CCM FWC30 Bid Book
CCM FWC30 Bid Book
CCM FWC30 Bid Book
Foreword Foreword
President, Estimado Presidente,
Honoring the history and essence of football Honrar la historia y la esencia del fútbol
On the afternoon of Sunday July 13th, 1930, a hard, sown leather ball started to roll in the En la tarde del domingo 13 de julio de 1930, una dura pelota de cuero cosido empezaba a
Gran Parque Central stadium in Montevideo. That first move marks the beginning of the history rodar en la cancha Gran Parque Central, en Montevideo. Ese primer movimiento marca el
of the main sports event in the world, the history of a dream which never stopped rolling and inicio de la historia del evento deportivo más importante del mundo, la historia de un sueño que
growing. That first FIFA World Cup held in Uruguay thanks to the authorities’ drive and the ya nunca paró de rodar y de crecer. Aquella primera Copa del Mundo de la FIFA, realizada en
extensive and deep vision of the directors of football back then, involved 13 national teams, five Uruguay gracias al empuje de sus autoridades y a la visión amplia y profunda de los dirigentes
of which were South American. If we also consider that two teams from our continent reached del fútbol de entonces, contó con la participación de 13 selecciones, de las cuales cinco eran
this tournament’s final, it is clear that South America is the origin, the place where this passion sudamericanas. Si además consideramos que a la final de ese torneo llegaron dos equipos de
nuestro continente, queda claro que Sudamérica es el origen, el lugar donde en verdad nació
that enjoys, moves and teaches millions of boys, girls and young people from every corner of
y se fortaleció esta pasión que ahora divierte, emociona y enseña a millones de niños, niñas y
the planet at present, was actually created and strengthened.
jóvenes de todos los rincones del planeta.
Those of us who are in charge of directing international football nowadays are resting on
Quienes hoy tenemos la responsabilidad de dirigir el fútbol internacional estamos subidos a
the shoulders of true giants. It took a lot of bravery and courage to do what those pioneers, the
hombros de verdaderos gigantes. Hizo falta mucha audacia y coraje para hacer lo que hicieron
founders, did then. They put into practice the noble ideal of bringing continents and cultures
aquellos pioneros, los fundadores. Llevaron a la práctica el noble ideal de unir los continentes
together through football almost one hundred years ago under much more adverse conditions
y las culturas a través del fútbol hace casi un siglo, en condiciones mucho más adversas que
than the current ones, practically with no resources, only armed with their convictions, their
las actuales, prácticamente sin recursos, armados solo con sus convicciones, su confianza y su
trust and their love for a sport which was still far from being the global phenomenon that it is
amor por un deporte que estaba todavía lejos de ser el fenómeno global que es en el presente.
A 100 años de esa hazaña es un deber para el fútbol mundial honrar el ejemplo y la memoria
One hundred years after this achievement, world football has the duty to honor the example
de esos jugadores, técnicos, hinchas y dirigentes que sembraron la semilla del fútbol moderno
and the memory of those players, coaches, fans and directors who planted the seed of modern actual… por cierto, en tierra sudamericana. Es el momento de mirar el futuro inspirándonos
football…, in South American soil. It is time to look into the future inspiring ourselves in the en los orígenes, en las grandes ideas que sirvieron de cimiento a la grandeza que hoy vemos.
origins, on the great ideas which served as basis for the greatness we witness today. Only Solo quien respeta y valora su historia podrá alcanzar nuevas cimas y vencer los desafíos más
those who honor and value their history will be able to reach new heights and overcome more complejos.
complex challenges. La candidatura de Uruguay, Argentina y Paraguay para albergar la Copa del Mundo
The bid of Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay to host the 2030 World Cup is neither a whim 2030 no es un capricho ni un proyecto antojadizo. Existen plenas condiciones para organizar
nor a random project. The conditions for organizing world-class events are present, as it has eventos deportivos de primer nivel, como ya está ampliamente demostrado. Pero sobre todo
been widely evidenced. But above all, this is a bid which has a characteristic which no other bid es una candidatura que tiene un rasgo que ninguna otra puede tener y que no se relaciona con
may have, that is not related to material resources or logistics capabilities: it is right here where recursos materiales o capacidades logísticas: aquí y solo aquí se encendió la llama del rey de
the flame of the most important sport was ignited in 1930. los deportes en 1930.
As there is only one Taj Mahal, Colisseum, Machu Picchu, and Parthenon, there is also only Así como solo hay un Taj Mahal, solo un Coliseo, solo un Macchu Picchu, solo un Partenón,
one Estadio Centenario, the scenario where the first World Cup was held, a football temple and así también existe un solo Estadio Centenario, escenario de la primera final del mundo, templo
a symbol of this bid rooted in the most powerful values of our sport. del fútbol y símbolo de esta candidatura que hunde sus raíces en los valores más poderosos
de nuestro deporte.
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Dear President Infantino, let us be proud to continue the History of Football and let Football
be able to tell its future by remembering past History.
Montevideo, July 28 2024
Yours sincerely,
Giovanni Vincenzo Infantino
Fédération Internationale de Football Association – FIFA
Dear President,
Ignacio Alonso Labat
Football in Uruguay is much more than a sport that arouses passions. It is identity and it is part President of AUF
of our way of being as a nation. It is played, felt, debated and encouraged in every home and in
every corner of our country. It is an essential part of our way of being and of our history.
We, Uruguayans, are known worldwide for our ‘garra’ (grit), referring to our character,
resilience, quality and dedication in the face of great challenges. It is in our DNA.
We are privileged to have hosted the first World Cup in 1930 and it is emblematic that the
stadium that was built for the tournament was named ‘Centenary’ in honor of the time that has
passed since the birth of our country.
Now, it is the FIFA World Cup that reaches its first centenary and the year 2030 may also be
remembered as the event that continued the thread of the history of this wonderful sport. The
celebration match in the field of the World Football Monument Stadium will be a milestone in the
history of world football, a new milestone for the city, the country and world football.
As you know, our Centenary stadium has been recently remodeled and modernized. It
has more than 30,000 square meters of surface, facilities suitable for today’s international
competition and is placed in an unbeatable central location within the city of Montevideo.
Besides, for the occasion of the Centenary Celebration Match, new improvements will prepare
this mythical venue not only to host the event, but also to be part of the next hundred years of
Uruguay also offers unique conditions in terms of sports facilities, hotel capacity, transport
systems as well as air and land connectivity, which are in line with the challenge of organizing
the match to be the heart of the FIFA World Cup Centenary Celebration, and which we are sure
can satisfy the needs of delegations and tourists.
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Estimado Presidente Infantino, permítanos tener el orgullo de continuar la Historia del
Fútbol y permita que el Fútbol pueda contar su futuro recordando la Historia pasada.
Montevideo, 28 de julio de 2024
Giovanni Vincenzo Infantino
Fédération Internationale de Football Association – FIFA
Estimado Presidente, Ignacio Alonso Labat
Presidente de AUF
El fútbol en Uruguay es mucho más que un deporte que despierta pasiones. Es identidad y
es parte de nuestro modo de ser como nación. Se juega, se siente, se debate y se alienta en
cada hogar y en cada esquina de nuestro país. Es parte esencial de nuestro modo de ser y de
nuestra Historia.
A los uruguayos se nos conoce mundialmente por nuestra “garra”, aludiendo al
carácter, resiliencia, calidad y a la entrega frente a los grandes desafíos. Está en nuestro
Tenemos el privilegio de haber sido sede de la primera Copa del Mundo de 1930 y resulta
emblemático que se nominara “Centenario” al Estadio que se construyó para el torneo, en
honor al tiempo transcurrido desde el nacimiento del país.
Ahora, es la Copa Mundial de la FIFA la que alcanza su primer centenario y el año 2030 podrá
ser recordado también como el evento que continuó el hilo de la Historia de este maravilloso
deporte. El partido de celebración que realizaremos en el césped del Estadio Monumento
Histórico del Fútbol Mundial será un hito en la Historia del Fútbol mundial, con toda seguridad,
un nuevo hito para la ciudad, el país y el fútbol mundial.
Cómo usted sabe, nuestro estadio Centenario ha sido recientemente remodelado y
modernizado. Cuenta con más de 30.000 metros cuadrados de superficie, instalaciones
adecuadas a la competencia internacional actual y está ubicado en inmejorable centralidad
dentro de la ciudad de Montevideo. Y para la ocasión del Partido de Celebración del Centenario,
nuevas mejoras prepararán este mítico recinto no solo para recibir el evento, sino para ser parte
de los próximos cien años del fútbol.
Uruguay ofrece, además, condiciones únicas en materia de instalaciones deportivas,
capacidad hotelera y sistemas de transportes y conectividad aérea marítima y terrestre, que
resultan acordes al desafío de organizar el partido para ser el corazón de la celebración del
Centenario de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, y que estamos seguros puedan satisfacer a las
necesidades de delegaciones y turistas.
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Foreword Thank you all for letting us be part of this story. Football once again gives us the opportunity to
get together in a common goal. Football, that identity that defines us, will once again be the
Buenos Aires, July 2024. great game that gathers all nations. And that timeline that goes from the famous 1930 World
Cup to today will be sealed by a ball.
The emotion, that loving feeling that for Argentines has one of its roots in football, is enormous. Past, present and future finely threaded by this unwavering passion called Football.
Full and immense. It is not easy to put into words what football, as the king of sports, represents
in Argentine culture. Along with tango, ‘criollo’ football seeped into every heart, into the very guts
of every inhabitant of my country to transform it into that great art that generates what we call
‘Pasión de Multitudes’ (‘Passion of Crowds’). I am convinced that it is not easy to find in other
corners of our planet so much love, so much devotion, affection and feelings for this beautiful
Football in Argentina has served as a vital tool to forge the national identity, the integration
Claudio Fabián Tapia
of all individuals, to seal an impression, a way of being, of feeling and of falling in love with this
President of AFA
ecumenical phenomenon called football.
And for all the inhabitants of the ‘Patria Grande’ (Big Nation) that Argentina represents,
football is, surely, a way of living. A kind of religion with devoted followers here and there, that
does not distinguish either social classes or creeds, that makes a worship service to the ball.
Between 1880 and 1882, thousands of immigrants arrived in our lands and among them was
none other than Alejandro Watson Hutton, the man who sowed the foundation stone of Argentine
football. From then on, the film that was generated is a succession of scenes, images and
photos that represent us all over the world.
Argentina then, as part of this region, is one of the historical and histrionic links of what
we call South American Football. And the commemoration in 2030 of the Centenary of the first
World Cup organized by FIFA will be an ideal occasion to strengthen these values.
From that event in 1930 to what will be the next event in 2030, things have happened and
continue to happen. To list the milestones of Argentine Football would take hundreds of pages
and thousands and thousands of words. Perhaps to synthesize the feeling and meaning of what
we represent to the world, it is necessary to refer to the last World Cup played in Qatar 2022.
There, a nation of this portion of the Earth moved and excited everyone.
That is why the great pride will be, once again, to host the Tournament that generates more
impact worldwide. We, Argentines, went through it in 1978 and once again we will receive in our
home, together with Uruguay and Paraguay, the joy of being part of the organization of a World
We are proud and happy that South America can host this historic World Cup, to
commemorate and vindicate history. We know that this is a very big commitment but we are
also very certain about the values that drive us to live up to such a great responsibility. We
also appreciate and embrace the support of all the Presidents of the federations that make up
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Gracias a todos por dejarnos ser parte de esta historia. El Fútbol nos vuelve a dar la oportunidad
de hermanarnos en un objetivo común. El Fútbol, esa identidad que nos define, será otra vez
Buenos Aires, Julio 2024. el gran juego convocante de todos los pueblos. Y aquella línea de tiempo que va del célebre
Mundial de 1930 a hoy quedará sellada por una pelota.
La emoción, ese sentimiento afectivo que para los argentinos tiene una de sus raíces en el Pasado, presente y futuro finamente enhebrado por esta pasión inquebrantable llamada
fútbol, es enorme. Plena e inmensa. No es fácil describir con palabras lo que el fútbol como Fútbol.
deporte rey representa en la cultura argentina. Junto con el tango, el fútbol criollo se filtró en
cada corazón, en las propias entrañas de cada habitante de mi país para transformarlo en ese
gran arte que genera lo que nosotros denominamos Pasión de Multitudes. Soy un convencido
que no es fácil encontrar en otros rincones de nuestro planeta tanta querencia, tanta devoción,
cariño y amor a este hermoso juego.
Un fútbol que en la Argentina ha servido como vital herramienta para forjar la identidad
nacional, la integración entre todos los individuos, para sellar una impronta, un modo de ser, de Claudio Fabián Tapia
sentir y de apasionarse por este fenómeno ecuménico denominado fútbol. Presidente de AFA
Y para todos los habitantes de la Patria Grande que representa a la Argentina el fútbol
es, seguramente, una forma de vida. Una especie de religión con devotos aquí y allá, que no
distingue clases sociales ni credos, que hace un culto de adoración a la pelota.
Entre 1880 y 1882 llegaron a nuestras tierras miles de inmigrantes y entre ellos estaba, nada
más y nada menos que Alejandro Watson Hutton, el hombre que sembró la piedra fundacional
del fútbol argentino. De ahí en adelante, la película que se generó es una sucesión de escenas,
imágenes y fotos que nos representan en todo el mundo.
Argentina entonces, como parte de esta región, es uno de los eslabones históricos e
histriónicos de lo que denominamos Fútbol Sudamericano. Y la conmemoración en el 2030
del Centenario de la disputa de la primera Copa del Mundo organizada por la FIFA será una
ocasión ideal para reafirmar esos valores.
De aquel evento de 1930 a lo que será el próximo acontecimiento de 2030 pasaron y siguen
pasando cosas. Enumerar hitos del Fútbol Argentino demandaría cientos de páginas y miles y
miles de palabras. Quizá para sintetizar el sentimiento y significado de lo que representamos
para el mundo haya que referirse a la última Copa del Mundo disputada en Qatar 2022. Allí
donde una nación de esta porción de la Tierra conmovió y emocionó a todos.
Por eso el gran orgullo será, nuevamente, ser anfitriones del Torneo que más impacto
genera a nivel mundial. Los argentinos lo vivimos en 1978 y otra vez recibiremos en nuestra
casa, junto con Uruguay y Paraguay, la dicha de formar parte de la organización de una Copa
del Mundo.
Estamos orgullosos y felices de que Sudamérica pueda ser sede de este Mundial histórico,
de conmemorar y reivindicar la historia. Sabemos que este es un compromiso muy grande pero
también tenemos muy en claro los valores que nos impulsan para estar a la altura de tamaña
responsabilidad. También valoramos y abrazamos el apoyo de todos los Presidentes de las
federaciones que componen la CONMEBOL.
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The hosting of the 2030 FIFA World Cup is a historic opportunity for football to return to its roots,
those that forged what is today a sport that unites geographies and whose only boundary is the
Mr field lines, the one that separates the present from the future, today from tomorrow.
Giovanni Vincenzo Infantino For all these reasons, dear President, allow us to be a part of this history, to honor those
President who knew how to devise the strategy and prepare the field, so that we can walk on it again as
Fédération Internationale de Football Association – FIFA we did in 1930, blending the football of the past with the present time.
Passion. Support. Loyalty. These are some of the words that can describe the feeling that
overwhelms every inhabitant of our country upon hearing the word, football. A sport that, since
the indigenous Guarani, has had social relevance in the formation of our communities, where
this sport is breathed and sweated.
Unique.This is another definition that reflects the relationship between football and Paraguay.
Geographical, historical, and political reasons have made our football significantly different from
Lic. Robert Harrison Paleari
that of our neighbors, the main one being the very distinct and peculiar idiosyncrasy of the
President of APF
Paraguayan citizen.
Many times, the style of football represents the spirit of a people. Over the years, the
extraordinary self-love and sense of belonging have made Paraguayan football compete with
great dignity against other major powers of the continent, writing unforgettable pages of our
history with determination, goals, and dribbles. The commemoration in 2030 of the centenary of
the first FIFA World Cup is the perfect opportunity for the world to get to know South American
football in its essence, giving a well-deserved tribute to each of the cultures that shaped a sport
that today knows no language barriers.
For Paraguay, hosting one of the Centenary Celebration Matches represents an opportune
occasion to show all football fans its way of viewing the sport, with all the color and warmth
that characterizes it, and with that encouragement, which, through chants and murgas, brings
together thousands of voices and hugs for over 90 minutes. This is how we want to welcome
the world, with the same passion that makes Paraguay a destination to always remember.
Along with the hospitality that is our distinctive mark, we have also demonstrated the enormous
capacity to host large-scale events, from the 1999 Copa América to the organization of youth
multidisciplinary tournaments, continental and world finals, all with a high level of infrastructure,
organization, and security, providing a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment. The
FIFA World Cup will not only find a great host but also venues that meet the highest standards
and a setting perfectly suited to the occasion. For example, the Defensores del Chaco Stadium
has witnessed historical moments such as the Chaco War, being the place where Paraguayan
soldiers gathered before going into battle, and decades later, feeling the vibration of its concrete
stands with unforgettable celebrations, events that made it an icon for the entire continent.
To all this are added the sports facilities and hotel capacity, which, along with an efficient
transportation system, will ensure that the celebration match we host can meet all the needs of
delegations and tourists attending this event, guaranteeing resounding success.
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de sus gradas con festejos inolvidables, hechos que lo convirtieron en un ícono para todo el
Señor A todo esto, se suman las instalaciones deportivas y la capacidad hotelera, que, junto a un
Giovanni Vincenzo Infantino eficiente sistema de transporte, harán que el partido de celebración que alberguemos pueda
Presidente satisfacer todas las necesidades de delegaciones y turistas que se darán cita a este evento,
Fédération Internationale de Football Association – FIFA garantizando un éxito rotundo.
Presente La realización de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2030, es una oportunidad histórica para que
el fútbol pueda volver a sus raíces, aquellas que forjaron lo que hoy es un deporte que une
Estimado Presidente, geografías y que la única frontera que conoce es la de cal, aquella que separa el presente del
futuro, el hoy del mañana.
Pasión. Aliento. Lealtad. Son algunas de las palabras que pueden describir el sentimiento que Por todos estos motivos, querido Presidente, permítanos ser parte de esta historia, para
embarga a cada habitante de nuestro país al escuchar la palabra, fútbol. Un deporte que desde honrar a aquellos que supieron armar la estrategia y preparar la cancha, para que la volvamos
los indígenas guaraníes ha tenido una relevancia social para la conformación de nuestras a pisar así como en 1930, conjugando el fútbol del pasado en tiempo presente.
comunidades, donde se respira y se transpira este deporte.
Único. Es otra definición que refleja la relación entre el fútbol y el Paraguay. Razones Atentamente.
geográficas, históricas y políticas, hicieron que nuestro balompié logre diferenciarse
sustancialmente de los vecinos, siendo la principal, la idiosincrasia muy propia y peculiar del
ciudadano paraguayo.
Muchas veces, el estilo futbolístico representa el espíritu de un pueblo. A través de los años,
el extraordinario amor propio junto al sentido de pertenencia, hicieron que el fútbol paraguayo
compitiese con altura con otras grandes potencias del continente, escribiendo con puño y letra,
con goles y gambetas, páginas inolvidables de nuestra historia.
Lic. Robert Harrison Paleari
La conmemoración en el 2030 del centenario de la disputa del primer Mundial FIFA es la
Presidente de APF
oportunidad perfecta para que el mundo pueda conocer al fútbol sudamericano en su esencia,
dándole un reconocido homenaje a cada una de las culturas que le dieron forma a un deporte
que hoy no conoce de idiomas.
Para el Paraguay, el hecho de albergar uno de los Partidos de Celebración del Centenario
de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA representa una ocasión propicia para enseñarle a todos los
hinchas del fútbol, su manera de ver este deporte, con todo el color y el calor que lo caracteriza,
y con ese aliento, que, entre rimas y murgas, logran juntar miles de gargantas y abrazos por
más de 90 minutos.
Así queremos darle la bienvenida al mundo, con esta misma pasión, que hace del Paraguay
un destino para recordar siempre, y a la hospitalidad que es nuestro sello distintivo, hemos
demostrado igualmente la enorme capacidad de albergar eventos multitudinarios, desde la
Copa América de 1999 pasando por la organización de torneos juveniles multidisciplinarios,
finales continentales y mundiales, todos ellos, con un alto nivel de infraestructura, organización
y seguridad, brindando de esa forma un ambiente seguro, cómodo y acogedor.
La Copa Mundial de la FIFA se encontrará no solo con un gran anfitrión, sino con escenarios
acordes a la más alta exigencia y con un recorrido que se ajusta perfectamente a la ocasión del
evento. Por ejemplo, el Estadio Defensores del Chaco ha sido testigo de momentos históricos
como la contienda bélica de la Guerra del Chaco, siendo el sitio donde los soldados paraguayos
se reunían antes de entrar en combate, y décadas después, sintiendo la vibración del cemento
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1. Introduction
Part B: Infrastructure
7. Stadiums
8. Team & Referee Facilities
9. FIFA Fan Festival Sites
Part C: Services
10. Accommodation
11. Transport
12. Safety & Security
13. Health, Medical & Anti-Doping
14. IT&T
Part D: Commercial
15. Revenues
16 17
Introduction centenary of the first FIFA World Cup in history breathing football in our countries that we
held in Uruguay in 1930… would like to host the Centenary Celebration
It has been a long and glorious journey since the window of an absent neighbor, or just a Matches. So that the “passion for football”
that “first time” and today we are proud to football goal image present in our imagination: Football offers us the unmissable will never stop here, but will also keep
present our bid for the FIFA 2030 World Cup all these real, invented and/or imaginary items opportunity to go back to where it all pumping the whole world. So that we keep on
Centenary Celebration Matches (CCMs)… make up the spark that ignites our passion for began 100 years ago. offering the world, the magic of a region that
and where else could those matches be held football, which is AT THE HEART OF EVERY experiences football like no other. So that the
with greater legitimacy, historic symbolism and SOUTH AMERICAN PERSON. Going back to our roots, to the cradle of magic new generations will continue to grow, develop
popular passion than in South America, and Here we do not hesitate to vie for the ball and heroism, to breathing pure football in its and create legends over the next 100 years.
most precisely, in our three countries? This as if it were the last one; we play, compete most significant competition, to feeling the
rhetorical question has an obvious answer, but and laugh with whichever rival we face, and warmth of fans and the unique fervor in every The magic is here, and it is alive. This
words do not come so easy, since you cannot we defend our teammates and our team shield cheer towards the teams, each and every corner of the planet is the past, the
explain South American football; you rather WITH OUR OWN LIFE. minute that the matches may last… present and the future of football.
feel it, live it, breathe it, dream it, celebrate it, Iconic football moves are characteristic It is in the honor of all those pioneers,
cry for it… Here, football is magic, and magic right here, and the dribbling -gambeta- is the the ones that came after them and everyone
cannot be explained. But we will try anyway… first thing taught and learnt; the rabona, the
In every corner, square, street or sandlot chilena, the pisadinha and the vuelta olimpica
in South America, everything revolves around all started here.
football. Life is ROUND here. Here 90 minutes of football affect the
Friends meet to spend time together or spirits OF A WHOLE NATION. Here the most
simply to PLAY… Because for us football is not brillant football stars WERE BORN and WILL
just a game, IT IS LIFE ITSELF. CONTINUE TO BE BORN: the heroes that the
Here we play with new balls, old balls, world loves, cheers and remembers forever,
deflated balls and even with balls invented the idols which turned football into magic,
out of rolled socks, with bottle caps, with passion and the incomparable experience that
stones or whatever which may be kicked; only comes to life in this sport.
where football goals are made of sneakers Due to all the above, we are excited to post
and have imperfect measures, or of bricks a bid to organize and celebrate this unique
from an unfinished construction, door houses, and exceptional event: the celebration of the
18 Introduction 19
2. Vision & Strategy
3. Legacy
4. Political support in Host Countries
5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities
6. Event Timing
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2 Vision & Strategy
sports of all. Because in South America, first incomparable passion for football existing
we play football and then we exist… LIFE IS in our societies, they have always been
2.1 Our Vision recorded in world football history books. The ROUND HERE! characterized by the warm hospitality of our
exciting final match between Uruguay and And as we talk about playing a pioneering people and their historical and ongoing attitude
South America, a continent where pure Argentina, in which Uruguay prevailed, not role in international football competitions, since towards receiving and welcoming immigrants
and magical football is neverending only allowed Uruguay and South America to we hosted the first FIFA World Cup in 1930, and foreign visitors over time, regardless their
win its first FIFA World Cup, but it also gave it should also be remembered that we also origin, race, culture or religion.
From its inception to date, world football rise to a new transcendent global sports created the oldest tournament among national
has come a long and fruitful journey and it celebration which would call and join mankind teams, our COPA AMÉRICA, in 1916… 2.2 Our Strategy
has provided us with a myriad of significant every four years. In this context, our vision, as this event’s Just like FIFA, we believe that competitions
and dazzling experiences, supported by its Upon celebrating the CENTENARY of host countries, consists in providing FIFA, foster development and therefore, our main
incomparable relevance from a sports, social the event, we would like the tournament to go millions of fans and the whole world football strategic objective will be to build-up a
and cultural standpoint throughout the world, back to its origins, to the continent which gave ecosystem with a unique, highly emotional value journey around this centenary event,
and particularly in our region. birth to all the stars that people cheer for and sports experience, which supported by a which will attract the attention of fans and
With our eyes set on 2030, we are filled with remember, to the land of sandlots and love combination of the “magic” of our players, of all key stakeholders in the regional
emotion and overjoyed to live a new, unique for the teams, to the continent which created the passion of our fans and the track record and international football ecosystem, by
and historical experience: the celebration of the need to meet every four years, forget their of South American football successes, offering them value-based experiences
the centenary of the first FIFA World Cup held troubles and speak only one language… the remembers and celebrates the centenary and opportunities.
in Uruguay in 1930. Football invites us to language of FOOTBALL. of the first FIFA World Cup, highlights the Such strategic goal, together with
return to the place where it all began… 100 Inspired by that significant milestone, importance of football in our region and its our future development plans focused on
years ago. South American football wrote a history glorious journey to date, and sets the investing in sports, service and entertainment
When that first FIFA World Cup in of high-impact sports success over the grounds for creating a future legacy of infrastructure, as well as in strengthening
history was held, thirteen countries invited following 100 years, which was grounded sustainable growth for South American our organizational, management and value
by Uruguay, and including Argentina and on our world-class football talent, our football. creation capabilities around our football
Paraguay, challenged the barriers of distance professional capacity and the close company We are convinced that our 3 countries are competitions and institutions, will allow us to
and uncertainty, and embarked on a journey of our extraordinary base of faithful, ardent excellent and naturally legitimate hosts of this evolve in our growth and value creation
towards the “South of the world” to participate and passionate fans who provide the perfect event since, in addition to having participated agenda for the whole South American
in an unprecedented event which would be framework for the most iconic and popular in the first FIFA World Cup of 1930 and the football ecosystem, ensuring that the
to streamline our cross-border agenda for looking messages that will raise people’s
connecting and integrating South American interest, cause emotion and attract the
countries and cities around experiences whole football ecosystem and society in
related to football events—and their related general.
tourism and entertainment industries— • Experiences aligned with the preferences
reducing red tape barriers which cause and behavior of the current and future
friction among visitors, thus improving fans, and also with those of the “eternal
their experience and creating synergies / fans”, which connect, engage and join
enhancing the economic benefits for our fans generations all around the world.
countries and cities, as well as the union • Attractive and meaningful events
of our peoples. and value-based experiences for
commercial partners, investors and
other key stakeholders within the
2.3 Our Value Proposition football ecosystem, which will allow us
Our value proposition consists in offering a to continue building our sustainable
unique, emotional and lasting experience value creation agenda for the South
which integrates and joins generations of American football.
football fans, taking them to visit and feel in-situ • The development of a modern and
the place where the South American magic sustainable infrastructure, leading a
emerges, the iconic nooks where the most new path for 360° sustainable events
important and historic football stars were born, while also making visible the sustainable
and to breathe pure football air and passion in commitments of our own countries.
every corner. A unique experience throughout • An event that sets the grounds for
a journey that connect the first FIFA World Cup streamlining the initiatives towards
epic, our sports glory and its legacy to date, connecting and joining South
with the huge potential of our football towards American countries and cities around
the future. the opportunity of fluently offer to local
The main pillars and foundations of such and foreign visitors, experiences related
value proposition are summarized as follows: to football events and the related “clean”
• Centenary celebration events with high tourism and entertainment industries.
sports, commercial and symbolic appeal
28 29
Political support in Host Countries In addition to the considerable governmental Divisional D, Fútbol Femenino, Fútbol Sala,
support, the Uruguayan Football Association Tercera División, Juvenil Divisional A and
4.1 Uruguay department, whereas senators are elected (UAF) is one of CONMEBOL’s founding Juvenil Divisional B.
Uruguay has been experiencing considerable through a federal election, both for five-year member associations, it is also the FIFA Undoubtedly, history rules converge for
economic, social and cultural transformations terms. member association which hosted the first Montevideo and Uruguay, to host a 2030 FIFA
with a significant economic growth, improving The Judicial power is led by the Supreme FIFA World Cup in 1930, has two Olympic World Cup match!
wealth distribution. At present, Uruguay is Court of Justice, which members are trophies (1924 and 1928), won the World Cup
considered one of the most stable South appointed by the General Assembly through a twice, in 1930 and 1950, as well as fifteen 4.2 Argentina
American economies and one of the 20 safest majority made of two thirds and whose terms Copas América and two Youth World Cups. Argentina is a country where people breathe
countries in the world. last ten years, or end after they turn 70 years The Uruguayan Football Association and live football across its 24 provinces, so
Uruguay has a unitary, democratic, old. The Judiciary is also made by the Court was created on March 30, 1900, by Enrique football is a crucial element of Argentine
decentralized and presidential government of Appeals, District Courts and Justice of the Lichtenberger, director of Albion F.C, who sent identity because it promotes significant values,
comprising 19 departments and 127 Peace Courts. the invitations to CURCC, Deutscher FK, and such as equality, integration and teamwork.
municipalities. The government comprises In this institutional and political context, Uruguay Athletic to create this new league. In this context, clubs promote this passion,
three independent powers: Executive, the Uruguayan Government, as well as the These four clubs founded the association present in over 11,500 football clubs across
Legislative and Judicial. In addition, there are Montevideo Municipality, showed full support and the first Uruguayan Championship. It Argentina, so it may be stated that Argentina’s
three autonomous enforcement agencies: through acts of government to the bid for was founded under the name of The Uruguay candidacy to host a 2030 FIFA World Cup
the Electoral Court, the Contentious and Montevideo to be a host city for the FIFA World Association Football League. In 1905, under match is supported by the illusion of the over
Administrative Court and the Court of Auditors. Cup again. the presidency of Félix Ortiz de Taranco, 45 million inhabitants of Argentina, who have
The Executive branch is led by the This clear and defined political and it changed its name to Liga Uruguaya de joined together to reach this goal.
President, who acts in accordance with institutional support by the Uruguayan Football, and in 1915, under the presidency of Argentina has a presidential,
the related minister or ministers, or with the Government is shown in the declaration of Juan Blengio Roca, it changed its name again representative, republican and federal
Council of Ministers. The president is both public interest for the proposal to host the 2030 to Asociación Uruguaya de Football, a name government in which people’s representatives
head of State and head of Government, it is FIFA World Cup, as well as the 1930 FIFA which was maintained until the professional are elected by vote and in turn, each province
elected jointly with the vice-president through World Cup Centenary celebrations schedule. system was adopted on April 6, 1932, when and the City of Buenos Aires also elect their
direct popular election. The presidential term In addition, the Budget Law assigned a specific the Liga Uruguaya de Football Profesional governors and lawmakers by vote. In addition,
is for 5 years with no immediate reelection item to cover the disbursements related to is created, with Mario Ponce de León as provincial governments organize and sustain
except following a similar period counted Uruguay’s candidacy to be host of the 2030 President. It resumes the former name of their judicial systems.
as from the date on which their term has World Cup. Asociación Uruguaya de Football on June Therefore, there is a considerable
elapsed. The Uruguayan President appoints It should also be noted that one of 30, 1936, under the presidency of Dr. Raúl balance of powers: the elected president is in
and removes the ministers. In addition, the Uruguay’s long-term policies include the firm Jude, adopting the Spanish version of the charge of the Executive branch, whereas the
General Assembly may remove ministers by conviction to continue consolidating itself as term “football”, and reaching its current name: Legislative power is made of a two-chamber
absolute majority of votes. a leader in environmental matters and human Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol, in 1970, body comprising a Chamber of Deputies with
The Legislative Power comprises the rights observance at an international level, and under the presidency of Américo Gil. 257 representatives, and the Chamber of
General Assembly, which is made of a this event will represent a clear opportunity to The AUF’s authorities are as follows: Senators, with 72 representatives. Finally, the
Chamber of Senators with 31 members show the world that the Uruguayan society is the Executive Committee, currently chaired Judicial Power is in charge of the important
(counting the president of the chamber, who is committed to these principles resulting from by Ignacio Alonso, the Youth Executive duty of being the custodian of our Constitution
the Vice-president of Uruguay) and a Chamber solid and sustainable national policies, which Committee, the Futsal Executive Council, through the Supreme Court of Justice, which
of Representatives, with 99 members. are supported by multiple parties to date, and the Women’s Football Committee, the Beach at present is made of five members.
Parliament elections are held through closed include a significant involvement by the private Soccer Committee, and the Executive Both the Argentine Government and the
lists, simultaneously with the presidential sector and the civil society, which upholds Committees: Primera División, Segunda City of Buenos Aires, where the match is to be
election. Representatives are elected by sustainability values. División Profesional, Primera División Amateur, held, are very supportive about the historical
not assigned to other bodies. It complies endorsement by the APF and the CONMEBOL,
with and enforces the by-laws, accepts or there are no doubts that the conditions for the
suspends members, prepares and calls for city of Asunción to have the privilege to be a
regular and special meetings, prepares the host city to one of the 2030 FIFA World Cup
related agendas, appoints the president, Centenary Celebration Matches have been
vice-presidents and jurisdictional body and met.
permanent committee members.
To celebrate the centenary of FIFA’s inaugural ongoing investments in infrastructure, a vast Uruguay, founded in 1825, is well known for
World Cup, the cities of Montevideo, Buenos experience in hosting international sports its rich cultural diversity resulting from the
Aires and Asunción join efforts to offer a events and the incomparable warmth of our fusion of European influences arising from
unique and memorable hosting concept for the people, the hosting value proposition promises the various peoples who founded the country,
2030 FIFA World Cup Centenary Celebration a vibrant and passionate environment, thus including Spanish, Italian, French, English,
Matches in a very compact footprint. A celebrating a century of goals, dreams and Scottish, and German peoples, among others.
hundred years after that first initial milestone shared emotions among citizens, visitors Its diverse geography, which comprises
that took place in Uruguay, these cities and the whole local and international football idyllic beaches, large plains and soft hills, is
prepare themselves tohonor the memory and community. a magnet for those who love nature and seek
evolution of the sport. With iconic stadiums, for adventure.
In the economic and political sphere,
Uruguay is known for its stability and for being
a highly equitable society, which is shown in
its high per capita income and the reduced
Capital Montevideo
inequality and poverty ratios. Its diversified
economy, which includes core industry Population 3,444,263
segments such as agribusiness, tourism and
Size/Area 176,215 km²
services, is well-known for its’ meat, wool and
soybean production, and for its investments Number of registered
in renewable energies. In 2023, Uruguay football leagues
showed its macroeconomic robustness once
again with a GDP of about USD 77 billion and
36 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 37
a 5.11% annual inflation rate, an index which is Este is famous for its exclusive and vibrant Uruguay’s sports infrastructure shows this América tournament, 15 times. In basketball,
keeping a downward trend. These data, along nightlife. In addition, Colonia del Sacramento importance with diverse facilities which hosted Uruguay also left its mark with 11 South
with its well-known political and social stability, captivates tourists with its historical international events throughout history, such American Basketball Championships. These
strengthened its international reputation. neighborhood declared as a World Heritage as the 2018 FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup. achievements highlight Uruguay’s rich sports
A leader in democracy in Latin America Site by UNESCO, and by its colonial charm. An emblematic example of this infrastructure tradition and its role as a competitive force in
and ranking 14th in The Economist’s In terms of Sustainability, in 2020 Uruguay is the Centenario stadium which, around a the international scenario.
Democracy Index, Uruguay also shines ranked 2nd in Latin America’s sustainability century ago, was the scenario of the FIFA To sum up, Uruguay sports infrastructure,
due to its transparency and low corruption index prepared by America Economía and World Cup’s first final match held in 1930 in highlighted by a renovated Centenario stadium,
index. In 2024 it led Numbeo’s Quality of subsequently in 2022, it was the only country Uruguay. This event marked the beginning together with its political and economic
Life Index, and in The Heritage Foundation outside the OECD within the top 20 in the World of the world’s most important and prestigious stability, provide an optimal environment for
Economic Freedom Index, it ranked just below Energy Council’s Trilemma report. In addition, football match, which Uruguay had the merit organizing this magnificent event. This calm
Chile, showing its commitment with economic the World Economic Forum recognized and honor to inaugurate and…win! We hosted environment and the passion for football
freedom and citizen well-being. Uruguay as role model due to its significant the first final match, which attracted over that throbs at every corner, ensure that any
Consolidated as the second most production of renewable energy which shows 68,000 people in 1930, and now we have football tournament held in Uruguay will be
important economic activity in Uruguay, its outstanding capacity to balance energy the great opportunity to host the centenary a success for participants, the organizers
tourism contributes with 7.3% of its’ GDP and security, energy equality and environmental celebration match in 2030, allowing a whole and the audience.
offers around 121,000 job positions. In 2023, sustainability. These achievements show country to go back to where it all started
Uruguay was consolidated as a prominent Uruguay’s commitment to the climate 100 years ago.
tourist destination in South America, attracting change global challenge and its leadership Moreover, Uruguay won the FIFA World
3.8 million visitors who generated revenues in promoting a more sustainable future. Cup’s final match in 1950, at the mythical
for USD 1.77 billion. Montevideo, the capital Sports are characteristic of the Maracaná stadium in Brazil. It also obtained
city, is recognized by a harmonious mixture Uruguayan culture, a pillar of Uruguayan other important football titles, like the Olympic
of history and modernity, whereas Punta del identity and a source of citizen pride. gold medals in 1924 and 1928, and the Copa
38 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 39
5.3 Host Country: Argentina
Anniversary of the Demise of Public June 20 Yes Copa América Futsal 09/23 NIA
General Manuel Belgrano
FIFA World Cup U-20 06/23 NIA
Islamic New Year Religious July 7 No
Youth Olympic Games 10/18 1,000,000 (aprox)
Independence Day Public July 9 Yes
NIA: No information available
40 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 41
Host Country: Paraguay
42 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 43
mainly supported by key industries such as practically fully covered by clean sources and athletics and celebrating elite competitions. 2025, 2026 and 2027 has Paraguay as one
agriculture, with soybean and meat acting as it has the highest renewable energy index per This focus aimed at improving sports facilities of its host countries, being the fourth country
fundamental pillars, as Paraguay is one of the capita in the world. The Itaipú and Yacyretá led Paraguay to host the South American in South America in hosting the World Rally
world’s top ten exporters in such segments. In dams shared with Brazil and Argentina, games in 2022, and it is preparing to host the Championship.
addition, since Paraguay is a mediterranean respectively, are two of the largest in the 2024 Special Latin American Olympic Games By way of conclusion, Paraguay gained
country, its logistics and fluvial transport are world in terms of power generation and are and the Junior Pan American Games in 2025. considerable momentum over the last few
significantly important for international trade. also a symbol of engineering and binational These events, in addition to representing years as regards infrastructure and sports
Paraguay has the third largest fleet of barges in cooperation. With these facilities, Paraguay valuable experiences for hosting the Centenary events organization, showing its increasing
the world, only preceded by China and the US. not only reinforces its power security, but it Celebration Matches, foster sports among the commitment with sports. CONMEBOL’s
These activities jointly make up around 23% also contributes significantly to mitigate youth and people with disabilities, and they presence in the country highlights not only
of Paraguay’s GDP: crop farming accounts for climate change by reducing greenhouse place the country at the center of international the Paraguayan passion for football, but also
12% and livestock, for 11%. Thus, with a USD emissions in the region. sports events organizers. the country’s influence in the South American
43 billion GDP, Paraguay showed economic Recently, Paraguay considerably The South American clubs’ competitions sports area. The investments in facilities such
robustness and also managed to maintain one strengthened its sports culture and capabilities one-leg finals started to be held in Paraguay. as the Olympic Park and the inclusion of
of the lowest unemployment rates in South through investment in high-quality sports The heart of South America was the first Asunción in the ATP Challenger Tour constitute
America, which stood at 5.3% over 2023. infrastructure. These improvements turned home to such South American football games clear indicators that Paraguay is positioning
Tourism supplements Paraguayan the country into a host capable of organizing in 2019, as the match for the CONMEBOL itself as a prominent sports hub in the region.
economy contributing with 2.5% of GDP and international sports events, such as the Beach Sudamericana title between Colón de Santa Thus, Paraguay has positioned itself
attracting around 1.3 million visitors per year to Soccer FIFA World Cup in 2019. In terms of Fe (Arg) and Independiente del Valle (Ecu) as a reference destination for international
destinations such as Asunción, with its urban football infrastructure, Paraguay has the iconic was played at La Nueva Olla stadium, which sports events, offering a favorable climate in
charm and historical heritage; Encarnación, Defensores del Chaco stadium owned by the opened its doors for thousands of fans who the political, cultural, tourism and economic
known as “Perla del Sur”, which is famous for APF (Paraguayan Football Association) and came from across the continent to witness this spheres, benefitting from its strategic location,
its river beaches and Jesuitic ruins declared home to the Paraguayan national team, as unforgettable match. less than two hours away from the big capital
as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and well as the CONMEBOL (South American This occasion will take place again in 2024 cities in the region.
Ciudad del Este, a paradise for commercial Football Confederation) headquarters, an as CONMEBOL appointed Paraguay as the
purchases which serves as an entry to the emblematic institution, pioneer in the history venue for the one-leg final again, which will
majestic Itaipú dam and to the Iguazú falls. of world football. With respect to other sports, represent a new opportunity for showcasing
In terms of Sustainability, Paraguay the International Tennis Club is also located both the continent and the world all our virtues
stands out in the global scenario as one of in Asunción, which as from 2024, will host an as a host country.
the leaders in power generation through ATP Challenger Tour tournament. Moreover, In addition to this mass events which
renewable sources, mainly hydroelectric the Olympic Park was inaugurated in 2017, require a considerable logistic capacity, the
power. Paraguay’s electric power demand is a contemporary complex aimed at promoting World Rally Championship scheduled for
44 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 45
Host Cities 5.6
Host City: Montevideo
To celebrate the centenary of FIFA’s first World experience in hosting international sports Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital and largest Population 1,400,000
Cup, the cities of Montevideo, Buenos Aires events and the incomparable warmth of our city, stands out for its rich cultural heritage, its
Altitude 43 m
and Asunción join efforts to offer a unique and people, the hosting value proposition promises characteristic architecture and predominant
memorable hosting concept for the 2030 FIFA a vibrant and passionate environment, thus role as Uruguay’s main port. With high Time zone UTC-3
World Cup Centenary Celebration Matches. celebrating a century of goals, dreams and population density, it has around 1,400,000
Average temperature
100 years after that first initial milestone that shared emotions among citizens, visitors inhabitants, representing 40% of the total 10 °C
took place in Uruguay, these cities prepare and the whole local and international football Uruguayan population. Montevideo’s dynamic
themselves to offer a unique football celebration ecosystem. economic activity is vital for Uruguay, and Average rainfall
0.8 litre/sqm
that will honor the memory and evolution of its port, the most important in the country, (June)
this sport in the region. With iconic stadiums, represents a crucial axis for international Average humidity
ongoing investments in infrastructure, a vast trade. The city is also an essential location for (June)
services, finance and tourism, consolidating its
position as Uruguay’s economic heart. for attracting a large number of travelers.
Montevideo stands out as the Uruguayan The city captivates people with its Ciudad
city receiving the majority of tourists each Vieja (Old City), where history beats in every
year. The combination of culture, history, food corner, from Plaza Independencia to the iconic
and beaches constitute the perfect offering Teatro Solís. La Rambla, an emblematic
Hospital de Clínicas
Dr. Manuel Quintela | UDELAR
Parque Central
Sofitel Montevideo Casino
Centenario Stadium FIFA Carrasco and Spa Hotel
Stadium Airport Hospital RBCTS / TBCTS FIFA Fan Fest™ FIFA VIP Hotel TBCH
46 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 47
Montevideo is proud to have hosted the Montevideo Marathon that attracts more than
FIFA World Cup in 1930, with Uruguay rising 4,500 athletes who take on the streets in the
the trophy in the final against Argentina. hopes to be the first to cross the finish line,
Moreover, it hosted six editions of the displaying a competitive spirit and resistance.
prestigious Copa América and the three The passion for football embedded in
2021 one-leg South American finals (Copa the city and its compact urban design
Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana and make Montevideo an ideal scenario for
Women’s Copa Libertadores), among other celebrating sports events.
significant sporting events. Each year, the
seafront promenade and symbol of the city The city also has an efficient bus network as
city hosts the Uruguay Open, a significant
is perfect for enjoying the views to Río de mobility option.
ATP Challenger Tour tournament and the
la Plata and accessing the popular urban The city also has an efficient bus network
beaches, whereas the Port Market offers a supplementing the transportation options.
feast of Uruguayan traditional flavors. Arts Montevideo is an epicenter of football Tourism
and nature lovers will find their oasis in Parque culture where the passion for this sport is
Rodó and in the National Museum of Visual embedded in every city corner. Two Latin Number of tourists per year 1,000,000
Arts, supplementing a rich and diverse urban American football giants, Club Nacional de Number of business visitors per year 200,000
experience. Football and Club Atlético Peñarol have
The city has two iconic stadiums with a an impressive list of titles, since they have
rich football legacy: the Gran Parque Central obtained 320 official titles as a whole, Main entertainment and sports events – top 5
stadium, which is known for having been the including 8 Copa Libertadores de América and
place where the first match in the World Cup in 6 Intercontinental Cups, so they are two of the Event name Date Number of local attendees Number of tourists
history was held, and the historical Centenario clubs with the most awards in the continent.
Cosquin Rock 04/24 100,000 1,000
stadium, where the first FIFA World Cup final These institutions not only contributed to
match was held and the only stadium in the Uruguay’s rich football history but they also Montevideo Late 12/23 70,000 700
world declared a world football historical fed a classic rivalry that fires the passion at
Prado Rural Exhibition 09/23 450,000 4,500
monument. Due to Montevideo’s compact the Uruguayan football derby, an event that
footprint, most of the attractions, including goes beyond the sport and becomes a cultural Montevideo Marathon 05/23 5,000 500
Estadio Centenario, are close one to the other, expression of the city.
Creole Week 03/23 200,000 2,000
which allows visitors to move mostly on foot.
48 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 49
Host City: Buenos Aires its vision of future and development, Buenos Showing its commitment to innovation and
Aires is Argentina’s main entrepreneurial hub modernity, AMBA (Buenos Aires Metropolitan
The City of Buenos Aires, also known as Population 3,120,620 and the fifth in rank in Latin America, boosting Area) has two main airports, which constitute
“CABA” or just “Buenos Aires” is not only progress and creativity in the region; a city that key examples of this transformation:
Altitude 25 m
Argentina’s capital city, but the epicenter of hosts and connects young people and their Aeropuerto Internacional Ministro Pistarini,
the country’s economic and industrial activity Time zone UTC-3 entrepreneurial energy with innovation and known as “Ezeiza”, and Aeropuerto Jorge
and one of the most important cities in Latin technology. Newbery, or “Aeroparque”. Both Ezeiza and
Average temperature
America. With Argentina’s highest population 14 °C In terms of Sustainability, Buenos Aires Aeroparque have experienced significant
density, its 3,120,620 inhabitants enjoy a is committed to being a carbon neutral, refurbishments which improved their
metropolis which history shows two key Average rainfall resilient and inclusive city. As from 2016, it infrastructure and operating capacity by
38 litres/sqm
foundational moments: the first one in 1539 (June) adheres to and works towards complying with including new terminals which stand out due
by Pedro de Mendoza, and the second one Average humidity the Sustainable Development Goals and in to their modern features.
74% 2017 it undertook the commitment to become These improvements facilitate
in 1580, by Juan de Garay. Officially named (June)
as Argentina’s capital in 1880, today Buenos a carbon-neutral, resilient and inclusive city the transit of about 2.6 million annual
Aires is the country’s financial heart, home as Gran Buenos Aires which is home to 15 by 2050, an initiative promoted by the C40 passengers who choose Buenos Aires as
of the BCRA (Central Bank of Argentina), million inhabitants, and it is well known as network. It has a Climate Action Plan for 2050 their destination, a city which shows its
countless financial institutions and the well- one of the most attractive and impressive which, in line with its strategy to adapt and splendor in the iconic Avenida 9 de Julio,
known BCBA (Buenos Aires Stock Exchange). cities in Latin America, positioning itself as a mitigate climate change, establishes goals and enjoys art at Teatro Colón, vibrates with the
Buenos Aires is the heart of AMBA regional key metropolitan axis from a political, actions to reduce the vulnerability of humans rhythm of tango at Avenida Corrientes and
(Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area), also known cultural and economic standpoint. In line with and natural ecosystems. reveals its artistic soul in the neighborhood
Monumental Stadium
Buenos Aires Marriott
Casa Lucía Hotel
Stadium Airport Hospital RBCTS / TBCTS FIFA Fan Fest™ FIFA VIP Hotel TBCH
50 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 51
of La Boca, where Caminito shines with its the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup in 2024. 5.8
Host City: Asunción
vivid colors and bohemian spirit. However, its versatility as a city for hosting
AMBA hosts 15 of the football teams that sports events not only includes football, Founded in 1537 by the Spanish explorer Juan Population 2,200,000
compete at the Argentine premier league, a since Argentina also hosted handball, field de Salazar y Espinoza, Asunción is placed at
Altitude 43 m
few of them standing out as the so-called “Big hockey and volleyball world championships, the heart of South America: not only it is one
5”: Boca Juniors, River Plate, Independiente, the Pan American Games (1951 and 1995), of the oldest cities in the continent, but it is Time zone UTC-4
Racing Club and San Lorenzo de Almagro. the Youth Olympic Games (2018) and field also known as the “Mother of Cities”. The
Average temperature
These clubs created a formidable legacy, as hockey international tournaments, such as expeditions that founded more than 70 cities in 20 °C
they have obtained 252 official titles, won the the Pro League. In addition, every year the South America sailed from its ports, becoming
CONMEBOL Libertadores de América Cup 19 city hosts the ATP Tour Argentina Open and Paraguay’s historical hub. After the Paraguayan Average rainfall
1.8 litre/sqm
times and the Intercontinental Cup 7 times, the Argentine Open Polo Championship, independence from Spain in 1811, Asunción (June)
which consolidates them as football icons, the most important global club tournament was appointed as the country’s capital. With Average humidity
both in the Argentine and in the international of its kind. Also, the Buenos Aires Marathon a population of 520,000 inhabitants within (June)
spheres. Their significance goes beyond the attracts over 12,000 athletes willing to run 42 its municipal boundaries, it comprises a
trophies, as they ignite the fans’ passion, km, showcasing Buenos Aires’s excellence metropolitan area known as “Gran Asunción”
turning each match into a celebration of the in organizing international tournaments, with around twenty adjacent municipalities,
Argentine football culture; it transcends especially in connection with group sports hosting over 2,300,000 inhabitants. This
borders and captures the attention of fans and its capacity to gather athletes and fans urban conglomeration is Paraguay’s economic
around the world. in events that celebrate competition and the
Throughout its history, the city hosted sports spirit.
iconic football events, such as the FIFA
World Cup in 1978 and Copa América 9
Silvio Pettirossi International Airport
times, and will soon host the final match of (ASU)
Parque Olímpico
La Costa Hospital Paraguayo
Gran Bourbon Asunción Hotel
Litoral del Palacio de los López Santa Julia Hospital Cancha de fútbol de la CONMEBOL
Defensores del Sanatorio Italiano
Chaco Stadium
Tourism Guaraní Asunción Hotel Prof. Dr. Manuel Giagni Trauma Hospital
FIFA Sanatorio San Roque
Sanatorio Migone
Number of tourists per year 5,197,000
Number of business visitors per year 439,510
ATP World Tour – Argentina Open 02/23 59,000 Stadium Airport Hospital RBCTS / TBCTS FIFA Fan Fest™
52 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 53
engine, as it concentrates around 70% of the taking strolls at sunset alongside the Paraguay
country’s GDP. river.
At a regional level, Asunción is a Asunción stands out for its rich sports
fundamental piece in the South American culture, especially in football, and has the
integration since, on March 26, 1991, in privilege of being home to the Paraguayan
Asunción, the governments of Paraguay, Football Association and CONMEBOL; the
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay signed the oldest football confederation in the world.
Asunción Trade Treaty and created the The organization governing South American
Mercosur (Southern Common Market). football has the honor of being the only one
Asunción stands out for its abundance that existed when the first FIFA World Cup took
of parks, positioning itself as one of the place in Uruguay in 1930. In addition, both APF
South American cities with more green and CONMEBOL are modern and professional
spaces. The city is gearing towards institutions with high management standards football history, and they both total 96 official because it was the first time that this was held
Sustainability by implementing and world-class infrastructure. The institutional titles. Olimpia also won Copa Libertadores de in a country with no coastline. The city also
reforestation, waste management and presence reinforces its condition as “house of América three times and the Intercontinental hosted the 1999 Copa América edition.As for
renewable energy initiatives, reaffirming its South American football” and its reputation as Cup in 1979. These achievements help other sports events, Asunción shone as host of
transformation to becoming a sustainable an ideal place for hosting football and sports contribute positioning the Paraguayan capital the 2022 South American Games, it is hosting
city aimed at increasing its people’s quality of events, providing organizational experience as a significant place for South American the ATP Challenger Tour Paraguay Open since
life. This city, where History meets Modernity, and a network of international contacts. football. 2024, and it will host the 2025 Pan American
provides an array of unique and attractive Some of the most important city stadiums are Over the years, Asunción hosted many Junior Games. In addition, the Asunción
features. The majestic Palacio López, with its Defensores del Chaco, La Nueva Olla, and significant football events, such as ten finals International Marathon attracts over 2,000
impressive architecture, takes over the urban Osvaldo Domínguez Dibb where the passion of the male edition of Copa Libertadores de runners. These events highlight Asunción’s
landscape, whereas the Panteón Nacional ignited by football in the region is showcased. América and two female editions in 2017 and capacity to organize sports competitions
de los Héroes pays homage to the country’s The city is home to some of the most 2021. It also hosted the 2019 South American and showcase its recent progress as an
distinguished figures. Nature lovers can enjoy emblematic clubs in the continent. Olimpia and CONMEBOL’s first one-leg final and the FIFA appreciated venue for several sports events in
Parque de la Salud, a green oasis amidst the Cerro Porteño are the two clubs which have Beach Soccer World Cup, a historic event the continent.
city or around its coastline, a perfect space for obtained more titles throughout Paraguayan
54 A EVENT VISION AND GENERAL INFORMATION 5. General Information – Host Countries & Host Cities 55
56 57
Event Timing
Beginning a new era in the history of football, Spain, thus enabling a harmonious transition
the 2030 FIFA World Cup will dress up for and a comprehensive experience for all
the occasion to celebrate its centennial the countries involved, the teams, fans and
with inaugural events that promise to be international audiences.
unforgettable. The weekend of June 8th and Also, from a climate standpoint, average
9th, the whole world will direct its attention temperatures in Buenos Aires, Montevideo
towards South America, where Uruguay, and Asunción in June range between 10 and
Argentina and Paraguay will join to host 17 degrees Celsius, offering good climate
matches that will not only mark the beginning conditions for athletes. These moderate
of the World Cup but also pay tribute to the temperatures provide a perfect environment
100-year anniversary of the most prestigious for holding the competition at the highest
football competition. level, minimizing the risks of dehydration or
Montevideo, the cradle of the first World fatigue that usually appear under extreme heat
Cup, will hold a special ceremony and the conditions.
first match in its iconic Centenario stadium, The selection of dates for celebration
rekindling the spirit of the first FIFA World matches considers the host cities’ social and
Cup in 1930. The day after, Buenos Aires family dynamics before school break begins.
and Asunción will host their own Centenary This planning allows families, which are still
Celebration Match, creating a party-like and immersed by their daily activities, to have
football passion atmosphere throughout the the opportunity to take part in the events and
continent. attend the matches, promoting a holiday-
These events will resonate in every corner like and unity environment. It is a special
of the planet, attracting the widest audience occasion for young people, football fans and
possible in various time zones and celebrating future football ambassadors to experience the
the host countries’ football union and legacy. tournament up close, contributing with their
Following the careful selection of dates, energy and passion to the unique atmosphere
the matches have been synchronized with of the event. Promoting the attendance of
the international football schedule to avoid young people not only enriches the experience
conflicts with other significant events. This at the stadiums, but it also plants the seed of
planning ensures that attention is placed on the legacy of football for generations to come.
the tournament and that sports venues are fully In short, the organization of the dates
available to this competition, without altering and times for the 2030 FIFA World Cup
the FIFA World Match Calendar. The teams was scheduled to guarantee the maximum
engaged in the Centenary South American coverage, a global coverage, and the
Celebration Matches will have a period of 11 to enjoyment of the audience, both in person and
12 days to travel, rest and prepare before their on screen, making this 100-year anniversary
second game, while the remaining teams will edition unforgettable for the history of football.
have 5 to 6 days from their initial match. The
matches in Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay
will be held before the 2030 FIFA World Cup
official inauguration in Morocco, Portugal and
60 61
FIFA World Cup Montevideo Stadiums Currently, in addition to the national team, and improve fan experience. Additionally, the
Uruguayan teams that request it can also use renovated Centenario Stadium will stand out
7.1.1 Centenario Stadium Its distinguished history includes hosting the this venue for international or national football for its commitment to sustainability, thanks to
The Centenario Stadium is the largest stadium abovementioned 1930 FIFA World Cup, the matches. the use of brise-soleils on the western facade
in Uruguay and one of the largest in South 1942 South American Championship (now The stadium currently holds 60,000 to reduce the consumption of air conditioning
America. It is a world icon, as the historic called “Copa América”), the 1956 and 1967 spectators, but a renovation project is in in internal areas, efficient lighting systems with
final of the inaugural FIFA World Cup was South American Championships, the 1980 progress for the Centenary Celebration Match sensors, special materials that will amplify the
played there in 1930. The name originates World Champions’ Gold Cup and the 1995 in 2030. This project will expand its total gross natural internal brightness of sunlight reducing
from the celebration of the 100th anniversary Copa América, all of which were won by capacity to 63,000 spectators, install a roof the use of artificial lighting, water reuse in
of Uruguay’s first constitution. Located in the the Uruguayan national team. Additionally, over most of the stadium while keeping only the toilets, among other planned investments in
Parque Batlle neighborhood of Montevideo, it it has been the venue for several Copa Tribute Tower section open, incorporate internal sustainable infrastructure.
serves as the home stadium for the Uruguayan Libertadores finals, the premier international commercial areas, provide new hospitality These improvements and refurbishments
national football team. club competition in South America. Moreover, suites and enhance accessibility routes. These reinforce our commitment to achieve a
The “Centenario” is the only stadium in it has hosted concerts by major artists, such as infrastructure upgrades, combined with the certification for sustainable operations of the
the world that has been declared a FIFA World Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart, Aerosmith and addition of modern equipment and technology, Centenario Stadium such as Leadership in
Football Historical Monument, in 1983. Roger Waters, among others. will enable it to meet FIFA’s highest standards Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
62 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 63
Stadium Area Map
General Stadium Information
Client / Colour Code
Competition (C)
Existing - refurbishment / Under construction / Planned Major Renovation
C01 - Field of Play
C06 - Team A Dressing Room
C07 - Team B Dressing Room
Start of construction / refurbishment 2026
C08 - Match Official´s Dressing Room
C09 - Team and Official Parking End of construction / refurbishment 2029
C10 - PMA´s Friends & Family Parking
Ceremonies (CE)
CE01 - Ceremonies Stage of competition Centenary Opening Match
Broadcast (B)
B01 - Broadcast Compound
B02 - TV / Interview Studios Stadium owner Uruguayan Football Association
17,500 sqm B05 - Broadcast Parking
Media (ME) and the Municipality of
ME01 - Stadium Media Centre
ME02 - Mixed Zone Montevideo.
3,750 sqm ME03 - Press Conference Room
ME05 - Media Parking
Stadium operator Comisión Administradora del Field
935 sqm V01 - VIP Reception Areas
V05 - VIP Parking
Oficial (CAFO)
1,900 sqm Main Stand H02
8,550 sqm VV01 - VVIP Reception Areas
VV07 - VVIP Parking
Future primary legacy use Uruguay national team
Organisation (O)
5,230 sqm O01 O01
O01 - Accreditation Centre
O01 1,225 sqm O02 - Volunteer Centre Stadium Capacity
O03 - Stadium Ticketing Centre
1,900 sqm MK03
O04 - FIFA Match Director’s office
S01 H01
1,075 sqm O05 - FIFA Offices
O07 - FIFA and Partners Workforce Parking
Gross capacity 62,782
3,560 sqm Hospitality (H)
9,158 sqm H02 - Hospitality Villages Net capacity 55,030*
V01 H05 - Hospitality Parking
Marketing (MK)
1,500 sqm 5,230 sqm MK01 - Brand Activation Area Number of hospitality seats 2,850
MK02 - Youth Programme Room
ME B Roofing Partially Roofed
SS01 SS02
Floodlight lux (horizontal) Eh (ave) 2,500
Video screens inside the stadium 2
C01 C07
ME01 V H
*Net Capacity number includes 5% contingency
64 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 65
FIFA World Cup Buenos Aires Stadiums undergone several major renovations, notably enhanced by low-consumption valves and the
in 1977 and the one that began in 2020, which SIS pitches smart irrigation system, promoting
7.2.1 Monumental Stadium Plate, solidifying its role as a central hub in the has been developing in stages and is expected water efficiency. Additionally during the recent
The Monumental Stadium, inaugurated on history of South American football. to be completed by 2025. These renovations renovation of the playing field, the excavated
May 26th, 1938, is Argentina’s main sports The Monumental Stadium has also been have increased the stadium’s capacity by soil was repurposed for public works projects.
venue and one of the most iconic in the world. the venue for concerts and cultural events, building new lower stands and new boxes and Daily operations also involve the collection of
Located in the Núñez neighborhood in Buenos highlighting its versatility as a space that lounges. Additionally, parking spaces have recyclable waste by a cooperative, furthering
Aires, it stands as a symbol of Argentinean celebrates not only sports but also music and been expanded, locker rooms have been the stadium’s journey towards sustainability
football and the country’s sports culture. popular culture. Artists who have performed remodeled, all seats have been replaced, with tangible initiatives like the accomplishment
This stadium has been the site of numerous at the stadium include Paul McCartney, Bruce the press area has been enlarged and a new of the sustainable seal.
historically remarkable events, including the Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Madonna, The mixed zone with a unique player exit tunnel Moreover, energy management systems
final match of the 1978 FIFA World Cup, where Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Bob Dylan, Roger has been created. have been installed and other projects are
Argentina became champions. Moreover, Waters, Eric Clapton, Guns N’ Roses, The The Monumental Stadium is recognized under analysis to optimize energy use even
it was the venue for the finals of the Copa Police, U2, Metallica, Oasis, Coldplay, The for its commitment to sustainability, featuring more. Therefore, the Monumental Stadium is
América in 1987 and 2011, as well as Copa Weeknd, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, among 100% LED lighting on the field and in common on track and committed to achieving a LEED
Libertadores finals in 1962, 1966, 1976, 1985, others. It has also been featured multiple times areas, as well as a new glass skin with Gold certification for its operations.
1986, 1996 and 2015. Additionally, it hosted in major football video game franchises. perimeter ventilation grilles. The design of its
the 1951 Pan American Games and numerous Its current capacity exceeds 84,000 structure was specifically aimed at maximizing
matches involving the national team as well as spectators, making it one of the largest stadiums natural lighting, thermal/acoustic insulation,
those of Argentine football clubs, mainly River in America. Over the years, the stadium has and visual appeal. Water management is
66 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 67
Stadium Area Map
General Stadium Information
Existing - refurbishment / Under construction / Planned Existing - refurbishment
Start of construction / refurbishment 2020
3.600m2 (NP)
End of construction / refurbishment 2024
Stage of competition Centenary Opening Match
FIFA Match Director´s office
FIFA Offices area on the 1st floor
300m2 Stadium owner Club Atlético River Plate
Ground level 1.200m2
Third level
Second level
Basement level
780m2 Stadium operator Club Atlético River Plate
8.000m2 (F1/F2)
Club Atlético River Plate, Argentine
Future primary legacy use
8.000m2 (GF/F1) Football Association (AFA)
Stadium Capacity
3.600m2 Gross capacity 84,593
8.000m2 (F2/F3) Net capacity 81,004
Number of hospitality seats 967
Number of sky box seats (number of boxes) 1,933
Number of media tribune seats 377
Number of VVIP seats 32
1.000m2 Number of VIP seats 280
7.000m2 (F4)
720m2 Pitch
Field of play dimensions 105m x 68m
Pitch area dimensions 128.2m x 89.2m
Stadium Competition Level Stadium Cross Section FIFA World Cup TM
type of pitch Hybrid
Technical Installations
Stadium orientation 8° NE
Roofing Partially roofed (12,426 seats)
C06 C01
Floodlight lux (horizontal) 1,500
C08 MK5 SS1 SS2 C07 1 (Currently in place, but an
Video screens inside the stadium
additional one will be added soon)
Number of accessible seats 79
Number of accessible parking spaces 20
68 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 69
FIFA World Cup Asunción Stadiums Around 37,000 spectators can be seated of photovoltaic cells on the available roofs,
in the stadium at present. There is a project bioclimatic design thanks to its optimized
to expand and renovate its facilities for the roof for solar protection in the north and
It should be noted that several stadium options and expansions, with the most recent one in
Centenary Celebration Match in 2030. This west stands, natural ventilation following the
are presented in this chapter. The most 1998. The stadium’s name honors the soldiers
project will increase its total capacity to 41,000 prevailing wind directions, use of pollutant-free
appropriate one will finally be defined with of the Chaco War (1932-1935) between
fans, adding a roof over the main stand, materials of local production and low impact,
FIFA. Paraguay and Bolivia. In this battlefield were
introducing new hospitality suites, enhancing reuse of water in toilets, rainwater collection
built the foundations of the Defensores del
accessibility routes and integrating the stadium in the stands, and circularity of waste, among
7.3.1 Defensores del Chaco Stadium Chaco Stadium, with the mystic, devotion and
with the surrounding neighborhood with other planned solutions.
The Defensores del Chaco Stadium is the most national love that characterize us on the field
some state-of-the art urban solutions. These It should be noted that this renovation
iconic stadium in Paraguay. Its history goes and in our lives.
infrastructure upgrades, combined with the project could also be adapted for the General
way beyond the field´s limits, as it is a social, It hosted the FIFA World Cup qualifiers in
addition of modern equipment and technology, Pablo Rojas Stadium of Cerro Porteño club
cultural and sports symbol that all Paraguayan 1954, 1962, 1970, 1986, 1990, 1998, 2002,
will enable it to meet FIFA’s highest standards (commonly known as “La Nueva Olla”) or the
people feel identified to. It is located in the 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022, and the
and improve fan experience. This renovation Osvaldo Dominguez Dibb Stadium of Olimpia,
Sajonia neighborhood of Asunción, close to 1992 pre-Olympic football tournament in which
will transform the stadium historic value into a as part of a general improvement of Paraguay
the city center, making it easily accessible for Paraguay qualified as champion selection for
verb that could be conjugated in present and sports infrastructure for 2030.
fans on foot and public transportation. This the final tournament of the Olympic Games.
will allow it to keep being the scene for more As we prepare for the CCMs, we commit
venue, which hosts numerous national and Additionally, it was the venue for concerts by
unforgettable games and moments and much to begin the process for the Defensores
international football matches every year, has major artists, such as Paul McCartney, Luis
more than a legacy infrastructure. del Chaco Stadium to obtain sustainable
historically been the home of the Paraguayan Miguel and Maná, among others.
Moreover, the renovated Defensores construction and operations certifications such
national football team. Currently, besides the national team,
del Chaco stadium will stand out for its as Leadership in Energy and Environmental
The stadium was inaugurated on Paraguayan teams can also request to use the
commitment to sustainability, thanks to the use Design (LEED).
September 27th, 1917, and rebuilt in 1956. stadium for international or national football
of efficient air conditioning systems, installation
It has since undergone multiple renovations matches.
70 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 71
Stadium Area Map FIFA WORLD CUP
HOST/S 2030 General Stadium Information
Existing - refurbishment / Under construction / Planned Existing - refurbishment
01 -
Start of construction / refurbishment 2026
End of construction / refurbishment Expected by 2028
06 VIP PARKING 7.400
13 2.500
14 FIFA FAN ZONE 70.000
Stadium Capacity
12 01,03,11,20
17 14.610
04,05,06,13,17 FONDO
18 -
Number of hospitality seats 3,325
Number of sky box seats (number of boxes) 46
* BASE ON 25m2 per parking unit.
Field of play dimensions 105m x 68m
0,7% 0,7%
0,7% 0,7%
0,7% 0,7%
Number of accessible seats 360
Number of accessible toilets 6
Number of accessible parking spaces 2
72 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 73
7.3.2 New National Stadium Additionally, the inclined roof will facilitate enjoyable space both on match and non- a symbol of the country’s ability to host top-
The New National Stadium of Paraguay is natural ventilation and air circulation, creating match days. The exterior, with thin concrete tier events. With its innovative design, it will
projected to be the new architectural jewel of a healthy and comfortable environment for all columns and vertical LED strips, will transform contribute to the country’s economic and
Paraguay. Planned to be strategically located attendees. at night into a light display, reflecting the tourism growth by attracting international
on the Costanera Norte of Asunción, its design The stadium will feature world-class teams’ colors and the fans’ enthusiasm. The competitions (including potentially the
is inspired by the nanduti embroidery, a symbol infrastructure, including a 105 x 68 meters stadium will offer a wide range of amenities Panamerican Games in 2031), concerts
of Paraguay’s rich tradition. This innovative playing field and a capacity for 45,000 and services, including VIP and VVIP areas, and diverse shows. This stadium will enrich
stadium not only harmonizes with the area’s spectators. The stands, distributed across tunnel accesses and strategically located exit the country’s cultural and sports offerings
topography and natural waterways but also three levels, will offer accessible areas for doors to facilitate the flow of people and enable while also boosting urban and economic
stands as a catalyst for urban and cultural wheelchairs, VIP zones and media spaces, the use of the stadium for non-sporting events, development in Asunción.
development in the region. ensuring an optimal experience for all the fans. such as concerts and shows. As we prepare for the CCMs, we commit
With the ambition to achieve carbon- The structure will use concrete columns and The stadium will be an icon of sports to beginning the process for all stadiums to
neutral status, the New National Stadium will lightweight materials, with a fabric and cable architecture in Paraguay, combining modernity obtain sustainable construction certification for
stand out for its commitment to sustainability. roof to maximize efficiency and minimize and tradition in a design that pays homage to operations such as Leadership in Energy and
The exterior will offer visual dynamism, structural loads. the country’s cultural heritage. Its construction Environmental Design (LEED).
transforming into a light show that reflects the The design includes terraces, courts will not only elevate Paraguay’s profile in the
colors of the teams and the spirit of the fans. and parks, transforming the stadium into an international sports arena but also serve as
74 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 75
Stadium Area Map
General Stadium Information
Existing - refurbishment / Under construction / Planned Planned
Start of construction / refurbishment 2026
End of construction / refurbishment 2028
Stage of competition Centenary Opening Match
Stadium owner Paraguayan Football Association
Stadium operator Paraguayan Football Association
Future primary legacy use Paraguay national team
Stadium Capacity
Gross capacity 47,128
Net capacity 45,000
Number of hospitality seats 4,000
Number of sky box seats (number of boxes) 1,200
Number of media tribune seats 600
Number of VVIP seats 177
Number of VIP seats 234
Field of play dimensions 105m x 68m
Pitch area dimensions 115m x 77m
FIFA World CupTM type of pitch Hybrid
Technical Installations
Stadium orientation -45°/30°
Stadium Competition Level Stadium Cross Section Roofing Covered seating area
Floodlight lux (horizontal) 1,500
2 Screens (approx. 16m x 9m -
Video screens inside the stadium
Number of accessible seats 213
Number of accessible toilets +130
Number of accessible parking spaces 120
76 B INFRASTRUCTURE 7. Stadiums 77
78 79
Team & Referee Facilities 8.1
Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Asunción Team base camp facilities 8.1.1 Proposed Team Base Camp Facilities
are proud to present facilities that promise The team base camps will be strategically
excellent comfort, functionality, and safety for located in different key sites in Montevideo, Team Base Camp Hotel Team Base Camp Training Site
Complejo Celeste Complejo Celeste
teams and referees. Each accommodation Buenos Aires and Asunción. Trusting our
and related training center have been abilities to provide elite sporting facilities, we Rating (*) 4 Year built and/ or 1998
selected because they successfully meet strict will meet the teams’ highest expectations. Number of 60
standards, with renovations planned to leave a In the following pages there is a breakdown rooms Owner / Operator Asociación de futbol
long-lasting legacy to the football communities of the sporting facilities chosen in each city, Number of TBD
in the cities. meeting Number of pitches 4
which stand out due to their excellence and
Our cities are synonyms for excellence contribution to the optimum development of FoP 105 x 68 m
and hospitality in this regard, and we are Function Y
the Centenary Celebration Matches. Pitch Type Natural Grass
Space (Y/N)
prepared to offer a stay which will not only meet Lighting power (Lux) N
expectations, but also provide an environment Distance to 14 km
Referee Base Camp Facilities No. of dressing rooms 1 Size (sqm) 66
where concentration and wellbeing are the Referee Base Camp Facilities are also located
Distance/ 14 km Press Area (Y/N) N Size (sqm) N/A
norm. With a solid trajectory in high-profile in strategic places within each of the three
travel to
sporting events, the three hosting cities host cities. The selected centers, which are Dedicated Fitness facilities Y Size (sqm) 1,032
Training Site
on-site (Y/N)
position themselves as ideal places to live the described in the following pages, stand out
Distance/ 25 km
spirit of football at its best. thanks to their infrastructure and exceptional Stand Capacity N
travel to
service, ensuring the referees’ wellbeing and Stadium Distance to Airport 14 km
ideal preparation for the tournament. Distance/travel to Hotel 14 km
Distance/travel to Stadium 25 km
90 91
Montevideo FIFA Fan Festival Sites 9.2
Buenos Aires FIFA Fan Festival Sites
The FIFA Fan Fest™ will be a central element Sudamericana, both held in 2021. These The FIFA Fan Fest™ will be a key component its relevant track record by hosting world-class
in Montevideo’s entertainment offering during events attracted multitudes of football fans, of Buenos Aires’s entertainment offering during sports events, it housed several sports during
the 2030 Centenary celebrations. It will provide which joined in this city’s green area to live the 2030 World Cup Centenary Celebration. It the 2018 Youth Olympic Games celebrated in
an incomparable experience for football the passion of the most popular sport, enjoy will provide fans with a unique experience for Buenos Aires, such as futsal, table tennis and
fans around the world. In our bid and value entertainment activities and be part of an enjoying football and a supplementary offer badminton.
proposition as a host city, we have selected unprecedented sports celebration. of products and services to local and foreign
two strategic locations, taking advantage visitors. To such end, we have selected two 9.2.2 Parque Olímpico de la Juventud
of the well-known public spaces offered by 9.1.2 Rural del Prado strategic locations, among the various well- Parque Olímpico de la Juventud is a large
Montevideo. The city will show a proactive Rural del Prado is the facility where the known places that the city has to offer. Buenos green area for sports and recreational
attitude in collaborating with FIFA to organize Uruguay’s Rural Association is placed. Located Aires will have an active and collaborative purposes. It includes the Mary Terán de Weiss
the FIFA Fan Fest™ by incorporating the rich in the town under the same name in the city attitude towards FIFA for developing the FIFA stadium, consolidating itself as a strategic
culture, gastronomy, art and local music, thus of Montevideo, it is home to various rural Fan Fest™, integrating into the football value point for large events in the city. It also hosted
enriching the experience of the fans of the exhibitions held every year, such as Expo Rural proposition, the cultural, culinary, artistic and the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, and it was
most popular sport. del Prado: the largest international livestock, musical essence of our local community to where different competitions were held, such
agro-industrial and commercial exhibition. In enrich the experience of all event participants. as athletics, field hockey, volleyball, boxing,
9.1.1 Nelson Mandela Park addition, it is also where significant musical karate, and fencing, among others.
The Nelson Mandela Park in Montevideo, festivals, such as Cosquín Rock Uruguay, are 9.2.1 Tecnópolis
inaugurated in 2018, became well-known in held. Tecnópolis, located in Buenos Aires, is an
the sports and cultural spheres upon becoming important cultural and technological center
the Fan Fest venue for the one-leg finals of two inaugurated in 2011. This theme park hosted
of the most prestigious football tournaments in significant sports, cultural and international
South America: Copa Libertadores and Copa activities since its creation. As an example of
The FIFA Fan Fest™ will be a focal point in 9.3.2 Litoral del Palacio de los López
Asunción’s entertainment offering during the It is a multifunctional recreational area located
2030 Centenary celebrations. It will offer a in Bahía de Asunción, which skirts the city’s
unique experience for football fans around historical center. This space offers white-sand
the world. For our bid as host city, we have beaches where fairs, concerts and different
identified two strategic places among the cultural and sports activities are held. Some
various options in the city. Asunción will of the important events held in this well-known
actively work together with FIFA to organize space are the 2022 Oktoberfest Paulaner and
the FIFA Fan Fest™, integrating its attractive the 2024 Brahma Música festivals.
local culture, food, art and music to expand the
experience of all the fans who wish to attend
this historical celebration.
10. Accommodation
11. Transport
12. Safety & Security
13. Health, Medical & Anti-Doping
14. IT&T
96 97
10 Accommodation 10.1 Accommodation Uruguay
Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, united options, which may be adapted to the various (Montevideo + Punta del Este and from Argentina and Brazil, and it has also
together in their aspiration to becoming host needs that the different groups of people who Colonia del Sacramento as potential become a significant destination for US and
cities to the Centenary Celebration Matches, will celebrate the first century of World Cups satellite cities) Spanish citizens. The city offers prominent
are committed to offering all the visitors and with us may have. tourist attractions, such as the vibrant Mercado
fans who wish to enjoy the event, an excellent A combination of tradition and modernity 10.1.1 Montevideo del Puerto, the touching Museo de los Andes,
accommodation experience showing the should be one of the key characteristics of Montevideo, an emblematic city due to the the historic Plaza Independencia and Teatro
warmth and hospitality of our people, as well many accommodation value propositions, fact that it was the host city for the first FIFA Solís, which enhance the experience of football
as the deep cultural essence of the historical ensuring a memorable experience for visitors. World Cup, proudly presents itself as a key fans and of all tourists seeking to get immersed
event for our countries. Our human quality and our hospitality culture city for the celebration. The Uruguayan capital, in the Uruguayan culture and history.
Since they represent international world- will constitute another differentiating element, which received over 1 million tourists in 2023, With its famous track record as host of
class tourist destinations and due to their vast along with our passion for football, which combines its rich football legacy with a hotel significant sporting events, it has shown its
trajectory in hosting important international will undoubtedly translate into each of the infrastructure capable of catering to the needs capacity to accommodate die-hard football
events, these cities are ready to provide safe, accommodation options. of the most demanding visitors, offering luxury fans from all over the world. The city hosted
comfortable, and functional accommodation hotels and more accessible options promising six Copa América editions and exciting Copa
comfort and quality. Montevideo receives Libertadores finals, consolidating itself as a
tourists from South America, such as those football epicenter in South America.
Stars 5 5 5 5
Number of 5 17 5 5
Buenos Aires, with its exceptional and diverse class accommodation infrastructure with 382
hotel capacity, accommodated in 2023 over hotels, including 77 4-star facilities and 26
5 million tourists, almost 60% international 5-star facilities, adding to a total capacity of
visitors, who provided about USD 1.83 about 24,400 rooms. The average occupation
billion in tourism revenues to the Argentine rate was 65% in 2023.
economy. The city has the ability to adapt to The experience and track record of
each visitor’s needs and budgets, considering Buenos Aires in hosting delegations and fans /
that about 60% of foreign tourists were looking tourist visitors for major sporting competitions
for entertainment options, whereas 20% were is vast and proven, as it played a significant
visiting family members or friends, and 15% role in many important sporting events (such
were business visitors. It is estimated that as the FIFA World Cup in 1978, nine editions
34% of these visitors opted for luxury 4 and of Copa América, the Youth Olympic Games
5-star hotels, which shows Buenos Aires’s Buenos Aires 2018 the U20 World Cup in 2023,
capacity to meet a significant, strict and the Buenos Aires Marathon, the Polo Open
premium demand. Buenos Aires has a world- Tournament, among others), political events
10.1.3 Colonia del Sacramento Colonia del Sacramento offers emblematic Category 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars Other options
Similarly, Montevideo may be supported by the hotels which show its rich history and charm.
Number of 4,259 7,577 5,204 7,360
historic and charming city of Colonia, which is Radisson Colonia del Sacramento offers rooms
located at 180 km West from the capital city modern luxury with a river view, whereas
and very close and easily accessible from Charco Hotel provides an intimate atmosphere
Buenos Aires. With its rich history and relaxed in a colonial house. Costa Colonia Riverside FIFA VIP Hotels
environment, Colonia could successfully Boutique Hotel, with its modern design
supplement the accommodation options and and a view to Río de la Plata, provides a Hotel name Marriot Casa Lucía Sheraton Buenos Savoy
Hotel Aires Hotel (1) &
enrich the experience of curious visitors. This contemporary touch. Convention
city, which attracted over 500,000 tourists in Together, these cities will offer a Center (2)
2023, significantly contributed to the tourist comprehensive, diverse and world-class
Stars 5 5 5 4
activity of the country and generated revenues accommodation value proposition for all
amounting to 100 million that year. Its unique visitors who wish to be a part of the historic Opening 1981 1925 1972 (1) 1910
combination of cultural heritage, picturesque events and celebrate the passion for football. year 1996 (2)
roads and views to Río de la Plata, make it a
Distance to Distance to the Distance to the Distance to the Distance to the
unique and irresistible destination. key place stadium: 00:21h stadium: 00:18h stadium: 00:18h stadium: 00:25h
Distance to the Distance to the Distance to the Distance to the
airport: 00:34hs airport: 00:42h airport: 00:40h airport: 00:32
Number of 11 6 21 9
urban and suburban areas. These buses are that connects Buenos Aires and Colonia by Bus
the main means of land transportation for the sea, continuing through Montevideo by land.
Connection among locations In addition, Montevideo and Punta del Este Laguna del Sauce International Airport is
are connected by land through vehicles and approximately 15 kilometers northwest of
buses. The distance between Montevideo and Punta del Este, the country’s most important
Punta del Este is about 130 kilometers along tourist city.
the coastal road (Road 10). The company
COT operates regular services from the Tres Information on Carrasco
Cruces Terminal in Montevideo to the Punta International Airport
del Este Terminal, with an average journey • In 2023, approximately 1,800,000
duration of two hours. passengers traveled through this airport,
In addition to public services, urban with a maximum annual capacity of
mobility is further enhanced by taxi services 4,500,000 passengers.
and shared transportation app, offering users • Total number of flights in 2023: 13,119.
flexibility and comfort. • Originally built in 1947, the airport
underwent a significant renovation in 2009,
11.1.2 Airports with a design by the Uruguayan architect
Gran Parque Central Uruguay has two international airports: Rafael Viñoly. This upgrade featured the
Centenario Stadium
Carrasco International Airport, located in opening of a new 45,000 square meters
Montevideo’s suburban area, and Laguna passenger terminal, the creation of 1,200
del Sauce International Airport, near to Punta parking spaces and the installation of four
del Este, both operating 24/7. The Carrasco elevated pedestrian bridges with a total
International Airport is the main gateway to of eight boarding gates, offering direct
Uruguay, located about 19 kilometers east access to the aircraft.
Stadium Port Rail Line Main Metro Station
of downtown Montevideo. Additionally, the
Airport FIFA Fan Fest™ Highway Metro Line
• Total annual flights: 5,000. Trains connect the capital with the suburbs and Monumental Stadium
• In 2023, 103,000 passengers used this other cities, facilitating the daily transportation 25km 15km 5km
Jorge Newbery Airport
was inaugurated, spanning an area of 500 Aires has significantly enhanced the public Ministro Pistarini Airport (Club Defensa y Justicia)
from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. during peak departure times and 1,800
Total aircraft movements in 2023: 66,876. passengers per hour during peak arrival Projected Train Station
Projected Train Main Station
Average flights per day: 186. times.
Months with the highest number of flights: • Total aircraft movements in 2023: 124,295.
5km 15km 25km
November, December, January and July. • Average flights per day: 340.
Maximum aircraft movements allowed: 29 • Months with the highest number of flights:
per hour, 168 per day, peak hours from 8:00 December, January, February and July.
a.m. to midday and from 9:00 p.m. to 01:00 • Maximum aircraft movements allowed: 39
a.m. per hour, 325 per day, peak hours from
International destinations with direct 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m.
connectivity: Miami, New York, Dallas, Toronto, to 6:00 p.m.
Madrid, Roma, São Salvador da Bahia, Rio de • Direct international destinations: Asunción,
Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, Punta Cana, La Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de
Habana, Cancún, Bogotá, Panama, Atlanta, Chile, Guarulhos, Lima, São José dos
Adis Abeba, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Pinhais, Porto Alegre, Viru Viru, Texas,
Florianópolis, Natal, Porto Seguro, Fortaleza, Bogotá, Punta del Este, Florianópolis,
Recife, Maceió, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Lima, Brasilia, Recife, São Salvador da Bahia,
Frankfurt, Zurich, Medellín, Istanbul, Mexico, Fortaleza, Minas Gerais and Porto Seguro.
San José (Costa Rica), Dubai, London, La Paz • Airlines operating national flights:
and Guayaquil. Aerolíneas Argentinas, LATAM, Andes and
Airlines operating international flights: Flybondi. Stadium Port Rail Line Main Metro Station
Aerolíneas Argentinas, LATAM, GOL,
Airport FIFA Fan Fest™ Highway Metro Line
American Airlines, Iberia, Avianca, Copa, Air
Train/Bus Station RBCTS / TBCTS Main Road/Avenue
France, Lufthansa, United Airlines, British
and all Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay Coordination Center) with offices nationwide. Circumstantial Emotional
Security Background State (Squads)
of Teams of a Supporter Group (Radical Sectors)
Sports Positions
Security Being
Background of Contested
Supporter Groups
Centenary Celebration Matches (CCM) teams The country currently manages security Stadium CapacitySupporter
Rivalry Between / Spectator Expectations
are aware and committed with it. In this sense, and protection for important or nationally Stadium Surroundings
Circumstantial (Residential,
Emotional Commercial,
State of a Supporter Conflict
Group Zones)
(Radical Sectors)
Approach RoutesBeing
Sports Positions to the Contested
our main objective will be to ensure the safety significant events through the Security Crossing of Supporter GroupsExpectations
and Delegations
Stadium Capacity / Spectator
of all players, officials, fans, media, volunteers Management Team, comprised by: Stadium Infrastructure
Surroundings (Stands and Open
(Residential, Gates) Conflict Zones)
During the CCM, Security experts from the • Fire Department Weather and of
Background Natural Light Conditions
Unauthorized Stadium Entry
Range of Entry-Prohibited
Mass Behavior (Stampedes,Individuals
Prohibited Chants, Pitch Invasion)
3 countries will ensure that all key event • Departmental Government Technical
Crowding Threats
at Entrances
areas, such as airports, stadiums, fan fests • Emergency and Security Coordination Day and Time
Weather of the Week
and Natural Light Conditions
Range ofofEntry-Prohibited
Open Gates Individuals
and major hotels, etc. meet all the safety and Center Conditions of Sensitivity or Social Unrest
Technical Threats
security requirements for the events. In South • Public Health Day and Time of the Week
to minimize risks of violence, discriminatory Public safety in the country is provided by FROM 00 TO 19 LOW COMPLEXITY
behaviors and/or antisocial conduct that might the government with jurisdiction over the
arise. entire national territory, including Immigration, Managing protection and security within After that, the security operation is established.
Intelligence (Interpol), Civil Defense, Health, the stadium is the responsibility of the The stadium – in general - will operate with 3
12.1 Safety and Security Basic Structure and Firefighters. organizer, while outside the responsibility lies security perimeters, or ‘rings’ of security. Traffic
in Uruguay on National Police. control officers, police, and private security
Uruguay is a safe, stable, and peaceful nation 12.1.2 Safety and Security operational will apply increasingly rigorous scrutiny and
with experience in hosting secure tourist structures at major sporting events 12.1.3 Safety and Security Plan inspections as fans move from the outermost
events. In such large-size events, the government For major sporting events, operations are to the innermost, or third ring. The third ring is
From the perspective of government intervenes directly through the National organized according to the event’s scale a hard perimeter, consisting of fences, walls,
responsibility in public safety, the country has Secretary of Sport. Besides, the General and considering the specific factors of each and barricades through which only authorized,
a National Police with jurisdiction over the Board of Security in Sports established an event. There is coordinated work among the and security screened personnel or vehicles
entire national territory. Although it is divided international cooperation with the National Ministry of the Internal Affairs, security forces, may pass. Additionally, access control officers,
territorially into 19 departments, in terms of Central Bureaus of the ICPO-Interpol. emergency services, and private entities responsible for validating tickets, will also be
security, it is unified. There is a political division Threat and risk assessments for football involved in the operations. present at the various security rings.
such as local governments (City government) matches and major sporting events are First, it is established the level of risk, Prior to the tournament and as needed
with which it is necessary to agree on different conducted throughout the coordination of depending on the complexity the event, throughout the tournament, the entire area
aspects of event organization, especially in the Security Management Team in meetings utilizing the risk matrix previously exposed. inside the third ring will be inspected by
infrastructure and customer service, that are prior to football matches, based on a risk Level 1 indicate low complexity matches, Level specially trained and equipped police officers.
not related to Security. However, they count assessment form and a security categorization 2 are medium complexity matches and Level Thereafter, no person or vehicle will go into the
with proven experience in such situations, defined for the matches: 3 are high complexity matches, according to inner perimeter without a hard inspection of
especially in infrastructure and public attention. the agreed alternatives in assessment of the their admission device and a thorough security
Emergency and disaster management different risk indexes. screening.
within Uruguay is handled by a National Office
Ministry of Public Health (MSP) is responsible emergency ambulance services with advanced
for leading and governing the system, defining life support (ALS), emergency departments
health policies and regulating the access to that meet international standards of care, Administrative Coordination - Secretariat -Technical Coordination - Room Project - SITREM
medical care delivered by providers based on and specialized services in internal medicine, Project
priorities. Financing of the health system in cardiology, orthopedics, physiotherapy and
Uruguay is carried out throughout a payment diagnostic radiology (CT, MRI, ultrasound). In 13.1.2 Environmental Conditions by respiratory viruses and infections, such as
mechanism structured to reimburse health summary, the infrastructure of the Uruguayan Uruguay’s climate is temperate and humid, seasonal influenza, RSV, COVID-19 although
providers. The comprehensive SNIS providers health system, together with its comprehensive with an average temperature of 17°C, featuring the latter is a dynamic phenomenon due to the
receive a ‘health quota’ for each member medical services standard, and its preparation warm summers and relatively uniform rainfall circulation of different variants. Metapneumo
from the National Health Fund (FONASA), to host international visitors, positions us well throughout the year. Typically, the winter Viruses also occasionally circulate, as well as
which reimburses the expected costs derived to handle the increased demand during the months of June and July bring cool and adenovirus.
from care. This financing system includes event. pleasant weather, with temperatures ranging
contributions from the State, households and between 5°C and 15°C (41°F - 59°F). 13.1.3 Recommendations for foreign
corporations. 13.1.1 Private and public healthcare The National Directorate of Quality visitors
Additionally, there is the National system and Environmental Assessment, operating The capacity of the Uruguayan health system
Resources Fund (FNR) in Uruguay, whose In the private sector, foreign visitors often under the Ministry of Environment, conducts to absorb the inflow of visitors expected for
objective is to provide patients with access to use international travel insurance that covers systematic environmental monitoring by the event can be deemed to be solid and well
high complex drugs and medical treatments medical costs. It is important for visitors to tracking variables that assess the condition prepared. Based on current data, Uruguay has
within the health system. This fund is financed verify that their travel insurance has coverage of air, water, soil, and other environmental a comprehensive network of health facilities,
mainly from a percentage of what each member in Uruguay and that it includes services matrices. The data obtained from this both public and private, with a significant
contributes to FONASA, complemented by such as hospitalization, medical treatments vigilant oversight confirms that Uruguay’s number of hospital beds, including those for
a fraction of individual affiliations to private and medical evacuation, if necessary. Many environmental conditions are not potentially moderate care and intensive care units (ITC).
institutions, and with contributions from private clinics and hospitals in Uruguay have critical for the health and safety of both players The use of measures to prevent infections
General State Revenues. The FNR plays a agreements with international insurers and and spectators. of sexual transmission (syphilis, hepatitis B
crucial role in guaranteeing citizens’ access they can invoice these companies directly, thus More frequent diseases that circulate and C -which have a lower rate of circulation-,
to highly complex treatments. Regarding the facilitating the medical services authorization seasonally in the months of June and July and HIV) is recommended. The latter maintains
responsibilities of different stakeholders, the and assistance processes for patients. are mainly connected with infections caused an epidemiological pattern in the country with
134 135
14.1 Regulatory structure in Uruguay de la Plata, Río Uruguay (bridges) and the
The Regulatory Unit of Communications land border with Brazil.
Services (URSEC) and the general Currently, the National Telecommunications
guidelines for managing the radio spectrum Administration (ANTEL) is the sole provider
are established in Administrative Order No. of fixed-line fiber optic services in Uruguay,
114/003 dated March 25, 2003. holding a 100% market share in fixed
URSEC will timely implement specific broadband services for end users across
Coverage by Claro
technical and administrative procedures the country. At the wholesale level, both AM
within its capacity to manage applications for Wireless Uruguay SA (Claro) and Telefónica
radio spectrum licenses and authorizations. Móviles del Uruguay S.A. (Movistar) also have
In addition, URSEC will conduct monitoring fiber optic infrastructure.
activities to prevent any harmful interference ANTEL is authorized to provide fixed
in radiocommunications. telephony, mobile telephony, fixed internet
The following current data protection and mobile services. This authorization
regulations must be considered for the event: is nationwide, allowing it to offer services
Personal Data Protection Law No. 18,331 throughout the territory. In Uruguay, 94%
dated August 11, 2008 (Administrative Order of fixed broadband services are delivered Coverage by Movistar
No. 414/009) and Access to Public Information via wiring, with 99% of these services using
Law No. 18,381 dated November 17, 2008 fiber optic technology (FTTH). The internet is
(Administrative Order No. 232/010). accessible in over 90% of households in the
14.1.2 Relevant telecommunication
markets 14.1.3 Coverage and capacity - Fixed
Uruguay has a strong and developed broadband and fiber - Mobile coverage
international fiber optic connectivity. The key (4G)
information regarding this connectivity is In the field of mobile telecommunications,
outlined below: ANTEL holds a 60% market share, followed by
Telefónica Móviles del Uruguay S.A (Movistar)
Coverage by ANTEL
Submarine cables: with 23% and AM Wireless Uruguay S.A.
• Tannat, installed in 2018, connects (Claro) with 17%. Among the main providers conditions set by current regulations regarding the necessary requirements for the successful
Uruguay with Brazil and the United States. in the country, both Claro and Movistar are the services they offer. These conditions development of the event.
• Unisur, installed in 1995, connects authorized to offer mobile telephony and data include technical, quality and coverage Antel has a fiber optic ring at the Centenario
Uruguay with Argentina. services at a national level, enabling them aspects, guaranteeing that the services offered Stadium that reaches a room located in the
• Bicentenario, installed in 2011, connects to deliver these services across the entire meet the required standards. As with other América Stand. There, servers that power the
Uruguay with Argentina. territory. Claro and ANTEL provide 5G services aspects of the event, precise and detailed stadium are concentrated, being able to offer
• Firmina, installed in 2024, connects in various areas of the country, while Movistar conditions will be defined and agreed upon bandwidths suitable for the events held. All
Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and the United only offers 4G. by the work group that will be formed for this services can be redundant in 2 Antel fiber optic
States. purpose at the appropriate time. This group will centers. Currently offering services throughout
• Various cross-border fiber optic 14.1.4 Stadium IT&T infrastructure coordinate and oversee compliance with the the América Stand, behind each goal, and at
connections with neighboring countries: Each mobile telecommunications company regulations and ensure that all operators meet the access gates. There are two virtualizers,
Argentina and Brazil, both across the Río must ensure that they comply with the one in the ANTEL room opposite the press
144 145
Revenues the first FIFA World Cup held in Uruguay in even adapted to the traditional format if the
1930, thus projecting the fans’ mass interest circumstances so require.
15.1 Revenues - Uruguay an unforgettable experience for attendees, for different official merchandising items, with
As Uruguay prepares itself to host the 2030 but also exceptional revenues, ensuring that an expected individual average spending of 15.1.6 Conclusion
FIFA World Cup Centenary Celebration Match, the event will leave an indelible mark in the about USD 25, which entails considerable In conclusion, Uruguay positions itself as host
it is in an unparallel position to celebrate a Centenario stadium tradition. revenues. of a world-class event which will celebrate
double milestone: the centenary of the first the unparallel experience of going back
World Cup which was held in the country in 15.1.2 Hospitality 15.1.4 Food and Beverage where it all started 100 years ago, will honor
1930, and its consolidation as an emerging In addition to revenue from regular ticket sales, Food and beverage sales at the stadium will Uruguay’s rich football history, and will also
country in the global scenario. This historical there will also be marketing of hospitality be essential to enrich the fans’ experience. act as a catalyst for a renewed economic
event not only commemorates a football packages, which will include tickets at different The average spending per attendee for this and development driver, both for the football
legacy, but also represents an unbeatable venues, as well as services such as exclusive concept is expected to stand at about USD ecosystem and for Uruguayan tourism. From
opportunity to boost local economy by lounges with food and beverages, preferred 15 to USD 20, projecting another attractive the sale of tickets and hospitality experiences
generating revenues in connection with this seating options and experiences to those revenue source for the event. The menu to the sale of merchandising and catering
event, to attract international tourists and, fans who seek something beyond the sporting will surely include the iconic choripanes and offering, each aspect is being carefully planned
in general terms, to strengthen even more event. These exclusive areas will offer first- chivitos, Uruguayan football traditional street for maximizing revenues and fans’ satisfaction.
Uruguay international image and reputation. class services, luxury facilities and privileged food, which promise to be the leading players
Football, which is embedded in the heart views, ensuring a premium experience for among the food options, and it will also offer 15.2 Revenues - Argentina
of Uruguayan culture, becomes the perfect attendees. These hospitality areas, with a variety of products thought to cater the Hosting one of the matches of the
catalyst for joining tradition, innovation and their refined environment and personalized tastes and demands of the whole audience. Centenary Celebration in Argentina is set
economic progress. attention, not only will enrich the audience’s The diverse offer will ensure that every fan to be an unprecedented event driven by the
The passion with which Uruguayan people experience, but will also contribute significantly will find something that caters their needs, incomparable passion of its fans and the
live football is palpable and it is expected to to the total revenue collection, with hospitality thus supplementing the excitement of the cultural football centricity existing in the country.
show in a full-house Centenario stadium at the tickets prices ranging between USD 350 and event with an attractive and satisfactory food The expectations arising from such a large-
Centenary Celebration Match. The importance USD 600, driven by corporate customers and experience. scale event ensure not only an unforgettable
of football in Uruguay goes beyond the sport fans willing to invest in a top-quality experience experience for fans of the most loved sports in
sphere; it constitutes an element of the during the event. 15.1.5 Other Revenues the country, but also a high demand of tickets
Uruguayan identity and a source of inspiration The Montevideo Fan Fest is expected to and event-related products and services. This
to show the world the capacity of an emerging 15.1.3 Merchandising be an additional revenue source and an environment guarantees that the Monumental
and stable country to attract the attention In Uruguay, football is more than a sports, it entertainment center for football fans. At the Stadium, known as the largest stadium in
of millions of people, causing a significant is a symbol of national pride and a tangible Fan Fest, the attendees will have the chance South America, will be full, providing a unique
economic impact and leaving a lasting display of the patriotic sense which is at the not only to be part of various recreational opportunity for maximizing revenues from
impression in the history of world football. heart of its citizens. It is expected that this activities, but also to purchase exclusive tickets by combining the outstanding stadium
deep emotional connection will show in a merchandising items, as well as enjoying capacity with the possibility of selling tickets
15.1.1 Ticketing high demand of merchandising items during a variety of food and beverage options to at international prices. Based on the above,
The Centenario stadium, with its impressive this significant football event in which fans will supplement their football experience around the opportunity of maximizing revenues
capacity of over 60,000 attendees, is seek to purchase mementos that symbolize this unique celebration. The proposal entails associated with this event also shows-up in the
preparing itself for a historic event promising and preserve the experience. In this regard, that the Fan Fest will open its doors ten other supplementary revenue sources, such
a full house at the match day in its renovated we estimate that revenues emerging from days before the match day and close one as food, beverage and official merchandising.
premises. With ticket prices projected in the series of product available for sale, day afterwards. Nevertheless, operation of As an emerging country, Argentina
a range between USD 25 and USD 105, which include souvenir t-shirts and themed the Fan Fest may be extended further and presents itself to the world as a vibrant
revenues will be significant, as a full stadium is accessories, will expand due to the unique scenario, full of opportunities, capable of
expected. This unique event promises not only connotation of the centenary celebration of
152 153
16 Sustainability and Human Rights related entities, business partners, among strategy to host the CCM (contribution to SDG
others. This 360° dialogue will allow a deep 17: Partnerships for the goals).
Hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030 Centenary gas emissions and developing detailed comprehension of the main challenges and
Celebration Matches (CCM) would be a unique waste management plans; risks at the most local possible level in each 16.3 Human Rights Strategy
opportunity and catalyst for strengthening • advocate human rights at every stage of host country as key input for formulating In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles
and enhancing sustainability practices in the CCM organization, by championing corresponding mitigation plans. Working on Business and Human Rights and FIFA’s
Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. By setting diversity and accessibility, ensuring a safe hand-in-hand with local governments will be Human Rights Policy, and thanks to our
ambitious sustainability management targets and secure environment, safeguarding essential to this process. We are committed dialogue with human rights institutions, we
for this event, we also aim at paving the children’s rights and promoting health and to taking the necessary actions to ensure have identified the following potential human
way and inspiring others to follow this path, wellbeing; meaningful interaction and participation, rights risks associated with the organization
through knowledge sharing and setting higher • ensure transparency and accountability thereby involving stakeholders in the decision- of the CCMs in Argentina, Paraguay and
standards for the whole region in managing in the decision-making process in the making process. Uruguay.
the environmental, social and governance organization of the CCM. Our stakeholder engagement process is Our human rights strategy will be based
(ESG) aspects of football and hosting sports Our strategic priorities and key initiatives already running in the 3 host countries, with on three fundamental pillars: awareness,
events. This landmark celebration emphasizes for the CCM will be determined through a ongoing dialogue with national and local human prevention, and education. Different initiatives
the imperative of leading by example in the materiality assessment and an evaluation of rights authorities as well as environmental will be implemented according to the mitigation
urgent transition towards a more sustainable crucial human rights issues. This analysis will experts. These discussions aim at clarifying plan designed for each identified Human Right
future and we are determined to seek a ripple allow us to identify and understand the most human rights and environmental obligations,
effect of positive change in our countries and relevant ESG impacts, risks and opportunities better understanding and assessing risks 16.3.1 Labour rights
beyond. that should be addressed. and identifying the most relevant and efficient Ensure compliance with the ILO Declaration
The ISO 20121 Event Sustainability initiatives to be included in our proposed on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
16.1 Our joint commitment Management Systems (SEM) will serve as
Our goal is to set the highest possible a blueprint for achieving our environmental,
standard in the sustainable management of a social, economic, and legacy objectives. In
Human Rights Key potential risks commonly mapped by Human
football event, serving as a reference for other collaboration with FIFA, key stakeholders
Rights Institutions
competitions in the region. and experts, we will guarantee that our
We would organize the Centenary final Sustainability Strategy and SEM are 16.3.1 Labour rights Oversight of labour standards within the supply chain.
Celebration Matches (CCM) in accordance guided by the United Nations Sustainable
with international standards and FIFA’s Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute
16.3.2 Security and human rights • Use of force by law enforcement when responding
sustainability and tournament requirements, to their realization. The Argentine Football
to protesters.
developing a comprehensive Sustainability Association (AFA) has initiated the process
• Knowledge of security agents on human rights
and Human Rights Strategy at all stages to join the “Football for the Goals” initiative,
of the CCM organization, including design, reaffirming its commitment to sustainability.
• Instances of potential harassment and violence in
planning, preparation, execution and post-
the sports environment.
event activities. 16.2 Stakeholder engagement
In accordance with the AA1000 Stakeholder 16.3.3 Diversity and Language and attitudes used by participants, players,
We are committed to: Engagement Standard, we pledge to uphold antidiscrimination and role models (both on and off the field), as well as
• act against climate change and reduce a process of engaging with all key stakeholders in the chants from stands.
environmental impacts through the for the significant role we expect from them in
16.3.4 Accessibility Accessible transportation and accommodation for
implementation of certified sustainable shaping our Sustainability and Human Rights
people with disabilities.
stadiums, prioritizing the use of clean and Strategy. Relevant stakeholders include
renewable energy, reducing greenhouse tournament organizers, local community, 16.3.5 Safeguarding and Child labour, care and safeguarding.
suppliers, regulatory authorities, football- Children’s Right
154 E SUSTAINABILITY & HUMAN RIGHTS 16. Sustainability & Human Rights 155
Work including oversight and monitoring. This Buenos Aires City, the Higher Institute of Public to be deepened to achieve equal and abuse through education and awareness,
responsibility extends to suppliers, volunteers Security has the mission to professionally opportunities and inclusion in football, safe environments, professional training,
and all personnel involved in organizing train and functionally qualify the personnel of with the aim of eliminating situations of reporting, and support. The three associations
the event, encompassing the entire value the Metropolitan Police, emphasizing human abuse, harassment, and violence, as work in coordination with agencies related
chain, including providers and outsourced rights (contribution SDG 16: Peace, justice well as eradicating discriminatory chants, to childhood in each country or international
entities (contribution to SDG 8: Decent work and strong institutions). thereby promoting an environment of organizations such as UNICEF, whether in
and economic growth). In addition, we will We will also enhance the mechanisms for respect in the sports field. in Paraguay, awareness and solidarity campaigns or by
promote the prioritization of suppliers that monitoring and reporting complaints, ensuring an inter-institutional working group is strengthening child protection policies. All the
have inclusive practices, such as the “quality that communication channels are accessible being promoted for a safe environment in countries have a National Code of Conduct
with equity” seal that encourages the hiring and available in various languages. sports, against harassment and violence for the Protection of the Rights of Children
of women in Uruguay. This also includes the in football; and Adolescents in Travel and Tourism. Also,
possibility of hiring adults released from the 16.3.3 Diversity and • in Paraguay, an inter-institutional working the AFA, APF, and AUF are training in the
penitentiary system, people with disabilities, anti-discrimination group is being promoted for a safe “FIFA Guardians” program to strengthen the
vulnerable people, etc. The three football associations are actively environment in sports, against harassment protection and safeguarding of children in the
engaged in various working groups alongside and violence in football; sports environment.
16.3.2 Security and human rights national and international organizations, • in Uruguay, an action plan aimed at fighting
Guaranteeing that all security personnel coordinating efforts to promote diversity, fight all forms of discrimination, particularly 16.3.6 Freedom of speech and peaceful
assigned to the event, both inside and outside discrimination and ensure a safe and secure discriminatory chants at sports events, assembly
the stadium, receive the proper training to working environment. Several initiatives are enforcing zero tolerance for homophobia We will advocate for the implementation of
carry out their duties. A comprehensive training currently being implemented, including the and promoting respect, has been media operational guidelines to guarantee
plan will be developed for security forces, following: implemented (and approved by FIFA in the attendance and security of journalists and
either public or private, ensuring that their • In Argentina, through the Equity and June 2024). press agencies at stadiums and associated
actions comply with the standards of respect Gender Management, a sensitization sites, equipping them with the essential
and protection of human rights. Particularly, in plan has been developed and continues 16.3.4 Accessibility facilities to carry out press-related tasks.
We are committed to ensure that our facilities
are accessible to everyone. For instance, 16.3.7 Tobacco
the stadiums will be equipped with facilities The CCM will be tobacco-free events and we
designed to assist individuals who have limited will guarantee that all stadiums enforce non-
mobility, and we will provide audio descriptive smoking regulations in accordance with the
commentary, sign language interpretation, FIFA Event Policy on Tobacco (contribution
easy access seating, and a quota of tickets for to SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing).
people with a disability certificate. In terms of By integrating the world of football with
transport, we will guarantee in each country the realm of human rights, we are creating
accessible transportation options for people a powerful synergy that will contribute to a
with reduced mobility (contribution to SDG 10: significant legacy. These best practices will
Reduced inequalities). have an impact and serve as an example for
all football clubs in each host country. Looking
16.3.5 Safeguarding and rights of ahead, the management of sports events will
children be inconceivable without the guiding principles
In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of human rights and sustainability at their core.
of Children, we will enhance special protection
measures against child sexual exploitation
156 E SUSTAINABILITY & HUMAN RIGHTS 16. Sustainability & Human Rights 157
16.4. Environmental & climate impacts conducting supplier pre-diligence and host cities and the probable use of airplanes during the CCMs, as well as sustainable
We are committed to hosting the FIFA World monitoring compliance across all their supply for transportation, measures to mitigate the construction certification when applicable.
Cup 2030 Centenary Celebration Matches chains related to the CCM. event’s carbon footprint will be considered. This pledge includes working closely with the
(CCM) with a focus on environmental Specific measures will be implemented to proposed stadiums and venues to discover
sustainability. We understand the impact ensure our goals are met within the following 16.4.2 Accommodation and apply effective measures that will cut
of climate change and are dedicated to five key areas: We will prioritize and actively promote hotel down on energy and water usage and reduce
reducing our carbon emissions in line with and accommodation options that adhere carbon emissions. By taking these steps,
the UN Framework Convention on Climate 16.4.1 Transport to strict sustainability standards, ensuring we are committed to significantly mitigate
Change. Our efforts are aligned with the Encouraging the use of low-carbon public environmentally responsible and socially the CCM’s impact on the environment and
‘Climate Action’ (contribution to SDG goal transport for fans travelling to matches and conscious travel experiences for all visitors in climate, and we aim at establishing a new
13), aiming to minimize our carbon footprint. providing easy access and parking for all host countries. benchmark for environmentally sustainable
Moreover, we are committed not only to sign sustainable means of transport. The three sports infrastructure. If, depending on FIFA’s
the UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action host cities offer bike lanes, supporting the 16.4.3 Energy decision, Paraguay has to build a new stadium
Framework but also to leverage the popularity dissemination of sustainable cities concept During the event, we are committed to to host the event, it will do so in accordance
of football to engage millions of fans, athletes, (contribution to SDG 11: Sustainable cities prioritize the use of clean and renewable with sustainable construction practices and
organizations and authorities in promoting and communities). In Buenos Aires, the Más energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions will obtain an internationally recognized
environmental responsibility. Monumental Stadium offers free parking (contribution to SDG 7: affordable and clean certification equivalent of LEED Gold.
We will continue to comply with all for electric cars, bicycles and scooters, and energy). Uruguay and Paraguay currently (contribution to SDG 9: Industry, innovation
requirements detailed in the FIFA Sustainable there is an electric tramway project with enjoy one of the most sustainable energy and infrastructure).
Sourcing Code by working on sustainable an expected station close to the stadium. mixes in the world, and the event should also
procurement and supply chain management, Furthermore, given the distance between the be used to promote and further develop their 16.4.6 Emergency and Disaster Risk
leading practices in this domain. Management
The three host countries have developed
16.4.4 Waste Management national and local plans for Comprehensive
Together with FIFA, our goal is to advocate Emergency and Disaster Risk Management,
for responsible consumption, promoting the which are now more crucial than ever
principles of reducing, reusing and recycling considering the physical and transitional
waste, developing detailed waste management impacts of climate change that could affect the
plans for all three stadiums (contribution to SDG tournament, such as extreme temperature or
12. Responsible consumption and production). floods. These plans focus on the development
Particularly, APF was honored by the United of specific strategies to face each type of threat
Nations (Global Compact Paraguay) for its and on the coordination of the competent areas
innovative initiatives, including “Playing with involved in the response such as governmental,
Trash is Not a Game” and “Optimizing Food regional, local, and private entities focused on
to Mitigate Environmental Impact” programs. prevention, mitigation, reaction, recovery and
reconstruction of communities affected by
16.4.5 Stadiums and Infrastructure emergency or disasters, thereby safeguarding
As we prepare for the CCMs, we commit to the integrity of the tournament and the well-
initiate the process for all stadiums to obtain being of all participants.
sustainable operations certifications -such
as Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED)- at least one year before
the start of the tournament and remain valid
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