Candidates’ Declaration
We hereby declare that this project work is the result of our own original work
and that no part of it has been submitted for any other award in Tamale Technical
University, or elsewhere.
Signature:……………………………. Date…………………………………….
Signature:……………………………. Date……………………………………
Signature:……………………………. Date……………………………………
We hereby certify that the preparation and presentation of the project work were
supervised in accordance with the guidelines on project work laid down by the
Internal Supervisor’s
Signature:…………………………………… Date………………………………….
Signature:…………………………………… Date………………………………….
HOD’s Name:…………………………………………………………………………
Signature:…………………………………… Date………………………………….
The job management system is a web based system intended for online retailers. The
main objective of this system is to make it interactive and its ease of use. It would make
searching, viewing and selection of a products such as furniture, beds, chairs etc easier.
It contains a sophisticated search engine for clients to search for products specific to
their needs. The search engine provides an easy and convenient way to search for
products where a user can Search for a product interactively and the search engine
would refine the products available based on the user’s input when the product are not
yet available it be pending on the clients status. The client can then view the complete
when the job is completed, specification of each product. They can also view the
product reviews and also write their own reviews. The software also provides a
pending, processing, and completed job feature so that clients can add . The main
emphasis lies in providing clients friendly search engine for effectively showing the
desired results
We would like to extend our heartiest thanks with deep sense of gratitude and respect to
all those who provides us immense help and guidance during our training period.
We would like to thank our project internal supervisor Mr. Ibrahim for providing vision
about the system we have been greatly benefitted from their regular critical review and
We would also like to thank or express our sincere thank to our Head Of Department
(HOD) Dr. Kennedy who gave us an opportunity to undertake such a great challenging
and innovative network. We are much grateful for your support throughout the entire
We would like to thank our able senior for his effort and unfailing co-operation and
We would also like to thank the entire staff of Computer Science Department for their
constant support and encouragement, suggestions and moral support throughout the
Last but not least we would like to dedicate our heartiest gratitude to our parent, friends
and to everyone who has been associated with our project at my stage but whose name
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.........................................................................................................1
1.9 Methodology.......................................................................................................5
1.12 System Requirements:.......................................................................................6
2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................18
3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................18
3.6 Implementation..................................................................................................31
3.6.3 Use Cases Diagrams.......................................................................................35
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................37
4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................37
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................41
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................41
5.5 Recommendations.............................................................................................42
6.0 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................44
1.1 Background
Circulation Section
:This sectionprovidesdocumentsto the membersand
u s e r s o f library forhome reading as well as reading in the library.The
documents are arrangedon the racks in stacksas per the Dewey Decimal
Classification Scheme.iv.
:To procure, maintain and arrange periodicals services
tolibrarymembers.Periodical section provides reference service with
respect to therequirement of the reader. Reference section is attached to periodical
section forconvenience of the Library users.v.
:Databaseslike OPAC, CAB-CD ROM abstracting databases,
DELNETonline Network Service etc.are available for the library
Reprographic Section
This Section has twoautomatic plain paper copiers and aduplicating
machine throughwhichthe services of photocopy are provided to
Binding Section
:This section is working for binding work of the damaged books. B a c k
Volumes and other documents of thisLibrary.The required
b i n d i n g m a c h i n e r y is available in this section.Library managementis a sub-
discipline ofinstitutional managementthat focuses on specificissues faced by
libraries and library management professionals. Library managementencompasses
normal management tasks as well asintellectual freedom,anti-censorship,
andf u n d r a i s i n g t a s k s . I s s u e s f a c e d i n l i b r a r y m a n a g e m e n t f r e q u e n t l y
o v e r l a p t h o s e f a c e d i n management ofnon-profit organizations(Sharma
et al.,2005).Library Management System isan application that portraits
library system which couldbe generally small or mediumin size.It is used by
the librarian to categorically manage the library by the virtue of using acomputerized
system where he/she can record various transactions like issue of books, returnof
books, addition of new books, addition of new students etc. (Ashutoshand
Ashish., 2011).
Books andusermaintenance modules are also included in this system which
would keeptrack of theusersusing the library and also a detailed description
about the books a librarycontains. With this computerized system there will be no
loss of book record or memberrecord which generally happens when anon-
computerizedsystem is used. In addition, report
module is also included in Library Management System. If user’s position is admin, the
is able to generate different kinds of reports like lists ofusersregistered, list
of books, issueand return reports. All these modules are able to help librarian to
manage the library withmore convenience and in a more efficient way as compared to
library systems which are notcomputerized.This system will be developed and
designed to help librarian record every booktransaction soas to reduce and
eradicateproblem of loss of books and files in the library.
1.2 Problem Statement
People when transfer their products using any courier service wants to know whether
their product has been shifted to their right place or not, if not then by what time it will
be shifted and where it is now. Taking all this information manually is very difficult
and time taking process. To handle all these activities include various processes and
Keeping record of parcels in a courier service company and their delivery information
is carried out manually. A lot of files are opened for daily record of parcels received or
delivered. This litters the office with much paper documents. Most often records are
misplaced and when a client comes to collect his parcel, he/she spend some hours
waiting for confirmation of the parcel. Hence delay is bound to occur while delivering
parcel to customers. Also, customers must visit the post office before they can purchase
Service Company.
Developing an e-post platform that can be used by customers to order for post
A Courier Management System, when developed tends to increase and improve the
etc. which will be adequately handled with which the courier company will get more
returns from and attain better customer satisfaction. ( logo –
The scope of this project covers all details of a typical e-post application, with
emphasis on the front-end portal but excludes the gateway application implementations
and technologies. The gateway end which is a very secure e-payment environment is
often times built using SSL protocol, which can be procured from the gateways
companies and integrated to the e-commerce site to support online, onsite payment
management. However we have chosen to incorporate a demo copy of the gateway end
Due to the manual means being used by courier Service Company in keeping parcel
Transfer: Any kind of computer file can be sent via the Internet from one Internet user
to another. Table of accounts on spreadsheets, design by a graphic artists, music sound
and documents.
Consignee: Is the party who delivers goods that they own to another party.
Consignor: Is the party who delivers goods that they own to another party.
Logistics: Is the process of coordinating and moving resources between one point of
Desk officer: Is the worker at the courier company that accepts the consignment from
the consignor.
company containing details of the parcels to be delivered, with a provision for where
Reference number: Is a number given to all the consignments by the courier company
processes of the courier company especially as concerned with the recording of receipts
and delivery of goods. ( logo - RESEARCH PROJECT TOPICS
1.9 Methodology
Xampp server
SQL Database
The project is organized as follows: - Chapter one comprises the background of the
project with the statement of the problems, objectives of the project, scope of the
project, and definition of terms pointed out. Chapter two reviews previous literatures
Chapter three discusses methodology and system analysis. It deals with the approach
used for the project, tools used, information gathering, data analysis and limitations of
the existing system. Chapter four covers the system analysis and design. It highlights
the project modules, system and program flow charts, and the database design. Chapter
five discusses the system implementation and testing. Chapter six covers the summary
Clients End:
Tracking device
2.1 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to the review of existing literature related to the topic.
For the development of the proposed system for the Courier Management system, to be
effective and efficient, a review of the existing system (operations and reports) was
necessary. Most of the literature review was taken from documents on operations of the
Courier Companies and some other policy books available. The preceding chapters talk
about what the system is all about: its functionalities, how it is built, how it works, the
manually, Courier services relies on various journals to record its transactions. The
consideration the type, name, color, date of manufacture, the weight and package and
amount paid. For example, any package that was to be delivered by this department is
recorded in the package registration journal. Considering the work involved in recording
these transactions; issuing receipts and generating statistical reports was time consuming.
The people sometimes forget to record some data due to the pressures from the waiting
queue, which may affect the accuracy of the information and the final decision to be made.
“This project provides the facility to all users to send and receive the courier. They can
also update and delete the courier, and also get the information of the status of the courier.”
In this chapter the outlook of the existing systems comparatively to the new system studies
the problem, identifies alternate Solutions evaluate those solutions and finally recommends
the best solution. The system study gives an idea of the user requirements. A detailed
system study is an essential for developing an efficient system. The techniques used are:
The courier company is a new but wish to spread over the country and the world at large so
that when person wants to send things then he has to contact them for the service. The
courier company creates the schedule & gives internal/external services. The courier
service work as destination office or source office. The source office branch receives the
order means consignments & sends it to the destination courier branch. The company has
As the company is new and growing, it has no existing electronic system but uses the
traditional system in total manual, the activity takes place in the system as following. All
records are kept on books for references and wait till products are delivered.
As the system is totally manual, the activity takes place in the system as following.
In this system first of all consignors placed their consignments like covers, documents,
non-documents etc. to the officer of the courier branch. Here this branch acts as a source
branch. Then the branch officer prepares the consignment note. The details of the
ORG: It indicates the name of the city from where the consignment is received from the
DEST: It indicates the name of the city or destination to where the consignment is sent.
BOOKED BY: If there is any franchise then write the name of it.
CONSIGNOR: It indicates name & address of the person who placed the consignment.
CONSIGNEE: It indicates name & address of the person who received the consignment.
DECLARED VALUE: If the cost of consignment is very high then it is written in this box.
SPECIAL CHARGES: When they provide any special services then the charge of it treated
as special charge.
Make the 3 copies of the consignment note. From which one is given to the sender, one is
use as cash or invoice in office purpose & other is use as ‘Proof of Delivery (POD)’, which
After receiving all consignments, they sort out the consignments according to the
Manifest is one type of note, which contains all the consignments having same destination.
From: It contains the name of city from where the consignment is sent.
TO: It contains the name of city means destination, to where the consignment are received.
Make 3 copies of the manifest. From which one is used for the source office, other 2 are
sent to the destination office. Then from these two copies one is return back to the source
After preparing Manifest all the consignments are packed & then transship the
1) By air.
2) By cargo.
3) By surface.
In air delivery boy takes the all consignments in the plane. It is also known as onboard
courier. In cargo source branch booked the plane & the delivery boy of the destination
branch received all the consignments. In surface courier services is provided by road.
After receiving consignments destination branch checked the manifest, whether any
consignment is left or not. Then based on manifest the destination branch prepared the
Consignee: It contains the name of the person, who received the consignments.
Name & sign of the consignee: Here the name of the consignee & sign of his/her is taken.
Received Date: It contains the date on which the consignee received the consignments.
The delivery boy of destination branch prepares this form. Then he gives the consignments
to appropriate cons ignee& take his/her sign. In the courier services, charges of
the consignments is obtained from the rate table, which contains the different rate for the
Using manual courier services, we have to make the whole Export Report, which
contains the record of the consignments. It requires more time & more calculation.
In courier service the rate of the each consignment or item is fixed. The rate of
In courier services, the payment is made in credit or cash. So for the billing
procedure for the regular customer, we have to refer all the records in Export
Maintaining information and retrieving information according to our needs are limited.
maintaining the data’s is tedious and tedious and sometimes information maybe lost or
overloaded by human
2.4 System study
A feasibility study aims to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses
environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for
success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and
value to be attained.
A feasibility study evaluates the project's potential for success; therefore, perceived
objectivity is an important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and
In the Courier Management System project, the project can give any kind of information
This is very sophisticated to use and modify. The project is designed in such a way that it
can afford any changes that occurs in feature. The project can also be modified according
to the needs.
It is feasible to have an integrated system with GUI and Relational Database for the
courier System. The wastage of storage space is avoided by eliminating the data
redundancy, which needs careful programming. The careful programming minimizes the
15 Technical feasibility:
512 MB RAM
For its execution it is mandatory that it be used with a GUI based Operating System like
Since the institution already has the required hardware and a supporting Operating
Intel based processor-run computer system, which have keyboard and mouse as input
devices. This has been decided for its case of availability and up-gradation. The various
Technical feasibility centre on the existing computer system (hardware, software) and to
what extent it can support the proposed addition. If the budget is a serious constraint, then
Behavioral feasibility
The project has a very user friendly, GUI based interface also featuring help menu, which
leaves no room for any confusion at the user end. There were some errors at the beginning
of the project but it all has been taken out. It was made for the user clean UI programing
that means it was made with very simplistic UI (user interface) so the user can understand
No need for training the user to use the Project. Hence it is operationally feasible.
The aim of the system is only to satisfy the information needs; no employees will lose
their position by the proposed system. In fact, the proposed system will help the
organization in reducing the voluminous work involved. Also the involvement of users in
every stage of the project is going to increase the success factor. The staff in not well
mechanical process of working as they have long been used to the manual entry system.
Our system is also feasible for organization because it supports of the organization and its
strategic plan.
The cost of developing this project is merely the man-hours that are put into it, apart from
this, on the institutional front the costs that it will be bearing is to comply with the
minimum system requirements for the same. Since the institution that will employ this
This project is economically feasible. The procedure is to determine the benefits and
savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare it with the costs. If a
benefit outweighs costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system.
1. Manpower cost
2.5 System requirements
Software Requirement:
Hardware Requirements:
Hard disk
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to the system design, systems methodology and implementation of
the system.
supports the high availability of courier services to the business and to the customer. The
system is being used for day to day activities such as booking a courier, maintain hub
details, and maintain company details, process data of companies and many other things.
CMS is programmed using Java technologies. CMS can be customized to fit your business
In this section we will discuss to find out our new propose method for the existing system
in order to enhance some of the modules which have some disadvantages. A multinational
company has a very big risk to perform every task in every field and it has to be well
Computerizing of the existing system is done with the help of some programming
language & some database packages. So it will ease the work of the system when system
1. It leaves the scope for destination, so the person can select desire destination.
2. It takes current date it means system date. So that person need not to be entered it
very time.
3. AMD-C contains consignment no. It is unique no. & it is use in Manifest & Delivery
4. If the consignor is regular then user should not need to enter his/her name & address.
5. If the consignor is not regular then the user has to enter the information about
7. The description, which contains declare value, insurance, weight in kilo, weight in
grams, the user enters packets. In this declare value is chosen according to the
9. The no. of packets, charges, special charges, and service tax is entered by the user &
Then three copies of this consignment note are prepared.
Now all the entered data are stored in database name as Consignment Details and
Consignor Info.
In the Manifest form, the user enters the name of the destination on which user want
to create Manifest.
10. According to the entered destination, all the appropriate consignment nos. are
11. The no. of consignment, total weight, and total no. of bags is counted by
After this Manifest form is send to the destination branch with the consignments.
Here the branch received Consignments & Manifest. Then it prepares Delivery Run
Branch Name / Regional office, Consignment No, Date, Pieces, Name & address of
Here we need not to enter the date because it automatically takes the system date.
3.2.2 Advantages of proposed system:
1. In computer system of the courier service computation of the rate is easily & quickly
2. Accuracy in work.
4. Well-designed reports
process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system. According to
If a business determines a change is needed during any phase of the SDLC, the company
might have to proceed through all the below life cycle phases. The life cycle approach of
any project is a time-consuming process. Even though some steps are more difficult than
others, none are to be overlooked. An oversight could prevent the entire system from
functioning as planned.
1. Planning
The company wish to meet or exceed expectations for their employees, customers
and stakeholders too. The purpose of this step is to find out the scope of the
problem and determine solutions. Resources, costs, time, benefits and other items
should be considered at this stage. The planning phase involves aspects of project
Capacity planning
Project scheduling
Cost estimation
The second phase of the System development. This is where teams consider the
takes place or analyzing the needs of the end users to ensure the new system can
needs are, as well as how they can be met, who will be responsible for individual
There are several tools businesses can use that are specific to the second phase.
They include:
Requirements gathering
Structured analysis
3. Systems Design
This is third phase and it describe in detail, the necessary specifications, features
and operations that will satisfy the functional requirements of the proposed system
4. Development
The fourth phase is when the real work begins in particular, we are now in the
major work of the project. Additionally, this phase signifies the start of production.
The fifth phase involves systems integration and system testing (of programs and
procedures) Testing are be repeated, specifically to check for errors, bugs and
interoperability. This testing will be performed until the end user finds it
acceptable. Another part of this phase is verification and validation, both of which
Code quality
Integration testing
Performance testing
Security testing
6. Implementation
The sixth phase is when the majority of the code for the program is written.
system. This step puts the project into production by moving the data and
components from the old system and placing them in the new system via a direct
cutover. While this can be a risky (and complicated) move, the cutover typically
happens during off-peak hours, thus minimizing the risk. Both system analysts and
end-users should now see the realization of the project that has implemented
The seventh and final phase involves maintenance and regular required updates.
This step is when end users can fine-tune the system, if they wish, to boost
SDLC provides a series of steps to be followed to design and develop a software product
This is the first step where the user initiates the request for a desired software product. He
contacts the service provider and tries to negotiate the terms. He submits his request to the
Requirement Gathering
This step onwards the software development team works to carry on the project. The team
holds discussions with various stakeholders from problem domain and tries to bring out as
and segregated into user requirements, system requirements and functional requirements.
Feasibility Study
After requirement gathering, the team comes up with a rough plan of software process. At
this step the team analyzes if a software can be made to fulfill all requirements of the user
and if there is any possibility of software being no more useful. It is found out, if the
project is financially, practically and technologically feasible for the organization to take
up. There are many algorithms available, which help the developers to conclude the
System Analysis
At this step the developers decide a roadmap of their plan and try to bring up the best
software model suitable for the project. System analysis includes Understanding of
organization and personnel etc. The project team analyzes the scope of the project and
Software Design
Next step is to bring down whole knowledge of requirements and analysis on the desk and
design the software product. The inputs from users and information gathered in
requirement gathering phase are the inputs of this step. The output of this step comes in
the form of two designs; logical design and physical design. Engineers produce meta-data
and data dictionaries, logical diagrams, data-flow diagrams and in some cases pseudo
This step is also known as programming phase. The implementation of software design
starts in terms of writing program code in the suitable programming language and
An estimate says that 50% of whole software development process should be tested.
Errors may ruin the software from critical level to its own removal. Software testing is
done while coding by the developers and thorough testing is conducted by testing experts
at various levels of code such as module testing, program testing, product testing, in-
house testing and testing the product at user’s end. Early discovery of errors and their
Software may need to be integrated with the libraries, databases and other program(s).
This stage of SDLC is involved in the integration of software with outer world entities.
This means installing the software on user machines. At times, software needs post-
installation configurations at user end. Software is tested for portability and adaptability
This phase confirms the software operation in terms of more efficiency and less errors. If
required, the users are trained on, or aided with the documentation on how to operate the
software and how to keep the software operational. The software is maintained timely by
updating the code according to the changes taking place in user end environment or
technology. This phase may face challenges from hidden bugs and real-world unidentified
As time elapses, the software may decline on the performance front. It may go completely
obsolete or may need intense upgradation. Hence a pressing need to eliminate a major
portion of the system arises. This phase includes archiving data and required software
components, closing down the system, planning disposition activity and terminating
Courier Management System (CMS) is a modular full business software framework for an
enterprise which possess operations in domestic and international courier services. CMS
courier business. CMS solution handles the end to end process staring from initiating a
courier order, driver pickup and delivery of a courier business. CMS covers all the controls
Courier Management System (CMS) is an integrated full business software framework for
CMS performs a variety of activities pertaining to the processes in the logistic situation of
a courier business. CMS solution handles the end to end process starting from initiating a
Services, International Courier Export Services, and Domestic Pickup & Delivery.
New registration:
The user can register himself in the system. This is fully automated process assign
Users can view their details and update his details if required.
View offers:
Like any other user, admin can also track and instruct his team to manage the consignment.
Update offers:
Branch Admin
This module helps the branch admin to use various facilities after the logged on courier
services like: –
Update status:
View status:
View the status of others consignment and add the current information of consignments.
3.6 Implementation
system that shows the relationship between people, objects, places, concepts or events
within that system. An ERD is a data modelling technique that can help define business
One-to-one (1:1): For example, if each customer in a database is associated with one
mailing address.One-to-many (1:M) : For example, a single customer might place an order
for multiple products. The customer is associated with multiple entities, but all those
Many-to-many (M:N) : For example, at a company where all call centre agents work with
multiple customers, each agent is associated with multiple customers, and multiple
3.6.2 Data Flow Diagrams
purpose of a flow chart is to provide people with a common language or reference point
when dealing with a project or process. Flowcharts use simple geometric symbols and
A decision is represented by a diamond ( )
A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs
and outputs. As its name indicates its focus is on the flow of information, where data
comes from, where it goes and how it gets stored. There are essentially four different types
A) Process Notations
C) Dataflow Notations
The DFDs also consists of Context Diagrams and DFD Layers and Levels. Context
Diagrams: A context diagram is a top level (also known as "Level 0") data flow diagram
DFD Layers: Draw data flow diagrams can be made in several nested layers. DFD Levels:
The first level DFD shows the main processes within the system. Each of these processes
can be broken into further processes until you reach pseudo code.
3.6.4 Back-end coding
Installation generally refers to the activities required to physically instate the system; this
will likely include connecting interfaces to other systems such as electrical, computer, or
security systems, and may include software interfaces as well. Installation planning should
generally document the complexity of the system, the range of environmental conditions
expected in the operational environment, any interface specifications, and human factors
requirements such as safety. When real-world conditions require changes in the installation
requirements, these should be documented and discussed with the relevant stakeholders.
4.1 Introduction
customized systems, the creation of database systems, or the acquisition of third party
developed software. Written standards and procedures guided all information systems
standards and an appropriate system development life cycle methodology was adopted to
This chapter is devoted to show the procedures in proposed system, input Forms of the
The preceding two chapters have discussed the parameterization of existing systems and
evolving systems. In this chapter we consider models of proposed systems: major new
systems and subsystems that are undergoing design and implementation. The process of
design and implementation involves continual tradeoffs between cost and performance.
It’s also extremely challenging. In the case of existing systems, measurement of data is
straightforward and limited experimentation may be possible in validating a baseline
model. In the case of proposed systems, these advantages do not exist. For this reason, it is
significant in error. Recently, progress has been made in evolving a general framework for
projecting the performance of proposed systems. User satisfaction with a new application
system depends on a significant extent on the system’s ability to deliver performance that
4.5.1 Application Software requirements
Clients End:
Server End:
Tracking device
Smaller couriers tend to not have the stability of larger couriers. A lot of this comes down
to financial backing and problems could arise that you’re unaware of when first working
With this responsibility on your shoulders, it’s important that you recognise these potential
issues beforehand.
Limited Resources and Network Supply Chain can lead to Service Restrictions
Smaller couriers don’t the same network supply chain or as many resources as large
couriers do. Therefore, there might be fewer options to take advantage of should potential
issues arise.
This shows that smaller couriers might not have the network base to deal with special
requests as large couriers will. Plus, there may also be more restrictions to the service
offered. So, there’s a chance you’ll have to settle for a one-size-fits-all approach rather
5.1 Introduction
This chapter comprises of Summary of findings, Limitations of the system and conclusions
made on the system as well as some recommendations for future researchers and
The system as a web base application is designed purposely to be used online which
The system can’t the current location of a delivery until it reaches the office or a nearby
The project titled ‘Courier Management System’ was developed to the courier services and
direction and with their help. The system was tested and the performance of the system
All the necessary output was created. The system was found to be user-friendly with help
message for the customer. The menu Driven Architecture of the system provide an easy to
The system was implemented successfully. The manpower and working hours needed to
operate the system was less and it was seen to be more secure. Thus, the Project was
completed successfully.
5.5 Recommendations
It is still mature and fully enthusiastically. Any requirements, this project is completed but
still, they want to update and modify some modules. We are always thinking about
We always want to implement something more. This project is completed when you watch,
Online Chat
Overseas Service
Company wants to computerized system in such a way that the person need not to go
through the rate file every time. But here the “RATE TARIFE” means “RateTable” is
maintain in computer memory so that the values of consignment can be easily derived &
changed if there any it can be accommodated. The file of regular consignor is maintained
Users of the system are required have the required software, hardware and system
CMS can be personalized to fit your business and can either be used as a complete system
Management System’. The system is being used for day to day actions such as maintain
employee details, booking a courier, maintain hub details, maintain corporation details,
help manager manage information. Technology is considered suitable when it utilizes the
most abundant domestic possessions and conserves investment and skilled personnel”.
The main aim of this project is to computerize the maintenance of courier management
5. http://services.lovelycoding