Basic Immunology Revision Points
Basic Immunology Revision Points
Basic Immunology Revision Points
Th1 development/function:
o Entry of microbes will stimulate DC to produce IL-12, NK cells to produce
IFN γ, Viral infected cells to produce type 1 IFN
o These produced cytokines “IL-12, IFN γ, and Type 1 IFN” will act on
activated TCL, through transcription factors “STAT1, STAT4, and T-bet”
to produce Th1
o Th1 then starts producing IFN γ which act on macrophage enhancing its
bactericidal effect “Classical activation M1” leading to:
Production of ROS, iNOS, and lysosomal enzymes leading to killing
of the microbe
Production of TNF, IL-1: for leucocyte recruitment
Production of IL-12 leading to Th1 differentiation and more IFN γ
Increase expression of costimulatory leading to more TCL
Th2 development/function:
o When mast cells or eosinophils or even CD4 encounter Helminth they
produce IL-4 which will act on the activated TCL through transcription
factors GATA3, STAT6 and results in development of Th2
o Th2 then release its signature cytokines:
IL-4: class switching to IgE which will coat mast cells
IL-5: stimulate eosinophils
IL-4+IL-13: peristalsis, alternative macrophage activation “M2”
this will stimulate macrophage to secrete IL-10 and TGF-β >>>
Tissue repair + Fibrosis
Th17 development/function:
o Extracellular bacteria and fungi will stimulate DC to secrete IL-1, IL-6, IL-
23, TGF-β
o These cytokines will act on activated TCL through transcription factors
RORγt and STAT3 to develop TH17
o Th17 then starts to secrete:
IL-22: which help maintaining integrity of epithelium
IL-17: stimulate production of TNF, IL-1, IL-6, CSFs (leucocyte
recruitment and inflammation) and definsins (local antimicrobial)
o TGF-B is powerful inhibitor of immune response, but when it presents
with IL-1 or IL-6 it promotes the development of Th17
CTL mechanism of killing:
o Perforin: disruptsb integrity of target cell plasma membrane, facilitating
entry of Granenzyme
o Granenzyme B: it cleaves Caspase which is found on the target cell
cytosol, inducing its death
o Fas ligand on CTL binds death receptor called Fas(CD95) on target cell
inducing its apoptosis
Mechanism of pathogen resisting cell-mediated immunity:
o CMV: Inhibit proteasome activity, and removes newly synthesized MHC I
molecule from ER
o HSV: Interfere with TAP transporter
o EBV: Inhibit proteasome activity, and increase production of IL-10 which
inhibits macrophage activation
o Pox virus: produce soluble cytokine receptor which neutralizes cytokines
o Intracellular bacteria: inhibit phagolysosomal fusion, and create pores in
o HIV: directly kills CD4 cells
o Some viruses: increase expression of PD-1 receptor “TCL exhaustion:
initial immune response then prematurely terminated”
Naïve BCL express IgM, and IgD Antibodies, repeated exposure increases the
T-dependent (Follicular BCL) BCL activation has advantage of increase affinity
and increase class switching compared to T-independent (marginal zone +B1
1ry response takes 5-10 days, where 2ry response takes only 1-3 days
Innate immune system activates BCL through different ways :
o Complement system: C3D bind to (CR2, CD21 on BCL) and activate BCL
o TLR on BCL recognizes microbes and activate BCL
Although BCL receptors (IgM, IgD, for naïve BCL) recognize Ag, they themselves
cannot transduce signals as they have short cytoplasmic tails. BCL receptors
are attached to two proteins Igα and Igβ to form BCR complex. Each protein is
attached to ITAM” Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Activation Motif”
Migration of TCL, and BCL:
o Activated CD4 express more CXCR5 and less CCR7>>migrate out of T-
o Activated BCL express more CCR7 and less CXCR5>>migrate out of
o CD4+BCL meet in the parafollicular area
BCL can activate previously differentiated TCL but not naïve TCL
Hapten is a small chemical recognized by BCL, it stimulates Antibody
production only if it is attached to a protein carrier (Conjugated
T-B interaction at the edge of the follicle results in production of low level of
AB, with low affinity. Plasma cell generated in these extra-follicular foci are
short lived
CD4 which express high CXCR5 and enter B-rich follicle are called follicular
helper TCL (Tfh)
Generation and function of Tfh depends on receptor of the CD28 family (called
ICOS) which bind BCL and other cells. Tfh may secrete cytokines signature of
Th1, Th2, Th17
Germinal Center consist of:
o Dark Zone: is the area of follicle where BCL undergo proliferation,
somatic mutation, affinity maturation, and isotype switching
o Light zone: is the area of the follicle where selection of high affinity AB
occurs. In addition to production of memory cells and long-lived plasma
IgG is able to bind to (FcRn) on endothelium of placenta, and phagocyte. This
prevents its degradation, and mediates its transportation to fetus.
Tfh secrete IL-10 which promotes production of IgG which functions to
neutralize microbes/toxins, opsonize microbes, ADCC, complement activation,
neonatal immunity, and in feedback inhibition.
BCL produces heavy chain determined by “C” region of Ab, while maintaining
the same specificity b/c “VDJ” sequence didn’t change
Activation Induced Deaminase “AID” is important for class switching (converts
cytosine to uracil) and somatic mutation
Isotype switching is also affected by the site of immune response
Affinity maturation occurs by mutation in V region of antigen binding site
Somatic hypermutation: mutation of Ig’s in germinal center
In germinal center BCL will undergo apoptosis unless rescued by Ag
recognition and TCL help.
Ag/Ab complexes activate complement system, these complexes are displayed
by FDC which reside in light zone. Therefore, BCL has two choices to ensure its
survival: they either bind free Ag, or bind complexes displayed by FDC.
(explained in. P165)
Ab response to T-independent antigens:
o Cross linking of multiple epitope of the Ag to multiple Ag receptor on
specific BCL eliciting strong BCL response
o Complement system activation through TLR
o Marginal zone BCL in spleen, and B1 cells in peritoneum make up
important T-independent Ab response to Ag.
FCRγIIB “contain ITIM”: is an inhibitory receptor involved in Ab feedback
Activated BCL:
o Plasmablast “Blood” + Plasma cells “BM”
o Memory cell “product of T-dependent”: long-lived, either circulate or
reside in tissues
o Memory cell “product of T-independent”: short lived
o P.166
Ig consist of:
o Fab: Ag binding site
o FC: effector function through receptors called Fc receptors on
macrophages, Complement, and other cells
The long half-life of IgG is due to its ability to bind FcRn in endosome of
phagocyte, endothelium, and placenta
When microbe binds an Ig, the Fc portion will bind FcγRI (CD64) on
phagocyte>>activation of phagocytic activity
Ab mediated phagocytosis is the major mechanism of defense against
encapsulated organisms “Pneumococci”
IVIG can be useful in some inflammatory b/c because of its effect through
FcγRIIB “inhibitory receptor”
Fc Receptors:
o FcγRI: High affinity, on macrophages + neutrophils + eosinophils,
phagocyte activation
o FcγRIIA: Low affinity, on macrophages + neutrophils + eosinophils + Plt,
weak phagocyte activation
o FcγRIIB: Low affinity, on BCL + DC + mast cells + macrophages +
neutrophils, feedback inhibition of BCL
o FcεRI: High affinity, on mast cells + basophils + eosinophils,
degranulation of mast/basophils
Complement system:
o Lectin + Alternative >> Innate immune system
o Classical>> Ab
o P.178
Membrane Attack Complex “MAC”: C6-C9: forms pores in cell membrane of
the microbe through which water and ions enter causing death of microbes
Function of Complement system:
o Opsonization: C3d act on CR1 on phagocytes
o Cell Lysis: Through MAC “but only for microbes with thin membrane like
o Inflammation: C3a, C5a, are chemotactic for WBC and stimulate release
of mediators
o Enhance humeral immunity:
C3d act on CR2 on BCL to enhance response
Ag-Ab-Complement complex will be displayed by FDC to BCL to
produce high affinity Ab
Regulation of complement system:
o C1 inhibitor (C1 INH) inhibits C1r, C1s protease activity, thereby
prevents formation of C2a, C4b from C1. “Stops complement system
early at stage of C1 activation”
o Decay Accelerating Factor “DAF”: inhibits C3b binding to Bb. Also, it
inhibits C2a+C4b binding. The result is inhibition of C3 convertase
terminating classical and alternative complement activation. DAF
defect associated with PNH disease.
o Factor I and its cofactors “Factor H + MCP” cleave C3b into inactive form
o Factor H mutation is associated with atypical HUS and age-related
macular degeneration
The propensity of BCL in mucosal tissues to produce IgA, could be due to
cytokines which induce switching to this isotype including TGF-β which is
produced in high levels in MALT
BCL in lamina propria of the intestine/respiratory tract, secrete IgA attached to
poly Ig Fc receptor, this complex will be endocytosed and secreted to lumen
while attached to the same receptor (to prevent its degradation) >>> the
concept of oral polio vaccine.
Neonatal immunity is mediated by IgG FcRn in the placenta, and IgA in breast
Central tolerance takes place in BM, Thymus, Generative lymphoid organs
Peripheral tolerance takes place in peripheral lymph nodes
Central tolerance mechanisms include: Apoptosis, BCL Receptor editing, and T-
reg development
Peripheral tolerance mechanisms include: Apoptosis, Anergy, and Suppression
Central tolerance: lymphocytes that strongly recognize self Ag either undergo -
ve selection “Apoptosis” or develop into regulatory TCL
AIRE “Autoimmune Regulator”: responsible of thymic expression of peripheral
self Ag. Defects in AIRE results in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome
In resting state, APC continuously presenting self Ag to TCL but with little or no
Anergy: Functional Unresponsiveness this occur as a result of:
o TCL recognize self Ag without costimulatory>>TCL loose it ability to
transmit activating signals, this could be due to activation of ubiquitin
ligase enzyme which modifies signaling proteins targeting them for
intracellular destruction
o Engagement of inhibitory receptor part of CD28 family (PD-1, CTLA-4)
upon recognizing self Ag
o Expressed transiently on activated CD4 and continuously on T-reg.
o Works by blocking and removing B7 from APC
o During rest state high affinity CTLA-4 binds to B7 costimulator (as B7 is
low in this state)
o During infection low affinity CD28 activating receptor binds B7
costimulator (as B7 level is high during infection)
PD-1 expressed on activated CD4, CD8. It has ITIM
o Majority are developed in thymus
o Mostly are CD4
o Express CD25 “α chain of IL-2 receptor” + FOXP3 “important for T-reg
development/function”. Mutation in FOXP3 >> IPEX
o Survival and function of T-reg, depends on:
IL-2, which is also important for proliferation of TCL
TGF-β, as it stimulates expression of FOXP3
o Function of T-reg:
Secrete cytokines “TGF-β + IL-10” which inhibit lymphocyte, DC,
and macrophages
Express CTLA-4
Consume IL-2 (so less is available for development of other TCL,
which leads to less inflammation)
o Upon recognizing self Ag>>production of pro-apoptotic proteins>>cause
proteins to leak out of mitochondria and activate cytosolic enzyme
“caspase” which induces apoptosis
o Fas (CD95) on many cells will bind to Fas ligand on activated TCL>>
activation of caspase.
o Mutation of Caspase 8, 10 which are downstream of fas activation>>
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
Goal of immunotherapy: shift immune response away from Th2, and IgE. This
can be achieved either by inducing tolerance in allergen-specific TCL, or by
stimulating T-reg
Mechanism of injury in type II, III allergic reaction
o Inflammation “recruitment”
o Opsonization
o Abnormal cellular response (activating/inhibitory) Ab
Diseases caused Ag/Ab complex (Type II):
o Deposition of Ag/Ab complex occurs in malaria, and hepatitis
o Ab against Srep. Ag is deposited in heart (Rheumatic fever) and kidneys
Diseases caused by immune complex (Type III):
o Localized: Arthus reaction
o Systemic: SLE, and serum sickness
Therapy for Ab mediated diseases (Type II, III):
o Limit inflammation and it injurious consequences with drugs such as
o Plasmapheresis is used to reduce level of circulating Ab, or immune
o IVIG might be helpful, postulated mechanisms of action include:
By inducing expression of inhibitory Fc receptor “FcγRIIB” on
myeloid cells and BCL
Compete against pathogenic Ab to FcnR >> decrease half-life of
Ab pathogen
P. 243, 242
Epitope spreading: initial immune response against one or a few self Ag may
expand to include responses against many more self Ag
o LAD:
Mutations in gene encoding Integrins
o C3 deficiency results in severe infections, where C2, C4 deficiency results
in increase bacteria/viral infection and SLE as well.
o Chediak-Higashi syndrome:
Leucocyte lysosomal granules do not function
Affects phagocyte and NK cells
Increase susceptibility to infection
o Mutation in MyD88 (adaptor protein in TLR)>> risk of pneumococcal
o Mutation in TLR3>>>recurrent herpes encephalitis
o Defect in protein needed for various adaptors
o X-linked
o Characterized by small platelets, small leucocyte, eczema, and
Ataxia Telangiectasia:
o Mutation in gene involved in DNA repair
o Defected DNA repair
o characterized by Ataxia, vascular malformation “telangiectasia” and
Gene therapy was successful in X-linked SCID. However, it increased the risk of
o Consists of two RNA strands
o Binds CD4 and chemokine receptors (CXCR4, CCR5) by its glycoprotein
gp120 (fusion membrane by membrane) >> virus enter host cytoplasm
o Under the action of viral protease >> viral uncoating> RNA release
o Through action of viral reverse transcriptase viral DNA copy of viral RNA
is produced
o Viral DNA integrates into host DNA through action of integrase
o The integrated viral DNA is called provirus
o When infection occurs> host cell produces more copies of Viral RNA
Patients with mutation in CCR5 remain disease free for years, because HIV
cannot enter CD4 cells
Major source on infection in HIV patient is infected CD4, macrophages, and DC
Cancer associated with HIV: EBV>>>Lymphoma, Herpes>> Kaposi
HIV decreases expression of class I MHC
Presence of HLA-B57, HLA-B27 seems to be protective, perhaps because these
HLA molecules are particularly efficient at presenting HIV peptides to CD8
Elite controllers, or long term non-progressors, are HIV patients who control
infection without therapy