Week 5

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Week 5 +


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine
literature (poetry) for clarity of
meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that reflect local
and national identity.
B. Performance Standards The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine poetry (lyric, narrative, dramatic); evaluate
poetry for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal
literary text (poem) that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and
national identity.
C. Learning Competencies Learning Competencies:
and Objectives 1. EN7LIT-I-1 Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within structural
context (tone, mood, and style)
2. EN7LIT-I-2 Analyze the maxims, universal truths, and philosophies presented in the literary text as a
means of valuing other people and their various circumstances in life.
3. EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s meaning and purpose in selecting the type of literary text for composition
4. EN7LIT-I-4 Compose literary texts using appropriate structure.

A. Content Analyzing tone, mood, and style in the poem as expressions of individual and communal values
B. Integration Social Issues, Equality


Suggested Poem: Tit for Tat by H.O. Santos


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
1. Define tone and mood 1. 1. Differentiate tone 1. Define style 1. Revise the personal poem
2. Identify the tone and from mood 2. Identify Style written by clearly
mood from the given 2. Revise the personal 3. Determine the establishing its style
poems poem written by individual or communal
3. Determine the providing tone and mood values as reflected by the
individual or tone, mood, and style in
communal values as the poem
reflected by the tone,
mood in the poem

Tone and Mood Tone and Mood Styles Styles

(Formal Poetry, Free Verse, (Formal Poetry, Free Verse,
Narrative Poetry, and Lyric Narrative Poetry, and Lyric
Poetry) Poetry)
A. Activating Prior Music and EMO Poetry Read-Aloud
a. Play several pieces of music a. Select poems from different
with different moods or styles and have students take
emotional tones (e.g., upbeat and turns reading them aloud.
cheerful, somber and
melancholic, suspenseful and
tense, etc.).

b. Ask students to listen to each

piece of music and write down
the emotions or moods they
associate with it.

B. Establishing Lesson Facilitate a class discussion Discuss how each poem's

Proper where students share their style affects its sound, rhythm,
responses and analyze how the and emotional impact.
music creates mood through Encourage students to pay
elements such as tempo, melody, attention to how the style
harmony, and instrumentation. shapes their reading
Connect this discussion to how
authors use similar techniques in
writing to establish tone and

C. Developing and Tone and Mode Analysis Poetry Stations

Deepening a. Select a poem with a clear a. Set up stations around the
Understanding tone and mode and guide classroom, each with a
students through a close analysis different style of poetry.
of the poem.
b. At each station, provide
b. Discuss how specific words, examples, definitions, and
phrases, and literary devices analysis questions.
contribute to the overall tone and
mode of the poem. c. Have students rotate
through the stations in small
c. Encourage students to support groups, exploring and
their interpretations with discussing each style.
evidence from the poem.

D. Making Compare and contrast tone Exit Slip Exit Slip

Generalizations and mode using a Venn


A. Evaluating Learning Revise the original poem written Revise the original poem written
by establishing the elements of by establishing the element of
tone and mood. styles.
B. Teacher’s Remarks Note observations on any
of the following areas:
strategies explored
materials used
learner engagement/
C. Teacher’s Reflection Reflection guide or prompt
can be on:
 principles behind
the teaching
What principles
 students ways

Prepared by:
 Marissa G. Valoria, Principal IV, Sinait National High School
 Mercedes T. Viloria, Head Teacher III, San Juan National High School
 Allen D. Abo, Teacher III, Magsingal National High School
 Maribel N. Galuardo, Head Teacher III, Santa Maria National High School
 Karrina June A. Panelo, Master Teacher I, Tagudin National High School

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