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SSC CHSL Tier-I 1999-Till date ds
fiNys o"kks± ds isilZ dh lwph ix
SSC CHSL Tier-I dk ikB~;Øe ,oa ijh{kk iSVuZ xi
1. Noun 1-6
2. Pronoun 7-9
3. Verb & Modals 10-19
4. Adjective 20-25
5. Adverb 26-27
6. Preposition 28-31
7. Conjunction 32-33
8. Non-Finite Verb (In昀椀nitive, Gerund & Participle) 34-35
9. Syntax 36
( iii )
10. Article 37-38
11. Time & Tense 39-42
12. Question Tag 43
13. Voice 44-52
14. Narration 53-63
15. Sentence Improvement 64-75
16. Synonyms 76-91
17. Antonyms 92-105
18. Idioms & Phrases/Proverbs 106-118
19. One Word Substitution 119-132
20. Spelling Test 133-139
21. Re-Arrangement of Words/Sentences 140-149
22. Cloze Test 150-160
23. Comprehension 161
24. Miscellaneous 162
( iv )
1. Select the most appropriate option to oll 5. Select the most appropriate option to oll (A) to take the right decisions
in the blank. in blank. (B) no error
The Young Global Leaders Community Delhi University9s new institution called (C) and guided me
School of Public Health will ofer a ..... (D) your advices were timely
is an..............for a dynamic community
of programs.
of exceptional people with the vision, [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 10-08-2021 Shift-III]
(A) few (B) scale
courage and innuence to drive positive 11. Select the most appropriate word to oll
change in the world. (C) branch (D) plethora
in the blank.
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 12-08-2021 Shift-II]
(A) impediment (B) efort This training programme for students
(C) accelerator (D) input 6. Select the most appropriate word to oll will help the __________ understand the
[SSC CHSL 6-6-2022 Shift-2]
in the blank. diferent methods of communication.
Everything in the village was grown (A) organizers (B) participants
2. In the following passage, some words organically as the majority of
have been deleted. Read the passage (C) critics (D) trainers
the population indulged in farming
carefully and select the most appropriate [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 12-04-2021 Shift-III]
option to oll in each blank. 12. The following sentence has been split into
(A) nourishment (B) nutrition
The app gets Larry9s parents involved four segments. Identify the segment that
(C) sustenance (D) maintenance
in the learning and improvement contains a grammatical error.
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 11-08-2021 Shift-I]
process, sending them advice about All our/furnitures were/spoiled in the
7. In the given sentence, identify the segment recent/rains and noods.
Larry9s behaviours and progress, and
which contains a grammatical error.
recommending motivational............they (A) rains and noods
Each players must play according to his
might undertake that are.............to Larry9s (B) all our
full potential and not think only about
situation and the program9s............about (C) spoiled in the recent
his attitudes and behaviours. (D) furnitures were
(A) must play
(A) interruptions, disillusioned, invasions (B) each players [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 12-04-2021 Shift-III]
(B) interpolations, disrupted, inventions (C) according to 13. Select the most appropriate word to oll
(C) interventions, targeted, inferences (D) only about winning in the blank.
(D) intermissions, directed, injunctions [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 11-08-2021 Shift-I] The orst van was sent as a..........to mislead
the thugs.
[SSC CHSL 7-6-2022 Shift-3] 8. Select the most appropriate word to oll
(A) persuasion
3. In the given sentence, identify the segment in the blank.
(B) decoy
which contains a grammatical error. The jail_____have started yoga and
meditation classes for the inmates. (C) temptation
Doctors say that home isolation is far
more efective than hospitalise in cases (A) people (B) authorities (D) determination
of mild infection. (C) residents (D) workers [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 12-04-2021 Shift-III]
(A) isolation is [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 11-08-2021 Shift-III] 14. Select the most appropriate word to oll
(B) far mor efective in the blank.
9. Select the most appropriate word to oll
(C) than hospitalise in the blank. A micromanager frequently demands
(D) Doctors say that reports and updates leaving little room for
The government is making air bags ..........
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 9-8-2021 Shift-I] subordinates to take..........on their own.
for front seat passengers in all cars.
4. The following sentence has been split into (A) verdicts (B) results
(A) registered (B) suggested
four segments. Identify the segment that (C) decrees (D) decisions
(C) temporary (D) compulsory
contains a grammatical error. [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 10-08-2020 Shift-II]
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 3-8-2021 Shift-I]
Public speaking/is one of/the most feared 15. Select the most appropriate word to oll
form/of communication. 10. The following sentence has been divided
in the blank
into parts. One of them may contain an
(A) the most feared form Despite their........, impersonal rules that
error. Select the part that contains the error
(B) public speaking apply to all are essential in large systems.
from the given options. If you don9t ond
(C) of communication
any error, mark 8No error9 as your answer. (A) support (B) beneots
(D) is one of (C) limitations (D) advantages
Your advices were timely/and guided me/
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 19-4-2021 Shift-I] to take the right decisions. [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 3-8-2021 Shift-I]
English | 1
16. Select the most appropriate word to oll 23. Fill in the blank with most appropriate 30. Select the most appropriate option to oll
in the blank. word. in the blank.
Have you thought about the..........of the The air..........has gone up signiocantly. The minister said, <Anyone using drones
recent decision you took ? (A) fare (B) cost will have to register them on an.....portal.=
(A) complexes (B) conclusions (C) rent (D) charge (A) airport (B) aviation
(C) consequences (D) concerns [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 10-8-2021 Shift-I] (C) airline (D) aeroplane
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 9-8-2021 Shift-I] 24. Select the most appropriate word to oll [SSC CHSL Tier-I (f}-ik-)] 17-03-2020]
17. Select the most appropriate option to oll in the blank. 31. Select the most appropriate option to oll
in the blank. The government is making air bags...... in the blank in the given sentence.
During the tsumami, my family took........ for front seat passengers in all cars. Over 7,50,000 people from 192 countries
in a guest house on the hill. (A) registered (B) suggested have pledged to go vegan for a month
(A) retreat (B) refuge (C) temporary (D) compulsory which, they say, would reduce carbon
(C) harbour (D) protection [SSC CHSL Tier-I, 10-8-2021 Shift-II] ______ by 45000 tons.
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 13-4-2021 Shift-III] 25. Select the most appropriate word to oll (A) inclusion (B) emission
in the blank. (C) omission (D) exclusion
18. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Ritu is an .................... reader. I always [SSC CHSL Tier-I (iz-ik-)] 15-10-2020]
ond her with a book. 32. Select the most appropriate word to oll
She made an...........to break the record for
long jump. (A) irritated (B) erratic in the blank.
(A) exercise (B) attempt (C) avid (D) inattentive Around one hundred ______ across the
(C) attack (D) intention [SSC CHSL Tier-I (f}-ik-)] 21-10-2020] world participated in the conference.
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 13-4-2021 Shift-I] 26. Select the most appropriate word to oll (A) clever (B) talents
in the blank. (C) delegates (D) intelligent
19. Select the most appropriate word to oll
In ................. of the great work he is doing [SSC CHSL Tier-I (iz-ik-)] 14-10-2020]
in the blank.
for economically weaker children, he has
For each question, four...........are given 33. Select the most appropriate option to oll
been given a special award.
as options. In the blank in the given sentence.
(A) resolution (B) recognition
(A) alterations (B) alternatives Students who are capable of understanding
(C) award (D) reward
(C) altercations (D) alternates and managing their 8emotional intellig-
[SSC CHSL Tier-I (iz-ik-)] 19-10-2020] ence9 do better at school in ____ to their
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 19-4-2021 Shift-III]
27. In the given sentence identify the segment peers who lack the ability.
20. Select the most appropriate word to oll which contains the grammatical error. (A) diference (B) resemblance
in the blank. The Commonwealth Games had a grand (C) comparison (D) similarity
If our product does not meet your........, opening ceremony with spectacular [SSC CHSL Tier-I (r`-ik-)] 14-10-2020]
we will refund your payment in full. cultural performings.
(A) requirements (B) advertisement 34. Select the most appropriate option to oll
(A) with spectacular
in the blank in the given sentence.
(C) procurements (D) principles (B) a grand opening
A _______ of small stones is called a
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 16-4-2021 Shift-II] (C) cultural performings
21. The following sentence has been split into (D) The Commonwealth Games had
(A) Design (B) Structure
four segments. Identify the segment that [SSC CHSL Tier-I (f}-ik-)] 15-10-2020] (C) Mound (D) Pattern
contains a grammatical error. 28. Select the most appropriate word to oll in [SSC CHSL Tier-I (f}-ik-)] 13-10-2020]
Please give me/a kilo of potatoes,/two the blank in the given sentence.
35. Select the most appropriate option to oll
kilos of tomatoes and/a bunch coriander Today9s..........are only intersected in
in the blank in the given sentence.
leaves. watching movies with the stories they can
relate to the cinema. A ______ of small stones is called a
(A) a kilo of potatoes
(B) a bunch coriander leaves (A) politics (B) personalities
(A) design (B) structure
(C) Please give me (C) audiences (D) accountants
(C) pattern (D) mound
(D) two kilos of tomatoes and [SSC CHSL Tier-I (r`-ik-)] 15-10-2020]
[SSC CHSL Tier-I (r`-ik-)] 13-10-2020]
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 15-4-2021 Shift-III] 29. Select the most appropriate option to oll
in the blank. 36. Select the most appropriate option to oll
22. Select the most appropriate option to oll in the blank in the given sentence.
in the blank. Several environmentalists from the city
conducted a meet to discuss issues related Timers at traffic signals, that help
Courts are........of the Constitutions they motorists save fuel by switching off
to the...........pollution levels created by
are expected to see that it is always their engines while waiting, will soon be
the growing number of pharmaceutical
respected. phased out due to technical ______.
(A) masters (B) dictators (A) symbols (B) illuminations
(A) raise in (B) rise in
(C) sentinels (D) leaders (C) glitches (D) streamers
(C) rising from (D) raising of
[SSC CHSL Tier-I, 15-4-2021 Shift-II]
[SSC CHSL Tier-I (iz-ik-)] 17-03-2020] [SSC CHSL Tier-I (f}-ik-)] 13-10-2020]
2 |
37. Select the most appropriate word to oll in (A) amnesia (B) acacia Population decline, counter-urbanisation,
the blank in the given sentence. (C) anaesthesia (D) ambrosia (1)
Padamse worked like a mathematician invasion, and /movement of people, which
[SSC (CHSL), 4 tqykbZ] 2019 f}rh; ikyh]
and was a true ______ who experimented (2)
with numerous mediums. 44. Identify the segment which contains the has begun in Late /Antiquity, continued
(A) adversary (B) voluntary grammatical error. in the Early Middle Ages. No error
(C) visionary (D) literary The picture of the king9s is exactly like (3) (4)
[SSC CHSL Tier-I (iz-ik-)] 12-10-2020] the king himself.
(A) 1 (B) 2
(A) is exactly like
38. Select the most appropriate option to (C) 3 (D) 4
(B) the picture
substitute the underlined segment in the S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
given sentence. If there is no need to (C) the king himself
(D) of the king9s
ijh{kk] 26.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh)
substitute it, select No improvement.
Lot of peoples visit this restaurant as its 49. In the following question, some part of the
[SSC (CHSL), 8 tqykbZ] 2019 f}rh; ikyh] sentence may have errors. Find out which
biryani is famous.
45. In the following question some part of the part of the sentence has an error and select
(A) A lot peoples
sentence may have errors, Find out which the appropriate option. If a sentence is free
(B) A lot of people
part of the sentence has an error and select from error, select 8No Error9.
(C) No improvement
the appropriate option. If the sentence is The British Council has brought Museum
(D) Much of people
free from error, select 8No Error9. of the Moon to India (1) / to mark the last
[SSC (CHSL), 1 tqykbZ] 2019 r`rh; ikyh] For peace and happiness in the world, (1)/ phase of the UK-India Year of Culture (2)
/ and 70 year of the British Council in
39. Select the most appropriate word to oll we need to remind ourselves (2) / of our
philosophy and cultural. (3) / No error India (3) / No error (4).
in the blank.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 (B) 2
I had a stroke at an early age, but what I
thought was a great _______ at that time (C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 3 (D) 4
changed my life for the better. S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
(A) indent (B) incentive ijh{kk] 28.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh) ijh{kk] 23.03.2018 (f}rh; ikyh)
(C) indication (D) injustice 50. In the following question, some part of the
46. In the following question, the sentence
sentence may have errors. Find out which
[SSC (CHSL), 1 tqykbZ] 2019 r`rh; ikyh] given with blank to be filled in with
part of the sentence has an error and select
40. Select the most appropriate word to oll an appropriate word. Select the correct
the appropriate option. If a sentence is free
in the blank. alternative out of the four and indicate it
from error, select 8No Error9
Financial Institutions that had their by selecting the appropriate option.
The few crowd / was not surprising /
premises in the World Trade Centre were Ignoring someone in pain is an .... act.
(1) (2)
crippled by the loss of ....... and hardware. (A) immortal (B) aggravating
considering the publicity involved.
(A) individual (B) personnel (C) immoral (D) fecund
(C) group (D) person S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
No error
ijh{kk] 27.03.2018 (f}rh; ikyh)
[SSC (CHSL), 2 tqykbZ] 2019 r`rh; ikyh] (4)
47. In the following question, some part of the
41. Select the most appropriate word to oll (A) 1 (B) 2
sentence may have errors. Find out which
in the blank. (C) 3 (D) 4
part of the sentence has an error and select
Darkness ___ over the forest increasing
the approapriate option. If the sentence is [S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
the danger of wild animals. free from error, select 8No Error9. ijh{kk] 22.03.2018 (f}rh; ikyh)]
(A) collapsed (B) declined Our focus is to develop and nurture a 51. In the following question, some part of the
(C) descended (D) grounded democratic / and accommodative space/ sentence may have errors. Find out which
(1) (2) part of the sentence has an error and select
[SSC (CHSL), 4 tqykbZ] 2019 izFke ikyh] the appropriate option. If a sentence is free
platform wherever we go, / so that all kind
42. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate from error select 8No Error9.
word. of arts can nouish. / No error
Make won all of (1) / the award for
she kept her clothes neatly arranged in the (3) (4)
the categories (2) / in which he was
____. (A) 1 (B) 2
nominated (3) / No error (4).
(A) larder (B) godown (C) 3 (D) 4
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) warehouse (D) wardrobe S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu (C) 3 (D) 4
ijh{kk] 26.03.2008 (f}rh; ikyh) S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
[SSC (CHSL), 4 tqykbZ] 2019 f}rh; ikyh] 48. In the following questions, some part of ijh{kk] 17.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh)
43. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate the sentence may have errors. Find out
word. 52. In the following question, the sentence
which part of the sentence has an error and
select the appropriate option. If a sentence given with blank to be filled in with
The old man has lost his memory. He is
sufering from........ . is free from error, select 8No Error9. an appropriate word. Select the correct
English | 3
alternative out of the four and indicate it select the appropriate option. If a sentence (A) tolerance (B) radiance
by selecting the appropriate option. is free from error, select 8No Error9. (C) hindrance (D) relevance
The power of silence is its ability to We wish to make globalisation a means to S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
mediate the ............ . expand human well being and freedom, / ijh{kk] 08.03.2018 (izFke ikyh)
(A) Excitable (B) Irreconcilable (1)
58. In the following question, some part of the
(C) Excusable (D) Fashionable and to bring democracy and developmental sentence may have errors. Find out which
[S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu (2) part of the sentence has an error and select
ijh{kk] 17.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh)] / to local communities where people live. the appropriate option. If the sentence is
53. In the following questions, some part of (3) free from error, select 8No Error9.
the sentence part of the sentence may have No error My best wishes (1) / are always (2) / with
errors. Find out which part of the sentence (4) you. (3) / No error (4)
has an error and select the appropriate (A) 1 (B) 2
(A) 1 (B) 2
option. If a sentence is free from error, (C) 3 (D) 4
select 8No Error9. (C) 3 (D) 4
S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
All the (1) / furnitures also (2) / burn down [S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu
ijh{kk] 11.03.2018 (izFke ikyh)] ijh{kk-06.03.2006
by the ore. (3) / No error (4)
(A) 1 (B) 2 59. In the following questions, the sentence
56. In the following question, the sentence
given with blank to be filled in with
(C) 3 (D) 4 given with blank to be filled in with
an appropriate word. Select the correct
[S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu an appropriate word. Select the correct
alternative out of the four and indicate it
ijh{kk] 16.03.2018 (f}rh; ikyh)] alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
54. In the following question, the sentence by selecting the appropriate option.
The..........of many archaic and dilatory
given with blank to be filled in with In the court of god we will be judged by procedures have probed to be extremely
an appropriate word. Select the correct our action and .......... damaging to our governance and society.
alternative out of the four and indicate it (A) Steeds (B) Bleed (A) caution (B) translation
by selecting the appropriate option. (C) Gleeds (D) Deeds (C) imposition (D) revolution
Egoism is ______ or negative pride-the
S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj
mentality of showing and acting superior
to others. ijh{kk] 10.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh) vkWuykbu ijh{kk] 08.03.2018
(A) surfeit (B) conceit 57. In the following questions, the sentence 60. In the given sentence, identify the select
(C) forfeit (D) receipt given with blank to be filled in with 8No Error9 segment which contains a
S.S.C. la;qDr gk;j lsd.Mjh Lrj vkWuykbu an appropriate word. Select the correct grammatical error.
ijh{kk] 12.03.2018 (r`rh; ikyh) alternative out of the four and indicate it A ove-men (A)/enquiry committee was
by selecting the appropriate option. appointed (B)/to look into the matter. (C)/
55. In the following questions, some part of
We must join hands and stop corruption No error (D)
the sentence may have errors. Find out
which part of the sentence has an error and which is posing ______ in the development [SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO ,oa LDC ijh{kk]
of India. 6-11-2014, TF No. 333 LO 2, (iz-ik-)]
1. (C) fjDr LFkku esa 8accelerator9 (N) mRizjs d 5. (D) fjDr LFkku eas 'kCn 8Plethora9 (N) 9. (D) fjDr LFkku eas Compulsory (N) dk
dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA Impediment4 cgqrk;r ;k vf/kdrk] dk iz;ksx mfpr iz;ksx mfpr gSA Compulsory means
vojks/k] ck/kk] jksd&Vksd vkfnA gSA mendatory, inevitable vkfnA
2. (C) fjDr LFkkuksa esa Øe'k% interventions, 6. (C) fjDr LFkku eas sustenance (N) thfodk 10. (D) fodYi (D) eas] your advices were
targeted, inferences dk iz;ksx mfpr dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA timely dh txg your advice was
gSA Sustenance means what need to be timely dk iz;ksx gksxk D;kasfd 'kCn
Interventions4gLr{ksi targeted4 eaten to sustain a person9s body 8advice9 ,d uncountable noun gS
esp. Food containing vitamins &
fu;ksftr] ;kstukc¼] infernces4 tksfd singular form eas iz;ksx gksrk gSA
vuqekuksaA vr% lgh mÙkj (D) gSA
vr% lgh mÙkj (C) gSA
3. (C) fodYi (C) ea]s than hospitalise dh txg 11. fjDr LFkku ea s Participants (N)
7. (B) 8Each players9 dh txg Each player
than hospitalisation dk iz;ksx gksxkA izfrHkkfx;kas dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA
dk iz;ksx gksxk D;kasfd Each ds ckn
vr% fodYi (C) lgh gSA
Singular Noun iz;qDr gksrk gSA 12. (D) fodYi (D) eas] furnitures were dh
4. (A) fodYi (A) eas the most feared form, vr% lgh mÙkj (B) gSA txg furniture was dk iz;ksx gksxk dqN
dh txg the most feared forms dk Noun (laKk,¡) ges'kk Singular form eas
8. (B) fjDr LFkku esa authorities dk iz;ksx
iz;ksx gksxk D;ksfa d one of ds ckn plural iz;Dq r gksrh gS]a tSlµ
s Furniture, advice,
mfpr gS] D;ksafd Auxiliary verb-have
noun dk iz;ksx fd;k tk,xkA machinery, luggage, baggage, poetry,
dks iwoZ Plural noun vkrk gSA
vr% fodYi (A) lgh gSA work, dust paper vfknA
4 |
13. (B) fjDr LFkku eas Decoy (izyksHku] yqHkko) 24. (D) fjDr LFkku eas Compulsory (N) dk 37. (D) vr% lgh fodYi (B) literary gSA
dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA iz;ksx mfpr gSA 38. (B) Lot of peoples ds LFkku ij A lot
l Persuasion (vuqu;] le>kukµcq>kuk) Compulsory dk vFkZ gSµvfuok;Z] of people ;k lots of people dk iz;ksx
l Temptation (izyksHku) ck/;dj] vko';dA gksxkA
l Determination n`<+ fu'p;] fuèkkZj.kA fgUnh vuqokn% cgqr ls yksx bl jsLVksjUs V
vr% fodYi (D) lgh gSA
vr% fodYi (B) lgh gSA 25. (C) fjDr LFkku esa avid (vfr mRlkgh) dk esa vkrs gS]a D;ksfa d ;gk dh fcj;kuh izfl¼
14. (D) fjDr LFkku eas Decisions (N) dk iz;ksx iz;ksx gksxkA gSaA
mfpr gSA Right option is (B)
irritated 4 dq f ir] erratic 4
l Verdicts rF; dh [kkst] fu.kZ;A vfu;fer] vfLFkj] inattentive 4 39. (D) Indent (Noun) - gkf'k;k] ekWaxi=
l Decrees vf/k-vkns'k] gqDeukekA osijokgA Incentive (Adj) - mn~nhid] mRrstd
15. (C) fjDr LFkku esa Limitations (N) gn] 26. (B) fjDr LFkku esa recognition (ifjKku] Indication (Noun) - ladsr
lhek,¡ dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA ekU;rk) dk iz;ksx gksxkA resolution Injustice (Noun) - vU;k;
ladYi] award4ikfjrksf"kd] reward4 Right option is (D).
16. (C) fjDr LFkku eas Consequences (N) dk
iqjLdkjA 40. (B) Personnel - (deZpkjh oxZ) dk ç;ksx
iz;ksx mfpr gSA
vr% fodYi (B) lgh gSA 'kq¼ gSA
l Complexes dk vFkZ gS µ tfVy]
27. (C) mi;qD Z r okD; eas cultural performings Individual - O;fDrxr
ds LFkku ij cultural performances group - lewg
l Conclusion dk vFkZ gSµfu"d"kks±A
dk iz;ksx gksxk] D;kasfd cultural ,d person - O;fDr
l Concerns dk vFkZ gSµizlxks]a ekeykaAs
Adjective gS tks performance (N) (fo'o O;kikj dsUnz esa vius ifjlj dh
vr% fodYi (C) lgh gSA foÙkh; la[;k,¡ deZpkjh oxZ vkSj gkMZo;s j
dks modify djsxkA vr% fodYi (C)
17. (B) fjDr LFkku eas Refuge (lqjf{kr LFkku) lgh gSA ds uqdlku ds dkj.k viax gks x;h FkhaA)
dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA 28. (C) fjDr LFkku esa 8audiences9 (Jksrkx.k) dk 41. (C) lgh mÙkj gksxk 8Descended9 (mrjk)
l Retreat dk vFkZ gSµihNs gVukA iz;ksx gksxk] D;ksafd okD; eas watching = move or fall down. Darkness
l Harbour dk vFkZ gSµcUnjxkgA movie dk iz;ksx gqvk gSA descended over the forest increasing
the danger of wild animals.
l Protection dk vFkZ gSµlqj{kk] fdlh 29. (B) fjDr LFkku eas rise in dk iz;ksx gksxkA collapsed (<guk) = destroyed
dh j{kk djus dh xfrfof/kA rise in dk vFkZ gS& fdlh pht esa o`f¼ decline (iru) = Wane
vr% fodYi (B) lgh gSA ;k fodklA grounded (tehu] LFkkfir djuk) =
18. (B) fjDr LFkku eas attempt dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA 30. (B) fjDr LFkku esa aviation (foeku& ogu] Establish
l Attempt dk vFkZ gSµfdlh dk;Z dks foekuu) dk iz;ksx gksxk] D;ksafd vkxs 42. (D) fn;s x;s okD; ds fjDr LFkku esa lgh
iw.kZ djus ds fy, fd;k x;k iz;klA vkus okyk 'kCn portal (fuokfgd] mÙkj gksxk wardrobe (vkyekjh) vFkkZr~
l Intention dk vFkZ gSµbjknk] ladYi] izos'k ekxZ) gSA vr% fodYi (B) lgh She kept the clothes neatly arranged
iz;kstuA gksxkA in the wardrobe vU; 'kCnksa ds vFkZ
vr% fodYi (B) lgh gSA 31. (B) fjDr LFkku es a emission (mRlxZ ] gSaµ Larder ([kk| Hk.Mkj)] godown
19. (B) fjDr LFkku ea s Alternatives (N) mRltZu L[kyu) dk iz;ksx gksxkA (xksnke), warehouse (xksnke)
(fodYikas) dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA 32. (C) fjDr LFkku esa delegates (izfrfuf/k) 43. (A) 8Lost his memory9 = Amnesia (Hkwyus
l Alteration dk mfpr vFkZ gSµifjorZu] dk iz;ksx gksxk D;ksafd vkxs okD; esa dh chekjh) lgh mÙkj gSA
dksykgy] miæoA conference fn;k x;k gSA vU; 'kCnksa ds vFkZ gSaµ Acacia (ccwy),
vr% fodYi (B) lgh gSA 33. (C) fjDr LFkku esa Comparison dk iz;ksx Anaesthesia (csgks'kh),
gksxk] D;ksafd mlls iwoZ better dk iz;ksx Ambrosia (ve`r)A
20. (A) fjDr LFkku eas Requirements (N) ek¡x]
gks jgk gSA 44. (D) bl sentence esa Double possessive
vko';drk,¡ dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA
vr% fodYi (C) lgh gSA case dk use ugha gksxkA possessive
l Procurement dk vFkZ gSµolwyh]
izkfIrA 34. (D) fn;s x;s okD; esa fjDr LFkku esa Pattern dks nks izdkj ls cuk ldrs gSa&
dk iz;ksx gksxkA (I) of dk use djdsA
vr% fodYi (A) lgh gSA
Mosaic mean's A pattern of small (II) apostrophe (8) yxkdjA lgh mÙkj
21. (B) fodYi (B) ea s a bunch coriander stones. gksxkµThe picture of the king is
leaves dh txg a bunch of coriander 35. (C) okD; esa iz;qDr js[kkafdr LFkku ij exactly like the king himself.
leaves dk iz;ksx lgh gSA 8pattern9 'kCn dk iz;ksx gksxk] D;ksafd 45. (C) Error of double possessive case.
vr% lgh fodYi (B) lgh gSA 8mosaic9 dk vFkZ µ A pattern of 46. (C) The blank should be appropriatly
(C) fjDr LFkku eas Sentinels (N) (izgjh] olled by-8immortal9.
22. small stones/Pieces gksrk gSA
lUrjh] j{kkiq#"k) dk iz;ksx mfpr gSA vr% lgh option (C) gksxkA 47. (C) kind should be used in plural form
kinds - which means a group of
23. (A) fjDr LFkku eas 8Fare9 (N) fdjk;k dk 36. (C) fjDr LFkku esa glitches (fo/kkjh) dk people or things having similar
iz;ksx mfpr gSA iz;ksx gksxkA characteristics.
English | 5
48. (D) No improvement is required. 54. (B) The word 4 8conceit9 is the correct Forebearance, radiance 3 sparkle,
alternative. relevance 3 concernment.
49. (C) 8Years9 will be used in place of
Note: 8Surfeit9 means 4 8too much 58. (D) No error.
8year9. of sth9, Forfeit 4 means los sth by
50. (A) The crowd in place of the few some error, ofence or crime, receipt 59. (C) The blank should be appropriately
crowd will be used. 4 acknowledgement. olled by48imposition9 means the
Note : The word38crowd9 takes act of imposing something 3 (as a
55. (B) and to bring democracy and tax or an embargo).
either singular or plural verb. development will be used-because
51. (B) 8Awards9 will be used in place of 8developments9 is an adjective and 60. (A) ;fn Definite Numeral Adjective
8award9. not a noun. vkSj Noun dks hyphen (3) ls la;qDr
52. (B) The blank should be appropriately 56. (D) The blank should be appropriately Compound Word cuk;k tk, rks og
olled by48irreconcilable9. olled by 4 8deeds9 means perform Noun lanSo Singular jgrk gSA
by the ore. (3) / No error (4) ance of moral and religious acts.
vr% A ove-man enquiry lgh iz;ksx
53. (B) 8Furnitures9 should be replaced by 57. (C) The word 4 8hindrance9 (N) gSA
8furniture9. because it has no plural means (deterrant, check) is the
form. correct alternative 8tolerance 3
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