Week 1 Overview
Week 1 Overview
Week 1 Overview
• Graphics Means:-
Computer Graphics
Display on
Generating of Manipulating Storage of
images of images picture
Computer Graphics-Definitions
• Computer graphics is the discipline of generating images with the
aid of computers.
• Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc
using computers with the help of programming.
• In other words, we can say that computer graphics is a rendering tool for
the generation and manipulation of images.
• Rendering or image synthesis is the process of generating a photorealistic
or non-photorealistic image from a 2D or 3D model by means of a
computer program.
Why use computer graphics?
Scenario 1
A shoe manufacturing
company wants to show the
sale of shoes for five years.
Presentation Graphics
• Charts & Graphs
Data are presented in pictorial
Why computer graphics is important?
• Why?
• We need to produce appealing pictures.
• Humans respond better to pictorial information
• Human brain recognizes visual patterns
• Pixel is essentially the tiny building blocks that build your screen and any
image, font, or video you see.
• Let’s try and make a simple circle with these 25 pixels.
• Let’s make a circle with twice as many pixels, so 10×10
with the same size pixel.
• More pixels allows you to help define the shape better, but it,
unfortunately, takes up more space.
• How can you cram in more pixels without taking up more
space? The simple answer is make smaller pixels.
• Resolution refers to the size of the pixel. The smaller the pixel,
the higher the resolution.
Difference between Pixel and Resolution(Study Material)
Pixel Resolution
A pixel is a unit of information displayed on a monitor. Resolution is determined by the size of the unit of information
representing an image.
Pixels describe the amount of measurement of the screen Image resolution describes the amount of detail an image holds.
that can display the pictures.
Increase the number of pixels, the image size will Increase the pixel resolution, the quality of image will increase.
Classification of Application Areas
Application Areas
Scientific Computer
Graphics Virtual Reality
visualization Simulation
Digital Art Information
Physics Web Visualization
Aided Design
• Used in design of buildings,
automobiles, aircraft, watercraft,
spacecraft, computers, textiles &
many other products
Electronic Painting
• Picture painted electronically
on a graphics tablet (digitizer)
using a stylus
• Cordless, pressure sensitive
• A graphics method in which
one object is transformed into
Introduction to Computer Graphics 18
Movie Industry
• Used in motion pictures, music
videos, and television shows.
Business Visualization
• Business Visualization is
used in connection with
data sets related to
commerce, industry and
other non-scientific areas
• Techniques used- color
coding, contour plots,
graphs, charts, surface
renderings & visualizations
of volume interiors.
Medical Applications
• Picture Enhancements
• Tomography
• Simulations of Operations
• Ultrasonics & Nuclear
Medicine Scanners
2 Applications
• Improving image quality
• Machine perception of
visual information (robotics)
Types of Computer Graphics
Vector graphics:
• The images in vector graphics are
basically mathematically based
• Vector based images have smooth
edges and therefore used to create
curves and shapes.
• Easily scalable due to use of
mathematical formulas.
• Long undo/redo list is possible
during image manipulation.
• eg. CorelDraw, Illustrator
Types of Computer Graphics
• Interactive Computer Graphics:
• Interactive computer graphics involve real-time user communication and visual content.
• This technique enables users to interact with virtual environments by manipulating objects or navigating
virtual worlds.
• Interactive computer graphics rely on input devices like keyboards, mouse, touchscreens, or motion
sensors to capture user actions.
• Rasterization is the task of taking an image described in vector graphics format
(shapes) and converting it into a raster image (pixels) for output on video display
or printer or to store it in bitmap file format.
Types of Display Devices
• Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Monitors
• Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
• Light Emitting Diode (LED) Monitors
• Plasma etc…
Raster Scan Display
• In this, the beam moves all over the screen and does one scan line at a time. So it
actually moves from top to bottom, it may also moves from back to top.
• This kind of display moves around and over the entire screen.
• It is used to display areas, areas filled with the Solid colours or patterns, smooth
lines, boundaries of curve shaped primitives, polygons and more.
• Graphics primitives can be shown by approximating them with the pixels on the
raster grid.
• For raster scan display, Scan conversion hardware is compulsorily needed.
Raster scan display
• Horizontal and vertical deflection signals are created to move a beam all over the
screen in a pattern for displaying any image.
• The beam is on, while it moves from left to right and off, when it moves back
from right to left. This phenomenon is called horizontal retrace.
• As soon as the beam reaches the bottom of the screen, it is rapidly retraced back
to the top to start again. This is called the vertical retrace.
• Raster-scan displays maintain the steady image on the screen by repeating
scanning of the same image. This process is known as refreshing of screen.
Raster Scan Mechanism
Architecture of Raster scan display
Random Scan Display
• Random-scan display unit, has an electron beam directed only to the parts of the
screen where picture is to be drawn.
• If monitors draw a picture one line at a time this is referred to as vector displays
(or stroke-writing or calligraphic displays).
• The component of a picture can be drawn and refreshed in any specified order.
• Picture definition is stored as a set of line-drawing commands in an area of
memory called refresh display file.
• Random scan systems are designed for line-drawing applications.
Random Scan Display
Architecture of Random Scan Display
• In this kind of display the beam is actually moves between the endpoints of
the graphic primitives.
• Random Scan Display mainly draws continuous and ultimately it becomes
smooth lines.
• This kind of display only draws “Characters and Lines”.
• There is no need of Scan Conversion hardware to this kind of random scan
Difference between Raster scan and Random scan display
• Raster Scan System • Random Scan System
It has poor or less It has High Resolution because it stores picture
definition is stored as a intensity definition as a set of line commands.
Electron Beam is directed from top Electron Beam is directed to only that part of
and one row at a time on screen, screen where picture is required to be drawn, one
beam is directed to whole screen. line at a time so also called Vector Display.
Refresh rate is 60 to 80 frame per Refresh Rate depends on the number of lines to be
It Stores picture displayed i.e 30 to 60 times per second.
Buffer also called Frame Buffer. It Stores picture definition as a set of line
Zig – Zag line is produced because commands called Refresh Display File.
are discrete. Smooth line is produced because directly the line
It uses Pixels along scan lines for path is followed by electron beam .
It is designed for line drawing applications and
uses various mathematical function to draw
Additional Study Resources
• Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, "Computer Graphics", Pearson
Education, 3/E, 2004.