Adam 2022 Pembahasan TGA-DSC-UV Absorbance
Adam 2022 Pembahasan TGA-DSC-UV Absorbance
Adam 2022 Pembahasan TGA-DSC-UV Absorbance
Abstract: In this work, bioplastic was formulated through the incorporation of cellulose into refined carrageenan. Three
different sizes of cellulose were used microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), cellulose nanowhisker (CNW) and nanofibrillated
cellulose (NFC). The CNW was mechanically nano-grinded and NFC was ultrasonicated to produce nano particle for MCC.
The CNW has the smallest particle size distribution and an average size of 54 nm. The abundance of hydroxyl groups in the
cellulose structure forms intermolecular interactions with the carrageenan and increases the viscosity (293.90 mPas), shear
stress (27.90 Pa) and tensile strength (19.87 MPa) of Carra-CNW bioplastic. This revealed increasing intensity and a shift of
H-NMR due to hydrogen becoming closer to an electronegative atom in both micro and nano size cellulose. At a larger
cellulose size, Carra-MCC is thermally stable and the activation energy (Ea) is 73.81 kJ/mol higher than Carra-CNW Ea at
47.14 kJ/mol. Cellulose incorporated into a carrageenan matrix is a potential eco-material that could replace conventional
plastic where the sample decomposes up to 65 % of the initial weight in biodegradability and compostability test. The water
vapour permeability value is in the range of 3.43 to 4.09×10-14 g s-1 m-1 Pa-1. In conclusion, carrageenan incorporated with
cellulose potentially suitable for uses such as food packaging applications based on the results of the mechanical strength,
thermal stability and decomposition tests conducted.
Keywords: Bioplastic, Green technology, Carrageenan, Nanocellulose, Polysaccharide seaweed
2886 Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 Fatmawati Adam et al.
to the production of bioplastic film. The addition of plant oil particles size. Alberola et al. (2007) highlighted that the
and polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG-400) into carrageenan interphase thickness of the biopolymer has no effect on the
biocomposites has reduced the tensile strength of the film to size of the nano-filler particles. Nevertheless, adding
6.65 MPa and 17.96 MPa, respectively [17,18]. Bioplastic different sizes, dimensions and morphologies of nanofillers
film produced from kappa-carrageenan at 3 % w/v shows will affect the matrix behaviour of the biopolymer [34]. The
enhanced physical and mechanical properties with the addition of 5 % wt/v microfibrillated cellulose can improve
addition of PEG300 in the range 9.12-9.32 MPa [19]. A the tensile strength of polymeric films by up to 40 % [35].
study was conducted on semi-refined carrageenan incorporated There is insufficient work on the biopolymer characteristics
with arabic gum for hard capsule applications. The addition produced by varying the load transfer between the filler and
of 67 % w/w carrageenan-arabic gum mix produced a tensile the matrix using various sizes of cellulose filler such as
strength 36.21 MPa [20]. However, several limitations exist nanowhiskers (CNW). Hence, this study aims to investigate
particularly in term of water vapour permeability and water the effect of cellulose sizes towards the mechanical, physical,
resistance since carrageenan is naturally hydrophilic and the chemical, thermal stability and decomposition properties of
bioplastic film formulated is brittle [15,21]. Hence, it carrageenan bioplastic films.
requires additives such as crosslinker, filler and toughening
agent to improve the bioplastic properties. Glyoxilic acid Experimental
crosslinker was incorporated with the carrageenan and the
film disintegrated when in contact with water rather than Preparation of Cellulose Nanowhiskers (CNW)
swelling [22]. There are two types of crosslinking; chemical Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was purchased from
and physical. Chemical crosslinking increases the swelling Sigma-Aldrich (USA) at a size of ⁓50 µm (ground using
ability of the film and physical crosslinking promote the nanogrinder machine (Fritsch, USA) equipped with P7
disintegration and degradation of the film in the environment Premium Line). Approximately 5 g of MCC was dissolved
[23]. in 20 ml of deionized water to produce wet MCC before the
Cellulose is one of the most abundant natural polymers grinding process. Wet MCC was placed in grinder well with
which can be found as a structural component in the cell 5 mm grinding balls. The wet MCC was ground for
wall of plants and algae and is also a derivative from several 5 minutes and then rested for 3 minutes rest over an hour’s
types of bacteria [24]. It contains β-1,4-D anhydro glucopyranose duration at a 700 rpm stirring rate. Then, the particle size of
which displays a regular network of inter- and intramolecular ground MCC was measured using a nano-particle analyser.
hydrogen bonds [25,26]. Pure cellulose from plants or algae
can be treated with chemicals to produce several types of Preparation of Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC)
derivatives such as hydroxyethylcellulose, ethylcellulose, Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) was prepared by dissolving
hydroxypropyl cellulose, cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, approximately 5 g of MCC in 500 ml of deionized water.
carboxymethyl cellulose and others. The addition of cellulose The solution was then stirred at 200 rpm overnight. The
into the bioplastic formulation can enhance the mechanical sonication process was carried out using a Qsonica (Q700,
properties, biodegradability and thermal properties of the USA) instrument for 1 hour at an amplitude of 20 %. The
films [27,28]. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) offers a solution was kept stationary until three layers of the solution
great potential to enhance the properties of the bioplastic were obtained. The bottom layer was removed and the top
blend [29,30]. Nanocellulose has also gained considerable two layers were kept in a stationary position overnight to
interest due to its unique properties. Nanocellulose is either obtain two separated layers. The upper layer sample was
derived from native cellulose fibres or is based on the degree collected for measurement to ensure NFC was successfully
of fibrillation. The fibrillated cellulose is usually known as produced.
cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) and nanofibrillated cellulose
(NFC). Both can be produced by mechanical methods such Preparation of Carrageenan-Cellulose Biocomposite Film
as grinding and high-intensity ultrasonication [31,32]. Nano- Three grams of carrageenan were dissolved in 200 ml of
grinding is a mechanically rapid process which can rupture deionized water at 60 °C for 1 hour. In another beaker, 2 g of
the hydrogen bonding interaction and the cell walls to obtain microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and 1 g of hydroxypropyl-
ultra-thin cellulose [30]. An addition of nanocellulose into methylcellulose (HPMC) was dissolved in 50 ml of deionized
the formulation of bioplastic, can result in transparent films water. After a homogenous solution of carrageenan was
with good resistance against oxygen. Consequently, it is obtained, MCC was added into the solution and continuously
suitable for food packaging [33,34]. stirred for 30 minutes. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and
Factors which influence the effects of nanoparticles on HPMC were added into the solution and then stirred for
biopolymer processing include the mechanical properties of another 30 minutes at 60 °C. Finally, glyoxylic acid was
inorganic nanofillers, uniformity nanofiller dispersion within added into the solution as a crosslinker and stirred continuously
the polymer matrix and the volume percentage of the filler for 30 minutes. Then the solution was cast and left to dry at
Reinforcement of Nanocellulose in Carrageenan Matrix Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 2887
room temperature (37 °C). The above steps were repeated with TexturePro CT V1-8 Build 3.1. The bioplastic film was
for CNW and NFC samples. cut into a dumb-bell shape (2 cm×10 cm) and fixed to the
tensile machine at both ends prior to the mechanical testing
Viscometer Analysis with 50 kg load cell. The method followed ASTM D882-12
Hydrocolloid properties involve the observation of the and a crosshead speed of 50 mm/min was employed. The
viscosity, shear stress and shear rate of the bioplastic elongation at break (EAB) and tensile strength of the
solution using a Viscometer (Brookfield, Rheo 3000, USA) bioplastic film was calculated using the following equations
equipped with LCT 25. Approximately 16.5 ml of carra- [37,38]:
cellulose solution was programmed at a speed of 300 rpm
load at break
with 100 MPoints at a constant temperature of 40 °C. Tensile strength = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3)
original width original thickness
Opacity Analysis and Water Contact Angle
Film opacity analysis was conducted by cutting the film Elongation at break (%) = elongation at rupture- 100
------------------------------------------------- (4)
initial length
according to the test cell and directly inserting it. The film
was measured at 600 nm using a UV-vis Specrophotometer SEM Morphology
(Shimadzu, Japan). The film opacity was calculated using The surface morphology of the film sample was observed
the following equation: using a HITACHI Tabletop Microscope (Benchtop SEM)
TM4000/TM3030Plus Scanning Electron Microscope and
T = ------------------ (1) viewed under 5000X magnification. A 1 cm×1 cm bioplastic
film was placed on the specimen stub and coated with 10 nm
where T is the transparency of the films, Abs600 is the value thick gold before observation. Gold acts as an electrically
of the absorbance at 600 nm and x is the thickness of the conductive surface to prevent the accumulation of electrostatic
films. charges on the samples.
Meanwhile for water contact angle analysis, the sessile FTIR and 1H NMR Analysis
drop method via a Contact Angle Analyzer (KSV CAM 101; The FTIR spectra of the bioplastic were analysed using a
KSV Instruments Ltd., Helsinki, Finland) at room temperature Perkin-Elmer ATR-FTIR Spectrometer. FTIR analysis was
was used to measure the interfacial tensions of the solid- used to determine the presence of the functional group of
liquid (wetting film properties). A syringe with 5 µl of water bioplastic film. The FTIR spectra were analysed and
was released to the film surface. Images were shot after 10 identified according to the FTIR library. The spectra were
seconds of contact and documented after the water was collected from 4000 cm-1 to 500 cm-1 frequency range with
released onto the film surface. The angle between the 16 times number of scan to reduce the noise.
tangent and the baseline at the drop boundary was measured. Meanwhile, 1H NMR analysis was recorded using NMR
spectrometer (Bruker Ultra Shield Plus, Germany) at
Water Vapour Permeability Analysis 500 MHz and at room temperature (27 °C). Samples were
Crucible was filled with approximately 6 ml of distilled prepared in DMSO-d6 and tertramethylsilane (TMS) as the
water and a film sample was securely covered over the rim. internal standard. The chemical shift were measured respected
The crucibles were placed inside a desiccator (50±5 % RH to the remaining proton resonance of DMSO-d6.
and 23±2 °C) containing silica beads. The weights were Moisture Content
monitored at 1 h interval over 8 h periods and WVP was The moisture content of the bioplastic film was measured
calculated using the following equation: using moisture meter (MS-70 with SHS inside, Japan).
Approximately 0.1 g of the film was placed onto the plate of
w l
WVP = --------------- (2) the moisture meter and the film was heated at 105 °C. The
heating stopped automatically once the constant moisture
where Δw is the weight difference (g), l is the film thickness content value was obtained [39].
(m), A is the exposed area of the film (m2), t is the time Thermal Properties
elapsed, and P is the partial pressure difference of the water Thermal properties were determined from Differential
vapour across the film (Pa). The method was adapted from Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermo Gravimetric
[36]. Analysis (TGA). For DSC, the analysis was carried out
using a TA-Instrument DSC/Q 1000. 0.6 mg of bioplastic
Biocomposite Film Characterisation film was heated at 10 °C/min from 0 °C until 250 °C. The
Tensile Strength glass transition temperature (Tg), melting temperature and
Characterisation of the mechanical properties of tensile enthalpy (Tm and ΔHm), crystallization temperature and
strength was carried out using a textile analyser testing enthalpy (Tc and ΔHc) were recorded. From the enthalpy
machine (CT3-Texuture Analyzer, Broolfield, USA) equipped value, the crystallinity index can be calculated from the
2888 Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 Fatmawati Adam et al.
following equation:
Hm – Hc
Crystallinity index (%) = -----------------------------
- 100% (5)
H m
TGA analysis was run on a Mettler Toledo thermal
analyser. The sample was heated from 0 °C up to 800 °C (at
10 °C/min) in airflow. The mass loss and differential thermal
analysis profiles were recorded. The activation energy was
calculated from the result obtained from TGA thermal
analysis based on Arrhenius theory and using the Broido’s
model as per the following equation [40]:
ln ln --- = – -----a --1- – C
y R T Figure 1. Particle size distribution of CNW and NFC nanocelluloses.
Cellulose Fibrillations
The particle size distribution of both CNW and NFC
fibrillated celluloses are shown in Figure 1. The particle size
distribution of CNW was distributed in the range 5.62 to
190.10 nm with an average diameter of 54.30 nm. For NFC,
the particle size distribution was in the range 68.06 to
1990.00 nm with an average diameter of 474.50 nm. CNW
has a much smaller particle size compared to NFC. The Figure 2. Morphology of particle size distribution of FESEM (a)
original particle size of MCC was 50 µm. The micro particles CNW and (b) NFC; and TEM images of (c) NFC.
of MCC were broken into smaller sizes after grinding to
obtain nano size CNW. The MCC was sonicated to reduce distribution of the nano-size particles. CNW particles had
the size of MCC from 50 µm to 474.50 nm of NFC. The smaller size of 54.30 nm and the highest intensity (8.2 %).
largest particle size of CNW is the smallest particle size of The sharp and narrow peak of NFC indicates that the particle
NFC obtained. Thus, the grinding method successfully reduced size of NFC was homogenous with most of the particle sizes
a smaller nano-size particle compared to the sonication of NFC being of the order 474.50 nm. Nanoparticle size was
method. The broad shape of the CNW graph shows the in the range 1 to 100 nm [42]. Hence, NFC represents the
Reinforcement of Nanocellulose in Carrageenan Matrix Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 2889
fine particles of MCC since the average size of NFC was MCC film. Visual observations found that, Carra-CNW and
above 100 nm. Carra-NFC are more flexible compared to Carra-MCC film
The narrow particle size distribution of NFC particles which is more rigid. Carra-MCC is more rigid and opaque
shows that the particle tend to agglomerate [43]. This is in due to the greater cellulose size used. A similar effect was
agreement with Figure 2 where under the observation of reported in a study, where due to the insolubility of cellulose
FESEM, the NFC particles agglomerate compared to the and the solution of the film Carra-MCC was cloudier at high
CNW particles. The TEM images (Figure 2(c)) also show concentrations of MCC [44]. Based on Table 1, Carra-MCC
the agglomeration of the NFC particles as per highlighted in has the highest opacity (12.89) compared to 5.82 and 3.63
the circled area. for Carra-NFC and Carra-CNW, respectively. MCC cellulose
has greater in particle size compared to the CNW and NFC
Carrageenan-Cellulose Biocomposite Film cellulose which demonstrates that the particle size of the
The appearance of each carrageenan-cellulose film is cellulose affects the appearance of the biocomposite film
different according to the types of the cellulose used. In obtained. The contact angle was measured for each bioplastic
Figure 3, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC have a smoother sample. The values in Table 1 reflect that Carra-CNW shows
surface and are more transparent compared to the Carra- the highest hydrophobicity ability compared to the control
Carra, Carra-MCC and Carra-NFC. Carra-CNW has the
smallest (54.30 nm) cellulose nanoparticles and produced a
70.31 ° water contact angle value suggesting a good
dispersion of cellulose particles in the formulation solution.
Water vapour permeability (WVP) for Carra-MCC, Carra-
CNW and Carra-NFC are 3.58×10-14 g s-1 m-1 Pa-1, 3.43×
10-14 g s-1 m-1 Pa-1, and 4.09×10-14 g s-1 m-1 Pa-1, respectively.
WVP values show a minor difference between the cellulose
sizes which were used in the carrageenan formulation
matrix. In comparison to WVP value of carrageenan
plasticized with glycerol film, the value is lower at 3.26×10-8
g s-1 m-1 Pa-1. The addition of pomegranate seed oil into the
carrageenan film produced 2.35×10-8 to 8.47×10-9 g s-1 m-1
Pa-1 WVP film [45]. Using chitosan with graphene oxide at
different mixing temperatures produced WVP in the range
of 11.91-9.56×10-8 g s-1 m-1 Pa-1 [36]. In this work the film
samples exhibit a good water vapour barrier which is
suitable as a future food packaging materials.
Table 2. Tensile strength, EAB and viscosity of Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC
Type of bioplastic Shear stress (Pa) Viscosity (mPas) Tensile strength (MPa) EAB (%)
Carra-MCC 96.11±2.02 264.63±6.83 11.15±0.40 44.29±1.32
Carra-CNW 127.90±1.17 293.90±2.11 19.87±0.53 39.16±0.01
Carra-NFC 102.36±0.52 262.78±1.89 16.39±0.33 37.06±0.65
2890 Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 Fatmawati Adam et al.
Table 4. Melting temperature and melting enthalpy of Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC biofilm
Melting Melting Crystallisation Crystallisation Crytallinity
Type of Glass transition
temperature enthalpy temperature enthalpy percentage
cellulose (Tg, °C)
(Tm, °C) (ΔHm, J/g) (Tc, °C) (ΔHc, J/g) (XcH)
Carra-MCC 150.73 171.40 23.69 180.87 432.17 94.40
Carra-CNW 151.59 174.25 27.69 184.63 449.84 93.84
Carra-NFC 152.80 177.75 32.98 186.85 506.44 93.49
Figure 8. (a) DTG and (b) weight loss plot of Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC.
crystallisation peak implying excellent crystallite size ash mass is approximately 8.21 %, 9.06 % and 10.69 % for
distribution. Stronger hydrogen bonding formed in Carra- the Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC samples,
NFC. The crystallinity percentage in all bioplastic samples respectively.
are unchanged and are not affected by the cellulose sizes. All Carra-cellulose bioplastic have almost identical stages
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out to of thermal decomposition. There is not much difference in
determine the thermal stability and decomposition of carra- the total weight loss of each carra-cellulose sample film. The
cellulose bioplastic films. In Figure 8(a), DTG represents the highest weight lost is 64.86 % for Carra-CNW. The weight
peak at which temperature caused the maximum weight loss loss for Carra-MCC is 63.50 % and Carra-NFC is 60.30 %.
during film decomposition. The maximum values for The activation energy of the film was calculated according
decomposition temperature for Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW to Arrhenius theory using Broido’s model derived from the
and Carra-NFC are 247.6 °C, 250.6 °C and 231.6 °C, highest peak of DTG. Figure 9(a), (b) and (c) show the
respectively. In another work [68], the addition of glycerol Broido’s plot of Carra-MCC, Carra-CNW and Carra-NFC.
and tocopherol improved the thermal stability of the semi- The slope represents the value of activation energy (Ea).
refined carrageenan films from 229.5 °C to 266-277 °C. In Carra-MCC has an activation energy value of 73.81 kJ/mol,
this work, the different sizes of cellulose increased the Carra-NFC is 59.14 kJ/mol and Carra-CNW is 47.14 kJ/mol.
decomposition temperature to 231-250 °C. The weight loss Higher values of Ea, indicate that the film is more thermally
(see Figure 8(b)) shows the decomposition stage which stable. The changes of the Ea values are due to the
occurs on the bioplastic film samples. In Figure 8(b), all the compatibility of the cellulose size which interacts with
samples experienced several stages of decomposition during carrageenan. Ea for control carra is 27.88 kJ/mol which is
the thermal degradation process. The main decomposition lower than carra-cellulose bioplastic film. Carra-MCC is
stage occurs from 150-360 °C which indicates bioplastic more thermally stable compared to Carra-CNW and Carra-
depolymerisation [69]. A temperature of 120-260 °C indicates NFC. High thermal stability causes the sample to take a
the decomposition of the plasticiser, PEG [70] and at 250- longer time to decompose [40]. Micron size cellulose
360 °C, indicates the thermal decomposition of the reinforced into carrageenan bioplastic exhibited the most
polysaccharide backbone in the carrageenan [71]. The final stability compared to nano-sized samples. This suggests that
stage occurs at 600-800 °C represented by the horizontal line cellulose size is an important component for bioplastics.
and indicates that all samples decomposed. The residue or High energy was required to decompose Carra-MCC. This is
2894 Fibers and Polymers 2022, Vol.23, No.10 Fatmawati Adam et al.
Figure 9. Broido’s plot of (a) control Carra, (b) Carra-MCC, (c) Carra-CNW, and (d) Carra-NFC.
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