Summative Test in English 7 Q2
Summative Test in English 7 Q2
Summative Test in English 7 Q2
19. It refers to the rate at which a person reads 28. Which is the following is NOT considered as
written text (printed or electronic) in a specific a search engine?
unit of time. A. yahoo C.
A. reading comprehension B. google D. mobile legend
B. skimming
C. reading speed 29. Which of the following is an example of Web
D. scanning address or URL?
A. Internet browser
20. If you want to find the show on TV guide for B.
Friday evening, what reading style will you use? C. Google Chrome
A. skim C. silent D. Facebook
B. scan D. fast
30. Why search engines important?
21. Which one is NOT one of the ways to give A. It is free to copy information you find
feedback when listening? and include in your report.
A. ask questions B. Provides information only to people
B. give advice around the world.
C. repeat the information C. Make easier for us to find information
D. reflect to the speaker’s rather than lining to it yourself.
D. All of the above.
22. It refers to the ability to accurately receive
and interpret messages in the 31. What is URL?
communication process. A. a type of information
A. hearing C. paying attention B. a type of program
B. active listening D. listening C. address of the document or “page” on
the World Wide Web
D. provide access to the newspaper and
32. It is a website through which users can search 40. Why is information important in our daily
internet content. lives?
A. search engine C. technology A. It enables us to be aware and updated to
B. machine D. website things around us.
B. It makes us the most powerful person.
33. What do you use when you want to find answers C. It gives us source of income.
to your questions using World Wide Web or the D. It helps us to excel academically.
A. web C. machine 41. It is a collection of articles about current
B. Ask. Com D. technology events usually published daily with information
of international, national and local events
34. What is the first step in researching information A. Magazine C. Internet
using the search engine? B. Newspaper D. Journal
A. Double-check your information.
B. Combine keywords to focus your search. 42. This is type of informational sources used
C. Bookmark reliable sites. when looking for reliable and accurate
D. Figure out what you need to know. information, which has gone through the
process of publication.
For items 35-37, identify the part of a search engine. A. Data base C. Books
B. Library Catalog D. Encyclopedia
43. It allows us to access most types of
information on the internet through a browser.
A. Books C. Newspaper
B. Journals D. Internet
Prepared by:
Ms. Nelissa Pear S. Coloma
English Teacher