Automative 12 Final

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ACADEMIC YEAR : 2022/2023











QUESTION; How to perform engine testing



Engine testing refers to the process of evaluating the performance, functionality, and reliability of an engine,
whether it is an internal combustion engine (ICE), jet engine, rocket engine, or any other type of power plant.
Engine testing is conducted to ensure that the engine meets the desired specifications, complies with safety
standards, and operates effectively and efficiently.

Types of engine testing performed and steps to perform

There are several main types of engine testing performed to evaluate the performance, efficiency, and
reliability of engines. under various operating conditions

The following are common types of engine testing:

1. Performance Testing:

Performance testing is conducted to assess the engine's power output, torque, speed, and fuel consumption
Engine performance is an indication of the degree of success of the engine performs its assigned task, i.e.
the conversion of the chemical energy contained in the fuel into the useful mechanical work.

The performance of an engine is evaluated on the basis of the

(a)Specific Fuel Consumption.
(b) Brake Mean Effective Pressure.
(c)Specific Power Output.
(d) Specific Weight.

The basic performance parameters are the following:

(a) Power and Mechanical Efficiency.
(b) Mean Effective Pressure and Torque.
(c) Specific Output.
(d) Volumetric Efficiency.
(e) Fuel-air Ratio.
(f) Specific Fuel Consumption.
(g) Thermal Efficiency and Heat Balance.
(h) Exhaust Smoke and Other Emissions.
(i) Specific Weight.

Power and Mechanical Efficiency

The main purpose of running an engine is to obtain mechanical power.

• Power is defined as the rate of doing work and is equal to the product of force and linear velocity or the
product of torque and angular velocity.
• Thus, the measurement of power involves the measurement of force (or torque) as well as speed. The force
or torque is measured with the help of a dynamometer and the speed by a tachometer.

The power developed by an engine and measured at the output shaft is called the
brake power (bp) and is given by,

where, T is torque in N-m and N is the rotational speed in revolutions per minute.
Figure 1 Automotive dynamo stand

The rollers under the wheel’s measures torque and speed, then power calculated using above


The total power developed by combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber is, however, more than the
bp and is called indicated power (ip). Of the power developed by the engine, i.e. ip, some power is
consumed in overcoming the friction between moving parts, some in the process of inducting the air and
removing the products of combustion from the engine combustion. chamber
Indicated Power
It is the power developed in the cylinder and thus, forms the basis of evaluation of combustion efficiency
or the heat release in the cylinder.
indicated power is given by



P = Mean effective pressure, N/m2. L = Length of the stroke, m, A = Area of the piston,
N = Rotational speed of the engine, rpm (It is N/2 for four stroke engine), and k = Number of cylinders.

Then now we calculate the mechanical efficiency of an engine by

Mechanical efficiency =

under various operating conditions

Performance testing of engine is performed through

a) Measuring parameters such as horsepower, torque, and specific fuel consumption.

b) Performance tests conducted on engine dynamometers, which simulate the engine's load and allow
for controlled testing.

2. Emissions Testing:

Emissions testing is performed to measure the engine's exhaust emissions, including pollutants such as
carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and hydrocarbons (HC).

Equipment used in Emissions Testing of an engine

Exhaust gas analyzer

An Exhaust Gas Analyzer is a device used to measure exhaust gases caused by combustion. Also known as
an emission gas analyzer, it effectively measures different gases present and gives readings about their
content. Some gas analyzers can also identify the sources that can cause a fire if fuel is released
inadvertently. Some other models can even determine engine efficiency.

What Does an Exhaust Gas Analyzer Measure?

Automotive exhaust gas analyzers are multi-gas analyzers and can be used to measure Carbon Monoxide
(CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), HC infrared (NDIR) measurement, Fuel Dependent Hydrocarbons (HC), and
Oxygen (O2). Gas Analyzers use NDIR as well as Chemical Sensors to do the exhaust gas analysis.

What are the uses of gas analyzers?

Automotive Exhaust Gas Analyzers are primarily

a) used to diagnose engine emission problems and thereby maximize engine performance.

b) Gas analyzers deliver reliable and accurate measurements quickly and help with emission compliance.

c) They are used to determine the amount of carbon monoxide and other gases.

d) Both Infrared gas analyzers and chemical gas analyzers are used to find real-time combustion efficiency
using the measurements of gases.

e) Other uses include checking evaporative emission system operation, no-start conditions, exhaust system
leaks, evaporative emission system leaks, fuel odors in the vehicle.
Figure 2: Exhaust gas analyzer

Other equipment used in emission testing of an engine

a) On-Board diagnosis

b) Flow meter

c) Smoke meters

Steps in testing emission of engine

a) Prepare the testing equipment: Obtain a suitable emissions testing system that complies with
regulatory standards. This may include exhaust gas analyzer, exhaust gas sampling probe, and
relevant software.

b) Set up the testing environment: Ensure the engine is in proper working condition. Place the
exhaust gas sampling probe in the exhaust system at an appropriate location.

c) Warm up the engine: Start the engine and allow it to reach operating temperature. This ensures
accurate emission readings and stable engine performance.

d) Conduct the emission test: Connect the emissions testing system to the sampling probe and
initiate the test. The system will measure various pollutants emitted by the engine, such as carbon
monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrocarbons (HC).
e) Monitor and record emissions: During the test, monitor the emissions levels displayed on the
testing system. Record the readings at regular intervals or as specified by the testing protocol.

f) Analyze the results: Once the test is complete, analyze the recorded emissions data. Compare the
readings with regulatory standards or manufacturer specifications to determine compliance.

g) Address any issues: If the emissions exceed the acceptable limits, investigate the potential causes.
This may involve inspecting the engine components, adjusting fuel-air mixture, or performing
maintenance to rectify the problem.

3. Durability Testing:

Durability testing evaluates the engine's reliability and longevity under prolonged and extreme
operating conditions. This testing is performed to simulate the engine's life cycle, including start-up,
idle, acceleration, deceleration, and high-load operations. It helps identify potential weaknesses, fatigue,
and wear issues that may arise during extended usage.

How to perform durability test of engine?

To test the durability of an engine, subject it to various conditions and monitor its performance over an
extended period.

This involves the following

a) Designing a testing protocol,

b) Mounting the engine onto a dynamometer or test cell,

c) Running the engine under specified parameters,

d) Monitoring and recording data,

e) Inspecting the engine for wear or damage, and

f) Evaluating its performance and reliability based on the collected data.

4. Cold-Start Testing:
Cold-start testing is conducted to assess the engine's performance during cold weather conditions. This
testing is crucial to ensure the engine's functionality in low-temperature environments.

Steps in cold start testing of engine

a. Preparation: Ensure you have the necessary equipment and safety measures in place. This may include
a dynamometer, temperature monitoring devices, engine diagnostic tools, and personal protective

b. Define test parameters: Determine the specific conditions under which you want to conduct the cold
start test. This includes the ambient temperature range, duration of cold soak (engine left off), and any
additional variables you want to monitor.

c. Cool the engine: Allow the engine to cool down to the desired starting temperature. This can be
achieved by leaving the engine off for a specific duration or using cooling devices if required.

d. Instrumentation: Install temperature sensors in key locations within the engine, such as the coolant, oil,
and intake air. These sensors will help monitor the temperature changes during the cold start.

e. Test setup: Connect the engine to a dynamometer or load bank if necessary. Ensure the engine is
properly fueled and all systems are ready for starting.

f. Start the engine: Initiate the engine start sequence according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Record
the time it takes for the engine to start, any abnormal noises or vibrations, and other relevant

g. Monitor performance: Continuously monitor the engine parameters during the cold start, including
temperatures, pressures, fuel consumption, and emissions if applicable. Use engine diagnostic tools to
check for any error codes or malfunctions.

h. Evaluate performance: Compare the engine's performance during the cold start with the expected or
desired benchmarks. Assess factors such as smoothness of operation, responsiveness, fuel consumption,
emissions levels, and any issues encountered during the start-up process needed to validate the
effectiveness of the changes.

5. Heat Soak Testing:

Heat soak testing evaluates the engine's behavior and performance after it has been subjected to high-
temperature conditions for an extended period. It helps identify potential issues related to heat dissipation,
component degradation, and the engine's ability to recover and operate optimally after exposure to
extreme heat.

a) Preparations:

a) Ensure the engine is clean and in proper working condition before starting the test.

b) Set up a suitable testing environment, preferably an insulated chamber or a controlled

temperature room.

c) Ensure safety measures are in place, including proper ventilation, fire extinguishers, and protective

b) Baseline Testing

a) Run the engine under normal operating conditions to establish a baseline for comparison.

b) Monitor various engine parameters, such as temperature, pressure, RPM (revolutions per minute),
and emissions, using appropriate sensors and instruments.

c) Record the baseline data for reference.

c) Engine Shutdown

a) Once the baseline testing is complete, turn off the engine and let it cool down to the desired
ambient temperature.

b) It is important to ensure that the engine is completely cooled and stabilized before proceeding with
the heat soak test.

c) Heat Soak Test:

a) Start by sealing off the engine compartment to prevent heat dissipation.

b) Introduce a controlled heat source, such as a heat lamp or an electric heater, into the testing environment.
c) Gradually raise the ambient temperature to the specified level, typically higher than the engine's normal
operating temperature.

d) Monitor the engine during the heat soak period, which can range from a few hours to several
days, depending on the specific requirements or industry standards.

e) Continuously measure and record engine parameters at regular intervals during the heat soak period.

f) Pay close attention to critical components, such as cylinder heads, exhaust manifolds, turbochargers, and other
heat-sensitive parts.

d) Post-Test Analysis:

a) Inspect the engine for any signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or component failures.

b) Compare the post-test data with the baseline data to identify any deviations or abnormalities.

e) Analyze the results

To assess the engine's performance under high-temperature conditions and identify potential areas for
improvement or further investigation.

How to perform engine testing?

Performing engine testing involves a systematic approach to evaluating the performance and functionality of
an engine. The specific procedures may vary depending on the engine type, purpose of testing, and any
applicable industry standards or regulations. It's crucial to consult the engine manufacturer's guidelines and
follow established protocols for safe and accurate testing.

General outline of the process for engine testing:

a) Preparations:

a) Ensure safety: Make sure you are following safety protocols, including wearing appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE).
b) Set up the testing area: Choose a suitable location equipped with proper ventilation and safety

c) Gather equipment: Collect the necessary tools and instruments for the engine testing, such as
dynamometers, fuel supply systems, pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.

d) Review documentation: Familiarize yourself with the engine's specifications, testing requirements,
and any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.

b) Pre-test checks:

a) Inspect the engine: Visually examine the engine for any signs of damage or leaks. Ensure all
components are in good condition.

b) Prepare the engine: Clean the engine if necessary and make sure it is properly mounted or secured
according to the testing setup requirements.

c) Connect instrumentation: Attach the necessary sensors and instruments to monitor engine
parameters like temperature, pressure, RPM, etc.

d) Verify fuel and lubrication systems: Check that the fuel supply and lubrication systems are
functioning correctly and are properly connected.

c) Test procedures:

a) Start the engine: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for starting the engine. Warm up the engine
to the recommended operating temperature. Performance testing: Run the engine at different speeds
and loads while monitoring various parameters. Measure torque, power output, fuel consumption,
emissions, and other relevant data.

b) Functional testing: Assess the engine's functionality by engaging various systems, such as cooling,
electrical, and auxiliary systems, to ensure they are operating as expected.

c) Troubleshooting: If any issues or anomalies arise during the test, diagnose the problem and take
appropriate actions to address it. This may involve adjusting settings, replacing faulty components,
or making repairs.
d) Post-test procedures:

a) Data analysis: Analyze the data collected during the test to evaluate the engine's performance, efficiency,
and compliance with desired specifications.

b) Documentation: Record all test results, observations, and any issues encountered during the testing process.
This information is valuable for future reference and analysis.

c) Maintenance and cleanup: Perform any required maintenance tasks or repairs on the engine. Clean up the
testing area and return all equipment to their designated places.
Haideri, F. (n.d.). Transmission System Design.

Yi Zhang, C. M. (6 August 2018). Automotive Power Transmission Systems.

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