Daily Lesson Log FOR DIASS
Daily Lesson Log FOR DIASS
Daily Lesson Log FOR DIASS
2. Differentiate social sciences 2. determine the relationship 2. articulated the differences 2. cite the relationship of the
from applied social sciences between Social Science and among the Applied Social different Applied Social
Applied Social Science Sciences Sciences
3. Demonstrate an 3. Value the connection of Social3. appreciate the significance 3. value the implications of
understanding of social Sciences and Applied Social of the Applied Social Sciences Applied Social Sciences to
science and applied social Sciences different concerns of the society
4. appreciate the essence of
Social Sciences and Applied
Social Science
C. Learning Competency The learners: Clarify the relationships between Social Sciences and The learners: Cite differences among Applied Social Sciences
Applied Social Sciences HUMSS_DIASS12-Ia-1 HUMSS_DIASS12-Ia-2
E. Discussing new concepts Further discussion through T-chart Further discussion on the What is the difference The teacher provides
and practicing new skills #2 technique. relationship of Social Science between: cases/situations for each group.
and Applied Social Sciences A. counseling and
Cite differences through Social through social work Group 1: case 1
sciences and Applied social sciences Venn Diagram: B. social work and Group 2: case 2
1. Psychology and Counseling communication
2. Sociology and Social Work C. communication Guide questions:
3. Communication and and counseling Identify area of applied social
4. Linguistics sciences that could best
handle it. Explain your answer.
G. Finding Practical Reflection: Which discipline of How can the disciplines of Which Applied Social Which among the applied
applications of concepts Social Sciences were you able to find Applied Social Sciences be Science is best applicable Social Sciences would best
and skills helpful in your current career? used in the development of the in proper use of media? deal with concerns about life?
students? Why?
H. Making generalizations and Two learners will be asked to Reflection: Upon knowing, What is the significance of What is the relevance of
abstractions about the lesson summarize the topic discussed what is the importance of different Applied Social knowing the differences among
Social Sciences and Applied Sciences? Applied Social Sciences to
Social Sciences? different concerns of society?
I. Evaluating Learning Matching Type: Math column A, In two simple sentences, the Cite differences among the Formulate situations depicting
Disciplines in Social Sciences with learners will describe the three Applied Social differences among applied
column B, definitions if the relationship between Social Sciences. social sciences.
disciplines A B Disciplines Sciences and Applied Social
Definitions Sciences.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?