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this company. At the same time, a review of others project The PMBoK, which is published by the Project Management
management methodologies and practices becomes relevant, Institute (PMI), has become a widely practice standard in many
particularly, the ones that have been stimulating controversial industries around the world. Since the PMBoK describes a set
endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service”
developing a SLR on this theme would allow to these papers (Hewagamage & Hewagamage, 2011). Aligned with PMBOK
authors to gather, pinpoint and understand the different project and based on that is ISO 21500:2012 (Varajão et al., 2017).
management methodologies that have been used by different This International Standard provides guidance on concepts and
authors and companies. With this SLR, these paper authors processes of project management that are important for, and
A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW also believe that it will help to develop the framework requested
by the company.
Attending to these objectives for the SLR study, one of the first
have impact on, the performance of projects (ISO, 2012).
PRINCE2 is an acronym for Projects IN Controlled
Environments. It is a standard used extensively in the United
SLR steps is to define research questions. In this case, the Kingdom and a registered trademark of Office of Government
research questions were: What is the relation between Commerce (OGC - Office of Government Commerce, 2009). It
ANDRÉ CRUZ, PROJECT MANAGER traditional, Agile and Lean Project Management? This study could be described as a project management method designed
ANABELA TERESO, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR intended to understand the current different practices, to provide a framework covering the wide variety of disciplines
ANABELA C. ALVES, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR methodologies and frameworks existent in the literature. Also, it and activities required within a project. PRINCE2 is focused on
was important to know how Lean thinking principles have been a business case that describes the rationale and business
UNIVERSITY OF MINHO, PORTUGAL applied to the project management in a synergy called Lean justification for the project. It is a process-based method and the
Project Management. As so, the main goal of the SLR was to structure comprises five phases and eight high-level processes
allow a proper answer to this research question. (Hewagamage & Hewagamage, 2011).
This paper is structured into five sections. After this first Other models were provided by other professional organizations
Abstract: This paper presents a systematic literature review about introduction, the authors present a brief literature background such as International Projects Management Association (IPMA).
about the topics that are mentioned. Then, the research IPMA is all about projects, programs and portfolios. In this
traditional, Agile and Lean Project Management methodologies. A general methodology of the SLR is outlined in section three, and the category, IPMA have information regarding how to define
overview on the methodologies was also made, either on the perspective of main results of this study are presented in the section four. excellent projects and programs, using our international renown
Finally, the conclusions are exhibited in section five. standard, the IPMA Project Excellence Baseline (IPMA, 2015).
the traditional based methodologies or the Lean and Agile methodologies. Also, others best practices are Rational Unified Process (RUP),
Microsoft Solution Framework (MSF), Capability Maturity Model
The systematic literature review (SLR) results revealed more than 3500 2. BACKGROUND Integration (CMMI), among others. These are provided by the
papers. After filtering and applying exclusion criteria, just 80 were analyzed. This section presents some background definitions and terms Rational Software Cooperation, Microsoft Cooperation,
that are related to the three main themes approached in this Software Engineering Institute (SEI), respectively
Main findings were that, in spite of some reserves, project management (Hewagamage & Hewagamage, 2011).
research: Project Management, Lean Thinking and Lean Project
methodologies based on Lean are used. Nevertheless, Agile methodologies Management. The traditional approaches rely on what has been described as
a linear or incremental project management life cycle model
are the most used. (Wysocki, 2014). They are characterized by a set of well-
2.1. Project management
defined phases sequentially performed. Each phase should be
This section presents the project management main definitions concluded before to start the following phase in the sequence
KEYWORDS: PROJECT MANAGEMENT; LEAN AND AGILE and concepts. First, it is important to define Project (Singhto & Denwattana, 2016). There is no feedback from the
Management. Project Management is the application of following phases to the previous phases based on learning what
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to is one of the disadvantages of this type of methodologies
meet the project requirements (PMI, 2008). To manage a (Wysocki, 2014). According to Leau et al. (2012) Waterfall and
project, mainly a software development project, are used V-Model are two models of such methodologies.
methodologies, being the most known the traditional
methodologies and, more recent, the agile.
2.2.2. Agile methodologies
2.2.1. Traditional methodologies Agile Project Management was the name that came out from a
Traditional projects are clearly defined with well-documented meeting that, in 2001, gathered 17 software developers to
and understood features, functions, and requirements ( discuss differences and similarities among the project
development methodologies that they used to use. Some of the end customer point of view and that he/she is not willing to Moreover, Lean project management emerges as an approach explicit, rigorous, reproducible, and auditable methodology for
those developers had created frameworks and methodologies pay (Ohno, 1988). To be successfully in implementing Lean to solve some problems of traditional project management evaluating and interpreting all available research relating to a
like Extreme Programming, Crystal Methodologies, Scrum, Thinking, the authors proposed five main principles: 1) Value; 2) processes: permanent environmental changes, lack of project particular research question, topic area, or phenomenon of
Adaptive Software Development, Feature-Driven Development Value stream; 3) Flow; 4) Pull production and 5) Pursuit management knowledge, lack of time management, lots of interest. By performing a SLR, researchers can summarize
and Dynamic Systems Development Methodology. By the end perfection. The last means to search continuous improvement in multitasking, projects delays and over budget, minimize existing evidence about a phenomenon, identify gaps in current
of this gathering, the Agile Manifesto (The Agile Alliance, 2001) every activity companies do. paperwork and bureaucracy, among others (Lledó, 2011, 2014; research, and provide a ground framework to position or
was created. The first principle is related to identifying the activities that adds Moujib, 2007; Pitagorsky, 2006). Additionally, Sohi et al (2016) support new ideas and hypotheses (Castelluccia & Visaggio,
Normally used in software development projects, these agile value for the clients. There are three types of activities, the ones considered that such an approach promises to cope with 2013) as cited in Silva, (2015).
methodologies are less planned which characterized many that create value, activities that do not create value, but are complexity and improve project performance.
projects that take place in dynamic environments, requiring necessary and activities that do not create value and are Lean project management is the application of Lean Thinking 3.1. Three Step Procedure
projects to adapt quickly to changes (Singh et al., 2012). They unnecessary, i.e., waste. Waste spends resources but do not principles to Project Management. As Lean production, Lean
are based on an iterative or adaptive life cycle and are designed add value to the product. The main goal of each process project management (LPM) pursuit the reduction of the time The SLR methodology that was used consists of a three-step
to accept and embrace change (Ahimbisibwe et al., 2015). To improvement is eliminating the activities that are not necessary. required to complete a project, by eliminating all wastes in the procedure for data collection, choice criteria and data selection,
be agile, it must be able to adapt to changing priorities quickly. To achieve this, it is needed a process mapping to identify the path to achieve this. This means adapting the Lean Thinking to provide whatever is necessary to achieve the main goal of
Working in short iterations gives a team this option, by including different types of activities and to find the value stream for the philosophy to project management context. this research. This three-step procedure is constituted by:
planning in each development cycle (Fowler & Highsmith, product or family that adds value to the client. This is the The important exercises within LPM are the identification of 1. Defining the appropriate research questions: The process
2001). Agile and Lean software development are flexible meaning of the second principle. value-added and value-enabling activities. For instance, begun with the choice of the literature field, which was the
approaches that have emerged to provide solutions to this Recognized the value stream, all activities that do not adds MacAdam (2009) adapted the three types of activities, defined target for this research. Since the scope was defined, the
situation (Dybå & Dingsøyr, 2008; Nurdiani et al., 2016). value, necessary or unnecessary, must be reduced or earlier in section 2.1, to the projects context:1) Value-Added are next action was the choice of adequate research questions.
Agile projects discover the complete project requirements by eliminated because they are obstacles to the product flow, tasks advance the completion of the project, and the customer This was one of the most important steps, insofar as these
doing the project in iterations and therefore reducing and obstructing that it quickly is delivered to the client. Flow is the is willing to pay for them such as laying the foundation for a questions act as success criteria for the screening that
eliminating uncertainty (Fernandez, Daniel & Fernandez, John, third principle that is achieved if the production is pulled from hotel construction project; 2) Enabler tasks that are required to happened further ahead;
2009). Agile Project Management is defined by Wysocki (2014) the client. Because when the client pulls production, only what complete the project, even not paid the customer, e.g. project 2. Defining appropriate search terms: Firstly, it was important
as a non-linear, iterative or adaptive approach to project the client needs will be produced and a batch-and-queue policy, planning or quality testing (if it is not specified as part of a to assure the inexistence of studies of this kind on the same
management. According to this author, these methodologies are characteristic of a push production, will be transformed in a one- customer deliverable); and 3) Waste tasks that not desired by scope, then a keyword assembly structure that aims to
change-driven, contrarily to the plan-driven, referred above, piece-flow. Nevertheless, the establishment of all principles the customer, e.g. attending a meeting at which you are not accommodate a broad range of search terms;
because they cannot succeed without change. demands an iterative approach supported by continuous required or over-designing a component. 3. Process of screening and data selection: Using the success
Agile Methodologies are a promising new class of improvement to vision perfection. Continuous improvement of project management processes will criteria, the last step consists in successive rounds of
methodologies for software development proposed at the end of These principles are valid to apply in any activity or process in ensure that it maintain an acceptable level of performance. At screening until the list of articles is complete. In the end, a
the 90’s. They are particularly suited when it is difficult to goods and/or services companies or organizations, profit or the same time, combining LPM with others approaches like statistical analysis is needed.
understand the system functionalities during the early phase of non-profit. Hospitals, universities, airports, goods companies Agile, Six-Sigma and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
the process, due to continuous requirements changing, mutable (e.g. furniture, computers), are fertile fields of wastes that need allows to reduce variation in workflow that reduces time and These three steps, as well as the sub-tasks of each, are
environmental factors or mutable market conditions (Angioni et improvement to add real value to the products produced. cost and increases agility (Burlereaux et al., 2013; Gubinelli et described in a process diagram format on the Figure 1.
al., 2006). Stevens and Lenz (2010) go even further saying that Recent literature reviews, surveys, case studies published are al., 2019; Pinel et al., 2013).
the Agile development process originated with humankind’s testimony of that (Amaro et al., 2019; Bhamu & Sangwan, 2014;
evolution. With an agile state of mind, projects managers are de Oliveira et al., 2019; Samuel et al., 2014; Sinha & Matharu,
constantly looking for opportunities to increase the value of your 2019). 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Figure 1: Systematic Literature Review procedure
projects by changing scope. Additionally, they could be applied to the direct area, i.e.,
production, or indirect areas in the companies (e.g. logistic, To provide a robust overview on this project management
supply chain, quality, human resources, accountability, project research, a systematic literature review (SLR) approach was
2.2. Lean Thinking management departments) addressing and transforming ways adopted. SLR is a well-known research methodology that has
of design, manage and work in issues such as coaching, been used by many authors to deep their knowledge about
According to Krafcik (1988), the word "Lean" represents a sustainability, accounting, among others (Alves et al., 2017). different topics, namely, Distributed Software Development
system that requires fewer inputs in order to create the same Project Management (Silva et al. 2010) and Software
results as traditional mass production systems, while offering a Engineering (Kitchenham et al., 2010).
wider range of products to the final customer. Lean Production A SLR is a specific methodology that locates studies, evaluates
2.3. Lean Project Management its contributions, synthesizes data, and reports evidences in a
is a management organizational model that implies "doing more
with less" (Womack et al., 1990), having its roots in the Toyota way that allows a good way of reach a conclusion (Denyer &
Many authors have been discussing an approach that they
Production System (TPS) (Monden, 1998; Ohno, 1988). TPS is Tranfield, 2009). It is a form of secondary study that uses a well-
called Lean project management (LPM) (Ballard & Howell,
supported by Just-in-Time and Jidoka technical pillars, flexible defined methodology to identify, analyze and interpret all
2003; Moujib, 2007; Riis, 1993). Ballard and Howell (2003)
workforce and creative thinking (Monden, 1998). The main available evidence related to a specific research question
contrasted Lean project management from traditional
objectives of TPS are low lead-time and cost, high quality, moral (Nurdiani et al., 2016). It aims to reduce bias in the selection of
approaches. Considering projects as temporary production
and safety, by eliminating wastes. studies and to summarize them objectively (Fahimnia et al.,
systems, this author defined “lean” projects as systems that are
Womack and Jones studied this system (Lean) and started 2015).
structured to deliver the product while maximizing value and
calling the philosophy behind the system: Lean Thinking A systematic literature review combines discrete pieces and
minimizing waste. Also, this author distinguished Lean project
(Womack & Jones, 1996). These authors considered Lean synthetizes results in an organized way, which allows a
management goals, phases structure, relationship between
Thinking as the antidote to waste that achieve more with less. complete overview of the topic being researched (Cooper,
phases and the participants in each phase from traditional
Waste is referred to as any activity that does not add value to 2008). Oates and Capper (2009) say that a SLR aim to provide
project management.
3.2. Research Question Another important aspect is the definition of the logic operators, The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and For instance, some authors defended that traditional project
which are important to define the scope of the research. Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) methodology described in Moher et al. management approaches can be counter-productive and inhibit
According to Tranfield et al. (2003) a SLR aims to map and innovation when the levels of uncertainty are high (Gonzalez,
Specifically, the logic behind this study is “Population AND (2009) served as base to what was described above. On Figure
evaluate the body of literature and identify potential research 2014; Utterback et al., 1992). Wysocki (2014) claimed that data
(Context 1 OR Context 2 OR Context 3) AND Intervention” as it 3 it is possible to identify the procedure.
gaps highlighting the boundaries of knowledge. Hence, a gathered by him from 10,000 project managers, no more than
is possible to see on Figure 2.
research question was defined to assess the relationship 3.5 Bibliometric Analysis 20 percent of all projects have the characteristics of traditional
between traditional, Agile and Lean Project Management. The projects. However, according the same author, project
A keywords-based bibliometric analysis on both the initial (1085
research question presented above, have a strong relationship managers continue to apply traditional methods to projects for
papers) and final (80 papers) samples were performed to better
with the exclusion criteria, which is responsible for the process which they were not suited. Other authors went further and said
understand what keywords were used on this research. The
and of scanning the papers. that current project management theory is obsolete in today’s
bibliometric analysis performed to the initial sample reveals that,
the main keyword by far is “project management”; however, the dynamic and globalized construction projects (Koskela, 1992;
3.3. Keyword Search and Scope Definition remaining keywords cover a wide range, which demonstrates Koskela & Howell, 2002).
the heterogeneity of the research. On the other hand, the To bypass these and other problems referred in section 2.3.,
Although it is common to find these types of studies, at the time
analysis of the final sample gives an idea that the most some authors have been proposing to apply Lean and Agile and
of this research, it was not found any SLR specifically within the
important keywords previously, are the same at the end of the combined approaches of them. Probably, one of the first
scope of this study. It is important to say that uncountable SLR
research, enabling the validation of the content analysis applications of Lean Thinking to project management was in the
´s about the addressed themes like “project management” or
performed in order to refine the initial sample of 1085 (Figure 4) construction field by Koskela (1992) that the author named Lean
“agile methodologies” were found; however the scope of them
Figure 2: Literature scope papers into 80 papers (Figure 5). Construction. Though some authors follow the example, this
was always different from this one.
was not achieved without some criticisms and concerns that are
The search terms were built in a multi-level keyword assembly 3.4. Database Output 4. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION pointed out next.
structure that aims to accommodate a wide range of search
The following step is the choice of filters for the keywords; As referred above, section 2.2., Lean was closely linked to the
terms and fields. This search was inspired by the PICOC The main goal of this section is to give an overview, based on
otherwise the number of results of the research would not be production environment, playing an important role in each
structure (Population, Intervention, Context, Outcome and SLR results, about project management methodologies, mainly
reasonable. The first research had as output 3511 papers. production site. However, this philosophy has evolved into
Comparison) as recommended by Schultz and Schultz (2014). with the recent developments of Agile, Lean combined
Therefore, the research that was conducted in the Scopus countless fields throughout the decades (Amaro et al., 2019).
The PICOC structure served as base for some fields of the approaches of them and hybrid approaches.
database was made with the keywords presented on the Table Lean, originally, arose in manufacturing as a way of producing
keyword assembly, namely the Population, Intervention and The scholars in project management field enunciated over the
1, but using the “title, abstract” search, for articles from journals, products while minimizing waste in all of its forms. Due to this,
Context. The main level called “Population” defines the search years a kind of agility spectrum for project management
that are written in English and with a time restriction (1st some authors, such as Demir et al. (2013), opinioned that Lean
context (Project management), the second layer of research is methodologies, where it is possible to identify two different
January 2000 to 28th January 2019). This reduced the raw data is good at dealing with continuous flows, repeated tasks and low
divided in three different areas named as “context 1, 2 and 3”. areas on the end of each side of it. The plan-driven
to 1085 papers, which served as a base for the literature variety and high volume products and that, on an environment
The purpose of the context is to allow a deep search on methodologies /traditional /heavyweight from one side and the
analysis. of uncertainty, like the project management environment, Lean
important areas that are attached to the search context. The features-driven methodologies /agile in the other. A briefly
The filtering procedure that was used has four different and cannot be easily applied. So, they decided to combine lean and
final level was inspired by Silva et al. (2010), and it is the description of them are presented in the sections 2.2.1 and
intercalated main steps. From the moment that the first sample, agile, creating a new project methodology that they called
“Intervention” terms of research. The result of this process is in 2.2.2, respectively, just like some examples of the different
with 1085 papers, is on an excel file, the reviewing methodology AgiLean PM.
Table 1. methodologies and practices of each. Now, a deep discussion
has begun. The first step was to verify if there was any repeated A decade before, in 2003, Poppendieck and Poppendieck
based on the SLR is presented. Literature reviewed point out
paper. From that sample, it was necessary to read the abstracts (2003) defend the Lean Thinking principles applied to software
that authors have been concerned with the fail of projects. Also,
of the papers and exclude the ones that fulfilled the exclusion development by publishing a book about Lean Software
it indicated many studies where the majority of the projects
criteria. The exclusion criteria follow the same line of thinking of Development: an agile toolkit. They see this as a way to
exceed their initial costs and deadlines or even remain
Table 1: Research Keywords the research questions, the articles that apparently seemed to eliminate waste from the software development lifecycle by
incomplete. It was not possible to find a common answer to the
answer, at least one of the questions, or even bring something implementing lean principles through agile practices to tailored
causes. What is certain is that the causes of project failure are
innovative to the field of project management frameworks, was individual software development. Some case studies proved this
considered. At this time, the sample had 151 papers. Every success, namely, the one presented by Middleton and Joyce
article on that list of 151 was read, allowing to understand which (2012) that improved software development and team
articles had passed wrongly through the screening phase. Then, performance by Lean ideas and methods including visual
80 articles had something relevant to add on the research. management, team-based problem solving, smaller batch sizes,
Managed by Elsevier publishing, Scopus is the largest abstract and statistical process control.
and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature in the Holweg and Maylor (2018) also posited that Lean Thinking can
fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and
arts and humanities. It covers over 20,000 peer-reviewed
journals including those published by Elsevier, Emerald,
Informs, Taylor and Francis, Springer and Inderscience. The
Scopus coverage details including access to tens of millions of
peer reviewed journal. The Scopus database is more
comprehensive than Web-of-Science database, which would
include only ISI indexed journals, limited to 12,000 titles only.
Since we are focusing on peer-reviewed journals, we found that
the Scopus database would capture the most reputable
international journals, some of which may be relatively new, but
influential. For this reason, it was the only research database
equally be of value in a transient context where the overall encourages the elimination of waste and short feedback loops in section 2.2.1. It introduces more robust stages of research, are inspired by Lean and Lean pillars, as the ones referred
system (project) is being designed and redesigned as the between agile developers and their stakeholders. In addition, it strategy and planning phases into tasks and proceeds with above, such as just-in-time planning models (Wysocki, 2014).
project progresses. The Lean approach to project management helps teams create a habit of eliminating processes, activities, sprints to complete them. So, it’s basically an agile project with To conclude, more important than the name of the
is made to involve everyone in the project, to design quality into and products that do not directly result in customer value. more information upfront. methodology, it is important to understand the context before
the product, to solve root causes of problems rather than their The advantages of agile project management and, particularly, Wagile brings agile practices to waterfall process such as short the implementation of a new way of managing the projects. If it
symptoms, eliminate waste, strive for fast delivery, and maintain the Scrum-based approach is its simplicity (Cervone, 2011). iterations and continuous integration, without changing it. It is right to say that there is no need to reinvent the wheel, it is
continuous improvement (Tripp & Armstrong, 2018). By this Scrum is a method of agile development and it is an iterative, implies that some agile practices have been adopted but the also true that each case is different. Hence, it is required a
characteristic of continuous search for improvements, this incremental framework for development. It put emphasis on the project has been slipping back into waterfall. Such badly diagnostic study with diagnostic tools (Agile suitability
implies an evolutionary, incremental approach. cross-functional teams working in short development bursts managed agile can transform eight 2-week sprints into a series assessment charts, semi-structured interviews and so on) to
New product and process development (NPPD) from which called “Sprints” to regularly produce a complete increment of the of eight-time boxed waterfalls. Basically, Wagile is thought of as implement a new framework, and this is the main conclusion
resulted in products such as constructions and/or software product (Anwar et al., 2014). It is also desirable that project waterfall masquerading as agile through daily standups and that is possible to take from this research.
development implies processes suitable to apply the Lean plans are aimed at being flexible and to allow changes even late short iterations, but without principally stepping away from the
principles. This application has been called Lean Product in the process (Petrillo et al., 2018). traditional model.
Development (Liker & Morgan, 2006; Mascitelli, 2007). Even in One important methodology developed by Smalltalk community For now, it may be difficult to find a simple explanation for these 5. CONCLUSIONS
such application some reserves were made. For instance, Pons with collaboration of Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham in late approaches, however, the author suggests that the use of a
In this paper, a systematic literature review was performed,
(2008) concluded that in areas involving uncertainty and 1980 that had the most part of attention under the agile hybrid framework can be built after an intensive study of the
highlighting main project management methodologies with a
innovation, project management, even with lean, is incomplete development umbrella is Extreme Programming (XP) (Fowler, needs and characteristics of the environment in question. The
focus on Lean and Agile methodologies. This is a topic of
to manage NPD. 2005; Beck & Fowler, 2000). XP is a software development procedure continues being plan first, executes second because
growing interest for academics and users. From the SLR, 80
According to what was found in this research there are not a methodology which does not rely on any particular tool, but this is the paradigm of traditional project management. Adapt to
articles from different areas and methodologies were reviewed
wide range of articles connecting the project management (the rather is based on the common understanding of fundamental change as you iterate - this is the paradigm of agile project
for this research, ones more relevant than others.
predictive approach) with Lean philosophies. This fact can be values and on a disciplined application of best practices management. These competing methodologies represent two
The SLR methodology consisted, in a succinct way, in choosing
explained having in account the specific keyword search that (Angioni et al., 2006). The central idea of planning in XP is to ends of a spectrum between linear (traditional) and non-linear
the research question to work on, then choosing the appropriate
was developed on the methodology strategy. Furthermore, it plan features to implement rather than the development tasks (agile) project management processes (Baird & Riggins, 2012).
keywords and searching the Scopus database. The next step
seems that authors just associate Lean production with necessary to implement these features (van Valkenhoef et al., Other production methodologies bring to the project
consisted on successive screening processes starting with a
controlled situations and repeated processes over time. Well, a 2011). These methodologies are highly used nowadays, mainly management context is based on Theory of Constrains (TOC)
sample of 3511 articles and ending up with 80 articles to
project does not fit in this model of repetitiveness; it is all about in software development projects, and are frameworks adapted developed by Goldrat (1984) that he called Critical Chain
uncertainty most of the times. However, the philosophy that is by contexts with a high degree of agility. Project Management (CCPM) (Goldrat, 1997). CCPM is an
It was possible to conclude that the incorporation of the Lean
on the base of the Lean can be applied to the projects Other methodologies and frameworks have been created emerging scheduling method that relies on buffers for protecting
Thinking principles seems important for most of the authors, in
management. Nevertheless, even though Lean production is a throughout the times, with more or less agility, normally adapted schedules from overruns and requires resource leveling to
spite of some concerns. Additionally, more than 30
field with credits signed in the literature, alignment with project to the context and needs of the users. The examples that were develop feasible and competitive schedules (Gu et al., 2014).
methodologies were found; however, it is important to
management can be controversial for and generate distinct found were the Kanban, Dev Ops, Scrumban, Leagile, Agile According to a case described by Trojanowska and Dostatni
understand the context before the implementation of a new way
opinions among the researchers. UP*, Safe*, Less*, Disciplined agile delivery (DAD), Scaled (2017), CCPM improved timeliness of order delivery, improved
of managing the projects. Also, this research helps the
Contrarily, the evidences of interactions of Agile methodologies Agile Framework (SAFe) and Iterative & Visual Project communication and standardization of processes related to
researcher to develop a framework for a company combining
and Lean are in a higher number. There is a recent consensus Management Method (IVPM2). ordering delivery.
elements from Lean and Agile methodologies. Combining both
among scholars that agility is a way of coping with external and Nonetheless, it is important to point out a relatively recent wave From the above, in spite of some reservations of some authors
brings the best of two worlds, it was one of the lessons learned
internal changes, which are viewed as unpredictable and that can consider itself as standing somewhere between the two about applying Lean Thinking to project management because
from this research. Important tools as assessment studies and
uncertain (Dyck & Majchrzak, 2012). According to Middleton types of methodologies in the spectrum, called Hybrid methods, of its production origins, these are unfunded. Highlighting the
other Lean tools are fundamental in order to understand the
and Joyce (2012) agile was mainly a reaction against the which are mainly methods that have characteristics of both the suitable role of such philosophy let´s do a parallel with
context characterization that allows the application of the right
document heavy, plan driven software development approaches types. The newest member of the equation in this hybrid field, production: production means design and make things.
methodology. This research brings the user a rich database for
that were frequently not successful. Lean ideas provide a however, it seems that it is still a little confusing for the Designing and making something for the first time is done
existing methodologies to manage projects.
context and specific tools for the development of Agile, despite managers. The project management research community through a project, which is, for that reason, arguably the
the fact that, the Agile Manifesto, which was produced in 2001 should further investigate how to develop “hybrid” management fundamental form of production system. Projects are, indeed, a
contains no references to Lean (Middleton & Joyce, 2012). models, considering Agile project methodologies and traditional product of a production system with some peculiar Acknowledgements
Nevertheless, Lean is recognized by Fowler (2005) as being approaches, in order to balance the “agility” (Conforto et al., characteristics such as being a temporary endeavor, one-of-a This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a
inspiring many agile developers. There are a lot of examples of 2014). kind products built in a fixed layout (e.g. construction projects) Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope:
interactions, some are exposed along this text as the example Tripp and Armstrong (2018) referred that some studies have or virtual (e.g. software development) by a team in a non- UIDB/00319/2020.
provided by Middleton and Joyce (2012). They referred the looked at the integration of agile methodologies with these repetitive environment (Carmo-Silva et al., 2006). This implies
“Scrumban” which was derived from Kanban. The scrum itself, “hybrid” approaches, such as product line engineering, plan- inputs, flows (e.g. materials, information, people, and money),
one of the elements of agile promoted by Schwaber and based requirements prioritization, documentation driven processes, and outputs always subject to measurement and AUTHORS
Sutherland (2017), is similar to Toyota’s small workgroups with methodologies, service-oriented methodologies and, most improvement. André Cruz is a project manager at an online luxury fashion
their daily stand-up meetings (Middleton & Joyce, 2012). recently, capability maturity, already referred in section 2.2.1, Like in production, projects flow and development time will retail platform company in the technology area. Since 2019,
This shows evidences that Agile methodologies were inspired but without the effectiveness that is expected. They are included improve if one-piece-flow is used, against traditional batch-and his main focus of work has been the management of software
on the Toyota and Lean Thinking principles. Lean encourages in this the Lean methodologies, already referred. queue, what is achieved by “sprints”, i.e., smaller work implementation projects. Previously he was a project manager
teams to deliver fast by managing flow, limiting the amount of The words Agifall and Wagile are new to project management packages pulled through kanbans by the client and supported at a German automotive multinational company, collaborating
WIP (work-in-process) to reduce context switching and improve vocabulary, and they signify whether the approach moves by daily coordination meetings “scrums”. Sprints, scrums and in innovative projects for internal logistics. He holds a degree
focus. Agile teams manage flow by working in cross-functional towards waterfall or agile (Aramyan, 2020). Agifall is a hybrid kanbans are basilar elements of agile movement (Holweg & in Industrial Engineering and Management (2017) and MSc in
teams on delivering one iteration at a time. Also, Lean Thinking type that adds agile practices to the waterfall process, referred Maylor, 2018) promoted by the Agile Alliance. These elements Industrial Engineering and Management (2019) all from
University of Minho, Portugal.
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Anabela Tereso is Assistant Professor at the Department of Anabela C. Alves is Assistant Professor at the Department of Agilism Versus Traditional Approaches. The Journal of Computer Information Management Journal, 24(1), 128–157. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-03-2016-0071
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(UM) and Researcher on ALGORITMI Centre, Portugal. She (UM) and affiliated on ALGORITMI Centre, Portugal. She holds Fowler, M. (2005). The New Methodology. PLM: Two Complementary Pillars for Enterprise agility. Journal of Modern Project
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holds a degree in Systems and Informatics Engineering (1990), a PhD in Production and Systems Engineering. Her main Fowler, M., & Highsmith, J. (2001). The agile manifesto. Software Development, 9(8), Pitagorsky, G. (2006). Agile and lean project management: a Zen-like approach to
MSc in Informatics (1997) and PhD in Production and Systems research interests are in the areas of Production Systems 28–35. find just the “right” degree of formality for your project. In Project Management
Engineering (2002) all from UM, Portugal. She has lectured Design and Operation; Lean Production (Lean Healthcare, Lean Goldrat, E. (1997). Critical Chain. The North River Press Publishing Corporation P.O. Institute (Ed.), PMI® Global Congress 2006—North America, Seattle, WA.
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the project management area. She supervised several post doc, Ergonomics); Production Planning and Control, and Engineering of Innovation. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Toolkit. Addison-Wesley Professional.
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100 works, including refereed publications and edited books, as Based Learning (PBL) and Lean Education. She is Construction Engineering and Management, 140(12), 04014055. The Machine That Changed The World change management thinking? Exploring 25
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