Literature and Philosophy

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Level: Secondary Education : Year Two (SE2)

Streams : Literature and Philosophy

Time devoted: LE : 4 hours

At the end of SE2, the learner will be able to produce written messages / texts of descriptive,
narrative, argumentative and prescriptive types of about 15 lines, using written or oral support.
1- Diversity
2-Make Peace
3- Poverty and World Resources
4- Science or Fiction
5- Disasters and Safety
Theme Learning T. C SARSed Activities RESOURCES Integration & Time
Unit Topic objectives Communicative tasks/activities Assessment
1 (oral/written)

Diagnostic assessment ( exit profile – entry profile) 18 h

Project outcomes: Making a profile including a list of things and thoughts which teenagers used to do and 1- Assessment
think that they no longer do and have, and predictions for the future should occur at
regular intervals

during the
sequence and at

the end of the

sequence in

addition to
designated exam

2-After 3/4 weeks

of teaching,
learners must be
trained on how to
mobilize their
resources and
reinvest them in a
situation, through
pair work or group
SWBA To: -read a text to study some language - used to...

Interacting Interpreting Producing

Lifestyles -Identify and define the points and use them. -Going to + stem planning
concept of diversity. - talk about pre-arranged plans or to + stem
- Explore, compare intentions intend to + Stem
cultural differences -write a policy Homophones/
among people and their - Talk about weather Homonyms/final “s”
lifestyles throughout predictions/medicine dvpt to brainstorm Stress shift from noun to
time the topic. adj
-Compare people’s - Write a short dialogue predicting what -formation of adj
values and accept them might happen in different fields/ Make a - degree of certainty: might/
as they are. short commentary on the radio talk might well, may...
-Explore the different - Write a paragraph about their town and -Relative pronouns,
contributions of people possible changes in peoples’ lifestyles in defining vs non-defining
in the world in many the future relative clauses.
fields. - Interact with pupils about the difference - Comparatives and
-Define the concept of in food habits between the past and now superlatives
twin towns. - Identify techniques of avoiding -Link words comparing /
-Lexis related to the repetition (Synonyms /antonyms /relative contrasting
topic pronouns ) (Refer to the programme)
- compare and contrast people’s clothing

Unit Theme Learning objectives T. C SARSed Activities RESOURCES Integration & Time
2 Topics Assessment
Project outcomes: To write a statement of achievements about Nobel Peace Prize winners 1- Assessment 18 h
Peace and

should occur at
regular intervals
during the
sequence and at
Conflict Resolution

the end of the

sequence in
addition to
designated exam

2-After 3/4 weeks

of teaching,
learners must be
trained on how to
mobilize their

resources and
reinvest them in a
situation, through
pair work or group
SWBA To: - interact about conflicts, peace , -acronyms and abbreviations

-Define the word conflict and list solutions , using pictures, video... - ability and possibility using
types of conflicts (family, - express ability and “can”
classroom, community, world). possibility(using“can”) - verb idiom “be able to” in
-Discuss and identify the sources - Use idiom “be able to” as substitute
Make Peace

different tenses
of conflict. to “can” (future, present perfect, etc...)
- could/managed to”
-figure on ways for conflicts -Use “managed to” to express the

resolutions notion of “achievement / fulfilment” - Intonation in polite requests

-discover and use lexis related to - identify the different functions of the andQQ
peace and conflict modal “can” and its substitutes (act 2 p -primary stress in connected
-discover and discuss the role of is all right) speech
intern. Org. (UNO) in settling - write a poem for a UNESCO - Criticize/ apologize
these issues competition to denounce prejudice. -Should (not) have + PP(v)
-Recognize bias and prejudice - oral interaction about daily conflicts - obligation: Must / have to /
-write a poem denouncing and their context (to bring about had to + stem
Unit Theme SARSed Integration &
Learning objectives T. C RESOURCES Time
3 /Topics Activities Assessment
Project outcome: Writing a charter against poverty Making a poster with alternative energies
SWBA To: Demonstrate -Explain the concept of -Passive voice Modals: Make a poster with

awareness and understanding sustainable development. could/must/should/ ought to/in alternative energy
of the issue of sustainable -Recognize the greatest order to/so as to/ so that.. sources, using slogans in
development conservation challenges -Sequencers: first, then…. favour of sustainable
-Explain the concept of
-Discuss the reasons of Why don’t you? if I were you… development.
Poverty and World Resources

sustainable development
and its relation with
poverty in the world and You’d better… It would help - Make a survey on how

environmental issues list reasons and ways for if… natural resources are
the preservation of Present perfect; Present and past distributed in the world
Waste not, Want not

- identify natural resources

in your country and in the natural resources simple (water, fish, minerals,
world -Write a press release -Passive voice Modals wood, plants, etc.)
- explore ways natural -Write the presentation of could/must/should/ ought to/ in - Make a map of
resources are shared in your solar home order to/so as to/ so that... endangered species 18 h

country and in the world -Analyse the impact of -Suggesting: Could/ May/might - Design a survival/ life-
-Discuss and suggest a fair technological -Form nouns (poor/poverty) kit (when all natural
way of sharing non- development on people hungry/scarce /homeless resources are used up)
renewable sources of energy
-Write a paragraph using -‘The’ (before collective nouns - Write a charter against
-Discuss the issue of equality
and sharing wealth
the four types of (the poor) poverty
(solidarity towards deprived sentences studied in the -Final’s ‘as /s/ (helps/meets)
people). reading passage -Final ’ed’ as /id/ (added),
- Enrich their lexical memory - class debate /d/(studied/wanted), /t/ helped,
with new words related to the - use advert / commercial worked
topic of the unit. -newspaper / magazine (Refer to the program)
Unit Theme/ Learning Targeted Integration &
SARSed Activities RESOURCES Time
4 Topics objectives Competency Assessment
Project outcomes : Writing Miscellanies /Writing a repertory of inventions and discoveries. 1- Assessment 15 h
should occur at
Technology and the Arts

regular intervals
during the
sequence and at
the end of the
sequence in
addition to
designated exam

2-After 3/4 weeks

of teaching,
learners must be
trained on how to
mobilize their
resources and
reinvest them in a
situation, through
pair work or group
S SWBA To: Past form of may/can is  If conditional types 2&3

Interacting Interpreting producing

C -explain the concept of omitted Present perfect
I science fiction  Past perfect
E - describe book covers/ watch - Review the past simple and If only
N videos related to fiction past perfect tense
-list and discuss the topics of Adverbs: well+ past
C -Note taking participle
E - read a newspaper article Well-informed
about science fiction and  Compound words
O identify the basis  Phrasal & prepositional
R of sci-fi. Instead of personal lament
- Give advice / write about an environmental
express regrets/ wishes  Emphatic stress(do/did)
F issue.
I -Write a newspaper article  Rising & falling
speculating intonation with unfinished
-Ask for and give statement
T explanations in a
I (Refer to the program)
conversation and speculate
O -Write a commentary.
N -Write and recite a poem
-Write an autobiography/
people who contributed to the
welfare of humanity

Theme T
Unit SARSed Activities Integration &
/ Learning objectives . RESOURCES
5 Assessment Time
Topics C
No Man

Project outcomes: conducting a survey 1- Assessment should 18 h

occur at regular
intervals during the
sequence and at the
an Islandis

end of the sequence

in addition to
designated exam

2-After 3/4 weeks of

teaching, learners must
be trained on how to
mobilize their resources
and reinvest them in a
situation, through pair
work or group work.
D SWBA To: Additional activities to: -Reporting statements

I -Explain the importance of 1-Discovering language(mcq/ / questions / orders
safety rules and conduct matching /cohesive markers/T-F) (past tenses)
(especially in disasters). 2-listening and speaking:(table filling). -Had better-ought to-
A -List types of disasters and 3-reading and writing: should-if I were you…
S where they occur -choosing gist -Link words
T - Ask for and give advice on -reordering ideas expressing cause

Interpretive Productive
E information on the right -True/false -Topical lexis
R behaviour during a disaster -find synonyms
- Write a report -close passage. -silent letters
- Quote someone -listening to a radio interview. -Final /ed/
- Express interest and -managing through a conversation. pronunciation
& surprise -taking turns in an interview.
- Disagree politely - reading a report (Refer to the
S - conduct an interview and -interpreting a pie chart. program)
A report its results -writing a public announcement.
-Write a report using a pie -writing an opinion article.
E - Write a public
T announcement on
Y earthquake safety measures.
-Write an opinion article

- RESOURCE MATERIALS: Textbook (Getting Through), extra text, pictures.
I.S.B.N. 9947/06 n° Depot legal 245 2006
Note: If the teacher considers that some (or all) of the tasks suggested in the textbook do not suit a particular group of
students, they should feel free to resort to ‘Teacher-produced materials’ to cater for different learning styles.
The teaching Unit is to be covered within about 18 hours. 13hours for teaching/learning and 5 hours are to be exploited in
Remedial activities and Project monitoring and presentation

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