MIL Reviewer 1
MIL Reviewer 1
MIL Reviewer 1
Communication is derived from the Latin word “communis” which means common.
● Source is like the point of reference from where or from whom the message is crafted.
● Message or the heart of the communication process that connects the source to the
● Channel or medium is the tool used to deliver the message from the source to the
Communication Models
Shannon and Weaver Model (1949) - It’s a two-way process that reinforces that the message
needs to be deconstructed if there is a greater noise or disturbance to lessen ambiguity.
● American mathematicians Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver originally conceived the
model in 1948.
● The model was developed to represent the basic elements of communication and
explain how messages can become lost or distorted. Shannon and Weaver believed that
by identifying barriers to communication, you could develop strategies to overcome
● Noise is classified as anything that might distort the message.
Charles Osgood’s model - explains the circular process in which the roles of being a source and
a receiver can be interchanged and done simultaneously with the help of feedback mechanism.
● Charles Osgood's model explains the circular process in which the roles of being a
source and a receiver can be interchanged and done simultaneously with the help of a
feedback mechanism.
● Charles Egerton Osgood popularized the notion that communication was circular rather
than linear, meaning that it required two participants taking turns sending and receiving a
message.It shows why redundancy is an essential part.
● The message is the intended communication, while the receiver is the person for whom
the message is intended.
Schramm's model - emphasizes the shared experiences and understanding between the sender
and the receiver.
● includes a feedback loop and the processes of encoding, decoding, and interpretation.
The success of communication also depends on the fields of experience of the
participants. A field of experience includes past life experiences as well as attitudes and
● Information literacy refers to one’s ability to search, access, consolidate, utilize, and
create relevant information for varying purposes.
● Media Literacy focuses on how a person identifies the roles and functions of media
institutions, how he scrutinizes the content and even various information providers, and
how he makes use of media in a responsible, ethical manner.
● Media and Information Literacy is a set of integrated skills, attitudes, competencies that
empower citizens to communicate and understand information for democratic discourse,
and to evaluate, produce and use all of these resources in an effective, competent and
ethical way.
● Pre- industrial Age ( 1700’s ) - Known as Prehistoric age. ( to record information dates. )
- Cave paintings since 35,000 BC
- Papyrus paper is used in ancient Egypt
- Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia
- Acta Diurma
- Codex
- Dibao
● Industrial Age ( 1700’s - 1930’s ) - This period is described as the product of harnessing
the power of machines. ( Uniform method of recording text )
- Mass production of goods and products
- The most notable invention of this era is the printing press.
- Invention of typewriter and the introduction of motion pictures
- The invention of telegraph and the telephone to communicate across a great
● Information Age ( 1900’s - 2000’s ) - This modern age, characterized the massive
influences of the internet.
- Accessible real time and on demand anywhere across the globe
- Social media and application
- Cloud computing