their cells, organisms arrange their DNA is helical, like the spiral
into packages. These packages are called chromosomes. binding on a notebook.
In organisms such as plants and animals, the chromosomes are
located inside the cell nucleus. Each human cell nucleus, for example,
contains 46 chromosomes. You could think of one chromosome as a
single volume of an encyclopedia, and the set of chromosomes as the
complete encyclopedia. If you were missing a single volume of an
encyclopedia, you could be missing information you might need some
time in the future. This is also true for our chromosomes. One
chromosome contains only part of the instructions for making a human.
All of our nuclei, except for those in the gametes, must have a complete
set of chromosomes.
Background Information
New genetic technologies and research like the Human Genome Project have allowed
scientists to investigate the human genetic code better than ever before. The goal of the
project was to identify all of the genes that comprise the human body. In the course of their
research, scientists discovered that the human genome consists of about 30 000 genes.
This was surprising as scientists expected to find 100 000 genes. Scientists now suggest
that the role of human genes is much more complex than originally thought.
Having such detailed information on human DNA has advanced research on a variety
of genetic technologies, such as cloning, and genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis,
muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease. Such emerging technologies have led to a
variety of questions and issues related to their development and application in both
genetic research and treating genetic disorders.
Current scientific thinking is that genes are responsible
for the inheritance of an organism’s characteristic
features. A single gene is an uninterrupted segment of
DNA, which contains coded instructions.
Much of the early research into genes was carried
out on the fruit fly. Researchers found that:
• Genes are located on the chromosomes.
• Each chromosome contains numerous gene
• Like chromosomes, genes come in pairs.
• Both genes in a pair carry DNA instructions for
the same thing. Leg length in the fruit fly is an
• In the fruit fly, the two leg-length genes occupy Figure 3.7 David Vetter, the “bubble boy,” lived for 12
years inside a plastic bubble. He had Severe Combined
matching locations on the two chromosomes.
Immune Deficiency (SCID), a genetic disorder that made
• The DNA code may not be exactly the same in his body incapable of fighting disease. The gene for
both locations. SCID is found on the X chromosome.
The Problem
Design a way to visually summarize the relationships among DNA, genes, and
chromosomes. Be creative. It could be a poster, Web page, model, skit, story, song, or
any other method you choose to convey the information.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Work with a partner or in a small group. Brainstorm ways to convey the information.
All ideas should be considered.
2 Look for ways to blend the best of the group’s suggestions.
7 Share and compare your design with others in the class. Highlight the features that
make your presentation both accurate and effective.
8 Is there anything you could do to improve your design?
Figure 3.8 Planning a 9 As you were completing your presentation, did you have any questions about the
presentation to explain relationships among DNA, genes, and chromosomes?
relationships among DNA,
10 Assess your group’s effectiveness at planning and creating your design. What did you
genes, and chromosomes
do well? What could you improve?
first cell
Figure 3.11 Comparison of mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis produces two offspring cells with the
same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis produces four sex cells that have half the
number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Neverending Cells
When Henrietta Lacks’ physician removed cells from her about 50 times in the laboratory before they die. So what
body in 1951 to test for cervical cancer, neither of them made Henrietta’s cells so special? Research the history of
could have imagined that these cells would still be the HeLa cell and prepare a report. Begin your search at
reproducing today. Since 1951, scientists all over the world www. Include information
have used HeLa cells in their explorations of cell structure about Henrietta and her family. Explore any issues that may
and genetics. Usually, human body cells can divide only have arisen from the use of her cells for research.
Dietician/Genetic Associate
Figure 3.13 shows the result of crossbreeding a purebred white female cat
with a purebred black male cat. Notice that every kitten in the resulting
litter has a black coat. Crossing a purebred black female with a purebred
white male will produce the same result. No matter how many times the
experiment is repeated, all of the offspring will have black coats: never
white, never grey, only black. Black coat colour in cats is an example of a
dominant trait.
mother father
Has the white-coat allele in the hybrid kittens been completely dominated
by the black-coat allele? To find out, a second experiment can be
conducted crossbreeding hybrid black offspring once they become adults.
Figure 3.14 shows the average results of this experiment: three out of
every four kittens will have black coats, while one will be white. If the
experiment is repeated until there are 100 offspring, you might expect
about 75 to be black and about 25 to be white.
mother father
Figure 3.14 The kittens from Figure 3.13 are the parents in this cross.
Incomplete Dominance
The dominant-recessive pattern of inheritance does not always prevail.
When a purebred snapdragon bearing red flowers is crossed with a
purebred snapdragon bearing white flowers, the offspring are neither red
nor white. Instead, the flowers are pink, a colour intermediate between red
and white (Figure 3.15). This pattern of inheritance is known as
incomplete dominance. Both the white-flower allele and the red-flower
allele have played a part in determining the flower colour of the offspring
plants. Neither the white trait nor the red trait is truly dominant, and
neither is truly recessive.
Figure 3.15 Four o’clock flowers also show incomplete dominance. The pink-flowered plants in the
middle had a parent with red flowers and a parent with white flowers.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key concepts
• biological diversity
• species
• habitat diversity
• natural and artificial selection
of genetic characteristics
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between artificial
and natural selection
• describe the effects of
extinction and extirpation on
biological diversity
• evaluate the success and
limitations of local and global
strategies in minimizing loss of
species diversity
• describe new technologies for What would be the ideal vacation for you? You might tour the famous
recombining genetic material museums of the world to view masterpieces of art. You could visit the
• describe the use of main cities of the world, to visit their architectural treasures. Or you
biotechnology in various fields might seek out the beautiful examples of our biological heritage in the
nature preserves, national parks, and zoos of the world. More people
are choosing this last type of vacation. Our appreciation and curiosity
for the other types of life on Earth are increasing as we realize that
species can be lost forever.
Nature preserves and national parks are not just for our enjoyment.
They also play an important role in global strategies to maintain
biological diversity by preserving important habitats and the species
that depend on them. Today, zoos play an active role in preserving
biological diversity through breeding programs and other efforts. In
many cases, by trying to meet our needs, humans have unknowingly
caused so much change to the environment that many species have
been unable to adapt, and have disappeared. In recent years, however,
both experts and volunteers have turned their attention to preserving
the world’s biological diversity and, sometimes, have been able to
reverse some of the damage that has been caused.
With a partner, choose one of the following scenarios. Discuss the effects of the changes
to the environment and to the organisms that live there. What choices will need to be
made? Why? Could any of the changes be avoided? How?
1. A new school is built in a neighbourhood. Construction takes place on land that has a
grove of aspen trees and native grasses. The trees are removed so the workers can
park their vehicles during construction. The native grasses are replaced by the school
building, tarmac basketball courts, and non-native grass for sports fields.
Sometimes organisms have adaptations that suit them to only a narrow set
of environmental conditions. This probably happens because the
environment that the organism inhabits remains unchanged for a very
long time. Biologists call this overspecialization. Overspecialization is
another natural cause of extinction. The best-known example of
overspecialization is the giant panda that eats only one thing, bamboo
shoots. Because the panda only eats bamboo, it cannot switch to other
sources of food. Bamboo forests sometimes die off or are cut down,
reducing the pandas’ food supply. So although habitat destruction affects
the survival of the species, the pandas’ overspecialization makes them
even more vulnerable to extinction.
Figure 4.3 Damage caused by chestnut Figure 4.4 The northern leopard frog has been
blight extirpated from central Alberta.
Habitat Destruction
Humans cause rapid changes to habitat in a variety of ways. Construction
of buildings, agricultural development, logging, and the damming of rivers
all change environments. These activities are necessary to meet human
needs. For example, large tracts of land were cleared of all native
vegetation to make way for fields and pastures to grow crops and raise
livestock, which are our food supply. But unfortunately, these changes
also have brought about the loss of many species. In Canada, prairie
species have been affected the most, because the grasslands provided the
best farm sites. In fact, only 20% of the area once covered by native
prairie species is still in its natural condition.
Pollution is a particular kind of habitat destruction. Pollution often
affects not only the immediate area where humans are but also areas
farther away. For example, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used in
farming may be washed into the nearby water system, and may
unintentionally cause the death of native species. Some chemicals can
cause an increase in the number of birth defects in species. This often
occurs first in aquatic species such as fish, frogs, and toads. For example,
pollution of breeding sites is thought to be the main cause of the dramatic
reduction of the great plains toad in Alberta. This toad is now in the
Special Concern category.
Over-hunting was the major cause of the decline and eventual extirpation
of the plains bison over most of its range, and of the extinction of the
passenger pigeon. In the 19th century, flocks of passenger pigeons were so
large that people reported being unable to hear the sound of a gunshot
when they flew overhead. Passenger pigeons were hunted mainly for
sport. The sport was so popular that the population declined dramatically.
The last passenger pigeon died in captivity on September 1, 1914.
Sometimes species were hunted to deliberately extirpate them. Black-
tailed prairie dogs were considered a great menace to farmers and
ranchers because they ate grain and dug holes causing cattle and horses to
break legs. In the 1930s, large-scale poisoning campaigns reduced prairie
dog numbers.
Background Information
In Canada, grizzlies are now extirpated from the Prairies, and are found only in forested
regions of Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Here they
can find an adequate food supply. They can also find appropriate habitat in which to make
their dens and to provide refuge from human disturbance.
Figure 4.7 Grizzly bears need large areas of land undisturbed by human activity.
Although we may think of grizzlies as aggressive animals, they usually prefer to avoid
humans. National parks are meant to preserve natural areas and the animals that inhabit
them, but most of us also expect to be able to enjoy many outdoor activities in these
parks. In Alberta, Banff and Jasper National Parks have ski areas, hotel facilities,
swimming pools, and large camping facilities for recreation.
The Question
How do the numbers of plant and animal species in an area
change over time?
Figure 4.9 The black-footed ferret has been extirpated from Canada. In 1997, there were 12 males
and 18 females at the Metro Toronto Zoo. In the United States, small populations have been
reintroduced to the wild.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering refers to any technology that directly alters the
DNA of an organism. Genetic engineering is a rapidly developing
science, and every new advance increases our ability to control the
characteristics of organisms.
Many of the genetic engineering techniques involve inserting a
gene from one species into another species. Bacteria are genetically
engineered to produce life-saving medicines such as insulin. Insulin is
a substance that many diabetics use to control the level of sugar in
their blood. Just 20 years ago, insulin had to be extracted from the
pancreas of cattle, and it was expensive to produce. Today, the human
insulin-producing gene is inserted into the bacteria’s DNA. Because the
bacteria reproduce so rapidly, bacterial colonies can produce insulin
quickly and cheaply. Now most of the world’s supply of insulin comes
from genetically engineered bacteria.
A micro-organism called Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxin
commonly called Bt, which is poisonous to many insects. Scientists
have isolated the gene that contains the instructions for making Bt
toxin and have inserted it into the DNA of plants. These genetically
engineered plants now produce Bt toxin! Since the 1990s, cotton, corn,
Figure 4.14 This plant was and potatoes have been engineered to produce Bt toxin. Because
grown from cells that had a insects that eat the engineered plants die, growers never need to apply
firefly gene inserted into pesticides to the engineered plants.
them. When the gene is
Some varieties of canola are naturally resistant to an insect called
activated, the plant glows.
the flea beetle, while others are not. When flea beetles attack a field of
canola, the crop is likely to be devastated, leaving the grower with
nothing to sell. Unfortunately, the most valuable varieties of canola do
not have a gene for flea beetle resistance, so most growers have to use
pesticides to protect their crop from the beetle. Scientists have been
able to transfer this gene from beetle-resistant varieties to other canola
varieties that have higher yields. The growers who use the genetically
engineered canola get canola with high yields and, because it’s beetle-
resistant, it doesn’t have to be sprayed with pesticides.
Figure 4.15 Dolly’s cells appear the same age as her mother’s, even though Dolly is six years
Cloning and genetic engineering are still in their infancy and have
been fraught with difficulties. Cattle cloners have reported numerous
examples of unsuccessful pregnancies, birth defects, and deaths among
clones. The reasons are as yet unclear. Some researchers speculate that
something about the process of removing the nucleus from the donor egg
may be responsible. Dolly herself has developed arthritis, although it is
not known why.
Decision S A L M O N FA R M I N G AND VA R I A B I L I T Y
Making The Issue
Will salmon farming help or hurt the recovery of wild salmon in Canada?
Background Information
In the 1990s, the salmon populations on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts were on the
verge of collapse, causing governments to call a halt to all commercial salmon fishing.
Many people who had made a living from salmon fishing were suddenly out of work.
There were various reasons why the salmon stocks had declined so suddenly, and people
had different proposals as to how to let the salmon population recover while still meeting
society’s desire for salmon.
Fish farms mainly in New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy and off the B.C. coast produce
more that 72 000 tonnes of salmon a year. The federal government is a strong supporter
of fish farming and recently made available $75 million for research and development.
Government estimates suggest that by the year 2025, the world will need 55 million
tonnes more seafood than wild stocks can provide. To meet that demand, fish farming as
an industry will have to grow by 350%.
But is the advance of fish farming practices coming at the expense of stocks of wild
salmon? Why is the wild species still facing extinction? What impact does commercial
fish farming have on wild populations? Tests are under way to selectively breed for bigger
and faster growing salmon as well as to genetically modify the fish against common
parasitic diseases. Researchers in the federal department of fisheries have now developed
20 new transgenic breeds of salmon that grow seven times faster than wild salmon.
Figure 4.17 Leaders of indigenous peoples living in the rain forests of South America attended the
Earth Summit to voice their concerns about the clearing of rain forests.
Background Information
Wetlands include marshes, swamps, and bogs, and provide habitats for a large number of
species. One such species is the endangered whooping crane, which is the symbol of a
government program called RENEW (Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife). As of
April, 2001, the number of whooping cranes in the wild in North America was only 263.
Amazingly, 177 of these live in conserved wetland habitats in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Most of these birds were not born in the park, but were released from captive breeding
The prairies were once dotted with small wetlands called “prairie potholes,” which
provided habitat for the whooping crane and other species. Most experts agree that the
whooping crane has become endangered due to habitat loss because so many of these
potholes were drained to make way for farms, industry, or housing, or to control
mosquito populations. Governments, environmental groups, fishing and hunting
associations, zoos, local community groups, and private land owners have started to work
together to bring back the whooping crane.
2.0 2.0 As species reproduce, characteristics are passed from parents to offspring.
• Heritable traits can vary between individuals either as discrete variations, such as eye colour,
• asexual and sexual or continuous variations, such as height. The environment can affect some heritable traits,
reproduction such as height.
• inheritance • Asexual reproduction involves only one parent. The parent and offspring of asexual
reproduction are identical. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. The offspring of sexual
reproduction are different from the parents.
• In sexual reproduction, a male gamete fuses with a female gamete to produce a zygote. A
zygote develops into an embryo, which eventually grows into a new individual.
• Sexual reproduction results in variation among individuals of a species. Asexual reproduction
allows a species to reproduce quickly producing identical offspring.
se d
S t u
Science World 81
Steps to Success
1. Work with a partner. Brainstorm possibilities for a
strategy that will be the focus on your research.
Writing to local environmental groups, reading
newspaper and magazine articles, using e-mail, and
checking Web sites are examples of ways to gather the
background information that you will need for your
2. Select the type of presentation that you will use and
begin to develop a plan for sharing your research
Project 83
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
Aluminum foam
The next time you drink pop from a can, take a good look at the container.
You probably know that it’s made of the metal aluminum, which is light
and flexible, yet strong. These characteristics, or properties, make
aluminum useful for holding liquids. Aluminum has many other
applications as well. For example, screen doors, cars, and airplanes all
use aluminum. In these applications, the metal is usually used in sheets
or formed into parts. But did you know that aluminum can also be made
into a foam?
Aluminum foam is an example of combining a variety of materials to
create a new material with different properties from those of the original
materials. Mixing powdered aluminum with a foaming material makes
aluminum foam, a substance that can be 10 times stiffer and 50% lighter
than aluminum. It can also float because it has air pockets.
Engineers use this new material to create lighter, safer cars. It may
sound strange that a lighter car can be a safer car. However, compared to
other materials, aluminum foam is able to absorb more impact energy
when a car is in a collision.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe what happens in a simple chemical reaction • graduated cylinder
• 30 mL corn syrup
Procedure • two 250-mL beakers
1 Pour 30 mL of corn syrup into a 250-mL beaker. Stir in 3 drops of one food • two different colours of
colouring. Sprinkle 20 mL of baking soda on the corn syrup. food colouring
• stirring rod
2 Tip the beaker slightly and carefully pour in 30 mL of water down one side.
• 20 mL baking soda
Add 30 mL of vegetable oil to the beaker in the same way.
• 30 mL water
3 Into a separate beaker, pour 20 mL of vinegar and add 3 drops of the other • 30 mL vegetable oil
food colouring. • 20 mL vinegar
4 Fill the eyedropper with coloured vinegar. Squeeze 3 drops of coloured vinegar • eyedropper
into the beaker containing the other substances. Record your observations.
Repeat if necessary.
5 Push the eyedropper down to the bottom of that beaker, and release all the
vinegar by squeezing the bulb of the eyedropper. Record your observations.
6 Describe how your observations were different in steps 4 and 5.
7 Work with the rest of the class to explain what is going on in the activity.
Exploring 91
Matter can be described and
1.0 organized by its physical and
chemical properties.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS)
and safety
• substances and their properties
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify and evaluate dangers
of caustic materials and
potentially explosive reactions
• investigate and describe
properties of materials
• describe and apply different
ways of classifying materials
based on their composition
and properties
Imagine visiting a market where all the food is displayed in big bags,
like the ones shown in the photo. How could you tell what was in each
bag? One way would be to look at the colour and shape of each item.
You also might handle each one to see whether it is hard or soft, rough
or smooth, dense or light. If these clues still weren’t enough to help you
identify the unknown substances, then you might have to cut them
open to see their composition. In all of this, you would be doing just
what a chemist does: investigating matter.
Studying the properties of matter and how matter changes is part of
the science called chemistry. Matter is anything that has mass and
occupies space. In this section, you will first learn proper science lab
safety. Then you will learn about some properties of matter and how
those properties can be used to identify substances and to organize
matter in a useful way.
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 93
Before you do any activity in this unit, read the directions and look for
Symbol Shapes “Caution” notes that will tell you if you need to take extra care. There are
These shapes and their two areas of special consideration for people working in the lab:
colours indicate how
understanding warning labels and following safety procedures.
dangerous a substance is.
Some of the materials you will use in science activities are hazardous.
Always pay attention to the warning labels, and follow your teacher’s
instructions for storing and disposing of these materials. If you are using
cleaning fluids, paint, or other hazardous materials at home, read the
labels for special storage and disposal advice.
caution All hazardous materials have a label showing a hazard symbol. You
may have seen these labels on chemical substances in your kitchen or
garage. For example, many kinds of window cleaner contain ammonia,
which is toxic and corrosive. Car batteries contain sulfuric acid which is
also toxic and corrosive, and lead which is toxic.
Each hazard symbol shows two separate pieces of information. The
warning shape of the symbol indicates how hazardous a substance is. A yellow
triangle means “caution,” an orange diamond means “warning,” and a red
octagon means “danger.” These shapes are shown in the infoBIT on this
page. The second piece of information in the symbol is the type of hazard,
which is indicated by the picture inside the shape. Figure 1.2 shows the
common hazard warnings.
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System—or WHMIS—is
another system of easy-to-see warning symbols on hazardous materials.
These symbols were designed to help protect people who use materials
that might be harmful at work. Figure 1.3 shows eight WHMIS symbols.
1. Read all written instructions carefully before doing an 10. Clean up any spilled substances immediately as
activity. instructed by your teacher.
2. Listen to all instructions and follow them carefully. 11. Never look into test tubes or containers from the top.
3. Wash your hands thoroughly after each activity and Always look through the sides.
after handling chemicals. 12. Never use cracked or broken glassware. Make sure
4. Wear safety goggles, gloves, or an apron as required. you follow your teacher’s instructions when getting
5. Think before you touch. Equipment may be hot and rid of broken glass.
substances may be dangerous. 13. Label any container you put chemicals in.
6. Smell a substance by fanning the smell toward you 14. Report all accidents and spills immediately to your
with your hand. Do not put your nose close to the teacher.
substance. 15. If there are WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials
7. Do not taste anything in the lab. Information System) safety symbols on any chemical
8. Tie back loose hair and roll up loose sleeves. you will be using, make sure that you understand all
the symbols. See Toolbox 1 at the back of this book.
9. Never pour liquids into containers held in your hand.
Place a test tube in a rack before pouring substances
in it.
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 95
Remember that safety in the science class begins with you. Before you
start any activity:
• Follow the safety instructions outlined by your teacher and in this
• Identify possible hazards and report them immediately.
• Show respect and concern for your own safety and the safety of your
classmates and teachers.
• Read Toolbox 1: Safety in the Laboratory.
freezing condensation
Figure 1.5 Changes in states of matter
5 Compare your classification system with that of your classmates. What similar
properties did everyone use? What different properties did everyone use?
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 97
Some Physical Properties
A variety of physical properties can be used to identify matter. Two
of Matter
examples are colour and lustre (shininess). The temperature at which a
• colour
substance melts is also a physical property. It’s important to remember that
• lustre
when a substance undergoes a physical change, such as melting, its
• melting point
appearance or state may be altered, but its composition stays the same.
• boiling point
Melted chocolate ice cream has the same composition as frozen chocolate
• hardness
ice cream. The table on page 99 lists several of the key physical properties
• malleability
used to describe matter.
• ductility
• crystal shape
• solubility Figure 1.6 This ice cream has
• density undergone a physical change.
• conductivity Even though it has melted, its
composition hasn’t changed.
7 Adding a candy to the pop causes a physical change to occur. The candy
reduces the surface tension in the liquid, allowing gas to be released faster.
Does the composition of the candy change after it is added to the pop?
8 Why were you required to fill two glasses with pop in step 1, but to add candy
to only one glass in step 2?
9 What factors influenced the rate at which the gas was released from the pop?
What data did you collect to support your answer?
Melting point The melting point of a substance is the temperature at which it changes from a solid to a liquid.
The melting point of ice is 0°C. At this temperature, it changes into water. Other substances have
different melting points. For example, table salt melts at 801°C, and propane melts at 190°C.
Boiling point The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which its liquid phase changes to the gas
phase. At sea level, water’s boiling point is 100°C. Table salt boils at 1413°C, and propane boils
at 42°C.
Hardness Hardness is a substance’s ability to resist being scratched. Hardness is usually measured on the
Mohs’ hardness scale from 1 to 10. The mineral talc is the softest substance on the scale (1).
Diamond is the hardest (10). Figure 1.7 shows the scale.
Malleability A substance that can be pounded or rolled into sheets is said to be malleable. Metals such as
gold and tin are malleable. Aluminum foil is an example of a product made from a malleable
Ductility Any solid that can be stretched into a long wire is said to be ductile. The most common example
of a ductile material is copper.
Crystal shape The shape of a substance’s crystals can help identify it. Silicon crystals, for example, are diamond
shaped. Salt crystals form cubes.
Solubility Solubility is the ability of a substance to be dissolved in another. For example, sugar is soluble in
water, but cooking oil is not.
Density Density is the amount of mass in a given volume of a substance. The density of water is 1 g/mL.
The density of gold is 19 g/cm3.
Conductivity Conductivity is the ability of a substance to conduct electricity or heat. A substance that conducts
electricity or heat is called a conductor. A substance with little or no conductivity is an insulator.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 99
The Question
How can the properties of a substance be used to identify it?
Part 1—Examining Five Substances
Materials & Equipment
1 Copy the table shown on the next page into your notebook.
• salt, baking soda, corn starch,
sodium nitrate, sodium 2 Collect five substances from your teacher.
thiosulfate 3 Perform the tests described below to identify the properties of the substances. You
• black paper do not have to do the tests in the order shown below, but you must do all of them.
• hand lens
4 Make sure the data table is completely filled in before you begin part 2 of the activity.
• water
• 5% acetic acid or 5% Test 1—Appearance
hydrochloric acid
5 Use one sheet of black paper for all your samples. Place a small amount of each
• iodine solution
powder in different places on the same sheet of black paper. Make sure that your
• wax paper or spot plate
powder samples are not touching each other.
• disposal containers
6 Describe the appearance of each powder. Record your observations in the data table.
Forming Conclusions
24 Describe how you inferred what substance or substances were in your unknown
sample. Use your data to support your conclusions.
baking soda
corn starch
sodium nitrate
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 101
A chemical property describes how a substance interacts with other
Chemical Properties of
substances such as acids. Chemical properties are observable only when a
chemical change occurs. A chemical change always results in the
formation of a different substance or substances. For example, if you make
• reaction with acids
pancakes, you mix together flour, milk, baking powder, sugar, and other
• ability to burn
ingredients, each with its own set of physical properties. When you cook
• reaction with water
them, however, they form a completely new substance—a pancake. The
• behaviour in air
pancake has different properties from those of its ingredients.
• reaction to heat
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 103
Key Concept Review
1. What physical properties could be used to describe a substance?
2. Give two examples to illustrate the difference between a physical and a
chemical property.
3. How is an element different than a compound? Give an example of each.
4. What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture?
5. How is a suspension different from a colloid?
water 0 100
oxygen 218 183
ammonium nitrate 170 210
ethanol 117 79
mercury 39 357
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 105
1 You will investigate four different reactions described below.
Materials & Equipment
• sodium carbonate
2 Copy the data table shown on the next page into your notebook. Fill it in as you
• 250-mL beaker complete each test.
• dilute hydrochloric acid
• aluminum foil Test 1—Sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
• sugar 3 Put a pea-sized pile of sodium carbonate into a small beaker or plastic cup. In your
• candle data table, describe the appearance of the sodium carbonate.
• Plasticine
4 Observe the dilute hydrochloric acid. If you are unable to see inside the container, use
• matches
• wooden clothespin or tongs
a clear eyedropper to remove a small sample of the acid. Record your observations.
• 3 test tubes 5 Predict what you think will happen when you add the dilute hydrochloric acid to the
• sodium carbonate solution sodium carbonate.
• copper(II) sulfate solution 6 Add 5 to 8 drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to the sodium carbonate. Record your
• 5-mL measuring spoon observations.
• test-tube holder
• copper(II) sulfate (solid)
Test 2—Sugar and heat
• water
• stirring rod 7 Use a piece of aluminum foil to make a small cup shape. Put a pea-sized pile of sugar
into the centre of the aluminum cup. In your data table, describe the appearance of
the sugar.
8 Predict what you think will happen when the sugar is heated.
Caution! 9 Stand a candle securely in some Plasticine, and light the candle.
Make sure long hair 10 Using tongs or a wooden clothespin, hold the aluminum cup containing the sugar
and loose clothing over the candle’s flame. Slowly move the cup back and forth over the flame to heat
are tied back. the sugar. Record your observations.
11 When you are finished, place the aluminum cup in a safe place to cool.
Forming Conclusions
23 Create a summary, chart, or picture to illustrate the observations you might make to
describe the characteristics of a chemical change and a physical change.
Station 1: Sodium
carbonate and dilute
hydrochloric acid
Station 2: Sugar and heat
Station 3: Copper(II) sulfate
and sodium carbonate
Station 4: Copper(II) sulfate
and water
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 107
In our everyday life, there are many examples of how understanding and
controlling changes in matter help us meet our basic needs. One example
you might be interested to read about is the freeze-drying of foods. Freeze-
drying is a way to preserve foods so that they can be eaten months—and
sometimes even years—later. As well, freeze-drying makes foods easy to
prepare—all you have to do is add hot water.
In the freeze-drying process, the food is first frozen to convert the
water content in the food to ice. The frozen food is then put in a pressure
chamber and the pressure is reduced until the ice sublimes (changes from
a solid to a gas). The result is that about 98% of the water in the original
food item is removed. This leaves a food that is about 10% its original
mass and that, once packaged, doesn’t have to be refrigerated. When it’s
time to eat, all you do is stir in hot water!
Figure 1.14 If you’ve ever kayaked, you know the importance of keeping your supplies as light as
possible. Freeze-dried foods weigh little and take only minutes to prepare.
Changes in Matter
Observable Changes Type of Change
Baking bread
Burning wood
Freezing water
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 109
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. Define matter.
2. What do the following symbol shapes represent?
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 111
An understanding of the nature of
2.0 matter has developed through
observations over time.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• substances and their properties
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
• periodic table
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between
observation and theory, and
provide examples of how
models and theoretical ideas
are used in explaining
• demonstrate understanding of
the origins of the periodic
table, and relate patterns in the
physical and chemical
properties of elements to their
positions in the periodic table Humans have been warming themselves around campfires for thousands
• use the periodic table to: of years. You may have sat around a campfire and enjoyed the heat. You
– identify the number of may even have cooked over a fire. What do you think early humans might
protons and electrons in have wondered about this mysterious flame that gives off heat and light?
each atom, as well as other Some of them likely puzzled over why fire turns wood black or makes it
information about each atom smell different. Maybe they would have wondered what happened to the
– describe the relationship wood after the fire had burned out. By being curious about the world
between the structure of around them, these people were the first to try to learn more about
atoms in each group and the
substances and how they behave.
properties of elements in that
In this section, you will learn how our understanding of matter has
changed over time. As you read, you will begin to appreciate how asking
questions is a key first step we use in making sense of our world. Then,
from our observations and experiments, we develop theories and build
models to predict and explain what we see. We test these, adjust them, try
out new ideas, and eventually reach what seems to be the reasonable
answers to our questions. It all begins with curiosity.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 113
Between 6000 B.C. and 1000 B.C.,
early chemists investigated only
materials that had a high value to
humans. Many of these materials
were metals, such as gold and
copper. Gold became highly
valued because of its properties.
It had attractive colour and lustre,
and it didn’t tarnish. Its softness
made it easy to shape into
detailed designs, form into wire,
Figure 2.2 The earliest use of gold was in
and beat into sheets. Because it is jewellery, but it later became very important
so soft, however, gold could not in the making of coins.
be used for tools or weapons.
Copper became valuable because it could be used to make pots, coins,
tools, and jewellery. It was early chemists asking questions that led to an
understanding of copper’s properties and how the material could be
controlled. A piece of natural, untreated copper is brittle—that is, it breaks
easily. In that state, therefore, it isn’t a useful material for making things.
However, when copper is heated, it becomes very useful because it can be
rolled into sheets or stretched into long wires.
The original discovery of the effect of heat on copper was possibly
accidental. A chunk of copper may have fallen into a fire and whoever
picked it out may have asked: Has the copper changed because it was
heated? Testing it would have revealed how much softer it was and that it
was less likely to shatter when hammered. Later experimenting with
copper (about 4500 B.C.) led to the creation of a hard, strong material
known as bronze, which is produced when copper and tin are heated
Figure 2.4 The discovery of copper’s usefulness (such as in these copper spearheads) is a good
example of how asking questions leads to scientific and technological development.
Discovering Different
Other metals besides
gold and copper have
also been long known.
Find out when tin, silver,
lead, and mercury were
discovered and how they
were first used. Begin
your research at
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 115
The idea that all matter is made up of particles started with the Greek
Thinking About Matter philosophers about 2500 years ago. They observed that a rock could be
The first people who broken into smaller and smaller pieces until it became a powder. But, they
developed theories about
asked, how many times could you continue to break the particles of
the structure of matter
powder down until they couldn’t be broken down any more? In about 400
were philosophers.
B.C., the Greek philosopher Democritus used the word atomos to describe
Philosophers are people
who think about the world the smallest particles that could not be broken further. Atomos means
and humans’ place in it. “indivisible.”
Rather than performing Democritus stated that each type of material was made up of a
experiments on the nature different type of atomos. These different particles, he believed, gave each
of matter, early material its own unique set of properties. By mixing different atomos, you
philosophers just thought could make new materials with their own unique properties. However, in
about the structure of about 350 B.C. another Greek philosopher, Aristotle, supported a different
matter. Their explanations hypothesis. He stated that everything was made of earth, air, fire, and
and theories were based water. Because Aristotle was well known and well respected, his
on their ideas, not on description of matter was preferred over Democritus’s description for
experimental evidence.
2000 years.
Figure 2.8 Alchemists continued in their search for a way to make gold until about 1600.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 117
In 1808, English scientist John Dalton used the observations from his
experiments to develop his own theory of the composition of matter.
Dalton suggested that matter was made up of elements. He was the first to
define an element as a pure substance that contained no other substances.
Gold, oxygen, and chlorine are examples.
Dalton also put forward the first modern theory of atomic structure. He
stated that each element is composed of a particle called an atom. All
atoms in a particular element, he said, are identical in mass, and no two
elements have atoms of the same mass. For instance, all oxygen atoms
have the same mass, which is different from the mass of chlorine atoms.
Dalton’s model is sometimes called the “billiard ball model” because he
thought of the tiny atoms as solid spheres. While some of Dalton’s ideas
were later modified based on new evidence, his basic description of the
structure of an element was correct.
gold foil gold foil
a) Prediction b) Evidence c) New Model
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 119
It was Danish researcher Niels Bohr who, working with Rutherford,
suggested that electrons do not orbit randomly in an atom. Bohr said that
they move in specific circular orbits, or electron shells, as shown in
Figure 2.18. He believed that electrons jump between these shells by
gaining or losing energy. For his work in studying the atom, Bohr won the
Nobel Prize in physics in 1922.
electron electron
Figure 2.17 Niels Bohr was
only 28 when he published
his theory of the atom in
1913. In 1922, he won the
Nobel Prize in physics. nucleus nucleus
Figure 2.18 Bohr’s model of the atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus in a regular pattern.
re SEARCH Bohr’s model was readily accepted, though with further refinements,
by James Chadwick, another British physicist. Chadwick discovered that
The Quantum Atom the nucleus contained positively charged particles called protons, and
Find out more about the neutral particles called neutrons. The neutron has about the same mass as
quantum nature of the the proton but carries no electrical charge. An electron has only 1/1837th
atom. Use print and the mass of either a proton or a neutron.
electronic resources to Today, most people still use the Bohr model to describe the particles
learn about orbitals and that make up the atom. However, further research in the area of quantum
electron clouds. Begin mechanics has found that the structure of the atom is different again from
your research at that model. The quantum mechanics model of the atom describes electrons as existing in a charged cloud around the nucleus, shown in
scienceinaction. Figure 2.19.
cloud of electrons
Figure 2.19 Today’s
quantum mechanics model
describes the atom as a
cloud of electrons
surrounding a nucleus.
Figure 2.20 Ernest Rutherford proposed his nuclear theory of the atom in 1911.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 121
info BIT
2.2 Organizing the Elements
Choose Your Carbon
Looking for patterns and classifying scientific information helps us bring
Some elements exist in
different forms as a solid. order to unorganized ideas. It can also help us interpret what the
Carbon can be a soft information means. As you reviewed in section 1.2, matter can be
black substance called organized in several different ways. It can be classified as solids, liquids,
graphite. Or it can be a or gases; and, in any of those states, it can be classified as pure substances
hard, clear substance (elements or compounds) or mixtures (mechanical mixtures, solutions,
called diamond. suspensions, or colloids).
1 Draw a table in your notebook with the following
properties listed across the top: colour, state,
appearance, hardness, magnetism, and electrical
conductivity. List the samples down the left side.
2 Your teacher will put out samples of different
elements in the classroom, as well as the Magnetism
equipment you will need to make some of your Use a magnet to determine whether the element
assessments. Examine each element and fill in the is magnetic.
table with the information you gather about the Electrical Conductivity
properties of each one. The guidelines below will Test electrical conductivity with a simple electrical
help you in your investigation: circuit and a light bulb. If the light bulb goes on
Colour when you touch the two wires to the element, the
Record the colour of each element. If the element element is a conductor. If the light bulb does not
has no colour, call it colourless. go on, the element is an insulator.
State Questions
Record what state the element is in at room 3 Sort the elements into groups that have the same
temperature. or similar properties.
Appearance 4 For each of the groups that share similar
Describe the appearance of each element. Use properties, suggest a collective name to describe
words such as “lustre” (shine) and “texture.” the elements.
Hardness 5 List these elements under their collective group
Determine the hardness of each solid element. headings.
Metal gold silver iron mercury tin copper lead Figure 2.21 The symbols for
the Sun and planets closest
Symbol to Earth have long been used
Celestial Body Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn to represent the seven metals
known from ancient times.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 123
re SEARCH An Order for the Elements
It was soon realized that the elements could be listed in order of
New Elements increasing atomic mass. Atomic mass is the mass of one atom of an
Use electronic and print element. Scientists were able to determine the average mass of an atom of
resources to find out other elements by comparing it with the mass of a carbon atom (which is
about new elements 12.0). Atomic mass is measured by atomic mass unit (amu).
that have been In 1864, the English chemist John Newlands recognized a pattern
discovered or named in when elements were listed by increasing atomic mass. He noticed that
the past few years. properties of elements seemed to repeat through this list at regular
Share this information intervals. He called this pattern the “law of octaves,” as the pattern was
with your class, using
similar to the octave scale on a piano or other musical instrument. Many
your choice of media.
other scientists thought this law was silly and refused to accept the idea.
Begin your research at
Not until 1869 did a clearer understanding of how to arrange the
scienceinaction. elements emerge. Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev was able to organize
the elements in a way that reflected the patterns in the properties of the
Mendeleev collected the 63 elements known to exist in his time (the mid-
1800s). These included lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine,
sodium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. He then wrote down
the properties of each element on a card, such as melting point, density,
and colour. Using these cards, he tried to sort the elements into a pattern
based on their properties. He also wanted to find a pattern that would
allow him to predict the properties of elements not yet discovered. He felt
that the ability to predict properties of new elements would prove that his
pattern accurately reflected nature.
Mendeleev liked to play a form of the card game solitaire. In that
game, a person looks for patterns in the layout of the cards. Mendeleev
used his element cards like playing cards, laying them out and searching
for patterns. Eventually, he found a pattern that seemed to work. It
showed that the properties of elements vary periodically with increasing
atomic mass. Figure 2.23 shows the chart that Mendeleev developed.
Ti = 50 Zr = 90 ? = 180.
V = 51 Nb = 94 Ta = 182.
= 96 186.
Figure 2.23 Dmitri Mendeleev’s Mn = 55 = 4 = 197,4
original data for the periodic table Fe = 56 Ru = 104,4 Ir = 198.
Ni = 199.
H=1 = 63,4 = = 200.
= 9, 4 Mg 24 Zn = 65,2 Cd = 112
4 = Au = 197?
12 Si ? = 70 = 118
= 14 P 31 As = 75 Sb = 122 Bi = 210
16 = 4
19 Cl 5 Br = 80 I = 127
Li = 7 Na = 23 K 39 Rb = 85,4 Cs = 133 Tl = 204
= 5 = 137 = 207
?Er Ce = 92
?Yt 60 La = 94
?In 5 = 95
Th = 118?
Figure 2.24 Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian scientist, discovered a useful way of organizing the elements.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 125
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2.3 The Periodic Table Today
A New Element
Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table included the 63 known elements of his
One of the newest
elements to be discovered time. Since then, many more elements have been discovered. Today, about
is ununbium. Scientists 112 elements are known (Figure 2.25).
worked steadily for 24 One of the first important finds using Mendeleev’s table was the
days to find just two element gallium. Discovered in 1875, gallium fit into one of the positions
atoms of ununbium. in the periodic table where Mendeleev had placed a question mark. It
matched almost exactly his prediction of the properties of an element that
would fit in that position.
Another question mark in the table wasn’t filled until 1939 when the
element francium was discovered by the French chemist Marguerite Perey.
This element also matched Mendeleev’s prediction almost exactly. This
proved once again that the periodic table was a useful tool for organizing
the elements.
Figure 2.25 The 1 1
Solid S Metal
periodic table. The
element oxygen is Hydrogen
shown as an example
1.0 Liquid Br Metalloid
of the information that 2
the periodic table 3 1 4 2 Gas He Non-metal
provides for each
Li Be
element. Lithium Beryllium
6.9 9.0
11 1 12 2
Na Mg
Sodium Magnesium
23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
19 1 20 2 21 3 22 3 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 3 27 2
4 5 3 7 2 3
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr 6 Mn Fe Co
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt
39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 54.9 55.8 58.6
37 1 38 2 39 3 40 4 41 5 42 6 43 7 44 3 45 3
3 2 3
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium
85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 (98) 101.1 102.9
55 1 56 2 57 3 72 4 73 5 74 6 75 7 76 2 77 2
2 3 3 3
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os 4 Ir 4
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium
(223) (226) (227) (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266)
58 3 59 3 60 3 61 3 62 2 63 2 64 3 65 3
4 4 3 3 4
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium
140.1 140.9 144.2 (145) 150.4 152.0 157.3 158.9
90 4 91 4 92 3 93 3 94 3 95 3 96 3 97 3
5 4 4 4 4 4
Th Pa U 5
Np 5
Pu 5
Am 5
Cm Bk
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium
232.0 231.0 238.0 (237) (244) (243) (247) (247)
Gd Tb
symbol Eu Tc Ru Dy
Sm Mo As Se Rh Ho
n=4 Pm Nb Ge K Ca Br Pd Er
Nd Zr Ga Kr Aq Tm
Oxygen name 18 Cm Bk
Pr Y Cd Yb
Ce Lu
atomic mass 16.0 He n=5
Am Re Os Cf
W S b Te
N p Ta S n R b S r
Pt Fm
U Hf In Xe Au Md
13 14 15 16 17 4.0 Ns Mt
Pa La Hg No
Th Lr
5 3 6 4 7 3 8 2 9 1 10 Sq Bi Po 110
2 5
B C N O F Ne n=6 Ha Pb Cs Ba At 111
Rf Ti Rn 112
Ac 113
Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
116 117
10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2 n=7 115 Fr Ra 118
13 3 14 4 15 3 16 2 17 1 18 114 119
2 4
Al Si P S 6 Cl Ar n=8
120 121
28 2 29 1 30 2 31 3 32 4 33 3 34 2 35 1 36 n
3 2 2 5 4
Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se 6 Br Kr
Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton s p d f
66 3 67 3 68 3 69 2 70 2 71 3
3 3
Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
98 99 100 101 102 103
Cf Es Fm Md No Lw
Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
251 252 257 258 259 262
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 127
Element Symbol and Name
The large letter or letters in each box show the symbol for the element. In
Figure 2.25, you can see that oxygen’s symbol is O. For most elements, the
symbol is an abbreviation derived from the element’s modern chemical
name. For example, the symbol for silicon is Si, and the symbol for
manganese is Mn. However, there are exceptions. For example, the symbol
for gold is Au, which is from aurum, the Latin word for gold. The symbol
for iron is Fe, which is from ferrum, the Latin word for iron. The table
below shows the word origin for several common elements.
Atomic Number
The number above the element’s symbol on the left is the atomic number.
It shows how many protons are in the nucleus of one atom of the element.
An oxygen atom, for example, always has eight protons. If you found six
protons in an atom, the periodic table would show you that you were
looking at carbon. Because atoms are neutral, the number of protons
equals the number of electrons. Therefore, the atomic number also tells
you how many electrons are in an atom of a particular element.
Notice that the atomic number increases by one for each element as
you read across the periodic table from left to right.
Carbon-14 is present in nature in very Element Atomic Mass Number of Mass Number of
Mass Most Common Type of Second Most Common Type
low concentrations. That’s good, because
(amu) Atom of the Element of Atom of the Element
carbon-14 is radioactive, which means the
atom is unstable and falls apart easily in a hydrogen 1.0 1 2
mini-nuclear reaction, releasing energy. carbon 12.0 12 13
Carbon-14 is present in small amounts in bromine 79.9 79 81
all living things. Scientists use it to find iron 55.8 56 54
the age of biological materials, such as titanium 47.9 48 46
animal fossils. This technique is called lead 207.2 208 206
carbon dating. uranium 238.0 238 235
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 129
The Question
How can you use a model to represent the patterns in the periodic table?
Part 1—Classifying Nuts and Bolts
Materials & Equipment
1 Your teacher will give you a bag that contains 24 nuts and bolts. Take the nuts and
• 24 assorted nuts and bolts
in a bag bolts out of the bag and examine them.
• 1 extra nut or bolt 2 Your bag originally contained 25 nuts and bolts, but your teacher removed one of
• 2 large sheets of paper them. Determine whether a nut or a bolt was removed, and provide as much detail as
• balance you can about the missing piece.
• element cards 3 Share your ideas with your class. How were your ideas similar to your classmates?
• graph paper
How were they different?
4 Collect the missing nut or bolt from your teacher. How close was your description to
the missing object?
5 In step 2, each group probably used a slightly different method of classifying their
nuts and bolts to help them identify the missing one. For step 6, everyone will use
the same classification.
6 On a large sheet of paper, make a grid with five equal-size columns and five equal-
size rows. Make sure the boxes are large enough to hold your largest nut or bolt.
Number the boxes 1 to 25 starting on the top left at number 1 and working across
the row from left to right. The first box in the second row should be number 6.
7 Place the smallest bolt at number 1 and the largest nut at number 25. Now organize
the rest of your nuts and bolts on the grid.
8 Measure the mass of each nut and bolt and record that information on your grid.
Forming Conclusions
18 Using the periodic table in Toolbox 12, compare your arrangement of elements with
the arrangement of elements in the periodic table. Describe their similarities and their
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 131
The periodic table contains a wealth of information related to the
elements, in addition to their atomic number and atomic mass. By
noticing where elements appear in the periodic table, you can tell
something about their general nature.
Notice that a large part of the periodic table on pages 126–127 is green.
All the elements in this area are metals. Metals are shiny, malleable, and
ductile. They also conduct electricity. The elements in the orange area on
the right are non-metals. Non-metals can be a solid or a gas. Solid non-
metals are dull, brittle elements. Non-metals, except carbon, do not
conduct electricity. Because they don’t conduct electricity, they are called
insulators. The diagonal purple row of elements between the metals and
Figure 2.29 Nickel is widely
the non-metals contains elements called metalloids. Metalloids have both
used in solution with other
metallic and non-metallic properties.
metals to create alloys. Some
coins are made of copper-
nickel alloys. Stainless steel Groups
is made of iron, nickel, and Recall that Mendeleev arranged the periodic table to show a variety of
other elements. patterns. The 18 columns in the table contain groups or families of
elements with similar chemical properties.
These groups are numbered from 1 to 18 and are usually referred to by
the first element in the column. For example, group 10 is the nickel group
of elements because nickel is the first element at the top of that column.
The other elements in that group are palladium and platinum. They have
properties that are similar to those of nickel. There are a few exceptions to
this pattern. Group 1 is divided into two parts—hydrogen and the alkali
metals (see page 133). Hydrogen is considered to be a unique element, and
in some periodic tables it is placed in a separate spot away from the other
Figure 2.30 Palladium is elements.
used in dental crowns,
surgical instruments, and Periods
watch parts. The rows in the periodic table, called periods, are numbered 1 to 7. The
number of elements may vary from period to period. The first period has
two elements. Periods 2 and 3 have eight elements, and periods 4 and 5
have 18 elements. You may have also noticed periods 6 and 7 have an
additional 14 elements. These elements are placed separately at the
bottom of the periodic table. This makes it easier to print a periodic table
on a standard-sized page.
As you move from left to right across a period, you will notice that the
properties of the elements change. Within the periods, there is a pattern.
From left to right, the elements gradually change from metals to non-
Figure 2.31 Platinum, highly metals. So the first element in a period, on the far left, is a metal. The last
valued as a precious metal, is element in a period, on the far right, is a non-metal. For example, if you
more expensive than gold. It look at period 4, you’ll see that potassium (K) is a metal and krypton (Kr)
is also used in industry as a is a non-metal. The most reactive metals start on the left. As you move
powder that enables chemical
right, the metals generally become less reactive.
reactions to work better.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 133
Key Concept Review
1. What is the difference between the atomic number and the atomic
mass of an element?
2. If tin’s mass number is 119 and its atomic number is 50, how many
neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom of tin?
3. Correct the following statements about the periodic table.
a) Neon has 11 protons.
b) The symbol for sodium is So.
c) Beryllium has 4 neutrons.
d) Boron and aluminum are metals.
e) Chlorine has 16 electrons.
4. Match the elements in the list below with one of the following two
i) shiny, ductile conductor of electricity OR
ii) dull, brittle insulator
a) P b) W c) Cu d) F e) Hg f) K
5. Match the term on the left with the description on the right.
Figure 2.32 High-energy
subatomic particles leave a) alkali metal i) a combination of two or more elements
telltale tracks in an b) halogen ii) an unreactive non-metal
experimental cloud chamber. c) element iii) very reactive metal
d) compound iv) a pure substance of the same atoms
e) noble gas v) very reactive non-metal
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 135
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. What is considered to be one of the first series of events in the study
of chemistry? Explain why this was an important event.
2. How did an early understanding of gases lead to a better
understanding of the atom?
3. What properties could you use to distinguish metals from non-metals?
4. Explain how knowing the boiling point and melting point of a
substance can help you identify it.
5. For each statement below, explain why you think it describes an
element or a compound.
a) An odourless, colourless gas produces water and carbon dioxide
when it burns.
b) A shiny, ductile solid cannot be broken into smaller components.
c) An odourless, colourless liquid can be broken into two different
gases when electricity is passed through it.
d) A toxic, green gas is very reactive with other metals and some non-
6. What is the difference between a group and a period in the periodic
had not yet been discovered. In 1871, he predicted what 31 3 32 4 33 3
Ga “Eka-silicon”
As 5
Some Properties of Selected Elements
Figure 2.35 Question 12
Element Colour Atomic Mass
Silicon steel grey 28.1
Gallium grey-black 69.7
Arsenic silver to grey-black 74.9
Tin grey-white 118.7
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 137
3.0 Compounds form according to
a set of rules.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• periodic table
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
• chemical nomenclature
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between ionic and
molecular compounds, and
describe the properties of
some common examples of
• read and interpret chemical
formulas for compounds of
two elements, and give the
IUPAC name and common
name of these compounds
All the signs above tell you that this is where you can get gas for your
• identify/describe chemicals
commonly found in the home,
car. If you were travelling in France, you would look for a sign that said
and write the chemical “Gaz.” If you were travelling in Britain, you would have to watch for a
symbols sign that said “Petrol.” Even though Britain and Canada are both
• identify examples of combining English-speaking countries, sometimes we use different words for the
ratios/number of atoms per same things. For example, in England, potato chips are called “crisps”
molecule found in some and the trunk of your car is called the “boot.” If you travel to a non-
common materials, and use English-speaking country, words can be even more confusing if you
information on ion charges to don’t speak the local language.
predict combining ratios in Scientists studying the nature of matter encountered similar
ionic compounds of two problems. At first, there was no common way of naming compounds.
How could scientists understand each other’s work if they weren’t sure
• assemble or draw simple
from the terminology what materials were being used? To help reduce
models of molecular and ionic
the confusion, scientists have agreed on a common set of rules for
naming compounds. Using these rules, a person can identify and
describe any compound in the world—and be clearly understood by
others. In this section, you will investigate how compounds are formed
and how they are named.
Your model should clearly show the structure of the atom and should include
the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
When you have completed your model, show it to your class. Compare your
model with other models.
Now look at the formula for the compound water: H2O. Notice that
next to the H is a small 2 as a subscript. (“Sub” means below.) The 2
indicates that there are two atoms of hydrogen to go with every atom of
oxygen in water. Figure 3.4 shows how the atoms in water are arranged.
Subscript numbers in a chemical formula indicate the number of atoms of
the elements that must combine to form the compound. No subscript
number indicates that only one atom of that element is needed.
Figure 3.4 In water, two hydrogen atoms join with each oxygen atom.
Figure 3.5 In
methane, four
hydrogen atoms
combine with one
carbon atom.
Create a table like the one below to record your answers. Be sure to leave enough room to
draw the compound in the far right column.
Most people are familiar with common table salt and know that it is a
white substance composed of tiny crystals. You might be surprised to
learn that table salt is formed when a very reactive metal—sodium—is
placed in a container with a poisonous, green non-metal—chlorine gas.
When the two chemical elements are combined, the sodium metal
explodes in a bright yellow flame. As the sodium burns, a white, coarse-
grained powder is produced. That powder is table salt, or what you now
know is sodium chloride (NaCl(s)).
info BIT Sodium chloride is called an ionic compound. Ionic compounds are
pure substances formed as a result of the attraction between particles of
“Ion” Origin opposite charges, called ions. Table salt is formed from positively charged
The word “ion” comes sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions. Other properties of
from a Greek word ionic compounds include their high melting point, good electrical
meaning “to go” or conductivity, and distinct crystal shape.
“wander.” All ionic compounds are solids at room temperature. In fact, table salt
will not melt until it is heated to 801˚C. When an ionic compound is
melted or dissolved in water, it will conduct electricity. This property of
ionic compounds led to the study of electrochemical cells (cells that either
convert chemical energy into electrical energy or electrical energy into
chemical energy). And that work in turn eventually led to the invention of
This new technology allowed scientists to investigate the structure of
matter in greater depth.
How does an ionic compound actually form? When the ions are
combined, they form a crystal.
Figure 3.8 Two electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, water containing a little NaCl(s) forming NaCl(aq).
The salt helps the electrical charge flow through the solution. At the negative electrode, positively charged
hydrogen forms hydrogen gas. At the positive electrode, negatively charged oxygen forms oxygen gas.
Chlorine gas may also be formed. In school laboratories, Na2SO4(s) is used instead of NaCl(s).
7 What changes did you observe after the sodium sulfate was added to the Petri dish?
8 What evidence was there of a chemical change?
9 What do you think would happen if you added a non-ionic compound such as sugar
to the Petri dish?
To indicate ions in written notation, a plus sign () or a minus sign () is
placed to the upper right of the element symbol. This is a superscript
position (super- means “above”). For example, a sodium ion is written as
Na and a chlorine ion as Cl.
Some ions can also form when certain atoms of elements combine.
These ions are called polyatomic ions (poly- means “many”). Polyatomic
ions are a group of atoms acting as one. For example, one atom of carbon
and three atoms of oxygen form the polyatomic ion called carbonate or
CO32. When carbonate reacts with calcium ions, the product is calcium
carbonate, or limestone (CaCO3(s)). Other examples of compounds with
polyatomic ions include copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4(s)) and sulfuric acid
Step 1 Print the metal element’s symbol with its ion charge. Next to it, Ca2+ Cl1
print the non-metal element’s symbol with its ion charge.
Step 2 Balance the ion charges. The positive ion charge must balance the Ca2+ Cl1 Cl1
negative ion charges. In our example, this means that there must be two
chlorine atoms each with an ion charge of 1 to balance the 2+ ion charge
of one calcium atom. Now you know how many atoms of each element
you need to include in the formula.
Step 3 Write the formula by indicating how many atoms of each element CaCl2(s)
are in it, as shown. Do not include the ion charge in the formula. Place the
number of atoms of each element in a subscript after the element’s
symbol. If there is only one atom, no number is used.
1 ion charge
1 Hydrogen 2
1.0 He
Take a moment to look at the Helium
Na Mg Al Si P S 6 Cl Ar
alkali group of metals—lithium and Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
23.0 24.3 27.0 28.1 31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9
sodium. They each have an ion 19 1 20 2 31 3 32 4 33 3 34 2 35 1 36
2 5 4
charge of 1. The halogens, on the 4
K Ca Ga Ge As Se 6 Br Kr
Potassium Calcium Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
right of the table—fluorine and 39.1 40.1 69.7 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8
37 1 38 2 49 3 50 2 51 3 52 2 53 1 54
chlorine—have an ion charge of 1. Rb Sr In
6 I Xe
Generally, all the elements in a 5 Rubidium Strontium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
85.5 87.6 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
group form ions with the same 55 1 56 2 81 1
82 2 83
3 84 2 85
1 86
1 Working with a partner, select one metal and one non-metal element from the
periodic table. Your task is to create a model illustrating the ionic compound that
forms from combining these two elements. This type of ionic compound is called a
binary compound because it consists of just two elements.
2 Determine how you will represent the atom of each element.
3 Decide which materials you will use to build your model.
4 Build your model to show one formula unit.
5 State the appropriate name for your compound, write out its chemical formula, and
describe its combining ratio.
6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create three additional ionic compounds. Ensure that at least
one of them is an example of a metal with multiple ion charges.
7 When you are finished, share your models with the class.
Forming Conclusions
10 Describe how you created models that illustrate ionic compounds.
1 Working with a partner, select two non-metal elements from the periodic table. Your
Materials & Equipment
task is to create a model illustrating a molecular compound that forms from
• marshmallows, Styrofoam
combining these two elements.
balls, egg cartons, or a
molecular model kit 2 Determine how you will represent the atom of each element.
• glue 3 Decide which materials you will use to build your model.
• large sheet of paper 4 Build your model.
• felt pens
5 State the appropriate name for your compound, write out its chemical formula, and
describe its combining ratio.
6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create three additional molecular compounds.
7 When you are finished, share your models with the class.
Forming Conclusions
10 Describe how you created models that illustrate molecular compounds.
1 mono
2 di
3 tri
4 tetra
5 penta
re SEARCH Using the above rules, molecular compounds are named using this format:
Prefix + First Element Prefix + Second Element (with ‘ide’ ending)
Bonding Forces
Use your library and the Here are some examples: (Note that the coloured numbers in the formula
Internet to find out correspond to the prefixes in the name.)
about other types of CO2 carbon dioxide
forces that create bonds N2O dinitrogen monoxide
between atoms. Begin
N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide
your research at
NF3 nitrogen trifluoride
CCl4 carbon tetrachloride
PF5 phosphorus pentafluoride
11. In terms of ion charges and chemical change, what is the difference
between CuF(s) and CuF2(s)?
12. Sketch simple models to show the following molecular compounds:
a) sulfur and oxygen (SO2) c) oxygen and bromine (OBr2)
b) nitrogen and chlorine (NCl3) d) carbon and fluorine (CF4)
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• endothermic and exothermic
• reactants and products
• conservation of mass
• factors affecting reaction rates
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify conditions under which
properties of a material are
changed, and critically evaluate
if a new substance has been
• observe and describe evidence
of chemical change in
reactions between familiar
• distinguish between materials
that react readily and those
that do not
• observe and describe patterns
of chemical change
• describe familiar chemical
reactions, and represent these Fireworks burst into the night sky in brilliant patterns caused by chemical
reactions by using word reactions. The different colours that we see result from reactions between
equations and chemical different substances within the fireworks. For example, barium
formulas and by constructing compounds create green fireworks, strontium compounds create red ones,
models of reactants and copper creates blue ones and sodium yellow. Fireworks are also launched
products by the chemical reaction that results from the fuse being lighted. The heat
of the fuse ignites the chemicals that propel the fireworks into the sky.
In this section, you will investigate a variety of chemical reactions
and how different factors affect the rate of these reactions. Think about
safety as you do each activity.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To use a chemical reaction to create a film canister rocket • plastic film canister with
inside snapping lid
• water
1 Half fill the film canister with water. • Alka-Seltzer tablet, cut
2 Place a quarter tablet of Alka-Seltzer in the canister and quickly snap on the lid. into quarters
3 Place the canister upside down on the ground and stand at least 5 m back. • pencil and notebook
CAUTION: If the rocket does not launch after about 1 min, slowly approach it and
kick it over with your foot. If the lid doesn’t come off, carefully remove the lid,
keeping the canister pointed away from everyone.
4 Record your observations.
5 Try changing the variables to make the rocket go as high as possible. For example,
change the amount of water, the amount of Alka-Seltzer, or the position of the
canister on the ground. Record your observations each time.
6 How did you make a film canister rocket?
7 Did a chemical reaction occur inside the film canister? Provide evidence to support
your answer.
8 What combination of materials made the rocket go the highest?
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 157
The materials at the start of a reaction are called the reactants. Think
of a campfire. The burning wood undergoes a combustion reaction. In this
case, the reactants, or substances being combined in the reaction, are
wood and oxygen. The new materials produced by the reaction are called
products. In a campfire, the products are carbon dioxide and water,
formed while energy is released.
This chemical reaction can be written as a chemical word equation, as
shown below. Note that in such equations, the reactants always appear to
the left of the arrow and the products to the right.
wood + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy released
Plus signs separate the reactants from each other and the products
from each other. The arrow indicates the direction in which the reaction is
most likely to occur. When you take more advanced science courses, you
Figure 4.1 The reactants
will learn about situations where the reaction can occur in either
potassium iodide and lead(II) direction.
nitrate are both clear. The Recall from section 1.3 that when a chemical reaction occurs, a new
chemical reaction that takes substance forms and evidence of the reaction may include one or more of
place when they are the following:
combined results in a colour
change in the product. • a colour change
• the formation of an odour
• the formation of a solid or a gas
• the release or absorption of heat
While colour change and formation of an odour are usually good
indicators that a chemical reaction has taken place, care must be taken in
interpreting some of the other types of evidence. For example, the
formation of bubbles in a solution doesn’t always mean that a new gas is
being produced in a chemical reaction. The bubbles may simply mean that
the solution has begun to boil. Evidence of heat being released or absorbed
may also indicate a physical change rather than a chemical change. Some
solids, for example, release heat when they are dissolved.
Below are three different reactions. Identify the reactants and products for each reaction.
Write out the chemical word equation.
Reaction 1. When hydrogen peroxide is left out in the sun, it changes to water and
oxygen gas.
Reaction 2. A silver spoon is exposed to air. Over time, it turns a dark brown colour.
Reaction 3. Sodium and bromine react explosively to produce sodium bromide.
The Question
How will different materials react with each other?
1 Before you start, your teacher will review the safety guidelines with you.
Materials & Equipment
2 Draw a table in which to record your observations.
• 3 test tubes
• test-tube holder Reaction 1—Sulfuric acid and magnesium ribbon
• 5% or 1.0 mol/L sulfuric
3 Place a test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the dilute sulfuric acid into the test tube
to a depth of about 3 cm.
• magnesium ribbon
• matches 4 Add a 2-cm strip of magnesium ribbon to the dilute sulfuric acid in the test tube.
• splint 5 Light a splint and hold it so that the burning end is in the test tube. Make sure the
• 2% or 0.2 mol/L copper(II) test tube is pointing away from you and your classmates. Record your observations
sulfate in the table.
• steel wool
Reaction 2—Copper(II) sulfate and steel wool
• stirring rod
• 3% or 0.2 mol/L 6 Place a clean test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the copper(II) sulfate solution
iron(III) chloride into the test tube to a depth of about 3 cm.
• 3% or 0.8 mol/L sodium 7 Add a small piece of steel wool to the copper(II) sulfate solution. You may need to
hydroxide use a stirring rod to push the steel wool down into the solution. Record your
• 5 g baking soda observations.
• vinegar
• 500-mL beaker Reaction 3—Iron(III) chloride and sodium hydroxide
• thermometer 8 Place a clean test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the Caution!
iron(III) chloride solution into the test tube to a depth of Be sure to wear
about 3 cm. your safety goggles,
9 Add a similar amount of the dilute sodium hydroxide apron, and gloves.
solution to the test tube. Record your observations. Iron(III) chloride is a
strong irritant, and
Reaction 4—Baking soda and vinegar is corrosive and
10 Pour 40 mL of vinegar into a 500-mL beaker. Measure toxic. Sulfuric acid
and record the temperature of the vinegar. and sodium
11 Slowly add 5 g of baking soda to the vinegar. Measure hydroxide are
and record the temperature. corrosive.
Forming Conclusions
14 Look back at the question at the beginning of this activity. Write a conclusion that
answers that question by describing what you did, why you did it, and what you
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 159
A chemical reaction that releases heat energy is called an exothermic
Changing Chemical reaction. When you burn an object in the presence of oxygen, energy in
Bonds the form of heat is given off. Heat is also emitted when your body
Endothermic and
metabolizes food.
exothermic reactions
A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy is an endothermic
involve the forming or
breaking of chemical reaction. If you observed the chemical reactions in Inquiry Activity B-6,
bonds. Find out how you noticed that the temperature in the baking soda and vinegar reaction
energy is used to form dropped during and just after the reaction. Chemical cold-packs found in
or break these bonds, first aid kits are another example of where an endothermic reaction
and give examples. occurs. The reactants in the cold-packs must be crushed together to start
Begin your research at the reaction. As the chemical change occurs and new products form, energy is absorbed from the liquid in the bag, and the bag becomes very
scienceinaction. cold.
food oxygen dioxide water energy that can be
+ + +
(C 6 H12O6(s)) (O2 ) (CO2 ) (H2O) used by living things
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 161
Key Concept Review
1. What is the difference between a chemical reaction and a physical
2. How are reactants different from products in a chemical reaction?
3. Describe three observations you might make when a chemical change
4. Chemical fire starter ignites as a result of from the following reaction:
Figure 4.7 The total mass of the reactants and the total mass of the products are equal.
math Link
Some reactions may not seem to follow the principle of the conservation Two reactants undergo
of mass. For example, adding 10 g of Alka-Seltzer to 100 g of water in a a chemical reaction and
beaker causes carbon dioxide gas to be given off. When the reaction is produce one product.
complete, the mass of the products left in the beaker is only 106 g, not The mass of one of the
110 g. This doesn’t mean that mass was not conserved. The carbon reactants is 20 g and the
dioxide gas was also one of the products of the reaction, but it escaped mass of the product is
45 g. Write an algebraic
from the open beaker into the air. This is an example of an open system.
equation representing
If it had been trapped, it would have been found to have a mass of 4 g.
this reaction, and solve
the equation to find the
mass of the second
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 163
The Question
Does the mass of reactants and products change during a reaction?
1 Put the baking soda and calcium chloride in the self-sealing plastic bag.
Materials & Equipment
2 Put the water and bromothymol blue in the film canister.
• balance
• 4 g baking soda 3 Place the canister in an upright position in the bag. Carefully seal the bag. Measure
• 4 g calcium chloride and record the mass of the bag.
• large self-sealing plastic bag 4 Predict what you think will happen when all the substances
• 5-mL measuring spoon mix together. Record your prediction.
• 5 mL water Caution!
5 Without opening the bag, tip the canister over and allow the If the bag seems
• 5 mL bromothymol blue
liquids and solids to mix. Record as many observations as ready to burst,
• film canister
you can while the reaction is occurring. Be sure to hold the open it up.
bag to observe the temperature changes.
6 When the reaction is complete, measure and record the mass
of the bag.
7 When you have finished the activity, clean up and return the materials as instructed
by your teacher.
Forming Conclusions
11 Use your observations and the data collected during this investigation to answer the
question posed at the beginning of the activity.
Figure 4.9 Albert Einstein was the first person to propose that
in a nuclear reaction, some mass is converted into energy.
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 165
4.3 Factors Affecting the Rate of a Chemical
You may know someone who tried to change his or her hair colour, but
the process didn’t quite work out as planned. Colouring hair is the result
of a chemical reaction. If the reaction is not controlled properly,
unintended effects can occur, such as unexpected hair colours or burning
of the scalp. Another common example of a chemical reaction is making a
cake. It’s important to use the right amount of each ingredient. If you add
too much baking powder, for example, you can end up with a batter that
rises more than it should.
It is important to understand how a chemical reaction works and the
factors that affect the rate of the reaction. The four factors that can affect
the rate of a chemical reaction are:
• the presence of a catalyst
• the concentration of the reactants
• the temperature of the reactants
• the surface area of the reactants
Figure 4.10 Chemicals
can be used to change CATALYSTS
hair colour.
Catalysts are substances that help a reaction proceed faster. They are
present with the reactants of a reaction, but they are not consumed during
the reaction. Chemical reactions involving catalysts can be found in both
living and non-living things. The most common example in living things
is in your body. Many reactions, such as the breaking down of food,
require a catalyst called an enzyme. Without enzymes, many reactions
would require much higher temperatures—a situation that would be
deadly to the human body.
Enzymes can help get rid of poisons in the body quickly. For example,
one product of reactions in cells is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen
peroxide is poisonous. An enzyme called catalase, which is found in
many different types of animal and plant cells, speeds up the breakdown
of hydrogen peroxide into harmless oxygen and water. Figure 4.11 shows
a model of how an enzyme like catalase functions.
reactant products
6 Describe how the catalyst manganese(IV) oxide affects the rate of reaction in
this demonstration.
7 What gas was given off by the reaction? What evidence do you have to
support your answer?
8 If a piece of fresh liver is dropped into hydrogen peroxide, a similar reaction
occurs. What can you infer about the chemicals found in liver?
9 If you were to cool the hydrogen peroxide before you added the catalyst,
what do you think would happen to the rate of reaction? Explain your
info BIT
Fuel Cells
Fuel cells use a platinum catalyst to generate electricity from the
reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. These cells can now be found in
cars and other devices.
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 167
The Question
What factors can be changed to increase the rate of a reaction?
Part 1—Investigating the Reaction
Materials & Equipment
• graduated cylinder 1 Using the graduated cylinder, measure 50 mL of water and place it in the beaker.
• water 2 Measure 15 mL of copper(II) chloride.
• 500-mL beaker 3 Add the copper(II) chloride to the water and stir until the solid has dissolved. Record
• 15-mL plastic measuring your observations of the solution.
4 Measure the temperature of the solution.
• copper(II) chloride
• stirring rod 5 Crumple a piece of aluminum foil so that it will fit into the beaker. Using the stirring
• thermometer rod, push the aluminum foil into the solution. Observe and record any changes.
• aluminum foil 6 Record the temperature (in °C) every 30 s until the temperature begins to drop.
Forming Conclusions
17 Describe how you would create a reaction to get the highest temperature as quickly
as possible, given the materials you used in this activity.
Surface area
Increasing the surface area of the reactants is another factor that can
increase the rate of a reaction. The greater surface area of the reactants
means that more area is available for reaction. In the copper(II) chloride
and aluminum example, cutting the aluminum foil into tiny pieces would
increase the surface area, causing the reaction to proceed faster.
Figure 4.13 This grain elevator blew up when the extremely fine grain dust in the air was ignited
accidentally. The fine dust means a large surface area of grain was available for the combustion
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 169
Key Concept Review
1. What is an enzyme?
2. Explain how an enzyme is different from other catalysts.
3. What are four factors that can affect the rate of reaction?
4. Give one example, not discussed in the book, of a reaction where the
rate was increased because of changes in the four factors mentioned
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 171
1.0 1.0 Matter can be described and organized by its physical and chemical properties.
• Recognition of WHMIS symbols is important to lab safety.
• Workplace Hazardous • Matter can be organized in different ways. One way is as solids, liquids, and gases. Another way
Materials Information is as mixtures and solutions.
System (WHMIS) and safety • Physical properties of matter such as colour, hardness, boiling point, and density are used to
• substances and their identify substances. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other
properties substances.
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
2.0 2.0 An understanding of the nature of matter has developed through observations
over time.
• substances and their
• Human understanding of matter grew as people suggested explanations for their observations of
the natural world. Theories were confirmed or rejected as people learned more about matter.
• elements, compounds, and • The Greek philosopher Democritus stated that matter was made up of tiny indivisible particles
atomic theory called atomos. This theory was not widely accepted for 2000 years.
• periodic table • Investigations by scientists, such as Robert Boyle, in the 1600s confirmed that matter is made up
of tiny particles. Further investigation by researchers gradually developed the understanding we
have today that matter is made up of atoms. Each atom has a nucleus containing protons and
neutrons. Electrons orbit the nucleus.
• Elements are pure substances made up of only one type of atom. The periodic table organizes the
elements according to their atomic number and atomic mass. The atomic number is the number
of protons in the nucleus. The atomic mass is the average mass of an atom of an element.
• Patterns of information on the periodic table include groupings of metals, metalloids, and non-
4.0 4.0 Substances undergo a chemical change when they interact to produce different
• endothermic and exothermic
• A physical change may change the appearance or state of a substance but not its composition
(e.g., melting). A chemical change results in the formation of one or more different substances.
• reactants and products
• Reactions involving oxygen are some of the most common types of chemical reactions. These
• conservation of mass include combustion, corrosion, and cellular respiration.
• factors affecting reaction • A chemical reaction occurs when substances called reactants interact to produce different
rates substances called products.
• According to the principle of the conservation of mass, the mass of the products in a chemical
reaction equals the mass of the reactants.
• An exothermic reaction gives off energy. An endothermic reaction takes in energy.
• The rate of reaction can be affected by the addition of a catalyst, or an increase in the
concentration, temperature, or surface area of the reactants.
se d
S t u
Steps to Success
Part 1—The Tests
1 Collect the necessary equipment for this activity:
• 1 spot plate
• bottles of solutions labelled A, B, C, D, E, F
• paper towel
2 Combine two solutions in all possible ways, using the
table below as your guide.
3 Record your observations in a table like this one.
A B C D E F Unknown
You can use the well in a spot plate for a micro-scale reaction.
Getting Started
There’s a problem in the science lab. A bottle containing
an unknown solution has been found. Because the
contents are unknown, it is difficult to determine how to D
dispose of it.
Your Goal F
In this activity, you will perform a variety of micro-scale
reactions to gather information about how various
solutions react. You will then use this information to
Part 2—The Identification of the Unknown
identify an unknown sample.
4 Your teacher will give you an unknown solution.
What You Need to Know 5 Using a clean spot plate, combine each of the known
Micro-scale reactions occur when very small amounts of solutions with the unknown solution. Record your
reactants are used. Usually the reaction takes place in a results in each case.
small depression or well on a spot plate. By filling the well
How Did It Go?
half full with one solution or solid reactant and then adding
a second reactant, you can observe if a reaction has 6 Using your data from part 1, determine what you think
occurred. the unknown sample in the bottle is. Remember to
support your answer with your data.
The following observations can help you determine
that a reaction has occurred: 7 Write your conclusion in a short paragraph. Make sure
it answers the following questions:
• bubbles form or a gas is given off
• What did you do in this activity?
• the colour changes
• Why did you do this activity?
• a solid substance called a precipitate forms
• What did you find?
• What is one new thing you learned?
2. Match the WHMIS symbol to the following
descriptions. 6. Why must copper be heated before it can be
made into something?
7. What was Ernest Rutherford’s contribution
to the understanding of the atom?
8. How are metals and non-metals organized in
the periodic table?
(i) (ii) (iii)
9. What is the difference between a family and
a period in the periodic table?
(vii) (viii)