Family and Consumer Life Skills Syllabus Sy 2021 22
Family and Consumer Life Skills Syllabus Sy 2021 22
Family and Consumer Life Skills Syllabus Sy 2021 22
Pre-Requisite : None
Course Description : This course is specially intended for students to broaden their knowledge and help develop their skills and general competencies in various areas of the
Technology and Livelihood Education. The course prepares students to begin their journey toward becoming independent, productive citizens . Particularly, this focused on essential requirements on
Family and Relationships, Life and Careers, Human Development, Financial Literacy and Budgeting, and Health & Nutrition. 8. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills
Institutional Learning Outcomes Programs Outcomes 9. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics
Course Objectives
• Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication,
numeracy, critical 1. Creative and Critical Thinking thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning; At the end of the semester, the students must be able to:
• Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the
learning 1. Explore and assess self, family, community relationships;
2. Effective Communication processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes 2. Appreciate the value of goal setting and planning;
in their students; 3. Explain the basic concepts of home and family;
3. Strong Service Orientation Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational 4. Identify the importance of Financial Literacy and budgeting in
processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political the family;
5. Explore career paths and clusters of FACLS;
4. Passion to Life-Long Learning processes;
6. Value food and food services;
Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum
7. Use various techniques in food preparation, safety and security;
5. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment,
8. Identify the importance of child development, human
and teaching approaches); and
development and environment in one’s growth and progress.
6. Community Engagement Refect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the
9. Display high level of leadership in educational management.
learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject
7. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly
improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.
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Demonstrate skills needed for Sample Activity: KITCHEN Written Report about their
preparing and serving foods, IMMERSION (MLQES) experience in Blueplate
including: Kitcen
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Downloaded by Nicole Eve Abarrientos ([email protected])