Leed Rating Siystem

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Building sector is witnessing a significant shift toward greening and sustainability. To reduce
resource dependency and carbon footprint many organizations today are interested in designing
their buildings to be LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified; a
designation developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

Why Design Green?

1. Buildings in the U.S. consume more than 30% of total energy and 60% of electricity
2. Buildings consume 5 billion gallons of potable water per day to flush toilets.
3. A typical North American commercial construction project generates 2.5 pounds of solid
waste per square foot of floor space.
4. Studies of workers in green buildings reported productivity gains of up to 16%.
5. About ¼ of the increase in carbon dioxide is due to the building sector, Energy efficiency
may reduce this by 50%.
6. Buildings consume 40% of raw stone, gravel and sand, and 25% of virgin wood.
7. Building related sickness may cost between $60 and 400 billion per year.
8. People spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System
encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development
practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools
and performance criteria. LEED-based green design not only makes a positive impact on public
health and the environment, it also reduces operating costs, enhances building and
organizational marketability, potentially increases occupant productivity, and helps create a
sustainable community. The LEED Rating System typically recognizes performance in six key
areas of human and environmental health:
1. Sustainable Sites
2. Water Efficiency
3. Energy & Atmosphere
4. Materials and Resources
5. Indoor Environmental Quality
6. Innovation & Design Process

Factoids by LEED Category

Sustainable Sites
• Vehicles are responsible for approximately 20% of U.S. greenhouse gases annually.
Water Efficiency
• 340 billion gallons of fresh water are withdrawn per day from rivers, streams, and
reservoirs to support residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and recreational
• Almost 65% of water taken is discharged back to bodies of water after use.
• Annual water deficiency for the US is 3,700 billion gallons.
• US industries today use 36% less water than in 1950 due to reuse and Energy Policy
Act of 1992 mandating water conserving plumbing.
• Water consumption rose 6 fold in the last century – double the rate of population.
Energy & Atmosphere
• Coal-fired electric utilities produce almost 1/3 the total emission of nitrogen oxide by US
• Fundamental commissioning can increase building energy efficiency from 5-10%.
• Buildings with measurement and verification programs save 10 to 20% the electricity of
buildings without.
• “Lost Productivity” is equated with 20% of occupants complaining 30 minutes per month.
• Occupancy sensors may save up to 60% of light energy costs in a building.
Materials & Resources
• 4% of US old growth forest remains.
• 20% of the world’s large ancient forests remain intact.
• 90% of residential construction is wood.
• 40% of the waste stream is due to construction and demolition.
• Recycling an aluminum can uses 5% of the energy needed to create a new can out of
virgin mined aluminum.
Indoor Environmental Quality
• A well-designed day-lit building is estimated to reduce energy use by 50% to 80%.

LEED certification
LEED certification is obtained after submitting an application documenting compliance with the
requirements of the rating system as well as paying registration and certification fees.
Certification is granted solely by the Green Building Council responsible for issuing the LEED
system used on the project. Fortunately, LEED is a very user-friendly system. In fact, a major
contributor to the success of LEED is the simplicity of its credit/point-based the rating system.
For each credit, the LEED standard identifies the detailed intent, requirements, and
technologies or strategies to achieve the credit. One or more points are available within each
credit, and points are achieved by meeting specified requirements.

Different LEED versions have varied scoring systems based on a set of required "prerequisites"
and a variety of "credits" in the six major categories listed above. In LEED version 2.2 (v2.2) for
new construction and major renovations for commercial buildings there are 69 possible points
and buildings can qualify for four levels of certification:

1. Certified – 26 to 32 points
2. Silver – 33 to 38 points
3. Gold – 39 to 51 points
4. Platinum – 52 to 69 points
Clearly, higher levels of distinction are achieved based on the points accrued.

Green building professionals can also become LEED accredited professional (LEED AP)
through the LEED Accredited Professional Exam. LEED AP certification draws people from all
walks of life and there is no prerequisite qualification required to challenge the exam. However
don't make the mistake of assuming the LEED AP is a casual credential; it requires an in-depth
of understanding of the prescribed material. Underestimating the level of knowledge required is
the number one reason the test has such a high failure rate (20% - 35% first time pass rate).
This course provides knowledge of LEED Rating System in easy Q & A format. The course
includes seven sections covering a basic overview and the description of six LEED categories.
This document is a constant work in progress and if you see something that should be in this
list, please let us know.
LEED is a national standard developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
to certify sustainable buildings. Since its inception in 1998, LEED has grown to encompass over
14,000 projects in 50 US States and 30 countries covering 1.062 billion square feet (99 km²) of
development area. The hallmark of LEED is that it is an open and transparent process where
the technical criteria proposed by the LEED committees are publicly reviewed for approval by
the more than 10,000 membership organizations that currently constitute the USGBC.

No. Questions Answers

1 What does LEED stand Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.


2 What is LEED LEED certification is a credit-based rating system, with

certification? different levels of certification awarded for various tiers of
credits earned. Each credit is intended to address a specific
environmental impact of a building. Certification is granted
solely by the Green Building Council responsible for issuing
the LEED system used on the project.

3 Why LEED certification? LEED rating demonstrates a commitment to sustainability by

meeting the highest performance standards. LEED certified
buildings have following benefits:
• Use key resources more efficiently.
• Contribute to healthier work environment, higher
productivity and comfort.
• Enhances asset value over time.
• Encourage innovation of new technologies, products,
materials and equipment.
• Establish national leadership in the building industry
and marketplace.
• Validate achievement through third party review
• Qualify for growing array of state and local
government incentives.
• Contribute to growing green building knowledge base.
4 What are the various LEED Rating Programs
LEED programs? The USGBC operates 10 LEED Green Building Rating
Programs for specific project types:
• LEED for New Construction (LEED-NC)
• LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB)
• LEED for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI)
• LEED for Core & Shell (LEED-CS)
• LEED for Schools
• LEED for Retail-New Construction
• LEED for Retail and Commercial Interiors
• LEED for Healthcare
• LEED for Homes
• LEED for Neighborhood Development
LEED-NC (for New Construction) v2.2 is the most widely
used standard.

5 What are the various LEED rating system awards points in six (6) categories.
categories to which
LEED credits are LEED Categories Points Contribution
assigned? 1. SS – Sustainable Sites: 14 20%
2. WE - Water Efficiency: 5 7%
3. EA - Energy and 17 25%
4. MR - Materials and 13 19%
5. EQ - Indoor 15 22
Environmental Quality:
6. ID – Innovation and 5 7%
Design Process:
Total 69 100%
There are 69 total LEED points.
Energy and Atmosphere category is the largest contribution of
25%. The project team can select which credits are most
relevant to their project, since not all credits are always
attainable for all projects.

6 What is defined in each Depending on the nature and use of the building, each rating
category? category has prerequisites and credits. There are NO points
awarded for prerequisites but these must be completed. To
prerequisites there are numerous credits with points assigned
to each. Arrange prerequisites and points in ascending order
and learn word “WIMSEE” to remember LEED requirements:
Categories Acronym Prerequisites Points Credits
Water W 0 5 3
Innovation and I 0 5 2
Materials and M 1 13 7
Sustainable S 1 14 8
Indoor EQ 2 15 8
Energy and EA 3 17 6
7 What is the point The level of LEED certification obtained is determined by the
structure for LEED-NC number of credits achieved.
ratings? Four LEED certification levels are available:
1) Certified : 26 – 32 points
2) Silver : 33 – 38 points
3) Gold 39 – 51 points
4) Platinum 52 – 69 points
Note that each rating program is unique in the number of
points required to achieve the levels. For example, LEED for
New Construction or LEED-NC requires 26 points for
Certified, 33 points for Silver, 39 points for Gold, and 52
points for platinum. A brief overview of the categories and
examples of how credits are achieved (LEED-NC) is provided
in subsequent sections. Consult the LEED rating programs
(www. usgbc.org) for specific details about each available
credit including possible methods to achieve the points.

8 What is the minimum The project is a viable candidate for LEED Certification if it
credit rating required for can meet all prerequisites and achieve a minimum of 26
LEED-NC certification? points.

9 What must first be Prerequisites.

satisfied to achieve Prerequisites are applicable to most categories, but not all
points in most (for example “Water Efficiency” and “Innovation and Design
categories? Process”).

10 Can a project be certified NO.

without satisfying all All prerequisites must be satisfied for a project to be certified.

11 What is included in the Each prerequisite defines:

• Intent
• Requirements
• Documentation
• Referenced Standards
• Design or Construction Phase Submission
12 What should you know • There are 7 prerequisites which are not evenly
about Pre-requisites? distributed among the (6) categories. ALL
prerequisites must be earned in order to earn any
credits. Even if you score well over the number of
credits required, just missing one prerequisite will
mean that your project will not qualify for any
certification level.
• There are NO points awarded for prerequisites

13 What is included in the Each credit/point defines:

• Intent
• Requirements
• Documentation
• Referenced Standards
• Design or Construction Phase Exemplary
Performance level if any
14 What should you know Absolutely know all the percentages and levels of
about Credits? performance required for each LEED credit.
Also note that while EA credit 1 (energy optimization) is not a
pre-requisite, it is mandatory to earn at least two points.

15 Whether LEED NO
certification achieved Third-party review for certification is required.
through self evaluation?

16 How many user-defined 4 points

innovative design credits
are available?

17 LEED for New New commercial construction and major renovations.

Construction (NC) was
developed as a rating
system targeted at what
types of projects?

18 LEED for Commercial Tenant and designer implemented improvements.

Interiors (CI) was
developed as a rating
system targeted at what
types of projects?

19 LEED for Existing The implementation of sustainable operations and

Buildings (EB) was maintenance practices for owners and operators of existing
developed as a rating buildings.
system targeted at what
types of projects?

20 Who grants the LEED Certification is granted solely by the Green Building Council
certification? responsible for issuing the LEED system used on the project.

21 What is LEED The typical certification is a three-step process for projects

certification process? under USGBC:
• Project Registration
LEED on-line, LEED templates/project check list,
submittals etc.
• Technical Review & Support
Reference package, credit inquires and interpretation
• Building Certification Award
Upon documentation submittal and USGBC review.
22 What is the first step The first step toward earning LEED Certification is online
towards LEED registration via USGBC website (prior to construction).
certification? Once registered, project teams receive information, tools, and
communication that will help guide through the certification
process. Registration provides access to 4 sections of Credit
• Template status
• Manage template
• Required documents
• Documentation status
23 How much fee is LEED registration is a flat fee paid up front at the time of
applicable towards registration. The rates are:
• Members $450.00
• Non-Members $600.00
24 When should you • Registration during early phases of project design
register? ensures maximum potential for achieving certification.
• Registration establishes point of contact with USGBC
and provides access to essential information, software
tools and communications.
• Registration also provides access to a database of
existing Credit Interpretation Requests and Rulings.
25 What feature of NC v2.2 Web-based LEED Online submittals.
allows for split submittal
of credits for review?

26 What is the procedure for LEED certification is obtained after submitting an application
LEED certification? documenting compliance with the requirements of the rating
system as well as paying registration and certification fees. A
project must satisfy all prerequisites and earn a minimum
number of points outlined in the LEED Rating System under
which it is registered.
The certification review process includes the following:
• Application Submittal
• Administrative Review
• Technical Review
• Award
• Schedule
27 What are the The project team submits two copies of the project application
requirements of and the corresponding fee to the LEED Certification Manager.
application submittal? A complete application includes the following:
• The printed LEED Letter Template and requested
submittals for each prerequisite and credit, separated
by tabs (LEED Version 2.1 Letter Template Excel
document is required on a CD for Version 2.1
• LEED registration information, including project
contact, project type, project size, number of
occupants, date of construction completion, etc.
• A complete LEED-Online submittal must include the
o Overall project narrative including at least
three project highlights.
o The LEED Project Checklist/Scorecard
indicating projected prerequisites and credits
and the total score for the project (If mixed
submittal, LEED v2.0 credits are to be noted
as such in LEED v2.1 Letter Template Credit
Summary or similar format.); and
o Drawings and photos (8.5x11 or 11x17)
illustrating the project, including:
- Site plan
- Typical floor plan
- Typical building section
- Typical or primary elevation
- Photo or rendering of the project
28 Explain the An administrative compliance review is made by USGBC's
Administrative Review LEED committee and takes almost a week after the receipt of
Process. the application. Each document is reviewed for compliance
and completeness. If the documentation is insufficient, the
project contact is notified of the deficiencies. The technical
review begins when the issues raised by the administrative
review are resolved.

29 Explain the Technical Within two weeks of administrative approval, the USGBC
Review Process. issues a Preliminary LEED Review document noting points
earned, pending and rejected. The project team has 30 days
from the receipt of the preliminary review to provide
corrections and/or additions to the application. The USGBC
conducts a Final LEED Review of the application within 30
days of receiving the resubmittal and recommends a final
application score to the LEED Steering Committee. The
LEED Steering Committee accepts or rejects the
recommended final application score within two weeks of
receipt and notifies the project contact of the LEED

30 Explain the LEED Upon notification of the LEED Certification, the project team
certification Award has 30 days to accept or appeal the awarded certification.
process. Upon the project’s acceptance, or if it has not appealed the
rating within 30 days, the LEED Certification is final. The
project may then be referred to as a LEED Certified Green
Building. The USGBC presents the project team with a
certificate and a metal LEED plaque indicating the
certification level. The appeal fee is $500 per credit

31 What is the submittal Once a project is registered, the project team begins to
schedule for prepare documentation and calculations to satisfy the
documentation? prerequisite and credit submittal requirements.
LEED NC V2.2 defines the submittal schedule as follows:
Categories Acronym Credits Submittals Stage
Water W 3 All Design
Innovation and I 2 Design – 1Cs
Design Construction – 2C
Materials and M 7 All Construction
Sustainable S 8 All Design except
Sites Construction - P1,
C5.1, C7.1
Indoor EQ 8 All Design except C3s
Environmental and C4s
Energy and EA 6 All Design except– P1,
Atmosphere C3, C5, C6

32 How much time does it The number of business days allocated to each phase in the
take for certification Certification Process:
• Prelim Review by USGBC (25 business days)
• Project Team Response (25 business days)
• Final Review by USGBC (15 business days)
• Appeal by Project Team (25 days)
• Review of Appeal by USGBC (25 days)
The official certification date of the project is the date USGBC
receives notice of a project team's acceptance of the Final
LEED Review. USGBC will then contact the project team
regarding fulfillment details, including their certificate and
LEED plaque.

33 Can the certification The USGBC offers a compressed review schedule to

schedule be accommodate project dedications, media events or other
compressed? celebrations. The project’s specific time constraint must be
noted at the time of application and accompanied by a check
for double the certification fee.
The RUSH schedule is two weeks for Preliminary LEED
Review, two weeks for the project to resubmit for final review,
and two weeks for Final LEED Review (for a minimum of 6
weeks from receipt of the complete project application).

34 Do you have to pay YES.

additional fees for LEED
certification? The certification fee is based on the rating system that the
project is certifying (NC, EB, CS, etc.), and the size of the
project. The table below outlines the rates.
Less than More than
Category 50,000 Square 500,000
Square Feet
Feet Square Feet
LEED for: New
Commercial Based on
Interiors, Fixed Rate Square Fixed Rate
Schools, and Footage
Core & Shell
full certification

Design Review
Members $1,250.00 $0.025 / sq-ft $12,500.00
Non-Members $1,500.00 $0.030 / sq-ft $15,000.00
Construction Review
Members $500.00 $0.010 / sq-ft $5,000.00
Non-Members $750.00 $0.015 / sq-ft $7,500.00
Combined Design & Construction Review
Members $1,750.00 $0.035 / sq-ft $17,500.00
Non-Members $2,250.00 $0.045 / sq-ft $22,500.00

Certification fee is waived, if project receives Platinum LEED


35 Do you get LEED credits NO

after design phase? After design phase - USGBC marks each credit as credit
anticipated or credit denied. They cannot actually reward
credits after the design phase.

36 Do you get LEED credits YES

after construction phase? After construction phase - USGBC makes a ruling on each
credit as credit achieved or credit denied.

37 What is a CIR? Credit Interpretation Request

In some cases, project teams may encounter questions about
meeting the requirements of a LEED prerequisite or credit on
a specific project. If it is unclear whether or not a strategy
applies to a given credit, a credit interpretation request (CIR)
can be submitted and the ruling will determine the suitability
of the approach.

38 When should you submit The recommended procedure for reviewing credit questions is
a CIR? outlined below:
• Consult the LEED Reference Guide for a detailed
description of the credit intent and requirements.
• Check online resource for previous logged CIR by
other projects on relevant credits first. All LEED
project contacts have access to this page.
• Only if a similar credit interpretation has not been
logged or does not answer your inquiry sufficiently,
then a new CIR via LEED-Online should be submitted.

39 How much time it takes Normally, an official ruling by the USGBC Credit Ruling
for CIR? Committee will be posted to the Credit Interpretation Rulings
page within three weeks.

40 Who is eligible to raise a CIRs can only be requested by LEED Registered Project
CIR? Team Members.

41 Is there a fee for CIR? 2 interpretation rulings are provided for free through the
Each additional CIRs attracts fees of $220.

42 Who can view the CIRs? CIRs can be viewed by all USGBC members, non-members
with registered projects, and workshop attendees.

43 When submitting a CIR CIRs should be succint and based on information found in the
what should you focus Reference Guide, with emphasis on the intent of the
on? prerequisite or credit. If possible the project team should offer
potential solutions to the problem.
• Each CIR should refer to only one LEED credit and
one primary related strategy.The inquiry should only
include essential project strategy and background
information and should be presented in the context of
the credit intent (600 words maximum). When you
submit a credit for consideration for which you have
made a CIR ruling request, include both the request
and the ruling with your submission.
• Submissions of drawings, cut-sheets, or other
attachments are NOT permitted.

44 Does project receive a NO

credit point at the time CIR rulings will never guarantee or award any credits - it just
the CIR request is provides specific information regarding applicability.
The CIR request and ruling must be submitted with the other
relevant LEED Online documentation.

45 If you are unclear about a Reference Guide

credit, where do you look

46 What are the different • LEED Reference Guide

avenues of technical • Access to Posted Credit Interpretation Rulings
assistance for • LEED Training Workshop
interpreting LEED?
47 Can project team appeal YES
against the award ruling? If a project team feels that sufficient grounds exist to appeal a
credit that has been denied in the Final LEED Review, it has
the option to appeal.
• Appeals are $500 per credit.
• You have 25 days to appeal after Final LEED Review.
• Appeal submittals are all done via LEED-Online.
• Because review will be done by a different review
team, appeals must include the LEED registration
information, including project contact, project type,
project size, number of occupants, date of
construction completion, and other relevant
documents submitted during the certification process.

48 What does LEED AP AP stands for accredited professional. This certification is for
mean? any building professional who has successfully passed the
LEED accredited professional status examination.

49 Does the LEED-AP on Only when they are the responsible party for the credit.
the design team sign the
Letter Templates?

50 How are the LEED AP The LEED AP exams are administered in the US and
exams administered? territories by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI).
The computer based exam is given in a multiple-choice
format and is administered at computer testing centers.
Examinees may choose to take one of the three different
exam tracks (New Construction, Existing Buildings, or
Commercial Interiors).

51 How is LEED AP Exam There are 4 basic “sections” within the LEED AP Exam format
Structured? that you’ll be tested on:
• Knowledge of LEED Credit Intents and Requirements
• Coordinate Project and Team
• Implement LEED Process
• Verify, Participate in, and Perform Technical Analysis
Required for LEED Credits
The exam will test your knowledge of LEED standards,
synergies, strategies and intent.

52 What are the different There are three different exam tracks for the LEED AP. You
exam tracks for the only need to pass one to earn your credential.
current LEED exams?
• LEED for New Construction, version 2.2
• LEED for Commercial Interiors, version 2.0
• LEED for Existing Buildings, version 2.0
53 What will the different There will be five different specialty exam tracks for the
specialty exam tracks be upcoming LEED AP+ credentialing program. You only need
for the new upcoming to pass one to earn your credential.
LEED AP+ credentialing
• LEED AP+ Building Design and Construction exam
(formerly called the LEED for New Construction exam)
• LEED AP+ Interior Design and Construction exam
(formerly called the LEED for Commercial Interiors
• LEED AP+ Operations and Maintenance exam
(formerly called the LEED for Existing Buildings exam)
• LEED AP+ Homes exam (this is a new exam track)
• LEED AP+ Neighborhood Development exam (this is
a new exam track)
Please note that you will need to take and pass the LEED
Green Associate exam prior to, or in conjunction with, a
specialty exam in order to qualify for the LEED AP+

54 Which exam track should It is best to take the exam track that covers topics you are
I take? familiar with. To learn more about each exam track visit the
GBCI website.

55 Who can become LEED Commonly engineers or architects who have studied LEED
AP? requirements, goals and strategies, but there are no
experience requirements. Anybody can take the exam.
Individuals recognized for their knowledge of the LEED rating
system are permitted to use the LEED Accredited
Professional (AP) acronym after their name, indicating they
have passed the accreditation exam.

56 How do I apply to take a To register go to the GBCI website and download the
LEED AP exam? Candidate Handbook to get information about scheduling,
exam preparation, test-day procedures, and more. The
Candidate Handbook will provide you with information on how
to schedule an appointment at a testing center near you. The
appointments are given on a first come first serve basis.

57 What is the format and The current LEED exams are computer-based and multiple
time limit? choice. You are allowed to complete the exam in two hours.
The exam is closed book.

58 How is the exam scored? The exam is graded by computer.

You must pass a 100 question exam and receive a score of
170/200 points.

59 What does LEED AP do? This accreditation enables an individual to facilitate the rating
of buildings with the various LEED systems. LEED accredited
professionals guide design and construction teams through
the LEED process and offer ideas and strategies in achieving
LEED ranking.
60 What reference books The LEED-NC Reference Guide V 2.2 – This contains
are available? extensive background information and detailed guidance for
meeting the requirements LEED for New Construction. The
guide contains every LEED point in detail and includes not
only information on fulfilling the requirements of the rating
system, but also case studies, calculation methods, and other
There are going to be quite a few questions dealing with “who
does what”, or how the certification process works, which isn’t
directly mentioned in the reference guide. Many of these
answers are found online at the USGBC website - you just
have to fish for them.

61 Is there an International The World Green Building Council has been developed to
LEED Rating System? represent Green Building Councils throughout the world.
There are currently nine member countries six of which have
their own rating systems.
• United States – LEED
• Canada – LEED Canada
• United Kingdom – BREEAM
• India – LEED India
• Japan – CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment
System for Building Environmental Efficiency)
• Mexico
• New Zealand
• Taiwan
• United Arab Emirates
62 What is difference People are accredited, buildings are certified.
between certification and
Sustainability is a holistic approach to designing and building. The main goals of sustainable
design are to reduce depletion of resources including energy, water, and raw materials;
minimize environmental damage caused by buildings and facilities throughout their life; and
create better building environments. In a rather simplistic explanation, sustainable practices
tend to promote energy efficiency and the use of products that are safer, renewable/ recyclable
and reduce harmful waste in their production. The local climate, geography and socio economic
factors all have to be taken into account when designing a green sustainable building. For
example, take a case of straw bale wall construction in a region devoid of straw. Sure, the wall
will function well from an insulating stand point but if you trucked in the straw bales from
hundreds/ thousands of miles or airlifted it in, how sustainable was that? Imagine all the fuel
burned and the pollutants released. If there was an abundance of soil and concrete, rammed
earth could have been better choice.
Achieving an effective sustainable design requires a collaborative process engaging the multiple
design disciplines, as well as users, construction managers, contractors and facility managers.
The merging of ideas, perspectives and areas of expertise facilitated by an open
communications process reaps multiple benefits, as the project team moves from the
optimization of single systems in isolation to the optimization of the entire building enterprise.
Establishing vertical support throughout the organization helps ensure success.

This category of credits is intended to reduce environmental damage, pollution and other
harmful effects due to building construction.

No. Questions Answers

1 What do SS stand for? Sustainable Sites

2 What are the goals of • Maintain and restore site biodiversity.

Sustainable Development? • Minimize site development footprint.
• Reduce storm water run-off.
• Eliminate toxic chemical application for pest
and vegetative control.
• Optimize design for the local micro-climate
and reduce dependence on mechanical
systems for building operations.
• Reduce reliance on single-occupancy
• Integrate design and orient building to take
advantage of local micro-climate for heating,
cooling, shading, ventilation and daylighting.
• Eliminate light trespass from the building site,
improve night sky access, and reduce
development impact on nocturnal
Prerequisite – 1
3 How many prerequisites,
Credits - 8
credits and points are there in
Points - 14
the Sustainable Sites?
No. Questions Answers

4 Name the Prerequisites in the SS P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

SS Section

5 Name the Credits in the SS SS Credit 1 – Site Selection (1 point)

Section SS Credit 2 – Development Density and Community
Connectivity (1 point)
SS Credit 3 – Brownfield Development (1 point)
SS Credit 4 – Alternative Transportation (4 points)
SS Credit 5 – Site Development (2 points)
SS Credit 6 – Stormwater Design (2 points)
SS Credit 7 – Heat Island Effect (2 points)
SS Credit 8 – Light Pollution Reduction (1 point)
6 What percentage SS 20% [14 / 69 x 100]
contributes to overall LEED
credit points?


7 How many prerequisites, are One

there in the Sustainable Sites?

8 SS PREREQ 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

What is the SS prerequisite 1?

9 SS PREREQ 1 Reduce pollution from construction activities by

What is the intent of the SS controlling
prerequisite? • Soil erosion
• Waterway sedimentation and
• Airborne dust generation
10 SS PREREQ 1 Option 1
What are the requirements and Create and implement an Erosion and Sedimentation
the documents that define best Control (ESC) Plan for all construction activities
management practices for the associated with the project that conforms to the
SS prerequisite? erosion and sedimentation requirements of the 2003
EPA Construction General Permit [ refer EPA
Document No. EPA 832R92005, Storm Water
Management for Construction Activities, Chapter 3]
Option 2
Local erosion and sedimentation control standards
and codes, whichever is more stringent. Prepare a
Site Access and Utilization Plan to minimize site
disruption associated with the project's construction
No. Questions Answers
SS credit 4.4: Alternative Transportation – Parking
37 SS CREDIT 4.1 Promotes the use of mass transit and reduce
What is Credit 4.1? reliance on automobiles.

38 SS CREDIT 4.1 Locate project:

What is required for Credit • within 1/2 mile from commuter rail, light rail,
4.1? or subway station
• within 1/4 mile from two or more public or
campus bus lines usable by building
39 SS CREDIT 4.2 Promotes the use of bicycles.
What is Credit 4.2?

40 SS CREDIT 4.2 For commercial/institutional buildings

What is required for Credit Provide secure bicycle racks and storage (within 200
4.2? yards of the Building) for 5% or more of regular
building users (measured at peak periods)
Provide changing/shower facilities within 200 yards
of a building entrance for 0.5% of Full-Time
Equivalent (FTE) occupants

For residential buildings

Provide covered storage facilities for securing
bicycles for 15% or more of building occupants in
lieu of changing/shower facilities.
Ensure that that the bicycle storage location is within
200 yards of the building entrance.

41 SS CREDIT 4.2 This is the first credit that deals with FTE (Full-Time
What is specific requirement Equivalent) occupants. The definition of FTE is a sort
for Credit 4.2? of calculation explained here:
Calculate the full-time equivalent (FTE) building
occupants based on a standard 8-hour occupancy
period. An 8-hour occupant has an FTE value of 1.0,
while a part-time occupant has an FTE value based
on their hours per day divided by 8.
FTE Occupants = Occupant Hours / 8
This calculation must be consistent for all LEED for
New Construction credits.
No. Questions Answers

42 SS CREDTI 4.3 Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles

What is Credit 4.3?

43 SS CREDTI 4.3 Option 1:

What is required for Credit Provide low emission cars (yes, provide cars to
4.3? people), with preferred parking (0.03 FTE)
Option 2:
Provide preferred parking for low emission cars (0.05
total parking spaces)
Option 3:
Provide charging station and refuel stations for low
emission cars (0.03 total parking spaces)
o Low emission car = ZEV (zero emisson
vehicle) = minimum energy star of 40.
o Preferred parking EXCLUDES handicap

44 SS CREDIT 4.4 No increase in parking capacity.

What is Credit 4.4?

45 SS CREDIT 4.4 Option 1 (non-residential):

What is a minimum • Do not exceed local parking requirements in
requirement for Credit 4.4? proposed parking scheme
• Provide carpool parking (for 0.05 total parking
Option 2 (non-residential):
• For projects that provide parking for less than
5% of FTE building occupants: provide
carpool parking (for 0.05 total parking
Option 3 (residential):
• Do not exceed local codes
• Shared vehicle program
Option 4 (all):
• Provide no new parking

46 SS CREDIT 4.4 No more than the MINIMUM local zoning

What determines the maximum requirements,
number of parking spaces AND
allowed and what are the Provide preferred parking for carpools or vanpools
parking distribution capable of serving 5% of the building occupants.
requirements under Credit 4.4?
No. Questions Answers

47 SS CREDIT 4.4 Do not exceed the local zoning minimum parking

For Residential Buildings requirement
(option 3), what are the AND
requirements to receive Provide infrastructure and support programs to
Alternative Transportation: facilitate shared vehicle usage.
Parking Capacity Credit 4.4?

48 SS CREDIT 4.4 Provide no new parking

Inclusive of ALL building types
(option 4), what is the
requirement to receive
Alternative Transportation:
Parking Capacity Credit 4.4?

49 SS CREDIT 5 Site Development

What is SS Credit 5 called?

50 SS CREDIT 5 Two
How many points are available SS credit 5.1: Site Development – Protect or Restore
for Site Development? Habitat
SS credit 5.2: Site Development – Maximize Open
51 SS CREDIT 5.1 Encourages restoration of open areas or reduce
What is Credit 5.1? impact on green fields.

52 SS CREDIT 5.1 • Conserve existing natural areas

• Restore damaged areas
What is the intent of the Site • Provide habitat
Development Credit 5.1?
• Promote biodiversity
53 SS CREDIT 5.1 Limit site disturbance to:
What is required on greenfield • 40 ft. beyond the building perimeter
sites for Credit 5.1? • 25 ft. beyond constructed areas with
permeable surfaces
• 15 ft. beyond the roadways
• 10 ft. beyond surface walkways, patios,
surface parking
• 15 ft. of main utility trenches & 10 ft. for
utilities less than 12inches diameter
54 SS CREDIT 5.1 Restore or protect a minimum of 50% of the site area
What is required on previously (excluding the building footprint) with native or
developed sites for Credit 5.1? adapted vegetation.
No. Questions Answers
for Stormwater Design? Credit 6.2: Stormwater Design – Quality Control

61 SS CREDIT 6.1 • Limit the disruption of natural hydrology

• Increase on-site filtration
What is the intent of Credit • Manage storm water runoff
• Eliminate sources of contaminants
• Reduce impervious cover
• Reduce/eliminate pollution
• Remove pollutants from storm water runoff
62 SS CREDIT 6.1 Implement a stormwater management plan that
What is required for prevents the post-development peak discharge rate
Stormwater Design: Credit 6.1 and quantity equal to or less than pre-development
- if existing impervious surface (for 1 and 2 year, 24-hour design storms)
is less than or equal to 50% of OR
total site area? Implement a stormwater management plan that
protects receiving stream channels from excessive
erosion by implementing a stream channel protection
strategy and quantity control strategies.

63 SS CREDIT 6.1 Implement a stormwater management plan that

What is required for results in a 25% decrease in the volume of
Stormwater Design: Credit 6.1 stormwater runoff than pre-development (from the 2
- if existing impervious surface year, 24 hour design storm).
is greater than 50% of total site Notes
•Humid watershed: 1″ rainfall / 40″ per year
•Semi-arid watershed: 0.75″ rainfall / 20-40″
per year
• Arid watershed: 0.50″ rainfall / less than 20″
per year
64 SS CREDIT 6.1 • Design the project site to maintain natural
stormwater flows by promoting infiltration.
What are potential strategies
for managing stormwater • Specify vegetated and pervious paving to
flows? minimize impervious surfaces.
• Reuse stormwater volumes generated for non-
potable uses such as landscape irrigation, toilet
and urinal flushing and custodial uses.
65 SS CREDIT 6.2 Reduce or eliminate water pollution by reducing
What is the intent of Credit impervious cover, increasing onsite infiltration,
6.2? eliminating source of contaminants, and removing
pollutants from stormwater runoff.

66 SS CREDIT 6.2 Implement a stormwater management plan that

What is required for reduces impervious cover, promotes infiltration, and
Stormwater Design: Credit captures and treats stormwater from 90% of the
6.2? average annual rainfall using acceptable best
No. Questions Answers
management practices (BMP's).
BMP's used to treat runoff must be capable of
removing 80% of the average annual post
development total suspended solids load based on
existing monitoring reports.

67 SS CREDIT 6 Red standing seam metal roof.

What type of roof system is
most effective to capture

68 SS CREDIT 6 EPA's Guidance Specifying Management Measures

What document describes the for Sources of Non-Point Pollution in Coastal Waters,
practices to be used to reduce January 1993 (Document #EPA 840-B-92-002).
stormwater total suspended
solids (TSS) and total
phosphorous (TP)?

69 SS CREDIT 7 Heat Island Effect

What is SS Credit 7 called?

70 SS CREDIT 7 Heat islands are the characteristics of urban

What Is a Heat Island? air/surface temperatures that result in higher air
temperatures up to 10° F (5.6° C) warmer than
surrounding natural land cover.

71 SS CREDIT 7 Causes of the "heat island effect" include dark

What Causes a Heat Island? surfaces--that absorb more heat from the sun--and
less vegetation that would provide shade and cool
the air.
As cities replace natural land cover with pavement,
buildings, and other structures, these built up areas
absorb more of the sun's heat, causing surface and
air temperatures to rise. The loss of trees and shrubs
also eliminates the natural cooling effects of shading
and evapo-transpiration, a process that draws heat
from the air to convert water contained in vegetation
to water vapor.

72 SS CREDIT 7 Heat islands can occur at any time, regardless of

When do heat islands form? season or time of day. They are often largest in the
evening when urban areas release stored heat
energy into the air from roads and other structures.
This urban-rural cooling difference produces
maximum heat island intensities three to five hours
after sunset.
No. Questions Answers
What is a Cool Roof? Start Roof Product Program has cool roofing
specifications for both low-slope (primarily
commercial) and sloped (primarily residential) roofs.
EPA ENERGY STAR specifies an albedo of 0.65 or
higher for low-slope roofs and at least 0.25 for
steeped sloped roofs. Although emittance is not a
qualifying criterion for ENERGY STAR ®, a value of
at least 0.85 further reduces roof temperatures and
can decrease the amount of heat transferred to
building interiors.

86 SS CREDIT 7 On a hot, sunny summer day, traditional roofing

What are the benefits of cool materials can reach peak temperatures of 190°F
roofs? (88°C). By comparison, cool roofs reach maximum
temperatures of 120°F (49°C). In buildings with air
conditioning (AC), cool roofs can save money on
energy bills, lower peak energy demand, and reduce
power plant emissions of air pollution and
greenhouse gases. In buildings without AC, cool
roofs can increase indoor occupant comfort by
lowering top-floor temperatures. In both cases, cool
roofs can contribute to urban heat island mitigation.

87 SS CREDIT 7 Low-slope cool roofing applications, which are

What are some examples of typically used in the commercial building sector,
cool roofing applications? include single-ply and cool coatings. Single-ply
roofing is often constructed of white rubber or plastic
material that is glued or fastened over the entire roof
surface. Cool coatings have the consistency of thick
paint, and contain cement particles or elastomeric
polymers. They can be applied to a wide range of
existing and new roof surfaces.
Sloped cool roofing applications include concrete or
clay tile with a white pigment added to the surface or
mixed in during manufacturing. These products are
typically used in the residential sector.

88 SS CREDIT 7 Green roofs, or rooftop gardens, are planted over

What is a green roof? existing roof structures, including industrial facilities,
residences, offices, and other commercial property.
These "living" roofs consist of a waterproof, root-safe
ge system,
lightweight growing medium, and plants.

89 SS CREDIT 7 Green roof benefits include:

What are the benefits of green • Reducing rooftop temperatures and heat
roofs? transfer to the surrounding air;
• Decreasing summertime indoor
No. Questions Answers
a chemical reaction between nitrogen oxides and
volatile organic compounds in the presence of heat
and sunlight. Ground-level ozone is a harmful
pollutant and the main constituent of smog.

92 SS CREDIT 8 Light Pollution Reduction

What is SS Credit 8 called?

93 SS CREDIT 8 • Minimize light trespass from the building and

What is the intent of the Light
Pollution Reduction Credit? • Reduce sky-glow to increase night sky
• Improve nighttime visibility through glare
• Reduce development impact on nocturnal
94 SS CREDIT 8 Light pollution is the unwanted illumination of the
What is Light Pollution? night sky created by human activity. Light pollution is
sometimes said to be an undesirable byproduct of
our industrialized civilization. Light pollution is a
broad term that refers to multiple problems, all of
which are caused by inefficient, annoying, or
arguably unnecessary use of artificial light. Specific
types of light pollution include light trespass, over-
illumination and sky glow.

95 SS CREDIT 8 As its name implies, light trespass occurs when

What is Light Trespass? unwanted light spills over beyond the boundary of
the property on which a light is located to adjacent
properties. Light trespass is often caused by high or
poorly positioned lights. The result is bright night
lighting on an area that would otherwise be dark.
Certainly it is important to have adequate light for
safety and security, however, when misapplied,
additional problems are created.

96 SS CREDIT 8 Over illumination is the use of light well beyond that

What is Over Illumination? required for a specific activity. Many places, both
indoors and out, have lights on when no people are
present. In many cases, this goes beyond the need
for security lighting. Think of office buildings that
have lights on all night even though the buildings are
virtually empty.

97 SS CREDIT 8 Sky glow is the bright ‘glow’ seen over many cities
and towns in the evening. It is the result of the many
No. Questions Answers
What is Sky glow? electric lighting fixtures that shed light above urban
areas. It is caused by light traveling through the
atmosphere being refracted or scattered by water
droplets or particles (aerosols) such as dust, pollen,
bacteria, spores, salt from sea spray, mineral
particles lifted from deserts and waste products from
industry. It is therefore worse in heavily polluted
areas, and will always exist to some extent when the
air quality is poor.

98 SS CREDIT 8 Light pollution is a strong indicator of wasted energy.

Why do we care about light Astronomers (both professional and amateur) have
pollution? been concerned about the deteriorating quality of the
night sky to conduct their observations and research.
Medical research on the effects of excessive indoor
light on the human body suggests a variety of
adverse health effects including increased
headaches, fatigue, and stress.
Lights at night can impact both the biology and
ecology of species in the wild. Some examples
include the disorientation of sea turtle hatchlings by
beachfront lighting; nesting choices and breeding
success of birds; behavioral and physiological
changes in salamanders; disturbances of nocturnal
animals; and altered natural light regimes in
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

99 SS CREDIT 8 One
How many points are available
for Light Pollution Reduction?

100 SS CREDIT 8 Requirements for Interior Lighting:

What is required for Light • Stays inside
Pollution Reduction Credit 8.0? • Non-emergency lights shut down
automatically at non-business hours
For interior lighting, the angle of maximum candela
from each interior luminaire located in the building
shall intersect opaque bldg interior surfaces
Requirements for Exterior Lighting:
• Provide for comfort and safety only
• DO NOT exceed 80% of lighting power
densities for exterior area and 50% for
building facades and landscape features as
defined in ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
• DO NOT install lighting more than 2.5 times
No. Questions Answers
building height from property line
• Credit does not apply to 3 story buildings,
warehouses, and manufactured homes.
4 Light Zones:
Projects shall follow the requirements for 4 light
zones as follows:
• LZ1: dark, density less than 200 people per
square mile
• LZ2: low (residential)
• LZ3: medium (commercial, industrial and
high-density residential)
• LZ4: high (major city centers, entertainment


The introduction of a building to a site inevitably causes disruptions that affect the health of the
local ecosystem. The suggested strategies for Sustainable Development include:

• Evaluate brownfield sites to determine appropriate reuse for health care facilities.
• Reuse and renovate existing buildings.
• Site buildings in urban areas with existing infrastructure.
• Avoid agricultural land, 100 year flood plains, threatened or endangered species habitat,
wildlife corridors, wetlands.
• Orient buildings to make best use of solar energy for heating or daylighting.
• Orient buildings to encourage natural ventilation and passive cooling.
• Design to reduce erosion and run off into sewer systems and/or air pollution.
• Reduce building footprint, optimize layouts and reduce size of roads, parking and other
site improvements to concentrate and limit total paving and other site disturbance.
• Minimize impervious cover by using open-grid and pervious paving materials.
• Maximize preservation and restoration of bio-diverse open space/habitat.
• Use native trees, shrubs and plants.
• Develop and implement an integrated pest management plan.
• Use vegetative and other shading techniques to assist passive cooling and ventilation of
buildings and public and paved areas.
• Site in proximity to transit options.
• Establish a transportation plan. Support alternatives to fossil fueled single occupancy
vehicles (preferred van/carpool parking, bike parking and changing facilities, electric car
charging and other alternate vehicle fueling, nearby transit access). Reduce paved
parking area appropriately.
• Design in accordance with Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
foot-candle requirements as stated in the Recommended Practice Manual: Lighting for
Exterior Environments, and design interior and exterior lighting such that zero direct
beam illumination leaves the building site.
Water efficient design strategies balance water quality and quantity demands within a building
and are responsive to the watershed's capacity as source and sink. Public works projects, such
as treatment plants and sewage systems, are unable to adequately remove or process the toxic
materials that infiltrate these systems, potentially threatening public health.

This category encourage owners/designers to take a systematic look to identify potential water
sources, how water is used in the building and how it flows around the building site to reduce
water usage and wastewater discharges. The credits are earned by reducing or eliminating the
use of potable water for landscape irrigation, reducing wastewater, and reducing overall water
consumption. The goals are to:

1. Minimize the use of potable water while conserving water quality and availability.
2. Minimize off site treatment of wastewater.
3. Minimize storm water release from the site.
4. Maximize use of on-site water resources, (e.g., rainwater, graywater).
5. Match water quality with end use requirements.
6. Maximize aquifer recharge.

No. Questions Answers

1 What do WE stand for? Water Efficiency

2 What are the goals of Water • Minimize the use of potable water while
Efficiency LEED category? conserving water quality and availability.
• Minimize off site treatment of wastewater.
• Minimize storm water release from the site.
• Maximize use of on-site water resources,
(e.g., rainwater, greywater).
• Match water quality with end use
• Maximize aquifer recharge.
3 How many prerequisites and Prerequisites – 0
credits are there in the Water Credits – 3
Efficiency section? Points - 5
4 Name the Credits in the WE WE Credit 1 – Water Efficient Landscaping (2
Section points)
WE Credit 2 – Innovative Waste Water
Technologies (1 point)
WE Credit 3 – Water Use Reduction (1 point)

5 What percentage WE 7% [5 / 69 x 100]

contribute to overall LEED
credit points?
No. Questions Answers

6 Is there any prerequisite for NO

Water Efficiency Category?

7 What is Graywater? Graywater is defined by the UPC (uniform plumbing

code) as untreated wastewater that has not come in
contact with toilet waste. Examples are shower
water, water from sinks, bathtubs, bathroom wash
basins and cloth washers.
Architect, plumbing engineer, civil engineer, local
agency all need to be involved in the design of a
graywater system.

8 What is Blackwater? Blackwater doesn’t have a single definition that is

accepted nationwide. It is basically toilet and urinal
water, as well as kitchen sinks in most areas.

9 WE CREDIT 1 Water Efficient Landscaping

What is WE Credit 1 called?

10 WE CREDIT 1 • Limit or eliminate potable water (drinking

water) use for landscape irrigation.
What is the intent of Water
Efficient Landscape Credit? • Limit or eliminate use of natural surfaces for
landscape irrigation.
11 WE CREDIT 1 Two
How many points are available Credit 1.1: Water Efficient Landscaping – Reduce by
for Water Efficient 50%
Landscaping? Credit 1.2: Water Efficient Landscaping – No Potable
Use or No Irrigation

12 WE CREDIT 1.1 Reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by

What is required for Credit 50% by a combination of plant species factor,
1.1? irrigation efficiency, use of captured rainwater, use of
recycled wastewater, and use of water treated and
conveyed by a public agency specifically for non-
potable uses.

13 WE CREDIT 1.1 50% reduction from a calculated mid-summer

What percent of potable water baseline case.
needs to be reduced to get
Water Efficient Landscape
Credit 1.1?

14 WE CREDIT 1.1 • Use high efficiency micro-irrigation system

List few methods to achieve o drip, micro misters, subsurface
WE Credit 1.1. irrigation
No. Questions Answers
• Instead of using potable water use:
o captured rainwater
o recycled wastewater
o treated water
• Use treated water conveyed by public agency
as specifically for non-potable uses
• Use species factor
o consider size, growth rate,
adaptability, texture, color,
diversification of plant life on site

15 WE CREDIT 1.2 Option 1:

What is required for Credit Do not use any potable water for Irrigation
1.2? Option 2:
Do not use any irrigation system
Achieve WE Credit 1.1 and use only captured
rainwater, recycled waste water, recycled graywater,
or water treated and conveyed by a public agency
specifically for non-potable uses for irrigation
Do not install permanent irrigation systems (temp
system okay if removed w/in 1 year).

16 WE CREDIT 1.2 Potable Free System: 100% total reduction.

What percent of potable water
needs to be reduced to get
Water Efficient Landscape
Credit 1.2?

17 WE CREDIT 1.2 • Group plants according to their water needs.

What are the basic strategies • Specify native plants that are tolerant of local
for Water Efficient Landscape climate, soils and water.
Credits? • Limit turf areas to those needed for practical
uses: Grass should be grown only in areas
where it provides functional benefit.
• For landscaping, use following methods:
o Captured Rainwater
o Recycled wastewater
o Recycled graywater
o Treated water
• Use efficient irrigation systems: Install drip
irrigation and high efficiency irrigation control
No. Questions Answers

22 WE CREDIT 2 Change 50% of urinals and toilets to composting

What are 2 examples of toilets and waterless urinals.
Innovative Wastewater Reuse stormwater or greywater for sewage
Technologies? conveyance.

23 WE CREDIT 3 Water Use Reduction

What is WE Credit 3 called?
24 WE CREDIT 3 • Maximize water efficiency
What is intent of the Water • Reduce burden on municipal water supply
Use Reduction Credit? • Reduce burden on wastewater system
25 WE CREDIT 3 Two
How many points are available Credit 3.1: Water Use Reduction – 20% Reduction
for Water Use Reduction? Credit 3.2: Water Use Reduction – 30% Reduction
26 WE CREDIT 3.1 Employ strategies that in aggregate use 20% less
What is required for Water water than baseline calculated for building.
Use Reduction Credit 3.1?
27 WE CREDIT 3.1 Use special fixtures and sensor/metering controls.
What are the methods for Fixture / Flowrate in Gallons Per Minute (GPM)
Water Use Reduction? • Shower/2.5 (lowflow/1.8)
• Lavatory/2.5 (lowflow/1.8) (ultra lowflow/0.5)
• Kitchen Sink/2.5 (lowflow/1.8)
• Faucets/2.5
• Aerator/2.5
• Water Closet/1.6 (lowflow/1.1)
• Dual Flush Water Closet/1.6 (lowflow/0.8)
• Composting Toilet/0.0
• Urinal/1 (lowflow/0.5)
• Non-Water Urinal/0.0
Use high-efficiency fixtures above, dry fixtures,
occupant sensors.
Consider reusing stormwater and graywater for non-
potable uses.
28 WE CREDIT 3.1 Energy Policy Act of 1992
What fixture performance
requirements need to be met
in Credit 3.1 and 3.2?
29 WE CREDIT 3.2 Employ strategies that in aggregate use 30% less
What is required for Credit water than baseline calculated for building.
No. Questions Answers
evaporative condenser heat rejection
equipment (air cooled, or ground source).
• Collecting storm water runoff from roofs and
site and use for irrigation, sewage
conveyance, toilet flushing and/or
HVAC/process makeup water or recharge in
to aquifer.
• Minimizing hardscapes and install permeable
paving and other pervious surface materials.
• Creating wetlands or other systems to locally
recharge underground water flows.

Suggested Strategies for Water Efficiency include but not limited to:
• Specify EPA Energy Star and high performance fixtures and equipment: e.g., low flow
and pressure assist toilets and urinals; waterless urinals; low-flow showerheads and
faucets; automatic use activation on sinks, toilets and urinals; Energy Star dishwashers
and laundry equipment; ozone-injected laundry equipment.
• Maximize water conservation in cooling towers by using non-potable site recycled water
for cooling tower makeup, or use non-evaporative condenser heat rejection equipment
(air cooled, or ground source).
• Specify native plants that are tolerant of local climate, soils and water.
• Install drip irrigation and high efficiency irrigation control (moisture sensors, weather
based controllers).
• Implement appropriate, safe strategies to recycle site waste water (e.g. gray water or
condensate) and/or municipal secondary treated water for irrigation, sewage
conveyance, and toilet flushing.
• Collect storm water runoff from roofs and site and use for irrigation, sewage conveyance,
toilet flushing and/or HVAC/process makeup water or recharge in to aquifer.
• Minimize hardscapes and install permeable paving and other pervious surface materials.
• Create wetlands or other systems to locally recharge underground water flows.
The burning of fossil fuels is the single largest contributor to global climate change, as well as a
contributor to a host of toxic emissions that impair the environmental health of directly affected
communities and the world. Rising energy prices impose a significant economic imperative that
requires a careful examination of understanding how to best assure a comfortable healthy
indoor environment supportive of patient recovery with a significantly reduced energy demand.

This category encourage owners/designers to take a comprehensive, systematic look at the

building and site’s energy flows to reduce energy bills, evaluate opportunities for reliance on
renewable energy sources, and improve environmental health outcomes. By increasing energy
efficiency, the demand for electrical power is lessened, and the use of raw materials required to
generate the power is reduced. Green power generation methods such as solar or wind reduce
carbon emissions and associated global warming. The credit for minimizing atmospheric impact
is achieved by using no refrigerant, or by using a refrigerant that has low ozone depletion and
global warming potential.

No. Questions Answers

1 What does EA stand for? Energy and Atmosphere

2 What are the goals of Energy • Reduce building energy demand

and Atmosphere LEED • Reduce emissions from energy use
category? • Reduce reliance on energy generated by
fossil fuels
• Maximize use of energy generated by
renewable sources
3 How many prerequisites and • Prerequisite – 3
credits are there in the energy • Credits- 6
and atmosphere section? • Points - 17

4 Name the Prerequisites in the EA P1 - Fundamental Commissioning of the Building

EA Section Energy Systems.
EA P2 - Minimum Energy Performance
EA P3 - Fundamental Refrigerant Management
5 Name the Credits in the EA EA Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance (10
Section points)
EA Credit 2 – On Site Renewable Energy (3 points)
EA Credit 3 – Enhanced Commissioning (1 point)
EA Credit 4 – Enhanced Refrigerant Management (1
EA Credit 5 – Measurement and Verification (1
EA Credit 6 – Green Power (1 point)
6 What percentage EA category 25% [17 / 69 x 100]
contributes to overall LEED This is the highest among all categories.
credit points?
No. Questions Answers


7 EA PREREQ 1 Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy

What is the name of the first Systems.

8 EA PREREQ 1 Verify that the building's energy related systems are

What is the intent of the 1st installed, calibrated and perform according to the
prerequisite? owner's project requirements, basis of design and
construction documents.

9 EA PREREQ 1 Designate a Commissioning Authority (CxA) to

lead, review, and oversee completion of
What are the fundamental commissioning process
commissioning requirements
for EA Prerequisite 1? • Must be experienced for two similar projects
• Independent person who provide reports,
findings, and recommendations directly to the
• For projects less that 50,000 sq-ft,
commissioning can be done by design or
construction team.
10 EA PREREQ 1 • Review the BOD & OPR
What are the 6 requirements [The owner writes up the Owner’s Project
of the Commissioning Requirements (OPR), and the design team
Authority (CxA)? creates the Basis of Design (BOD). CxA
reviews these documents].
• Develop a Commissioning plan.
• Verify the Installation & Performance of the
systems to be commissioned.
• Report the results and findings to the owner.
• Completes a summary commissioning report.
• Develop & incorporate commissioning
requirements into the construction
11 EA PREREQ 1 Provide the LEED-NC Letter Template, signed by the
What are the Submittals owner and commissioning authority, confirming that
requirements to achieve EA the commissioning requirements for the building’s
Prerequisite 1? energy related systems have been successfully
executed or will be provided under existing

12 EA PREREQ 1 The owner in their OPR specifies energy efficiency

What does the owner cover in goals (local energy codes, ASHRAE, or LEED),
Owner’s Project Requirements Indoor Environmental Quality Requirements (temp,
(OPR)? humidity, air quality, ventilation, filtration, adjustability
of controls), equipment and Systems Expectations
No. Questions Answers
(maintenance, quality, automation).

13 EA PREREQ 1 The BOD provides a narrative on the design of

What does the design team systems including codes, regulations, and
cover in Basis of Design performance criteria.

14 EA PREREQ 1 Engage a commissioning authority and adopt a

What is a strategy to achieve commissioning plan.
EA Prerequisite 1?

15 EA PREREQ 1 • HVAC and refrigeration

• Lighting and daylight controls
What systems are covered in • Renewable Energy (PV, wind, solar etc)
• Domestic Hot Water
16 EA PREREQ 1 To Verify:
Why commissioning is Installation inspection: verify proper installation
required? and complete quality control to catch issues before
System Performance Testing: check as systems
are energized, programmed, balanced and run under
part and full load conditions.

17 EA PREREQ 1 Commissioning usually adds $1/ sq ft.

What is the approximate cost
to the commissioning?

18 EA PREREQ 2 Minimum Energy Performance

What is the name of the 2nd
EA prerequisite?

19 EA PREREQ 2 Establish minimum level of energy efficiency for

What is the intent of the 2nd building system.

20 EA PREREQ 2 Option 1:
What are the submittal Provide a LEED-NC Letter Template, signed by a
requirements of the 2nd licensed professional engineer or architect, stating
prerequisite? that the building project complies with both:
• The mandatory provisions in Sections 5.4,
6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, and 10.4 of
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 (without
• The prescriptive requirements in Sections
No. Questions Answers
evaluating Optimize Energy
Performance Credit, Option 1?

37 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 1) The Building Performance Rating method

What method is used to
determine cost savings in
Optimize Energy Performance
Credit, Option 1?

38 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 1) HVAC systems, service water heating, and lighting

What are the regulated energy
components for Optimize
Energy Performance Credit,
Option 1?

39 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 1) 14% for new, 7% for existing

What percentage of energy
cost savings must the energy
design achieve to get two
points for the Optimize Energy
Performance Credit, Option 1,
for both new and existing

40 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 1) New Buildings - 42%

What percentage of energy Existing Buildings - 35%
cost savings must the energy
design achieve to get all ten
points for the Optimize Energy
Performance, Option 1, for
both new and existing

41 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 2) Option 2: Prescriptive Compliance Path: “Design

What is Option 2? Guide for Small Office Buildings”
(4 points possible)
• Comply with ASHRAE "Guide for Small Office
Buildings" - 2004.
• Building must be less than 20,000 sq-ft
• Building must be office occupancy.
• For Calculations: NOT energy costs, but use
Climate Zone factor
• Project teams must fully comply with all
applicable criteria as established in the
Advanced Energy Design Guide for the
climate zone in which the building is located
No. Questions Answers

42 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 2) Four

How many points are available
for Optimize Energy
Performance, Option 2-
Prescriptive Compliance

43 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 2) Comply with the prescriptive measure of the

What are the requirements for ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small
Optimize Energy Performance, Office Buildings 2004.
Option 2?

44 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 2) • Buildings must be under 20,000 sq. feet

What restrictions apply to • Buildings must be office occupancy
Optimize Energy • Project teams must fully comply with all
Performance- Option 2? applicable criteria as established in the
Advanced Energy Design Guide for the
climate zone in which the building is located.
45 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 3) Option 3: Prescriptive Compliance Path: "Core
What is Option 3? Performance Guide"
(2- 5 points possible)
• Comply with Advanced Buildings Core
Performance Guide sections 1 & 2
o Buildings must be LESS than 100,000 sq
- ft.
o Buildings may NOT be healthcare,
warehouse or laboratories.
o Minimum points achievable (2 to 3
• Three points for office, school, public
assembly and retail
• Two points for all other project types
• Up to 2 points for projects that implement
section 3: enhanced performance
• 1 point for every 3 strategies implemented
• Project teams must fully comply with all
applicable criteria as established in the
Advanced Energy Design Guide for the
climate zone in which the building is located
46 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 3) 2 to 5
How many points are available
for Optimize Energy
Performance- Option 3?
No. Questions Answers

47 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 3) Comply with the Basic Criteria and Prescriptive

What are the requirements for Measures of the Advanced Buildings Benchmark ™
Optimize Energy Version1.1 with the exceptions of sections 1.7
Performance- Option 3? Monitoring and Trend Logging, 1.11 Indoor Air
Quality, and 1.14 Networked Computer Monitor

48 EA CREDIT 1 (Option 3) Project teams must fully comply with all applicable
What restrictions apply to criteria as established in Advanced Building
Optimize Energy Benchmarks ™ for the climate zone in which the
Performance- Option 3? building is located.

49 EA CREDIT 2 On-Site Renewable Energy

What is the EA Credit 2

50 EA CREDIT 2 • Increase on-site renewable energy self

What is the intent of On-Site
Renewable Energy Credit? • Reduce environmental and economic impacts
associated with fossil fuel use
• Offset building energy costs
51 EA CREDIT 2 Three
How many points are available
for On-Site Renewable

52 EA CREDIT 2 Use on-site renewable energy systems to offset

building energy cost.
What is the requirement for
Renewable Energy Credit 2?

53 EA CREDIT 2 On-site use of:

What are the performance • 2.5% renewable energy = 1 point
levels for the renewable • 7.5% renewable energy = 2 points
energy points? • 12.5% renewable energy = 3 points (max)
Gain 1 additional point for 17.5% through exemplary
performance. (4 total)
54 EA CREDIT 2 • Solar
• Photo-voltaic
What are some eligible • Wind
renewable technologies to
• Geothermal heating and electric
achieve EA Credit 2?
• Biomass
• Bio-gas
• Low-Impact Hydro Electric
No. Questions Answers

61 EA CREDIT 3 Prior to the start of the construction documents

What is the 1st requirement of phase, designate an independent CxA to lead,
Enhanced Commissioning review, and oversee the completion of all
Credit? commissioning process activities.

62 EA CREDIT 3 CxA shall conduct, at a minimum, one

What is the 2nd requirement commissioning design review of the Owner's Project
of Enhanced Commissioning Requirements (OPR), the Basis of Design (BOD)
Credit? and the design documents (DD) prior to mid-
construction documents phase, and then check the
review comments.

63 EA CREDIT 3 CxA shall review contractor submittals applicable to

What is the 3rd requirement of systems being commissioned, and submitted to
Enhanced Commissioning design team and owner.

64 EA CREDIT 3 Develop a systems manual for operation of the

What is the 4th requirement of commissioned systems.
Enhanced Commissioning

64 EA CREDIT 3 Verify that the requirements for training personnel

What is the 5th requirement of and building occupants are completed.
Enhanced Commissioning

66 EA CREDIT 3 Assure CxA involvement in reviewing building

What is the 6th requirement of operation within 10 months after substantial
Enhanced Commissioning completion.

67 EA CREDIT 3 • Review of Design

• Review of Systems Manual
The CxA is required to • Verification of training requirements
perform which requirements
for Enhanced

68 EA CREDIT 3 The CxA must have documented commissioning

What are the requirements of authority experience in at least two building projects,
the Commissioning Authority must be independent of the work of design and
(CxA) for Enhanced construction, must not be an employee of the design
Commissioning? firm, must not be an employee or contracted through
a contractor or construction manager, and can be a
qualified employee or consultant of the Owner.
No. Questions Answers

69 EA CREDIT 4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management

What is EA Credit 4 called?

70 EA CREDIT 4 Reduce ozone depletion and support compliance

What are the intents of the with the Montreal Protocol while minimizing direct
Enhanced Refrigerant contributions to global warming.
Management Credit?

71 EA CREDIT 4 • CFC (high)

• HCFC (medium)
What is the impact of different • HFC (low)
refrigerants on ozone Efficiency of HFC is less than HCFC

72 EA CREDIT 4 One
How many points are available
for Enhanced Refrigerant

73 EA CREDIT 4 Option 1:
What is required for the Do not use refrigerants
Enhanced Refrigerant Option 2:
Management Credit?
Select refrigerants & HVAC equipment that minimize
or eliminate the emission of compounds that
contribute to ozone depletion & global warming.

74 EA CREDIT 4 • Do not install fire suppression systems with

ozone depleting substances
What are some strategies to
achieve the Enhanced • Use natural refrigerants: water, carbon
Refrigerant Management dioxide, ammonia
Credit? • Use vapor absorption machines for
refrigeration, where heat recovery is possible.
• Use refrigerants with low ODP & GWP
• Minimize leakage rate
• Use equipment with reduced Rc (refrigerant
• Use equipment with “long service life“
• Eliminate use of mechanical cooling where
75 EA CREDIT 4 • Clean Air Act 1990
What standards are applicable • EPA Montreal Protocol 1987
to EA Credit 4?
No. Questions Answers

76 EA CREDIT 5 Measurement & Verification

What is EA Credit 5 called?

77 EA CREDIT 5 Provide for the ongoing accountability of building

What is the intent of energy consumption over time.
Measurement & Verification

78 EA CREDIT 5 One
How many points are available
for Measurement &

79 EA CREDIT 5 Four
How many options are there (There are 4 options, A to D, but for LEED we only
for EA Credit 5? look at B and D).

80 EA CREDIT 5 Option B:
What is the framework used Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Isolation.
for Measurement & or
Option D:
Calibrated Simulation, as specified in the
International Performance Measurement &
Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Volume III: Concepts
and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New
Construction, April 2003.

81 EA CREDIT 5 Option B:
How is energy uses monitored ECM Isolation measures energy savings & operating
in the Measurement & parameters of the system(s) to which an ECM is
Verification Credit? applied.
Option D:
Calibrated Simulation measures energy savings at
whole building main meters or sub-meters.

82 EA CREDIT 5 • Develop an M&V plan to evaluate building

and/or energy system performance.
What are some strategies to
achieve the Measurement & • Characterize the building and/or energy
Verification (M &V) Credit? systems through energy simulation or
engineering analysis.
• Install the necessary metering equipment to
measure energy use.
• Track and compare actual performance to
baseline predicted performance.
No. Questions Answers

83 EA CREDIT 6 The Green Power Credit

What is EA Credit 6 called?

84 EA CREDIT 6 Encourage the development and use of grid source

What is the intent of the Green renewable energy technologies on a net zero
Power Credit? pollution basis.

85 EA CREDIT 6 One
How many points are available
for the Green power?

86 EA CREDIT 6 Engage in a two-year contract to purchase power

What is the requirement for generated from renewable sources for at least 35%
the Green Power Credit, where of power.
green power is available?

87 EA CREDIT 6 Purchase RECs (tradeable Renewable Certificates)

What is the requirement for equivalent to 35% of predicted annual electrical
the Green Power Credit, where consumption for 2 year period (this equals 70% of
green power is NOT available? projected annual electrical consumption if all RECs
are purchased at one time).

88 EA CREDIT 6 Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) Green-e

What defines renewable products certification requirements.
sources for Green Power?

Suggested Strategies for Energy and Environment conservation include but not limited to:

• Use ASHRAE 90.1-1999 as basis of design to optimize thermal envelope performance.

• Use energy simulation tools, such as DOE2, Energy 10, Radiance, to optimize
interactions between building elements and optimize design.
• Optimize layout and orientation of building to optimize energy performance.
• Design for appropriate daylighting strategies that reduce heat gain and control glare and
• Specify efficient lighting fixtures.
• Specify user controls and ambient condition lighting controls integrated with daylighting.
• Specify efficient HVAC equipment (high efficiency, appropriately sized, low NOX).
• Specify EPA Energy Star electrical equipment and appliances.
• Specify solar water heating and low-flow hot water fixtures and appliances.
• Specify zoning and controls for mechanical equipment to optimize use.
• Specify EPA Energy Star™ roofing materials and/or green roofs to reduce cooling loads
and heat island effect.
• Develop a commissioning plan and hire an independent Commissioning Agent.
• Specify HVAC, refrigeration & fire suppression equipment that do not utilize CFCs and
• When reusing existing base building HVAC equipment, develop a comprehensive CFC
phaseout conversion. Balance ozone depletion potential (ODP) of HCFC alternatives
with global warming potential (GWP).
• Evaluate feasibility for and specify cogeneration, fuel cells, renewable energy systems
(such as photovoltaics, wind, biomass and low impact hydroelectric) and other
alternative energy sources Design for continued monitoring and verification of system
• Purchase green energy where available that meets the Center for Resource Solutions
Green-e products certification requirements.
Use of sustainable materials can significantly enhance a building's environmental health
performance. The sustainable harvest of materials enhances the health of habitats and
increases biodiversity.

This category encourages owners/designers to take a comprehensive, systematic look at

material specifications so as to eliminate harmful health effects. The majority of credits in this
category are gained through reuse and recycling of building materials. Credits are available for:
reusing existing building structures, reusing or recycling building materials, and diverting
building materials from disposal for recycling or reuse.
Credits are also available for using local materials, rapidly renewable materials, and utilizing
certified wood products. The local material credits emphasize a reduction in environmental
impact from transportation. The use of rapidly renewable materials eases the depletion of non-
renewable resources.

No. Questions Answers

1 What does MR stand for? Material Resources

2 What are the goals of Material • Reduce resource depletion.

Resources LEED category? • Reduce embodied energy.
• Reduce toxics generated throughout the life
cycle of materials.
• Reduce waste.
• Reduce impact of reuse or disposal of
3 How many prerequisites, Prerequisite – 1
credits and points are there in Credits- 7
the Sustainable Sites? Points - 13
4 Name the Prerequisite in MR MR P1- Storage and Collection of Recyclables

5 Name the Credits in the MR MR Credit 1- Building Reuse (3 points)

Section MR Credit 2 – Construction Waste Management (2
MR Credit 3- Materials Reuse (2 points)
MR Credit 4 – Recycled Materials (2 points)
MR Credit 5- Regional Materials (2 points)
MR Credit 6 – Rapidly Renewable Materials (1
MR Credit 7- Certified Wood (1 point)
6 What percentage MR 19% [13 / 69 x 100]
contributes to overall LEED
credit points?
No. Questions Answers


7 MR PREREQ 1 Storage and collection of recyclables.

What is the MR prerequisite?

8 MR PREREQ 1 • Reduction in landfill disposal from wasted

generated by building occupants.
What is the intent of the MR
prerequisite? • Provide accessible storage and collection
locations on site.
9 What are the various Collection Sources:
collection sources? • Recycle chutes
• Collection bins
• Can crushers
• Cardboard balers
10 MR PREREQ 1 • Glass
What items must be recycled • Paper
at minimum? • Metal
• Plastic
• Cardboards
11 MR PREREQ 1 Rough guidelines based on best practices:
What are the guidelines that • 0-5000 sq-ft commercial building: 82 sq-ft
govern the minimum recycling minimum accessible recycling area
area? • 5001-15,000 : 125 sq-ft
• 15,001-50,000 : 175 sq-ft
• 50,001-100,000: 225 sq-ft
• 100,001-200,000: 275 sq-ft
• 200,000: 500 sq-ft

12 MR CREDIT 1 Building Reuse

What is MR Credit 1 called?

13 MR CREDIT 1 Three
How many points are available Credit 1.1: Building Reuse – Maintain 75% of
for Building Reuse? Existing Walls, Floors & Roof
Credit 1.2: Building Reuse – Maintain 95% of
Existing Walls, Floors & Roof
Credit 1.3: Building Reuse – Maintain 50% of Interior
Non – Structured Elements
14 MR CREDIT 1.1 Maintain 75% of existing building structure and
What is required for Building
No. Questions Answers
Reuse Credit 1.1?

15 MR CREDIT 1.2 Maintain 95% of existing walls, floors and roof.

What is required for Building
Reuse Credit 1.2?

16 MR CREDIT 1.1 & 1.2 • Extend the life cycle of existing building stock
What is the intent of Building • Conserve and retain cultural resources
Reuse Credit 1.1 and 1.2? • Reduce waste
• Reduce environmental impact with regards to
manufacturing materials and their transport
17 MR CREDIT 1.1 & 1.2 Implementation:
Define the extent of coverage • Excludes:
for implementing MR Credit o windows
1.1 and 1.2? o doors
o non-structural material
o MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
o Elevator equipment
o hazardous material (which should be
• Includes:
o Flooring
o Framing
o Roof
o Exterior Structure (envelope)
• Calculation:
18 MR CREDIT 1.1 & 1.2 If the project includes an addition to an existing
When is a Credit 1.1 and building and the square footage of the addition is
Credit 1.2 NOT applicable? more than 2 times the square footage of the existing

19 MR CREDIT 1.1 & 1.2 MR Credit 1.1 and MR Credit 1.2 are EXACTLY the
What is the difference same, except you can earn two points by achieving
between MR Credit 1.1 and MR the 95% requirement in MR Credit 1.2.
Credit 1.2? Note that credit MR 1.3 should be treated as a
SEPARATE credit with different means of

20 MR CREDIT 1.3 Maintain 50% of interior non-structural elements.

What is required for Building
Reuse Credit 1.3?

21 MR CREDIT 1.3 Interior walls, doors, windows, floor coverings,

No. Questions Answers
How is interior non-structural casework and ceiling systems.
defined for Building Reuse
Credit 1.3?

22 MR CREDIT 1.3 Implementation:

Define the extent of coverage • Excludes:
for implementing MR Credit o MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
1.3? o Elevator equipment
• Includes:
o walls, partitions, doors, ceilings, and floor
• Calculation:
o Fixed items are things like walls and doors
found on-site count toward this credit IF
they are used for the same purpose they
were intentionally built for, i.e. a door is
reused as a door.
o if these items are reused for something
else, i.e. a door becomes a table, they are
NOT a part of this calculation
(They can contribute to credits MR 3.1 and MR 3.2)
23 MR CREDIT 1 Upgrade components that would improve energy and
What does LEED prefer water efficiency, such as mechanical systems and
upgraded in Building Reuse plumbing fixtures.

24 MR CREDIT 2 Construction Waste Management

What is MR Credit 2 called?

25 MR CREDIT 2 • Divert construction and demolition debris

from landfills and incinerators.
What is the intent of
Construction Waste • Redirect salvage and recyclables back to
Management credits? manufacturing process.
• Redirect reusable materials to appropriate
26 MR CREDIT 2 Two
How many points are available Credit 2.1: Construction Waste Management – Divert
for Construction Waste 50% from Disposal
Management? Credit 2.2: Construction Waste Management – Divert
75% from Disposal
No. Questions Answers

27 MR CREDIT 2 Develop and implement a construction waste

management plan that identifies materials to be
What is required for diverted from disposal.
Construction Waste
Management credits?

28 MR CREDIT 2 Calculations can be done by weight or volume, but

must be consistent throughout.
How do you calculate the
percentage of Construction
Waste Management Credits?

29 MR CREDIT 2 Yes, LEED even uses habitat for humanity as an

Can you donate salvaged
materials to nonprofits?

30 MR CREDIT 2 • Quantity of waste leaving site

What should be included in • Description of waste material
the specifications to inform • Requirement to identify haulers and recyclers
the contractors and sub-
contractors of the
requirements for Construction
Waste Management?

31 MR CREDIT 2 Designate a specific area on the construction site for

recycling and tracking efforts throughout the
What is a strategy for Waste construction process.
Management credits?

32 MR CREDIT 2.1 Divert 50% from disposal.

What is required for
Construction Waste
Management Credit 2.1?

33 MR CREDIT 2.2 Divert 75% from disposal.

What is required for
Construction Waste
Management Credit 2.2?

34 MR CREDIT 2.1 & 2.2 Implementation:

Define the extent of coverage • Develop a construction waste management
for implementing MR Credit plan to at a minimum, identify materials to
2.1 and MR Credit 2.2? be diverted:
• salvage, refurbish, recycle, reuse
• Include:
o doors and windows
o salvaged flooring, paneling, cabinetry,
o recycled cardboard, metal, brick,
No. Questions Answers
acoustical tile, concrete, plastics, clean
wood, glass, gypsum board, carpet and
o MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
• Exclude:
o soil, rocks, vegetation
o hazardous material
• Designate site in construction area for
separation process
• Track recycling through construction process
(general contractor to keep records i.e.
receipts, of recyclable and waste diversion
• Diversion can include donation to charitable
organizations as well.
• Calculation:
o Based on WEIGHT (lbs.) or VOLUME
(cubic ft.)

35 MR CREDIT 3 Materials Reuse

What is MR Credit 3 called?

36 MR CREDIT 3 • Reuse building materials and products to

reduce demand for virgin materials.
What is the intent of Materials
Reuse credits? • Reduce waste, thus reducing impacts
associated with extracting and processing
virgin resources.
37 MR CREDIT 3 Two
How many points are available Credit 3.1: Materials Reuse – 5%
for Materials Reuse? Credit 3.2: Materials Reuse – 10%

38 MR CREDIT 3.1 Specify 5% salvaged, refurbished or reused

What is required for Materials materials.
Reuse Credit 3.1?

39 MR CREDIT 3.2 Specify 10% salvaged, refurbished or reused

What is required for Materials materials.
Reuse Credit 3.2?

40 MR CREDIT 3.1 & 3.2 Inclusions

Name some materials • Salvaged items
(salvaged items) - Beams, floors, posts, paneling, doors and
recommended for Materials frames, cabinetry, brick and decorative items
No. Questions Answers
Reuse? - Furniture may also be included only is it is
included consistently through credits MR 3.1
through MR 7
• Reused items
• Refurbished items
41 MR CREDIT 3.1 & 3.2 Percentage of total cost of building materials (not
including labor and equipment).
What measures are used to
calculate Materials Reuse Total Materials Cost - > 2 options
Credit? 45% construction cost (total construction cost of
entire project multiplied by 0.45)
Actual materials cost
Benefit of using actual material cost rather than
default 45% is that projects with < 45% actual
materials cost would find it easier to achieve to 5%
and 10% (MR3-2) thresholds since equation of
percent reuse = cost or reuse divided by total
material cost.
42 MR CREDIT 3.1 & 3.2 Exclusions:
What materials are excluded • Recycled items
from the calculations for • MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
Materials Reuse Credit? • Specialty items such as elevators and

43 MR CREDIT 4 Recycled Content

What is MR Credit 4 called?

44 MR CREDIT 4 Intents
What are 2 intents of Recycled • Reduce impact from extraction and
Content points? processing of virgin materials
• Increase use of recycled content in building
45 MR CREDIT 4 Two
How many points are available Credit 4.1: 10% (Post Consumer + ½ Pre Consumer)
for Recycled Content? Credit 4.2: 20% (Post Consumer + ½ Pre Consumer)

46 MR CREDIT 4.1 Use materials with recycled content such that the
What is required for Recycled sum of post-consumer recycled content plus one-half
Content Credit 4.1? of the pre-consumer content constitutes at least
10% (based on cost) of the total value of the
materials in the project.

47 MR CREDIT 4.2 Use materials with recycled content such that the
What is required for Recycled sum of post-consumer recycled content plus one-half
No. Questions Answers
What is a strategy for suppliers that can achieve this goal.
Recycled Content credits?

55 MR CREDIT 5 Regional Materials

What is MR Credit 5 called?

56 MR CREDIT 5 Increase demand for building materials and products

What is the intent of Regional that are extracted and manufactured within the
Materials credit? region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous
resources and reducing the environmental impacts
resulting from transportation.

57 MR CREDIT 5 Reduces transportation impacts (fossil fuels, etc.)

How does buying locally help and the accompanying pollution associated with
the environment? transportation.

58 MR CREDIT 5 The money paid for regional materials stays in the

How does buying locally help region.
the economy?

59 MR CREDIT 5 Two
How many points are available Credit 5.1: Regional Materials – 10% Extracted,
for Regional Materials? Processed and Manufactured Regionally
Credit 5.2: Regional Materials – 20% Extracted,
Processed and Manufactured Regionally

60 MR CREDIT 5.1 Use building materials/products that have been

What is required for Regional extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as
Materials Credit 5.1? manufactured, within 500 miles of the project site for
a minimum of 10% of the total materials value.

61 MR CREDIT 5.2 Use building materials/products that have been

What is required for Regional extracted, harvested or recovered, and
Materials Credit 5.2? manufactured, within 500 miles of the project site for
a total of 20% of the total materials value.

62 MR CREDIT 5.1 & 5.2 Regionally manufactured materials refer to the final
How is regionally assembly of a finished product within a 500-mile
manufactured materials radius of the project site.

63 MR CREDIT 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials

What is MR Credit 6 called?
No. Questions Answers

64 MR CREDIT 6 Reduce use of “long cycle” and finite raw materials.

What is intent of Rapidly
Renewable Materials Credit?

65 MR CREDIT 6 Bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum,

What are examples of long- wheat-board, strawboard and cork.
cycle renewables?

66 MR CREDIT 6 One
How many points are available
for Rapidly Renewable

67 MR CREDIT 6 Specify a value of 2.5% rapidly renewable materials

What is required for Rapidly for the total value of all building materials/products in
Renewable Materials Credit? the project.

68 MR CREDIT 6 Made from plants that are harvested within a ten

How does LEED define year, or shorter cycle.
Rapidly Renewable?

69 MR CREDIT 7 Certified Wood

What is MR Credit 7 called?

70 MR CREDIT 7 Encourage environmentally responsible forest

What is the intent of the management program.
Certified Wood credit?

71 MR CREDIT 7 One
How many points are available
for Certified Wood?

72 MR CREDIT 7 Use a minimum of 50% of wood-based materials

What is required for the certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship
Certified Wood Credit? Council (FSC) Principles and Criteria for wood
building components.

73 MR CREDIT 7 Forest Stewardship Council

What is FSC?

74 MR CREDIT 7 Structural framing, flooring, finishes, doors and

What does LEED recommend furniture.
using Certified Wood for?

75 MR CREDIT 7 Yes
No. Questions Answers
Is a project eligible for MR
Credit 7 if only 2 of 4 pieces of
wood in a building are
Certified Wood?

76 MR CREDIT 7 LEED specifically states that to achieve MR Credit 7,

What does LEED require for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) chain-of-
chain of custody for Certified custody certificate number must be provided.

77 MR CREDIT 7 Yes, as long as it is used consistently through MR

Can Furniture be included in Credits 3-7.
MR Credits 3-7?

78 What are the Submittal All Materials and Resources credits are submitted in
Requirements for MR the construction phase except for prerequisite which
category? shall be submitted during design phase.

Suggested Strategies for efficient use of Material Resources include but not limited to:
• Reuse existing structures.
• Specify materials free from ozone depleting substances and/or equipment using CFCs,
HCFCs, and halons, balancing ozone depletion potential (ODP) with global warming
potential (GWP).
• Specify materials free from toxic chemicals and that do not release toxic byproducts
throughout their life cycle, particularly those toxins that are carcinogenic, persistent or
bioaccumulative. Key materials to avoid include mercury (switching equipment), arsenic
(pressure treated wood), urea formaldehyde (engineered wood), and asbestos.
• Specify materials and products that are:
o Recycled (preferably with high post consumer content), reused/salvaged,
remanufactured or from rapidly renewing sustainable sources.
o Sustainably harvested (e.g., specify FSC certified wood products).
o Obtained from local sources.
o Low in embodied energy.
o Durable.
o Low in VOC and/or other chemical emissions in use (see IEQ section).
o Low maintenance and not requiring toxic materials to maintain and/or operate.
o Easily reusable, recyclable, compostable, or otherwise biodegradable on disposal.
• Design for efficient material use i.e., less material use and standard sizes to reduce
• Design for adaptability of building design as user needs change (e.g., reusable movable
office divider walls and raised floor systems to enhance future flexibility)
• Design for disassembly and recycle or reuse at end of building life
Growing awareness about the relationship between indoor environmental quality -- materials,
lighting, thermal comfort -- and human health and productivity has catalyzed substantial
research to support healthier buildings. Eliminating materials identified as allergens, mutagens,
carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, while providing access to daylight and comfortable
indoor climate, are fundamental green building elements.

This LEED category encourages owners and designers to engage in a design process that
balances the objectives of a well day lit, comfortable, energy efficient and non-toxic indoor
environment and results in improved productivity and patient outcomes. This LEED category
focuses on the creation and maintenance of a comfortable, occupant-friendly indoor
environment with credits for air quality, thermal comfort, day lighting and providing outdoor
views. Indoor air quality credits are obtained by effectively ventilating the indoor space, utilizing
low-emitting construction materials (paints, carpets, adhesives), and minimizing the potential for
pollutants to infiltrate the occupied space. Thermal comfort credits are obtained by providing
temperature controlled working environment and giving a majority of occupants the capability to
make adjustments for personal comfort. Day lighting credits are obtained for providing a majority
of occupants with natural lighting.

No. Questions Answers

1 What does the "E" stand for in Environmental


2 What are the goals of “Indoor • Provide an environment for occupants that is
Environmental Quality” LEED healthy and encourage rapid patient recovery
Category? and staff productivity.
• Minimize production and distribution of
• Provide occupants with access to daylight
and views.
• Provide energy efficient thermal comfort.
• Provide occupant environmental controls
(light, view, thermal, ventilation).
• Provide appropriate air changes with
sufficient percentage of fresh air.
3 How many prerequisites, • Prerequisite – 2
credits and points are there in • Credits- 8
the Environment Category? • Points - 15
4 Name the prerequisites in the • Prerequisite 1- Minimum Indoor Air Quality
EQ Section (IAQ) Performance
• Prerequisite 2- Environmental Tobacco
Smoke (ETS) Control.
5 Name the prerequisites in the • EQ Credit 1- Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
EQ Section (1 point)
No. Questions Answers
• EQ Credit 2 - Increased Ventilation (1 point)
• EQ Credit 3 - Construction IAQ Management
Plan (2 points)
• EQ Credit 4 - Low VOC Emitting Materials (4
• EQ Credit 5 - Indoor Chemical and Pollutant
Source Control (1 point)
• EQ Credit 6 - Controllability of Systems (2
• EQ Credit 7 - Thermal Comfort (2 points)
• EQ Credit 8 - Day Lighting and Views (2
6 What percentage EQ 22% [15 / 69 x 100]
contribute to overall LEED
credit points?


7 EQ PREREQ -1 Establish indoor air quality performance to enhance

indoor air quality in buildings, thus contributing to the
What is the intent of Indoor comfort and well-being of the occupants.
Air Quality Performance
Prerequisite 1?

8 EQ PREREQ - 1 • Code: Sections 4 through 7 of ASHRAE

Standard 62.1-2004 (some low-rise
What standard sets the
residential projects may use ASHRAE 62.2-
minimum for minimum IAQ
• Mechanical ventilation systems: must be
designed using the Ventilation Rate
Procedure or the applicable local code,
whichever is more stringent.
• Naturally Ventilated buildings: comply with
ASHRAE 62.1-2004.
9 EQ PREREQ - 1 • Design ventilation systems to meet or exceed
minimum outdoor air ventilation rates as
What are the design strategies
described in the ASHRAE 62.2-2004
to address minimum IAQ
• Balance impacts of ventilation rates on
energy use and IAQ to optimize for energy
efficiency and occupant health.

10 EQ PREREQ - 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke

What does ETS mean?
No. Questions Answers

11 EQ PREREQ - 2 Prohibit smoking in the building and locate exterior

smoking areas at least 25 feet from
What are requirements for
ETS Option1? • Entries
• Outside air intakes and
• Operable windows.
12 EQ PREREQ - 2 • Prohibit smoking in the building except in
designated smoking areas and outdoor
What are requirements for
(same rules as option 1 for outdoor).
ETS Option 2?
• Locate designated smoking rooms to
o Effectively contain, capture, and
remove ETS from the building,
o Be directly exhausted to outdoors
o Enclosed with deck to deck partitions
o Operate at negative pressure to
adjacent spaces. (Performance of
smoking room air differential must be
13 EQ PREREQ - 2 (Residential Only)
What are requirements for • Prohibit smoking in all common areas
ETS Option3? • Locate exterior smoking areas at least 25 feet
from entries, air intake, and operable
windows opening to common areas
• Minimize ETS transfer between residential
units by sealing penetrations in walls,
ceilings, floors, and vertical chasses
• Weatherstrip all doors leading to hallways in
residential units unless common hallways are
• Test performance per ASTM E779-03.
14 EQ PREREQ - 2 • Provide zero exposure to nonsmokers of
What documentation is
required to obtain the IEQ • Provide drawings and a narrative
Prerequisite 2 “Environmental demonstrating smoking areas have
Tobacco Smoke (ETS) independent smoking areas
Control” credit? • Provide a letter from the testing engineer
stating compliance with ASHRAE 129-1997.

15 EQ CREDIT 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring

What is EQ Credit 1 called?

16 EQ CREDIT 1 Provide capacity for ventilation system monitoring to

What is the intent of the sustain occupant comfort and well being.
No. Questions Answers
Outdoor Air Delivery
Monitoring Credit?

17 EQ CREDIT 1 One
How many points are available
for Outdoor Air Delivery

18 EQ CREDIT 1 Install permanent monitoring systems to provide

What is required for EQ Credit feedback on ventilation systems, and configure all
1? monitoring equipment to generate an alarm when
the conditions vary by 10% or more from a set point.

19 EQ CREDIT 1 Densely Monitored Space: > 25 people/1000 sq-ft

What is required for • Monitor CO2 levels. Monitor location to be 3′
mechanically ventilated to 6′ above floor finish
spaces for EQ Credit 1? For Non-densely occupied spaces
• Provide direct outdoor airflow measure device
with an accuracy of ±15% of the design
minimum outdoor airflow rates, as defined by
ASHRAE 62.1-2004.

20 EQ CREDIT 1 Monitor CO2 concentrations within all naturally

What is required for naturally ventilated spaces. Locate monitors within the room
ventilated spaces for EQ between 3 and 6 feet above the floor finish.
Credit 1?

21 EQ CREDIT 1 ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004

What ASHRAE standard
discusses CO2?

22 EQ CREDIT 2 Increased Ventilation

What is EQ Credit 2 called?

23 EQ CREDIT 2 Provide additional outdoor air ventilation to improve

What is the intent of the indoor air quality.
Increased Ventilation Credit?

24 EQ CREDIT 2 One
How many points are available
for Increased Ventilation?

25 EQ CREDIT 2 Increase breathing zone outdoor air ventilation rates

What is required for to all occupied spaces by at least 30% above the
mechanically ventilated minimum rates required by ASHRAE 62.1-2004
No. Questions Answers
spaces for Increased
Ventilation Credit?

26 EQ CREDIT 2 Design in accordance with the Carbon Trust Good

What are the requirements for Practice Guide 237. Determine that natural
naturally ventilated spaces? ventilation is an effective strategy by following the
flow diagram process of the CIBSE Application
Manual 10:2005 and
Use diagrams and calculations to show that the
design of natural ventilation systems meets CIBSE
Application Manual 10: 2005 OR use models to
predict that ventilation will meet minimum ASHRAE
62.1-2004 for 90% of occupied spaces.

27 EQ CREDIT 2 Active Ventilation (Mechanical), Passive Ventilation

What are the three basic (natural), and Mixed-mode Ventilation (both
methods for ventilating mechanical and natural)

28 What codes are applicable in • ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for

meeting the requirements of Acceptable IAQ
increased ventilation? • Carbon Trust Good Practice Guide 237
(1998): Natural ventilation in non-domestic
• CIBSE Application Manual 10 (2005): Natural
ventilation in non-domestic buildings

29 EQ CREDIT 3 Construction IAQ Management Plan

What is EQ Credit 3 called?

30 EQ CREDIT 3 • Reduce IAQ problems resulting from

Construction/Renovation process
What is the intent of
Construction IAQ • Help to sustain comfort and well-being of
Management Plan Credit? construction workers and building occupants

31 EQ CREDIT 3 Two
How many points are available Credit 3.1: Construction IAQ Management Plan –
for Construction IAQ During Construction
Management Plan? Credit 3.2: Construction IAQ Management Plan –
Before Occupancy
32 EQ CREDIT 3.1 • Standards- Meet or exceed the
recommended measures of SMACNA
What are the requirements
guideline for occupied buildings under
under Construction IAQ
construction, Chapter 3 (2007).
Management Plan?
• Protection of on-site absorptive material
(insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile and drywall)
No. Questions Answers

40 EQ CREDIT 3 Construction Phase

What is the submittal
requirement for EQ Credit 3?

41 EQ CREDIT 4 Low-Emitting Materials

What is EQ Credit 4 called?

42 EQ CREDIT 4 Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that

are odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to the comfort
What is the intent of Low- and well-being of installers and occupants.
Emitting Materials Credit?

43 EQ CREDIT 4 Four
How many points are available Credit 4.1: Low-Emitting Materials – Adhesives &
for Low- Emitting Materials? Sealants
Credit 4.2: Low-Emitting Materials – Paint &
Credit 4.3: Low-Emitting Materials – Carpet Systems
Credit 4.4: Low-Emitting Materials – Composite
Wood and Agrifiber Products
44 EQ CREDIT 4.1 Adhesives & sealants
What materials does EQ
Credit 4.1 cover?

45 EQ CREDIT 4.1 All ADHESIVES and SEALANTS used in interior of

building (inside weather proofing system & applied
What is the minimum on-site) are to comply with South Coast Air Quality
requirement for implementing Management District (SCAQMD) Rule #1168 and
EQ Credit 4.1? Green Seal (GS) Standard for Commercial
Adhesives GS-36.
46 EQ CREDIT 4.1 Flooring adhesives, fire-stopping sealants, caulking,
duct sealants, plumbing adhesives, and cove base
What materials are applicable adhesives.
for EQ Credit 4.1?

47 EQ CREDIT 4.1 • South Coast Air Quality Management District

Rule #1168 July 1, 2005 and note January 7,
What is the standard for EQ
• Green Seal (GS) Standard for Commercial
Adhesives GS-36.
48 EQ CREDIT 4.2 Paints & coatings
What materials does EQ
Credit 4.2 cover?

49 EQ CREDIT 4.2 All paints, coatings and primer used in interior of

No. Questions Answers
What are the standards for building to comply with following:
IEQ 4.2? • PAINTS : Green Seal (GS) 11
• Anti-Corrosive and Anti-Rust Paints applied
to interior ferrous metal: Green Seal’s GS-03.
• Clear Wood Finishes, Floor Coatings, Stains,
Sealers, Shellacs: South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113.
50 EQ CREDIT 4.3 Carpet systems
What material does EQ Credit
4.3 cover?

51 EQ CREDIT 4.3 All carpets and carpet cushions installed in building

interior shall meet testing and product requirement of
What is the standard for EQ the Carpet and Rug Institute’s Green Label Program.
4.3? All carpet adhesives must meet the requirements of
52 EQ CREDIT 4.4 Composite wood & agrifiber products
What materials does EQ
Credit 4.4 cover?

53 EQ CREDIT 4.4 Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF),

plywood, wheatboard, strawboard, panel substrates,
How are composite wood and and door cores. Materials considered fit-out,
agrifiber products defined? furniture, and equipment (FF&E) are not included.
54 EQ CREDIT 4.4 Products must contain NO added urea
formaldehyde resins.
What is the standard for EQ

55 EQ CREDIT 4 Specify low-volatile organic compounds (VOC)

materials in construction documents. Ensure that
What are the strategies to VOC limits are clearly stated in each section where
meet EQ Credit 4? adhesives and sealants are addressed.

56 EQ CREDIT 5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control

What is EQ Credit 5 called?

57 EQ CREDIT 5 Minimize exposure of building occupants to

potentially hazardous particulates and chemical
What is the intent of Indoor pollutants.
Chemical & Pollutant Source
Control Credit?

58 EQ CREDIT 5 One
How many points are available
for Indoor Chemical &
No. Questions Answers
Pollutant Source Control?

59 EQ CREDIT 5 • Minimize and control pollutant entry

What is the requirement of EQ • Minimize Cross contamination between
Credit 5? occupied areas
• Install permanent entryway systems at least
6′-0" long to capture dirt
o grates
o grills
• Exhaust rooms where hazardous chemicals
are stored
o keep negative pressure at .50 cfm/sq-ft
• If Mechanically Vented , installed filters
should have MERV 13 rating or better
60 EQ CREDIT 5 Permanent entry way systems to capture dirt (roll
mats okay only if weekly cleaning service); provide
What is required for Indoor areas with deck-to-deck partitions with separate
Chemical & Pollutant Source outside exhausting (hard lid ceiling ok ay instead of
Control Credit? deck-deck partitions; -5 PA necessary temperature);
In mechanically ventilated buildings, MERV 13 filters
used at every return and outside air that is to be
used for supply air.
61 EQ CREDIT 5 Design separate exhaust and plumbing systems for
rooms with contaminants to achieve physical
What are the strategies to isolation from the rest of the building; install
meet EQ Credit 5? permanent architectural entryway systems such as
grills and grates; Install high-level filtration systems
in air handling units processing both return air and
outside supply air.
62 EQ CREDIT 5 ASHRAE 52.2-1999: Method of Testing General
Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal
What codes and standards Efficiency by Particle Size.
apply to EQ Credit 5?

63 EQ CREDIT 6 Controllability of Systems

What is EQ Credit 6 called?

64 EQ CREDIT 6 Two
How many points are available Credit 6.1: Controllability of Systems – Lighting
for Controllability of Systems? Credit 6.2: Controllability of Systems – Thermal
65 EQ CREDIT 6.1 Provide a high level of lighting system control by
individual occupants or by specific groups in multi-
What is the intent of occupant spaces to promote productivity, comfort,
Controllability of Systems
No. Questions Answers
Credit 6.1? and well-being of building occupants.

66 EQ CREDIT 6.1 • Provide individual lighting controls for 90% of

the building occupants to enable adjustments
What is the requirement of EQ
to suit individual task needs
• Provide multi-occupant lighting system
controls that meet group needs and
67 EQ CREDIT 6.2 Provide a high level of thermal comfort system
control by individual occupants or by specific groups
What is the intent of Credit in multi-occupant spaces to promote productivity,
6.2? comfort, and wellbeing of building occupants.
68 EQ CREDIT 6.2 • Provide individual comfort controls for 50% of
the building occupants.
What is the requirement of EQ
6.2? • Operable windows can be used instead if
o occupants are stationed within 20 feet
inside of and 10 feet to either side of the
operable part of the window
o meets the meets standards of ASHRAE
62.1-2004 for natural ventilation
• Provide thermal comfort controls for multi-
occupancy rooms, adjustable to suit needs of
various groups to occupy the space. Maintain
relative humidity levels between 30%-60%.
o thermal comfort conditions under
ASHRAE 55-2004
69 EQ CREDIT 6.2 • ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
What standard describes
thermal comfort? • ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal Environmental
Conditions for Human Occupancy
70 EQ CREDIT 6.2 Control over one of the following factors: air
temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, and
How is comfort system humidity.
control defined for
Controllability of Systems?

71 EQ CREDIT 6.2 Design for occupant controls: lighting controls and

task lighting, operable windows, underfloor HVAC
What are strategies to achieve with individual diffusers.
Controllability of Systems

72 EQ CREDIT 7 Thermal Comfort

What is EQ Credit 7 called?
No. Questions Answers

73 EQ CREDIT 7 Two
How many points are available Credit 7.1: Thermal Comfort – Design
for Thermal Comfort? Credit 7.2: Thermal Comfort- Verification

74 EQ CREDIT 7.1 Thermal Comfort – Design (Indoor Environment Air

What is IEQ Credit 7.1 called? Quality)

75 EQ CREDIT 7.1 Provide a comfortable thermal environment that

What is the intent of Thermal supports the productivity and well-being of building
Comfort Credit 7.1 Design? occupants.

76 EQ CREDIT 7.1 • Design HVAC and building envelope to

comply with ASHRAE standard 55-2004,
What is the requirement of EQ
Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human
Credit 7.1?
• Evaluate air temperature, radiant temp, air
speed, relative humidity.
• Coordinate with EQ P1. EQ 1 & EQ 2.
77 EQ CREDIT 7.2 Thermal Comfort, Verification
What is IEQ Credit 7.2 called?

78 EQ CREDIT 7.2 • Survey within 6-18 months after occupancy

for anonymous responses of overall
What is the requirement of EQ
satisfaction of thermal performance.
Credit 7.2?
• Develop a plan for corrective action if the
survey results indicate that more than 20% of
occupants are dissatisfied with the thermal
comfort in the building. Plan should be in
accordance with ASHRAE 55-2004.
79 EQ CREDIT 7.1 and 7.2 Establish comfort criteria according to ASHRAE 55-
2004 and design building envelope and systems
What are the strategies to capable of maintaining criteria expectations.
achieve Thermal Comfort
Credits 7.1 and 7.2?

80 EQ CREDIT 8 Daylight & Views

What is EQ Credit 8 called?

81 EQ CREDIT 8 Two
How many points are available Credit 8.1: Daylight and Views – Daylight 75% of
for Daylight & Views? Spaces
Credit 8.2: Daylight and Views – Views for 90% of
82 EQ CREDIT 8 Provide for the building occupants a connection
No. Questions Answers
• Direct line of sight can be drawn from area to
perimeter vision glazing.
89 EQ CREDIT 8.2 Design the building to maximize daylighting and view
What are the techniques to
achieve Daylight & Views

90 EQ CREDIT 8.2 Building orientation, shallow floor plates, increased

perimeter, lower partition heights, interior and
What are the strategies to exterior shading devices, high performance glazing
achieve Daylight & Views and photo integrated light sensors.

91 EQ CREDIT 8.2 Glazing Factor Calculations OR physical or computer

modeling to assess footcandle and daylight factors.
What techniques verify
Daylight & Views Credit?


What is the biggest area of It has opportunity to gain up to 7 credits in:
improvement to avail EQ • Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
Credits? • Increased Ventilation
• Construction IAQ Management Plan (during
• Construction IAQ Management Plan (before
• Controllability of Systems (Thermal Comfort)
• Thermal Comfort (Design)
• Thermal Comfort (Verification)

Suggested Strategies for Indoor Environment Quality include but not limited to:

• Ensure high quality indoor air by meeting or exceeding ASHRAE 62-1999 as a basis of
• Ensure thermal comfort by meeting or exceeding ASHRAE 55-1992 as a basis of
• Specify low VOC / low toxic finishes and materials, such as Green Seal-certified paints;
composite wood and agrifiber products with no added urea-formaldehyde resins; carpet
systems certified by Carpet & Rug Institute Green Label Program; adhesives meeting
South Coast Air Quality Management District guidelines; flooring, ceiling wall covering,
paints and other interior finishes and materials meeting Washington State indoor air
quality guidelines.
• Minimize use of carpets and other materials that attract, absorb and re-release indoor
• Specify permeable wall covering and other materials to prevent trapping of water and
microbial growth.
• Establish green housekeeping protocols.
• Design to reduce pest infestation opportunities.
• Install permanent entryway systems (e.g., grates) to trap dirt and particulates.
• Position air intakes to prevent contamination from vehicle exhaust and other sources
paying attention to prevailing winds.
• Assure easy access to inspect and clean filters and ductwork in each straight run.
• Ventilate enclosed parking areas and other source areas (smoking areas, housekeeping,
copying rooms, hazardous waste).
• If building cannot be 100% non smoking, provide total environmental separation for non
smokers and assure no feed in to ventilation system.
• Provide building occupants access to daylight, views and operable windows where
• Provide user controls for airflow, temperature, light (integrated with daylighting - see also
Energy section).
• Provide carbon dioxide monitoring system to provide feedback on space ventilation
• Specify materials, products, mechanical systems and design features to attenuate sound
and vibration, and not to exceed Room Criteria (RC) ratings listed for Hospital and
Clinics in Table 34 of Chapter 46, Sound and Vibration Control, 1999 ASHRAE
Application Handbook.
Every building is a unique blend of site, program, people, budget, with a unique set of
challenges and opportunities. Innovative, integrative design practices recognize that new
solutions emerge from a process of creative problem solving and "thinking out of the box".

Currently, projects pursuing LEED Certification have the opportunity to earn up to four points for
two types of credits in the Innovation & Design Process (ID) credit category: exemplary
performance related to existing LEED credits and innovative performance.

LEED ID Credit 1 - Innovations in Design credits for innovative performance are awarded up to
4 points in one of two ways:
• By significantly exceeding the requirements of the rating system, or
• Alternatively by demonstrating innovation by a method that is not specifically addressed
by current LEED rating systems.
As a general rule of thumb, ID credits for exceptional performance are awarded for doubling the
credit requirements and/or achieving the next incremental percentage threshold. For instance,
an ID credit for exemplary performance in water use reduction (WE Credit 3) would require a
minimum of 40% savings (20%=WE Credit 3.1; 30%=WE Credit 3.2, etc.).
Note that the LEED ID Credits are evaluated for each project. It is important to note that the
award of an ID Credit for one project at a specific point in time does not constitute automatic
approval for a similar strategy in a future project. Innovation credits are not awarded for the use
of a particular product or design strategy if the technology aids in the achievement of an existing
LEED credit.
LEED ID Credit 2 - One credit may be obtained in this category if a participant on the project
team holds LEED accreditation. Please note that only one point is awarded regardless of how
many LEED Accredited Professionals are on the team.

No. Questions Answers

1 What does ID stand for? Innovation & Design Process

2 How many prerequisites, • Prerequisite – 0

credits and points are there in • Credits- 2 credits [ID Credit 1 and 2]
the Innovation and Design • Points - 5 points [4 points for ID Credit 1 and
Category? 1 point for ID Credit 2]
3 What percentage ID 7% [5 / 69 x 100]
contributes to overall LEED
credit points?


4 ID CREDIT 1 Innovation in Design

What is ID Credit 1 called?
No. Questions Answers

5 ID CREDIT 1 To provide points for exceptional performance above

the requirements set by LEED and/or innovative
What is the intent of ID Credit performance categories not addressed by LEED.

6 ID CREDIT 1 Four
How many points are available
in ID Credit 1?

7 ID CREDIT 1 In writing, identify the intent of the proposed

innovation, the proposed requirement for
What are the requirements for compliance, and the proposed submittals to
each Innovation and Design demonstrate compliance, and the design approach
point? that might be used to meet the requirements.
8 ID CREDIT 1 When submitting an ID credit, project teams must
outline the proposed credit intent, requirement(s) for
What are the Submittal compliance, and submittal(s) necessary to
Requirements for ID Credit 1? demonstrate compliance, as well as provide a
summary of potential design approaches that may be
used to meet the requirements.
All submittals shall be furnished during design stage.
9 ID CREDIT 1 A representative list of innovative performance ID
Give few examples of ID
Credits for innovative • Low-Emitting Furniture & Furnishings
performance. • Organic Landscaping / Integrated Pest
Management Program
• IAQ testing that goes beyond LEED
• Managing water and air effluent (managing
exhaust, heat recovery, exterior catch basins,
aim towards zero discharge)
• Passive natural ventilation (thermal chimney,
eliminating mechanical ventilation)
• Employee wellness (fitness center, game
room, first aid examination rooms etc)
• Educational Outreach Program
• Green Housekeeping
• High Volume Fly Ash Construction

10 ID CREDIT 2 LEED Accredited Professional

What is ID Credit 2 called?

11 ID CREDIT 2 To support and encourage the design integration

required by a LEED-NC green building project and to
What is the intent of ID Credit
No. Questions Answers
2? streamline the application and certification process.

12 ID CREDIT 2 One
How many points are available
in ID Credit 2?

13 ID CREDIT 2 One credit may be obtained in this category if a

participant on the project team holds LEED
What is the requirement for ID accreditation.
Credit 2?
[Consider assigning at least one principal participant
to the project team who has successfully completed
one of the three LEED Accredited Professional
examination tracks (NC, EB, CI)].
14 ID CREDIT 2 Provide name of LEED AP, company, brief
description of his/her role, and copy of LEED AP
What are the Submittal Certificate.
Requirements for ID Credit 2?

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