Week 6

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Week 6


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine
literature (poetry) for clarity of
meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that reflect local
and national identity.
B. Performance Standards The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine poetry (lyric, narrative, dramatic); evaluate
poetry for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal
literary text (poem) that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and
national identity.
C. Learning Competencies Learning Competencies:
and Objectives 1. EN7LIT-I-1 Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within structural
context (figures of speech and sound devices, point of view and narrative techniques, organic
2. EN7LIT-I-2 Analyze the maxims, universal truths, and philosophies presented in the literary text as a
means of valuing other people and their various circumstances in life.
3. EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s meaning and purpose in selecting the type of literary text for composition
4. EN7LIT-I-4 Compose literary texts using appropriate structure.
1. Identify the point of view of the poem and the narrative techniques used in the poem
2. Determine the individual or communal values as reflected by the figures of speech, sound devices,
point of view, narrative techniques, and organic unity
3. Revise the personal poem written by integrating figures of speech, sound devices, point of view, and
narrative techniques
A. Content Analyzing the figures of speech, sound devices, point of view, narrative techniques
B. Integration Patriotism, Gender Equality


Suggested Poem: My Islands by NVM Gonzales
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
1. Define figures of 1. Define sound 1. Define point of view and 1. Define organic unity
speech devices narrative techniques 2. Determine the elements of
2. Label the figure of 2. Identify sound 2. Identify the point of view organic unity in poem
speech used in the devices and narrative techniques 3. Improve the three-line one
poem 3. Improve the three- 3. Improve the three-line stanza adding the elements
3. Improve the three-line line one stanza one stanza adding the of organic unity
one stanza adding the adding the element elements of point of view
element of figures of of sound devices and narrative techniques
Figures of Speech Sound Devices Point of View Organic Unity
(Simile, Metaphor and (alliteration, assonance (First Person, Second Person,
Personification) and onomatopoeia) Third Person)

Narrative Techniques
(Foreshadowing and
Flashback )
A. Activating Prior Arrange Me! Sound Collage Read a Poem Jigsaw Puzzle
The teacher divides the class into a. Provide students with a In tales spun, view from afar, The teacher provides a jigsaw
2 groups. Each group will variety of recordings that First person's thoughts, third's puzzle activity for the learners.
arrange the scrambled letters. feature different sounds (e.g. memoir.
rain, birds chirping, traffic Foreshadowing hints,
SGUREOFSEEPCHEI noise. flashbacks recall,
b. Play each audio clip for the Narrative techniques, in
class and ask learners to stories small.
describe the sounds they hear Through varied eyes, scenes
and how they make them feel. unfold,
Point of view, narrative's gold.
In every tale, techniques
Bringing stories to life, in a

B. Establishing Lesson KWL Chart What to do? Guide Questions Guide Questions:
a. Distribute a KWL (Know, Discuss how sound can be 1. What is the poem all about? 1. How do you feel about the
Want to know, Learned) chart or used to create atmosphere, set 2. How does the poem activity?
create one on the board. a scene, or convey emotions describe different ways of 2. Based on the activity, what is
in poetry. telling stories in poem? our lesson for today?
2. Ask students to brainstorm
what they already know about
figures of speech and write down
their ideas under the "Know"

3. Then, prompt them to list

what they want to know or learn
about figures of speech in the
"Want to know" column.

C. Developing and Gallery Walk Poetry Analysis Poem Analysis Literary Circle Discussions
a. Prepare a gallery of images or a. Select a short poem that Ask the students to read a. Divide students into small
Understanding excerpts from texts that contain incorporates sound devices a poem and identify the groups and assign each group a
examples of different figures of such as alliteration, elements of point of view different poems to discuss.
speech (simile, metaphor, and assonance, and and narrative techniques.
personification). onomatopoeia. b. Instruct students to analyze
the assigned text, paying close
b. Display the images or texts b. Distribute copies of the attention to how the various
around the classroom. poem to students and ask elements of the poem interact to
them to read it silently. create a unified whole.
c. Divide students into small
groups and give each group a set c. Then, read the poem aloud c. Encourage students to
of sticky notes. as a class, paying attention to consider questions such as "How
the sounds and patterns in the do the characters, plot, and
d. Instruct students to walk language. setting work together to convey
around the room, examine each the theme of the story?
example, and write down any d. Allow the learners to
figures of speech they recognize identify the sound devices
or can infer from the text or used in the poem.
e. Lead a discussion on how
e. After the gallery walk, the sound devices enhance the
reconvene as a class to discuss poem's meaning, mood, and
the examples and compare overall impact.
students' observations.

D. Making After the lesson, revisit the chart Exit Slip Exit Slip Exit Slip
Generalizations to fill in the "Learned" column
with new information and
insights gained.
A. Evaluating Learning Improve the three-line one stanza Improve the three-line one stanza Improve the three-line one stanza Improve the three-line one stanza
poem adding at least one poem adding at least one poem adding at least one poem giving consideration to
example of figure of speech. example of sound devices. example of point of view and elements of organic unity.
narrative techniques.
B. Teacher’s Remarks Note observations on any
of the following areas:
strategies explored
materials used
learner engagement/
C. Teacher’s Reflection Reflection guide or prompt
can be on:
 principles behind
the teaching
What principles
 students ways

Prepared by:
 Marissa G. Valoria, Principal IV, Sinait National High School
 Mercedes T. Viloria, Head Teacher III, San Juan National High School
 Allen D. Abo, Teacher III, Magsingal National High School
 Maribel N. Galuardo, Head Teacher III, Santa Maria National High School
 Karrina June A. Panelo, Master Teacher I, Tagudin National High School

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