Study of Complex Formation Between 18-Crown-6 and Diaza-18-Crown-6 With Uranyl Cation (UO) in Some Binary Mixed Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvents
Study of Complex Formation Between 18-Crown-6 and Diaza-18-Crown-6 With Uranyl Cation (UO) in Some Binary Mixed Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvents
Study of Complex Formation Between 18-Crown-6 and Diaza-18-Crown-6 With Uranyl Cation (UO) in Some Binary Mixed Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvents
DOI 10.1007/s10847-009-9535-8
Received: 20 October 2008 / Accepted: 5 January 2009 / Published online: 23 January 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
Abstract The complexation reaction between UO22? (18C6 UO22?) complex in pure studied solvents was found
cation with macrocyclic ligand, 18-crown-6 (18C6), was to be: EtOH [ AN & NM [ PC & MeOH, but in the case
studied in acetonitrile–methanol (AN–MeOH), nitrometh- of (DA18C6 UO22?) complex it was : H2O [ MeOH [
ane–methanol (NM–MeOH) and propylencarbonate–ethanol EtOH.
(PC–EtOH) binary mixed systems at 25 °C. In addition, the
complexation process between UO22? cation with diaza-18- Keywords 18-Crown-6 Diaza-18-crown-6
crown-6 (DA18C6) was studied in acetonitrile–methanol UO22? cation Binary mixed aqueous and
(AN–MeOH), acetonitrile–ethanol (AN–EtOH), acetonitrile– non-aqueous solvents Conductometry
ethylacetate (AN–EtOAc), methanol–water (MeOH–H2O),
ethanol–water (EtOH–H2O), acetonitrile–water (AN–H2O),
dimethylformamide–methanol (DMF–MeOH), dimethyl-
formamide–ethanol (DMF–EtOH), and dimethylformamide– Introduction
ethylacetate (DMF–EtOAc) binary solutions at 25 °C using
the conductometric method. The conductance data show that The understanding of the metal–ion chemistry of macro-
the stoichiometry of the complexes formed between (18C6) cyclic ligands has important implications for a range of
and (DA18C6) with UO22? cation in most cases is 1:1 [M:L], chemical and biochemical areas. Macrocyclic compounds
but in some solvent 1:2 [M:L2] complex is formed in solu- are polydentate ligands containing their donor atoms
tions. The values of stability constants (log Kf) of attached to a cyclic backbone. The first report on the
(18C6 UO22?) and (DA18C6 UO22?) complexes which synthesis of macrocyclic compounds (crown ethers) was
were obtained from conductometric data, show that the published in 1967 by Pedersen [1]. These synthetic mac-
nature and also the composition of the solvent systems are rocyclic ligands have been shown to form stable selective
important factors that are effective on the stability and even complexes with suitable cations in solutions [2]. Most of
the stoichiometry of the complexes formed in solutions. In all the applications of these macrocyclic ligands, are based on
cases, a non-linear relationship is observed for the changes their complexing ability with different metal cations. Many
of stability constants (log Kf) of the (18C6 UO22?) and researches have been carried out on a wide range of
(DA18C6 UO22?) complexes versus the composition of applications of these macrocyclic compounds in different
the binary mixed solvents. The stability order of areas such as construction of ion-selective electrode [3–5],
separation of metal cations [6, 7], as stationary phase in
chromatography columns [8–10], designing of chemical
M. Ansari Fard K. Taheri
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, sensors [11], recognition of isomers [12] and chemical
The University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran analysis [13].
Studies of crown ethers complexation with metal cations
G. H. Rounaghi (&) M. Chamsaz
in different solvent systems, show that the understanding of
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran the interaction between these macrocyclic ligands and the
e-mail: [email protected] metal cations in solutions requires the study of various
50 J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem (2009) 64:49–56
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem (2009) 64:49–56 51
250 350
cm mol )
225 100%
300 55%
cm mol )
Λ m ( ohm
Λ m ( ohm
0 1 2 3 4 5
[ L ] t/ [ M ] t 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 1 Molar conductance–mole ratio plots for (DA18C6 UO22?) [ L ] t/ [ M ] t
complex in H2O–MeOH binary systems at 25 °C
Fig. 3 Molar conductance–mole ratio plots for (DA18C6 UO22?)
complex in AN–MeOH binary systems at 25 °C
mole% EtOH
275 constants of (DA18C6 UO22?) and (18C6 UO22?)
complexes in various solvent systems are listed in Tables 1
250 and 2, respectively. The changes of stability constant
(log Kf) of (18C6 UO22?) complex with the composition
of the PC–EtOH, AN–MeOH and NM–MeOH binary
cm mol )
125 7% Discussion
As is evident from Figs. 1 and 2, addition of DA18C6 to
75 55%
uranyl cations in H2O–MeOH and H2O–EtOH binary sol-
30% vent systems at 25 °C results in a decrease in molar
50 conductivity which indicates that the (DA18C6 UO22?)
complex is less mobile than free solvated cation in these
25 binary solvent systems. Similar behavior was observed for
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(DA18C6 UO22?) complex in DMF–MeOH and in H2O–
[ L] t/ [ M ] t
AN binary solvent systems. But as seen in Fig. 3, addition
Fig. 2 Molar conductance–mole ratio plots for (DA18C6 UO22?) of DA18C6 to uranyl cation in AN–MeOH binary solutions
complex in H2O–EtOH binary systems at 25 °C at 25 °C results in an increase in molar conductivity which
indicates that the (DA18C6 UO22?) complex in this sol-
program [24]. The details of the calculation of the stability vent system is more mobile than free solvated cation.
constants of complexes by conductometric method has Similar behavior was observed for (DA18C6 UO22?)
been described in reference [25]. The values of stability complex in AN–EtOH, DMF–EtOAc and AN–EtOAc
52 J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem (2009) 64:49–56
Table 1 Log Kf values of (DA18C6 UO22?) complex in different binary mixed solvents at 25 °C
Medium Log Kf ± SDa Medium Log Kf ± SDa Medium Log Kf ± SDa
Table 2 Log Kf values of (18C6 UO22?) complex in different binary mixed solvents at 25 °C
Medium Log Kf ± SDa Medium Log Kf ± SDa Medium Log Kf ± SDa
binary mixed solvents, as well as, for (18C6 UO22?) solvation sphere. It seems that the UO22? cation is weakly
complex in AN–MeOH, NM–MeOH and PC–EtOH binary solvated in H2O–MeOH and H2O–EtOH solvent systems.
solutions. These behaviors can be explained on the basis of When this cation is complexed with crown ether, it
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem (2009) 64:49–56 53
3.4 5.5
Log kf
Log K f
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
mole fraction of MeOH
4.4 H 2O - AN
Log kf
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
mole fraction of EtOH
1.5 H2 O - MeOH
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 4
mole fraction of MeOH
Log Kf
2.4 3.5
Log K f
2 3
1.6 2.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1.4 mole fraction of MeOH
1.2 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 H 2 O - EtOH
mole fraction of MeOH
Log Kf
54 J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem (2009) 64:49–56
solvation sheath around the cation and the moving entity noticeable that the order of decreasing the stabilities of
becomes less bulky and more mobile and, therefore, the (DA18C6 UO22?) and (18C6 UO22?) complexes are
molar conductivity increases. not consistent with the order of donor ability of these pure
As is shown in Figs. 1 and 2, in all cases, the slope of organic solvents as expressed by the Gutmann donor
corresponding molar conductivity versus Ligand/Cation number [30] (see Table 3). Similar results have been
mole ratio plots changes at the point where the ligand to observed for (DA15C5 UO22?) complex in PC, H2O,
cation mole ratio is about one which is an evidence for DMF and MeOH solvents [28]. Although the solvating
formation of a relatively stable 1:1 [M:L] complex between ability of a solvent as expressed by the Gutmann donor
DA18C6 and UO22? cation in these solutions. Similar number, plays a fundamental role in complexation reac-
behavior was observed for complexation of UO22? cation tions between metal cations and macrocyclic ligands, and a
with 18C6 in solutions. The spectroscopic study of uranyl solvent with a high donor number can compet strongly with
crown ether complexes in non-aqueous solvents, has shown the ligand for the cation, but the results obtained in this
that the crown ethers with six oxygen atoms form inclusion investigation indicate that the donor ability of a solvent
complexes with uranyl ion in the center cavity, but aza and, therefore, the cation solvation is not always a domi-
crowns coordinate externally to the uranyl ion [26]. In the nant factor in complexation processes and we should
case of 18-crown-6 a complex with a high coordination consider the solvation of the ligand, the resulting complex
symmetry is formed. The crystal structures of UO22? and even the solvation of counter ion in solutions.
complexes with DA18C6 have been studied and inclusion The complexation reaction between a metal cation with
complexes are reported in which the linear uranyl moiety is a ligand in solution which is an exchange process can be
included in to the macrocycle with hexagonal–bipyramidal written as:
coordination geometry [27].
ðmetalnþ ÞSx þ ðligandÞSy ¼ ðmetalligandÞnþ Sz
As is obvious from Fig. 3, in three AN–MeOH binary
systems (mole% AN = 15, 35 and 55%), the slope of the þ ðx þ y zÞS
corresponding molar conductivity versus Ligand/Cation in which S is the solvent molecule, x, y and z are the
mole ratio plots changes at the point where the ligand to solvation numbers of metal cation, ligand and the resulting
cation mole ratio is about one which is an evidence for complex, respectively. Therefore, the change of free energy
formation of a 1:1 [M:L] complex between DA18C6 and of the solution, depends on the difference in affinity of
UO22? cation in these solutions, but it is interesting to note ligand and solvent for the metal cation and also the dif-
that in other compositions of this binary mixed solvent ference in affinity of the metal cation and solvent
(mole% AN = 75, 85 and 100%), the slope of each curve molecules for the ligand. In addition, the solvation of the
changes at the point where [L]t/[M]t is about two which is resulting complex is effective in the free energy of com-
an evidence for formation of a 1:2 [M:L2] complex plexation process. Therefore, in addition to solvation of the
between DA18C6 and UO22? cation in these solutions. metal cation, the solvation of the ligand and the resulting
These results reveal that the stoichiometry of the complex complex contribute to the overall free energy of complex
formed between DA18C6 and UO22? cation changes with formation in solutions [31].
the composition of AN–MeOH binary solutions. Similar The changes of stability constant (log Kf) of
results have been obtained for complexation of uranyl (18C6 UO22?) complex versus the solvent composition,
cation with diaza-15-crown-5 in AN–MeOH binary solvent in PC–EtOH, AN–MeOH and NM–MeOH binary mixed
systems [28], and also for complexation of Pb2? cation solvents are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 and the changes of
with aza-18-crown-6 in DMSO–H2O binary solutions [29].
The results obtained in this investigation indicate that the
property and also the composition of the solvent system are
Table 3 Donor number values for some of solvents
affective factors on stoichiometry and stability of the
complexes formed between DA18C6 and UO22? cation in Solvent Donor number (DN)
solutions. Nitrometane 2.7
As is evident from Table 1, the stability order of Acetonitrile 14.1
(DA18C6 UO22?) complex in pure studied solvents is: Propylencarbonate 15.1
H2O [ MeOH [ EtOH. Since the DA18C6 is probably Etylacetate 17.1
strongly solvated in MeOH and EtOH solutions, therefore, Ethanol 19.1
the complex is more stable in water compared to these
Methanol 20.0
alcoholic solutions. The data in Table 2, show that the
Dimetylformamide 26.6
stability order of (18C6 UO22?) complex in pure organic
Water 33.0
solvents is: EtOH [ AN & NM [ PC & MeOH. It is
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