(Project'S Title and Guide Details) : Enrolmentno.: E-Mail: . .. Telephone No.
(Project'S Title and Guide Details) : Enrolmentno.: E-Mail: . .. Telephone No.
(Project'S Title and Guide Details) : Enrolmentno.: E-Mail: . .. Telephone No.
EnrolmentNo.: ………………………
E-mail: ………….………..…………
This is to certify that the project entitled”---------“is bonafide work carried out
by…………….student of BBA, Ideal Institute of Management & Technology
during the year………, in Partial Fulfillment Of the requirements for the Award of
the Degree of BBA, under my Guidance & Direction. To the best of my Knowledge
and belief the data & information presented by his/her in the project has not been
submitted earlier.
It has been a great challenge but a plenty of learning and opportunities to gain a
huge amount of knowledge on the way of writing this Project report. I could not
have completed my Project without the constant guidance of Asst. Prof.
.……………, our faculty guide, who helped me along the way and was always
prepared to give me feedback and guidelines whenever I needed it.
Student Name
Enroll no.: