SFH Previous Year Question Paper

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Question Paper V'ersion :


First/Second Semester B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examination, De2023/Jan.2024

Scientific Foundation of Health
Time: Ihr.] . Marks: 5)


1. Answer all the fifty questions, each questionarries nark/
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writingdarkening the circles.
For each question, after selecting your zhmswer, darkeh the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question nupber on the MRsheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same queson makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whitenes on he OMR sheets are strictly
1. Being inactive form of life style is cale a
va Sedentary life style b Sprited life sty le
c) Busy life style G Lively
Aperson who is abie to serve himsel his hation and his community is called as?
a) Gangster b) Sick, Tlcalthy d) Saddest
3. Balance in exercise, ba<ance nutritiond adequate rest is referred as
a) Social health KPhy health, c) Emotional healt h d) Intecrual heath
4. Individual who o not think he get flue are less likely to get a vearly ilue shor is
an example of
a) Negative belicf b) Uncertainty prHealthy belief d) None of the abve
5. Emotional health brings anability in individual to
a) React to the siaion 1by Respond to the situation
c) Withdraw from the siuatioD d) None of the abve
6. A person has Ability to hounce back after difficult experiences and adapt to adi ersity is
called as heatt
Mer Mealth TFinancial health c) Social health d Physcal health
7. The pin whiçh influences psychological health is
a Posive D b) Gloomy outlook c) Dim view d) Allthe ahve
8. Ons who shfler from mental il!ness always see himself as
a) Happyand Active b) Gloomv & PessimIst
c) Unhappy and Worried Both (b) & (c)
9. Spiritual wellness involves
a) Developing compassion, car1ng and forgiving
b) Peace of mind, happiness and mercy tull
c) Hunn yalues, honesty and sel' realizaton BY AIlthe above
V'er - A-I of 4

10. Lack of physicalhealth for konger time affects
a) Productivity and performance of Individual
b) Financial health of individual
c) Mental health of individual d) Althe above
11. Anincreased intake of energydense foods that are high in fat and sugar leads to
a) Cancer b) Obesity and ovepaeght
c) Brain hemorrhage d) Visual disability
12. Mindfulness of eating mecans
a) Chewing food b) Enjoying
c) Creating positive vibration to food d) Both(b)(c)
13. What should be the proper proportion of fats in ey mea
a) Equal to carbohydrates, vitamins and minerzs
b) Greater than carbohydrates, vitamins and unera
c) Less than carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals d) Vone of the above
14. Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Binggeaters are be ongs to
a) Eating disorders b Breathing disorders
c) Sleeping disorders d) Alda above
15. The fundamental cause of obesity and grer weght is
a) Balance in calori intake and calori spent)
b) Imbalance in calori intake and çalori spent
c) Calori spent is more thanories sonsmed d) None of the above
16. Excessive intake of nutrients y reates a stress on bodily functon called as
a) Malnutrition b) Over nutrition
c) Modified nutrition d) Moderate nutrition
17. Which of the folloying i NonCommunicable Diseases (NCD's)?
a) Stroke b) Cold c) Cough d) Fever
18. The following is an exarsplk for afuratedfat
a) Pork b Chicken c) Butter d) Cheese

19. Excess of BMI Body Mas hdex) in a person leads to Studen

a) Cancer b) Obesity c) Sugar d) Weight loss
20. Physical fness in an inex of
a) Perfect height &waight ratio b) Perfect body structure
c) Pegfect body coposition d) Allthe above
21. ch of the foiloing is behavioraB addiction?
Cotine b) Alcobol c) Drugs d) Gambling
22. The and to overcome fromn addiction
a) Stop
sng substances b) A powerful and positive mindset
) Poverty d) None of the above
23. Which of the following statement is true:
a) diction leads to physical disorders which in turn leads to mental disorder
b) Addiction which affects only physical health
c) Addiction which affects only mental health d) All the above
Ver -A -2 of4
Amajor efleet and health hazards from substance addiction is
a) Loss of self control b) Injury
c) Cardio vascular disorder d) Fetal damage
25. Addiction not only impairs a range of bodily function but also changes the way a person
thinks is reterred as
a) Physiologicalcomplication b) Psychologig1l comlicat ion
c) Boogical complication d) Nonthe above
26. Is an example for substance addiction.
a) Shopping b) Video games c) ohacco d) Using internet
27. Depression, Anxicty,Loneliness are the effects
a) Substance addiction b) Behaviour addichon
) Both (a) & (b) d) Kone of the abve
28. What s SUD stands in addicton?
a) Subjective unit of distress b) Subsanco unit of distress
c) Substance use disorder Wone ofhe above

29. Thec purpose of' using drugs are

a) lo detOx1fy the body
b) To feel high pleasure, relieyp¿ss problems
c) To boost physical health Al the above

30. Addiction not only damages physIca ental health but also affects
a) Relationships & Financial 5) Only friend circle
c) Only cconomic status d) None of the above

31. Agood listener is thene w b) More talkative

a) Non judgmental
c) Make uncomfortable d) Create stress

32. The value of gÍdrelationship denends on

a) Selfcare b) Mutual respect
c) Mutual money exchange d) None of the above

33. The art of trafsmitthng info mation, ideas and attitudes from one person to another is
reterred as
a) Traditjon Obstruction c) Communication d) None of the above

34. Goaso'omunicatigh are

Sendng and recering of information
Ifom, persuade and to buikd relationships
c) kncode and deloding of information d) All the above
35. One of Nhe step to increase vocal clarity is
a) Slow own the conversatxon b) Fasten the
c) Stop the conversation
d) None of the above
36. Communicatuo is the key to healthy relationships because it
a) Avoid misunderstanding b) Create misunderstanding
c) Brings expectation d) None of the above
Ver -A -3of4
example for
37, "Wng seat t while driving" is an cngincering
a) Unheahhy havor thrvugh social
N Hoathy hehavr through sCal cngineering
c) Sowal respnsibility ) Both (b) & (c)
intlueneople mindsct to both psitive and negative
a) Socal gatherng ) Iravellng c) Media Il thoyabove
39, Dress de ot indv idualis an cvample ot
a) Soken b) Verhal c) Noryerha None ofthe above
40, An unhealthy relat onship causc
a) Lotot' stress b) Tråst in cah other
e) Hamny in cach other d) tthc above,
41. Hw to mantan bter quality otlite in chronic ess?
a) hdnedical adv ice, livng healthy lite style dncgatve mindset.
b) Gnd ndical advice and positive mindsy
c) Gd medical advice and living healthy life syle
d) Ciod nedcal advice, living healthy lifvlyand ositive mindset.
42. The discase which cannot be curcdbait cuÌ, ged is called as 212207n222
a) Acute ilness b) lntectionciseas c)hronic illness d) Allergy
43. The tollowing is an exanple tor chranic disease
a) Diabetes b) Cold o Couglh d) Head ache
44. Following are the measus reqed in nqntaining Quality of life in chronically ill state.
a) Enotional suppon b) Understanding the medication
c) Relable intormation abotdiseases, (s treatment and management
d) All the above Student
45, The tollowing are (hesto vod ransmitted infections
a) Good hygiene bVaceinations c) Temperature d) Both (a)& (b)
46. Vinus, Bacteria, Fungusare mets of' transmission of disease.
a) lntection b) nçr c) Stroke d) Obesity
47. Health comprymisng behayor are commonly Seen in class of people.
a) High Middle c) Low d) None of these
48. Whic o the ollowing health comnunication style nakes use of the
and éonce patients know ledge
a) Docdy- Ceutereeo
eommunication b) Patient - centered communication
Practitner - centered communication d) None of these
49.ealth has nimacy with
a) Behaviour b) Society c) Personality d) Allthe above
s0. What is a sign of toxic
a) Lack ofempathy b)triendshup?
Understanding c) Being supportive d) None of these

Ver A-4 of 4
(M abme dhe du d. 10.
ymindat polz a. 1.
Mental a. 6.
doisi b. 5.
! buiy Heal c. 4.
dealtb.phyieal 3.
M C. 2.
NM a.
Alocated Solution Number
Marks faundalis :Sudye Question
BSFHKISg/58 Co:deSabject ea 9 Tde: Subject
Solution Scheme&
018. -590
Karnataka Belagav,
'uversryTechnological Visvesvaraya
Subject Caode : 3SEHK I58
Questton Solution Marks


mtne M
13. C. d than cabshaydat va.
Eating disnd. .M

15, b. Lmbalane in calti
11. a. stute

19. b. oba
20. d.



23. a. Addietin ad to shyial dutdu (M

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Number Solution Marks

Subject Title Sabject Code :BSCHIS

Question Marks
Soution Allocated

24. a. t
Cemnpietan LM

6. C. Trbace



28. C. Susatone le

. a. Ptainshipt amttal sttus



30. a. Roaip yhanial

namcial stat LM

31. omudgmntal
Mutal epect
Sabject T1de:Sumbieeumdalin healt sabject Code: BSCHSg
Number Solution Marks
33. C. Commenicatn


35. a. sls dswn tt cmus

a. Areid his undustal



d. Rt 6)
38. C. Media

34. C. Nom Vcba


IM Date

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Subject Code : BSLH-ISg
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50.t LM


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