Final Exams7
Final Exams7
Final Exams7
Textbook: Oxford Successful Technology for Gr7
No. What to study: Where to find it:
1. Recycling scrap material 76 - 79
2. Definitions (new words) 74 - 85
3. SWOT Analysis 79
4. Circuits 80 - 83
5. Emergency food 104 - 107
Social Sciences
Textbook: Oxford Successful Social Science for Gr7
No What to study - History Page No’s
1 Key Words – Work Sheets page 1 , Term 3 & 4 Work Sheets Page 1
2 Case Study. 107 , 109.
3 The effects of the arrival of the British. 142 , 143
Textbook: Platinum Mathematics Gr. 7 Learner’s Book
No. What to study: Page Number
1. Compare, order and round off numbers 6
Express a number as a power
2. 18 -26
Write products in exponential form
Find the value of a square root
Common fractions:
What fraction of the following shapes are shaded?
Equivalent fractions
3. Add and subtract fractions 76 – 90
Multiply with fractions
Convert fractions into percentages
Convert fractions into decimal fractions
Decimal fractions
4. Multiplication and division with decimal fractions
Addition and subtraction of decimal fractions
5. Use number sentences to solve problems (Exercise 22.2) 239-240
6. Calculate with integers 212-214
7. Solve number sentences with integers 236-238
8. Classify 3D objects 194-196
9. Identify and name different triangles 56-58
10. The angular sum of triangles 57
11. The angular sum of quadrilaterals 59
Natural science
Textbook: Oxford Successful Gr. 7 Learner’s Book
No. What to study: Page Number
Read through
2. Multiple choice questions
page 97-175
Definitions: convection; orbit; fossil; equinox; conservation; tides; equator; photosynthesis;
4. 97-175
nuclear; renewable; biofuels and potential energy
6. Renewable and Non-renewable recourses 98-102
16. Diagram of Earth to show its axis, equator, poles and hemispheres 143
18. The length of day and the seasons
Textbook: Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr7
No. What to study: Where to find it:
Meervoude: Kyk hoe word die meervoude van verskillende selfstandige 114, 129, 141, 208
naamwoorde gevorm.
Verkleinwoorde: Kyk hoe word die verkleinwoorde van verskillende selfstandige 123, 210
naamwoorde gevorm.
Byvoeglike naamwoorde: Gee die korrekte vorm van die byvoeglike naamwoord. 125, 129, 144, 151, 158,
161, 167, 171, 189, 214
Trappe van vergelyking: Leer die voorbeelde van die 3 trappe en weet hoe om dit 128, 144, 149, 195, 216
in sinne te gebruik.
Voornaamwoorde: Kies die korrekte voornaamwoord in sinsverband 138, 158, 159, 161, 183,
203, 223 - 226
Voorsetsels: Voltooi sinne met die korrekte voorsetsels 144, 151, 168, 171, 236
Lidwoorde: Weet hoe om die verskillende lidwoorde in sinsverband reg te 158, 161
Voegwoorde: Gebruik die oefeninge en aantekeninge in jou werkboek om die 114, 129,141, 151, 169,
sinne korrek te verbind met die verskillende voegwoorde. 171, 203, 238
Lydende vorm: Weet hoe om sinne in die teenwoordige – en verlede tyd in die
lydende vorm oor te skryf. 139, 144, 146, 169, 183
Korrekte lees-en skryfteken gebruik: Skryf sinne oor met die korrekte lees-en
skryftekens 161, 228
Teenwoordige tyd: Skryf sinne vanaf die verlede tyd korrek oor in die
teenwoordige tyd
Berei die volgende gedigte en kortverhale ook voor vir die eksamen: 115 – 116
Die haas, die olifant en die seekoei 127 – 128
‘n Riet word ‘n fluit 164 – 165
‘n Kortverhaal 187
Die boom derde van links
Creative Arts
Textbook: Creative Arts Gr7
No. What to study: Where to find it:
Identify with pictures different types of dances 183
Give definitions for terminology like cultural dance and choreography. Notes in work book
193 – 195
Identify different types of South African dance forms
1. Identify terminology applicable to the theatre
Careers related to drama: Read through this information to be able to Identify at 280
least 5 different careers 276
Give a definition for a Folktale
Visual Arts: Notes in work book
Make a collage: Familiarize yourself with the notes on how to make a collage 248 – 249
Large- scale life drawing: Know the stages applicable when making a large-scale
life drawing 292 - 294
Life Orientation
Textbook: Life Orientation Gr7
No. What to study: Where to find it:
Environmental health: 149
How can you safe electricity 150 – 151
Making use of plants in your environment to enhance your health:
Read through pp. 150 – 151 and know the benefits of the plants mentioned
World of work: 165
Equipment and activities related to the work environment.
Do Activity 2 on p. 165
School subjects and level of schooling requirement for a career. 167 – 170
Read through pp. 167 – 170 and familiarize yourself with this content.
1. Value and importance of work in fulfilling personal needs and potential: Read 178 – 181
and answer the questions about the Case study on p. 180 – 181
Development of the self in society:
Identify the factors that influence our choice of personal diet. 198 – 200
Identify the different food groups and give examples of each group. 206 – 207
Health, social and environmental responsibility:
Identify common diseases 210 – 213
Identify the factors that make contracting diseases easier. 214 – 215
Identify some treatment options for the diseases 216 – 217
Constitutional rights and responsibilities:
Identify the most important oral traditions and scriptures in Judaism, 224 - 229
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, African religions and the Baha’i