FWC30 Yalla Vamos Bid Book
FWC30 Yalla Vamos Bid Book
FWC30 Yalla Vamos Bid Book
Part B: Infrastructures 83
6. Stadiums 85
7. Team and Referee Facilities 169
8. IBC Sites 218
9. FIFA Fan FestivalTM Sites 222
10. Competition Related Event Sites 241
BIDBOOK There’s something magic when three countries merge.
& SPAIN A sheer celebration.
FIFA WORLD CUP 2030™ A tribute to the beginning of times.
Two continents, three nations unified by sun, wind and sea.
Facing each other for centuries.
Sharing dreams, cultures, colors.
An inclusive History.
Handwritten with wise words.
Lived with common inspiration.
Shaped by football fascination.
Let’s go.
YallaVamos, the joint bid by Morocco, Portugal their dynamism, their creativity and their hospi-
and Spain to host the FIFA World Cup™ is tality. Together we will usher in a historic new
more than just another candidacy. For the first era in football.
time ever, three nations across two continents
Our nations are connected through geography,
are bidding with a single ambition: to stage a
history, economy and culture. For our coun-
tournament that will be remembered as one of
tries, football goes beyond the game: it is truly
the most colourful, intriguing and commercially
a passion, a way of life, shaping our identities
successful in the long and illustrious history of
and playing a pivotal role in our societies. We
the FIFA World Cup™.
aim to leverage football and the FIFA World
The FIFA World Cup™ is the ultimate cele- Cup 2030™ to deepen and expand those con-
bration of football and of sporting excellence. nections, spreading them far beyond our own
Every four years, the competition seizes the borders.
attention of billions of enthralled fans world-
Through the years, a passion for the game and
wide, as the best national teams from around
its superstar players has woven its way into our
the globe meet and compete. But this unparal-
cultures, elevating our greatest footballers to
leled event is much more than a showcase of
the status of icons. Players like Larbi Benbarek,
elite footballing performances. It is a celebra-
Achraf Hakimi, Eusébio, Cristiano Ronaldo,
tion of solidarity, inclusivity, tolerance, respect,
Alfredo Di Stefano, and Andres Iniesta have
fair play, teamwork, and perseverance. Since
become legends in their own right. The game
its creation, successive unforgettable FIFA
is now embraced by millions of players and
World Cup™ moments have made history,
passionately followed by the vast majority of
connecting cultures through a shared passion
people in all three countries, regardless of age
for the beautiful game. Together, the three bid-
or gender, solidifying its status as the num-
ding nations, Morocco, Portugal, and Spain,
ber-one sport in each nation.
will host an unforgettable footballing festival,
setting new standards for the next century. Morocco, Portugal and Spain are bonded by a
common history, shared values, and collective
Three nations, one goal
dreams. Building on our enduring cooperation
The collaboration between Morocco, Portugal, and economic interactions, our three countries
and Spain for the FIFA World Cup 2030™ is now share a common vision to host one of the
unprecedented. It brings together three proud, best and most fondly-remembered FIFA World
passionate footballing nations from two conti- Cup™ editions ever. The YallaVamos Bid aims
nents. It links Europe with Africa, and it com- to push the boundaries of football infrastruc-
bines all that is best about our three countries: ture, games organisation, and fan experience,
This bid will offer unmatched conditions to host In collaboration with the public authorities of
the FIFA World Cup 2030™. The ideal climate, each country, we have crafted a hosting plan
as well as the proximity of the three countries, that leverages the complementary assets of
with a maximum travel time of just three hours our three nations. This plan comprises:
between all host cities, will guarantee a con-
• 17 unique cities globally renowned for their
venient, comfortable and seamless experi-
rich heritage and passion for the game. These
ence for all stakeholders including organisers,
cities will not only mesmerise visitors but also
guests, players and fans. Additionally, perfect
offer stunning visuals for broadcasters. Their
time zones for global broadcasts and a proven
exceptional infrastructure will provide the
track record in hosting large events make our
perfect backdrop for this global event.
three nations the perfect stage for an unforget-
table football competition. • An unparalleled selection of 20 world-class
stadiums, each a home to legendary football
Hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030™ is not just
clubs. These illustrious venues are easily
about us, the host nations. We aim to support
accessible and offer state-of-the-art facilities
FIFA in shaping the future of the tournament
and sustainable designs, ensuring an unfor-
for the next 100 years by showcasing football’s
gettable experience for all.
power to positively impact the world, through
our shared commitment to social development • Diversified and exclusive accommodation
and sustainability. options catering to all categories and budg-
ets. Fans, FIFA officials, guests, and compet-
Our joint candidacy displays each country’s ing teams will find ample choices, from luxury
uniqueness and highlights the connections hotels to budget-friendly options, guarantee-
between our nations. As the first FIFA World ing comfort and convenience.
Cup™ to be hosted across two continents, this
• 94 meticulously selected team base camps
event represents a union between Africa and
for players and two for referees, spread
Europe and will bring together the best of our
across the three host countries, ensuring
three nations and cultures.
ideal conditions for peak performance and
Our hosting plan swift recovery.
Since the announcement of the joint candi- • A highly developed transportation network,
dacy in March 2023, our three member foot- featuring some of the largest international
ball associations have benefited from the full airports, 5,000 km of high-speed rail lines,
support of their national and local leaders. and nearly 21,000 km of motorways, will
Our governments, host cities, political parties, provide short journey times and seamless
trade unions, NGOs, major companies, and travel, offering maximum flexibility for all
the broader populations have demonstrated stakeholders.
an enthusiastic and unwavering commitment
SUSTAINABILITY At the core of the candi- Thus, our bid is more than just a candidacy; it
dacy is a commitment to setting new sustain- encapsulates a vision for the future embodied
ability standards for the competition. These by our slogan YallaVamos — a fusion of Yalla
standards will be deeply integrated into our from Arabic and Vamos from Spanish and
countries’ plans and practices, ensuring Portuguese, both meaning Let’s go or Come
long-lasting environmental stewardship for on. This forward-looking, dynamic statement
generations to come. symbolises movement and progress, serving
as a unifying call to action that embodies deter-
Our aim is to create a legacy in which the FIFA
mination and momentum. It signifies the collec-
World Cup™ comes to be viewed as more than
tive will and commitment of Morocco, Portugal
a football tournament. We will show that it can
and Spain to host a memorable competition
be a celebration of cultures, a bridge between
and embrace a sustainable future with enthusi-
communities, and a catalyst for development,
asm and drive.
Event Vision
and Key
1. Vision and Strategy 11
2. Legacy 17
3. Political Support in Host Countries 23
4. General Information 31
5. Event Timing 79
Part A | Event Vision and Key Metrics
1.Vision and
ties, coupled with a thriving talent pool epito- tions for an enriching experience. Fans will be
mised by numerous football institutions and able to immerse themselves in local commu-
grassroots academies. nities, engage in cultural exchanges, and vol-
unteer for a unique FIFA World Cup™ journey.
Aligned with FIFA vision, we will leverage the
Street set-ups will feature vibrant decorations,
FIFA World Cup 2030™ to further boost foot-
local vendors, and spontaneous performances,
ball participation for all through our infrastruc-
merging football enthusiasm with each host
ture upgrade and pre-event engagement activ-
city’s unique character.
ities. We will leverage the FIFA World Cup™
to expedite sustainability initiatives in sport The FIFA Fan Festival™ sites are a core ele-
venues and event management, benefiting our ment of our hosting strategy, offering a cele-
populations, businesses, and the wider world. bratory atmosphere, live entertainment, and
interactive activities. FIFA Fan Festivals™ sites
1.2.2. For the world
are planned to feature immersive cultural pop-
Our three countries are welcoming places, ups which will include unique VR experiences
renowned for their stability, culture (more than enabling tourists to visit historic cultural land-
75 UNESCO World Heritage Sites), climate, marks, collaborative digital art murals featur-
and hospitality. We aim to channel our energy ing local artists, and holograms to showcase
into building unique journeys of unparalleled memorable moments of the FIFA World Cup™.
quality, meticulously crafted for players, staff, These venues will highlight the unique culture
fans, and locals. of each country for visitors to enjoy different
and unforgettable experiences in some iconic
Accommodation options will offer a diverse places such as La Corniche in Casablanca,
selection, catering for every budget and target Parque Tejo in Lisboa and Parque Juan Carlos I
group, including FIFA constituent groups, fans, in Madrid.
and volunteers. From luxury boutique hotels
to cosy comfort and budget-friendly options, From a transportation perspective, our objec-
our objective is to offer every visitor a home tive is to offer a variety of options from air
away from home. For FIFA VIP and Staff, tai- travel, to high-speed rail and ferries, in addi-
lor-made offers and services ensuring comfort tion to efficient public transport in each host
and privacy will be delivered. Our accommo- city, ensuring seamless mobility during the
dation, and training facilities will also meet the tournament. Currently, the three main air-
needs of players and staff. We aim to create port hubs (Casablanca, Lisbon, and Madrid)
already accommodate more than 100 million
2. Legacy
2. Legacy
The founding motive of the bidding nations is Cup™ and Morocco’s hosting of the FIFA
to deliver a long-lasting legacy and transforma- U-17 Women’s World Cup™ for the next five
tional positive impact for our people, communi- editions, starting in 2025. The same ambition
ties, environment and for the world. This legacy extends to youth, amateur and grassroots lev-
is structured around four pillars: social impact, els of football, which will benefit from dedicated
investment, innovation, and sustainability. programmes, in close cooperation with educa-
allow as many of our citizens to experience this coach education, sports medicine and physio-
celebration of football, live matches could be therapy, facilitating the transfer of knowledge,
broadcasted in multiple stadiums. Additionally, best practices, and technology. It will support
advanced crowd management tools to identify cutting-edge learning programmes worldwide,
areas of attention and optimise general pub- leveraging AI for customization and VR/AR to
lic pathways will be evaluated for security and allow for wide remote access. The initial focus
logistical purposes. of this hub will extend beyond the host coun-
tries and federations to our regional confedera-
Thanks to the next generation of digital,
tions, CAF and UEFA, and even beyond these
cross-border apps, visitors will enjoy seamless
entities, with the objectives to share this knowl-
and hyper-personalised experiences across
edge globally.
their whole journey. Pre-competition, this could
enable travelling fans to book AI personal- To deliver our innovations, we will work with key
ised travel, accommodation, and cultural visits stakeholders across football, sports tech, and
across all host nations. Availability of real-time governments of our countries. A central inno-
voice and written translation could enable them vation delivery unit with dedicated resources
to fully immerse themselves in our unique cul- is planned to be established to manage the
tural sites. A centralised platform could also end-to-end innovation process and coordinate
be considered, jointly with FIFA, to streamline across the FIFA World Cup™ stakeholders.
transport reservations within and between cit- Smaller innovation managers will be deployed
ies in the three countries, and provide real-time in each of the host nations, helping to iden-
tify local sports tech providers and pilot spe-
cific technologies in-country. Not only will we
deliver economic impact to the FIFA World Cup
2030™ and the host nations, but the networks
which we foster will transfer to other, future
FIFA World Cup™ editions, creating a lasting
3. Political
in Host
3.3.1. The highest support Major sports bodies such as the Superior Sports
Council and the Spanish Olympic Committee
The joint bid has garnered unanimous support
have commended the bid, as have all of the
from Spain’s major institutions. The Head of
initial applicant host cities, totalling 13 across
State and Government, along with key political
Spain. The six Autonomous Communities
parties, have endorsed the proposal, express-
involved have gone to great lengths to make
ing pride and privilege in hosting the event,
their best offers to host an event of such sport-
symbolised by the presence of King Felipe
ing and cultural significance.
VI at the first inauguration of the bid project.
Key political figures, including Spain’s Prime The bid has also received support from the
Minister, Pedro Sánchez, have also expressed main opposition parties in the Congress of
their support. Deputies, some of which form governments in
the Autonomous Communities.
3.3.2. For a historical moment
Spain’s political collaboration with Morocco In the coming years, Spain will use domestic
was reinforced in 2022 with the publication football to help drive interest in the forthcom-
of a roadmap focusing on various aspects of ing FIFA World Cup™, while cities and regions
their partnership. Spain is Morocco’s largest that will host FIFA World Cup™ matches or
trading partner and the two nations collaborate team base camps will be especially targeted to
closely, as neighbouring countries, on numer- become centres of support for the event.
ous issues. Meanwhile, Spain’s historical ties
This support will be bolstered by Spain’s fervent
with Portugal are extensive. The FIFA World
football culture, evident in its hosting of major
The FRMF has worked closely with ministries The official video and other bid materials were
and local authorities in host cities through reg- distributed to schools in the country, in coop-
ular meetings and workshops to address infra- eration with the Ministry of Education. Since
structure, transportation, tourism, IT&T, and Portugal joined the project, students have been
security. following the national team’s training sessions,
Spain’s communications strategy will target In coordination with FIFA, the YallaVamos Bid
both national and regional coverage. The power will deploy a comprehensive communication
of local media in the country is strong, with high strategy with all key stakeholders, in particu-
penetration in the autonomous communities. lar the respective governments and the host
cities, in order to maintain and reinforce long- National communication term engagement and support for the FIFA
National competitions have served as key plat- World Cup 2030™ and its vision.
forms to promote the candidacy. The bid logo
will be prominently featured at matches for both
4. General
4. General Information
appointed by the central government. At the icant progress in the World Bank’s ‘Ease of
most granular level, the 1,503 communes are Doing Business’ reports, jumping by 70 places
managed by appointed pachas in urban areas since 2003 to reach 53rd position in the last
or caids in rural areas and elected communal edition published in 2020. The new Investment
councils, led by mayors. Charter adopted in 2022 further boosts the busi-
ness environment and reinforces the kingdom’s
4.1.3. Economic strength and
a confident outlook
Over the last 20 years, significant investments
Between 2013 and 2023, Morocco’s GDP grew
were directed towards infrastructure to stream-
at a solid rate of 2.6% p.a., twice as much as the
line logistics, transportation and urban devel-
Euro zone, with a quick rebound after the Covid-
opment. Examples of projects include the
19 crisis.
Casablanca-Tangier high-speed railway line of
Supported by consistent policies of the Central 2018 and the expansion presently under way
Bank, Morocco’s economy maintained stable of Tangier-Med port complex , the largest in the
inflation and exchange rates. Between 2010 mediterranean and 19th largest in the world in
and 2021, inflation fluctuated between 0.2% terms of containers processed yearly.
and 1.6%. Impacted by the international con-
Additionally, the Mohammed VI Fund launched
text, inflation reached 6.6% in 2022 and 6.1%
in 2022 aims at supporting large infrastructure
in 2023, in line with the Euro area at 8.4% and
projects through public-private partnerships and
5.4%, and lower than peers in Africa, which aver-
strengthening the equity capital of companies
aged 14.2% in 2022 and 18.2% in 2023.
with funding needs.
Driven by the vision of His Majesty King
Exploiting fully these infrastructure develop-
Mohammed VI, Morocco deployed several
ments, alongside Morocco’s natural and geo-
reforms to boost and diversify its economy.
graphical features and its people’s hospitality,
Beyond strengthening existing sectors such as
tourism is a pillar of the economy accounting
agriculture, phosphates, tourism and financial
for around 7% of GDP and employing directly
services, the country became a major leader in
800,000 people. Boosted by its Vision 2020 and
several key industries such as automotive and
Vision 2030 proactive strategic plans, Morocco
*Not including the 12 main prefectures covering recorded its highest-ever visitor influx in 2023
the 12 regions governed by the Walis with 14.5 million tourists, a 12% increase com-
pared to 2019. Moreover, Morocco has built
a strong reputation and expertise in organis-
ing international sport and business events
like the FIFA Club World Cup™ in 2022, the
Good Friday
This strong expansion in tourism has also Portugal has also advanced significantly in
attracted significant infrastructure invest- developing renewable energy, particularly
ment. Recently, the Portuguese government wind and solar. Today, the country ranks sev-
announced plans for a new international air- enth in Europe for its use of renewable energy
port for Lisbon with a capacity reaching over sources, comprising 61% of its electricity pro-
68 million pax a year, as well as a high-speed duction and remaining well on track to gen-
rail line that will connect the Portuguese capi- erate 85% by 2030. In April 2024, Portugal
tal to Madrid in three hours by 2034. generated a historic 95% of its electricity from
renewable energy. The country aims to deac-
In addition to tourism, it is essential to high-
tivate all natural gas power plants by 2040
light the economic strength deriving from
and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
900,000 residents and features a rich mix of pants annually and is a testament to Agadir’s
history, culture and picturesque landscapes. Its cultural richness. Agadir is Morocco’s sec-
pleasant climate and strategic position make it ond largest tourist destination, with a seaside
a popular seaside resort destination for tour- charm and a plethora of archaeological and
ists looking for relaxation, adventure and water natural attractions.
sports such as surfing.
Agadir’s economy thrives on its robust fishing
Agadir, renowned for its historic sites like the and agriculture sectors, featuring citrus and
Kasbah, is a key centre of Amazigh heritage in other fruits. The 20-year old Agropole of Agadir
North Africa. This cultural legacy, dating back promotes the economic and social develop-
thousands of years, is cherished as a national ment of the region by endorsing local agricul-
treasure by all Moroccans, flourishing espe- tural activity and fostering innovation and com-
cially in the Souss-Massa Region. The city’s petitiveness within the sector. Agadir’s fishing
rich cultural heritage is brought to life today industry leverages the 180 km Atlantic coast-
through events that provide a window into the line and rich marine biodiversity, contributing
traditions and customs of the Amazighs. The 36% of the national fishing GDP. Boosted by
the establishment of the 76 hectares Haliopolis
Park, a specialised industrial zone focused on
the fishing industry, the sector sustains approx-
imately 170,000 direct jobs and nearly 500,000
indirect jobs.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.2. Casablanca | |
The economic pulse of Morocco
Located at the heart of Morocco and facing the White House in Arabic, and translated in Spanish
Atlantic Ocean, Casablanca is a forward-looking as Casa Blanca, into the economic heart of the
city situated on Morocco’s Atlantic coast. With country and the nation’s commercial capital.
a population of more than 3.6 million people,
Today, the Casablanca region contributes 30%
Casablanca is the largest urban hub, seamlessly
of Morocco’s GDP and is a major continental
combining the charm of historic neighbourhoods
financial hub. Historically known for its diverse
like the Habous with the contemporary allure
manufacturing, including food processing,
of Art Deco streets. The city’s several business
pharmaceuticals, construction materials, and
districts stand out thanks to towering structures
high-level services, including finance, trade,
like the Twin Center and Casablanca Finance
real estate and telecommunications, it is now
City, and further bolster the city’s reputation in
a growing aerospace centre, supported by the
fast-growing and competitive African markets.
government industrial plans and the develop-
Rebuilt in 1770 by Sultan Mohammed III on the ment of Nouaceur’s Midparc Free Zone, located
ruins of Anfa after a devastating earthquake in near the country’s main airport hub. Since 2010,
1755, Casablanca grew into a metropolis by Casablanca Finance City (CFC) has been
1912. The city’s modern port, the first of its kind attracting financial institutions and multinational
in the Kingdom, drew countless workers and corporations with tax incentives, streamlined
turned the former Dar al Baida, which means regulations, and a business-friendly, ideal envi-
ronment for innovation.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.3. Fez | |
The spiritual heart of the Kingdom
Located between the Rif and the Middle Atlas The city’s Arab and Andalousian influences are
Mountain ranges, Fez serves as a vital link visible in the copper-clad houses, once refuges
between Morocco’s coast and its heartland. for Andalusian communities. Moreover, Fez’s
With a population of almost 1.3 million, it cultural diversity is also shaped by historical
stands as a timeless centre of cultural abun- Jewish and Christian neighbourhoods, espe-
dance. Founded in the eighth century by Idris I cially in areas like Adwat Al-Andalus. Fez’s
and steeped in centuries of history and tra- culture is deeply rooted in its history as an
dition, Fez holds the status of being one of intellectual and spiritual centre. It houses the
the four Moroccan imperial cities, alongside prestigious al-Qarawiyyin University, the oldest
Rabat, Marrakech and Meknes. A UNESCO continually-operating university globally mak-
World Heritage Site, Fez’s Medina is one of the ing Fez the prime university hub in the coun-
world’s oldest urban pedestrian zones. Known try. The city buzzes with cultural events like the
to some as the world’s largest labyrinth, its net- renowned Festival of Sacred Music, held since
work of alleyways showcases the city’s cultural 1994, which draws crowds of over 250,000
and artisanal brilliance. each year from across the globe.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.4. Marrakech | |
The mystical oasis
Nestled at the foothills of the majestic Atlas Marrakech is captivating, with its rich his-
Mountains, Marrakech, with its population torical legacy and modern atmosphere.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.5. Rabat | |
The imperial gem
Located on the northwest coast of Morocco, nearly 3 million attendees from around the world
Rabat, with its population of around 2 million, over the course of a week. The city is also home
is the political and administrative capital of the to the highest number of museums in Morocco,
Kingdom of Morocco. The city benefits from including the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern
a mild climate influenced by the expansive and Contemporary Art, and the History and
Maamora forest, the largest single stand of cork Civilization Museum.
trees in the world, and the green belt, an extensive
Rabat is the centre of Morocco’s political, dip-
area of urban green space. Its history stretches
lomatic, and administrative activities, housing
back to the twelfth century when the Almohads
important institutions like the main Royal Palace,
established a fortress known as Ribat, Arabic for
the government ministries, international organ-
“fortification”, later evolving into the lively city it
isations such as the UN and embassies. The
is today. The city’s architectural marvels, such
Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) is
as the Kasbah of the Udayas and the Chellah
headquartered in the city as well. Rabat has also
necropolis, both recognized as UNESCO World
emerged as a business and burgeoning tech
Heritage sites, reflect the contributions of diverse
hub in recent years, benefiting from the reorgan-
dynasties throughout the ages.
isation of public administration, the establish-
Rabat’s cultural scene is rich, highlighted for ment of foreign companies and the creation of
example by the international music festival offshore zones. With an attractive environment,
Mawazine. A major cultural event that attracts Rabat hosts the headquarters for numerous
major Moroccan corporations. The city is also
notable for the newly-built Mohammed VI Tower,
the second-highest building in Africa, set to be a
major business hub.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.6. Tangier | |
The international crossroads
Overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar, Tangier, with authors and artists like American writers Paul
more than 1.1 million residents, links the Atlantic Bowles, William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac,
Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. The city’s and French painters Henri Matisse and Eugene
millennial history and multiple influences are Delacroix, to live and work in Tangier. The
reflected in iconic places like the Ancient Medina, city remains culturally rich and hosts annual
the Grand Socco and the Kasbah Museum. events with a worldwide reach like the Tangier
International Film Festival and the Tanjazz
At the crossroads of Africa and Europe, with
influences from Phoenician, Roman, Arab, and
European civilisations, Tangier has been a key Tangier’s region generates 10.5% of the national
port for trade throughout the ages. Ibn-Battouta GDP. Its economy is diverse and focuses on
is the epitome of the city’s openness to the logistics, manufacturing, tourism, offshoring and
world: born in 1304, he is considered to be one real estate. In 2023, Tangier Med was ranked
of history’s greatest explorers, having travelled the largest port in the Mediterranean and 19th
to the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia worldwide in terms of number of containers han-
and India in the 14th century. dled. Next to the port, the Tangier Free Zone
promotes foreign investment through tax incen-
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the
tives and streamlines administrative procedures,
city’s bohemian atmosphere drew international
leading to Tangier becoming a regional hub in
the automotive industry, the second in the list of
Morocco’s top exports. Companies like Renault,
Valeo and more than 30 other equipment suppli-
ers have established production units employing
tens of thousands of workers.
Average Temperature
in July
Lisbon is the capital and largest city of Portugal, Moving forward to the 21st century, Lisbon is
located on the country’s west coast, where one of the most sought-after destinations for
the river Tejo meets the Atlantic Ocean. With foreign professionals, with its metropolitan
a little over 500,000 inhabitants and 3 million area accounting for more than one-third of the
people in its metropolitan area, Lisbon is the national GDP, thanks to its financial and real
third-largest urban area on the Iberian penin- estate sectors, and the industrialization of the
sula – after Madrid and Barcelona – and home southern region of this area. Lisbon is also the
to UNESCO World Heritage Sites like the centre of the 2030 Agenda for Impact, a strat-
Jerónimos Monastery and the Belém Tower. egy based on innovation, sustainability, social
cohesion, and connectivity.
One of the oldest cities in the world and the
oldest in Western Europe, Lisbon has been All of this, along with its famous seven hills and
the political, economic, and cultural centre recognized mystical light, contributed to Lisbon
of Portugal since the 12th century. The leg- being recognised as Europe’s Leading City
acy of foreign cultural influences can be seen Break Destination for 2022 in the World Travel
across the city, namely in São Jorge Castle, Awards. Lisbon is the most visited Portuguese
in the city’s cathedral, and in the Alfama and city, having welcomed almost 6.5 million for-
Mouraria boroughs. eign tourists in 2023.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.8. Porto
The origin city
Porto is the second largest city in Portugal, the Kingdom of Asturias, nowadays an autono-
located where the Douro River meets the mous community of Spain.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.9. A Coruña
The last end of the earth, the beginning of the ocean
Located in the extreme north-west of the Iberian A Coruña is an exporting centre and is known
peninsula, A Coruña is the largest urban centre worldwide for being the headquarters of one
in Galicia, and the head of a metropolitan area of the world’s leading companies in the fash-
of 430,000 inhabitants. It represents the north- ion business – Inditex. Its hinterland is the
ern end of the demographic and economic axis most important in Galicia in terms of gen-
that extends to Lisbon along the Atlantic coast, erating added value. Overall, the A Coruña
where 12 million people live. region is one of the main economic engines
of Galicia, accounting for 44% of the Galician
For the last 500 years A Coruña has been an
GDP in 2024.
important focus of commercial activity with
the Americas, and one of the main centres of A Coruña stands as the most active cultural
marine activity in northern Spain. The southern city in the north-west of Spain. A programme
area of the Outer Port is currently undergoing of concerts, shows and exhibitions fills the
renovations as part of a development project theatres, foundations and the Coliseum every
aimed at companies interested in setting up week. Additionally, the city hosts several pop-
offshore wind energy manufacturing plants for ular cultural events such as the arrival of the
components; a testament to the port’s commit- summer solstice celebration on Saint John’s
ment to energy transition and sustainability. Eve, known for its lighted bonfires on the
beaches of Orzán and Riazor and street par-
ties until dawn. These urban beaches also host
the Northwest Pop Rock Festival every sum-
mer, which attracts thousands of music lovers
from Spain and Portugal.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.10. Barcelona
Football passion by the sea
country’s second largest city, home to over cultural exchange, and resilience.
1.6 million people out of Catalonia’s 8 million.
Its location and open-mindedness have
As the capital of Catalonia, one of Spain’s 17
shaped its identity as a global hub of trade
autonomous communities, Barcelona shines
and innovation. As a driving force in Spain’s
with a unique cultural identity. The city is
economy, Catalan participation in Spain’s
notably renowned for its architectural wonders,
GDP accounted for 20% in 2023. Barcelona’s
including Antoni Gaudi’s masterpiece, the
diverse economic landscape is anchored by
Sagrada Familia.
tourism, trade, and industry. Its strategic port is
Renowned for its cosmopolitan spirit, the city situated at the centre of a unique logistics hub
warmly embraces visitors from across the globe, in Europe, from which 400 million consumers
fostering a diverse and inclusive community. Its can be reached in less than 48 hours.
population reflects its international appeal, with
With over 12 million tourists in 2023, Barcelona
a significant percentage born outside Spain
has become one of the most attractive
contributing to its rich cultural identity. With a
destinations worldwide. The ideal climate and
history spanning two millennia, Barcelona’s
the proximity to the sea make Barcelona one
of the most popular tourist cities in the world.
One of Gaudi’s jewels, the Parc Güell was the
city’s most popular tourist attraction in 2022,
registering approximately 4.7 million visitors.
Average Temperature
in July
Barcelona’s passion for football transcends Drawing on its rich heritage, passion for
sport, shaping its cultural identity and global hospitality and commitment to sustainability,
reputation. Hosting major sporting events such Barcelona is poised to shape the future of
as the FIFA World Cup™ and the 1992 Olympic global tourism and football culture. As a
Games, and home to legendary football clubs Mediterranean bastion of innovation and
such as RCD Espanyol and FC Barcelona, inclusivity, the city promises a world-class
the city’s love for football is etched in its DNA. experience for visitors and football enthusiasts
This passion brings with it numerous titles, with alike for the FIFA World Cup 2030™, ensuring
Barça’s men’s team having won five UEFA its legacy endures for generations to come.
Champions League trophies and the women’s
4.4.11. Bilbao
Special club, special city
Bilbao, or Bilbo in Basque, a co-official lan- The city’s transformation in the 1990s ush-
guage in the Basque Country, serves both ered in a new era of urban development and
as a cultural and industrial centre. With over public transportation, solidifying its status as
346,000 inhabitants, it is the most populous a thriving service city. This sector is its pri-
city in northern Spain and a lively destination mary economic engine, comprising 90.4% of
for visitors. Its location on the banks of the employment in 2023. Today, Bilbao is a mod-
Nervion River adds to its appeal, while the ern, cosmopolitan city shaped by its industrial
iconic Guggenheim Museum Bilbao symbol- past and cultural heritage.
ises its revitalization and global significance.
With over 1 million tourists in 2022, the city
From its humble beginnings as a fishing vil- ranks itself among the most visited cities in
lage in the 14th century to its rapid industrial northern Spain. The famous Guggenheim
expansion during the 19th century, Bilbao’s Museum, designed by Frank Gehry and dis-
evolution mirrors its resilience and adaptabil- playing modern art masterpieces from the likes
ity. Propelled by its industrial heritage and of Jeff Koons and Louise Bourgeois, attracted
strategic location, Bilbao stands as a dynamic nearly 1.3 million visitors in 2023. The city is
economic force in Spain. also a centre of culinary excellence, ranging
from ‘pintxos’ bars to Michelin-starred restau-
rants, each dish is a testament to Bilbao’s evo-
lution as a gastronomic capital.
Average Temperature
in July
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is the capi- been favoured by its intense commercial rela-
tal of Gran Canaria, one of the eight Canary tionships with major European ports, initially
Islands, also known as the “fortunate islands”. through the trade of traditional products such
The island offers diverse topography, includ- as wine, potatoes, or tomatoes, and later, from
ing beaches, mountains, and valleys. Its cen- the second half of the 20th century, by the tour-
tral region features rugged terrain with deep ism boom.
ravines and steep cliffs, while the coastline is
Today, the island thrives as a coveted tour-
lined with numerous beaches and coastal tour-
ist destination with the busiest airport in the
ist centres. Gran Canaria is home to around
Canary Islands, with direct connections to the
865,000 inhabitants, while the 380,000 people
Portuguese host cities, Lisbon and Porto, and
that live in Las Palmas make it the most pop-
three of the Moroccan host cities: Marrakech,
ulous municipality in the Canary Islands, and
Casablanca, and Agadir. Gran Canaria, wel-
the home of the main official and administra-
comed 4.5 million tourists in 2023 and is the
tive centres.
second most visited island in the archipelago,
With a history dating back to the Canarian significantly contributing to job creation and
aborigines who inhabited the island before the economic revenue in tourist areas.
15th century, Gran Canaria’s development has
The island’s 15 tourist zones generated over
USD 1.5 billion in 2023, a 20% increase com-
pared to 2019. Among its natural tourist attrac-
tions are the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve,
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.13. Madrid
A city united by football, where everyone belongs
Madrid is the capital of Spain and the European according to the Global Financial Centres
Union’s second most populous city, with 3.3 Index, Madrid is also Spain’s leading region in
million inhabitants. It is home to national polit- aerospace, a world power in renewable energy
ical organizations and international institutions and a strong player in logistics and transport.
like the UN World Tourism Organization. In the The city fosters employment and drives inno-
city where “no one is a foreigner”, diverse back- vation. Its strategic location in central Spain
grounds and cultures are embraced. and business-friendly environment make it a
hotspot for international commerce and entre-
Founded by King Felipe II in 1561, Madrid’s
preneurship, and an attractive destination for
origins extend back to prehistoric eras. Initially
foreign capital, accounting for ~70% of total
known as Mayrit under the reign of Emir
investments coming into the country since the
Muhammad I from 852 to 886 the city has
Covid-19 pandemic. Madrid’s steady growth
evolved into a cultural and political hub. Madrid
has continuously strengthened the region’s
thrives on diversity and inclusion, and the con-
economic significance, as evidenced by its
stant stream of newcomers enriches the cosmo-
increasing contribution to the Spanish GDP,
politan fabric of the city.
which has risen from 17.7% in 2000 to 19.4%
Ranked fifth most important financial hub in the today. Moreover, in 2023, Madrid recorded a
European Union and among top 25 globally, growth rate of 3%, surpassing the country’s
overall growth rate of 2.5%.
Average Temperature
in July
4.4.14. Malaga
Multi-cultural Andalusian marvel
Located on the Costa del Sol beside the Founded by the Phoenicians in the eighth
Mediterranean Sea, Malaga is a dynamic port century BC, Malaga presents a rich histori-
city. Its proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, and cal tapestry, from Roman monuments like the
thus to Morocco, just 60 miles away, has influ- theater to Muslim structures like the Alcazaba.
enced its cultural fusion over the centuries, The city’s architectural marvels stand as testa-
shaping the city’s architectural landscape. As ments to its ancient roots and diverse cultural
the second-most populous city in Andalusia, influences.
with nearly 600,000 inhabitants, Malaga is
Malaga’s port is an example of integration
renowned for its cultural heritage and for art-
between sea and city in the heart of the cap-
ists like Pablo Picasso or actor and filmmaker
ital, featuring sufficient depth to accommodate
Antonio Banderas. Experiencing a surge in
the world’s largest vessels, and offering first-
population growth, Malaga welcomes migrants
rate infrastructure for cruise traffic and recrea-
from various countries, notably the UK, consti-
tional boating. Cultural attractions, such as the
tuting 18% of residents. This influx confirms its
Picasso Museum, one of Spain’s most visited
status as Andalusia’s primary destination for
museums, and festivals like the Malaga Film
foreign residents.
Festival, contribute to the city’s appeal, attract-
ing a diverse range of visitors.
Average Temperature
in July
guages of the city, Basque and Spanish, is tury, San Sebastian established itself as a top
the capital of Guipúzcoa – written, officially, destination, attracting icons like Coco Chanel,
as in Basque, Gipuzkoa – province. It features Queen Maria Cristina or Leon Trotsky.
three urban beaches, Ondarreta, La Concha,
In 2021, it was awarded the title of the world’s
and Zurriola, each providing unique scenic
best city for its quality of life and culinary offer-
views along the Bay of La Concha, the River
ings by The World’s Best Awards, awarded by
Urumea, and Mount Igueldo. With a population
the travel-focused magazine Travel + Leisure.
of around 190,000 inhabitants, San Sebastian
It is now a cosmopolitan city distinguished by
maintains a high-quality tourism model and
its award-winning urban beaches and Paris-
a strong Basque cultural identity, emphasiz-
inspired architecture. San Sebastian offers
ing community and the preservation of local
an extensive gastronomic scene and serves
as a focal point for culture, tourism, and inter-
Dating back to Roman times, San Sebastian’s national events. Internationally recognized
significant development began in the 19th for its International Film Festival Zinemaldia,
century with royal and bourgeois patronage, it serves as a dynamic entrepreneurial city, a
hub for science, technology, and its industry
and was ranked fourth in the Smart City Index
in Spain in 2023. San Sebastian stands out
as a service-oriented city, with a significant
Average Temperature
in July
Saragossa, known in Spanish as Zaragoza, sustained by its proximity to water. The city
is the capital city of the homonymous prov- flourished under Muslim rule, which left a last-
ince and of the autonomous community of ing mark. The Aljafería Palace, a UNESCO
Aragón, Spain. It is located in north-eastern World Heritage site, showcases exquisite
Spain and lies beside the majestic Ebro River. Islamic design. Mudejar buildings, like Casa
Saragossa is the fifth-largest Spanish city, del Deán and Torreón de La Zuda, blend
with close to 700,000 inhabitants. The city has Christian, Jewish, and Muslim influences,
produced legendary artists like Francisco de echoing centuries of co-existence.
Goya, whose works adorn iconic landmarks
The service sector in Saragossa contributes
such as the Basilica Nuestra Señora del Pilar
to over 60% of the city’s GDP. In particular,
and the Charterhouse of Aula Dei.
the education and health services industries
From its Iberian origins to Roman times as provide jobs for for around 22% of the popu-
Cesaraugusta, named in honour of Emperor lation. The city is also known for its dedication
Caesar Augustus, Saragossa has a rich his- to sustainable development, as the indus-
tory. Despite centuries of union with Castile, try/energy sector contributes a significant
the Kingdom of Aragon maintained its inde- 21.6% to its GDP. The operating La Muela
pendence, fostering cultural prosperity wind farm is a perfect example of the city’s
ongoing strategy to further boost the renew-
able energy transition in the country. Tourism
thrives in Saragossa: major events, such
as the Universal Exposition, which drew in
Average Temperature
in July
Sevilla, Seville in English, is the capital of the One of its most iconic monuments, the
Autonomous Community of Andalusia and Giralda, showcases the convergence of dif-
the fourth most populous city in Spain, with ferent architectural styles, reflecting the cul-
around 684,000 inhabitants. Its historic cen- tures that have inhabited the city.
tre, the largest in Spain and sixth-largest in
Seville’s economy has historically thrived off
Europe, radiates a unique charm. The city’s
agriculture, real estate and tourism. Recent
cathedral, a monumental UNESCO World
data from 2020 has shown that key sectors
Heritage Site, serves as a symbol of faith
such as agriculture, fishing, and livestock
and history.
employ the largest amount of people. The
The city’s rich history spans millennia, wit- hospitality sector is close second, and caters
nessing cultural transformations, artistic to a wide range of budgets, providing accom-
peaks, and pivotal events and landmarks modation solutions for up to 3 million tourists
such as the Ibero-America Exhibition of in 2023.
1929, the Sevilla Expo ‘92 or the impres-
Acknowledged as one of the world’s top tour-
sive Plaza de España. This cultural fusion is
ist destinations, Seville’s appeal lies in its
vividly reflected in its architecture, blending
favourable climate, cultural abundance, and
Moorish, Gothic, and Portuguese influences.
cherished traditions such as Semana Santa
(Holy Week). Festivals like the Feria de Abril
showcase its vibrancy, projecting it onto the
global stage.
Average Temperature
in July
5. Event
5. Event Timing
In line with the preliminary timeline suggested The timing coincides with the start of the sum-
by FIFA, the YallaVamos Bid supports the mid- mer holiday season in Africa and Europe,
June to 21st July period for hosting the FIFA and with the host countries’ tourist seasons.
World Cup 2030™. With this timeframe, we Younger fans will be on holiday from their
aim to create an unforgettable experience for schools, enabling them to participate in com-
6. Stadiums 85
7. Team and Referee Facilities 169
8. IBC Sites 218
9. FIFA Fan FestivalTM Sites 222
10. Competition Related Event Sites 241
Part B | Infrastructures
6. Stadiums
6. Stadiums
Stadiums will undeniably be the pulse of the cities, and Spain will host 11 stadiums in
FIFA World Cup 2030™. As a consequence, 9 cities.
the YallaVamos Bid meticulously selected
With 8 of these stadiums offering seating
20 state-of-the-art stadiums across 17 cities.
capacities over 60,000, including 3 exceeding
These unique premier venues, crafted specif-
80,000, FIFA will capitalise on these expansive
ically for football, are steeped in rich football
venues, along with their luxurious and modern
heritage and designed to offer a modern and
hospitality and vendor areas, to maximise rev-
innovative experience. Each stadium promises
enue and profitability. This unique variety of
an unforgettable atmosphere for both players
Beyond just the stadiums, the bidding nations Estadio de Gran Canaria 44,500
have strategically chosen 20 sporting and Estadio Metropolitano 70,650
cultural centres, each offering high connec- Estadio Santiago Bernabéu 78,297
tivity and sustainable mobility options. These Estadio La Rosaleda 45,000
venues ensure fans, players, media, staff and Estadio Anoeta 42,300
volunteers can attend games while minimising Estadio Nueva Romareda 43,144
their environmental impact. All selected cities Estadio La Cartuja 71,000
friendly match between Morocco and Angola hospitality areas and skyboxes, providing more
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 4 Level 5
Level 9 Level 11
connection will be further enriched thanks to 2,770 VVIP and VIP guests, who will enjoy the
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level -1 Level MZ
Level 0 Level 1
Level 2 Level 3
Level 4 Level 6
Several buses, one Bus Rapid Transit line, and The new design of Stade de Fès will symbolise
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 4 Level 5
Level 8 Level 9
Located at the northern entrance of the city 2013 FIFA Club World Cup™
and 20 minutes away from the city centre and 2014 FIFA Club World Cup™
Major event
2018 Africa Nations
the airport, the stadium is surrounded by La
Palmeraie, a famous touristic neighbourhood.
Its location is adjacent to the N9 national road
capacity 45,860
linking Marrakech with Casablanca. The Grand
Stade de Marrakech’ train station,, which will
Net capacity
open in 2028, nearby the stadium, will enhance 42,800
accessibility by linking the stadium to the city lower tribunes and an overall modernisation
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 3 Level 4
Level 8 Level 11
atmosphere for both players and spectators. A areas on Levels 1 and 2 such as VVIP and
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 0 Level 1
Level 5 Level 6
10 bus lines. By 2027, it will be complemented engaging atmosphere for fans. The VVIP and
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 2 Level 3
600 m2 72 250 11 7
Mixed zone # Wheelchair # Easy access # Accessible # Accessible
area seats seats & wheelchair parking spots
highway, the A1, connecting Lisbon to Porto in network and are publicly accessible. Estádio
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level -1 Level 0
Level 3 Level 5
600 m2 53 80 11 28
Mixed zone # Wheelchair # Easy access # Accessible # Accessible
area seats seats & wheelchair parking spots
Located in Lisbon’s urban area, Estádio José Home to a team that wears green, Estádio
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level 0 Level 1
Level 4 Level 7
600 m2 76 124 16 24
Mixed zone # Wheelchair # Easy access # Accessible # Accessible
area seats seats & wheelchair parking spots
minutes, or 17 kilometres, from Francisco Sá The Estádio do Dragão was the first European
1.02 Team Dressing Room 5.02 VVIP Tribune Lounge 8.02 Food & Beverage
1.04 Doping Control Facilities 5.03 VVIP Reception Area 8.03 Onsite Retail
Players’ indoor warm-up 6.01 Offices 8.04 Youth Programme
6.03 Accreditation Centre 9.01 Venue Operation Centre
2.02 Interview Position
6.04 Ticketing Centre Players’ and officials’
2.04 Presentation Studio medical spaces
6.05 Volunteer Centre
2.06 Broadcast Compound 9.05 VVIP/VIP Medical Room
6.06 Staff Restaurant
3.01 Stadium Media Centre 9.06 Spectator medical facility
7.02 Hospitality Skyboxes
3.02 Press Conference Room 10.17 Sanitary Facilities
7.03 Hospitality Lounge
3.03 Mixed Zone 11.01 Logistics Compound
Commercial Affiliates
Photographers’ working Village Cleaning and Waste
3.07 11.04
area Management
Commercial Hospitality
4.02 VIP Tribune Lounge Village 12.01 Telecom carrier room
4.03 VIP Reception Area 8.01 Brand Activation Area Technology Equipment
Level -2 Level -1
Estadio Riazor’s initial capacity was 37,000 In recent seasons, Deportivo has implemented
Level 1 Level 2
Level 5 Level 6
stadium, while six nearby tramway stops can has been launched with the aim of creating a
Level -1 Level 0
Level 3 Level 5
The RCDE Stadium is the home of Real Owner RCD Espanyol SAD
Club Deportivo Espanyol, the second team in Tenant /
RCD Espanyol SAD
Barcelona, officially named Reial Club Deportiu main user
Espanyol de Barcelona S.A.D. in Catalan. Year of
Founded in 1900, Espanyol won the Copa del 2009
Rey four times despite not having its own sta-
dium until 1920. Continuous renewal
The RCDE Stadium is located between the Expected
municipalities of Cornellà del Llobregat and round
El Prat, and is accessible in about 20 minutes Rammstein concert
from the centre of Barcelona by public trans- Major event (2019/06/01,
port. The stadium can also be reached from 35,000 Spectators)
any town in the metropolitan area by metro line Gross
5, tramway lines 1 and 2, train lines R4 and capacity 40,259
R7, or commuter trains. It is also less than 15
minutes from Barcelona Josep Tarradellas El Net capacity
Prat airport. (2030)
The club’s first stadium was in the Sarriá neigh- panels, once they have become profitable. As
Level 0 Level 1
Estadio San Mamés is mainly used by the Owner San Mamés Barria SL
Athletic Club, Bilbao’s leading team, and is Tenant /
Athletic Club
popularly known among fans as “the Cathedral main user
of Football”. Among the world’s most unique Year of
stadiums, San Mamés has earned legend- construction
ary status for the passionate reception of the Latest
matches it hosts. The stadium has comple- renovation
mentary uses, including a sports innovation Expected
centre, a sports nursery and a municipal sports round
centre, with an underground athletics track. UEFA Women’s Champions
League 2024
Located at one of the main entrance and exit Major event European Rugby
points of Bilbao, the stadium is accessible on Finals 2018
foot from the city centre, a walk of about half MTV Awards 2018
an hour. It is also served by a stop on Bilbao’s Gross
metro line, and by commuter trains and buses. capacity 53,633
However, the recommended public transport (2030)
option, and one of the symbols of the new Net capacity
Bilbao, is the tram, with the journey from the (2030)
city centre taking approximately 15 minutes.
The original San Mamés was inaugurated in In 2015, the stadium was awarded the title
Level -1 Level 0
Level 3 Level 4
Level 1 Level 3
Level 7 Level 8
not only for its internal structure but also for In addition to being one of the most technolog-
Level -1 Level 0
Level 3 Level 4
20 200
# Accessible # Accessible
& wheelchair parking spots
Since 1957, the stadium has hosted many In the 2023-24 season, the final phase of the
The location of the specific spaces according to their use will be detailed on the FIFA platform.
Level 0 Level 1
Level 4 Level 5
the Copa del Rey, the UEFA Cup and the the Museo & Tour MCF, offering a historical
Level 2 Level 3
Level 6
The Estadio Anoeta, the stadium of La Liga’s Owner Anoeta Kiroldegia S.A.
Real Sociedad, was built in 1993, and seats Tenant / Real Sociedad de Fútbol
39,500 spectators. The external concourse main user SAD
features a bust of the late Alberto Ormaetxea, Year of
a successful manager of the club during the 1993
Located south of the city of San Sebastian,
the stadium lies about two kilometres from the Expected
city’s bay, La Concha beach, and the old town, round
all of which are within a half-hour walk. The Champions League 2024,
stadium is also accessible by 3 bus lines (21, European League: 2020,
26 or 31) from the old town. Buses run about Major event 2021, 2022, 2023,
LNR Semifinals 2023,
every 15 minutes and also pass the Euskotren
Rammstein Concert 2024
station at Easo Plaza.
In addition to hosting Real Sociedad matches, capacity 42,300
Estadio Anoeta has staged matches of the (2030)
Spain’s national team, Copa del Rey finals and Net capacity
the UEFA Women’s Champions League final (2030)
in the 2019-20 season. The stadium has also
hosted international concerts, including one by
the German band Rammstein in June 2024, The San Sebastian City Council, in collabo-
Level 2 Level 3
Level 6 Level 7
The stadium has a long history of staging 440 skybox seats and a large VIP area and
Level 0 Level 1
Level 4 Level 5
the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008. It was 22 million, will increase its capacity to 70,000
Level 0 Level 1
7. Team and
Morocco, Portugal and Spain have care- 7.2. Venue-specific team facilities
fully selected team and referee facilities that
In order to select the most suitable venues, par-
merge football’s essence with cutting-edge
ticular focus has been paid to the comfort and
location of the selected hotels, the proximity
The result is an extensive catalogue of four- to the stadium and the quality of natural grass
and five-star hotels, alongside state-of-the-art pitches as well as the privacy for the training
sports facilities, strategically located across the sites. To ensure equitable conditions between
three countries. Designed with inclusivity at its all teams, other elements such as hotel calibre
core, the selection is versatile enough to meet and distance to stadiums have been stand-
the diverse requirements and budgets of every ardised as far as possible in each host city.
team, ensuring no compromise on quality. With a focus on smart, long-term investments,
YallaVamos prioritises the use of training facil-
7.1. Team Base Camp facilities ities that are competition-ready. Where neces-
The three countries have selected Team Base sary, existing facilities are upgraded to extend
Camps that merge great comfort with cutting their usability and ensure compliance with
edge sporting infrastructure including luxuri- required standards. New construction is con-
ous hotels with in-house pitches. The training sidered only when essential, ensuring a sus-
facilities feature first-class pitches, advanced tainable approach to hosting the event.
infrastructure, and rigorous privacy and secu-
7.3. Referee base camps
rity protocols. With 94 designated team base
camps - 33 in Morocco, 45 in Spain and 16 in The YallaVamos Bid is proposing two referee
Portugal - the bid will provide a tailored expe- base camps: one located in Casablanca and
rience with a blend of luxury and functional- the other in Madrid. Both venues are equipped
ity, catering to all preparation needs with the with state-of-the-art facilities and provide a
highest standards of quality. The finalised list comfortable environment engineered for foot-
of options includes legendary stadiums like ball. Additionally, the two proposed cities for
Stade Mohammed V, training sites for profes- the referees’ headquarters are major hubs for
sional football clubs like Valdebebas, state of air and rail travel, offering high connectivity and
the art football academies like the SC Braga making travel to and from matches as efficient
Academy, training sites at top university cam- and hassle-free as possible.
puses, and more. The few newly-built training
sites and the planned renovations will be a
boost for grassroots and youth football acad-
emies, contributing to a lasting impact on the
communities and offering wider access to foot-
ball for all.
Facilities Others
Fitness E Exclusivity
Wellness center
1. 3.
Hôtel Hyatt Place Taghazout Bay White Beach Resort Taghazout
2. 4.
Fairmont Taghazout Bay Hilton Taghazout Bay Beach Resort & Spa
6. 8.
Taghazout Bay Marriott Resort Le Berbère Palace
9. 11.
Park Hyatt Marrakech Fairmont Royal Palm Marrakech
10. 12.
The Oberoi, Marrakech Pullman Mazagan Royal Golf & Spa
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 84 Number of guest rooms: 122
Number of meeting rooms: 3 Number of meeting rooms: 4
Distance to airport: 16 km - 26 min Distance to airport: 107 km - 80 min
Distance to TS: 16 km - 20 min Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min
14. 16.
Hôtel Mövenpick Casablanca Hilton Garden Inn Casablanca Sud
17. 19.
Barceló Anfa Casablanca Conrad Rabat Arzana
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 206 Number of guest rooms: 120
Number of meeting rooms: 9 Number of meeting rooms: 4
Distance to airport: 32 km - 28 min Distance to airport: 34 km - 35 min
Distance to TS: 2 km - 5 min Distance to TS: 17 km - 16 min
18. 20.
Michlifen Resort & Golf Ritz-Carlton Rabat, Dar Es Salam
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 71 Number of guest rooms: 117
Number of meeting rooms: 4 Number of meeting rooms: 3
Distance to airport: 57 km - 55 min Distance to airport: 20 km - 26 min
Distance to TS: 4 km - 9 min Distance to TS: 17 km - 20 min
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 347 Number of guest rooms: 100
Number of meeting rooms: 9 Number of meeting rooms: 1
Distance to airport: 4 km - 8 min Distance to airport: 36 km - 50 min
Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min Distance to TS: 8 km - 12 min
22. 24.
Fairmont La Marina Rabat Sale Lixus Beach Resort
25. 27.
Radisson Blu Resort, Saidia Beach Hôtel Marchica Lagoon Resort
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 379 Number of guest rooms: 98
Number of meeting rooms: 7 Number of meeting rooms: 2
Distance to airport: 55 km - 55 min Distance to airport: 121 km - 130 min
Distance to TS: 4 km - 7 min Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min
26. 28.
Be-Live Collection Saïdia Radisson Blu Resort, Al Hoceima
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 104 Number of guest rooms: 92
Number of meeting rooms: 2 Number of meeting rooms: 2
Distance to airport: 22 km - 22 min Distance to airport: 28 km - 28 min
Distance to TS: 12 km - 16 min Distance to TS: 5 km - 12 min
30. 32.
The St. Regis La Bahia Blanca Resort Hilton Tanger Al Houara Resort & Spa
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 100 Number of guest rooms: 304
Number of meeting rooms: 2 Number of meeting rooms: 7
Distance to airport: 23 km - 22 min Distance to airport: 14 km - 18 min
Distance to TS: 5 km - 9 min Distance to TS: 2 km - 3 min
33. 35.
Fairmont Tazi Palace Tanger Ria Park Hotel & Spa
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 133 Number of guest rooms: 175
Number of meeting rooms: 3 Meeting Rooms: 15
Distance to airport: 11 km - 18 min Distance to airport: 18 km - 24 min
Distance to TS: 9 km - 16 min Distance to TS: 1 km - 2 min
La Cartuja: 209 km - 126 min
Terrain Ibn Battouta aéroport Ria Park + The Campus
Status: Planned Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 2
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 127 Number of guest rooms: 148
Meeting Rooms: 5 Meeting Rooms: 5
Distance to airport: 17 km - 20 min Distance to airport: 28 km - 30 min
Distance to TS: 10 km - 15 min Distance to TS: 1 km - 2 min
La Cartuja: 207 km - 126 min La Cartuja: 207 km - 126 min
Estádio Algarve Pine Cliffs Pitches
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 3 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 8 Number of dressing rooms: 2
Status: Existing Status: Planned
Number of guest rooms: 105 Number of guest rooms: TBC
Meeting Rooms: 5 Meeting Rooms: TBC
Distance to airport: 91 km - 60 min Distance to airport: 48 km - 43 min
Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min
La Cartuja: 274 km - 157 min Estádio SL Benfica: 38km - 38 min
Cascade Resort Pitches Academia Vitória FC
Status: Existing Status: Planned
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 8
Number of dressing rooms: 0 Number of dressing rooms: TBC
38. 40.
Beja Park Hotel Residência Academia CR7
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 102 Number of guest rooms: 56
Meeting Rooms: 3 Meeting Rooms: 4
Distance to airport: 10 km - 11 min Distance to airport: 36 km - 30 min
Distance to TS: 1 km - 1 min Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min
Estádio José Alvalade: 180 km - 112 min Estádio José Alvalade: 40 km - 30 min
Complexo Desportivo Fernando Mamede Academia CR7
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 5
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 2
41. 43.
Casa dos Atletas HF Ipanema Park Porto
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 72 Number of guest rooms: 280
Meeting Rooms: 5 Meeting Rooms: 9
Distance to airport: 20 km - 25 min Distance to airport:15 km - 18 min
Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min Distance to TS: 5 km - 8 min
Estádio SL Benfica: 13 km - 15 min Estádio do Dragão: 8 km - 15 min
Cidade do Futebol Academia AF Porto
Status: Existing Status: Planned
Number of standard pitches: 3 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 9 Number of dressing rooms: 9
42. 44.
Montebelo Viseu Congress Hotel Penafiel Park Hotel
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 172 Number of guest rooms: 69
Meeting Rooms: 11 Meeting Rooms: 5
Distance to airport: 140 km - 90 min Distance to airport: 43 km - 32 min
Distance to TS: 3 km - 6 min Distance to TS: 11 km - 16 min
Estádio do Dragão: 125 km - 80 min Estádio do Dragão: 36 km - 28 min
Estádio do Fontelo Complexo Desportivo Lousada
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 4
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 68 Number of guest rooms: 182
Meeting Rooms: 6 Meeting Rooms: 7
Distance to airport: 30 km - 25 min Distance to airport: 58 km - 42 min
Distance to TS: 10 km - 15 min Distance to TS: 27 km - 25 min
Estádio do Dragão: 28 km - 23 min Estádio do Dragão: 55 km - 42 min
Academia FC Famalicão Estádio Municipal de Barcelos
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 3
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 3
46. 48.
Eurostars Santa Luzia Residência Academia SC Braga
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 99 Number of guest rooms: 51
Meeting Rooms: 3 Meeting Rooms: 3
Distance to airport: 54 km - 45 min Distance to airport: 56 km - 40 min
Distance to TS: 3 km - 6 min Distance to TS: 0 km - 0 min
Estádio do Dragão: 53 km - 40 min Estádio do Dragão: 53 km - 38 min
Academia Vitória SC Academia SC Braga
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 3 Number of standard pitches: 8
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 2
49. 51.
Monte Prado Hotel & Spa Attica21 Vigo Business & Wellness
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 61 Number of guest rooms: 157
Meeting Rooms: 4 Number of meeting rooms: 9
Distance to airport: 51 km - 47 min Distance to airport: 18 km - 20 min (Vigo)
Distance to TS: 1 km - 2 min Distance to TS: 16 km - 19 min
Estádio do Dragão: 155km - 104 min
Complexo Desportivo de Melgaço GS360 - Cidade Deportiva A Fouteza
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 3
Number of dressing rooms: 5 Number of dressing rooms: 6
54. 56.
Hotel Silken Ciudad Gijón Eurostars Hotel Real
57. 59.
Silken Gran Hotel Durango AC La Rioja
58. 60.
Gran Hotel Lakua Hotel Tres Reyes Pamplona
62. 64.
Hotel Best Western Premier Cmc Girona H10 Imperial Tarraco
65. 67.
Hotel California Palace Balneario Hotel Las Arenas
66. 68.
RH Silene &Spa SH Valencia Palace
Ciudad Deportiva José María Llaneza Ciudad Deportiva Paterna (Valencia CF)
70. 72.
Hotel Castillo Son Vida Hotel Palacio Albacete & Spa
73. 75.
Barceló La Nucia Palms Hotel Huerto del Cura
74. 76.
Hotel Meliá Villaitana Thalasia Costa De Murcia
78. 80.
Grand Hyatt La Manga Club Golf&Spa Cabogata Beach
81. 83.
Abades Nevada Palace Granada The Westin La Quinta Golf Resort&Spa
82. 84.
Hotel Eurostars Palace Kempinski Bahía Estepona Costa Del Sol
86. 88.
Barceló Montecastillo Hotel Acosta Centro
89. 91.
Hotel Ilunión Las Lomas Hotel Praga
90. 92.
Hotel Bajadoz Center Gran Hotel Los Ángeles
C. D. Viejo Vivero + Est. Nuevo Vivero Ciudad Dep. Fernando Santos De La Parra
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 2 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 4 Number of dressing rooms: 20
Ciudad Dep. Fund. Rayo Vallecano Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid
1. 2.
Grand Mogador City Center Hotel Intercontinental Madrid
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 385 Number of guest rooms: 302
Number of meeting rooms: 13 Number of meeting rooms: 16
Distance to airport: 38 km - 38 min Distance to airport: 11,5 km - 12 min
Distance to stadium: 40 km - 40 min Distance to stadium: 23,3 km - 24 min
Distance to TS: 8 km - 14 min Distance to TS: 22 km - 20 min
Raja Club Athletic / Wydad Ciudad del Fútbol de las Rozas
Athletic Club de Madrid
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 5 Number of standard pitches: 2
Number of dressing rooms: 8 Number of dressing rooms: 12
Grand Stade d’Agadir
Facilities Others
Fitness E Exclusivity
Wellness center
1. 3.
Sofitel Agadir Thalassa Sea & Spa Hôtel Dominium Palace
2. 4.
The View Agadir Hotel Riu Palace Tikida Agadir
Grand Stade Hassan II
1. 3.
The View Bouznika Avanti Beach Hotel
2. 4.
Amphitrite Palace Novotel Mohammedia
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 178 Number of guest rooms: 114
Number of meeting rooms: 18 Number of meeting rooms: 5
Distance to airport: 93 km - 65 min Distance to airport: 56 km - 45 min
Distance to stadium: 42 km - 40 min Distance to stadium: 15 km - 24 min
Distance to TS: 17 km - 16 min Distance to TS: 5 km - 8 min
Stade municipal de Témara Annexe Stade El Bachir
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 3
Number of dressing rooms: 3 Number of dressing rooms: 2
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 94 Number of guest rooms: 133
Number of meeting rooms: 3 Number of meeting rooms: 4
Distance to airport: 19 km - 30 min Distance to airport: 14 km - 24 min
Distance to stadium: 11 km - 20 min Distance to stadium: 6 km - 12 min
Distance to TS: 4 km - 7 min Distance to TS: 3 km - 7 min
Stade Saadiyine Stade de l’Institut des Sciences du Sport
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 6 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 4 Number of dressing rooms: 8
2. 4.
Palais Medina Les Mérinides
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 146 Number of guest rooms: 103
Number of meeting rooms: 3 Number of meeting rooms: 2
Distance to airport: 15 km - 24 min Distance to airport: 19 km - 35 min
Distance to stadium: 7 km - 14 min Distance to stadium: 11 km - 22 min
Distance to TS: 1 km - 3 min Distance to TS: 4 km - 8 min
Stade Hassan II Complexe sportif du MAS
Status: Existing Status: Planned
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 4
Number of dressing rooms: 6 Number of dressing rooms: 4
Grand Stade de Marrakech
1. 3.
Savoy Le Grand Hôtel Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi
2. 4.
Palace - Es Saadi Marrakech Resort Radisson Blu Hôtel Marrakech
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 102 Number of guest rooms: 193
Number of meeting rooms: 5 Number of meeting rooms: 10
Distance to airport: 5 km - 9 min Distance to airport: 7 km - 10 min
Distance to stadium: 12 km - 18 min Distance to stadium: 10 km - 14 min
Distance to TS: 3 km - 6 min Distance to TS: 4 km - 7 min
Centre de Formation Sportive KACM Complexe sportif 20 août
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 4 Number of dressing rooms: 3
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 149 Number of guest rooms: 89
Number of meeting rooms: 7 Number of meeting rooms: 7
Distance to airport: 18 km - 22 min Distance to airport: 8 km - 12 min
Distance to stadium: 8 km - 12 min Distance to stadium: 12 km - 18 min
Distance to TS: 6 km - 10 min Distance to TS: 3 km - 5 min
Stade Moulay El Hassan Stade Abou Bakr Ammar
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 6 Number of dressing rooms: 2
2. 4.
La Tour Hassan Palace Rabat Marriott
Grand Stade de Tanger
1. 3.
Royal Tulip City Center Mövenpick Hotel
2. 4.
Barceló Tanger Occidental Tanger
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 186 Number of guest rooms: 119
Number of meeting rooms: 13 Number of meeting rooms: 10
Distance to airport: 4 km - 10 min Distance to airport: 16 km - 20 min
Distance to stadium: 8 km - 15 min Distance to stadium: 12 km - 18 min
Distance to TS: 19 km - 20 min Distance to TS: 9 km - 15 min
Complexo Desportivo do FC Alverca Complexo do Real Sport Clube
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 4 Number of dressing rooms: 4
2. 4.
Hotel Marriott Lisboa Dolce Campo Real
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 577 Number of guest rooms: 151
Number of meeting rooms: 18 Number of meeting rooms: 6
Distance to airport: 6 km - 15 min Distance to airport: 50 km - 35 min
Distance to stadium: 2 km - 5 min Distance to stadium: 44 km - 33 min
Distance to TS: 5 km - 9 min Distance to TS: 19 km - 19 min
Estádio Pina Manique Vila do Futebol - AF Lisboa
Status: Existing Status: Planned
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 4
Number of dressing rooms: 2 Number of dressing rooms: 4
Estádio do Sport Lisboa e Benfica
1. 3.
Epic SANA Lisboa Hyatt Regency
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 311 Number of guest rooms: 204
Number of meeting rooms: 14 Number of meeting rooms: 7
Distance to airport: 12 km - 15 min Distance to airport: 13 km - 25 min
Distance to stadium: 6 km - 15 min Distance to stadium: 9 km - 14 min
Distance to TS: 10 km - 15 min Distance to TS: 2 km - 6 min
Estádio Nacional do Jamor Estádio da Tapadinha
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 1 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 4 Number of dressing rooms: 4
2. 4.
Pestana Palace Palacio Estoril Hotel
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of guest rooms: 232 Number of guest rooms: 251
Number of meeting rooms: 11 Number of meeting rooms: 12
Distance to airport: 12 km - 14 min Distance to airport: 15 km - 20 min
Distance to stadium: 8 km - 10 min Distance to stadium: 10 km - 20 min
Distance to TS: 1 km - 3 min Distance to TS: 6 km - 10 min
Estádio do Bessa Séc. XXI Estádio do Mar
Status: Existing Status: Existing
Number of standard pitches: 3 Number of standard pitches: 1
Number of dressing rooms: 6 Number of dressing rooms: 4
2. 4.
Hilton Porto Gaia Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa
Estadio de Riazor
1. 3.
Hotel Meliá María Pita Hotel Riazor
2. 4.
Ibis Styles A Coruña Attica 21 Coruña
2. 4.
Hotel HCC St.Moritz Barcelona Airport Hotel
RCDE Stadium
1. 3.
Hotel Front Maritim Barcelona Hotel Eurostars Don Cándido
2. 4.
Hotel Majestic Hotel Catalonia Sabadell
2. 4.
Radisson Collection Hotel Hotel Ercilla de Bilbao
1. 3.
Hotel Reina Isabel Hotel Cristina
2. 4.
Hotel Santa Catalina Hotel Faro
2. 4.
Hotel Madrid Alameda Aeropuerto Parador Alcalá De Henares
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu
1. 3.
Hyatt Regency Hesperia Hotel NH Alcorcón
2. 4.
Only You Atocha Palacio de Los Duques Gran Meliá
2. 4.
Barceló Malaga Hotel Vincci Malaga
1. 3.
Hotel Silken Amara Plaza Hotel Ilunion San Sebastian
2. 4.
Hotel Tres Reyes San Sebastian Zenit San Sebastian
2. 4.
Hotel Goya Zaragoza Hotel Hiberus
Estadio La Cartuja
1. 3.
Eurostars Torre de Sevilla Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento
2. 4.
Meliá Lebreros Hotel Colón Gran Meliá
8. IBC Sites
8. IBC Sites
The YallaVamos Bid offers two options for sit- be used for transporting the hardware that will
ing the International Broadcast Center (IBC): serve the IBC.
the Foire Internationale de Casablanca, and
The existing Foire Internationale de Casablanca
the Recinto ferial Casa de Campo in Madrid.
venue has an 18,000 m² hall with a maximum
Both of these options fully meet FIFA require-
height of 17 metres. A new exhibition hall, with
ments in terms of infrastructure and support
work planned to start before the end of 2024,
facilities, offering a high level of services for
will meet high standards in terms of connectiv-
Media Rights Licensees (MRLs), as well as
ity, power supply, fire prevention, lighting, venti-
easy access to accommodation and transpor-
lation, and air conditioning. This extension will
9. FIFA Fan
Festival Sites
9.1. Agadir
9.3. Fez
9.5. Rabat
9.7. Lisbon
9.9. A Coruña
9.11. Bilbao
9.13. Madrid
9.17. Seville
10. Competition
Related Event
Size of site
de Rabat (total m2)
The Grand Théâtre de Rabat is Estimated
surrounded by Rabat’s iconic land- capacity of site
marks like the Hassan Tower, the Distance to city
Kasbah of the Udayas and the new centre (km)
iconic Mohammed VI tower. Designed by Zaha Hadid, the the- Distance to the
atre’s fluid sculptural forms symbolises the Bouregreg river it airport (km)
overlooks. With an indoor auditorium seating 1,800, an outdoor
amphitheatre for 7,000, ample parking, and multipurpose halls, * Indoor & outdoor
it’s a stellar choice for Draws.
Size of site
Théâtre de Casablanca (total m2)
11. Accommodation 248
12. Transport 287
13. Safety and Security 328
14. Health, Medical and Doping Control 334
15. IT&T 340
Part C | Services
11. Accommodation
11. Accommodation
The joint candidacy of Morocco, Portugal and are planned to meet the anticipated increase
Spain leverages the rich experience and wel- in demand, with a sharp acceleration observed
coming cultures of three top tourist destinations, since the announcement of the bid.
each ranking within the global top 30 most visited
To accommodate every fan’s preference, the
countries. A historic milestone was reached in
offering ranges from luxurious hotels with inter-
2023 with a record-breaking tourist influx of 130
national standards and first-class facilities to
million into the three countries, marking a 16%
budget-friendly alternatives. Guests will have a
increase from 2018. In addition to meeting and
variety of location options, ranging from hotels
surpassing the necessary requirements for host-
in the city centres to areas surrounded by
11.2. Tailor-made selection to host the ranging from three-star to five-star options.
FIFA World Cup™ A broad array of functional spaces, including
FIFA venue offices and commercial affiliate
Thoughtful room allocation will ensure fulfil-
activation areas, will be available to meet spe-
ment of the needs of each FIFA constituent
cific needs.
group: FIFA staff, teams, referees and the gen-
eral public. Equipped with a comprehensive The YallaVamos Bid has already engaged
assessment of the three countries’ entire lodg- with national and local authorities, and worked
ing inventory, hotel allocation will take place with hotel owners and operators, to secure full
with special attention given to FIFA constituent commitment to the accommodation agreement
groups, teams and referees, who are guaran- conditions set forward by FIFA for hotels that
teed top-quality structures. will be hosting FIFA constituents, teams and
Host city accommodation will be meticulously
chosen to cater to diverse requirements,
11.3.2. Casablanca
star and five-star hotels. The city has more than rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
sufficient capacity to meet the requirements of
18,806 5,041
11,500 rooms for FIFA constituent groups for
the final, in addition to the 1,100 rooms that will
be dedicated to team and referee facilities.
11.3.3. Fez
Fez has an existing and planned hotel capac- Constituent groups allocation
ity of 10,625 rooms in three-star, four-star and (Number ofallocation
Constituent groups existing and
(Number planned
of existing and planned rooms 3/4/5*, 2024) in Fez
five-star hotels. The city has enough capacity rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
to meet the needs of 2,800 rooms for the FIFA
10,625 1,471
constituent groups for a quarter-final, on top of
the 480 rooms that will be dedicated to team 4,534
11.3.4. Marrakech
star and five-star hotels. The city has enough rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
capacity to fit the requirements of 2,800 rooms
35,115 8,401
for FIFA constituent groups for a quarter-final,
in addition to the 560 rooms that will be dedi-
cated to team facilities. 15,047
11.3.5. Rabat
Rabat has an existing and planned hotel capac- Constituent groups allocation
ity of 9,090 rooms in three-star, four-star and (Number ofallocation
Constituent groups existing and
(Number planned
of existing and planned rooms 3/4/5*, 2024) in Rabat
five-star hotels. The city has enough capacity rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
to meet the needs of 5,900 rooms for the FIFA
9,090 2,672
constituent groups for a semi-final, on top of
the 560 rooms that will be dedicated to team
Cultural wealth
Seasons 5 204 13 8.5 14 14.2 22
Kasr Al Bahr
FIFA Venue Sofitel Jardin
5 229 14 8.4 12 11.7 16
hotel des Roses
11.3.6. Tangier
star and five-star hotels. The city has enough rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
capacity to meet the needs of 5,900 rooms for
13,825 3,506
the FIFA constituent groups for a semi-final, on
top of the 800 rooms that will be dedicated to
team facilities.
Tourist allure
0 0.75 1.5 km
FIFA VIP Cortinthia Benfica
5 518 18 10 min 7km 20 min
hotel Lisbon Stadium:
FIFA Venue Benfica
tinental 5 331 14 14 min 6km 15 min
hotel Stadium:
The Yeatman 5 109 13 8km 10 min 20km 24 min
FIFA Venue nental Porto
5 113 2 6km 10 min 17km 20 min
hotel – Palácio das
11.3.9. A Coruña
file of the city’s traditional tourist crowd stands FIFA VIP, Venue
Commercial Affil
out: in recent years, the city has seen a 44% HB & Media
increase in visitors aged 25 to 44. There is also Remaining
Hotel Nh
Collection 5 92 8 3.2 8 11.3 16
FIFA Venue Eurostars
4 199 5 1.8 7 12.8 14
hotel Atlántico
11.3.10. Barcelona
Barcelona 5 333 18 2.3 6 13.4 14
5 490 13 20.6 20 19.4 20
hotel Barcelona
11.3.11. Bilbao
Gran Canaria, the island on which Las Palmas Constituent groups allocation
is located, has existing hotel capacity of 60,018 (Number of existing rooms 3/4/5*, 2024)
Constituent groups allocation (Number of existing rooms 3/4/5*, 2024) in Las Palmas
rooms in three-star, four-star and five-star
hotels. Proposed as the host of a quarter-final,
60,018 10,337
the city will have enough capacity to meet the
expected peak requirement of rooms.
Tourism boom
Las Palmas is among the Spanish cities with
Hotel Riu
Palace 5 515 2 54 30 36.4 26
FIFA Venue AC Hotel
4 227 7 10.2 12 26.1 22
hotel Gran Canaria
11.3.13. Madrid
rooms. 31,801
The Westin
Palace, 5 470 20 4.6 12 14.2 14
NH Collection
FIFA Venue
Madrid 4 413 35 1.4 4 11.8 12
11.3.14. Malaga
11.3.16. Saragossa
Expo legacy
In 2023, Saragossa experienced a significant
increase in visitor numbers, including a 13%
Hotel Palafox 5 179 14 2.4 8 12.9 16
Hotel NH
FIFA Venue Collection
4 133 5 2.2 7 11.4 20
hotel Gran Hotel
de Zaragoza
11.3.17. Seville
de abril”.
11.4. FIFA HQ
The YallaVamos bid is proposing two options is proposed as a great option for a FIFA HQ.
for the FIFA Headquarters hotels. One is based The Sofitel and Hyatt are luxurious 5-star
in Casablanca, Morocco and the other in hotels while the Novotel is a great four star
Madrid, Spain. Both options offer best in class option, which will offer FIFA the flexibility to
hotel(s), in well located areas in the centre of cater to the different needs of the HQ staff. The
the cities and offer all the necessary infrastruc- three hotels are located in the historic district in
ture and amenities for FIFA. Our recommenda- the heart of Casablanca, known as the Medina,
tions are taking into account the quality of the and offer great accessibility to the stadium and
hotels, their location as well as the transporta- the airport through the nearby train station.
5 255 7 41 35 32 35
5 171 6 41 35 32 35
Casablanca Blanche
Casablanca 4 281 4 41 35 32 35
City Center
Madrid 4 915 28 10 5 14 13
12. Transport
12. Transport
12.2.3. Mobility for the general public Information and support centres, including
pop-up booths and multilingual volunteer
Partnering with transportation operators, the
ambassadors, will provide in-person assis-
three countries will enhance and reinforce rele-
tance. Enhanced connectivity, with free WiFi
vant plane, train, and ferry frequencies before,
zones, localised push notifications, and social
during, and after matches, alongside increased
media updates, will ensure proactive and
public transport on match days. Charter flights
seamless communication.
12.3. Airports
12.3.4. Marrakech Menara Airport (RAK) passenger terminal, from 72,000 m2 to 142,000
m2, offering daily passenger capacity of more
The second busiest airport in Morocco with
than 100,000 passengers by the end of 2028.
more than 7 million passengers each year,
In addition, the aircraft parking area will be
Marrakech Menara Airport is located in the
extended to accommodate up to 110 nar-
south-west of Marrakech, and offers a variety
row body (Code C) positions. A total of 2,000
of domestic and international destinations,
spaces will also be added to the car parking lot.
particularly in Europe, including 12 host cities.
Operational 24/7, it features 33 commercial Conveniently close to the city centre and the
parking stands, 10 parkings for light aircrafts main train station, the airport is connected to
and 17 boarding gates. the city centre via buses departing every 20
12.3.5. Rabat-Salé Airport (RBA) existing 14. Plans also include the construction
of a new general aviation terminal to signifi-
Positioned approximately eight kilometres
cantly improve VIP services, and the establish-
north-east of Rabat, the Rabat-Salé Airport
ment of a two-level parking facility capable of
serves as a hub for the capital city. It offers
accommodating 1,300 vehicles.
direct connections to 26 domestic and interna-
tional destinations, including five host cities. At present, the airport is accessible via bus
routes connecting it to the city centre area. By
With a traffic of 1.2 million passengers in 2023,
2030, it will boast a new high-speed train sta-
the airport has embarked on a substantial
tion, integrating it into the existing high-speed
expansion programme. Construction of a new
rail network. This enhancement will provide
terminal designed to accommodate 5 million
12.3.6. Tangier Ibn Battouta than 100% by 2030, new development initia-
International Airport (TNG) tives are planned in future years. Additionally, a
new general aviation terminal should be oper-
Located 12 km south of Tangier’s city centre,
ational by 2024, while a new Terminal 3 will be
the Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport serves as a key
operational by the end of 2028, increasing daily
link between the northern region of Morocco
capacity further to 63,300 passengers.
and 42 direct destinations within the country
and worldwide, including 10 host cities. Plans also include the development of 63 park-
ing stands, the building of a new control tower
In 2023, Terminal 1 underwent a comprehen-
and the construction of a 1,400-space parking
sive refurbishment programme, expanding the
lot. Upon arrival at the airport, passengers will
arrivals area and increasing annual passenger
away by metro.
flights to major international hubs and 11 host
cities. It features two terminals and two run- Furthermore, the two main Portuguese high-
ways, with combined annual passenger traffic ways, A1 and A2, running north and south from
of 34 million people. Lisbon and across Portugal, are directly acces-
sible from the airport, easily connecting travel-
To accommodate the expected traffic growth
lers to cities like Porto, Seville and Tangier.
and the demands of the FIFA World Cup
12.3.9. A Coruña Airport (LCG) to 108,080), the latter grew by 91.3% in 2023
compared with the previous year, consolidating
A Coruña Airport is located in the municipality
the airport’s trend towards connecting with the
of Culleredo, approximately eight kilometres
wider world.
from the city centre. The airport ended 2023
having handled 1,252,022 passengers, a Significant work is planned or already under-
29.9% increase over the previous year. Flight way to adapt A Coruña Airport to future air
numbers rose to a total of 15,405 operations, traffic demands in line with sustainable goals.
7.2% up on 2022. These include new LED lighting and a new
intermediate platform for aircraft turning, which
In 2023 most flights were domestic, with six
will also save time and fuel, while reducing
direct flights – 4 to FIFA World Cup 2030™ host
12.3.10. Josep Tarradellas Barcelona- the FIFA World Cup 2030™, providing direct
El Prat Airport (BCN) flights to 14 out of the 17 host cities.
Barcelona-El Prat Airport, Spain’s second-larg- With the aim of consolidating the airport as
est, handled 52.7 million passengers in 2019, a model in the Mediterranean and southern
making it the sixth busiest in Europe, with inter- Europe, a master plan was launched in 2009 to
national traffic accounting for 73% of the total. modernise and expand the airport’s capacity.
The airport has grown steadily in recent years, The most significant project was Terminal T1’s
with passenger numbers multiplying by five construction, located between runways. T1,
between 1995 and 2019, one of the highest of significant architectural value, serves as a
average growth rates among Europe’s leading major logistical operations and services centre.
12.3.11. Bilbao Airport (BIO) With more than 50 destinations now offered,
the airport has renovated its commercial infra-
Situated 12 km from the city centre, Bilbao
structure. In addition, the passport control
Airport is one of the most visible symbols of the
area has been expanded, enabling Schengen
rejuvenation and newfound vitality of Bilbao. In
Space and EU passengers to use a new auto-
recent years, the airport has adeptly managed
matic system to read their identity documents.
sustained growth in traffic: a 23.5% rise in pas-
senger numbers and a 14.5% increase in oper- With up to 21,000 passengers passing through
ations in 2023, compared with 2022. Flights the airport in a 10-hour period, it has proven
are primarily domestic, but international traf- its ability to efficiently manage high passenger
fic increased by 40% in 2023, compared with numbers during peak times.
12.3.12. Gran Canaria Airport (LPA) of the year. This ensures that airlines can con-
duct their operations without disruption, mak-
Located on the island’s east coast, Gran
ing the airport a key connection point between
Canaria Airport serves as the gateway for 4.5
the FIFA World Cup 2030™ host cities (it offers
million tourists who visit the island every year.
direct flights to 14 of them).
The airport is situated 25 km from one of the
main tourist centres of the Canary Islands (the Airlines operating from the airport handled over
southern area of Gran Canaria) and 18 kilo- 9.8 million scheduled seats during the 2024
metres from the island’s capital, Las Palmas. summer season, 11.6% more than in 2023.
Thanks to its ideal weather, Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Airport is linked to Las Palmas
Airport boasts excellent operating conditions via bus lines 60, 91, and 5.
12.3.13. Adolfo Suárez Madrid – projected to rise from 9.3% to 12%, according
Barajas Airport (MAD) to the Ministry of Transport.
Spain’s largest airport handled 62.7 million International traffic, which has developed
passengers and 643,535 tons of cargo in 2023, steadily in recent years, accounts for 73% of
making it the fifth busiest in Europe and a major Madrid-Barajas Airport’s total traffic. The air-
hub for South American destinations. With four port will play a strategic role during the FIFA
terminals, and a fifth for cargo planned in the World Cup 2030™, providing direct flights to
coming years, the airport is subject to continu- 15 out of the 17 host cities..
ous redevelopment, such as the expansion of
Terminals T4 and T4S. Madrid Airport offers various public transporta-
tion options, including bus, metro and train, to
These projects are part of a strategy to ramp the city centre An airport express bus, line 203,
up Madrid-Barajas Airport’s capacity to 80 mil- also handles transfers between Madrid Airport
lion passengers, consolidating its role as an and Atocha Train Station. Yellow express buses
economic driver for the country and the region. marked “Airport Express Aeropuerto” run 24/7.
The anticipated outcome of these develop-
ments will be a substantial increase in con- The metro line to the city is line 8, and trains
tribution to the Community of Madrid’s GDP, depart from T4 Terminal (C1, C10).
12.3.14. Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport boarding gates. Therefore, to provide optimal
(AGP) service, the airport is open 24 hours a day.
Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport, situated eight Its proficiency in efficiently handling a large
kilometres from the city centre, offers excellent passenger volume during peak periods is
connectivity to the entire Costa del Sol region. proven: in 2023, it processed around 40,000
One of Spain’s oldest airports, the country’s passengers in a 10-hour period. In 2023, over
first airline was established there in 1919. The 22 million passengers passed through the
airport maintains regular traffic with cities such airport.
as Barcelona, Madrid-Barajas, and Palma de
Mallorca, and offers direct flights to 13 FIFA The city centre is accessible via bus or train
(operating every 20 minutes). The suburban
12.3.15. San Sebastian Airport (EAS) San Sebastian Airport ended 2023 having han-
dled 482,662 passengers, a 25.8% increase
San Sebastian Airport is located in the local-
compared with 2022, the best numbers in its
ity of Hondarribia, 22 km north-east of the city
history. This figure comprised 475,133 domes-
of San Sebastian, in the district of Bidasoa, on
tic passengers, a 25.5% increase, and 5,946
the estuary of the River Bidasoa.
international passengers, up 64.5%.
This airport is operational 15 hours a day and
The most convenient public transport option
has seven aircraft parking stands, five gates
to reach the city from the airport is by bus.
and accommodates four airlines.
Operated by Ekialdebus company, line E21
The airport primarily serves domestic travel- buses offer direct routes between Fuenterrabía
lers, although it offers two international connec- and San Sebastian. Travelling along the motor-
tions, to London and Edinburgh. Direct flights way, the bus makes nine stops and reaches
are available to five FIFA World Cup 2030™ the city centre in approximately 30 minutes.
host cities.
12.3.17. Seville Airport (SVQ) In 2023, Seville´s airport offered direct flights
to 10 other FIFA World Cup 2030™ host cities.
Located ten kilometres north-west of the
With one runway and 19 gates, of which five
regional capital, Seville´s airport underwent its
are international and 14 serve fellow Schengen
largest expansion in 1992 in anticipation of the
area countries, it offers over 2,000 parking
World’s Fair. This expansion included extend-
ing the aircraft parking apron, constructing a
new terminal, building a new access road from In 2023, the airport was able to process over
the National N-IV road, and erecting a new 32,000 passengers in a 10-hour period, prov-
control tower to the south of the runway. ing its ability to adapt to peak passenger flows.
In that same year, airport traffic grew by 19% to
The airport was one of Spain’s first to estab-
12.4.4. Marrakech four new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, greatly
enhancing local mobility.
Marrakech is linked in two and half hours
to both Agadir via the A7 motorway and to The Grand Stade de Marrakech, located in
Casablanca via the A3 motorway. The railway the north of the city, is accessible via the N9
network between Marrakech and Casablanca expressway, linking the city centre to the A3
is undergoing upgrades with the construction motorway, and the P2118 road. On match days,
of a new high-speed line, enabling one-hour access to the stadium will be facilitated by a
journeys from Casablanca and three-hour jour- dedicated train station, conveniently located
neys from Tangier by 2030. about 3 km from the stadium and served by
high-speed and regional express trains (RER)
Intra-city public transit primarily relies on a BRT
directly from Marrakech main train station,
line and 45 bus lines, including 5 electric ones.
Casablanca and Tangier.
By 2027, this network will be strengthened by
12.4.12. Las Palmas key area of the city. The stadium is connected
by multiple public transport routes to the city
Gran Canaria, the third largest island in the
and the rest of the island’s municipalities,
Canary archipelago, experiences the highest
especially the airport.
air traffic of all the Canary Islands, handled by
Gran Canaria Airport, the sixth busiest airport Events like the Granca Live Fest celebrated at
in Spain in terms of passenger volume. The the stadium in 2023, which attracted 60,000
airport has direct connections with 14 other people, are an example of the successful
host cities of the FIFA World Cup 2030™. implementation of special transport measures.
The festival triggered a special sustainable
The island’s stadium, the Estadio de Gran
mobility plan that included 25 buses to trans-
Canaria, is located at its capital, Las Palmas,
port audiences to various points in the city
approximately five kilometres from Las
once the performances concluded.
Canteras Beach and Santa Catalina Park, a
13. Safety
and Security
Morocco, Portugal, and Spain offer the ideal world, thanks to its stable political climate, mini-
environment to host the FIFA World Cup 2030™ mal terrorist acts, low crime rate, and infrequent
and celebrate football in a safe atmosphere. The violent demonstrations.
three nations have extensive experience organ-
The official Annual Internal Security Report high-
ising peaceful events, including the 1982 FIFA
lights a 15-year decline in both general and seri-
World Cup™, the 1988 men’s and 2022 wom-
ous violent crime, with the latter making up less
en’s Africa Cup of Nations, and seven UEFA
than 4% of all incidents.
Champions League Finals for both men and
National Republican Guard, and the Counter- Cup™ Central Security Command Centre to
Terrorism Coordination Unit at national, regional, coordinate security among the three govern-
district, and municipal levels. ments, security organs, football federations, the
The Portuguese law enforcement authorities FIFA entity, and local authorities. This centre will
also work in close collaboration with Europol include representatives from local authorities,
on international crime and terrorism issues, for intelligence services, police, gendarmerie, mili-
instance deploying agents abroad during major tary officials, emergency care, fire departments
international sports events, such as the 2024 and football federation security staff from all
UEFA Euro in Germany. three host countries, along with FIFA security
13.3.3. SPAIN
Each country will designate a Country Security
Ensuring the safety of participants, visitors, and Manager as the primary liaison with FIFA and
residents during sports events requires thorough government authorities, serving as key mem-
analysis and planning. In Spain, security forces bers of the Command Centre.
follow Law 19/2007 and Royal Decree 203/2010
to control violence, racism, xenophobia, and The Centre will ensure alignment during prepa-
intolerance in sports. ration, real-time coordination during the event,
and intelligence-sharing before and during the
Spain has a proven capacity for organising major competition. Each country will remain respon-
events with high security standards, as demon- sible for its own security, establishing national
strated during the NATO Summit in Madrid security coordination groups for efficient deci-
(2022) and holding the EU Council Presidency sion-making and real-time action.
(2023) without incidents.
Local operational command posts in each host
The Spanish Police, under the Prüm coopera- city will manage venue and site security.
tion of the EU, collaborates closely with Europol
on terrorism and security at major events. This 13.4.2. An integrated approach covering
includes foreign police working at large events in all risks for all constituent groups
Spain, such as the San Fermín festivities, and the The strategy will incorporate measures to pro-
deployment of Spanish agents to events abroad, tect against risks such as terrorism, crime,
like the recent 2024 UEFA Euro in Germany. hooliganism, fire incidents, structural failures,
Central Security Command Centre
• Intelligence Services • Police, Gendarmerie and fire • Armed Forces
• Security Manager of FIFA department • World Cup Country Security
• Security Manager of Football Managers
14. Health,
Medical and
Doping Control
The YallaVamos Bid promises state-of-the-art systems, strengthening human resources, con-
medical facilities, comprehensive health ser- structing new hospitals, and digitising health.
vices, fully dedicated medical and para-med- In addition, the Mohammed VI Foundation for
ical teams, and robust coordination across Sciences and Health was created in 2023 to
authorities to ensure the highest standards further enhance the national health system by
of wellbeing and care for all the FIFA World promoting advanced medical treatment, higher
Cup™ guests. education, and research. The Foundation
owns two university hospitals in Casablanca,
14.1. Overview of the health system in
has begun the construction of a large univer-
host countries
sity hospital complex in Rabat, and is devel-
Morocco, Portugal and Spain are renowned oping major healthcare infrastructure in line
tourist and event destinations with well-estab- with the highest international standards across
lished medical strategies and ample capacity the kingdom, including in the six host cities in
to accommodate all participants, residents, Morocco.
and tourists. The three host countries are
14.1.2. PORTUGAL
renowned for their strong public health sys-
tems, supported by internationally recognised Portugal has a well-established healthcare
private facilities and national generalised med- system in both the public and private sectors,
ical coverage policies. overseen by the Ministry of Health, which sets
national health policy. The system performs
14.1.1. MOROCCO
highly on various key indicators; for instance,
Morocco’s Ministry of Health and Social Portugal ranked 21st in life expectancy world-
Protection oversees the country’s health sys- wide in 2020, according to the World Health
tem and will coordinate the FIFA World Cup™ Organization.
medical strategy in Morocco. Healthcare is
Geographic accessibility to healthcare facilities
a top priority for the state, with significant
is high, with medical centres and hospitals dis-
improvements seen in recent years, includ-
tributed evenly across urban and rural areas.
ing a tripling of healthcare spending per cap-
ita between 2010 and 2024. This budget now Total health spending represents 10.6% of
constitutes 7% of the government budget, 25% GDP, making Portugal number 13 in OECD’s
of which is allocated to upgrading infrastructure ranking. This represents a 23% increase from
and equipment. 2000 and a 93% jump from 1990, showcasing
the substantial investments made in recent
As part of the continuous development of the
decades both in public and private health
national health offering and coverage, Morocco
has enacted law No. 06-22 in December 2022,
to accelerate future advancements of the
national medical system, such as enhanc-
ing coordination between public and private
create strong protocols, guaranteeing quick 14.6. Dedicated plan for constituent
and effective responses to any medical emer- groups
gencies that may occur.
The YallaVamos Bid will offer expertise and
14.5. Medical care at FIFA World Cup™ accessibility for all constituent groups, ensur-
sites ing swift access to top-tier medical facilities
with multilingual-speaking staff. Local sports
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all par-
physicians will be carefully selected to serve
ticipants during games and events, the three
as dedicated liaisons for each team, facilitat-
countries will develop a comprehensive
ing seamless communication and efficient
approach for medical services at stadiums and
response. They will be in close relationship
venues, addressing the needs of spectators
with identified local experts for teams, officials,
and constituent groups. Dedicated medical
and FIFA representatives, and designated hos-
personnel and ambulances will be present at
pitals within a 20 km radius of each constituent
all sites (stadiums, team base camps, hotels,
groups’ hotels.
FIFA Fan Festival™ sites, etc) in line with FIFA
15. IT&T
15. IT&T
Morocco, Portugal and Spain will rely on their a high level of services and the fostering of
robust IT&T networks and infrastructure to innovation and the development of the sector.
ensure best-in-class stadium operations for
In recent years, Morocco has successfully
FIFA, offer a top-tier fan experience in terms
relied on its IT&T ecosystem to host several
of connectivity, within and outside the stadi-
international events. During these events, the
ums, and make sure that competition and live
country has developed and shown an inter-
content are shared widely across international
nationally-recognized expertise by offering
best-in-class telecommunication services,
15.1. Overview of national IT&T high speed network infrastructure, spectrum
markets administration and ease of importation of tel-
ecommunication equipment. A one-stop shop
15.1.1. MOROCCO
for frequency management, similar to the
The Moroccan telecommunications sector one created in 2023 for the FIFA Club World
is mature and liberalised, with 13 operators, Cup™ or Annual Meetings of the World Bank
including three fixed-line and mobile opera- and IMF and GITEX Africa, will be created for
tors (Maroc Telecom, Orange and Inwi), five the FIFA World Cup 2030™.
operators using VSAT technologies with hubs
across Morocco, three 3RP operators (with Cybersecurity receives special attention in
shared resources operating TETRA networks) Morocco. Since 2012, a Cybersecurity strat-
and four operators offering services provided egy has been developed with the aim to pro-
by GMPCS satellite systems. vide strong defence capabilities for national
information systems. Central to this strategy
Moroccan telecoms players are committed is the Direction Générale de la Sécurité des
to innovation and modernization. In 2023, Systèmes d’Information (DGSSI), a dedicated
25% of total revenue was invested in capital entity directly linked to the Royal Moroccan
expenditure (22.6% in 2022) to keep develop- Armed Forces, under the supervision of the
ing strategic projects like 4G/5G and Fibre-to- delegated ministry of Defence. As of 2024, the
the-Home (FTTH) infrastructures. In the latest DGSSI has a staff of more than 100 manag-
International Telecommunication Union report ers and agents, ensuring robust cybersecurity
published in 2023, Morocco was ranked first measures and infrastructure. Morocco has
in Africa for information and communications signed multiple Cybersecurity cooperation
technology and connectivity. deals with countries such as the United States,
the United Arab Emirates and France. As a
The telecoms sector is regulated by
result of these efforts, Morocco reached the
Agence Nationale de Réglementation des
top 50 rankings on the Global Cybersecurity
Télécommunications (ANRT), a public agency,
Index 2020.
instituted under the Chief of the Government,
guaranteeing fair and healthy competition, As of 2023, Morocco is home to 14 data cen-
tres, certified Tier 3 by the Uptime Institute
Spain has become a data hub with more than network will ensure enhanced connectivity
27 international submarine cables and more and services for users nationwide.
than 144 data centres.
15.2.3. SPAIN
15.2. Mobile networks and The Spanish mobile market is dynamic, with
infrastructure four main operators (Movistar, Vodafone,
15.2.1. MOROCCO Orange, and MasOrange). Additionally,
numerous MVNOs, such as Digi, Lowi o
In Morocco, the three providers of mobile tel-
Simyo, enhance competition, ensuring diverse
ecommunication services are Maroc Telecom
services nationwide, including host cities of
(IAM), Orange and Inwi, with market shares
the FIFA World Cup™ in 2030.
of respectively 35.3%, 32.5% and 32.2%.
Recent expansions have led to a 4G coverage In the broadband mobile market, the top three
rate of 99.41% for the population, with a target – MasOrange (39.7%), Movistar (26.3%),
of 100% in the coming years. To extend con- and Vodafone (23.1%) – dominate market
nectivity even to remote rural areas, national share. As 4G coverage nears 100% of the
roaming has been implemented in 7,300 population, investments have shifted towards
localities as of 2023. By 2030, the aim is to 5G, mainly in the 700 MHz and 3.4-3.8 GHz
achieve a 70% 5G coverage rate across the bands, resulting in a significant increase in
population while 25% of the total population, coverage to reach 82% as of June 2022, while
including the six host cities, will be covered in rural areas, coverage has doubled in one
by 2026. year, reaching 50.52% in the same period.
16. Commercial Information 348
Part D | Commercial
16. Commercial
In 2023, the combined sports industries of the & running (Barcelona and Madrid Marathons,
three host countries generated over USD 6 bil- Rabat Diamonds League, Marathon des
lion in revenue, primarily driven by sponsorships, Sables,…), golf (Hassan II Golf Trophy, The
media rights activities, and ticket sales. Football Lalla Meryem Cup, Open de España, Open de
is, by far, the most popular and profitable sport Portugal…) and esports.
in all three countries, dominating both audience
The FIFA World Cup 2030™ will offer multiple
engagement and revenue generation.
sponsorship opportunities: both local and inter-
The FIFA World Cup 2030™ is set to maximise national brands will benefit from the huge visibil-
revenues thanks to the strategic geographical ity of the competition.
Telefónica Spain La Vuelta, Spanish Grand Prix and Copa Del Rey
Portugal’s Industrial Property Code represents With three of the most famous clubs in the
a detailed legal framework for the protection of world – Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and Atlético
intellectual property in the form of Decree-Law Madrid – La Liga’s rights are worth over USD 1.4
110/2018, dated December 10, with its most billion, making it the second most lucrative foot-
recent version corresponding to Decree-Law ball league for media rights in the world, after the
29/21, dated January 29. English Premier League.
broadcasting Country Major events covered
Botola Pro, Coupe du Trône, Moroccan National Teams,
FUTSAL Africa Cup of Nations, Hassan II Tennis
Arryadia Morocco Yes
Grand Prix, Diamond League – Meeting International,
Al Aoula Morocco No Botola Pro, Coupe du Trône, Moroccan National Teams
Al Maghribiya Morocco No Botola Pro, Coupe du Trône
UEFA Champions League, Premier League, La Liga,
DAZN/Eleven Portugal Yes Bundesliga, Ligue 1, NFL, WTA, PGA Tour, Pro Padel
League, Matchroom, PFL, AEW, Red Bull TV…
F1, MotoGP, WRC, Nascar, Liga Betclic, Liga Sabseg,
Taça de Portugal, Allianz Cup, Serie A, UEFA Europa
Sport TV Portugal Yes
League, UEFA Conference League, UEFA Nations
League, European Qualifiers, NBA, UFC, ATP…
Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC), cre- summary of the match for broadcast exclusively
ated in 2005, ensures the regulation and super- in news programmes and programmes with cur-
vision of all entities that, under the jurisdiction of rent news content. If this summary is less than
the Portuguese state, engage in media activities. 90 seconds, it must be delivered free of charge,
except for the technical expenses necessary
In accordance with Order No. 4214/2012 of
to prepare the summary, which will be paid by
March 22, official matches of the national foot-
the operator interested in the aforementioned
ball team are classified as being of general
public interest, meaning that access should be
granted, by the holders of the respective exclu- 16.8. Overview of the ticketing markets
sive rights who broadcast under a conditional
For the FIFA World Cup 2030™, Morocco,
access regime or without national coverage, to
Portugal, and Spain anticipate record ticketing
operators who broadcast terrestrial with national
revenue with sold-out stadiums for all matches,
coverage and unconditioned access, on a
thanks to the fervour for football in the host coun-
non-discriminatory basis and in accordance with
tries, and their ease of access and appeal for
normal market conditions.
Furthermore, an agreement between the three
Ticketing revenue will also be boosted by pre-
national television networks establishes that
mium experiences, increasingly popular in all
they are required to provide, free of charge,
three countries. These experiences offer addi-
90 seconds of footage of any event, whether
tional perks such as personalised catering
sports-related or not, for which they have exclu-
with private chiefs, access to private bars and
sive broadcasting rights.
receptions, access to business centres’ meeting
16.7.3. SPAIN rooms and specific parking spaces. In Morocco,
the future Grand Stade Hassan II will offer up to
In Spain, the General Audiovisual Law 13/2022,
12,500 VIP / VVIP / Hospitality seats and sky-
of July 7th (Law 13/2022, of July 7th, General
boxes, along with several premium catering
Audiovisual) regulates various aspects related
services. In Portugal, Estádio do Sport Lisboa e
to audiovisual services, such as the provision of
Benfica has 2,500 seats in private boxes while
audiovisual communication services, regulation
Real Zaragoza
Saragossa - La Romareda Spain 18,611 (55%)
(2nd Division)
Seville - La Cartuja Spain - -
Total attendance
Games Date Location
(& attendance rate)
Morocco - Brazil (Men) 25/03/2023 Tangier 63,000 (97%)
Morocco - South Africa (Women) 23/07/2022 Rabat 46,600 (97%)
Morocco - DRC (Men) 29/03/2022 Casablanca 45,000 (98%)
Portugal - Iceland 19/11/2023 Lisboa 45,655 (91%)
Portugal - Slovakia 13/10/2023 Porto 46,601 (93%)
Portugal - Bosnia 17/06/2023 Lisbon 55,058 (85%)
Spain - Scotland 12/10/2023 Seville 45,623 (80%)
Spain - Norway 25/03/2023 Malaga 28,000 (97%)
16.10. Prices for comparable events paying an average ticket price of USD 70 per
concert and USD 140 for a three-day pass.
16.10.1. MOROCCO
Moroccans’ interest in cultural and sporting activ- 16.10.2. PORTUGAL
ities is growing as the number of major events In Portugal, tickets for sporting events such as
hosted in the country multiplies. Fans attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix, held in the Algarve in
the 2022 FIFA Club World Cup™ Final in Rabat 2020, were sold with prices ranging from USD 93
paid between USD 5 and USD 150 to watch to USD 708. Tickets for decisive Championship
Real Madrid beat Al-Hilal 5-3. Each year, more football games, with varying prices, usually sell
than 50,000 people attend Jazzablanca Festival, out. Beyond sports, there are frequent festivals
and music concerts with tickets priced above country, such as El Clásico, that is played twice
USD 100 that sell out. each season, and for which ticket prices range
between USD 100 and USD 600. Similarly, ticket
16.10.3. SPAIN
prices for Primavera Sound, the annual music
In Spain, fans are accustomed to attending festival held in Barcelona, also range between
major sporting events regularly held in the USD 100 and USD 400.
and Human
17. Sustainability and Human Rights 362
Part E | Sustainability and Human Rights
17. Sustainability
and Human Rights
Sustainability and human rights are central against women and girls, combating all forms
pillars of YallaVamos Bid. Morocco, Portugal of discrimination, and safeguarding the human
and Spain are committed to building on their rights of vulnerable individuals and groups, as
respective achievements in these areas and well as implemented strong anti-discrimina-
collaborating closely with FIFA to embed best tion measures.
practices, tailored to national, regional, and
CLIMATE CHANGE: Our countries have
local contexts, into hosting the FIFA World
already displayed a high level of awareness
Cup 2030™.
The three countries have solid constitutional, streamed in the planning, delivery and legacy
legal and institutional frameworks to protect of the event.
and promote fundamental rights. The host
countries are also committed to international
Morocco has also shown a strong track record
human rights standards and practices. They
in managing resettlement and displacement
have developed detailed strategies that will be
issues in compliance with regulations in force.
supported by their three respective independ-
In the FIFA World Cup 2030™ preparations,
ent and pluralistic national human rights insti-
the risk of population displacement due to
tutions, which are compliant with international
infrastructure projects is minimal. Should this
standards, known as the Paris Principles.
risk occur, Morocco will ensure transparent
While each country has its specific context communication regarding expropriation pro-
and unique human rights journey, Morocco, cedures and provide fair compensation to dis-
Portugal and Spain share common objec- placed communities.
tives in their approach to human rights. These
include a commitment to promoting diversity,
Morocco has made considerable strides in
equity and inclusion, ensuring fair treatment
combating discrimination and racism. The
for all individuals, and fostering a safe and
host will encourage anti-discrimination nation-
respectful environment for all.
wide campaigns to raise public awareness
Independent studies conducted by the about diversity and inclusion and provide
Moroccan, Portuguese, and Spanish national appropriate support and resources to insti-
human rights institutions have enriched the tutions and NGOs working against racism
risk mapping process, detailed in the appen- and discrimination.
dix, by identifying potential risks associated
with hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030™.
TION, AND ASSEMBLY: Morocco upholds
The following mitigation measures will be the principles of freedom of expression,
implemented accordingly: association, and assembly, supported by a
constitutional, legislative and institutional
frameworks that enforce these rights. The
host country is committed to continuing
strengthening its existing mechanisms and
ing program on human rights standards for
all security personnel will be also developed. EQUAL TREATMENT AND PROTECTION
Furthermore, Portugal is committed to ensur- OF MINORITIES: Spain has a long-standing
ing that all security measures respect civil commitment to human rights, enshrined in
liberties and that incidents of excessive force its Constitution and supported by numerous
incidents are promptly addressed. international treaties. To address potential
challenges related to racism, racial discrimi-
nation, and intolerance, Spain will continue
to strengthen anti-discrimination policies,
strong commitment to protecting the rights of
will continue conduct training programs for
women, children, and other vulnerable groups.
law enforcement and service providers, and
To enhance these protections, Portugal will
launch public awareness campaigns to pro-
address any case of violence against women,
mote inclusivity and respect for diversity.
partnering with child protection agencies
to prevent exploitation and abuse, conduct CHILDREN’S RIGHTS: Spain has made sig-
awareness campaigns on children’s rights and nificant progress in safeguarding children’s
protection measures, ensure the full inclusion rights through comprehensive legal protec-
and participation of people with disabilities in tions and active partnerships with child pro-
society and take specific measures to protect tection agencies. To further enhance these
the rights of migrants, including the enforce- protections, Spain will take measures to erad-
ment of policy frameworks. icate child and adolescent poverty, implement
policies to combat violence against children
In addition to these specific measures,
and conduct awareness campaigns to safe-
Portugal will reinforce the protection of eco-
guard children’s rights. Specialised training
nomic and social rights for all by enforcing
will be dispensed for personnel working with
legal protections related to access to health-
children and adolescents.
care. Accessible mechanisms for workers to
report and resolve complaints specific to the GENDER EQUALITY: Spain is dedicated
FIFA World Cup 2030™ will be established. to achieving full equality between men and
women, supported by comprehensive pro-
tection measures against gender violence
and trafficking. To further strengthen these
0.07 3.5
(5%) (2%) (100%)
Fans traveling
Stakeholders’ Fans Organization Investments Other emissions Total
traveling expenditures costs
3. FIFA World Cup 2030™ Carbon footprint assessment Report, YallaVamos, June 2030
8% 8%
11% 12%
The main environmental and climate risks The climate risks identified are common to all
associated with the FIFA World Cup 2030™ countries but differ in terms of severity and
have been identified at the national level by likelihood. No related risks stand out as crit-
environmental impact area. These risks are ical, but the following risks have been identi-
assessed based on their severity, consid- fied as significant for our countries: significant
ering potential environmental, reputational, GHG emissions; more extreme and unsea-
and financial damages, and their occurence sonal weather phenomena, fluctuating usual
likelihood informed by past events and future temperatures leading to an increased use of
projections. air cooling.
Factors include previous FIFA World Cup™, The environmental risks identified are also
environmental forecasts, and national objec- common to all countries but differ in terms of
tives. Risks are classified into levels of severity and likelihood.
biodiversity loss.
Objectives include:
• R
educe the climate impact of the FIFA
World Cup 2030™ to contribute to the Paris
Spain Agreement and the UNFCCC Sports for
Climate change Climate Action Framework objective
• R
einforce the resilience of FIFA World Cup
Air emissions
Energy and energy
efficiency 2030™ games and regions (anticipate and
manage climate risks)
• R
educe total energy consumption and shift
towards sustainable and efficient energy in
Waste and circular
economy the operation and organisation of the event
• M
inimise the use of materials and substan-
tially reduce waste generation through the
integration of the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle and Recover)
4. FIFA World Cup 2030™ Potential environmen-
tal and climate impacts identification Report,
YallaVamos, June 2030
• E
nsuring comprehensive drainage, safe
drinking water supplies and accessible drink-
ing water fountains, and effective waste-wa-
ter management for all stadium facilities
• G
uaranteeing sustainable design, build
and operations certifications, notably for
stadiums, permanent offices and overlay
infrastructure (including LEED, HQE and