A. References
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade 11
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Grade 11 Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, 2020
2. Learner’s Material pages Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade 11
Grade 11 Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, 2020
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Grade 11
3. Textbook pages Grade 11 Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, Quarter 1: Week 8, Module 8, First Edition, 2020
4. Additional Materials for Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in
B. Other Learning Resources
in the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc., the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc.,
Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quiz with ICT Integration
Directions: Identify the basic concepts of Social Science
Theories. Use the strips of paper provided.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the The teacher will ask the students to give the different 1. It is a micro-level theory that focuses on meanings
new lesson fields study under the social sciences. attached to human interaction, both verbal and non-
verbal, and to symbols. SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM
Scrambled words:
Now that you we have fixed these scrambled words, what
do you think would be our topic today?
Processing questions.
1. How does each institution work in society Brilliant! Our lesson for today is about Socio-cultural,
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new according to structural-functionalism based on the Economic, and Political Issues. Before we go on, allow me
skills #1 (Leads to Formative Assessment 1) activity? to share to you the objectives of the lessons.
2. How important are the social functions of social
structure to the stability of society? (The teacher shares the objectives of the lesson to the
class by calling students to read them.)
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new The teacher will elaborate the discussions and give This time, we will divide the class into three teams. Please
skills #2 1 (Leads to Formative Assessment 2) her inputs. count off 1-3.
Now, I have here fact sheets. You are going to select your
Team Captain that will discuss and explain to his/her
colleagues what are in the facts sheets all about and a
messenger or liaison officer who will relay to the other
departments (other groups) the messages explained and
discussed by the Team Captain. The roles of the other
colleagues are to take down important notes from what
they have learned on the information discussed and
explained by the Team Captain. Do you follow?
Do you have questions or clarifications, class?
1. What is the meaning socio-cultural?
2. What are the socio-cultural issues in the Philippines?
3. What do you mean by economic issues?
4. What are the examples of economic issues in the
5. What do you mean political issues?
6. What are the examples of political issues in the
7. How these different issues impact to us and to our
society today?
Activity: Table Completion
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Content – 25%
Communication Skills – 10%
Originality – 25%
Teamwork – 20%
Problem Solving & Decision Making – 20%
TOTAL – 100%
The teacher will ask the students.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Why do you think it is important for us to consider or mind
Why are the social structures and social functions
about the lesson these issues?
important in structural functionalism?
Direction: Identify whether what is referred to in the
statement is Socio-cultural, Economic, or Political Issue.
1. Ethnicity ans. Socio-cultural
I. Evaluating learning Short Quiz 2. Illegal Drugs and Crimes ans. Political
3. Recession and Inflation ans. Economic
4. Religious Conflict ans. Socio-cultural
5. Human Right Violations ans. Political