Tuesday/Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learner understands the key concepts in the
The learner understands the key concepts in the Social
Social Sciences rooted in Filipino language/s and
Sciences rooted in Filipino language/s and experiences.
B. Performance Standards The learner shall be able to carry out an exploration of The learner shall be able to carry out an exploration of
personal and social experiences using indigenous personal and social experiences using indigenous
concepts. concepts.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives After going through this lesson, the learners are
Write the LC code for each. expected to:
After going through this lesson, the learners are
expected to:
General Objective:
The learners evaluate the person’s personality using
General Objective:
the core values of Sikolohiyang Pilipino.(HUMSS-DIS
Analyze the practical use of Social Sciences in
addressing social concerns (HUMSS_DIS 11-IVh-6).
Specific Objectives:
Specific Objectives:
1. Discuss the sikolohiyang Pilipino
1. Discuss the different Filipino Core values.
2. Provide ways to apply Sikolohiyang Pilipino
2. Portray different Filipino core values through picture
throught oral recitation.
3. Value the essence of Sikolohiyang Pilipino using
photo collage.
The Practical Use of Social
II. CONTENT Define the nature of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Science in Addressing Social Concerns
A. References
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences:
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Grade 11 Quarter 2: Week 16, Module 16, First
11 Quarter 2: Week 17, Module 17, First Edition, 2020
Edition, 2020
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade
2. Learner’s Material pages Grade 11 Quarter 2: Week 16, Module 16, First 11 Quarter 2: Week 17, Module 17, First Edition, 2020
Edition, 2020
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade
3. Textbook pages Grade 11 Quarter 2: Week 16, Module 16, First 11 Quarter 2: Week 17, Module 17, First Edition, 2020
Edition, 2020
- Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences by Jose Ong https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qopg54dkjdo
4. Additional Materials for Learning Resource
- https://www.slideshare.net>mobiole>Sikolohiyang>
(LR) portal
Jose, M.D. & Ong, J. A. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas Jose, M.D. & Ong, J. A. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in
B. Other Learning Resources
in the Social Sciences. QC: Vibal Group, Inc. the Social Sciences. QC: Vibal Group, Inc.
Learners recapitulate yesterday’s lesson through an
activity: FOREIGNOY.
Teacher will group the class in 3 and will ask leader to
The teacher will call someone to start the review, and
pick from 3 countries (America, Spain and Japan)
then he will call someone to continue the recap and so
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the students should identify their influence in our country in a
new lesson continuous manner. Next, Students will be asked to
1. Name distinguished Filipino social thinkers.
identify the characteristic which are considered truly
4. What are their respective social ideas?
Pinoy “tatak Pinoy”. Students will be asked again to give
their idea in a continuous manner by group.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson 2. What are the influences of these countries to the
attitudes and behaviors of the Filipinos?
a. Spain- Religiousness, Eating habits, forms of
entertainment, manner of dressing
b. American- open, free, education, independent,
religious freedom, English, eating habits
c. Japan-Work ethics, Patriotism, nationalism
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new Picture Analysis about Filipino Traits Picture Analysis: Mirror
lesson The teacher will show pictures for students to analyze.
1. Ask the students about the characteristic of
Filipinos? Answer: Hospitality or Magandang
pakikitungo, courtesy (Po at Opo), Close family ties Processing questions:
etc. What do you see from the picture?
What does the picture try to depict?
What is common with all the pictures shown?
Core Values
Kapwa - The concept of kapwa (shared identity) is the
Discuss the meaning of Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
core of Sikolohiyang Pilipino and
1. Sikolohiyang Pilipino or Indigenous Filipino
heart of the structure of Filipino values.
Psychology is also known as Kapwa Psychology.
Pakikipagkapwa means treating the other person as
Kapwa Psychology draws from folk practices as much
kapwa or fellow human being.
as from modern theory. It perceives no contradiction
Two Categories, 8 levels of interaction.
between indigenous folk beliefs and modern
Ibang Tao (outsider)
psychological concepts and scientific norms.
Pakikitungo: civility
It includes in its study the IKSP of healing from the
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Pakikisalamuha act of mixing
Babaylan and Albolaryos (native shamans and
skills #1 (Leads to Formative Assessment 1) Pakikilahok act of joining
healers) as well as the religio-political approaches of
Pakikibagay: conformity
the Filipino mystics and folk heroes and other
ancestral ways of knowing. Kapwa psychology implies
Being united with the group
a call for social action. Scholars and students are
Hindi Ibang Tao (“one-ofus”)
encouraged to go to the villages to learn from the
people and in turn serve them with the gain
Act of mutual trust
Pakikisangkot: Act of joining others
Pakikipagkaisa: being one with
Examples of Filipino Values:
Hospitality - the friendly and generous reception and
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers
The teacher elaborates the discussions.
skills #2 1 (Leads to Formative Assessment 2) Utang na loob – debt of gratitude.
Bahala na – fatalism or determination and being risk
taker. Bahala na ang Diyos (God will take care of us)
F. Developing mastery Activity: Video clip Picture Perfect
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) 1. Identify the Filipino traits that you observed? Group the class into 5 groups.
2. Why do we need to study Sikolohiyang Pilipino? Scenarios will be given you, for you to analyze.
You will be given 30 seconds to process the scenario.
Once the time ends, students will freeze projecting the
scenario given.
One group will act as the critic in each scenario.
1. During your celebration of
barangay feast, your relatives from another place came
to celebrate with you. What will you
2. A son/daughter taking care of his/her parent as a sign
of giving back for the sacrifices they’ve made.
3. Picture that depicts “BAHALA NA” Filipino values.
Activity: Recitation Ask the students: When does a Filipino Value become
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and 1. As a student how would you apply or use positive or negative.
skills in daily living Sikolohiyang Filipino for the betterment of your daily
Filipino Core Values
Kapwa - concept of kapwa (shared identity) is the core
of Sikolohiyang Pilipino and heart of the structure of
Filipino values.
Pakikipagkapwa means
What is SikolohiyangFilipino?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions treating the other person
Why is Sikolohiyang Filipino considered a Filipino
about the lesson as kapwa or fellow human being.
social science perspective?
Hospitality - the friendly and generous reception and
entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers
Utang na loob – debt of gratitude
Bahala na – fatalism or determination and being risk
taker. Bahala na ang Diyos (God will take care of us)
Create a photo collage showing the different
I. Evaluating learning The teacher conducts 10-Item Identification Test.
Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
J. Additional activities for application or
None None