PPST and RA9155

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a. set out clear expectations of teachers along DOMAIN 2 Learning Environment

well-defined career stages of professional develop- Composed of the following strands:
ment from beginning to distinguished practice;
1) Learner safety and security
b. engage teachers to actively embrace a con-
tinuing effort in attaining proficiency; and 2) Fair learning environment

c. apply a uniform measure to assess teacher 3) Management of classroom structure and

performance, identify needs, and provide support for activities
professional development.
4) Support for learner participation
SEVEN DOMAINS OF PPST: 5) Promotion of purposive learning
DOMAIN 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 6) Management of learner behavior
Composed of the following strands:
1) Content knowledge and its application within DOMAIN 3 Diversity of Learners
and across curriculum areas Composed of the following strands:
2) Research-based knowledge and principles of 1) Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests
teaching and learning and experiences
3) Positive use of ICT 2) Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic
4) Strategies for promoting literacy / numeracy and religious backgrounds
5) Strategies for developing critical and creative 3) Learners with disabilities, giftedness & talents
thinking, as well as other higher-order think 4) Learners in difficult circumstances
ing skills
5) Learners from indigenous groups
6) Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teach
ing and learning
7) Classroom communication strategies
DOMAIN 4 Curriculum and Planning PPST’S FOUR CAREER STAGES:
1) Planning and management of teaching and
Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers have gained the
learning process
qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching
2) Learning outcomes aligned with learning profession. They have a strong understanding of the
competencies subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms of
3) Relevance and responsiveness of learning content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the
programs requisite knowledge, skills and values that support
the teaching and learning process.
4) Professional collaboration to enrich teaching
5) Teaching and learning resources including ICT Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers are profession-
ally independent in the application of skills vital to
the teaching and learning process. They provide fo-
DOMAIN 5 Assessment and Reporting
cused teaching programs that meet curriculum and
1) Design, selection, organization and utilization assessment requirements. They display skills in plan-
of assessment strategies ning, implementing, and managing learning pro-
2) Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress grams. They actively engage in collaborative learning
and achievement with the professional community and other stake-
holders for mutual growth and advancement.
3) Feedback to improve learning
4) Communication of learner needs, progress and
achievement to key stakeholders Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teach-
ers consistently display a high level of performance
5) Use of assessment data to enhance teaching in their teaching practice. They manifest an in-depth
and learning practices and programs and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and
learning process. They have high education-focused
DOMAIN 6 Community Linkages and Professional situation cognition, are more adept in problem solv-
Engagement ing and optimize opportunities gained from experi-
1) Establishment of learning environments that ence. Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively
are responsive to community contexts with colleagues and provide them support and men-
toring to enhance their learning and practice.
2) Engagement of parents and the wider school
community in the educative process
3) Professional ethics Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody the
highest standard for teaching grounded in global
4) School policies and procedures best practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to
improve their own teaching practice and that of oth-
DOMAIN 7 Personal Growth and Professional Devel- ers. They are recognized as leaders in education,
opment contributors to the profession and initiators of col-
1) Philosophy of teaching laborations and partnerships. They create lifelong
impact in the lives of colleagues, students and oth-
2) Dignity of teaching as a profession ers. They consistently seek professional advance-
3) Professional links with colleagues ment and relevance in pursuit of teaching quality
and excellence.
4) Professional reflection and learning to improve
5) Professional development goals
An act of instituting a framework for govern- The Secretary of Education
ance for basic education. Establishing Authority and  Formulate national basic education policies and
accountability, renaming the Department of Educa- plans;
tion, Culture an d Shorts, as the Department of Edu-
cation and for other purposes  Promulgate national Educational standards

Primary goal: To provide the school age popula-  Monitor and assess national learning outcomes
tion and young adults with skills, knowledge and val-  Undertake national educational research and
ues to become caring, self- reliant, productive and studies
patriotic citizens.
 Enhance total developments of learners
PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES: through projects and programs

 Provide framework for Governance of basic The Regional Director

Education.  Define regional policy framework which reflects
 Define the roles and responsibilities of the the values, needs & expectation of the commu-
offices in the Education Department. nities they serve.
 Develop a regional basic education plan and ed-
 Makes the schools and learning centers the
ucational standard with a view towards a bench-
most important vehicle for teaching and learn-
ing. marking for international competitiveness;
 Monitor, evaluate and assess regional learning
 Alternative learning System  Undertake research projects develop and man-
 Basic Education age region- wide project.
 Learning Center
 Cluster of schools  Ensure strict compliance with prescribed nation-
 Learning facilitator
 Formal Education
al criteria for recruitment, selection and training
 Non-formal Education of staff in the region and divisions;
 informal Education
 Quality Education
 integrated Education
 School
 Learner
 School Head
Power and Outline

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