Human OPR Army Forge N

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Iberlanda Human Empire • 250pts

Battle Master [1] - 80pts

Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough 3
Hero - Friendly units within 12” of the hero may use his quality for morale tests, as long as it isn’t
Tough(3) - This model only rolls to see what happens from wounds once it has taken at least X wounds,
and is only Knocked Out on rolls of 5+X or more. When Stunned and hit by shooting or charged, this
model takes 1 wound instead of being Knocked Out, unless it already has X or more wounds.
Inspiring - All friendly units of Infantrymen within 12" count as having Quality 4+.
AP(X) - Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits.


Dual Hand Weapon - A6 1 -

Upgrade SPE

Captain Inspiring

3x Hunter [1] - 15pts

Quality 5+ Defense 5+
Scout - This model may be deployed a!er all other units, and may then move by up to 12”, ignoring
terrain. If both of the players have Scout, they roll-o" to see who deploys first, and then alternate in
placing and moving them.
Stealth - Enemies get -1 to hit rolls when shooting at this unit.


Bow 24" A1 - -

Hand Weapon - A1 - -

Guard Knight [1] - 25pts

Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Fast - Moves +2” when using Advance, and +4” when using Rush/Charge.
Fearless - Gets +1 to morale tests.
Impact(1) - Deals X melee hits when charging (must be in striking range).
AP(X) - Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits.


Great Weapon - A1 2 -
Fanatics [3] - 30pts
Quality 5+ Defense 6+
Fearless - Gets +1 to morale tests.
Furious - Gets +1 attack with a weapon of your choice when charging.
AP(X) - Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits.


3x Sharp Weapons - A1 1 -

Dragon Gryowin [1] - 70pts

Gryph Rider

Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Tough 3

Fast - Moves +2” when using Advance, and +4” when using Rush/Charge.
Fearless - Gets +1 to morale tests.
Impact(3) - Deals X melee hits when charging (must be in striking range).
Tough(3) - This model only rolls to see what happens from wounds once it has taken at least X wounds,
and is only Knocked Out on rolls of 5+X or more. When Stunned and hit by shooting or charged, this
model takes 1 wound instead of being Knocked Out, unless it already has X or more wounds.
AP(X) - Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits.
Rending - Unmodified results of 6 to hit count as having AP(4), and ignore the regeneration rule.


Claw - A2 1 -

Halberd - A1 - Rending
Human Empire
Wild Form (4+): Target 2
friendly units within 12”
get +1 to hit next time they
fight in melee.
Fireball (4+): Target
enemy unit within 6” takes
3 hits with AP(2).
Protection (5+): Target 2
friendly units within 12”
get +1 to defense next time
they take hits.
Leech (5+): Target enemy
unit within 6" takes 1 hit
with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
Magic Wind (6+): Target 2
friendly units within 6” get
+3" next time they
Advance, or +6" next time
they Charge/Rush.
Blood Hex (6+): Target
enemy unit within 6” rolls
as many dice as models in
it, and takes 1 hit for each
2+ rolled.

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