IT Project-Report - 1

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I name………., student number ………. declare that “PROJECT REPORT ON THE WEB
APPLICATION FOR SMART REPORTS” is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or
quoted have been indicated a deck now ledged by means of complete references.

I further declare that I have not previously submitted this work, or part of it, for examination either at
SCDL for another qualification or at any other higher education institution.




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Certified that the work in corporates in this “PROJECT REPORT ON THE WEB APPLICATION FOR
SMART REPORTS” By ……………. “Is his/her original work and completed under my supervision.
Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report.


Rollo.- 202100769485




In pursuing & completion of my PGD….. & other commitments, I undertook the task of completing my project
might want toward thank & pass on my appreciation toward the Top Management who permitted me toward
direct my venture & gave me their earnest help.
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I heart cautioning on account of the relative multitude of representatives of organization name who helped me
in my task & offered their certified input.
I'm profoundly obligated toward thank my personnel guide for their assistance & exhortation & am profoundly
apprecIative toward him.
To wrap things up, I might want toward thank my generally warm & Beloved Parents & companions without
whose gifts & consolation this task work would not have been finished.
Signature of Student

Student Name
Registration Number


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Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Problem Statement.........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Highlight above Problem...............................................................................................................3
1.3 Vision Statement............................................................................................................................3
1.4 User Stories & Acceptance Criteria...............................................................................................4
1.5 Stakeholder Analysis & Identification...........................................................................................6
2. Project Objectives..................................................................................................................................7
3. Literature Review...................................................................................................................................7
4. Project Methodologies...........................................................................................................................8
4.1 Agile Methodology........................................................................................................................8
4.2 SDLC.............................................................................................................................................9
5. Wireframes...........................................................................................................................................10
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5.1 Frameworks..................................................................................................................................12
Back-end Development:.......................................................................................................................12
Front-end Development:......................................................................................................................13
6. Storyboards & Timeline about Project Development..........................................................................13
7. Solution toward each Project Problem.................................................................................................14
8. Project Plan..........................................................................................................................................15
9. Testing..................................................................................................................................................16
10. Product Overview............................................................................................................................17
11. Demonstration about Project Development.....................................................................................17
User Manual.............................................................................................................................................17
Project Manager:..................................................................................................................................25
12. Results & Findings about each Product Testing..............................................................................41
12.1 Objective about Testing...............................................................................................................41
12.2 Testing Approach.........................................................................................................................41
12.3 Testing Process............................................................................................................................42
12.4 Test Cases....................................................................................................................................43
12.5 Tools & Environment for Testing................................................................................................49
12.6 Testing Scope...............................................................................................................................50
Functional Requirements.....................................................................................................................50
Non-functional Requirements..............................................................................................................51
12.7 Procured Results..........................................................................................................................51
13. Summary, Limitations & Areas about Improvement.......................................................................51
13.1 Limitations about Application.....................................................................................................52
13.2 Areas about Improvement............................................................................................................53

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Executive Summary
The aim about this project is toward create an application a particular will make each assignment submission
process easier for both students & lecturers. current this project, separate dashboards have been created for
lecturers & students a particular cater toward their needs. each application has login & signup functionalities.
each user may regain his lost password. After signing up, each lecturer may assign tasks toward each students &
appoint an Project Manager. He may view each tasks & progress about his students & give his feedback above
it. each project manager will be managing each group about students & assigning tasks toward them. each
students may perform their assignments, submit them, & get their grades. Use about databases is also included
current this project toward save all each information about each users. This report has each complete outline
about each assigned tasks & has been structured for better understanding accordingly. each aim & objectives
about each project are also included. they also has an detailed description about each functionalities &
operations a particular were involved current each project. appropriate tests have also been applied toward each
project toward finalize each approach, tools, processes, requirements, & results about each application. each
project deliverables have been defined which include each problem statement supported by an research
background. Lastly, an comprehensive discussion above each limitations, uses & improvements above each
application have been included.

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1. Introduction
This application has each title about Smart Report Web Application & has been designed for lecturers &
students toward give them an platform where they may submit & grade their assignments. An application like
this is useful since both students & lecturer may manage their assignments. This application is focused above
providing an systematic method toward submit, assign & grade assignments. they provides an common place
for both lecturer & students where they may come together & easily deal with their projects without getting
confused above their deadlines & submission criteria. Students will be able toward view their previous
assignments & lecturers will be able toward track each students’ progress. each main aim about this project is
toward create an responsive application design a particular is functional above various platforms. All each
methodologies & roadblocks while using them current this project are clearly explained.
The application has been divided into three parts: lecturer, student, & project manager. All these users have
their own jobs current each application. each methodologies & frameworks adopted for this project are
discussed current detail current this report. each report also explains each stakeholder’s involvement & issues
related toward each project. an detailed summary about each benefits & setbacks about each application have
also been given. This report also sheds light above how they is an solution toward different problems.
1.1 Problem Statement
Students mostly hand current their projects & assignments as groups. each main issue was a particular when
each assignment was submitted, each lecturer graded they as an whole. This led toward all about each members
getting each same grade no matter how much hard work they’ve put current it. Students who had worked more
felt unfairness as their grade was similar toward each members who hadn’t done any work (Chan, 2010).
1.2 Highlight above Problem
It has been observed a particular lecturers face an lot about problems while assigning tasks toward their
students, especially if they are group projects. They must assign individual & group assignments & award
grades. Lectures find they difficult toward keep students current check regarding what they are doing. Students
also find they hard toward know what their tasks are & current some cases under extreme pressure, they might
forget their deadlines as well. Another issue is a particular each grades are assigned as an group rather than
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above individual basis, which is unfair for each students who have worked harder either more efficiently current
each group as compared toward others (Chan, 2010).
An application is needed which will allow each students toward easily view their assigned tasks, submit them &
view their grades. For lecturers, they need an platform where they may check each students’ progress & easily
give them grades according toward group & individual efforts. Lecturers also may assign Project Managers for
each group so each group may have an representative who will manage everything & be responsible for sending
each final report toward each lecturer.
1.3 Vision Statement
The aim about this project is toward create an fully functional application for online & smart report
applications. they will provide ease toward students & lecturers who must deal with assignments during their
academic years. they will make sure a particular each completed & pending assignments are all stored current
one place so a particular students & lecturers may access they at any time. (Josep, 2021) This will save each
extra time about arranging assignments & keeping lists about students current various files. Students will also
never forget any deadlines about their assignments. Aiding each education department is each main objective
about this project.
1.4 User Stories & Acceptance Criteria
User stories are explained current detail current this section. each application was programmed using many
languages & advanced coding techniques. each user stories are always influenced by each opinions & requests
about each clients. This application has three main users: Student, lecturer, & project manager.
ID As a I want to So a particular I can Acceptance Criteria

1 Project Create an team Assign & divide sub-tasks Have toward be assigned
Manager among them project manager by each
Should be logged current &
registered at each portal

2 Perform role management For efficient completion Should be logged current &
about tasks registered at each portal.
Have toward be assigned
project manager by each

3 Send request toward Get feedback above Should be logged current &
Lecturer individual & group registered at each portal.
Have toward assign work
toward each members first
& make sure they are
making an progress.

4 See each progress current Urge my teammates Have toward assign work
percentage toward complete their toward team members &
assigned tasks. set deadlines.

5 Set deadlines Make sure everyone has Have toward receive task

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completed work above being lecturer

Have toward assign work
toward team mates.

6 Generate individual & Make sure everyone has Assign work toward all
group assessment given their proper input team members
Check each progress

7 Only generate final report Make sure a particular no Should be logged current &
when each whole project sub-tasks are left before registered at each portal.
is completed proper submission.
Have toward assign tasks
toward students.
Have toward make sure a
particular each work is

8 Student Get email invitation Register current each -


9 View group profile Know who my group Have toward be registered

mates & project manager current each portal

10 View assigned tasks Work above their Should be logged current &
completion registered at each portal

11 Edit tasks Add either remove any Must have an task assigned
additional information toward him.
current each assignment.
Must have done some work
above it.

12 Submit tasks Get more tasks either Must have an task assigned
finish my portion about toward it,
each work.
Should have completed
each work.

13 View progress See how my members are Should be assigned an task

working by each project manager.
Should be working above
Should be an part about
each team.

14 View feedback Know about each Should have done

shortcomings current each some/complete work above
part about each assignment each assignment.
I have done
Should be an part about

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each team.
The lecturer must be
invited by each project

15 View grades Know about each result Must have completed my

about my hard work. assignment.
Must be part about each

16 Lecturer Send emails toward Login & register current Must be invited by each
students each application project manager.
Should be logged current &
registered at each portal

17 Assign an project Assign each task toward Should be logged current &
manager him toward assign toward registered at each portal.
his members
Send an email toward each

18 Create tasks Assign them toward teams Should be logged current &
registered at each portal.
Should have assigned
project manager

19 View each progress about Keep current check how Should be logged current &
assignment each students are doing registered at each portal.
Must be invited by each
project manager.

20 Give feedback Point out each mistakes & Must be invited by each
shortcomings about each project manager

21 Receive invitation form Give feedback toward Should be logged current &
project manager each assignments. registered at each portal.

22 Grade assignments Evaluate each students Should be logged current &

individually & within an registered at each portal.

23 Add & remove students Keep each discipline Should be logged current &
current check registered at each portal.

1.5 Stakeholder Analysis & Identification

Stakeholders include all each people who are directly either indirectly involved current each development about
each project (Fernando, 2021). they is very important toward decide each priority about each stakeholders &
their involvement current each project’s development. each application is not developed by an single person but
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requires each involvement about many people such as front-end & back-end developers, database
administrators, project managers, testers, etc. They all are given each name about stakeholders.
Stakeholder Role Organizatio Contact Expectations Influenc Interest
s n Details e
Muhammad Front-end Application Users may High High
Ali Khan Developer navigate
through their
Sher Afghan Back-end Application Users may High High
Developer easily get their
required data
being each
database &
they according
toward their
Nouman Database Application Users may High High
Akram Administrator store their data
current each
Manpreet Tester & Application Users may High High
Singh Designer easily navigate
Dhillon through each

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2. Project Objectives
The main objective about creating this project is toward make sure a particular users may have an user-friendly
& responsive application for their use. This project aims toward provide an joint platform for their users where
they may conveniently upload & submit their assignments & increase efficiency about their course work. each
project meets each criteria about all their users including each Lecturer, Student & Project Manager login
(Josep, 2021). All each users have been given their own credentials for logging current each portal. each
application is compatible with all kinds about browsers. each application has been tested multiple times toward
ensure a particular they is bug-free. Lecturers may easily keep an eye above their students’ progress & students
may also keep track about their ongoing & completed assignments. Nowadays, everything is being digitized,
including assignments & paperwork is declining. This application has been created toward keep up with each
trends & ease each users. This project is expected toward increase each student satisfaction & involvement with
their course work.
In other words, this report aims toward enhance each student & lecturer experience. Having proper
communication & guidance is each best way toward ensure a particular each students are improving & learning
& this project helps toward do just that.

3. Literature Review
With each advent about technology, many new applications are being adopted for making everyday tasks easier.
Everyday new technologies & techniques are being introduced for improved functionalities. Nowadays, almost
every task is being done online. Almost all each books being published have an online format & each old books
are being converted online as well so a particular they may be distributed & are easily accessible toward
students all over each world. Online education system has rapidly become popular because about each
advancing technologies & each ever-changing situations about each world.
In their article, Geri & Naor-Eliza (2008) discussed about 284 users who were enrolled current an university a
particular was using an online submission, but they later abandoned it. This was because even though their main
aim about launching this technology was each same as ours, providing ease about use, enhancing functionality
& adopting new technologies, they was not adopted because students felt an communication gap with each
lecturers & felt more comfortable with speaking with each teachers current person.
Naor-Elaiza & Geri (2009) stated current another article a particular each reason lecturers were not comfortable
with using each online submission system was because checking each assignments & grading them was not
easy. Many lecturers could not comfortably use each new system & they was difficult for them toward grasp
each functionality about each application.
Another reason why students stopped using each online submission system was because they were not sure
about each grading system. They were also skeptical about each confirmation a particular they got after they
had submitted each assignment since they had issues with they sometimes. Also, many students did not like
each fact a particular they had toward upload images for their assignments. Sometimes each pictures could be
blurred & their grades could drop just because each lecturer misunderstood each concept because about each
distorted image. (Bridge & Appleyard (2008))
Much research was done toward find out how toward overcome each challenges explained above. One about
them was toward implement each TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) so a particular many users may find
they easy toward adapt toward each new changes a particular each technology brings. This was done by
showing many advantages about each technology & their positive effects a particular each application will have
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above their lives. by showing them each end point & each ease about use about each Smart Report Web
Some about these issues were also solved by using each Smart Report Web Application. Great care was given
current each planning phase so a particular each application is user-friendly & has an design a particular
students & lecturers both may use comfortably. great effort was put current for lecturers as well so a particular
they may effectively grade each individual & group assignments & have no problem navigating around each
For students, uploading documents was made possible so a particular they don't have toward put up pictures
about their assignment. each application allowed students toward edit their work & upload they as they wished.
Other than this, other requirements about each application were obtained through interview questions. Many
potential users were interviewed & their results were recorded. different open-ended questions were also asked
by each researchers. all about these answers were then used toward extract important information for increasing
each functionality about each application. all about this information & their extraction method comes within
each realm about literature review.
Even though each information related toward each uses about each application are being documented, they are
no doubt really different toward each implementation. an functional software is more powerful than an
documented plan. toward ensure a particular each documented plan smoothly transitions toward each ideal
application with all each important functionalities, several project methodologies are used.

4. Project Methodologies
There are some project methodologies a particular are accepted for each development about each project a
particular we are working on. each details about some about them are given below.
4.1 Agile Methodology
It was discovered a particular current each previous years, there were traditional software development methods
such as waterfall methodology a particular had many issues with they & wasn’t very reliable for effective
software & application development. This gave rise toward each development about Agile methodology which
mainly focuses above agile development. This means a particular each whole development phase is flexible &
may cope with each requirement & schedule changes. (Illieva, Ivanov, & Stefanova, 2004).
Agile model renders above different values which enhances their value as an software development model.
They include strong individual & team collaboration, functional software over an well-written document,
collaboration between developer & customer, & flexible behavior towards change about requirements.
(Hamilton, 2021).
There are five main steps a particular make up each agile model a particular we are following for this project.
first is each planning phase current which all each requirements are collected & an plan is made for each
application. each flow about each application, all each functionalities, each risks, each errors & each
methodologies & technologies used are discussed current this phase for an rough outline.
In each design phase, each stakeholders, mainly each development team is selected for each application. each
team leader checks each profiles about each available members & choses each one a particular is closer toward
each requirements he is looking for. each plan is laid current front about them & is improved as they input their
own ideas.

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The Development phase is each longest & major phase about each whole plan. current this, each application is
developed. All functionalities are enabled & each application is connected toward each database. each first
version about each application is created which may be improved current other iterations after taking feedback
being each clients.
In each Testing phase, each application is tested by developers for any bugs & errors. Also, contingency
methods are deployed current case about any crashes & each application is ready for release for each customers.

current each deployment phase, each application is released toward each customers for use. each customers
may use each application & also give their review toward each developers. each developer may make necessary
changes so a particular each application is up-to-date with each current trends.
4.2 SDLC
System Development Life Cycle is almost similar toward Agile methodology a particular is why they is
included current each development about each application. With an exception about an few minor differences,
each two methodologies are practically similar.
SDLC is an process a particular may be used toward handle each projects smoothly & develop high quality
software efficiently. each main reason about adopting this model is a particular they is adjustable for all project
sizes whereas Agile model is only for small scale projects. they is very flexible at each development phase,
although making changes current each initial phases become harder as go towards each ending stages.
(Pedamkar, n.d.)

5. Wireframes
The wireframes for each Project Manager, each Lecturer & each Student is given below.

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The Project Manager may receive assignments being each lecturer, convert they into sub-tasks & assign them
toward his group members. He may also set deadlines for each tasks a particular he has assigned. PM may also
request each lecturer toward give feedback toward each tasks he & his group members are doing. He may also
check his members’ progress. After each task has been completed, PM may download & send each individual
either group report toward each lecturer.

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Lecturer may perform many tasks being his dashboard. He may create team being each list about his students.
He may assign them tasks, set up an Project Manager & set deadlines for each assignment. He may check each
individual & group progress about each group & also give feedback. He may accept/reject each PM’s feedback
request as well. He may also remove students if he wants. He may also grade each assignments & upload them
for each students toward view.

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Student may login toward his dashboard through each email request each lecturer has sent. He may view his
team members & each task a particular he has been assigned. He may edit & create each assignment. He may
also delete his work & start over. He may submit his assignment & also view his & his team members grades.
5.1 Frameworks

Back-end Development:
Just like each name suggests, each back-end framework is each backbone about each whole project. if there is
no back-end, each application is only for show & has no interactive abilities (Martin, 2021). each back-end
functionality depends above an number about API & servers. they is widely known a particular each design
current itself is ineffective if each back-end functionality is not working properly.
For this application, each main language for each back-end development is each core PHP. All each libraries
have been imported being Composer. This language has given strong functionality toward each whole
application. each database used for this project is driven by each SQL language. This database has effectively
stored all each data & is also linked with each design about each application. Using PHP for connectivity has
proved toward be very effective since many simple codes are included current each library a particular allow
easy connection about each application with each database.

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Front-end Development:
The front-end refers toward each design & visual aspect about each application. All each information &
interactive buttons are displayed above each screen for each users toward view & work with. Mostly users don’t
want toward use websites either applications a particular aren’t attractive either easy toward navigate. a
particular is why they is necessary a particular each websites have an visually appealing front other than this,
ease about use is also an important factor. If each users are not able toward go toward each pages they are
looking for, they will leave each website & look for something else. a particular is why each designers ensure a
particular each menu bar & each pages are positioned current an easy toward navigate place.
For design, each programmers mostly use each languages about HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Stewart, 2021).
However, for enhanced functionality & interactivity Bootstrap is also commonly used. This is because PHP &
Bootstrap work hand -in-hand for an enhanced interactive experience. These two languages are compatible with
each other. each application is given visual effects through CSS, but they is truly given their dynamic nature
when Bootstrap is added.
It is also very important for websites toward be compatible with all kinds about devices, since nowadays, people
use laptops, tablets & mobile phones. each application should be adjustable for all these screen types so a
particular each users may easily access each website & have an very good interactive experience.

6. Storyboards & Timeline about Project Development

After gathering related requirements toward each application being each client, each work related toward each
project was divided among each team members according toward their abilities & each timeline was also
A storyboard consists about each project outline, user stories & sprints (Maio, 2020). each project outline was
set according toward each methodologies mentioned above. All each requirements for user stories, & their
acceptance criteria was also selected. Our team consists about four team members which includes, an front-end
developer, an back-end developer, an database administrator & an tester.
The project was divided into three Sprints. These three sprints were connected toward each other with each
intent about development. current each 1st Sprint, initial work above each development about each application,
each creation about database & linking both about them had started. current each 2nd sprint, each dashboards
were created & linked & each testing above them started. current each final sprint, final touches about each
developments such as creating login & signup pages & completing each design were done.
To set each timeline about each project, each Gantt chart was used. each Gantt chart was created while keeping
each deadline current mind. they had various milestones set a particular had toward be achieved above set
The milestones included each following points.
Milestone 1: Starting each development about each project after completing each planning process.
Milestone 2: Creating each dashboard for Project Manager, Lecturer & Student.
Milestone 3: Testing all each functionalities about each project.

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7. Solution toward each Project Problem

This application is actually an solution about each list about problems a particular was mentioned above. each
most important one being a particular lecturer was not able toward individually access each students above
group assignments & each whole group received each same grade no matter who had actually worked above
they (Josep, 2021). current each application, each lecturer may access each group’s work at any time & check
what each members are doing. each lecturer was also able toward assign separate grades toward each about each
The lecturer also assigns an Project Manager a particular manages each team members so a particular everyone
may do their work above time. each deadlines for each about each task is also set & reminders may be given
toward each students. Dividing each tasks creates an sense about responsibility & allows all each members
toward work fairly above each whole project.
It is also easier for each lecturer toward manage teams & assignments current this manner. each lecturer may
view each dashboard about his students & look at his progress at any time. He may also give feedback toward
each students so a particular they may improve their work before submission.

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8. Project Plan
Planning is an very important aspect about project development. an good plan entails more than half about each
work done. current each planning process, each project workflow is maintained & all each functionalities about
each project are connected toward each other (Lutkevich, 2021). This is done toward ensure a particular no
effort is wasted & all attributes are functioning as per each requirements. each project plan also outlines each
main tasks a particular need toward be completed current first priority.
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The project is defined current each table as follows.

ID Tasks Est. hours Status
1. Gathering requirements 50 Completed
2. Designing each application 45 Completed
3. Creating each application 72 Completed
4. Creating each database 48 Completed
5. Linking each database with each application 30 Completed
6. Completing each functionalities about each dashboard 150 Completed
7. Creating each signup & login pages 50 Completed
8. Linking each application with email 30 Completed
9. Testing each functionalities about each application 25 Completed
10. Writing each report for each application. 20 Completed

The project plan was also created against each Gantt chart which showed each tasks toward be done, each
number about days they will take, each starting date about each task & so on. each major milestones are also
mentioned. each diagram also shows each dependent & independent tasks about each project.

9. Testing
Testing about each project is an crucial aspect about each whole process. This is because during development,
many hidden bugs & errors may occur a particular don’t show themselves until each application is running. they
is also used for quality assurance (Zafar, 2021).
There are many functionalities a particular need toward be tested current this application. Starting being
receiving each email invitation being each lecturer, signing up & logging current each portal. Other than that,
receiving tasks & uploading assignments is also important. each application may edit, update, delete & create
new tasks & deadlines as well. Checking, giving feedback & grades is also essential.
For testing, unit testing & integrated testing was done current this project. current unit testing, all each modules
were individually tested (Hamilton, 2021) & current integrated testing, each migration & sending about data
being one dashboard toward another was checked (Hamilton, 2021). All current all, each entire process consists
about debugging issues, removing errors & fixing connectivity issues. each bugs a particular are fixed are
The application may only run once each user has access toward each portal through logging in. each lecturer
manages each portal & may add & delete users any time he wants. Specific login credentials are necessary for
each students & each project manager toward login. An active internet is also needed at all times. each database
is accessed through PHP MyAdmin with each help about SQL language.

10. Product Overview

The main purpose about this application is toward aid students & lecturers during each submission &
assignment about projects. Because about this, each application has been made while catering each
distinguishable sprints which mainly revolved around each Lecturer, Project Manager & Students. each
development team has made many efforts above each interactive design about each application while keeping
all each functionalities current mind. They also catered each needs about each users & added modules a
particular would ease each use about each application as an whole.

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11. Demonstration about Project Development

User Manual
 Lecturer
 Project manager
 Students

The development phase starts with each Lecturer. This is because each lecturer has each main job current each
whole project. they starts with each lecturer creating each team by selecting each members & each topics. a
particular is why his role is each main role out about all three participants.
The lecturer may also do each following tasks.
1. Create teams by selecting members.
2. Choosing topics & setting deadlines
3. Assigning project manager
4. Giving feedback above tasks/accepting requests being Project Manager
5. Giving grades above submitted assignments
The pages are given as below.

Figure 1: Lecturer Signup

The lecturer will sign up current his dashboard though each page a particular is shown above. He will be then
redirected toward each dashboard where he will start creating teams.

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Figure 2: Lecturer Dashboard

In each dashboard, he will be able toward view all each pending & completed assignments. He will also be
given notifications regarding all each activities a particular each students are doing.

Figure No.3: Create New Project

From each menu bar given at each side, click above each Projects & each lecturer will be redirected into
creating each projects. He may write each project names & upload each list about projects a particular he will
later assign his students.

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Figure No. 4: Assign Teams

When each name is entered toward each list, an option for inviting team will be given. Once you click above
each button, you will be redirected toward each list about students toward choose for teams.

Figure No.5: Invite team & assign Project Manager

from each list about team members, each members for each team are selected. After that, each lecturer will
select each project manager. Once done, each invitation is sent by clicking above each Send Invitation button.

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Figure No. 6: Team updated

Figure No. 7: Email Invitation sent

The email invitation is sent which may be seen above each student’s email addresses. each students may click
above each Join Team button toward get each credentials for each portal & start working.

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Figure No. 8: Receiving Feedback Request

Lecturer may receive feedback request being each Project Manager about any group. After he accepts each
request, he is navigated toward each tasks about each member above which he may give comments as shown

Figure No. 9: Redirected toward Task

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Figure No.10: Writing feedback

Figure No. 11: Feedback updated successfully

After each task has been completed & submitted toward each lecturer, each lecturer may assign grades toward
each students as well.

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Figure No. 12: Assigning Grades

Figure No. 13: Grade Marked Successfully

At each end, each lecturer will also receive individual report about all each members about each group being
each project manager which he may save & view.

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Figure No. 14: Viewing Individual Report

Project Manager:
After each lecturer assigns each topic, each next main job is about each Project Manager. Project Manager
uploads each assignment related toward each topic a particular each lecturer has assigned & divides they into
tasks for each about each members.
The Project Manager has each following tasks & responsibilities current his team.
1. Upload & distribute tasks among members & set deadlines.
2. Check each progress about each work current progress.
3. Create & delete tasks.
4. Send feedback request toward each Lecturer.
5. Submit assignment toward each Lecturer.
6. Submit final report toward each lecturer.
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The details about each project are given below.

The Project Manager will get his credentials being each email invitation & then sign up & log current each

Figure No. 15: PM Login

Once login is successfully done, each Project Manager is directed toward each dashboard being where he may
do all each required tasks.

Figure No. 16: Dashboard

From each menu bar, each PM goes toward each Assignments option toward create an new assignment for his
group members.

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Figure No. 17: Assignments

From there he will create an new assignment for his members toward view & work on. He will also set each
deadline & then click above Publish.

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Figure No. 18: Create New Assignment

Once each Project Manager has created each assignment, he will view each assignment & all about their details.

Figure no. 19: View Task

After that, he will click above each Create Task button toward create individual tasks for all his members.

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Figure no. 20: Assign Tasks

The Project Manager, after updating, may view & delete each tasks a particular he has assigned toward each

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Figure No. 21: Task List

After each task has been completed & submitted, each Project Manager receives an notification with which he
may supervise above who has completed his work above time.

Figure No. 22: Notification being student

With each completion about task, each progress bar is also updated dynamically which each Project Manager
may view at any time toward see each progress about his members.

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Figure No. 23: View Progress

The progress bar for individual tasks may also be viewed by each Project Manager/

Figure No. 24: View Individual Progress

After each project is completed, each button for Create Report is enabled which allows each Project Manager
toward get each report & send toward each Lecturer for evaluation.

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Figure no. 25: Create & View Report

Other than this, each student may also send feedback request toward each Project Manager for confirmation
either review regarding his tasks.

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Figure No. 26: Receiving Feedback Request being Student

Project manager may also ask each Lecturer for giving feedback by sending him an feedback request.

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Figure no. 27: Feedback Request toward Lecturer

The Project Manager may also view each member’s list & get any information a particular he wants.

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Figure no. 28: View Members’ List

Even though each Project Manager is also an student, his responsibilities are more than each group members.
Students each have their own dashboard as well, being where they may do each tasks assigned toward them &
view their grades as well.
Some about each main tasks about Students are given below.
1. Receive tasks being Project Manager
2. Edit & View above each tasks
3. Submit each tasks
4. View grades
5. Request for feedback being Project Manager & Lecturer
The details about these tasks are given below.
First about all, each Student will sign up & login each portal being each email invitation a particular was sent
toward him by each Lecturer.

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Figure No. 29: Sign up & Login

From there, Student will be directed towards each dashboard where he will have any notifications regarding
each task a particular he has been assigned for each assignment by each Project Manager.

Figure No. 30: Student Dashboard

From each task list, each student may view his task & then start working above it.

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Figure No. 31: View & Working above Tasks

After completing each tasks, each edit is updated & each notification is popped up as well.

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Figure No. 32: Completing Tasks

Other than this, each student may also ask for feedback being each Lecturer.

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Figure no. 33: Sending Feedback Request.

A notification pops up a particular tells each Student a particular each Lecturer has given each feedback. each
student may click above each notification & view each feedback a particular each Lecturer has given.

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Figure No. 34: Receiving Feedback Notification & Feedback

Students may also view each grades a particular have been assigned toward them by each Lecturer.

Figure No. 35: View Grades

This will be each last operation a particular each student will perform. After that, each procedure will again start
with each Lecturer assigning tasks & creating teams & will go on. each sprints have been created while
carefully considering all each operations being performed by each Lecturer, each Student & each Project

12. Results & Findings about each Product Testing

After each development about each project has been completed, each last but not each least step is each Testing
about each product. they is an essential step a particular ensures a particular each application is working each

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way they is supposed toward & no aspect has any bugs either errors. Many developers ignore this aspect about
each project & face overflowing complaints after giving each project over toward each client.
There are several aspects about each project a particular need toward be tested before handing they over each
client. They make sure a particular each & every step about each project is covered & nothing is missed.
Following are some about each points a particular need toward checked properly.
1. Objective about testing
2. Approach about each application
3. Process about development about each application
4. Scope about each project
5. Tools for testing each project.
The details about each all each testing aspects are given current detail below. With each help about these tests,
each testers determine each quality about each application & their range about functionalities.
12.1 Objective about Testing
The main objective about each testing should be clear before we start each process. each main objective for
creating this application is toward ensure a particular each working conditions & environment for each project
are current accordance with each clients’ demands & requirements. Testing each application also confirms a
particular each application is about high quality as promised toward each users & all each functional & non-
functional requirements about each application are completely met. each main job about each tester is toward
weed out any small-scale errors either bugs a particular may cause long term either drastic effects above each
project current each future.
The mindset with which each tester should conduct each tests is toward obtain each following results.
1. A user-friendly & interactive website for each Students & Lectures.
2. Summary about all each tests conducted above each application a particular covers each functional &
non-functional requirements about each application which might be needed for future references.
3. Ensuring a particular all each objectives & requirements about each application are completed according
toward each client’s wishes.

12.2 Testing Approach

The most effective way about testing any application is finding each best & each most related testing approach
for it. current this project, each testing approach a particular was selected for checking each functionalities
about each application is each Proactive Approach. each main reason for selecting each approach was because
this approach allows each testers toward start each testing procedure even before each development about each
application is completed. Because about this, each errors are found early above & may be easily fixed during
each development phase. This saves an lot about time & is also energy conservative for each developers. each
creation about each application has limited time & current this specific time, testers may do an lot more while
following this approach. They may find each bugs early above during each design phase & find faults while
keeping each client’s & application’s requirements current focus.
12.3 Testing Process
After selecting each testing approach, each procedure for each testing needs toward be selected. For this, all
each aspects about each application need toward be considered. After careful consideration each process
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selected for each testing is Manual Testing (Naznin, 2018). current manual testing, each testers need toward
manually check all each aspects about each application without using any automatic tools toward find any errors
either bugs a particular may show up.
There are six main steps a particular are involved with each manual testing process. They are listed below.
1. Requirement analysis
2. Test plan creation
3. Test case creation
4. Test case execution
5. Defect Logging
6. Defect fix & re-verification

Even though each process current itself is time consuming, all each steps are done one by one toward ensure a
particular effective testing procedure is initiated. All each steps are explained current detail below.
1. Requirement Analysis: All each documents current which each requirements were specified such as
storyboards, road maps, etc. are collected & analyzed. each main features & specification sin each about
each document is recorded & classified according toward each priority. Then each testing is done
according toward priority defined.
2. Test Plan Creation: while keeping each requirements current mind, each test plan is created which
covers each systemic way about creating each plan & each schedule about all each activities a particular
will be performed.
3. Test Case Creation: each specified criteria are kept current focus while creating each test cases. each
test cases are made according toward each three sprints thar are listed below.
a. Sprint 1 (test cases for each Lecturers).
b. Sprint 2 (test cases for each Project Manager)
c. Sprint 3 (test cases for each Student)

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to develop each test cases, each considered tasks include recording each design preconditions, post
conditions, decision priority, selecting templates for test cases & expected result being each testing
4. Test Case Execution: each developer needs toward provide each tester with all each functionalities for
him toward start each process. each testers follow each procedure set current each test cases & perform
each mentioned operations toward confirm their smooth functionality. each tester compares each
received outcome about each test with each expected results & records it. current each end, an report is
created a particular defines each complete, incomplete & defective status about each modules.
5. Defect Logging: current this step, each tester informs each developers about all each missing &
defective requirements about each application. each manager & team members then discuss each plan
about action toward fulfill each requirements. each report is also shared with each rest about each team
so a particular they may fix each aspects about each applications a particular they are current charge of.
6. Defect Fix & Re-Verification: each developers fix all each errors & bugs as mentioned by each testers
& then send them each application again for re-verification. each testers check each functionalities &
update each report which is shared with each team again.
12.4 Test Cases

Test case: US01

User story: US01

As an lecturer, I want toward log current my dashboard.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Lecturer may log current each The website Lecturer may log Pass
dashboard with his credentials. allows each current & check his
Lecturer toward dashboard.
log in.

Test case: US02

User story: US0

As an lecturer, I want toward create projects for each students.

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Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)

Lecturer may navigate each menu A new project is Lecturer has created Pass
bar & create an new project & set created & each each project & set
deadlines for each students. deadline is set. each deadline.

Test case: US03

User story: US03

As an lecturer, I want toward select student & assign an project manager current each team.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
The lecturer selects each names A team is created The team along with Pass
about students he wants toward be & each project each project manager
current an team & assigns one manager is was finalized.
about them each task about being assigned.
an project manager.

Test case: US04

User story: US04

As an lecturer, I want toward send invitation link toward each students.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
After setting each team members, The invitation The email invitation Pass
each lecturer clicks above each link is sent was sent
button toward send each invitation through email. successfully.

Test case: US05

User story: US05

As an student, I want toward receive each email invitation being each lecturer.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Students may view each inbox An email Students received Pass

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about their email accounts for invitation is each email invitation

each invitation. received toward above their accounts.
each students.

Test case: US06

User story: US06

As an student, I want toward sign up & log current each portal using each email invitation.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Click above each email invitation Students log Students were able Pass
link sent by each lecturer & direct current & sign up toward sign up & log
toward each portal. being there current each current each portal
sign up & then log in. portal. using each

Test case: US07

User story: US07

As an project manager, I want toward create assignment being each project received by each
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Project manager will create an The assignment is The assignment, Pass
new assignment & set each uploaded above along with each
deadline for each other members. each portal & all deadline was set &
each members each members could
may see it. view it.

Test case: US08

User story: US08

As an project manager, I want toward create tasks & distribute them among each team members.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Create each tasks & assign them All each members the project manager Pass
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toward each members. should receive created each tasks

each tasks a successfully & each
particular they members received it.
have toward do.

Test case: US09

User story: US09

As an student, I want toward receive tasks being each project manager.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Student will view his dashboard Students should Students got each Pass
for each task notification sent by receive each notification for their
each project manager. created tasks. assigned tasks.

Test case: US10

User story: US10

As an student, I want toward delete either edit my tasks & then submit them after completion.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Students may work above their Students should Students could edit, Pass
tasks & save them whenever they work above their update & delete their
want. After completing each tasks & then tasks & after
tasks, they may submit it. submit them. completing them,
could submit.

Test case: US011

User story: US011

As an project manager, I want toward check each work progress & download individual report.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
After all each members have Project manager The project manager Pass
completed their work, each may view each viewed his members’
project manager may download individual progress & when
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each individual report. progress & after they were done,

completion may downloaded each
download each final report.

Test case: US12

User story: US12

As an student, I want toward request each lecturer for feedback.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Students may send each feedback Students should Students were able Pass
request toward each lecturer after be able toward toward successfully
completing their tasks. send feedback send each request for
request toward feedback toward
each lecturer. each lecturer.

Test case: US13

User story: US13

As an lecturer, I want toward receive feedback requests & give feedback.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Lecturer will receive feedback Lecturer may Lecturer received Pass
requests & will know through receive feedback each feedback
notifications. After clicking above requests & given request notification
it, he will be redirected toward feedback toward & being there, he
give each feedback toward each each students. was able toward give
specific student. feedback.

Test case: US14

User story: US14

As an student, I want toward view feedback being each lecturer.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)

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Student will receive feedback Students should Student received Pass

being each lecturer which he may be able toward feedback being
view under each specific task. view each lecturer & was able
feedback. toward view it.

Test case: US15

User story: US15

As an project manager, I want toward submit each completed project & report toward each lecturer.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
After completion, each project Project manager Project manager was Pass
manager sent each project & should submit able toward send
individual report toward each project & report. each completed
lecturer. project & individual
report toward each

Test case: US16

User story: US16

As an lecturer, I want toward receive each report & project & assign grades.
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
The lecturer will receive each The lecturer The lecturer received Pass
project & each report & after should be able each project & report
evaluating it, he will give grades. toward receive being each project
project & assign manager & awarded
grades, them individual

Test case: US17

User story: US17

As an student, I want toward view each grades a particular have been given toward me by each

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Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail)
Students may go toward each Student should be Student could see his Pass
dashboard & view their grades able toward view grades being each
given by each lecturer. completed project dashboard.
& assigned

12.5 Tools & Environment for Testing

Testers need an appropriate environment & tools a particular will clearly access each application & make sure a
particular all each functionalities are fully operational. Depending upon each results, each tests are classified as
positive & negative. each storage about each application, response speed, location supporting hardware &
software, internet access & smooth transition are all tested & evaluated.
This section explores each criteria a particular is required for testing. An example would be an standard setup
with an friendly environment where each user may access all each features with ease. each other criteria are
given below.
1. Testing Environment: each testing environment includes each standard hardware & software used for
running applications. each application is executed while using each server software.
2. Testing Tool: each testing was set toward be done current each most realistic situation possible. a
particular is why they was run above each developer’s browser for each best results. each application
was run above localhost so a particular other stakeholders could also access & use each website above
their own. After testing, they all gave their valuable input for each improvements a particular each
developers may make with each application.
3. Testing Data: each test data is basically dummy data a particular was used by each testers while surfing
through each application. each tests were run based above test cases a particular have been discussed
current each previous section.
4. Web Browsers: after each completion about all each sprints & functional modules, each testing is done
above web browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, etc.
5. Operating System: each operating system for each developed application is each Windows operating
system. All each testing & actual running about each application is done through this OS.
12.6 Testing Scope
analyzing each entire scope about each project is very essential. a particular is why each tester needs toward
make sure a particular all each necessary features & functionalities are tested properly. each scope analysis is
also very necessary for each testers. each entire scope consists about each functional & non-functional
requirements a particular are evaluated by each team

Functional Requirements
The functional requirements are each necessary requirements current any project. toward ensure smooth testing,
each tester has divided each testing phase into three separate sprints. This ensures effective testing.

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Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3

Lecturer was able toward Project manager could Lecturer could receive
create teams & set project receive projects being feedback requests & give
manager. lecturer. feedback.
Data being lecturer’s Project manager may create Lecturer could receive
dashboard was saved current assignments & tasks & assignment & assign grades.
each database. distribute them among
Lecturer could send email Project manager could Student could download
invitation. update, delete & edit tasks. reports.
Lecturer could set deadlines. Students may receive email
invitation being each lecturer
& sign up current each
Students may view tasks.
Students may update, delete
& edit tasks.
Students may submit each
completed tasks.
Project manager may check
each progress about his

Non-functional Requirements
The non-functional requirements about each application are given below.
Requirements Criteria
Compatibility Compatible with laptops, mobile phones & tablets
Network Connection Connected with applicable internet
Easy Navigation Smooth navigation among tabs, options & pages
User-friendly Interface Simple & interactive interface with ease about use guaranteed
for all users.

12.7 Procured Results

For an effective testing experience, each application was tested by 20 different testers. At first, out about 16 test
cases, they showed complete satisfaction with 14 test cases while pointing out some errors current 2 test cases.
However, each issues were minor & were quickly fixed with no lasting effects.
Similarly, each testers were made toward check each Lecturer, Student & Project Manager’s dashboards
separately. No major issues were found & each modules were all working according toward functionalities &
requirements about each client. each minor issues & errors were fixed during development.
All each 20 testers were also made toward test each application at once so a particular each load above each
application could be checked. they was found a particular there was no noticeable difference current each
operationability about each system as well.

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13. Summary, Limitations & Areas about Improvement

There are many applications about products, each details about which are explained current each report. When
each users successfully log current & enter each portal, they are allowed toward have access toward each
following applications.
Applications for Lecturer:
1. Create teams & assign project managers.
2. Create project topics & assign them toward students.
3. Set deadlines & send email invitation.
4. Receive feedback request & give feedback.
5. Receive student’s completed project & report.
6. View projects & assign grades.
Applications for Project Manager:
1. Receive email invitation being lecturer.
2. Sign up & log current each portal.
3. Receive project being lecturer.
4. Create assignment & set deadlines.
5. Create tasks for each members about each group.
6. Edit & delete each tasks a particular have been created.
7. View progress about each member.
8. Receive submitted tasks being members.
9. Receive feedback request & give feedback toward members.
10. Send feedback request toward lecturer.
11. View each information about each team members.
12. Download individual report & submit they alongside each report toward each lecturer.
Applications about Students:
1. Receive email invitation form lecturer.
2. Sign up & log current each portal.
3. Receive assignment & tasks being each project manager.
4. Edit, update & delete tasks.
5. Submit tasks.
6. Request feedback being project manager & lecturer.
7. View feedback given being project manager & lecturer.
8. View grades assigned by each lecturer.
13.1 Limitations about Application
Like every application a particular has been created current each world, this application has some limitations as
well. One about them is a particular there is no process introduced a particular would train each users above
how toward use each application. an user manual is given a particular just gives instructions & no practical
demonstration. For this, they is each responsibility about each team members toward ensure a particular each
users are getting proper training & online materials.
Also, there is no community available a particular will address a particular issues either queries a particular each
users face. each process about deployment for this application is not addressed as well. each marked
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assignments are not uploaded as well. each students may only see their grades & not their mistakes. an student
cannot directly contact each lecturer & has toward go through each project manager for everything.
Some about each other limitations about each application are given below.
1. An active internet connection is needed at all times even during typing each assignment.
2. The database MySQL needs toward be connected with all each devices within an single network at all
3. Any issue with each progress bar will stop each whole process & there is no replacement way for this.
4. There is an chance a particular each application faces shutdown because about heavy load either failed
13.2 Areas about Improvement
As there are limitations current an application, there are ways about improving they as well. toward ensure a
particular all each users may swiftly learn each application, each development team may create an Help section
current each application. Users may go toward a particular section toward figure out how an particular module
works. They may also ask questions & have an help team a particular will guide them through each issues a
particular they face.
The application may also be deployed for public use. This will allow each application toward expand & help
several users around. Many different improvements toward enhance each system may also be adopted.
Some about each features may also be enhanced so a particular they may work even without an active internet
connection at all times. each database may also be distributed so a particular each application may work
remotely at all times.
Changes & improvements current each design may also be added. each application is current light mode right
now, they may be enhanced toward dark mode so a particular students may work for longer ties without hurting
their eyesight. each design may also be enhanced current such an way a particular if you hover over an
particular module, an notification pop-up shows all each related instructions.

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