JEAP - Urwatil Wuskha
JEAP - Urwatil Wuskha
JEAP - Urwatil Wuskha
3 (2023)
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1. Introduction
One of the biggest environmental issues facing the globe today is plastic garbage. In spite
of the fact that the average time spent using plastic is less than 25 minutes, the use of plastic
How to cite:
S. Andi, A.Z. Syafri, and B.A. Hamka, 2019, Thin film by aluminum using spin coating Sol-Gel techniques,
Journal of Experimental and Applied Physics, Vol.1, No.1, page 1-4. 1
Wuskha, et al.
generates hundreds of millions of tons annually [1]. Plastic degrades at a pace of more than
100 years, although only 9% of it is recycled [2]. In Indonesia, environmental problems also
come from synthetic plastic waste. According to information received from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry's Directorate General of trash Management, Waste, and B3 (Ditjen
PSLB3), Indonesia's trash volume reached 68.5 million tons in 2021 and 70 million tons in
2022. In Indonesia, the volume of plastic waste is quite high and needs serious handling.
Methods that are usually used to destroy other types of waste such as incineration and
burial are not suitable for destroying plastic waste. While burying plastics in the ground
cannot eliminate plastics since they are not biodegradable, When burned, certain plastics can
release harmful substances into the atmosphere. Pyrolysis (burning), a high-temperature
breakdown process, frequently releases toxic gases. As a result, the accumulation of plastics
in the environment has serious negative effects on the planet today and in the future. Because
they disrupt the carbon dioxide cycle, interfere with composting, and increase harmful
emissions, plastics have a negative impact on the environment [3].
Currently used synthetic plastics are not biodegradable and come from non-renewable
petrochemical sources, which endanger the environment. To overcome this, alternatives are
needed that can replace the use of conventional plastics that are more environmentally
friendly, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Creating biodegradable plastics utilizing biopolymers
like starch, gluten, and guar gum is one option. One of the materials that can be used as
biodegradable is taro starch. Starch from taro tubers has a high starch content of 80% [4].
Taro tubers contain both amylose and amylopectin in their starch. When heated, the
amylopectin fraction present in taro starch has a strong gel and great elasticity because it has a
high proportion of short chains and a long average chain length [5].
Making bioplastics successfully depends on a number of variables, including the
amount of starch and the plasticizer utilized. Research conducted [6] showed that starch-based
bioplastics alone have very low mechanical properties. The addition of plasticizers has the
potential to increase film resistance, flexibility, and reduce brittleness. Glycerol is the most
widely used plasticizer because of its stability and safety. Because it has hydroxyl groups,
CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) is biodegradable and can bind and absorb water.
Controlling water content, improving texture, and increasing stability requires CMC [7].
There are already a number of studies on the creation of biodegradable materials from
taro starch in the literature, such as the creation of biodegradable polymers reinforced with
bentonite [8], with the addition of chitosan and calcium silicate fillers, the production and
characterisation of biodegradable plastics from taro tubers (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) [9],
Considering the impact of plasticizers like chitosan and glycerol in the production of
biodegradable polymers from taro starch [10]. However, there are not many studies that
utilize CMC as a filler to produce biodegradable films with taro starch as the base material.
Determining the impact of boosting CMC concentration with glycerol plasticizer based on the
physical traits of biodegradable plastic produced from taro starch was the aim of this
biodegradation. Taro tubers from the Solok Regency region of Indonesia were used to
produce the starch used in this study, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) as a filler, glycerol as
a plasticizer, distilled water, and soil as a biodegradable plastic biodegradation test medium.
The tools used are analytical scales, hotplate, magnetic stirrer, spray bottle, thermometer,
oven, sieve, mortar and pestle, knife, blender, 100 ml measuring cup and 250 ml beaker,
stirring rod, 20 cm x 15 cm aluminum mold and tensile strength and elongation test
In this research there are several processes that must be carried out as shown in Figure 1.
The following are the steps taken in making biodegradable plastic from taro starch: Taro
tubers as much as 1 kg were peeled, then washed thoroughly and then blended with a ratio of
water and taro 2: 1. After that, it was filtered and separated between pulp and liquid. The
remaining pulp was blended again with 1 liter of water and dried. Liquids 1 and 2 were mixed
and then sedimented in a container for 5 hours and dried.
The process of making biodegradable plastic: 5 g of taro starch was put into a 250 ml
beaker containing 100 ml distilled water. After that, 3 ml of glycerol, and CMC 15% w/w
starch were added according to the treatment. The mixture was heated at 75 ℃ using a hot
plate for 30 minutes. The solution was poured into a 20 cmx 20 cm mold and placed in an
oven at 55 ℃ for 5 hours. The addition of CMC is expected to increase the tensile strength,
elongation, and biodegradable properties of cellulose films.
This tensile strength test aims to determine the effect between the composition of the
forming material or filler material on the tensile strength value produced [11]. The instrument
used for tensile strength testing is Com Ten Testing Machine. Elongation testing of
bioplastics is done by comparing the additional length that occurs with the length of the
material before the tensile test. From the results of this elongation test, it will be known the
level of material extensibility with changes in composition made during treatment [11].
This water resistance test's goal is to ascertain the regularity of the polymer's bonds,
which can be done by calculating the percentage of weight gain after swelling and [12]. This
test is carried out by cutting the sample with a size of 5 cm x 2.5 cm, then weighing the initial
weight of the sample to be tested and then inserted into a Petri dish containing 10 ml of
distilled water for 1 minute. The sample that has been soaked is then removed and dried using
a tissue, after which the final weight of the sample is weighed so that the percentage of water
absorbed is obtained.
The biodegradability test aims to determine when the plastic samples that have been
made begin to degrade. The biodegradation test uses soil as a medium in the degradation
process. Samples measuring 5 cmx2.5 cm were planted in a container that already contained
soil and the container was left open in the open air without closed glass. Samples were
monitored every three days until they had totally deteriorated, the bioplastic sheet had either
blended with the soil or was no longer visible.
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
Figure 2. Plastic shape of variation of CMC addition (a. 15%, b. 20%, c. 25%, d.30%, e.
The biodegradable plastic created by combining taro starch and CMC has a brownish
yellow color and a slightly rough surface structure, as can be seen in Figure 2. It demonstrates
the impact of the addition of CMC concentration on the tensile strength value of
biodegradable plastic from taro starch based on the tensile strength test data. The graph below
displays the outcome of taro starch additions of up to 5 grams with CMC changes of 15%-
35% w/w starch as indicated in Figure 3.
35%; 7.23
30%; 6.08
Tensile Strength (MPa)
According to Figure 3, the tensile strength value of biodegradable plastic improved when
the CMC content of 15%-35% w/w starch increased. The addition of CMC up to 35% w/w
starch resulted in the maximum tensile strength value, which was 7.23 MPa. According to the
research findings, the tensile strength value of the bioplastics produced has complied with the
requirements of the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), which is a standard that ranges from 1
to 10 MPa. The addition of CMC concentration produces an increase in the production of
matrix constituent polymers and a strengthening of the attraction force between starch
molecules and CMC, which results in an increase in the tensile strength value of
biodegradable plastics. Consequently, a stronger biodegradable plastic will be generated.
The findings of this study are consistent with other research's findings [13] showing that
the tensile strength of bioplastics in their research generally tends to increase along with the
increase in the amount of CMC added. The tensile strength of manufactured biodegradable
plastics can be increased by CMC. The molecular interactions between the CMC and the
starch employed and the addition of glycerol resulted in the greatest increase in tensile
strength, which was attained by adding starch and CMC in a ratio of 7:3 [14].
Figure 4 illustrates how CMC addition affected the biodegradable plastic made from taro
starch's elongation value.
Total CMC
10.24 12.57 10.41 16.31 17.84
Figure 4 illustrates how the elongation value of biodegradable plastic grew when
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) concentration rose from 15% to 35% w/we starch. The
greater the elongation value obtained, the better the bioplastic produced because it is more
elastic and not easily torn. The elongation value increased along with the addition of
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) concentration up to 1.2% (w/w) of lindur starch [15].
Elongation value of bioplastics from their research also increased as the concentration of
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Based on the results of his research, the highest elongation
percent value is 99.9% with the addition of CMC as much as 16% w/w starch and the lowest
elongation result is 12.4% with the addition of CMC as much as 5% [16].
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is hydrophilic causing its use in large quantities will
increase the ability to bind water better so that the gel matrix can increase the percent
elongation of the bioplastic film formed. The use of glycerol as a plasticizer also affects the
elongation value because glycerol plasticizers are able to increase the stretching of the
intramolecular space of the matrix structure, increasing the flexibility and elasticity of
polymer chains in bioplastics [13].
The purpose of the water resistance test is to identify the presence of bonds in the
polymer and their strength or regularity, which is assessed by the amount of weight the
polymer gains when inflated. The shape of the sample after the water resistance test can be
seen in Table 1.
From Table 1, it can be seen that the more concentration of CMC added, the easier the
plastic absorbs water. The following graph shows the effect of adding CMC with 5 grams of
taro starch to the percent water absorption of biodegradable plastics as shown in Figure 4.
CMC amount (%
25 w/b starch)
Water Absorption
15 (%)
1 2 3 4 5
From Figure 5, it can be seen that the water resistance of bioplastics in this study tends to
decrease along with the addition of CMC concentration. Bioplastics that easily bind to water
compounds have poor water resistance (high water absorption). Plastic samples with poor
water resistance can be improved by adding up to 35% w/w starch to the CMC concentration.
The resulting biodegradable plastic has hydrophilic properties because it tends to absorb water
around it. From the data analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the more the
concentration of CMC added, the water resistance decreases. This is because CMC has a high
water binding ability besides that the material used is also hydrophilic so that it easily absorbs
water and the glycerol plasticizer used is also hydrophilic, so that the resulting plastic has a
high level of softness.
Previous research using mung beans as a source of starch reported that the more
concentration of CMC added, the greater the amount of water bound to the edible packaging
of mung bean starch which resulted in an increase in the water content of the edible packaging
itself [17]. The concentration of CMC added affects the high water absorption by bioplastics
[12]. Where the highest water absorption results are in a 1.5% CMC addition and a 0.5%
CMC addition produced the smallest amount of CMC, the higher the concentration of CMC
added, the higher the water absorption, this is because CMC has hydrophilic properties.
Research on the use of carboxymethyl cellulose and glycerol in making gembili starch
biodegradable plastic also reported that the addition of CMC concentration in the study made
the resulting plastic have a high percent water absorption value [14].
Biodegradation testing aims to determine the ability of biodegradable plastics to
decompose. The results of the biodegradation test from day to day can be seen in Table 2.
From Table 2, it can be seen that with each passing day, the buried plastic begins to
disappear and merge with the soil. The bar graph below illustrates how adding CMC and 5
grams of taro starch affected the amount of weight that biodegradable plastic lost as illustrated
in Figure 6.
CMC concentration
60 (% w/w starch)
50 Weight Loss (%)
40 Day-3
30 Weight Loss (%)
Weight Loss (%)
10 Day-9
1 2 3 4 5
The results of this study are in accordance with the results of research on the effect of
CMC concentration and drying temperature of corn starch-based biodegradable plastics which
show that the more CMC concentration added, the bioplastic will degrade quickly and grow a
lot of mold [12]. The addition of CMC can make the plastic degrade faster. Plastic samples
with a starch:CMC ratio of 6:4 have the highest biodegradation rate due to the CMC mixture
in the plastic [14]. In addition, there are several factors that cause the degradation process to
be faster, namely, the pH of the soil used and the temperature around the biodegradation
process. In this study, the soil used had a pH of 7 which made the work of extracellular
enzymes to degrade more optimally and the temperature used was room temperature.
Temperatures that are too high can damage enzymes, while temperatures that are too low can
inhibit the work of the enzyme itself [19].
4. Conclusion
The tensile strength, elongation, water resistance, and biodegradation properties of
biodegradable polymers are all impacted by the addition of CMC concentration when taro
starch is blended. The tensile strength value and the elongation value increase with increasing
CMC concentration. The addition of CMC concentration of 35% w/w starch resulted in the
maximum tensile strength and elongation values, which were 7.23 Mpa and 17.84%,
respectively. The speed of plastic disintegration will increase with the addition of CMC
concentration mixed with taro starch and CMC 35% w/w starch. The greatest plastic's
percentage weight loss after adding CMC at a concentration of 35% weight-for-weight starch.
In the water resistance test, it is known that the more concentration of CMC that is added, the
higher the water absorption.
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