Logical Fallacies: Week 1

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COM001 Reviewer for ABM Students


Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

• Is a set of competencies that empowers citizens to access, retrieve, understand,

evaluate, use, create, and share information and media content Critically, Ethically, and

What is Critical Thinking?

• Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered
from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as
a guide to belief and action ( Scriven and Paul, 1987)
• Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you're thinking in order to
make your thinking better.

Logical Fallacies

- false arguments

1. Ad Hominem
• Attacking your opponents character or personal traits.

2. Strawman
• Misrepresenting someone's arguments to make it easier to attack.

3. Loaded Question
• Asking a question that has an assumption built into it.

4. Begging the Question

• A circular argument in which the conclusion is included in the premise.

5. Black or White
• Two alternative choices are presented as the only possibilities.

6. Slippery Slope
• Asserting that if we allow A to happen, then Z will consequently happen too, therfore A
should not happen.

7. Burden of Proof
• Need evidence to prove

8. Composition or Division (generalisation)

• Assuming that what's true about one part of something has to be applied to all.

9. Bandwagon
• Appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form
or validation.

10. Appeal to Emotion

• Manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid compelling argument.

What is Media?
• Source of credible information where content is provided through an editorial
process. Any object (physical or not) that serves as a source or channel for information.

What is the Purpose of Media?

• channels of information and knowledge
• serves as means by which the society learns about itself and builds a sense of
• facilitates informed debates between diverse social actors.

Data and Information

• Data refers to facts, figures, and values.
Information, on the other hand, is when these data are processed and translated into
something meaningful or significant.

• The word technology comes from two Greek words, transliterated techne and logos.
Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained.
Logos means word, the expression, thought or saying is expressed.

• Basically, literacy is the ability to read, write, speak, and listen in a way that lets
individuals communicate effectively.

Media Literacy
• ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
create media.

Information Literacy
• ability to recognize when information is needed, as well as locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information.

Technology Literacy
• ability of an individual to use technological tools.
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media

Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)

• The pre-industrial age is an age where media was prevalent where humans in this age
discovered fire, developed paper from plants, used stones and walls for communicating and
conveyed their messages, they left some stones or leaves to their carved to mark that place
as their own.

In this age…
• Cave Paintings
• Papyrus in Egypt
• Clay tablets in Mesopotamia

Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)

• The industrial age on the other hand is the age marked as a low tech form of media and
conveying of information. Under this evolution is the transformation on how technologies
from physical materials made physical objects move.

In this age…
• Printing press for mass production
• Typewriter (1800) Telephone (1876)
• Newspaper- The London Gazette

Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)

• The Electronic Age is an age where people invented transistors that led to the transistor
radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers.

In this age…
• Transistor Radio
• Television (1941)
• Large electronic computers

Information Age (1900s-2000s)

• In this age, the evolution of media paved into a dynamic form of communication. This is
the new media where the Internet and the creation of social networks are invented.

In this age…
• Social Media Platforms
• Smart phones
• Wearable technology
Traditional Media
• Media Experience is Limited
• One-Directional
• Sense receptors used are very specific (i.e. print media – sense of sight, radio – sense
of hearing, TV and film-sight hearing)

New Media
• Media experience is more interactive
• Audiences are more involved and can send feedback simultaneously.
• Integrates all the aspects of old media.

Normative Theories of the Press.

1. Authoritarian
• News under elite class
• under the control of the governing elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats.

2. Soviet Media
• Government controlled
• press freedom in one hand but other hand they controlled the press by raising question.

3. Libertarian
• sees people are more than enough to find and judge good ideas from bad.

4. Social Responsibility
• allows free press without any censorship

Types of Media

1. Print Media
• To be considered print media is one of the oldest forms of mass communication.
However, print media is remarkable for providing information.

Ex. of Print Medias:

• News Paper, Magazines, Books, Brochures, Comics

2. Broadcast Media
• A media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the
transmission medium. Meaning to say it can be transferred through the usage of
wired/wireless communications.

Ex. of Broadcast Media:

• Mobile Phones, Movie/Films, Satellites, Radio, Television

3. Digital or New Media

• This is the type of media where the content is organized and distributed on digital
platforms. The Internet, which is also known as information superhighway, is the main
gateway of accessing and gaining of information.

Ex. of Digital Media:

• Computer, Social Media, Internet (Network) Interconnected

Media Covergence
• A media convergence happens when different (two or more) media sources join
together. It allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices.

Media Convergence usually occurs in Various Platforms Such As:

• Social Network
• Learning Management System
• Product Advertisement
• News Agency
• Multimedia Personality

Literacy Empowerment

Information Literacy
• An individual who is literate in the location, access, evaluation, and use of
• displays a certain sense critical literacy.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) cites
the importance of literacy in the modern world:

• “Literacy is a fundamental human right and the foundation for lifelong learning. It is fully
essential to social and human development in its ability to transform lives. For individuals,
families, and societies alike, it is an instrument of empowerment to improve one’s health,
one’s income, and one’s relationship with the world.” (UNESCO, 2003)”
• Empowerment is very significant in our
appreciation of how literacy provides us with means to access the world of knowledge so we
can lead better lives.

World of Knowledge:
• Books (then), Internet (now)
Information and Internet
• Information literacy is best understood on how we navigate the complex and networked
world of the internet.
• It has been transformed to be the primary source for research, complementing what can
be found in school libraries.


• The internet arose in 1968, but it was in 1989 when a fully developed World Wide Web
(WWW) arose and turned it into the global platform for knowledge-sharing, communication,
and achieving.

Tim Berners Lee bring us the World Wide Web in 1989

• The World Wide Web—usually called the Web for short—is a collection of different
websites you can access through the Internet.
• A website is made up of related text, images, and other resources.

• The Internet is an increasingly important part of everyday life for people around the
• The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

Philippine Internet Timeline:

• 1968 - Internet arosal
• 1989 - WWW
• March 29, 1994 - the free and open Web first opened its doors to Filipinos.
• August 1986 -The first Philippine-based, public-access BBS [bulletin board system] it
ran an open-source BBS software on an IBM XT Clone PC with a 1200bps modem and was
operated by Dan Angeles and Ed Castañeda.
• 1987: The Philippine FidoNet Exchange,a local network for communication between
several BBSes in Metro Manila, was formed.
• 1990: A committee helmed by Arnie del Rosario of the Ateneo Computer Technology
Center was tasked with exploring the possibility of creating an academic network comprised
of universities and government institutions by the National Computer Center under Dr.
William Torres.
• 1991-1993: Emergence of emailgateways and services in the Philippines
• June 1993: With the support of the Department of Science and Technology and the
Industrial Research Foundation, the Philnet project (now PHNET) was born.
• November 1993: An additional P12.5-million grant for the first year's running cost was
awarded by the DOST to buy equipment and lease communication lines
needed to kickstart the second phase of Philnet, now led by Dr. Rudy Villarica.
• March 29, 1994, 1:15 a.m.: Benjie Tan, who was working for ComNet, a company that
supplied Cisco routers to the Philnet project, established the Philippine's first connection to
the Internet at a PLDT network center in Makati City.
Domain Names and its Equivalent

.edu - educational institutions

.com - mostly commercial entities or any profit oriented organization
.org - non-profit organization
.gov - government organisation
.net - internet services provide network


1. Popular Publication
• Included under this category are journalistic articles, features articles, manuals,
flyers, fact sheets, and even blogs by netizens
2. Scholarly Publication
• The language is very technical because it is geared toward the consumption of:
specialists, scholars, and those seeking
research-based information.
3. Trade Publication
• These are also highly specialized materials meant for the players and specialists of a
specific industry.
• combine popular appeal and
• specialized knowledge


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