21SFH19, 29 JAN-FEB 2023 Scientific Foundation of Health

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R Schoo


Bange CBCS SGHEME 21SFH19/29

Question Paper Version: A

First/Second Semester B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch./B.Planning Degree
Examination, Jan./Feb. 2023
Scientific Foundation of Health
Time: 1 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50


1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries one mark.

2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing/ darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle

corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.

4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. Good health is
a) Preventing obesity
b) Achieving a balance of physical, spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual and metal
c) Lining with illness
d) None of these

Wellness includes all ofthe following except

a) Spiritual health b) Physical health
cEnvironmental health d) Occupational health

The ability ofjoints to move beyond its nommal range

a) Body mass b) Flexibility c) Balance d) Speed
4. Eye contact is very important in communication.
a) verbal b) indirect c)face to face d) written

5. Communication barriers involves

a) Jumping into the conclusion b) Arguing and debating
c) Fear of offending d) All of these

6. BMI stands for

a) Body mass index ) Body material index
c) Body mass indent d) none of these

of 4
7. Is addiction a disorder
a) Mental b) Physical c) both a and b d) none of these

8. Obesity is caused by an increase in

a) Adiposity b) Epidosity c)Ediposity d) Apidosity
9. What type of diet is recommended for weight maintenance?
a) Low Protein and Low GI b) High Protein and Low GI
c)High Protein and High GI d) Low Protein and High GI

10. Which of the following diseases does obesity increases the risk of developing?
a) Type 2 diabetes b) Kidney disease
c) Cardio Vascular disease d) All of these

11. Which of the following processes are important in explaining obesity?

a) Food environment b) Physical activity
c) Individual psycholoy d) All of these

12. Any substance that is known to cause canceris called a

a) Carcinogen b) Nicolyte c) Pathoge d) Retrovirus

13. Which type of tumor is being described : slow growing not dangerous does not spread.
a) Malignant b) Benign c) both a and b d) none of these

14. Tobacco addiction occurs due to

a) Caffeine b) Nicotine c) Cocaine d) Histamine
15. Addiction to smoking is hamful because it produces polycyclic,hydrocarbons which
a) Retardation of foetal growth b) Reduction in oxygén transport
c) Cancer d) Increase blood pressure level

16. Alcohol addiction is harmful because it causes:

a) Deposition of protein in liver b) Deposition of fat in liver
c)Rise in blood sugar level d) Cancer growth

17. What are the reasons for taking drugs?

a) To feel good b) To do better )To fecl better d) All of these

18. What type ofsteps can be taken to avoid addiction?

a) Adding higher tax on sweetened beverages
b) Benefits for organic fruits
c) Availability of healthy food
d) All of the above

19. Types of addictive behaviour

a) Alcoholism b) Drugs-opium
c)Videogaming d) All of these

20. What are protective factors for addictions?

a) Positive relationship b) Drug experimentation
c) Community poverty d) All of these
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21. A stroke occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the
a) Heart b) Lungs c) Brain d) Kidney
22. What type of diseases are typically of long duration and slow progression?
a) Acute b) Chronic c) Infectious d) Contagious
23. These people are at risk ofstroke
a) High blood pressure b) Diabetes
c) High cholesterol d) All of these are at risk for stroke

24. What are ways to educate the world and help reverse chronic disease?
a) Increase physical activity
b) Consume proper diet
c) No smoking and limit alcohol consumption
d) All of the above

25. Covid-19 is caused by ?

a) SARS COV-2 b) SARS COv c) Rhino virus d) Corona virus

26. Stress management training is based on theory of stress.

a) Cognitive b) Behavioral
c) Psychodynamic d) Cognitive behavioral

27. Mental health is a state of development of one's

a) Personality b) Emotional attitude
c)both a and b d) Intellect

28. Overweight in BMI is

a)> 30 b)>25 c)25 d)<30
29. Mindfulness can be an effective tool for reducing
a) Wandering thoughts b) Concentration
c) Positive memories d) Unnecessary conversation

30. Mindfulness helps us focus on

a) The past b) The Present c)The Future d) None of these

31. The state of being free from illness or injury means

a) Health b) Happiness oFitness d) Disease

32. Main determinants ofhealth status ofa person

a) Education b) Income and social status
c) Physical Environment d) All of these

33. AYUSH stands for

a) Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
b) All youth and usual status health status
c) Accredited youth and usual special health care
d) All of these

34. Which of these is not an clement of the Health Belicf Model?

a) Threat b) Expectations
c) Cure d) Socio-demographic factors
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35. Fricndship is
a) Dyadic b) Egalitarian c) both a and b d) none of these

36. Eating disorders are

a) Bulimia Nervosa b) Binge eating disorder
c) Anorexia Nervosa d) All ofthese

37. What is HIA?

a) Health impact assessment b) Health impact assignment
c) Health index assessment d) Health index assignment

38. Guava, Lemon, Orange and Tomato are rich in

a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d)VitaminE
39. Cleanliness, physical exercise, rest and sleep are a part of
a) Hygeine b) social Hygiene c) Personal Hygiene d) None of these

40. The main cause ofcontagious disease is

a) Contaminated air b) Contaminated fobod
c)Poorhygicnic conditions d All of these
41. Which ofthe following factor is necessary for a healthy person?
a) Vaccination b) Balanced dict c) Personal hygiene d) All of these

42. An apple a day

a) Keeps the doctor away b) Keeps all the trouble away
c) Keep you awake whole day d) None of these

43. As per WHO health is defined as a state of complete

a) Physical well being b) Mental well being
c) Physical, mental and social well being ed) None of these
44. Situations and pressure that cause a stress are known as
a) Stressor b) Pressor c)Tension d) Trauma

45. The World Health Day is celebrated on

a) 1s March b) 7th April c)6th November d) 13th December
46. Which of the following components are major nutrients in our food?
a) Carbohydrates b) Proteins and lipids
c) Vitamins and Minerals d) All of these

47. The media does not play a role on eating disorders in children and adolescents.
a) True b) False

48. Expressions, Postures, Gestures are cxamples of communication.

a) Verbal b) Non-verbal c) Written d) All of these

49. is the complex of mental characteristics that makes each of us unique fiom
other people.
b)Emotional tone c) Personality d) All of these
a) Heredity
50. Which of the following mineral functions by building stong bones and teeth?
a) Calcium b) Protein c) Carbohydrates d) Fats
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