Lang 200064
Lang 200064
Lang 200064
[email protected] N/A By Appointment
Jane Yang
Subsidiary aim
In this class, students will have opportunity to
1. Improve listening comprehension skills: Students will listen to different types of stories and
descriptions from cultures all around the world. This will help students improve their listening
comprehension as they practice listening to dialogues, conversations, short stories, and lectures of
each unit in this course.
2. Develop speaking fluency: Students will get to express their own opinions and share personal
experiences about different cultural topics covered in class. They will also practice describing, telling
stories and giving short speeches about what they learned in class. This will help students become
more confident in speaking English.
3. Enhance communicative skills and strategies: Students will participate in discussions on daily
topics, role play, question-asking game and interview activity. This will help them understand real-
life English conversations. They will learn how to clarify misunderstandings, negotiate meanings,
and summarize what they hear.
4. Develop critical thinking through discussions: Students will have discussions about different
cultural topics in class. They will analyze different points of view and learn how to express their own
ideas. This will help students become better at thinking critically about cultural diversity.
CEFR Can-do statements
請參閱 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs。
B1 Can understand straightforward factual information about common EGP
everyday or job-related topics, identifying both general messages EOP
and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a
generally familiar accent. [overall listening comprehension]
B1 Can follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics
provided these are delivered in clearly articulated standard dialect.
[listening as a member of a live audience]
B1 Can repeat back part of what someone has said to confirm mutual
understanding and help keep the development of ideas on course.
Can invite others into the discussion. [cooperating]
B1+ Can exploit a basic repertoire of language and strategies to help
keep a conversation or discussion going. [cooperating]
B1+ Can summarize the point reached in a discussion and so help focus
the talk. [cooperating]
B1+ Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he/she has just said.
[asking for clarification]
B1 Can work out how to communicate the main point(s) he/she wants
to get across, exploiting any resources available and limiting the
message to what he/she can recall or find the means to express.
B1 Has enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express
him/herself with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics
Communicative Language
5. 善用英語學習資源,培養獨立學習英語的習慣與能力 (ability to use existing English
learning resources and develop of independent self-learning habit) 15%
1. Class attendance, lesson preparation and active class participation are required.
*I will take attendance once in a while throughout the semester. If you are all present whenever
I call the roll, you will get 90 (i.e. the primitive score) in this category (i.e. Class attendance). If
you are absent for two hours, ten points will be deducted from this primitive score. If you are
absent in case of uncontrollable situations (e.g. illness, emergency, important occasions, etc.),
please give me the valid proof WITHIN TWO WEEKS. Your health insurance card with correct
stamp of date by accredited hospitals can be seen as a valid proof. Being late for more than
___10__ minutes is treated as absence from that hour (five points will be deducted). If you are
absent for more than __8_ hours, you will definitely be flunked.
2. Absence from a class is no excuse for not knowing the assignment and what has been discussed
in that class. It is your responsibility to ask your classmates or me what has been covered in
the class.
3. Cheating on the exam is absolutely not permitted. If someone is found cheating on an exam, it
means he/she will get a zero point for that exam.
4. There will be no make-up exams unless you have valid and official reasons for absence
5. The handouts I give you should be kept at least to the end of this semester for later reference or
final exam.
6. Please turn off your cell phone during the two-hour class period.
2. Midterm Exam 20 %
3. Final Exam 25 %
4. Quizzes 15 %
Teaching Activities:
Students must briefly explain how generative AI was used for topic ideation,
sentence refinement, or structural reference in the footnotes of the title
page or after the reference in their assignments or reports. If usage is
discovered without proper disclosure, instructors, the institution, or relevant
units have the right to reevaluate the assignment or report or withhold
scores. If the course materials or learning resources have been derived from
generative AI, the instructor will also indicate this in the slides or orally.
Students enrolled in this course agree to the above ethics statement if
registering for the class.
Classroom Languages:
English 70 %
Mandarin 30 %
Detailed Syllabus:
Language Focus: Simple Present describing a series of
Tense with Adv of Frequency events)
p.26-28 (Discussion Leader) c Taking notes
Activity: Discussion (Animal and
your life, Animal protection)
Content Focus: Food diversity:
Unit 6: What are
taste, ingredients, main grains
some typical foods
4 9/26 Language Focus: Nouns
from around the
p. 36-38(Discussion Leader)
Content Focus: Special cuisines c Using narrative
around the world: Food and descriptive
preferences in different countries language (clearly
Unit 6: What are
Language Focus: Nouns describing a series of
some typical foods
5 10/3 (Uncountable/countable) events)
from around the
p. 39-40 (Discussion Leader)
Activity: Reserving a table and
Ordering food in a restaurant
Activity: Question-asking skill: 20
question game
Content Focus: Features, reasons, c Following
and functions, and history of descriptions of
popular houses in different places processes and
around the world sequences
Unit 13: What are
Language Focus: Simple Present
11 11/14 some different kinds
Non-action verbs
of houses?
Activity: Sharing your room or
house or dream living place
Content Focus: Popular houses in c Following
different places around the descriptions of
world/features, reasons, and processes and
functions, and history sequences
Unit 13: What are
Language Focus: Simple Present c Following
12 11/21 some different kinds
Non-action verbs discussions between
of houses?
(p.94-95) multiple speakers
Activity: Sharing your room or
house or dream living place
Content Focus: Gift-giving culture c Using narrative
around the world and descriptive
Unit 5: What do you
Language Focus: Comparative language (clearly
13 11/28 know about gift
Adjectives describing a series of
p. 29-31 events)
Activity: Small Presentation #3
Content Focus: Gift-giving culture c Following
around the world/preferences discussions between
and taboos multiple speakers
Language Focus: Comparative
Unit 5: What do you
14 12/5 know about gift
p. 32-33
Activity: Discuss in pairs and
groups for gift-giving taboos in
c c ■ c ■ c
c c c c ■ c
■ c ■ ■ c
c Academic Writing
■ Attention to Detail ■ Brainstorming ■ Collaborating
■ Critical Thinking ■ Debate c Editing
■ Information Gathering
Teachers may indicate the relevancy of the units or the themes in this course to the Sustainable Development
Goals, which were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the
year 2030.
Teacher may indicate the academic skills taught or practiced in this course.
■ Listening ■ Note Taking c Organizing
■ Peer Review
■Presentations ■ Public Speaking c Reading Comprehension
c Discussing the meaning and implications of numerical data
c Using statistical data in support of claims
c Referring to graphics in support of claims
c Describing research findings
c Expanding academic vocabulary and knowledge of definitions and parts of words (prefixes,
suffixes, roots, etc.)
Vocabulary & Grammar
c Getting familiar with discourse patterns (the structure of persuasive, argumentative, and
informative texts)
c Discussing the meaning and implications of numerical data
c Using statistical data in support of claims
c Referring to graphics in support of claims
c Describing research findings
c Expanding academic vocabulary and knowledge of definitions and parts of words (prefixes,
suffixes, roots, etc.)
Vocabulary & Grammar
c Getting familiar with discourse patterns (the structure of persuasive, argumentative, and
informative texts)