DW 1000pt

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Daemons of War Starter - 1000 • 1000pts Wormhole Daemons of War 3.3.

Harbinger of War [1] - 205pts Blood Warriors [10] - 225pts

Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Tough 6 Quality 4+ Defense 4+

Daemon, Fear(1), Furious, Hero, Tough(6), Daemon, Furious, 1x Banner

Symbol of War(2)
10x Dual Hand Weapons - A2 1 -
Heavy Flame Axe - A3 1 Rending

Stomp - A2 1 -
2x Beast Riders [3] - 215pts

Heavy Flame Gauntlet - A3 4 - Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Tough 3

Daemon, Fast, Furious, Impact(2), Tough(3), 1x Musician

Champion of War [1] - 140pts
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough 6
3x Heavy Claws - A1 1 -

Daemon, Furious, Hero, Tough(3) 3x Halberds - A1 1 Rending


Axe - A1 1 -

Flame Spear - A1 3 Deadly(3)

Heavy Claw - A1 1 -

Upgrade SPE

Great Beast Tough(+3), Impact(2), Fast, Defense(1)

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits. Hero: Heroes with up to Tough(6) may deploy as part of one multi-model unit
without another Hero. The hero may take morale tests on behalf of the unit, but
Ambush: May be set aside before deployment. At the start of any round after the
first, may be deployed anywhere over 9” away from enemy units. If both players must use the unit’s Defense until all other models have been killed.

have Ambush, roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate deploying units. Impact: Roll X dice when attacking after charging (may not be fatigued), for each
Units that deploy via Ambush can’t seize or contest objectives on the round they 2+ the target takes one hit.
deploy. Musician: This model and its unit move by +1” when taking move actions.
Banner: This model and its unit get +1 to morale test rolls. Regeneration: When taking a wound, roll one die. On a 5+ it is ignored.
Daemon: This model may be deployed as if it had the Ambush or the Scout rule Rending: Ignores Regeneration, and unmodified results of 6 to hit get AP(4).
(pick one).
Scout: May be set aside before deployment. After all other units finish, must be
Dead: Remove the hero from your army sheet. deployed and may move by up to 12”, ignoring terrain. If both players have Scout,
Deadly: Assign each wound to one model, and multiply it by X. Hits from Deadly roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate deploying units.
must be resolved first, and these wounds don’t carry over to other models if the
Symbol of War: Once per game, when this model activates, before attacking, roll X
original target is killed. dice. For each 2+ one enemy unit within 12” takes 3 hits with AP(1).
Defense: Gets +X to Defense rolls. Tough: This model must take X wounds before being killed. If a model with tough
Fast: Moves +2” when using Advance, and +4” when using Rush/Charge. joins a unit without it, then it is removed last when the unit takes wounds. Note
Fear: Counts as having dealt +X wounds when checking who won melee. that you must continue to put wounds on the tough model with most wounds in
the unit until it is killed, before starting to put them on the next tough model
Furious: When charging, unmodified rolls of 6 to hit in melee deal one extra hit (heroes must be assigned wounds last).
(only the original hit counts as a 6 for special rules).

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