Monneli Idrosil L Doc Technical Map en 1197

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Water Repellant Acrylic Sealer

Product DescripƟon InstrucƟons for Use

An acrylic water based sealer used on exterior concrete Surface Treatment

surface. It dries to form a non-yellowing clear film
that seals and protect concrete and masonry surfaces All surfaces should be clean, sound and uncontami-
against stains, grease, oil, rust and water while nated. This prepara on should leave an exposed con-
enhancing the natural color of the applied surface. crete, free from dust, loose par cles, deleterious mat-
ter, oil, grease, chemical films and other contaminants.

Uses Pre-ApplicaƟon

Test a small area of the surface (generally 1.0m x 1.0m

IDROSIL L is used as a dustproof sealer and as clear coat
for new and old concrete surfaces. It is used as sealer sec on) before star ng applica on of the sealer to
for the following: ensure desired performance results, aesthe cs &
coverage rate. Allow 5-7 days for the product to fully
 EIFS react.
 Colored and stamped concrete
 Exposed aggregate concrete
 Masonry bricks IDROSIL L is a single component, applied at full strength
 Slates and never diluted.

 Manufactured and natural stones Mix the material thoroughly before & during
applica on. IDROSIL L should be applied with a brush,
Advantages roller or low pressure non-atomizing spray uniformly
onto the surface at a rate of 6-8m / liter.

 Vapor barrier and protec ve sealer For ver cal surfaces, flood the surface by applying from
the bo om up applied to satura on with a controlled
 Can be used as a primer coat for top decora ve, (20cm) material rundown to ensure maximum
architectural finishes penetra on on the surface.
 Enhances the resistance to rain, sun, oil, grease,
industrial chemicals, solvents, de-icing salts and Extremely porous substrate may require two coats.
most cleaning solvents Apply the second coat as soon as the surface of the
first coat has been visibly dry which around 2-4 hours
 Eco-friendly. No VOC at ambient temperature. Cooler temperature or higher
 UV Resistant rela ve humidity may extend drying me.

 Economical Surfaces with salty efflorescence must be cleaned

mechanically or washed with acid cleaner and
 Easy to apply subsequently rinsed with water. Wait for the surface to
dry, before proceeding with the applica on of IDROSIL
All cement supports must be allowed to cure for at least
21 days before being impregnated with the product.
Applicable Standards
Equipment and tools used should be cleaned promptly
with water.
 ASTM C 309, Type 1, Classes A & B

RecommendaƟons  ASTM C 1315, Type 1, Class A

 Water based coa ngs dry by evapora on of water  ASTM D2697

from the film. It is necessary to protect the newly  ASTM D 70
applied material during this me form the rain,
freezing condi ons, high temperature, high rela ve
humidity and physical damage.
 Do not apply if rain, dew or water exposure is
expected with 24 hours of applica on. Avoid 6-8m²/ liter depending on the porosity of the substrate
applica on in direct sunlight and during high winds.
 Not recommended for dense surfaces such as les
or granite. Packaging
 Do not apply in areas where nega ve hydrosta c
pressure is possible. IDROSIL L is packed in 20 liters and 210 liters drums.

 Apply in thin coats only.

Technical Data Keep in original well closed drum, in dry and sheltered
place, at the temperature between +5°C and +30°C.
Shelf life is 12 months from date of
ProperƟes Results manufacturing when stored properly.

Appearance White emulsion which

forms a clear film when Health & Safety
Density at 25°C 1.02 kg/L Direct contact with the product may result in irrita on
of the skin and eyes. Product vapors may also cause
Volume solids Approx. 25%
irrita on.
Touch dry 20-30 minutes
Wear gloves and masks during applica on. Remove any
Drying me at 25°C 4-8 hours contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with
soap and water. Remove igni on sources prior to use.
pH at 25°C 8.0 - 9.0
Film thickness 25-30 micron In case of accidental eye contact, wash with plenty
amount of water and seek immediate medical
Service temperature from -5°C to +70°C a en on.

Resistance to water
Very good
penetra on

All values are subject to 5-10 % tolerance

The informa on in this Technical Data Sheet is based on Colmef Monneli’s experience. Colmef Monneli does not accept any liability arising from the use of its products as it
has no direct or con nuous control over where or how its products are applied. All Colmef Monneli’s Data Sheets are updated on regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to
obtain the latest version.

Technical Data Sheet
EdiƟon: January 2020
Revision: 02

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