3. lymphocyte tis- Lymph nodes > spleen > bone marrow = intestines >
sue distribution lungs > skin > blood = liver
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pattern recog- Recognize highly conserved, repetitive structures
nition receptors Recognize essential microbial products --> micros cannot
(PRRs) mutate to evade innate immunity
Located in distinct cellular compartments (cytosol, extra-
cellular, endosome)
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21. mast cells Bone-marrow derived cells found in skin and mucosal
Activated by PAMPs, DAMPs
Contain amines that cause vasodilation and increased
capillary permeability
Proteolytic enzymes that can kill bacteria or inactive mi-
crobial toxins
Lipid mediates (prostaglandins) and cytokines (TNF) -->
Bind to IgE antibody to produce allergic reactions
25. collectins
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Stick to microorganisms and makes them better targets
Part of acute phase response
Mannose binding lectin, surfactant, C-reactive protein,
29. firm adhesion Leukocytes express integrins which are present in low
affinity state on inactive cells
Site of infection --> macrophages and endothelial cells
produce chemokines which bind to proteoglycans on en-
dothelial surface
Chemokines stimulate rapid increase in affinity of inte-
grins for ligand on endothelium
TNF, IL-1 act on endothelium to stimulate expression of
ligand for integrins
Binding of integrins to ligands - arrest rolling leukocytes -
cytoskeleton formation change
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Inability to make pus
Umbilical cord does not separate
38. MHC II
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Two transmembrane proteins - alpha, beta chains
No B2 microglobulin
Expressed only on APCs - restricted pattern of expres-
sion, allows for control of immune system
Binds to longer peptides (10-30 AA)
Antigen presentation to helper T cells (CD4+)
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cross presenta- Capture of antigen by a professional APC and delivery to
tion the MHC I pathway
Important when pathogens fail to directly infect APCs
Take material cells have phagocytosed and shuttle some
into cytoplasmic pathway out of endoplasmic pathway
Active both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells
50. B cell receptors Membrane bound antibody composed of heavy and light
Each chain contains one constant and one variable region
Recognize various chemical structures of microbes, tox-
Recognize linear and conformational epitopes
Exist in membrane bound and secreted forms
Signaling proteins: Ig-alpha, Ig-beta
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55. heavy chains Five types - IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE, IgA
Vary in constant (C) regions
Each isotype has distinct physical and biologic properties
and effector functions
Naive B cells - IgM, IgD
After stimulation - IgA, IgE, IgG
Variable (V) regions do not change
61. positive selec- Immature T cells are selected to survive only if they rec-
tion ognized MHC molecules in thymus
Weak or moderate binding of self antigens to TCR or BCR
Based on expression of complete antigen receptors, not
recognition specificity of cells
Low avidity
In thymic cortex
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CD4 - some remain in lymph node to provide signals to B
cells to promote antibody responses
70. adjuvants Substances that activate APCs when antigen alon fails to
elicit T cell-dependent immune responses
Induce expression of APC costimulators and T cell acti-
vation through cytokine secretion
Often products of microbes/mimic microbes
Bind to PRRs (toll-like, NOD-like)
Trick immune system into responding to purified protein
74. T cell respons- 1. Secretion of cytokines - ex. IL-2 (proliferation and sur-
es to antigen and vival of T cells)
costimulation 2. Clonal expansion
3. Differentiation of naive T cells into effector cells
4. Development of memory T cells
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hereditary an- Deficiency of C1 esterase inhibitor
gioedema Decreased C4
Normal C3 level
Abdominal pain, limb and facial swelling
Responds to C1 esterase inhibitors
No underlying disease, urticaria
Does not respond to epinephrine
Usually a family history
Age of onset: 6-20 years
84. contact system Factor 12 --> Factor 12a --> (pre-kallikrein - kallekrein) -->
(HMW kininogen - bradykinin) --> bradykinin B2 reeptors
--> cGMP --> vasodilation --> edema
Loss of tight junction
Increased actin in cells
Inhibited by C1-INH
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87. secondary/ac- Malnutrition
quired Disseminated cancer
immunodeficien- Treatment with immunosuppressive drugs
cy Infection of cells of immune system (notably HIV)
100. X linked SCID Mutations in the gene encoding the common gamma
chain: shared by receptors for cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-7,
IL-9 and IL-15
Impaired maturation of T and NK cells
B cell number normal but humoral immunodeficiency
Heterozygous females: phenotypically normal
103. Selective IgA De- Most common primary immunodeficiency in North Amer-
ficiency ica and Europe
Usually sporadic
Asymptomatic patients
May have increased incidence of respiratory and gas-
trointestinal infections
Anaphylaxis to IgA-containing products
Associated autoimmune disorders
104. Common Vari- Very low serum IgG levels, decreased IgM and/or IgA
able Immunode- Poor antibody response to vaccines
ficiency (CVID) Increased incidence of malignant tumors (lymphomas)
and autoimmune diseases
Increased incidence of infections (typically H. influenzae
and S. pneumoniae)
Most cases are sporadic
Decreased plasma cells
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106. Wiskott-Aldrich X-linked
Syndrome Mutation in WASp gene - involved in actin polymerization,
cytoskeletal rearrangement
No recognition of cytoskeleton by leukocytes and
platelets = defective antigen presentation
Eczema, thrombocytopenia, susceptibly to bacterial in-
Increased IgE, IgA
Decreased to normal IgG, IgM
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110. HIV structure Diploid RNA genome
pol - reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase
gp41, gp120 - envelope proteins
Reverse transcriptase synthesizes dsDNA from RNA to
be integrated into host genome
Interacts with T cell through chemokine receptors
B17, B24 - proteins that are used in diagnosis
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Virus survives in CD4+ cells and kills them to spread to
other cells
115. AIDS Blood CD4+ T cell count drops **below 200 cells/mm3
Opportunistic infections
Cachexia (HIV wasting syndrome)
Kidney failure
CNS degeneration (AIDS encephalopathy)
116. HIV infections Once CD4+ T cell count drops below 200
Protozoa (Toxoplasma , Cryptosporidium)
Bacteria (Mycobacterium avium , Nocardia , Salmonella)
Fungi (Candida , Cryptococcus neoformans , Coccid-
ioides immitis , Histoplasma capsulatum , Pneumocystis)
Viruses (cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, varicel-
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120. type I hypersen- Mediated by IgE, histamine
sitivity Allergic reactions
Allergen-specific IgE binds to Fce receptors on mast cells
after first exposure
Second exposure: allergens bind to IgE --> cross linkings
--> mast cell degranulation --> pro-inflammatory media-
tors released --> allergic reaction
Mast cells release histamine, leukotrienes,
prostaglandins, cytokines
132. mucosal immuni- Dimorphic IgA binds to poly-Ig receptors --> endocytosed
ty into vesicle --> transported to lumen
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IgA released by protease
No degradation in gut due to residual poly-Ig component
Target bacteria
134. attenuated vac- Treated to abolish infectivity and pathogenicity while re-
cines taining antigenicity
Strong, long-lasting
Risk for immunocompromised
Pathogen isolated --> cultured --> infect monkey cells -->
acquire mutations --> unable to grow in human cells
ex. measles, mumps, varicella
136. inactivated vac- Organisms have been killed and are unable to produce
cines proteins or replicate
Includes toxins
Shorter duration of immunity - requires boosters
ex. influenza, Hep A, DTaP
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acquired an- Caused by underlying disease
gioedema No family history
No urticaria
Age of onset: > 50 years
Does not respond to epinephrine
141. deficient cell me- More susceptible to infection by viruses and intracellular
diated immunity microbes
147. B cell central tol- 1. Receptor editing - create new light chains until no
erance longer specific for self-antigen
2. Deletion - failed receptor editing --> apoptosis
3. Anergy - reduce Ig receptor expression
170. type IVa hyper- Mediated by Th1 cells --> INF-y, TNF-a
sensitivity Antigen presented by APC for direct T cell stimulation
Activate macrophages --> TNF, IL-1, IL-6 released
Local swelling, contact dermatitis
Typically presents after about a week of antibiotic use
Th1 cells arise from CD38 binding to B7 on APC
ex. TB test, nickel allergy
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171. type IVb hyper- Mediated by Th2 cells --> IL-5, IL-4, IL-13
sensitivity Antigens presented on MHC I molecule
Influx of eosinophils --> cytokines, inflammatory media-
Eosinophils cause IgG secretion
ex. chronic asthma, chronic allergic rhinitis, maculopapu-
lar exanthema
172. type IVc hyper- Mediated by cytotoxic T cells --> perforin, granzymes
sensitivity Cell associated antigen or direct T cell stimulation
Directly kill cells through apoptosis
Contact dermatitis, T1DM, exfoliative dermatites
173. type IVd hyper- Neutrophils recruited by CXCL8, GM-CSF from T cells
sensitivity IL-17 released from Th17 cells --> also recruit neutrophils
ex AGEP - acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
(neutrophils enter lesion via GM-CSF secretion)
174. DRESS syn- Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systematic symptoms
drome Type IVb hypersensitivity reaction
Drugs that predispose are highly metabolized
No mast cell involvement
Release of interleukins --> eosinophilia --> release of
mediators --> damage
Symptoms begin within weeks of starting drug
Begins as rash, fever
No mucosal involvement
Common drugs - anticonvulsants, dapsone, sulfon-
amides, allopurinol
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