Mind Map-Factors of Learning and L2 Acquisition

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Subtractive: replacement of

L1 with L2, due to learner

having a low estimation of
In the normative view, their own ethnic identity
-Those who begin
a key concept states and wishing to assimilate Semilingualism: Learner has
after the age of 1.5
that the more distant into the new culture a negative attitude towards
years are less likely to
the cultures of the both cultures and
develop the same
native and the target languages
grammatical ability as
languages are, the
those who begin
more difficult L2
learning is,

From the socio-

psychological view,
attitudes that learners hold Additive bilingualism: -Learners who
Different studies
towards the learning of the Maintain L2 and add L2, commence learning an
showed that working The types of language L2 reflect the intersection due to learner having a L2 after the onset of
class children tended use working class of their views about their positive view of both puberty are unlikely to
to drop L2 after the experience at home own ethnic identity aabout cultures acquire a native-speaker Men may be less sensitive
second year while differs from that found in the target language culture accent to new forms but once
middle class ones the classroom and thus they’ve started to use
were likely to puts them in an them they are less likely
continue immediate disadvantage to reject them , perhaps
in comparison to higher because they are less
class likely to notice them

Women are more
sensitive to new forms
and more likely to
Contrasting life
incorporate them into
SOCIAL CLASS their speech, but when
eventually lead to
they become aware of
different levels of
the change, they are
school achievement
inclined to reject them


Certain students will be

unfairly prevented from
receiving whatever FACTORS OF
advantages may accrue
from knowledge of other LEARNING
languages. -Such as expecting the
AND introverted learner to do better,
However opinions about or expecting the extroverted to
aptitude can have ACQUISITION get better results for their
enormous impact,
sometimes negative OF L2 engagement in talking and
implications in our
social activity
everyday lives if wrongly -There are predisposed,
applied opposite expectations
Aptitude is regarding the stereotypes of
consistently seen as the extroverted and introverted Nonetheless there are good
Aptitude measures can
be used to discourage learner reasons to think that both
the best predictor of
individuals from extroversion and introversion
language learning
studying foreign lead to success in second
languages APTITUDES language learning, although in
Also not only does family
background correlate with
second language aptitude,
but it also correlates quite
highly with foreign language
achievement. Most successful learners use a
variety of modalities in learning, -Visual learners are those who
as would be expected. In this take in information visually.
way they can accommodate to
the various modes in which Auditory learners are those who
incoming information is prefer to take in information
processed. auditorily

MOTIVATION -Kinesthetic (or even tactile)

learners are better when the
whole body is involved or when
Social factors help to
objects can be manipulated,
shape them and in turn
influence the outcomes.
such as in lab
numerous studies have provided
statistical evidence that
indicates motivation is a
predictor of language-learning
Learners with positive
attitudes who Favourable
experience success will Positive attitudes attitude
have these attitudes enhance learning and
negative ones impede
A goal
Learners’ negative It also appears to be the second
attitudes may be strongest predictor of success,
strengthened by lack of trailing only aptitude and
success involves four aspects:
Desire for
Comes from
the goal motivation, of which
integrativeness is
Learners attitudes may
Achievement one component, and
predispose them to Effortful
make efforts to learn aptitude
the L2 or not to do so

-Effort consists of a number of factors,

including an inherent need to
achieve, good study habits, and the desire to
please a teacher or parent.

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