Editor-in-chief charles macLean
charles maclean
Contributors: Dave Broom, Tom Bruce-
Gardyne, Ulf Buxrud, Ian Buxton, Glenn
Gillen, Peter Mulryan, Hans Offringa,
Dominic Roskrow, Gavin D Smith
Dorling Kindersley
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Senior Art Editor Isabel de Cordova
Managing Editor Dawn Henderson
Managing Art Editor Susan Downing
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Picture Research Jenny Baskaya
US Editor Jenny Siklos
First American Edition, 2008
08 09 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ED595—APR. 08 the world
Copyright © 2008 Dorling Kindersley Limited of whiskey
All rights reserved
Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of
this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval Introduction 19
system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic,
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Ingredients 20
of this book.
Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited.
Techniques 24
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
The secrets of distilling are likely gave over large proportions of their
to have been known by scholars, best arable land to growing barley for
physicians, and monks throughout brewing ale. To prevent this turning
Europe in the early Middle Ages. It sour—preservatives such as hops were
is possible that the knowledge had unknown—much of it must have
already been introduced been distilled.
to Scotland by the early Whiskymaking
14th century, with the remained small-scale
arrival from Ireland of and in the hands of
the MacBeaths. The landowners and local
members of this clan, or communities until well
family, were known to into the 18th century.
be “wise doctors,” and Such “private” distilling
they quickly became from grains grown by
hereditary physicians to the community and
the Kings of Scots and for their consumption
to the Lords of the Isles. (rather than for sale) was
The first written perfectly legal until 1781.
reference to making Glenfiddich took the ground- The first excise duty
breaking step of marketing its
“aqua vitae” in single malt in the 1960s. on whisky—a cunning
Scotland, however, imposition, learned
is from 1494, and we do not find from the Dutch—was imposed as
references to it being taken for early as 1641, which demonstrates
anything other than medicinal that, even by the mid-17th century,
purposes until the early 1500s. By the whisky was, to some extent, being
end of that century, though, whisky made commercially. The earliest
drinking was perceived as a problem reference to an “industrial” distillery
by the Scottish government, which dates from 1689, and during the
sought to curtail it in the Western Isles. 1780s such enterprises began to
References to distilling during the proliferate in Lowland Scotland.
17th century are few and sometimes Parallel developments were taking
contradictory, but it seems likely that place in America, where Evan
whiskymaking was widespread in
Scotland and Ireland. Farming Easter Elchies House stands at the heart of the
Macallan estate, which includes arable land given
communities throughout Scotland over to the cultivation of barley for whiskymaking.
12 whiskey
called “polishing” and happens just (to whose memory this book is
before the whisky is bottled, when respectfully dedicated by all of
the spirit’s temperature is lowered to us who have contributed to it).
freezing and is pushed through a card Over the past 20 years, the science
filter. Most whiskies undergo such underpinning the making and
treatment, but some connoisseurs maturation of whiskey has developed
prefer the compounds to be left in, hugely—although, happily, there are
even if the liquid develops a haze still gaps in our knowledge, which
when water is added. allow us to debate the relative
importance of raw materials,
Better whiskey processes, wood, and the
There is an old Scots saying: intervention of the artisans
“There’s no bad whisky. Just who make the spirit.
good whisky and better Whiskey is the most
whisky!” And this applies to complex spirit known to
any well-made whiskey, man. It rewards study and
from wherever in the world is worthy of contemplation
it comes. We are these days —appreciation as well as
blessed with a great simple enjoyment.
diversity of whiskey styles I hope this book will
available to us from around Canadian Club, a classic guide you, dear reader, on
blended whiskey
the world, and each has its a rewarding journey of
intrinsic qualities. “An discovery into “the world’s
American whiskey is not a failed noblest spirit”—whiskey!
attempt to make Scotch, or vice
versa,” to quote my late colleague Slainte!
Michael Jackson
When Masataka Taketsuru MacLean,
set up Yoichi Distillery in the edinburgh
1930s, he looked for a site
that mirrored the climatic
conditions he’d experienced
in Scotland.
the world
of whiskey
the World of whiskey 19
the world
of whiskey
he ingredients that go together perceived as simply a period of “storage,”
to create whiskey are few in undertaken once the whiskey is made, is
number, and the basic processes actually crucial to the complex and multi-
that turn grain in a field into drink in faceted business of creating whiskey.
a bottle are relatively simple. But the
methods involved in the combination and making spirit
interaction of the raw materials employed At the core of the definition of “spirit” is
are full of subtle nuances and regional or the process of distillation, and there is a
national variations, each adding to the vast stylistic difference between whiskey
particular style of the finished whiskey. made in pot stills and that produced in
In the following pages, we explore continuous stills. Particularly in the case
just where sweetness, peatiness, heather, of pot stills, variations in size, shape, and
smokiness, and saltiness in the aroma operational techniques play a major role
and flavor of whiskey come from, and in determining the whiskey’s make up.
address how such disparate characteristics Although sometimes seen as less
are possible in something made only important than distillation, the earlier
from grain, yeast, and water. stages of mashing and fermentation are
However, to these three ingredients can vital in developing a variety of desirable
be added one more—wood—and, more aromas and flavors that will carry through
specifically, the casks in which whiskey is right into the bottle.
stored during maturation. The casks in At the very beginning, of course, there
question are far from passive vessels. The is the selection of grain. Whiskies are
interaction between wood and new spirit created from one or more of a number of
leads to a mellower and more well- different grains, and the choice of which
mannered drink, and the length of time type and which strain plays a central role
over which the spirit is allowed to mature in shaping the profile of the whiskey into
in the cask will play a major part in its which it will eventually be transformed.
ultimate character, as will any previous So, although the production of whiskey
contents of the cask. What is sometimes from just three principal ingredients may
initially seem to be a straightforward
Whisky from the stills at Abelour is used in blends process, resulting in a spirit that we might
such as Clan Campbell and also released as both imagine would possess little variation, the
a 10-year-old and cask strength single malt. reality is really very different.
20 the world of whiskey
Making whiskey is actually a comparatively simple process using a
small number of ingredients. Yet the permutations of equipment,
practice, and raw materials allow for an incredible number of
variations in the whiskey that finally finds its way into the bottle.
Peat is vegetable matter decomposed
by water and partially carbonized by
chemical change over thousands of
years. It is usually found in wetland
areas. The use of peat during the
kilning stage of malt production tends
to be limited largely to Scotland,
Japan, and occasionally Ireland.
Peat is added to the kiln fire to
provide what is known as “peat
reek” in order to promote phenolic
characteristics. The influence of
peat is most apparent in the single
malt whiskies of Islay.
The location of the peat used in Maple wood is burned at Jack Daniel’s Distillery to
malting is significant, with peat create maple charcoal, which is used for filtering
produced from grass roots or sphagnum the Tennessee whiskey produced there.
moss differing in character from that absorbing peaty characteristics as it
which has developed from bog myrtle— passes. This is particularly the case on
the latter produces a sweet, citric aroma Islay, where up to 25 percent of the
when burned. It is sometimes argued island’s surface area is covered with peat.
that using peat which includes heather Indeed, the peatiness of the process
in its make up may add a “heathery” water may influence the profile of the
note to the whisky. Peat harvested whisky produced even if the level of
close to the coast will be looser in peating in its malt is comparatively low.
composition than that further inland,
due to the greater amount of sand it wood
contains. It will also possess more salty, With the exception of the type of
maritime aromas and flavors. grain used for distillation, the most
In the days before centralized, significant factor that influences the
commercial maltings were a common character of the whiskey we drink is
feature of the industry, most distilleries the manner in which it is matured.
cut their own peat or bought it from In effect, the wood in which
local suppliers to use in on- whiskey is aged is one
site kilns. It was said that of the ingredients of
the character of peat could whiskeymaking (see p30) .
differ significantly from However, in the case
distillery to distillery, even of officially designated
within one comparatively Tennessee whiskey, wood
small island such as Islay. plays a vital part prior to
Formerly cut manually, the process of filling the
peat is almost invariably spirit into barrels. Central
now harvested by machine. American white oak is to the designation is the
At one time, it was also used used for the barrels at Lincoln County Process
Jack Daniel’s Distillery.
as fuel to fire the stills of (see p191) in which new-
rural Scottish and Irish distilleries, but make spirit is filtered through tanks
now its use is restricted to kilning. filled with up to 12 ft (4 meters) of
In addition to its malting role, peat maple charcoal. The process takes four
may be an influence on whisky because days and removes many of the more
the water used during production has dominant congeners, as well as adding
previously flowed through peat, a slightly sweet note to the spirit.
24 the world of whiskey
Despite the variety of grains used and techniques employed, whiskey-
making the world over is remarkably similar. Its principal stages can
be boiled down to malting, mashing, fermenting, and distilling.
This is the first stage of the malt whisky
distillation process in Scotland, where
only malted barley may be used.
In many other countries, whiskey is
produced using a variety of grains that
are not malted. However, a percentage
of malted barley is always used in
their production in order to promote
efficient fermentation. Not many distilleries still use old-fashioned
The process of malting breaks down “rake and plow” mash tuns, such as this one;
most now use stainless-steel Lauter tuns.
cell walls within the grains and activates
enzymes which will convert the starch will use malt with a phenolic level in
into sugar during the “mashing” stage. excess of 50ppm. Once dried, the malt
During malting, the grains are is ground in a mill to produce a rough
germinated by steeping in water and “grist,” after which the process of
being spread onto a concrete floor. The mashing can begin.
grains then begin to sprout. Before they Today, only a handful of distilleries
get the chance to grow too much, the still malt their own barley, with the vast
germination is stopped by drying the majority buying in malt prepared to
“green malt” in a kiln with hot air. their specification by commercial
Sometimes peat is burned during maltsters in large, automated plants.
kilning to add smoky flavors to the Although such facilities were developed
whisky. The quantity of peat used will in Scotland only from the 1970s
vary, depending on whether the whisky onward, commercial maltings have
is to be heavily or lightly peated. been used in the US, Canada,
Phenol levels of peating are Ireland, and other European countries
measured in parts per million (ppm). since the early 20th century.
Many Speyside distilleries use malt
peated to just one or two ppm, while mashing
the most heavily peated Islay whiskies During mashing, the grist is mixed with
Mash tuns are used to mix grist (ground malt) with
hot water in a large vessel known as a
warm water to make worts; an inspection window mash tun. This is a circular, metal
(below right) is used to monitor the process. container, and since the 1960s, many
the mash at around 167ºF (75ºC) and
On a traditional maltings floor, such as this one at
Balvenie, the grain is turned by hand to aerate it
the remaining sugars in the wort are
and so promote an even rate of germination.
drained off. To ensure there are no
distilleries have adopted the “Lauter” useable sugars left in the mix, a third
tun. It is made from stainless steel, and water, called “sparge,” is then sprayed
has revolving arms to gently stir the mash. on, at around 185ºF (85ºC). This is then
The starch in the grains is converted transferred to a tank to be used as the
into a variety of sugars by enzymes first water of the next mash.
within the grains, and the sugar goes Modern Lauter tuns continually
into solution in the hot water, to be spray water onto the bed of grist after
drained off through the base of the the first water has been drained off.
mash tun. This liquor is called “wort.” This is more efficient in extracting
The husks of the malt create a “bed” sugars, permits faster drainage, and
in the bottom of the mash tun, through creates clearer wort, with fewer solid
which the sugary wort can drain. particles. Clear wort allows for a greater
Traditionally, three waters, or range of flavors to be developed during
“extractions,” were used for mashing the fermentation process.
in Scottish distilleries. The first water— The husks and other solids remaining
which is, in fact, the third water from in the mash tun are known as “draff,”
the previous mash—is heated to 145– and are removed and, as they are rich
7ºF (63–4ºC), then mixed with the grist. in protein, are converted into cattle
The temperature is crucial: if it is too food. The wort passes through a heat
hot, it will kill the enzymes; and if it is exchanger to reduce its temperature to
too cool, extraction from the malt will below 68ºF (20ºC), which is necessary
be limited. This liquid is drained off, in order to prevent the yeast being killed
then the second water is sprayed onto off immediately during fermentation.
Where nonmalted grain, such
as corn, is used in distillation,
it is crushed in a mill and
“cooked” in a cylindrical tank
or pressure cooker to break
down the cellulose walls and
allow the starch within to
absorb water during mashing.
The starch then gelatinizes,
enabling the grain’s enzymes
to convert the starch into sugar.
After a short while, the foam subsides “Cut points” vary from distillery to
and the operator can turn up the heat distillery, and the skill of the stillman
and drive off the spirit until the strength is to know when to start saving spirit
of the liquid left in the still (about half and when to stop. In some modern
of the volume it was charged with) is distilleries, however, cut points are
down to around two percent ABV. This computer controlled.
is called “pot ale” and, after evaporation, The spirit from both stills passes
can be used for cattle feed. through a brass box with a glass front
The vaporized spirit driven off called a “spirit safe.” Inside are glass
the stills must be condensed back into jars containing hydrometers to measure
liquid form, and this takes place in strength. The stillman manipulates
either modern “shell and tube” handles on top of the safe to fill these
condensers or in “worm tubs.” Shell jars and add water. When the spirit is
and tube condensers are tall copper impure it turns cloudy, but once it
drums filled with dozens of narrow- remains clear, he turns another handle
bore copper pipes through which and starts saving it. A similar operation
runs cold water. The spirit is performed when the feints
vapor enters the drum begin to flow, and the
and condenses on the cold stillman comes “off spirit.”
copper pipes. The worm tub This mix of pure spirit and
is a coiled copper pipe of impurities, or “congeners,”
diminishing diameter, set is different in every distillery,
in a deep vat of cold water and plays a vital role in
outside the still house. Until determining the character
the 1970s, all distilleries used of the whiskey produced.
worm tubs, but today only In a spirit safe, samples The still continues to be run
around a dozen Scottish from “the run” are taken until its contents are around
distilleries still employ them. and analyzed to check
the spirit’s level of purity.
0.1 percent ABV. This final
The liquid (condensed residue is called “spent lees,”
from the spirit produced by the wash and is run to waste.
still) is called “low wines.” It is pumped The product of the spirit still is called the
into a “low wines receiver” before “new make” or “clearic.” It is a perfectly
passing into the second “low wines” or clear liquid and around 70 percent ABV.
“spirit” still, along with the residue of Before it can be put into casks or barrels,
the previous distillation. The liquid is its strength must be reduced by dilluting
boiled in the same way as in the first it with water to achieve an ABV of
distillation, but with two significant around 63 or 64 percent, which is
differences. The first spirits to come considered the optimum strength to
off are known as “foreshots.” They are begin the maturation stage.
high in strength (around 75–80 percent A spirit safe is essential for monitoring “the run”
ABV), pungent, and impure, and are and deciding on the dividing line between the
directed to a separate receiver tank. foreshots, the middle cut, and aftershots.
The later spirits, known as the
“aftershots” or “feints,” are also
unpleasant in aroma and flavor, and
go into the same receiver tank as the
foreshots. Both are added to the next
batch of low wines for redistillation.
Only the “middle cut” of the run
from the spirit still is directed to
the “intermediate spirit receiver,”
to be filled into casks or barrels.
30 the world of whiskey
The influence of maturation in the creation of good whiskey cannot
be overemphasized. Indeed, some authorities consider that whiskey
acquires up to 80 percent of its final character in the cask. The cask
cannot make bad whiskey good, but it can make a good whiskey great.
types of whiskey
As whiskey making has developed over time and in different parts of
the world, so distinct styles have emerged. These regional varieties are
often dictated by the most readily available grains, but they are also
based on climatic conditions and traditions too.
Single Malt Blended Blended Single Grain Single Malt Pot Still Irish Blended Irish
Scotch Scotch Malt Whiskey Irish Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey
types of whiskey 35
the mash bill is malted barley, though that does not have to be aged in new
this isn’t a legal requirement (see p168). charred oak barrels, and no minimum
Traditionally, Irish whiskey is triple- maturation period is specified (see p186).
distilled. Blended Irish whiskies are
made from a mixture of pot and column Canadian Whiskey
still spirits. Like Scotch, Irish whiskey Virtually all Canadian whiskey is distilled
must be distilled and matured in the in column stills, and in most cases, rye is
country of origin for at least three years.blended with a comparatively neutral
base spirit—sometimes with the
Bourbon Whiskey addition of bourbon-type whiskey and
By law, bourbon must be produced corn whiskey. Unlike US bourbon and
from a mash of not less than 51 percent rye, pre-used casks may be employed
corn grain, and is usually made from for maturation. As with Scotch
between 70 and 90 percent corn, with and Irish, Canadian whiskey must be
some barley malt plus rye and/or wheat matured for a minimum of three years.
in the mash bill. Legally, bourbon has to It is permissible to add small amounts
be matured in new, charred, white oak of fruit or alcohols such as sherry to
barrels for at least two years (see p186). the whiskey (see pp222 & 225).
If blends did not sell in such large Blending involves contending with
quantities, many of the distilleries many variables, including practical
producing highly-prized single malts changes at distilleries, which might
would surely have fallen silent long ago. affect the spirit being produced and
Sam Bronfman, head of the former the overall stock position. It may be
Canadian distilling giant, Seagram, necessary to substitute some whiskies
famously declared, “distilling is a with others from the same stylistic
science, blending is an art,” and today’s “family” from time to time. The
practitioners of the “art” of combining blender also has to take into account
malt and grain spirit strive to maintain the different types and condition of
consistency in an ever-changing whiskey casks in which the various whiskies
world. Consistency and harmony are at are maturing, along with the manner
the core of all good blending. It is no and location in which they are stored.
use creating the finest blended whiskey Modern “wood management
in the world today if the blender is programs,” which are designed
unable to reproduce it tomorrow. to monitor closely the casks in use by
the whiskey industry, give the blender
WORLD BLENDING greater confidence in the quality and
In the US, blends are produced using likely character of component whiskies
bourbon, rye, or other “heavy” styles of than used to be the case, and the
spirit, along with grain whiskey or neutral increased consistency of new make
grain spirit. Unlike in Scotland, US distillers
spirit being produced also makes the
are allowed to add up to 2.5 percent of
sherry or wine to help enhance the character task a little easier.
of the blend. Canadian blenders may legally
mix the components of their blends prior The Nose
to filling into cask for maturation. Irish and The blender’s principal tool is the nose,
Japanese blenders face the problem of a
comparatively small malt base with which and only rarely are constituent whiskies
to work, and the Japanese have, for many actually tasted. The reason for this is
years, solved this by importing Scotch malt that while humans have some 9,000
whisky to give greater variety to their blends. taste buds, our olfactory receptors
Nosing whiskies at the number 50 to 100 million. Smell is
Seagrams in the 1970s undoubtedly the most important sense
when it comes to analyzing whiskey.
At one time, blenders would work
with as many as 40 malts for any one
blend, but today that number has been
reduced to between a dozen and 25 in
most cases. Of course, the quality of a
blend does not depend on the number
of malts in its composition. It need
not even depend on the percentage
of malt in its make-up, though, as a
general rule, the higher the percentage
of malt in a blend, the better its flavor. Blending whiskey is all about balance—combining
Most of our best-known blended whiskies, often with markedly different characters,
into a harmonious ensemble.
whiskies will have a malt content of
between 30 and 40 percent. with no money changing hands. It
When producing a blended whiskey, is only a very few large distillers that
the blender will have to take into are sufficiently well resourced to
account not only the style of whiskey, be self-sufficient in terms of both
but also economic factors. If developing malt and grain whiskies.
a blend for a specific “price point,” The blender will usually utilize a
proportions of the component whiskies number of different grain whiskies to
will be adjusted accordingly. As a basic help achieve harmony in the blend, and
rule, the more malt in a none of today’s generation
blend and the older the of blenders regard grain
whiskies it contains, the whiskey as merely a cheap
higher its price. A “deluxe” “filler” to bulk out the
blend will normally carry blend, as was sometimes
an age statement, usually the case in days gone by.
12 years or more, and can Grains are recognized as
be expected to have a crucially important in
higher malt content than In assessing whiskies, the drawing together the
a “standard” blend. nose is the blender’s most various malts and allowing
valuable tool.
Stylistically, there has their best qualities to shine.
been a gradual shift from full-bodied,
peaty blends toward lighter-bodied the Components
whiskies such as Cutty Sark (see p127) of a Blend
and J&B (see p137). The blender may Blenders tend to categorize the
use a higher proportion of lighter malts, component malts in their blends as
perhaps from Speyside, in order to “packers,” “core malts,” and “top
create such a blend, and may also dressing.” The “packers” may make
reduce the percentage of malt used and up half the malt content of the blend
increase the amount of grain spirit. and add bulk to it. They are chosen to
Most blenders are employed by combine well with the other malts, but
comparatively large companies which without adding a great deal in terms
own several distilleries. For the sake of of final flavor. “Core malts” are often
economics and availability, they are from distilleries owned by the blender’s
expected to use sizeable amounts of own company, and tend to define the
their “house” malts in the blends they overall character of the finished blend.
create. However, they will also acquire “Top dressing” malts are high-quality
malts from other companies, usually by whiskies that are used for adding depth
way of “reciprocal trading” of stocks, and “top notes” to the mix.
38 the world of whiskey
his early description of whisky distilled in a copper pot still. It was by
appeared in Dr. Johnson’s no means exclusive to the Highlands
famous dictionary of 1755. either—there were said to be 400 stills
The word came from the Gaelic uisge in Edinburgh by the late 18th century—
beatha (pronounced “oosh-key-ba”), though it started to move that way as the
meaning water of life, which the Scots Government sought to control whisky
had been making for years. With a long making through licenses and taxes.
tradition of brewing, they may have When Scotland and England were
discovered distilling by accident, while joined under the Act of Union in 1707,
boiling up some heather ale that had gone it was decided that excise duty would be
bad perhaps. Or maybe they learned it the main source of revenue. The English
from the Irish monks, who brought the authorities proceeded cautiously at first,
secret with them when they sailed to Iona waiting 10 years after the Jacobite Rising
with St. Columba in the 6th century. of 1715 before they increased the tax on
The first official mention of spirit malt, which provoked rioting on the
produced in Scotland came in an streets of Glasgow. With each subsequent
exchequer roll of 1494, and concerned move to raise revenue and stamp out
Friar John Cor, of Fife. There were soon smuggling, whisky became more and
references from across the country, as more the spirit of defiance.
distilling spread to wherever there was
access to grain, water, and fuel to fire the lowlands v highlands
stills. Whiskymaking developed on the In the Lowlands, distilling was part of the
farm as a seasonal activity, whenever early industrial revolution, as commercial
there was grain to spare after the harvest. distilleries grew in scale to provide whisky
Drunk neat and unaged, the whisky for the masses. Laws came in to increase
would have been extremely rough, hence the minimum size of the stills, presumably
the need to compound it with sugar, to make them more visible to the
herbs, and spices. Yet, it was definitely authorities, while taxation was so heavy
malt whisky, in the sense that it was that many distillers had to run their stills
flat out to make any profit at all. The
Granite, heather, and location all play their result, according to one contemporary,
part in creating the extraordinary diversity was a spirit suitable only for “the most
of Scottish malt whisky. vulgar and fire-loving palates.”
46 whiskey nations
was quickly seized upon by the makers Malt distilleries became part of the food
of moonshine as a way to pay for chain supplying the blends. Aside from
replacement parts. But, with more friends of the distillery manager and a
troops, the authorities gradually began tiny band of devotees, the world never
to drive the underground industry got to hear about single malts. Malt
deeper into the Highlands. whisky had, of course, been made in
The real change came with the Excise Scotland for over three centuries before
Act of 1823, when illicit distillers were anyone had even thought of blending
offered the chance to go it, but in the modern,
straight by taking out a commercial sense it was
£10 license. Within two an invention of the 1960s.
years, the number of Glenfiddich led the way,
licensed distillers leaped selling its first bottle of
from 111 to 263. malt in England in 1965.
Smuggling continued for a Slowly, other distilleries,
time, but the balance now such as Macallan and
lay in favor of legal whisky, Glenmorangie, began to
and it was in the interests bottle their single malts,
of the majority of distillers until eventually the great
to create what became the white whale of the whisky
modern whisky industry. business—DCL (now
Suddenly, it was no The long-lived Black & White Diageo)—decided to create
longer an advantage to be brand once had Dalwhinnie their own “Classic Malts”
hidden in some desolate malt at the heart of its blend. in the late 1980s.
farmstead. It was far more Even then, there were
important to be near a market. As a plenty who thought the robust flavors of
result, the first building boom of new malt whisky would be too much for
distilleries was in Campbeltown, on anyone beyond the wilds of Scotland.
Kintyre, which was a short boat ride The thought that it would catch on among
up the Firth of Clyde to Glasgow. American bankers, Spanish students, and
By the second half of the 19th Taiwanese businessmen seemed absurd.
century, the “market” for malt whisky Yet, that’s exactly what happened.
had become the blenders, who were
often licensed grocers, such as the Chivas regional styles
brothers in Aberdeen. Using a base of
grain whisky made in a continuous still, If early distilleries developed a regional style,
the blenders mixed in malt whisky and it was because they were supplying the local
market. Whisky had somehow to reflect the
developed their own house style. With
environment. A distillery like Talisker, on Skye,
entrepreneurial flair, the advent of mass could have produced a gentle, understated
communication, and modern bottling malt like Glenkinchie, but few would have
lines, some of these early blends became bought it—the windswept people of the
internationally recognized brands. Western Isles needed something more robust.
It was the blenders who split Scotland into
the birth of single malts different styles of malt, to help standardize
The story of Scotch is often portrayed as their blends. This “regionality” endures today,
a conflict between blended whisky and even if there are plenty of exceptions.
malts, but the reality was rather different.
Skye’s Talisker Distillery produces
The blenders created the demand for
a strong tasting whisky that’s
Scotch, first in England and then abroad, peppery and smoky.
and it was this that inspired the late-
Victorian distillery boom that engulfed
the Highlands, particularly Speyside.
The big blenders often bought or built
their own distilleries as their brands
grew—though they were rarely, if ever,
self-sufficient in malt.
48 whiskey nations
Whisky distilleries are scattered throughout the Highlands, but when
you reach Speyside, they come at you thick and fast, with around 50
distilleries. Some are set in open country, while others cluster together
in towns such as Rothes, Keith, and Dufftown.
There are several reasons why this region produce in the legalized way.” Doubtless
has become synonymous with whisky- this was true of the Highland spirit also.
making, and the first lies in the landscape Demand for smuggled Speyside
itself. In winter, traditionally the best whisky, particularly if it came with the
time for making whisky, Speyside seems magic word “Glenlivet” attached to it,
to close in on itself behind the granite only increased as the Government
bulk of the Cairngorms. Not so long ago, cracked down on illicit stills elsewhere.
isolated glens like Glenlivet would be cut
off for months. But there was plenty of The Industrial Age
fresh spring water, sufficient barley, and This romantic image endured long after
enough peat with which to malt the barley whiskymaking moved out of the farm
and fire the stills for whiskymaking. and became a serious industry after the
To these raw ingredients was added Excise Act of 1823 (see p47). In truth,
the incentive of defiance. After the however, it was the advent of the
Jacobite Rising of 1745 (see p45), the railroads that really led to Speyside’s
Catholic religion and wearing national distillery boom in the late 19th century.
dress such as the kilt were suppressed. Before then the region was seriously
It was, therefore, not surprising that the disadvantaged by its distance from the
Scots turned to whisky—and that meant major blenders. Those in Glasgow had
illicitly produced whisky that the a much closer source of malt whisky in
excisemen would find hard to trace. Campbeltown on the Kintyre Peninsula.
The fact that this home-produced spirit Eventually the quality and consistency
contributed not a penny in tax to prop of Speyside won the blenders over and,
up the regime “down south” made it since the 1890s, the region has provided
taste all the sweeter. As an Irishman the lion’s share of Scotch malt whisky.
once said of poteen, it is “superior in Glenlivet was one of the first Speyside distilleries
sweetness, salubriety, and gusto to all to forge a strong identity, and to this day its malts
that machinery, science, and capital can are among the most famous in the world.
scotland: speyside 49
filling room wall. The stills emphasize that it was Scotch spirits safe via an overhead
were ripped out and the not bourbon being made pipe, which, according to
building left empty to await here— its then sister distillery folklore, was occasionally
potential developers. Ten was Four Roses in Kentucky. tapped into by thirsty locals.
years passed before the Edgar Bronfmann, heir to If true, that only happened
distillery was finally bought the mighty Seagram empire, for three years, because the
by Gordon & MacPhail, cut the soil in 1972 and new distillery shut down in
one of Scotland’s leading within a year the first spirit 1901, as if for good. It finally
independent bottlers. flowed. The name became reopened as Caperdonich in
Eventually, having Braeval when the company 1965, and capacity was
overcome some major acquired Glenlivet five doubled to 4 stills two
structural problems—which years later, and since years later. Its owners
included having to dig up then it has remained have never bottled it
most of Forres to repair the somewhat in the as a single malt,
pipe supplying spring water shadow of its more though there are
—the distillery was officially famous neighbor. occasional offerings
reopened by Prince Charles Now part of Chivas from independent
in its centenary year, 1998. Brothers (see bottlers.
Benromach Traditional p126), little if any
40% ABV lLaunched in 2004, Braeval is bottled
this straw-colored whisky has as a CARDHU
a herbal, malty flavor with a single malt. Knockando,
whiff of peat smoke. Aberlour, Banffshire
Open to visitors
BRAEVAL In around 1810,
Rothes, Morayshire
Nr Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire
John Cumming
Major James took a lease
The Braes of Glenlivet were Grant decided to Cardhu 12-Year-Old on Cardow farm
a hotbed of smuggling in the build Caperdonich near Knockando
twilight years before whisky in Rothes in 1897. It was to and soon began making
came in from the cold and be a replica of its successful whisky as a sideline to the
went legal in the 1820s. It was neighbor Glen Grant farming. His wife, Helen,
the name chosen in the 1970s Distillery, which had been was in on the act too, and
by Seagrams for a modern built by his father and uncle used to sell flagons of illicit
distillery, over 1,000 ft in 1840. Indeed it was whisky through the
(300 m) up and a short drive initially called Glen Grant farmhouse kitchen window.
from Tomintoul. In keeping No. 2, and used the same She was said to be forever
with the romance, the shaped stills and source of baking cakes known as
outside design is traditional, grain to replicate the exact bannocks to disguise the
with a decorative pagoda same spirit. The authorities smell of fermenting barley,
strapped to the roof. This even insisted that it had to as well as to have something
may, in part, have been to pass through Glen Grant’s to offer any visiting
54 whiskey nations
excisemen. While they were have a very public spat some the man who founded
tucking in to their tea, Helen 120 years later (see above). Glenlivet in 1824—John had
would run into the yard and Cardhu was rebuilt in the managed both Glenfarclas
raise a red flag to warn any 1960s, more or less in and Macallan. By 1870, he
passing trade not to keeping with the original clearly felt ready to establish
approach. design, and was known as a distillery of his own, which
Meanwhile, her husband the spiritual home of he positioned at an old
was often out smuggling and Johnnie Walker, since that is smuggler’s bothy (hut) on
had a string of convictions to where most of the malt the east bank of the Spey.
prove it. Years after he went ended up. Today barely a His plans were well-
legal and started operating teaspoon escapes into blends, conceived, starting with the
as a licensed distiller in 1824, such is the demand for water source, which was
these convictions were framed Cardhu as a single malt, the pure spring-fed Craggan
and hung on the walls of the which, in the UK, is only burn (which also provided
distillery manager’s office. available at the distillery. the distillery’s power, via a
Cardhu continued to operate Cardhu 12-year-old water wheel, right up until
as a small farm distillery for 40% ABV This smooth sweet- 1950). He was close to
the next 60 years. scented Speyside malt is good-quality barley and
By then, John’s daughter- very approachable, if not peat with which to malt.
in-law Elizabeth Cumming overly complex. Crucially, he was also
was in charge. She remained near Ballandalloch
so even after selling the station, and
distillery to John Walker CRAGGANMORE Cragganmore became
& Sons in 1893. She was Ballindalloch,
the first distillery in
known as the “Queen of the Banffshire Scotland to be built
whisky trade,” and reached www.malts.com
beside a railroad with
the ripe old age of 95. In Open to visitors
its own siding.
the1880s, Elizabeth oversaw Besides whisky,
the complete rebuilding of When John Smith trains were the other
Cardhu. The old stills, badly decided to set out on great passion in
worn and patched up, were his own, he was one Smith’s life—though,
taken out and sold to of the most weighing in at 309 lbs
William Grant to start his experienced distillers (140 kg), he was a little
own distillery. That was on Speyside. Said to too large to squeeze
Glenfiddich, the distillery be the illegitimate son Craggamore through the carriage
with whom Cardhu would of George Smith— 12-Year-Old doors, and so sat in
scotland: Speyside 55
(see p47) as Scotland’s whisky Mackinlay blend. Having something to do with its size.
metropolis. chosen a site near Aberlour, If the stillroom really was
The partners who owned months were spent locating below ground in the stone
Dufftown included two the perfect water source. In hut beside what is now the
Liverpool businessmen, a the end, a pipeline was built manager’s office, little more
local lawyer, and a farmer to draw water from a snow- than a trickle of Scotch can
who owned the nearby farm fed burn which rises among ever have been produced
of Pittyvaich, which supplied the deep granite springs on here. The trickle had already
the barley. Soon the solicitor Ben Rinnes. The distillery’s dried up by the time it
had his work cut out in a architect was William was sub-let to Charles Hay,
protracted dispute over Delmé-Evans, who was also who rebuilt and renamed
water rights with the responsible for Tullibardine it Glenburgie.
distillery’s neighbor, and Isle of Jura. Glenallachie The distillery passed
Mortlach (see p72), where is a contemporary, gravity- through many hands until it
whisky had been made since flow distillery on one level, was bought by the owners of
1824. Angry letters were with a pond which steams up Ballantine’s (see p121) in the
traded by day, while at night in the winter months when 1930s. It had the almost
the water course from Jock’s warm water is pumped in unique distinction of having
Well in the Conval hills was from the condensers. a female manager—Miss
constantly redirected. Its brewery owners decided Nicol. In the 1950s a pair of
In year two the distillery it was time to sell up in 1985 Lomond stills were installed.
was bought outright by one and Glenallachie passed to These were squat, round-
of the Liverpudlians, Peter Invergordon and then to necked, and quite unlike the
Mackenzie, who also owned Chivas Brothers (see p126). existing pair, and produced
Blair Athol. Most of the malt Though its owners have a very different malt to the
disappeared into Bell’s—the always used it solely for light, apple-scented
popular brand owned by blending purposes, there Glenburgie. The new malt
Arthur Bell & Sons of Perth, are a fair number of was called Glencraig after
and they eventually bought independent bottlings. Ballantine’s then production
both distilleries in 1933 (see manager, Willie Craig—one
p122). When not performing of the few men ever to have
for Britain’s best-selling GLENBURGIE had a malt named after him.
blend, Dufftown makes an Forres, Morayshire
However, this whisky
occasional appearance as a disappeared when the
green, herbal, slightly oily Those traveling on the busy Lomond stills were replaced
single malt. A96 to Inverness could easily in the early 1980s.
miss Glenburgie, with just its In his monumental book
rooftops poking above the on distilleries of 1887, Alfred
GLENALLACHIE trees in a valley between Barnard (see p50) described
Aberlour, Banffshire
Forres and Elgin. Originally Glenburgie as “about as old-
called the Kilnflat Distillery, fashioned as it is possible to
In 1967 Charles Mackinlay it was established in 1829, conceive.” The old distillery
& Co., part of Scottish & though some place it as early was leveled in 2004 and
Newcastle Breweries, as 1810. The fact that it did replaced by a state-of-the-art
decided they needed their not survive in its original distillery, which opened in
own distillery for their form may have had June 2005.
58 whiskey nations
William Grant founded Glenfiddich Distillery in 1887, and named it
after the nearby Fiddich River. Having developed his knowledge of
whisky at Mortlach Distillery, Grant set up Glenfiddich in good time
to catch the late Victorian swell of interest in whisky.
As one Victorian visitor to the Glenlivet Distillery wrote in the late
1800s, “a more lonely spot in winter, or a more delightful one in
summer could not be found and, for those who like quietude and
rest, truly it is very far from the ‘madding crowd.’”
Thomas Mackenzie built
Imperial in 1897, siting it
close by Dailuaine Distillery
near Aberlour. Its name was
intended to honor Queen
Victoria in her diamond
jubilee year, but sadly for
Mackenzie his impressive
red brick distillery proved
less durable than the British
Empire and fell silent within
six months. It was reopened
in 1919 by DCL (the Distillers
Company), but they promptly
closed it again because its
mighty stills produced too
much waste in the form of
draff. For the next 30 years
just the maltings operated.
It was not until a method Sons for £3,000, and ever Despite its proximity to the river,
of compressing the draff since then, much of the malt like all Speyside distilleries,
into cattle cake was found has disappeared into the Knockando uses water from a
Bell’s blend (see p120). There spring to make its whisky.
in the 1950s that Imperial’s
stills were fired up once are periodic bottlings of
again. Since then, it has Inchgower as a dense, mostly be found in William
experienced both creamy vanilla malt. Grant whiskies, such as
productive times and the recently launched
further silent periods. Monkey Shoulder.
In 2005 it was taken under KINInVIE
the wing of Pernod Ricard. Dufftown, Banffshire
If few of the many Knockando, Morayshire
thousands of visitors to www.malts.com
INCHGOWER Glenfiddich Distillery each
Buckie, Banffshire year have heard of its sister The distillery was set up by
distillery Balvenie, virtually John Thompson in 1898 and
Inchgower is right on the none know of Kininvie, was run on a seasonal basis
edge of the region near Spey despite the fact that all as though it were an old-style
Bay and the town of Buckie, three share the same site at farm distillery that only
though in terms of style, it Dufftown. Kininvie is by far made whisky after the
produces a classic Speyside the smallest and began harvest. In other respects
malt. Originally the plant life in 1990 with the first Thompson was up with
was situated at Cullen and spirit flowing on July 4. all the latest technological
known as the Tochineal This being American advances, for Knockando
Distillery. It had been Independence Day was had electric lighting at
founded in 1824 by John probably no accident a time when most
Wilson, and it was his son since William Grant distilleries did not.
Alex who decided to move it & Sons are fiercely Sadly he was caught
a few miles west in 1867 to proud of being an in the speculative
escape a doubling of the independent family bubble that engulfed
rent by his landlady, the business. the whisky trade at
Countess of Seafield, who In reality Kininvie the start of the 20th
disapproved of distilleries. consists of little more century, and was
As a family business it than a stillroom, as forced to sell.
survived until the recession its washbacks and The new owners
of 1930. The stills remained other distillery were the London gin
cold for the next six years paraphernalia are distillers Gilbeys.
when the distillery was housed at Balvenie. Knockando has
bought by Buckie Town The result is a sweet, remained in their
Council for the princely sum floral malt with a hands since, though
of £1,000. Two years on, distinct note of Knockando Gilbeys is now under
they sold it to Arthur Bell & barley sugar. It can 12-Year-Old the Diageo umbrella.
The low, stone-built dunnage
warehouses at Knockdhu help it
to retain a traditional feel.
Longmorn 16-year-old
A beautifully balanced cask-
strength malt with a ripe,
floral scent and honeyed
texture that dries gently on
the long finish.
Easter Elchies, Craigellachie
Open to visitors
Elgin, Morayshire
Glen Tromie, Kingussie,
Bunnahabhain to form
Highland Distilleries Co.,
which is now part of the
Edrington Group, which
also owns Macallan.
After 20 years lying idle
in the first half of the
20th century, Tamdhu was
brought back to life and then
expanded in the 1970s into
a modern six-still distillery,
which uniquely malts all its
own barley on site.
The mountainous landscape may have north of Glasgow, to Old Pulteney, just
lost some of its stature in the last 400 south of John O’Groats, or to Highland
million years, having once been as high Park, on Orkney, if you want to stretch
as the Himalayas, but it is still a real and it even further. Taste these three whiskies
inspiring force of nature. blind and you would be hard pressed to
From the outset, this was prime say they were from the same region.
whiskymaking country. There was no
shortage of water, and fuel was plentiful A Miscellany of Styles
in the form of peat. If the quality of the Those distilleries designated “Highland”
barley was somewhat poorer than that have never had the critical mass to create
grown along the fertile east coast, there a house style. There are clusters of them
was an added incentive to distil it into on the Black Isle; the northeast corner of
something more valuable, something Aberdeenshire and the Perthshire glens
powerful enough to numb the depressing are dotted with them, but there has never
effects of a long Highland winter. been the concentration that there is in
Whenever the authorities tried to Speyside or on Islay. As a result,
suppress unlicensed whisky, they only Highland distilleries have usually evolved
added to its allure. For a ferociously in isolation—they were there to satisfy a
independent Highlander of the 18th local demand and any passing trade.
century, this forbidden fruit suddenly Perhaps “Highland” whiskies can only
tasted all the sweeter. It was there to be defined by what they are not. They
toast the Jacobite “King O’er the Water” tend not to use heavily peated malt like
and raise two fingers to the bloated Islay, though they often carry more of a
Hanoverian on the throne. smoky fragrance than Speyside. Unlike
The trouble with the Highlands as a Lowland whiskies, which tend toward
whisky region is its vastness. It extends dryness on the tongue, Highland
from Glengoyne, half an hour’s drive whiskies are richer and more robust.
Plentiful supplies of water and peat mean
there is a high concentration of distilleries
in the Highlands and Islands.
scotland: Highlands and Islands 77
Dewar’s White
Label Scotch
Kennethmont, Aberdeenshire
Brora, Sutherland
Open by appointment only
Liberal Prime Minister who century, though it was only On the distillery tour, visitors
enshrined the “angels’ share” bought by William Teacher are shown the old floor
in law, this being the 2 & Sons in 1960. maltings, where, until quite
percent of spirit that is lost It began life in 1826 as recently, the barley was
through evaporation from Glendronach Distillery, a spread out and laboriously
the casks each year, and partnership of local farmers turned by hand. All the
which distillers would no and traders run by James washbacks are of Oregon
longer be taxed on. Allardice. The business was pine, and the copper stills
Fast-forward to the present still going strong when the have been kept true to the
and Fettercairn is now part great whisky writer Alfred original 19th-century design.
of the Indian corporation Barnard visited in the 1880s. Even the dunnage warehouses,
United Breweries (UB Group), He described the distillery, with their traditional earthen
who bought it along with nestled among rolling hills floors, are evocative of a
then owners Whyte beside the Dronach simpler, bygone era.
& Mackay in 2007. Burn, as “quaint
and picturesque.”
Glendronach was GLEN GARIOCH
GLENCADAM producing 50,000 Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire
Brechin, Angus
gallons (227,000 www.glengarioch.co.uk
liters) of malt a Open to visitors
Open by appointment
year when it was
sold to a firm of The town of Oldmeldrum,
When Allied blenders in 1899, on the road to Banff from
Distillers closed and the distillery Aberdeen, has had its own
down Glencadam struggled on until distillery since 1798. Given
in 2000 and fired 1920, when it was how many distilleries have
all but one of the Stewarts Cream bought by Captain come and gone in the
distillery workers, of the Barley Charles Grant, the northeast, Glen Garioch’s
no one really son of William survival into its third century
believed the distillery would Grant, of Glenfiddich. It is no small achievement.
be able to survive. remained in family hands
Established in 1825 by until the 1960s, and, but for With no stainless steel in sight,
George Cooper, it had played a doubling of the stills to a visit to Glendronach Distillery
a minor role in Ballantine’s four, little has changed since. is like a step back in time.
and in Stewarts Cream of
the Barley (see p152), a blend
that seems to have faded
away somewhat, at least in
Scotland. Being out on a
limb as the only distillery in
Angus must have fueled this
sense of vulnerability.
But, in 2003, a white knight
was found in the shape of
Angus Dundee Distillers.
After 50 years in the whisky
business, they decided it was
time to acquire a distillery. As
fully matured stocks come on
stream, expect to see more
Glencadam as a single malt.
Forgue, Huntly, Aberdeenshire
Open to visitors
distilling on orkney
To early explorers, Orkney was the “Ultima Thule,” the most northerly
fringe of the known world. Far from the watchful eyes of the excise
men, it was the perfect place for distilling, and, whenever there was
barley to spare, whiskymaking thrived in a small, underground way.
Cawdor, Nairn
Cawdor Castle, where pioneer of blended whisky.
Macbeth allegedly murdered The distillery was rebuilt
King Duncan, perhaps gave in the 1890s and again in
Whisky had barely moved it a royal connection anyway. the 1970s, when the brief
in from the cold to become Whether this helped persuade was clearly functionality.
a legitimate business when King William IV to bestow Whatever Prince Charles
Captain William Fraser his blessing on Brackla we will might think of its aesthetics,
managed to secure the first- never know, but Fraser wasted the modern, box-shaped
ever royal warrant for a no time in promoting his malt Brackla, with its corrugated-
whisky distillery in 1835. as “The King’s Own Whisky.” steel roof, is still “royal.”
He had built Brackla Soon, much of the Brackla was the first distillery to
23 years earlier between production was heading be granted a royal warrant, by
the Findhorn River and the south to Andrew Usher, in King William IV. Henceforth, it
Murray Firth. Being near Edinburgh, the original became known as Royal Brackla.
94 whiskey nations
St Ola, Orkney
The story of Talisker begins with the MacAskill brothers—a pair of
farmers from the Isle of Eigg. They arrived on Skye to take a lease on
Talisker House and were soon encouraging the locals to emigrate to
make room for sheep, this being the time of the Highland Clearances.
its softer, gentler malts, the Alongside its namesake Talisker 18-year-old 45.8%
town’s distillers looked west whisky, Springbank also ABV • Candied fruit and
to the United States. When produces Hazelburn toffee on the nose, with
that market shut down as and the heavily peated a beguiling, mellow
a result of Prohibition, Longrow. In 2004, its smokiness in the mouth.
Campbeltown’s demise was owners opened a new Talisker 21-year-old
swift. By the mid-1930s, the distillery in the town, • A giant,
57.8% ABV
only distilleries left were Glen on the site of what brooding malt that
Scotia and Springbank. was the Glengyle crashes over the
Part of the reason that Distillery. Its single tongue like breakers
Springbank survived was malt—to be called on the beach.
that its malt was a little less Kilkerran—will be
heavy than the usual available in 2014.
Campbeltown style, which Springbank TEANINICH
blenders had grown weary 10-year-old 46% ABV Alness, Ross-shire
of. Also, the distillery never Notes of leather,
compromised on quality nutmeg, and orange Hidden on the
—unlike many of its rivals, peel, with a tang of outskirts of town
who had grown complacent salt and smoke on Talisker in an industrial
through years of supplying the finish. 10 -Year-Old estate beside the
Glasgow blenders. People in Longrow 10-year-old Cromarty Firth is
the business began referring 46% ABV • Spicy, sherry notes Dalmore’s neighboring
to the “stinking fish” aroma are soon enveloped by dense distillery, in Alness.
of the region’s malts, though aromatic smoke. It was founded by Captain
it seems extremely unlikely Hugh Munro in 1817 and
that anyone really did was named after his estate
use old herring barrels to TALISKER of Teaninich (pronounced
mature their whisky, as was Carbost, Isle of Skye
“chee-an-in-ick”). In the
the implication. www.discovering-distilleries.com
1850s, Munro was posted
The other factor that Open to visitors
off to India, and the distillery
has been instumental in was leased out.
Springbank’s success is In 1823, there were seven When the whisky writer
continuity. . It has been licensed distilleries on Skye. Alfred Barnard paid a visit
in the same family’s hands Today, there is only one— in 1885, it was said to be
since the very start. In 1992, Talisker. Unlike the more the only distillery north of
the Mitchells decided to fertile Islay, the island lacked Inverness to boast telephonic
restore the floor maltings, in barley of its own, which communication. By then,
a bid to control the whole meant the early distillers on it was producing up to
process from start to finish Skye always struggled. 80,000 gallons (365,000
and be more self-sufficient. The grain now all comes liters) of “pure Highland
The rest of the industry, from Scotland’s east coast, malt” a year, which went
meanwhile, was busy and, with the advent of straight off to the blenders
contracting into an ever- paved roads and the Skye down south.
declining number of ever- Bridge, life is considerably Little changed until the
larger corporations. easier these days. 1960s, when the still house
That same year, it was Talisker 10-year-old 45.8% ABV was refitted and then
also decided not to sell the A feisty, bracing malt that is expanded in 1970 to fit
distillery’s whisky as fillings initially sweet on the palate six stills, losing whatever
for blends, but to concentrate and then hot and peppery old-world charm it once
on releasing it as single malt. on the finish. had in the process.
Springbank uses a variety
of oak casks, some having TOBERMORY
previously contained
sherry or bourbon, to Tobermory, Isle of Mull
mature its whisky. www.tobermory.co.uk
Open to visitors
Of all Scotland’s whisky regions, Islay has the strongest identity.
Being an island helps, but there is also its signature tune of peat
smoke. Apart from Bunnahabhain, which “gracefully declines to run
with the pack” (to quote its website), all Islay’s whiskies are peated.
This was never a collective decision. No one knows when whisky making
It was simply that peat was the only began, though with Ireland just 20 miles
source of fuel to be found on the island. (32km) away it may have been very early,
It was how people heated their houses, if Irish monks really did convert the west
with a fire in the middle and the smoke coast to whisky as well as Catholicism in
wafting up through a hole in the roof. the 6th century. Yet, until some evidence
Peat’s uniquely pungent aroma would is unearthed from a peat bog, we will
have impregnated people’s hair, clothes, never know for sure.
bedding, and food. As such, the idea What we do know is that Islay’s
of an unpeated whisky would have been first licensed distillery was Bowmore,
totally unimaginable—it just wouldn’t which was established in 1779. It was
have been whisky. joined by more than 20 distilleries during
In addition to the plentiful supplies of the 19th century, of which six survive
peat to malt the grain and fire the stills, today. The most recent casualty was
there was no shortage of soft, pure water. Port Ellen, in 1984, though its maltings
Yet, this was true of other islands. What continue to supply most of the distilleries
set Islay apart was that it was the most on the island with malt. The peat used is
fertile of the Hebrides, and the presence entirely from Islay and is said to give
of barley gave its distillers a head start. whiskies like Ardbeg their uniquely
With gale-force winds and no shelter to medicinal, mildly antiseptic tang.
speak of, the barley harvest was often Not long ago, the prospects for Islay
meager, but there was usually enough to looked bleak, and many feared that
make whisky. The first imports of grain Ardbeg or Bruichladdich would also
on to Islay did not arrive until 1815, by have to close for good. Even Lagavulin
which time distilling was there to stay. was once on a three-day week. Today,
the situation is far healthier, as more
The pier at Bunnahabhain was built shortly after and more whisky lovers gravitate to this
the distillery was founded in the 1880s, so boats beautiful island, hooked on the strange,
could easily dock to load up with whisky. bitter-sweet taste of peat.
scotland: islay 99
prince charles’
fondness for peat
Prince Charles numbers
among the fans of Laphroaig,
and his crest appears on the
label of the bottle. In 1994,
he dropped in on the
distillery after overshooting
Islay’s tiny airstrip. The heir
to the throne had made the
near-fatal mistake of landing
with a tail wind. All four tires
went pop before the plane
came to a halt nose-down in
a peat bog. Fortunately, no
one was hurt in the incident.
Lowland distilleries
The overriding image of malt whisky is of a Highland spirit made
against a backdrop of barren peaks or heather-clad hills in a remote
glen, or on the west coast lashed by wind and rain. The soft, rolling
farmland south of Edinburgh somehow just doesn’t fit the bill.
It was then repeatedly bought and mid-1850s and for the next 30 years it
sold, spending prolonged periods became a saw mill. It was resurrected
lying idle until it was finally rescued by an Edinburgh brewer and a pair
in 1994 by Raymond Armstrong, of Leith wine merchants, who rebuilt
from Northern Island, who spent a Glenkinchie as a highly efficient,
small fortune restoring it to a tiny state-of-the-art operation. It had
boutique distillery. a siding connected to the railroad,
Bladnoch is available bottled, its own overhead rails inside the
or by the cask for around distillery to carry the barley to the
$2,000, which includes eight malting floor, and mechanical
years’ storage but not the tax. rakes in the mash tun.
Glenkinchie was also totally
Daftmill connected to the land, with
A tiny farm distillery near fields of barley close at hand
Cupar in Fife, Daftmill was to supply the grain, which was
created within a converted mill Glenkinchie malted on site until 1968. It
house dating from the late 17th provided whisky for Haig—
century. The creators were Francis Britain’s biggest whisky brand until
and Ian Cuthbert, whose family had the mid-1970s—but with Haig’s
farmed the land here for generations. sharp decline of fortunes in the UK,
The distillery went into production Glenkinchie faced an uncertain
in December 2005, and can produce future. Until, that is, it was elevated
4,400 gallons (20,000 liters) per by current owners Diageo to sit
annum—as much as a large distillery alongside the likes of Lagavulin and
produces each day. Oban in their “Classic Malts” series.
Glenkinchie 10-Year-Old has a
Glenkinchie malty, cut-grass sweetness on the nose
Founded at Pencaitland in East with vanilla notes on the palate leading
Lothian in 1825, Glenkinchie to a faint spiciness on the finish.
Bladnoch, near Wigtown, is a small boutique
was originally known as the Milton distillery, with an annual production of just
Distillery. The stills ran cold in the 11,250 gallons (51,000 liters).
110 whiskey nations
Grain Distilleries
There is a common misconception that grain whisky is virtually
neutral alcohol, lacks character, and is produced principally to provide
comparatively cheap spirit to bulk out blends. Ask any Scotch whisky
blender, however, and they will tell you that this is far from the case.
Blended Whisky
“The art of combining meticulously selected, mature, high-quality
whiskies, each with its own flavor and other characteristics, with such
skill that the whole is better than the sum of its parts, so that each makes
its contribution to the finished blend without any one predominating.”
These were the words of David for this is that for much of the
MacDonald, the last member 18th century there was an
of the MacDonald family to ongoing battle between legal
be chairman of Glenmorangie, and illegal distilling. By the
before its sale to LVMH, the 1780s, large-scale distilling
French-based luxury goods from grain had been developed
conglomerate, in 2004. It is a in the Lowlands by the Haig
definition of blending that has and Stein families. In contrast,
seldom been bettered. Yet, it it was the smaller, pot still
is perhaps somewhat idealized, production, largely artisanal in
ignoring as it does the pricing Grant’s Premium nature, that characterized the
pressures that drive the 12-Year-Old Highland output. Disputes
creation of so many standard between the two were constant.
and secondary (cheaper) blends. It also
reflects only the skill of blending and New Laws
not its troubled history. In the 1820s, new legislation helped the
Despite the fact that the whisky industry whole industry to legitimacy (see p47),
makes much play of its roots in the 15th and its potential was transformed in
century, few distilleries can trace their 1827 by Robert Stein, who invented a
history back beyond the 1820s. The reason method of continuous distillation. Rapidly
perfected by Aeneas Coffey (see p172),
In the blending room of John Walker’s and Sons’
the continuous still allows the production
Barleith complex, barrels of whisky are poured into of a more lightly flavored spirit from
16 troughs in readiness for blending. cheaper ingredients. It is a more consistent
scotland: blended whisky 117
Scotch Blends
The general trend in recent decades has been toward rationalization, with
fewer and fewer companies controlling more and more brands. But there
are signs of a renaissance in craft blending, too, with both independent
companies and large players producing limited edition blends.
of Pernod Ricard), so
100 PIPERS that today it is one of the
Owner: Chivas Brothers world’s top 10 selling blends.
It is the best-selling whisky
The sight of 100 pipers in full in Thailand, a dynamic
flow would undoubtedly be market for Scotch, and is
an awe-inspiring one, and it growing rapidly in many
did indeed inspire a well- other countries, especially
known Scottish air, which Spain, Venezuela, Australia,
commemorates the march and India.
of Bonnie Prince Charlie 100 Pipers 40% ABV
on the city of Carlisle. As A light and very mixable
the song relates, the English whisky, with a smooth,
army reacted as you might subtly smoky taste.
expect: “Dumfoun’er’d they
heard the blaw, the blaw; The Antiquary 12-Year-Old
Dumfoun’er’d they a’ ran The Antiquary
awa’, awa.’” Owner: Tomatin Distillery
re-establish The Antiquary.
When the Seagram New packaging that harks
Company was looking for This famous old blend, first back to the old bottle has
a contender in the “value” introduced in 1857 by John been introduced.
sector of the Scotch whisky and William Hardie, takes The Antiquary House Style
market in 1965, they its name from a novel by As befits its deluxe status,
too drew inspiration the early 19th-century there is at the heart of
from the song and writer Sir Walter Scott. The Antiquary a very high
named their brand For many years this blend malt to grain ratio, which
100 Pipers. No doubt, was the product of includes some of the finest
they had similar hopes William Sanderson malts from Speyside and the
that the competition (of VAT 69 fame), until Highlands. Their flavors are
would flee in fear. it was sold by United balanced by Lowland malt,
With a competitive Distillers (forerunners which adds gentleness to the
price tag, 100 Pipers of Diageo) in 1996. profile. The subtle fruitiness
proved an immediate Today, it is owned by has a hint of apples. The
success in many The Tomatin Distillery result of the high malt
markets, but not in Co., which is itself a content is depth of flavor,
the UK, where it was subsidiary of Takara outstanding smoothness,
rather looked down Shuzo and Okura Ltd and a long aftertaste.
upon, perhaps of Japan. The Antiquary 21-year-old
unfairly. The blend For many years, 40% ABV• This is a premium
contains Braeval The Antiquary was a blend that combines the
and Allt a’ Bhainne well-regarded luxury
among its fillings, 100 Pipers blend, packaged in percentage ABV
and probably some a handsome faceted
Glenlivet and Longmorn as bottle that looked similar The vast majority of Scotch
well, and it may be that its to a decanter. blends are bottled for the
pale color affected the Sadly, it was not regarded market at 40 percent ABV
perceptions of some UK as a priority by United (alcohol by volume). Malt
drinkers accustomed to Distillers and sales fell away, whiskies tend to be a little
darker colored blends. until the name and blend higher, commonly 43
Seagram’s developed the recipe were eventually sold. percent, while cask-
brand very effectively and The new owners now offer strength whisky is bottled
it has continued to grow 12 and 21-year-old versions at a strength of between
under its new owners, Chivas of the brand, and appear to 50–60 percent ABV.
Brothers (the spirits division be making some effort to
Scotland: blended whisky 119
Despite this, Bell’s remained a little- made a lengthy trip to North America,
known brand for another 50 especially Canada, and the brand
years or so, and didn’t really became the most popular in
hit its stride until as recently South Africa. The slogan
as the 1970s. This was in “Afore Ye Go,” which has
great part due to the served the company so well,
religious beliefs that dates from around this
shaped Arthur Bell, and period, though it was not
to his innate modesty. registered as a trademark
He refused to allow the until 1925. After a period in
family name to appear on a abeyance, it made a welcome
bottle, explaining that he return to the brand’s revamped
Arthur Bell
preferred “the qualities of my packaging, launched in 2006.
goods to speak for themselves.” Bell’s acquired the Blair Athol
His sons, Arthur Kinmond (A.K.) and and Dufftown Distilleries in 1933 and,
Robert, were considerably less idealistic three years later, added Inchgower.
and self-effacing, and, soon after their The family connection was severed
father’s death in 1900, set about in 1942 with the death of both Bell
making up for lost time. brothers, and William Farquharson
The prohibition on the use of the took over as chairman—a post he
Bell name was abandoned by 1904 and held until his demise in 1973.
a healthy export business in Australia
and New Zealand was quickly This portrait of the Bell’s staff was taken in the
early 1900s, in the period when Arthur Bell’s sons
established. Agents were appointed in had taken over and were not averse to branding
India, Ceylon, Italy, and France. A.K. the family name.
Scotland: blended whisky 123
Black Bottle
Owner: Burn Stewart Distillers
based Whyte & Mackay favorite by the time in the world, and one of great
(now owned by the they joined the Distillers character and quality. The
UB Group). The Company (DCL) in 1944. name was inspired by the
Claymore The brand continued fastest and most famous of
continued to to sell well, but was all the Scottish-built clipper
sell well for not of strategic ships, itself named after the
some time, but significance to its young witch dressed in a
the sales volume owners, hence the “cutty sark” (a sort of short
has declined in recent decision to license shirt) in Robert
years and it is now the brand to Burns’s celebrated poem
principally seen as a Whyte & Mackay “Tam O’Shanter.’’
“secondary” (low- in 1986, though The nautical reference
priced) brand. Diageo, successors also echoes the brand’s early
Dalmore is believed to the Distillers days, when Captain William
to be the principal malt Company, retain McCoy, a famous American
whisky in the blend. the rights to the bootlegger, supplied Cutty
name Crawford’s 3 Sark to customers
Star Special Reserve in the United States
Cluny outside the UK. during Prohibition
Owner: Whyte & Mackay
Benrinnes single (hence the phrase
Claymore malt was a long-time “the real McCoy”).
Cluny is produced figurine component in the Cutty Sark
by Whyte & Mackay blend. A 5 Star remains an
and supplied in bulk to version was also produced important
Heaven Hill Distilleries of but later discontinued. brand in the
the US, who have imported United States
it since 1988. It is one of the and is also
United States’ top-selling, Cutty Sark enjoyed in
domestically bottled, blended Owner: Berry Brothers & Rudd Ltd. Southern
Scotch whiskies, and is sold Europe and
primarily on its competitive Blended and bottled in the Far East.
price. It does, however, Glasgow by The Edrington One of the
contain more than 30 malt Group (proprietors of The acclaimed
whiskies from all regions of Famous Grouse), who supply blended whiskies
Scotland, along with grain much of the whisky for the of the world,
whisky, presumably sourced blend, Cutty Sark is owned Cutty Sark uses
largely from Whyte & by London wine merchants some 20 single Cutty Sark
Mackay’s Invergordon plant. Berry Bros & Rudd. malts for the
It was created in 1923 by blend, many from the
Charles Julian, of London renowned distilleries of
Crawford’s blenders Porter, Dingwall & Speyside, such as Macallan
Owner: Whyte & Mackay/Diageo
Norris, for the partners of and Glenrothes.
Berry Bros & Rudd, who Maturation and marrying
The old-established Leith were looking to produce an the blend contribute to the
firm of A & A Crawford had innovative whisky. Cutty distinguishing qualities, and
developed their Crawford’s Sark was just that—the first wood for the casks in which
3 Star brand into a Scottish naturally pale-colored whisky the blend is matured is
carefully selected to bring
The Cutty Sark Label out the flavor and aroma, as
well as to impart color gently
The label was designed by James McBay, during the lengthy ageing
a Scottish artist friend of the owners. period. As well as the non-
McBay named the brand and designed age expression, there is a
the distinctive label over lunch in the deluxe range, aged at 12, 15,
parlour at the back of Berry Brothers’ 18, and 25 years.
shop in fashionable St James Street, Cutty Sark 40% ABV • Golden,
London. Presumably, it was a jolly lunch, clear, and bright, Cutty Sark
as for many years the label carried the is notably pale. The aroma is
idiosyncratic descriptor “Scots Whisky”, light and fragrant with hints
though sadly this has reverted to the of vanilla and oak. The taste
standard “Scotch” in recent years. is of medium intensity, with
a sweet, creamy, vanilla note
Cutty Sark’s original “Scots” whisky label evident. Cutty Sark has a
crisp and clean finish.
Blended whiskies are about
mass appeal, and for big
players like J&B, that means
finding ever new ways to
promote the brand.
130 whiskey nations
blue blazer
Often made with bourbon,
but perfectly at home with
good Scotch, the Blue Blazer
was created by Jerry Thomas,
a San Francisco bartender.
Watching Thomas making
the drink, President Ulysses
S. Grant was reportedly so
impressed that he presented
him with a cigar. Thomas’s
bartending skills are an
acquired art, so you may
want to practice making the
drink in the backyard first.
1 measure (25 ml) blended
Scotch whisky
1 measure (25 ml)
boiling water
1 tsp powdered sugar
lemon peel
Use two large metal mugs
with handles. Warm the
whisky and put it in one
mug. Put the water in the
other. Set the whisky alight
and, as it burns, combine
with the water, pouring the
mixture from one mug to
This Dewar’s advertising poster are also used. Given the the other. Your audience
of 1935 allies its whisky with the history of the company and (and you should have one)
silver jubilee of King George V. the brand (see opposite), it is should see a stream of
reasonable to assume that liquid fire. Sweeten and
a contribution from the serve in a stemmed glass
Dewar’s Diageo stable of malts is also with a piece of lemon peel.
Owner: John Dewar & Sons (Bacardi)
still present in the blend.
Dewar’s is seldom seen in
Following Bacardi’s purchase the UK, but is a dominant
of Dewar’s in 1988, the presence in the US. It is also Dewar’s future seems
brand was repackaged, with important in some quite secure under the
considerable investment being European markets and ownership of Bacardi,
made throughout the business, of growing significance who, in August 2007,
from the distilling process to in Asia. announced a further
the warehousing and bottling. Bacardi has increased $240 million investment
To augment the standard global distribution for in their Scottish
White Label, new products Dewar’s, greatly production facilities.
were developed. The first expanded the A state-of-the-art
of these was a 12-year-old marketing budget, visitor center, which
version, Special Reserve. and raised the celebrates the life of
Then came the 18-year-old brand’s profile the Dewar family
Founder’s Reserve, and while maintaining and the firm’s long
finally an ultra-premium non- the quality standards. history of whisky
age style known as Signature. In fact, some would making, was opened
The main single malt in the say the blend quality at Aberfeldy (see p77),
Dewar’s blends is Aberfeldy, has been enhanced, one of the four
though the group’s other especially in the new distilleries acquired
malts—Aultmore, Royal products, which have by Bacardi when they
Brackla, Craigellachie, and, won many awards Dewar’s bought the Dewar’s
to a lesser extent, MacDuff— and medals. 12-Year-Old brand nine years ago.
Scotland: blended whisky 131
dewar’s—pioneers of blending
The firm of Dewar’s was established in Perth in 1846 by John Dewar.
Like so many other founders of a great whisky dynasty, he was working
as a wine and spirit merchant when he decided to start out on his own.
He then proceeded to develop the business in slow and careful steps.
John Dewar was experimenting with 1890s, thus turning themselves from
blending in the early 1860s, making him whisky blenders into distillers.
something of a pioneer. The whisky he The flagship White Label blend
produced was sold in stoneware was launched around 1899,
crocks known as “pigs,” and after experiments by
later he was among the first Dewar’s master blender,
distillers to sell branded Alexander Cameron, to
whisky by the bottle perfect the practice of
instead of by the cask. marrying, which was still
By the time of his death in use for premium whisky
in 1880, his business had blends. Dewar’s was also an
really taken off. His sons, Dewar’s plate
early proponent of the
John and Thomas, rode the benefits of ageing whisky.
Victorian whisky boom with conspicuous By the 1920s, however, the whisky
success. John was a shrewd businessman, boom had passed and Dewar’s entered
while Tommy, a born salesman, was into a merger, first with Buchanan’s
responsible for the world’s first whisky and subsequently with the Distillers
commercial in 1896, when he projected Company (DCL). The business was
a film on to a New York skyscraper. managed as a separate concern until
Together, the brothers transformed rationalization in the 1980s, after which
the firm from a local concern into a it was reduced to the status of just one
global business, hiring the renowned brand among many. With the formation
Elgin-based architect Charles Doig (see of Diageo in 1998, regulatory concerns
p59) to build Aberfeldy Distillery in the forced the sale of Dewar’s to Bacardi.
Dewar’s was a prosperous
independent company,
enjoying great success
right up until the 1920s.
132 whiskey nations
Like so many other celebrated names Grouse increased its visibility, becoming
in whisky, The Famous Grouse has its first the best-selling blend in
roots in a Victorian grocer’s shop—in Scotland and then an
Perth in this case, where Matthew increasingly important brand
Gloag set up in business. His in world markets. A much-
nephew, also called Matthew, loved advertising campaign
shrewdly recognized the featuring an animated grouse
opportunities for a local began in 1996 and continues
product to supply to to prove popular.
the growing numbers While clever marketing has
of upper-class gentlemen played its part, the company’s
A red grouse has adorned
being lured to the the label of The Famous strict adherence to the
Highlands by the choice Grouse since 1896. highest standards of quality
of sporting activities has also been key to building
available there. In 1896 he decided Grouse’s reputation. The company
upon “The Grouse Brand,” and set asserts that they perform a remarkable
his daughter the task of sketching 8,735 quality checks from distillation
the label. Before long, it was known to bottling. If that seems excessive,
as “The Famous Grouse.” the result can be easily ascertained.
By 1970, sales had developed, but Today, with sales approaching three
death duties obliged the Gloags to sell million cases annually, The Famous
the company to Highland Distillers. Grouse is firmly established in the
Over the next 20 years, sales were well top 10 of global brands and seems
ahead of the market, and The Famous set for further growth.
Glenturret Distillery is the spiritual home of
The Famous Grouse, not only supplying malt for
the blend but also housing its visitor center.
134 whiskey nations
Whisky Galore!
Martin’s was one of the
brands of whisky on board
the S.S. Politician, which was
lost off the coast of Eriskay
in February 1941. The event
formed the inspiration for
Compton Mackenzie’s novel
Whisky Galore, in which a
group of islanders spirit away
the cases of whisky that
wash up on the shore. The
novel went on to inspire a
1949 film of the same name.
It may seem somewhat academic to include whiskies that have not
been available for more than 100 years, but the influence of the
firm of Pattisons of Leith was to shape the whole structure and
development of the Scotch whisky industry as we know it today.
Pig’s Nose
Owner: Spencerfield Spirits
Now controlled by Pernod coronation (and Royal Salute The immaculate, modern Isle of
Ricard’s Chivas Brothers, itself). It also celebrated the Arran Distillery provides the heart
the Royal Salute “family” 50th anniversary of the first of the Robert Burns blend.
includes a range of ascent of Mount Everest.
expressions, each one Royal Salute 50-year-old is a whiskies first released on a
comprising a special blend limited edition of just 255 permanent basis in February
of very rare whiskies. bottles and, accordingly, is so 2005.
Royal Salute 21-year-old rare that very few have Royal Salute 38-year-old
40% ABV • Bottled ever tasted it! Stone of Destiny offers rich
and launched on Royal Salute, notes of cedar wood and
Coronation Day in June The Hundred Cask almond, with a sherried
1953, the original Selection 40% ABV oakiness on the palate. Dried
Royal Salute 21-year- This is specially blended fruits linger with an assertive
old was made using from a strict selection spiciness. An experience—
whiskies laid down of 100 casks. First even for the connoisseur!
in the 1920s and introduced to the
30s. Planning for market at the end
the sumptuous of 2004, Royal
Royal Salute 21- Salute, The
year-old can Hundred Cask
begin up to 30 Selection is
years before it is elegant, creamy,
sealed in porcelain and exceptionally
flagons, each one smooth.
of which is Royal Salute, The Royal Salute
embellished by Hundred Cask 38-year-old Stone
craftsmen at the Selection of Destiny 40% ABV
Wade pottery over four days. By tradition, the Stone of
A deep gold color; Destiny is supposed to be the
soft fruity aromas balanced pillow used by Jacob in the
with a delicate floral Bible. It is also the name
fragrance and mellow given to the sandstone block
honeyed sweetness. used in the coronations of
Royal Salute 50-year-old 40% ABV Scottish, and subsequently
A very limited edition, British, monarchs. Chivas
launched in June 2003 used this name for their The coronation of Queen
in honor of the 50th exclusive selection of Elizabeth II in 1953 inspired
anniversary of the Queen’s powerful 38‑year-old the creation of Royal Salute.
150 whiskey nations
Scotch Blue
Owner: Lotte Chilsung
rob roy
Modeled on the Manhattan
(see p198), the warm red
color of this cocktail
reminds us of the legendary
Rob Roy McGregor, outlaw,
folk hero, and Scotland’s
own Robin Hood.
1 measure (25 ml) of
blended Scotch Whisky
½ measure (about 10 ml) of
Longmorn Distillery supplies one First introduced in 1912 Noilly Prat sweet vermouth
of the distinguished malts in the by Hill Thompson and Co. Dash Angostura bitters
Something Special blend. using casks specially selected
by the directors themselves, Method:
named his imported brand the Something Special Mix all the ingredients over
of whisky after his son, brand is today owned ice. Stir and strain into a
Edward. He then added by Pernod Ricard’s chilled glass. Finish with
the “Sir” to make it whisky subsidiary a twist of lemon peel.
sound more authentic Chivas Brothers.
and aristocratic. As befits its premium
Sir Edward’s is positioning, the Something Special 15 40% ABV
sold as a non-age whisky is presented This is a blend made with up
bottling and a 12- in a distinctive, to 35 of the better Speyside
year-old version. diamond-shaped and Islay malt whiskies, and
bottle, apparently soft grain whiskies, aged in a
the inspiration mixture of European and
Something of an Edinburgh American oak casks. So
Special diamond cutter. while it retains the distinctive
Owner: Chivas Bros.
Something style of Something Special,
Special 40% ABV the 15-year-old expression
Under this bold Something A distinctive blend is of greater intensity,
name, Something Special of dry, fruity, and complexity of character,
Special is a leading spicy flavors, with and depth of flavor.
deluxe Scotch blended a subtle smoky sweetness.
whisky in South America, The highly regarded Whisky from Islay’s distilleries is
and is particularly popular in Longmorn malt is at used sparingly in blends to impart
Venezuela and Colombia. the heart of the blend. depth and smokiness.
152 whiskey nations
At its mid-20th-century peak, and the name came from whiskies in the world, White
Vat 69 made it into the world’s the fact that vat number 69 Horse has slipped down the
top 10 best-selling whiskies. was the finest of 100 possible global sales league table.
blends tested by Sanderson Despite this, it remains a
Teachcher’s House Style on trade colleagues. significant brand in its areas
From its earliest days, Accordingly, Sanderson of strength, especially Japan,
Teacher’s has always been launched his whisky as Brazil, Greece, Africa, and
a full-flavored blend, VAT 69 in 1882. parts of the US, and the
strongly built on the At its peak, VAT 69 blend is still marketed in
company’s characterful was the 10th best-selling more than 100 countries.
single malts from whisky in the world and Its heyday came under the
Glendronach and, more even starred in an early ownership and direction of
particularly, Ardmore. example of product Peter Mackie, who, from
In fact, more than 35 placement. In the 1890, was one of the most
single whiskies go into 1959 film Our Man in famous characters in the
the Highland Cream Havana, one of James whisky trade. He took over
blend to this day— Wormold’s agents the family business from his
an individual whisky, is found dead with
with a silky texture a bottle of Vat 69 shackleton’s thirst
and quite a quick clutched in his hand.
finish that leaves the Today its owners, Sir Ernest Shackleton took
palate refreshed. Diageo, give global along with him on his 1907
precedence to the Antarctic Expedition bottles
Johnnie Walker and of Whyte & Mackay, which
VAT 69 J&B brands. turned up 100 years later
encased in polar ice. For
Owner: Diageo
his Imperial Trans-Antarctic
Though this blend White Horse Expedition of 1914,
is still selling more VAT 69 however, he took supplies
Owner: Diageo
than one million of VAT 69, stating that it
cases annually in places such White Horse is named after would be used “for
as Venezuela, Spain, and one of Edinburgh’s famous medicinal emergencies
Australia, it might not be coaching inns, The White and for feast days in the
entirely unreasonable to Horse Cellar Inn, place of Antarctic.” This evidently
suggest that the glory days embarkation for the eight- was his more favored dram
of VAT 69 are behind it. day coach trip to London. for boosting morale, as
Once this was the flagship Once selling around two Shackleton opted for further
of the independent South million cases annually and supplies of VAT 69 on his
Queensferry blenders holding a position as one of 1921 expedition.
William Sanderson & Co. the 10 best-selling Scotch
154 whiskey nations
Today you can buy a bottle of Usher’s Green “Messrs Usher controlled the whole output
Stripe in the US for $12.99. The brand, now of the famous Glenlivet Distillery.”
controlled by Diageo, is among the lowest Andrew Usher II was a blending pioneer,
priced Scotch whiskies available, yet, having learned the necessary skills from his
despite such aggressive pricing, volumes mother, as was the family tradition. Usher’s
have fallen steadily for the last 10 years. Old Vatted Glenlivet is recognized as the
It is perhaps doubtful that today’s first modern blended whisky. Such was
Usher’s drinker either knows or cares the firm’s success that by the late 19th
that this was once one of the foremost century the Ushers were established
companies in Scotch whisky, and as generous philanthropists.
arguably the father of blending. The firm joined the Distillers Company
With a family business established (DCL) in 1919 and the Usher’s brand slowly
in Edinburgh in 1813, the Ushers faded, eventually reduced to the indignity
established themselves as successful Usher’s of bulk export for local bottling and
agents. By 1840 it was noted that Green Stripe today’s bottom shelf discount offers.
uncle and soon made an The firm’s reputation which has been a long-
impression on all who met rested on the quality of standing Scottish favorite.
him. Sir Robert Bruce its blending, and Mackie Having been through a
Lockhart famously described shrewdly commissioned the bewildering number of
him as “one-third genius, noted journalist and whisky owners in recent years, this
one-third megalomaniac authority Alfred Barnard venerable Glasgow company
and one-third eccentric.” (see p50) to write for them was acquired in May 2007
Mackie’s nickname was the handsome pamphlet by the Indian conglomerate
“Restless Peter,” and his entitled, “How to Blend UB Group for over
favorite aphorism, “Nothing Scotch Whisky.” $1 billion. Plans to expand
is impossible.” White Horse 40% ABV capacity at Invergordon,
A complex and satisfying Whyte & Mackay’s grain
blend, White Horse whisky distillery, have already
retains the robust flavor been announced, so blending
of Lagavulin, assisted by will presumably be of
renowned Speysiders such increased future importance.
as Aultmore. With its long Today the firm offers a
finish, this is an elegant range of expressions: the
and stylish whisky. Special—ironically a
standard blend—and five
other blends aged at 13,
Whyte & Mackay 19, 22, 30, and 40 years.
Owner: Whyte & Mackay
Though the more cynical
drinker might view the
Whyte & Mackay traces its unusual age statements as
history back to 1844, when being driven by the need to
it was founded by James stand out on the shop shelf,
Whyte and Charles Mackay. the company claim “the
The art of blending may be about By the late 19th century they extra year gives the whisky a
balancing flavors, but it is also had begun blending and had chance to marry for a longer
vital to know the value of whiskies launched the company’s period, giving it a distinct
and understand potential markets. flagship “Special” brand, graceful smoothness.”
Scotland: blended whisky 155
Certainly, Whyte & and the vast majority of was blended in Liverpool
Mackay’s master blender the distillery’s output by William Lawson; the
Richard Paterson, who was reserved for blending. trademark was registered in
joined the firm in 1970, In recent years, however, 1889. After various changes
is very highly regarded Jura’s eponymous single in ownership, the name
in the industry and has malt has enjoyed growing ended up with the Italian
received a large sales in its own right. vermouth producers Martini
number of awards Great stress is & Rossi, through their
and citations. He laid on marrying purchase of the MacDuff
created the “new” the blend at Whyte Distillery (home of the Glen
40-year-old blend, & Mackay, and the Deveron single malt).
which enjoys a very company has long This distillery had been
high malt content— been an adherent to constructed in 1960 by a
70 percent malt to the time-consuming consortium of whisky
30 percent grain— process in which first blenders to a design by the
but is available only the malts are married, innovative Welsh distillery
in limited quantities. before combining architect William Delmé-
The main market with the grain whisky Evans (who also designed
for Whyte & Mackay Whyte & Mackay and marrying again Glenallachie, Isle of Jura,
has historically been Special in sherry butts. The and Tullibardine distilleries).
the UK, though the resulting blends, it The original partners sold
older styles, especially the must be said, are noticeably the business, which was
13-year-old, are popular smooth and well-balanced. eventually bought in 1972
in Spain, France, and by Martini, who expanded
Scandinavia. This may the distillery. Bacardi then
well change under the new William Lawson’s acquired Martini & Rossi
ownership, however, with Owner: John Dewar & Son (Bacardi)
in late 1992.
Asian sales likely to grow Though not available in
rapidly thanks to the India- The William Lawson’s range the UK, the various William
based UB Group. of whiskies is blended and Lawson’s expressions sell
The Whyte & Mackay STyle bottled in Coatbridge and well over one million cases
The “backbone” of the Glasgow by John Dewar & annually and are extremely
company’s blends emanates Sons (see p130), and is thus popular in France, where
from Speyside and the ultimately owned by Bacardi. they are positioned at the top
Highlands, though small However, the brand can be end of the “value” market.
quantities from Islay, traced back to 1849, when it Belgium, Spain, and
Campbeltown, and the
Lowlands are also used. Whyte & Mackay, now part
For many years, Jura of the mighty UB Group, still
produced whisky in has its offices in Glasgow,
a “Speyside” style, where the firm began.
156 whiskey nations
Alcohol levels in maturing spirit William Lawson’s Finest some 26 percent. Indeed,
are regularly checked, and whisky 40% ABV • With its heart of standard and low-price
usually diluted prior to bottling – Glen Deveron Single Malt, brands are virtually
blends typically down to 40% ABV. William Lawson’s Finest unknown.
blended Scotch whisky Moreover, the South
Venezuela are also significant is distinguished by a Korean market has been
markets for Lawson’s. satisfyingly well-balanced growing fast,
In recent years, the brand palate, with hints of a crisp and—though not
has been noted for its stylish toffee apple flavor. Its body is without some
and witty TV advertising, medium to full and the finish alarms. Diageo
featuring an iconoclastic slightly dry, with oak notes. faced its own
approach to the kilt in some problems in
unusual settings. 2007, when
The range comprises Windsor Korea’s tax
William Lawson’s Finest, Owner: Diageo authorities
which is the standard style; found it
a 12-year-old Scottish Gold; This premium brand of dealing with
and two premium styles. Scotch whisky, marketed by unlicensed
Of the premium blends, Diageo in South Korea, is wholesalers.
Founder’s Reserve is an 18- not to be confused with its Assuming
year-old blend, first created Canadian namesake these local
in 2000, and Private (see p221), a low-price difficulties Windsor 12
Reserve is a limited offering, or even the can be Premium
edition 21-year-old, company’s own barely ironed out,
which launched in 2004. visible Windsor Castle Diageo’s Windsor looks set
Spanish sherry and blend. Launched in for further growth. Already
American bourbon 1996, Windsor is it is claimed to be the largest
oak casks are used a serious player in selling super premium
for maturing the South Korea, one Scotch whisky in the world,
whisky, with Glen of the world’s and accordingly has its own
Deveron Single largest whisky unique bottle shapes.
Malt employing markets. In keeping with the
the highest Gratifyingly, premium standards of
percentage of premium whisky this status-driven market,
sherry wood of brands account there are two expressions:
any whisky in the for 72 percent of a 12‑year-old blend and a
Dewar’s group. sales there, while 17‑year-old super premium.
This contributes to super and ultra Windsor 17 features a
its full flavor and Windsor 17 premium whisky luminous label to make it
rich color. Super Premium brands take up stand out in dimly lit clubs.
Scotland: blended whisky 157
Whisky Liqueurs
A liqueur is a sweetened product, in which additional flavors of spices,
flowers, fruits, seeds, or roots are introduced to the spirit base through
redistillation, infusion, or maceration. Today, whisky liqueurs are a
distinct category, albeit dominated by one brand—Drambuie.
o begin with, there are the a product that was consistent in terms
enigmatic monks—the healers of both quality and availability. Today,
of western Europe who are we’re used to branded drinks tasting
thought to have brought distilling to identical wherever in the world you buy
Ireland in the wake of the Black Death in them, but in the 19th century this notion
the 14th century. They effectively policed of sameness was revolutionary.
the production of uisce beatha until the However, Irish whiskey was labour
Reformation, some 200 years later. With intensive and expensive to produce. Pot
the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the stills were, and still are, slow and terribly
mid-16th century, distilling spread into inefficient. Each load is produced singly,
communities as a cottage industry. batch by batch, and, between each run,
However, this all changed with the the stills have to be cooled and cleaned.
arrival of English law, set up at the
beginning of the 17th century to exact continuous distillation
taxation from distilling. In response, The holy grail of distilling was a system
much distilling went underground, that allowed continuous distillation—this
resulting in two national drinks, duty was the way to raise the economies of
paid whiskey and illegal poteen. scale, and so increase both productivity
Duty paid, or Parliament, whiskey and profits. The goal was achieved by an
(always spelled with an “e” in Ireland) Irishman, Aeneas Coffey (see p172), and
went on to dominate the British Empire, his Patent Still changed distilling forever.
as it was the Irish and not the Scots who Some Irish distilleries, especially in
were first to turn distilling into a global Belfast, did install Coffey’s still, but as
business. The golden age of Irish whiskey far as the major Dublin distillers were
dawned early in the 19th century, and concerned, the problem with “Coffey’s
most of Ireland’s most famous brands— Patent Continuous Distilling Apparatus,”
Jameson, Powers, and Bushmills—date as they referred to it, was that it didn’t
from this period. The Irish anticipated produce what they considered to be
the needs of the mass market, creating whiskey. “These things,” they wrote in
a circular, “no more yield whiskey than
Old Bushmills in County Antrim is Ireland’s oldest they yield wine or beer.” The Dublin
surviving distillery, producing its own single malts whiskey hierarchy was famous for its
as well as whiskey for many well-known blends. flavorsome, “oily” pot still whiskey. It was
160 whiskey nations
the way things were ireland’S DISTILLERIES nation was thrown into
done, and they weren’t %86+0,//6
turmoil as Ireland firstly
for changing. /RQGRQGHUU\
entered into a war of
The Scots and English, %HOIDVW independence with the
though, had nothing to 1, British, then embarked on
lose by adopting the a bitter civil war. By 1922
Coffey still. Although it was a divided country.
expensive to commission, *DOZD\ 'XEOLQ In the south, the Irish Free
they could produce in a 5(38%/,&2) State was founded, while six
week what a traditional ,5(/$1' of Ireland’s Ulster counties
pot still could make in remained part of the UK.
nine months. &RUN 0,'/(721
American Prohibition and an
The Irish had taken economic war with Britain hit
their eye off the ball, so the distillers hard: almost
it’s doubtful that anyone in Dublin made overnight their two largest export
a fuss when changes to the law in the markets dried up. To make things worse,
mid-19th century allowed whiskey to be the newly free Catholic Ireland reignited
stored and blended prior to the point of the church dominated temperance
taxation, which was now only on movement, and the distillers found they
shipment. This subtle change meant that had very few friends in government.
merchants were free to buy, blend, and
bottle their own whiskies without having Across the divide
to pay tax up front. Silent spirit could By the mid 1960s, there were just two
now be blended with some very distilleries left, one either side of a
individual highland malt to produce bitterly sectarian border. From that
a new kind of whiskey. The quality of nadir, however, the present state of the
these Scottish blends was consistent, but whiskey industry looks more promising.
unlike Irish whiskey, they were easy to It centers on three distilleries: Midleton,
make and cheap to produce. The names Bushmills, and Cooley—the new
Johnnie Walker and Tommy Dewar are addition to the two left standing in the
still with us, but they were not distillers— 1960s. These three distilleries produce
they were blenders and bottlers, and they all of the brands and bottlings of Irish
went on to become whiskey barons. whiskey, from popular blends to single
malts and the last two remaining pure
troubled times pot still Irish whiskies.
The dawn of the 20th century brought
little comfort for the Irish. After a long Bushmills is Ireland’s oldest distillery, and its
court battle, Blended Scotch was allowed roots can be traced back to the whiskey
to be called whiskey. Then, the whole industry’s beginnings in the 1600s.
ireland 161
Connemara Malts
Distillery: Cooley
Most recently, Paddy’s The company was fond of usual assault of spice, honey,
more regal patronage innovation; they were the and hard custard, but this
came to light following first major Dublin firm to time it’s layered with soft
the auction by Christies embrace the Coffey still, wood tones and very
in Paris of a rare bottle albeit on a limited scale. soothing fruit jelly.
from the 1920s. Bought They moved into white
by Irish Distillers for spirits with Powers gin
$3,000 in 2003, it was and Powers vodka, but Tullamore Dew
once owned by more importantly they Distillery: Midleton
Edward VIII, Duke were first to try out in- www.tullamoredew.com
of Windsor, but house bottling. In an
was later sold by his era when glass bottles Locke’s in Kilbeggan
wife, Mrs. Simpson, were handmade and and Daly’s, up the road
after his death. expensive, they bottled in Tullamore, were the last
Today Paddy their own “Gold Label” Irish distilleries to close in
features slightly older whiskey. They even went the early 1950s. Both were
whiskies than are on to produce miniature modest rural operations
found in Jameson, bottles (known as that had clung on long after
and, although there is Paddy Baby Powers)—an most of their contemporaries
a similar wood policy, Old Irish innovation, and later had shut up shop. A micro-
Paddy does not use as Whiskey worldwide trend, that distillery has recently
much first-fill wood. The required an act of Parliament reopened in Kilbeggan
whiskey is made up of to allow it. (see p165), but its
roughly equal measures of Powers Gold Label close neighbor in Tullamore
pot still and grain whiskey. This is a superbly made hasn’t been so lucky.
Paddy 40 % ABV • This is a whiskey, with that distinctive A shopping mall now
malty and easy-going drink. high Irish pot still whiskey stands where the
It’s light and peppery, and that now only emanates from whiskey was once
best served short with a drop the Midleton Distillery. made, though there is
or two of water. This opens Powers is a rich, round, a museum in one of
up the spirit, yielding jasmine complex, and full-flavored the old warehouses.
and buttery fruitcake. But too drinking experience. In its time,
much water will drown its Selling more than six million Tullamore was
delicate nature. measures each year across a very innovative
Ireland, it is the country’s distillery. The
favorite whiskey. owners embraced
Powers Gulp, don’t sip. Slosh the continuous
Distillery: Midleton
it around in your mouth. still, and in the
Make silly gargling sounds 1950s Tullamore
The Powers were the other and swallow deeply. Now Dew became the
Dublin distilling dynasty. try and catch all the flavors; first Irish whiskey
Their distillery was situated there’s heather, all spice, to be reformulated Tullamore
on the south side of the cloves, camphor … now as a blend. The Dew
narrow Liffey River, facing take another gulp and distillery was sited
John Jameson & Son to try again. Brilliant! in the center of Ireland, but
the north. Powers 12-year-old despite poor transportation
John Power took over Special Reserve links to the costal ports, the
the company from his Powers 12-year-old company focused on the
father James in 1817 Reserve is a premium export market; to this day
and became a very edition of Ireland’s Tullamore Dew is still the
influential man in the favorite whiskey. This best-selling Irish whiskey in
capital. For a number reserve is chosen from Germany.
of years, he was High specially selected The company’s most
Sheriff of Dublin, and whiskies, aged from 12 famous brand, Tullamore
he was a close friend to 24 years. It’s the Dew, is still going strong,
of Daniel O’Connell, same formulation as though it has passed through
the Liberator. At the the regular Powers, numerous hands since the
age of 64, he became just older. distillery closed in 1954.
Sir John Power, and It’s amazing what Today it is owned by the
could look back on a a few more years in Irish food and drink
successful life having the wood will do to company C&C, which in
extended the distillery a whiskey. This is turn is owned by a group of
until it covered seven Powers regular Powers on UK venture capitalists. So
acres of the city. Gold Label steroids: there’s the the fate of this brand is far
ireland 177
from settled. All the whiskies Tullamore Dew Heritage 40% ABV
in the Tullamore Dew range One of the canal-side Wild Geese Whiskey
are distilled at the Midleton distillery warehouses is now Distillery: Cooley
Distillery in County Cork. home to a small museum www.wildgeese-irishwhiskey.com
Tullamore Dew 40% ABV and a shop, and this is where
By far the lightest Irish you’ll find this offering. Prior Yet another blend aimed at
whiskey on sale today—very to bottling, all the whiskies the ex-pat market, but this
grainy and lacking in much that make make up the one’s got a bit of bite to it.
depth. Best served over ice Heritage blend are married wild geese whiskey 40% ABV
with a sweet mixer like cola. for just under a year in This whiskey is sweet at the
Tullamore Dew 12 40% ABV second-fill bourbon wood. start, but somewhere in the
Sherry wood and spicy pot There are some very fine middle of the tongue it
still whiskey is very much to and very old pot still whiskies changes into quite a classy
the fore here in a very classy making themselves known monster. Here the grain
blend, aimed at the premium here. A beautifully balanced whiskey makes all the
airport retail market. This example of the blender’s running, but it’s good firm
whiskey has much more in art; sweet vanilla and sherry stuff, proving that Cooley
common with the Jameson drift on with the distant master distiller, Noel
family of premium whiskies scent of old leather car Sweeney, is right to have
than standard Tullamore Dew. seats. Very lovely. such faith in his grain.
Poteen is Ireland’s other national drink. It’s the Poteen changed too, but in minor ways. It was
outrageous outlaw—the bad boy everybody always made from whatever was cheap and at
loves. In movie terms, it is Colin Farrell to hand, so molasses replaced barley and copper
whiskey’s Pierce Brosnan. But how different hot-water tanks replaced tin pot stills.
things could have been. You see, until 1661 Despite 400 years of persecution by both
uisce beatha (whiskey) and uisce poitín Church and State, the outlaw thrived in song
(poteen) were one and the same, but, after that and folklore in the hills of Ireland until very
date, duty was paid on the former and not on recently. Then came prosperity. The Celtic Tiger
the latter, so making poteen illegal. swept all before it, bringing full employment
At the time, there wasn’t any difference and soaring house prices, and changing Ireland
between the taste of Parliament whiskey (uisce forever. The market for cheap spirits dried up
beatha) and the illegal stuff (uisce poitín), they and the skills that had been passed from
were both small-batch, colorless spirits distilled generation to generation started to die off.
from native grain and drunk hot from the still. Whether this is a passing phase, or whether
But as the centuries rolled past, the two spirits poteen has been fatally mauled by the Celtic
took on very different identities. Tiger, it’s too early to tell. If you see a product
During the 19th century, distilling in Ireland labeled “poteen” in an airport or a bar, it’s
moved from a cottage industry to a model of simply a white duty-paid Irish schnapps. By
Victorian laissez-faire enterprise. Whiskey was definition, poteen is illegal and can’t be sold.
no longer sold straight from the still; it was
matured in oak wood for at least three years, This poteen still from the early 20th century
which gave the spirit extra flavor and color. shows how basic the apparatus can be: an open
fire heats the pot, the spirit condenses in the pipe
and slowly dips into the standing barrel.
whiskey nations 179
and wales
If the history of alcohol production in the UK has taught us
anything about the English, it’s that for them patience is not a
virtue. Whiskey takes time to mature, and, while it has been
produced in England in the past, it has been only on a modest
scale, and the general tendency is toward far faster results.
hile the Scots and Irish were the English gave up trying to make
perfecting the art of maturation malt altogether, however, and simply
and integrating flavor into their conceded that the Scots did it far better.
national spirits, the scenario in England
was more divided. The nobility bought The Welsh Picture
in quality port, cognac, Irish whiskey, The same conclusion would seem to
and finally Scotch for their high tables; have been drawn in Wales, too. Although
while the majority of the population evidence exists that whiskey was made
settled on a foul-tasting grain spirit, in the province, it died away more than
flavored to hide its taste, and called gin. 100 years ago, perhaps to some degree
It was a variant of the sweeter Dutch as a result of the temperance movement.
spirit genever, but was a considerably The descendents of Welsh emmigrants—
poorer drink. In the 18th and 19th Evan Williams and Jack Daniel included
centuries, when gin’s popularity was at its —did make their mark across the
height and it was sold in “gin palaces” Atlantic in the US, however.
throughout the land, the spririt was often Over the last century, attempts to
made with grain unfit for ale production establish distilleries in England have
and flavored, not with juniper berries mostly been half-hearted. Land has
and botanicals as we know it today, but occasionally been secured and planning
in some instances with turpentine. permission sought, but there progress
There were a few whiskey distilleries has stalled. Typically, when a distillery
in England—Alfred Barnard (see p50) was finally established in Cornwall,
visited four in the 1880s—and they did it was immediately followed by plans
produce some single malt in pot stills, but for a clutch of others, though so far
most of the output found its way into only one other in England has
Scottish or Irish blends, or even went on actually opened—Norfolk’s St.
to make gin. It seems that eventually George’s Distillery.
Meanwhile, a very bright beacon
Penderyn uses ex-bourbon barrels for the shines in Wales, where whiskey is not
maturation of its spirit, which is then transferred only being produced at Penderyn,
into Madeira casks to finish the ageing process. but is also selling very successfully.
180 whiskey nations
Although there are only three whiskey distilleries in England and Wales,
they are not here simply for novelty value. Penderyn is the most
established, and is already producing a successful malt using innovative
techniques, while St. George’s is taking advantage of great local barley.
The Cornish
Cyder Farm
Penhallow, Cornwall
United States
ye grew well, and German whiskey-producing states of the US,
settlers in southeastern both past and present, partly overlie
Pennsylvania had a heritage the same limestone shelf. Limestone
of distilling schnapps from rye. However, also produces excellent spring water,
as more settlers moved further west, they and it is claimed that the calcium content
found that the most prolific crop was of water that flows over limestone aids
maize, or Indian corn, and so they enzyme action during the fermentation
employed that in their whiskeymaking. stage of whiskey making.
By the late 18th century, Kentucky
boasted a well-established whiskey The father of bourbon
business based on corn, and Bourbon Evan Williams is often credited with
County was renowned for the quality of being the first commercial distiller in
its whiskey. Bourbon County is named Kentucky, establishing a distillery in the
after the French royal house of Bourbon, Louisville area in 1783, but a Baptist
and earned its sobriquet because the minister by the name of the Reverend
French gave “rebel” colonists significant Elijah Craig is widely considered the
aid during the War of Independence. “father of bourbon.” According to
Once the war was over, gratitude was whiskey folklore, he instigated the
expressed by christening many new practice of using charred barrels for
settlements and administrative areas maturation—a serendipitous discovery
with French names. When the then West following a fire—leading to a distinctive
Virginian county of Kentucky was style that helps to define bourbon.
subdivided in the 1780s, one new county The US soon developed a thriving
was named in honor of the Bourbons, commercial distilling industry, and in
while Kentucky itself became a fully 1838 Samuel Morewood noted in
fledged state in its own right in 1792. his book Inventions and Customs of
The limestone soil of Kentucky Ancient and Modern Nations in the
yields rich crops of corn, and it is no Manufacture and Use of Inebriating
coincidence that most of the principal Liquors the existence of 3,594 stills in
Pennsylvania, 2,000 in Kentucky, 591
Kentucky’s Maker’s Mark Distillery was established
in New York (mostly producing rum and
in 1805; while there are older distilleries in the US, brandy), 560 in Connecticut, 343 in
this one has remained on its original site the longest. Ohio, and 126 in Georgia. Around the
184 whiskey nations
of the us
&/($5&5((. ('*(),(/'
',67,//(5< ',67,//(5<
8 1 , 7 ( ' 6 7$7 ( 6 75,3/((,*+7
787+,//72:163,5,76 ',67,//(5<
/(232/'%526 ',67,//(5<
&+$5%$< 7(03/(7215<( 1HZ<RUN
67*(25*( 675$1$+$1ǧ6 &)
$1&+25 'HQYHU :9 028179(5121',67,//(5<
',67,//,1* 63,5,76 &2/25$'2:+,6.(< +,*+ $60,7+%2:0$1
&203$1< 3/$,16,1& 6HHLQVHW %)
6$,17-$0(6 -$&.'$1,(/ǧ6 *(25*($',&.(/ &2
,1' , $ 1 $ 2+,2
:22'6721( &LQFLQQDWL
%52:1)250$1 -ICRO DISTILLERY
%(51+(,0 %8))$/275$&(
same time, :,/'
5(6(59( %)%(/0217)$5062)9,5*,1,$,1&
Tennessee stills -,0%($0
)285526(6 &)&233(5)2;',67,//(5<
were turning out 0$.(5ǧ60$5. :9:(679,5*,1,$',67,//,1*
. ( 1 7 8 & .<
3 million liters
(801,000 gallons) of
whiskey per year—approximately which have begun to regain favor.
one third of the combined output Additionally, bourbon has successfully
of Kentucky and Virginia. fought back against declining sales with
small-batch bourbon, as a significant
Prohibition number of consumers tire of
Despite the devastation wreaked by homogenized and mass-produced food
national Prohibition (see p210), and drink. Bottled from the vatting of a
Pennsylvania still had 42 working small number of particularly fine casks
distilleries at the outbreak of World of spirit, small-batch bourbons were
War II, but when Michter Distillery America’s answer to Scotland’s single
in Schaefferstown closed in 1988 the malt whiskies. Accompanying this trend
great tradition of Pennsylvanian has been a welcome, if modest, revival in
distilling came to an end. Kentucky, too, rye whiskies, which became all but extinct
has lost many distilleries, firstly due to in the decades following Prohibition.
Prohibition and then, in the succeeding
years, as Scotch became the favored Rediscovering Flavor
whisky in North America. During the Prohibition years, rye-
However, growth of interest in single flavored blends from Canada were
malt from the 1980s onward has also led smuggled into the US in massive
to a re-evaluation of America’s whiskies, quantities, and this may have caused
Jim Beam’s barrels
confusion among consumers regarding
are stacked upright, the true character of rye. It may also
in keeping with a have been the case that, as drinkers
modern, palletized came to prefer increasingly bland drinks,
storage system
(see p33). so rye, with its distinctive bittersweet
style, was just too characterful.
Today, Kentucky remains the
heartland of American whiskey
production, with all but three of the
country’s 13 full-scale, commercial
distilling operations based in the state.
However, many other states are home
to micro, or “craft,” distillers (see p205).
Their ranks have been swelled
significantly during the past few years,
bringing diversity and dynamism to
the American whiskey sector.
Just 40 to 50 barrels a day are
filled at Woodford Reserve, the
smallest distillery in Kentucky.
The US has about a dozen major distilleries, most of which produce a
variety of whiskies. Some also distill for other whiskey brands, which are
rounded up on pp212–17; microdistilleries are covered on pp204–9.
Gentleman offers caramel and herbs on the nose, along
and sweet oak aromas, and is with vanilla, oak, and cooked
Barton Brands Ltd. is a oily, full-bodied, spicy, and berries. Medium-bodied, the
distilling subsidiary of the fruity in the mouth. Rye, palate is a blend of sugary
international Constellation fruits, vanilla, and cocoa sweetness and spicy rye
Brands Inc. and is situated figure in an assertive finish. bitterness. Toffee and
at Bardstown in Nelson Kentucky Tavern Kentucky ginger dominate the finish.
County. Bardstown lies Straight Bourbon Whiskey Very Old Barton Kentucky
in the true heartland of 4-year-old 40% ABV • Assertive Straight Bourbon Whiskey
bourbon country, and and oaky on the nose, with 6-year-old 40% ABV
once boasted more than apples and honey. Spices, At a modest six years
20 distilleries. Today, the oak, more apples, and a of age, this is comparatively
town hosts a week-long note of rye on the palate. old for a Barton whiskey,
annual Kentucky hence its name. The
Bourbon Festival nose is rich, syrupy and
every September. spicy, with a prickle of
Barton has what is salt. Big-bodied in the
probably the lowest mouth, it is fruity and
profile of all the spicy, with spices
working distilleries and ginger in the
in Kentucky, and drying finish.
has no visitor
facilities. The Very Old
present buildings Barton Kentucky
date principally Straight Bourbon
188 whiskey nations
Jim Beam
Clermont and Boston Distilleries
Clermont Distillery, 149 Happy
Hollow Road, Clermont, Kentucky
Open to visitors
The story of Jack Daniel’s begins St. Louis in 1910, when Tennessee
with the birth of Jasper Newton went “dry.” Jack died shortly after,
Daniel in Lincoln County, in 1911, following a bizarre
Tennessee in 1846. Legend has accident in which he kicked a
it that “Jack” did not get along stubborn safe door in a temper
with his stepmother, and at and got a foot infection, which
the age of six left home. He led first to amputation, then to
eventually came to live with local gangrene, and finally to death.
farmer and Lutheran lay preacher The distillery continued to
Dan Call. Call ran a whiskey operate in St. Louis until 1919,
still, and one of his slaves, when National Prohibition
Nearest Green, taught young intervened. It was not until 1938
Jack the art of distilling. Jack Daniel’s statue that Motlow and his sons were
When pressure from Call’s now resides in the granted permission to
visitors center.
congregation led him to recommence distilling at the
choose religion over whiskeymaking, Old Time Distillery. They developed
he sold the still to Jack, who was aged the company extremely successfully
just 14 at the time. Despite his youth, in the difficult years after the repeal
Jack Daniel clearly already possessed of Prohibition, and in 1956 sold the
the sharp business brain that was to see enterprise to the Brown-Forman
him succeed so well in the future. He Distillery Corporation for $18 million.
soon moved the still, settling on a site
Sugar maple wood
next to Cave Spring, in an area close to is burned at the
Lynchburg known as The Hollow. Jack distillery to create
the charcoal for
was drawn to the area by the spring’s filtering the whiskey.
abundant supply of pure limestone
water, and he christened the new plant
the Jack Daniel Old Time Distillery.
In 1887 Jack was joined in the
business by his nephew, Lem Motlow,
and it was Lem who was responsible
for moving the distilling operation to
196 whiskey nations
Maker’s Mark
3350 Burks Springs Road
Loretto, Kentucky
Open to visitors
collector of bottles of
cognac, many of TURKEY collins
which were sealed Ingredients:
with colorful wax, and 2 measures (50 ml)
the hand-dipped red of Wild Turkey
wax seal was soon 1 measure (25 ml)
adopted for Maker’s of lemon juice
Mark bottles. 1 measure (25 ml)
In 1981 Maker’s of sugar syrup
Mark passed out of 5 measures (125 ml)
family ownership to of soda water
Hiram Walker &
Sons, and ultimately Method:
came into the hands Mix the ingredients in a
of Allied Domecq. shaker, then pour into a
Since 2005, however, Wild Turkey Distillery has been tall (Collins) glass over ice.
Maker’s Mark has been owned since 1980 by the French Garnish with a maraschino
owned by Fortune Brands drinks company Pernod Ricard. cherry, an orange slice,
Inc., who also own Jim Beam. and a lemon slice.
Due to the growing
popularity of the whiskey, Wild Turkey
the Hardin’s Creek site was US Highway 62 East
a leading ambassador for the
expanded in 2000–2001, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky bourbon industry all over the
duplicating, in exact detail, www.wildturkeybourbon.com
world. James C. Russell, to
the distillery as it had been Open to visitors
give him his full name, has
restored in the 1960s. This worked at Wild Turkey since
doubled production capacity. Wild Turkey’s Boulevard 1954, and both his father
Maker’s Mark Kentucky Distillery is situated on Wild and grandfather were also
Straight Bourbon Whisky Turkey Hill, above the distillers. Fittlingly, Jimmy’s
45% ABV • A subtle, complex, Kentucky River in Anderson son Eddie has followed in the
clean nose, with vanilla and County. The plant was first family tradition too.
spice, a delicate floral note established in 1905 by three Wild Turkey uses the
of roses, plus lime and cocoa Ripy brothers, whose family smallest percentage of corn
beans. Medium in body, had been making whiskey in of any Kentucky bourbon,
Maker’s Mark offers a palate the nearby distilling center with greater quantities of rye
of fresh fruit, spices, of Tyrone since 1869. and malt to achieve a fuller
eucalyptus, and ginger cake. Today, Wild Turkey is bodied and generally more
The finish features more created under the watchful flavorsome whiskey. The
spices, fresh oak with a hint eye of legendary master same mashbill and yeast
of smoke, and a final flash of distiller Jimmy Russell—one strain is used for the entire
peach cheesecake. A delicate of the great characters of Wild Turkey range.
and circumspect bourbon. the bourbon world, and now The spirit is distilled at
a comparatively low proof
The Wild Turkey Name (56–57.5 percent) because
Jimmy Russell likens making
The Wild Turkey brand was conceived in 1940, when Thomas great whiskey to making
McCarthy, president of Austin Nichols (a specialist wine and great soup: “If you cook
spirits business), chose a quantity of 101 proof (50.5 percent it longer at a lower
ABV) straight bourbon from his company temperature, you retain the
stocks to take along on a wild turkey best flavors.” An additional
shooting weekend. For many influence on the character of
years what is now the Wild Turkey the matured spirit is that the
Distillery was J.T.S. Brown Distillery, “white dog” (the new make,
and produced Wild Turkey
clear spirit) is filled into
heavily-charred barrels. The
bourbon under contract. Then,
heavy charring contributes
in 1971, it was acquired by significantly to Wild Turkey’s
Austin Nichols Distilling Co., signature flavor.
and the name was changed. The most readily available
expression of Wild Turkey
The Wild Turkey brand has in most markets, “101,”
been owned by Pernod is notable for possessing a
Ricard since 1980. remarkably soft yet rich
aroma for such a high proof
200 whiskey nations
2 measures (50 ml)
of Woodford Reserve
2 heaped teaspoons
of caster sugar
10–12 mint leaves
Woodford Reserve is the new Then in 1941 Brown-Forman
incarnation of a distillery that had bought the site and more Method: into a large glass,
lay silent since the early 1970s. than 25,000 barrels of high pour the sugar, a splash of
quality bourbon from the Woodford, and the mint
Labrott & Graham for an leaves. Muddle the mint
Woodford Reserve extremely modest $75,000. (using the end of a rolling
7855 McCracken Pike
However, in the postwar pin or similar object) to
Versailles, Kentucky years bourbon sales went release the oils. Fill the
into decline, and many glass with crushed ice
Open to visitors
distilleries closed down. The and pour in the rest of the
small distillery by Glenn’s bourbon. Stir briskly and
Woodford Reserve is the Creek was no exception, and top up the glass with more
smallest distillery operating in 1972 it was sold to a crushed ice if necessary.
in Kentucky, and is unique company called Freeman Garnish with a couple
in using a triple distillation Hockensmith, who of large sprigs of mint.
method. This employs three proceeded to make the car
copper pot stills—built in fuel substitute gasohol in the
Scotland by the renowned distillery for a short period. consistency, the Woodford
Speyside coppersmiths When that venture failed, spirit is blended with a
Forsyth’s. Woodford is the the distillery lay silent for quantity of Old Forrester
only bourbon distillery to use the next 23 years. Straight Bourbon from
exclusively copper pot stills However, when the Brown-Forman’s Louisville
in the distillation process, the distillery had been sold to Distillery (see p188); the
last having been the Old Hockensmith, it was with the resultant whiskey is bottled
Crow distillery prior to its proviso that Brown-Forman at six to seven years of age.
closure during Prohibition. could buy it back at a future The mashbill comprises
Woodford Reserve is date. So when, in 1994, 72 percent corn, 18 percent
operated by the Louisville- Hockensmith died—and rye, and 12 percent
based Brown-Forman with interest in small-batch malted barley.
Distillery Corporation, bourbon rising—Brown- Woodford Reserve
which also owns Jack Forman bought back the Distiller’s Select Kentucky
Daniel’s. The plant stands on semi-derelict site, and Straight Bourbon 45.2% ABV
the banks of Glenn’s Creek, went on to spend $10.5 Elegant yet robust on the
near the late 19th-century million restoring it. nose, perfumed, with milk
town of Versailles, in the After almost a chocolate raisins,
heart of Kentucky’s quarter century, the dried fruit, burned
bluegrass thoroughbred Labrott & Graham sugar, ginger, and
racehorse breeding country. distillery reopened, a little saddle soap.
The distillery was in the and in 2003 the Complex palate:
Pepper family from the late present Woodford fragrant, fruity
18th century until the 1870s, Reserve name with raspberries,
when it was acquired by was adopted for camomile, and
Frankfort banker James the distillery ginger. The finish
Graham and French wine and its whiskey. displays lingering
merchant Leopold Labrot. Between 40 and vanilla notes and
Apart from during the hiatus 50 barrels a day peppery oak.
of the Prohibition years, they are filled here, Woodford’s Distiller’s Cognac-like until
ran the plant until 1940. and to ensure Select Bourbon the vanilla kicks in.
The fertile fields of Kentucky
form the heartland of American
whiskey production, providing
the grain for distilling as well as
the pure spring water that is so
essential to whiskey making.
St. George Spirits was established
in 1982 after its founder Jörg Rupf
The growth in commercial whiskey production during
the 19th century meant that by 1874, in excess of
200,000 retailers across the US sold whiskey, 120,000
more than just a decade previously. The Prohibitionist
Party was formed in 1869, and the temperance
movement became ever more influential in the Al Capone flouted
face of a perceived over-consumption of alcohol. Prohibition laws.
New York alone was home to some Bahamas to the the coast near
32,000 speakeasies. In the period just Boston. McCoy specialized in
prior to Prohibition, the city had less genuine Scotch whisky, and his
than half that number of legal bars. name ultimately entered the English
language, with “the Real McCoy”
An alcoholic crime wave becoming synonymous with
Large quantities of homemade authenticity. Vast amounts of
alcohol, often disparagingly referred Canadian whiskey were smuggled
to as “bathtub gin,” were distilled. across the border into the US,
Some of it was merely and gangster Lucky Luciano
unpalatable, while the worst was claimed that during Prohibition
lethal. A drink known as Jake, Sam Bronfman, president
made from high-strength of the Seagram Company,
alcohol fluid extracted from was “bootlegging
Jamaican ginger with added enough whiskey across
wood alcohol, is estimated the Canadian border
to have caused permanent to double the size of
paralysis in some 15,000 Lake Erie!”
people. An astonishing The American whiskey
172,537 illegal stills were Concealed pockets industry was forced to close
captured in 1925—five years were used to smuggle
and sell illicit liquor.
down or diversify, with the
later 282,122 were captured. exception of six Kentucky
Safer was the branded alcohol distilleries, which were granted
imported illegally by the likes of licenses to produce “medicinal
Captain William McCoy, who used whiskey.” Between them, they turned
his schooner Arethusa to run spirits out 1.4 million gallons (5.3 million
from Nassau in the liters) per year of spirit, which was
just as well, since Chicago doctors
alone prescribed some 200,000
gallons (760,000 liters) of “medicinal”
spirit in 1922.
Prohibition’s legacy
The “noble experiment” of
Prohibition was manifestly a failure,
and the public mood, which had
initially been supportive, changed
significantly as the years passed.
December 1933 saw the repeal of
Prohibition, after which consumption
of alcohol in the US actually fell by
25 percent. As the Scottish writer
Neil M Gunn wrote, “the American
experiment proved that you cannot
legislate a people into sobriety.”
Buffalo Trace produces many
whiskey brands, and some recall
great characters from America’s
whiskeymaking heritage.
The US has many brands with distinct identities that stand apart from
the distilleries that produce them. Indeed their ownership and provenance
may have changed over the years, reflecting the industry’s fluctuations.
1783. It is the flagship brand mouth, with malt, fudge, stainless-steel tanks to
in the Heaven Hill portfolio. and vanilla notes. prevent further ageing.
Evan Williams Black Label Drying in the finish, This whiskey is now
Kentucky Straight Bourbon with notable oak notes, available from Preiss
7 year-old 43% ABV • The nose but the whiskey’s Imports (www.
is quite light yet aromatic, residual sweetness preissimports.com)
with vanilla and mint notes, remains to the end. of California.
while the palate is initially A.H. Hirsch Reserve
sweet, with caramel, malt, Straight Bourbon
and developing leather and A.H. Hirsch 16-year-old 45.8% ABV
spice notes. Bourbon Caramel, honey,
Evan Williams Single Barrel Distillery: Michter’s
and rye dominate
Vintage Kentucky Straight the complex nose,
Bourbon 43.3% ABV • This is Hirsch Reserve with a whiff of
the world’s only vintage- represents a smoke also drifting
dated single barrel bourbon. remarkable piece Hancock’s on through. Oily
It boasts an aromatic, malty of American President Special corn, honey, and
nose and is medium-bodied, distilling history, as Reserve oak are evident
due to its comparatively high the whiskey was on the rich palate,
corn content. Vanilla, light actually distilled back in with rye and oak in the finish.
caramel, marshmallow, 1974 in the last surviving
and mild oak Pennsylvania distillery.
characterize the palate. Michter’s Distillery at I.W. Harper
There is a whiff of Schaefferstown had President’s Reserve
smoke, plus almonds its origins in a farm bourbon
and honey in the spicy, distilling operation that Distillery: Four Roses
satisfying finish. was in existence since at
least 1753. In the years The historic and once best-
leading up to selling I.W. Harper brand was
George T Stagg Prohibition in the established by Isaac Wolfe
Bourbon 20th century, Bernheim, a major figure in
Distillery: Buffalo Trace
Michter’s turned out the bourbon business at the
significant quantities turn of the 19th century. It is
This bourbon is of rye whiskey. now distilled for Diageo by
named in honor of During the 1950s Four Roses Distillery, and is
George T. Stagg, copper pot stills were one of the leading bourbons
who owned what is installed, and pot still in the Japanese market.
now the Buffalo whiskey with a high I.W. Harper President’s
Trace Distillery in rye content was Reserve Kentucky Straight
the late 19th and Evan Williams produced. Sadly, Bourbon 43% ABV • Pepper
early 20th Bourbon Whiskey Michter’s closed in combines with mint,
centuries. 1988, but a former oranges, and caramel on the
George T Stagg Kentucky Schenley Co. executive, nose, while caramel and oak
Straight Bourbon 71.35% ABV Adolf Hirsch, had acquired feature on the elegant palate.
Offered unfiltered, at cask quantities of the spirit some The finish is dry and smoky.
strength, and at 15 years old, years previously, and after
George T. Stagg boasts a big, they had been matured for
rich Christmas cake nose, 16 years they were filled into Johnny Drum
along with a hint of mint. kentucky bourbon
Complex in the mouth, with Distillery: Kentucky
oranges, spices, and lots of Bourbon Distillers
sweetness. The finish is long
and sweet. Johnny Drum is reputed to
have been a Confederate
drummer boy during the
Hancock’s President’s Civil War, and latterly a
Reserve bourbon pioneer farmer in Kentucky.
Distillery: Buffalo Trace
He started to distil his corn
to generate extra income,
Hancock’s President’s and developed a reputation
Reserve Single Barrel Bourbon for making excellent whiskey.
44–45% ABV • Oily on the nose, Four Roses Distillery provides the Johnny Drum bourbon was
with liquorice, caramel and whiskey for I.W. Harper President’s formerly produced in the
spicy rye. Sweet in the Reserve Kentucky Bourbon. Willet Distillery, located just
US 215
fruitiness, fudge, and oak. on the nose, sweet in the Bourbon Whiskey
A long, sweet rye finish with mouth, with more 15-year-old 53.5% ABV
a suggestion of liquorice. vanilla, butterscotch, A sweet nose of
fruit, and spices. caramel and vanilla,
The finish is long, plus charcoal and oak.
Sazerac rye whiskey with pepper and Full-bodied, round,
Distillery: Buffalo Trace
fruity spices. and smooth in the
mouth, with a long
There are two Sazerac and complex finish of
expressions: a young and van winkle spicy orange, toffee,
feisty 8-year-old and a whiskiES vanilla, and oak.
complex 18-year-old. Distillery: various Pappy Van Winkle’s
Sazerac Straight Rye Whiskey Family Reserve Kentucky
18-year-old 45% ABV • The Since 2002 Buffalo Straight Bourbon
oldest rye whiskey on the Trace Distillery has Whiskey 20-year-old
market is big and spicy on partnered the Julian 47.8% ABV • Notably
the nose, with molasses, Van Winkle brand old for a bourbon.
sultanas, vanilla, and lanolin. in a joint venture A sweet vanilla and
It coats the mouth with whereby the distillery Van Winkle caramel nose, plus
intense and oily rye, makes, bottles, and 13-Year-Old raisins, apples, and
conveying dry spices and distributes the Van Family Reserve oak. Rich and
a hint of liquorice, then Winkle range of buttery
sweetens, with ripe bananas. older whiskies. The whiskies in the mouth, with molasses
The finish is long, with a are then matured at Van and a hint of char to balance
sprinkling of pepper. Winkle’s now silent Old the sweetness. The finish
Hoffman Distillery at is long and complex, with a
Lawrenceburg. touch of oak charring.
Seagram’s Julian Van Winkle Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye
Seven Crown specializes in small-batch, Whiskey 13-year-old 47.8% ABV
Distillery: Four Roses
aged whiskies, with as few as Very old for a rye. The nose
three or four barrels going is powerful, with fruit and
One of the best known into some bottlings. His spice, while vanilla, spice,
blended American whiskies, bourbons are made with pepper, and cocoa dominate
Seven Crowns survived the wheat, rather than the less the complex palate. The
break up of the Seagram expensive rye, to give long finish balances
empire and is now made them a smoother and caramel against black coffee.
at Four Roses Distillery. sweeter flavor. Van Van Winkle Special Reserve
Seagram’s Seven Crown Winkle also favors a long Kentucky Straight Bourbon
Blended Whiskey 40% ABV maturation period, and Whiskey 12-year-old 45.2% ABV
• A delicate nose with all whiskies in the range Caramel, vanilla, honey,
a hint of rye; clean are matured for at and oak figure on the
and well structured on least 10 years in nose, while the sweet
the spicy palate. lightly charred and full-bodied palate
mountain oak barrels. exudes caramel, vanilla,
Though Van Winkle and wheat. The finish is
WL Weller is a partner of Buffalo long, well-balanced,
bourbon Trace, the current and elegant.
Distillery: Buffalo Trace
expressions were
actually produced at Pappy Van Winkle
William LaRue Weller a number of different
established the distilleries. Julian Van Winkle is the
original W.L. Weller Old Rip Van Winkle grandson of legendary
Bourbon brand in Kentucky Straight bourbon figure Julian P.
1849. It employs Van Winkle Bourbon Whiskey “Pappy” Van Winkle Sr,
wheat rather than rye 15-Year-Old 10-year-old 53.5% ABV who started working as a
as the “small grain,” Family Caramel and molasses salesman for W.L. Weller &
along with corn and a Reserve on the nose, followed Sons in Louisville in 1893
proportion of malted by honey and rich, at the age of 18. He went
barley. This tends to produce spicy fruit on the profound, on to become famous for
big-bodied yet soft whiskies. mellow palate. There follows his Old Fitzgerald
W.L. Weller Special Reserve a long finish, with coffee and Bourbon, distilled in the
Kentucky Straight Bourbon liquorice. now lost Stitzel Weller
7-year-old 45% ABV Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Distillery in Louisville.
Oranges, honey, and vanilla Reserve Kentucky Straight
whiskey nations 219
anada has probably produced used it to slake the inexhaustible thirst
whiskey since the 1760s, with for whiskey in the many speakeasies that
early distillation based around sprung up across the States. It was
an area in the south of Ontario on the theft of a shipment of Canadian
Canada’s east coast. By the mid-1800s, whiskey that prompted the infamous
about 200 distilleries were established, St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929.
and the country’s reputation grew
throughout the late 19th century and on end of the golden age
well into the 20th. That was the period From such a high point, the fall of
of Canadian whiskey’s golden age, as the Canadian whiskey in world terms has
spirit flowed across the American been a marked decline. For several
borders. Whiskeymakers such as Hiram decades now, Canadian whiskey has
Walker, who had created the Canadian had a much lower profile and operated
Club brand in the 1880s, and later Sam on a far more modest scale.
Bronfman at Seagram created vast On the face of it, the future of
commercial empires. As the golden age the industry in Canada doesn’t look
progressed into the mid-20th century, particularly rosy. Where once 200
companies such as Seagram and Hiram distilleries produced rivers of whiskey
Walker & Sons dominated not just the to serve an all but insatiable American
American market, but that of the entire market, now Canada is like a broken
world, with Seagram even building its jigsaw, with just 10 distilleries, a sizeable
own distilleries in Scotland, at Allt a’ number of them owned by Kentucky
Bhainne and Braeval (see pp49 & 53). bourbon companies or international
The initial fortunes of the country’s spirits producers. Dig a little deeper,
whiskey industry had been greatly aided though, and there are burning embers
by Prohibition in the US. During that in the ashes. And the good news for
time, consignments of whiskey would sail lovers of Canada’s unique whiskey styles
down the rivers and through the Great —note the plural—is that Canadian
Lakes into the US, where bootleggers whiskey producers aren’t going to
give up without a fight.
Many Canadian distilleries make use of pure glacial
Although there were economic reasons
water that flows down from the country’s Rocky for the industry’s decline, there are two
Mountain Ranges in fast-flowing rivers. principal explanations for its continued
220 whiskey nations
mid-20th century, it was one of
the giants of the industry.
Canada’s whiskey industry has blending at its heart. Because its distilleries
can produce the variety of constituent whiskies that contribute to a
blend’s mix, distilleries are intrinsically linked to the brands they produce.
Glenville, Cape Breton,
Nova Scotia
Open to visitors
It has a wash and a spirit still Potter’s Distillery— this distillery could well
imported from Scotland and at the time, British move in the near future.
is capable of producing a Columbia’s only Highwood is also home
modest 55,000 gallons surviving distillery— to the brands produced
(250,000 liters) of spirit a and brought all its by Potter’s—a name
year—though the owners brands under the that recalls Ernie
point out that the site has Highwood wing. Potter, who founded
been designed to allow The plant was in the eponymous
improvements that would fact first established distillery in 1958.
quickly increase output to as as Sunnyvale Distillery and brand
much as twice that amount. Distillery in 1974, were bought by
The distillery has imported another distillery Highwood in 2005.
barley from Scotland in the created to take
past and has experimented advantage of the
with a range of peat levels, booming Canadian Hiram walker
while favoring just lightly whiskey market. It & Sons
peated whiskey for its core changed its name in Walkerville,
expression, which is matured 1984 in recognition Windsor, Ontario
in bourbon barrels. of the region within Highwood’s www.canadian
At present the distillery’s which it is producing, Potter’s Rye clubwhisky.com
main bottling is called Cape and now boasts a Whiskey
Open to visitors
Breton Rare Canadian. It’s portfolio of some 50
an 8-year-old whiskey with different products, including Founded in 1858, Hiram
a distinctive butterscotch premixed drinks and Walker’s distillery was
and orange flavor. liqueurs. It has several expanded in 1894, with
The distillery has also little-known whiskey great fanfare, and a town
recently launched an brands that sell mainly in grew up around it to
expression called Glen the west of Canada, accommodate distillery
Breton Ice, which is although there has employees. Known as
the same spirit, but been some expansion Walkerville, the area is
matured in ice wine to the east and down still home to the original
barrels—the world’s to the US. It also distillery and much of it is a
first whiskey to be bottles spirits for throwback to Hiram Walker’s
aged this way, it other companies. time. The production
is claimed. Its point of methods haven’t changed
If you are thinking difference from massively either, and much
of making the other Canadian of the old equipment
journey out to this distilleries is that it is remains in place, though
beautiful part of the the only one in not necessarily in use.
world, consider Canada to produce The Hiram Walker
staying at one of its neutral base spirit Distillery has long been
the nearby chalets, from wheat rather associated with the
which are advertised than corn. The Canadian Club brand
on the distillery’s Highwood trouble is, wheat (see over), although
website. Rye Whiskey produces a lighter ownership has
spirit that is ideal for recently been split,
vodka production—which is with the distillery
Highwood key to the distillery’s output now falling under
High River, Alberta
—but is not necessarily so the Pernod Ricard
good for whiskey. Those who umbrella; and
Open to visitors
have tried the new make Canadian Club
report that it is not only now being part
Highwood is a remote, characterless but just about of Jim Beam
independent operation that tasteless—and that, of Global.
nestles in the middle of some course, doesn’t bode well Canadian Club
of Canada’s most fertile for the mature whiskey. has, of course,
grain-producing land. This That said, though, the remained a
seems to be a distillery on 13-year-old and 15-year-old world-famous
the up, albeit from a fairly whiskies produced under the brand, but under
low starting point. Century Reserve label are the one name is a
In fact, it’s effectively two single cask pure rye whiskies. range of distinct
distilleries for the price of They have a great deal of whiskies. Mostly
one, because a few years personality, and hint at the they are distilled Canadian
ago Highwood bought premium direction in which and then Club whiskey
230 whiskey nations
Wiser’s whiskies
Hiram Walker is now Maple Leaf
also home to some of Ingredients:
the whiskies that used A little over 1 measure
to be produced by the (30 ml) of Canadian Club
Corby Distillery, Classic whiskey
which closed in the A third of a measure (8 ml)
1990s. They include of lemon juice
the highly respected 1 tsp of maple syrup
range that appear
under the Wiser’s Method: Fill a mixing glass
label (owned by with ice. Add the whiskey,
Pernod Ricard), lemon juice, and maple
which have been syrup, then shake. Strain
distilled at Hiram into a cocktail glass.
Walker’s for about
10 years.
Wiser’s De Chances are, you haven’t
Luxe 40% ABV heard of it. Kittling Ridge
The nose is solid, with is a small, independent
rye and fruit, and the company, founded in 1971
Canadian Club, as advertised in palate both grainy and oily, by a Swiss stillmaster in
this French-Canadian poster, was with some toffee and vanilla order to make European-
popularized around the world as notes. There’s lots going style fruit brandies. The
a mixing whiskey for cocktails. on, with oak and grain in operation was expanded
attendance, and the finish soon after to produce other
blended before maturing. is full and embracing. spirits. Despite the vineyard-
The standard Canadian Distinctly moreish. sounding name—introduced
Club is a 6-year-old, but Wiser’s 18-Year-Old 40% ABV no doubt to attract the
Canadian Club Reserve is Shy but complicated nose, growing number of Canadian
a 10-year-old and contains with prune, overripe peach, wine enthusiasts—wine has
a higher proportion of rye. polished leather, and honey. been a relatively late addition
The Classic 12-year-old has On the palate, this is to the company’s offering.
a higher proportion of whiskey’s version of a sugar- The wine link came when
malted barley. Best of the coated candy, with a grain original founder Otto Reider
range though are the 100 and oak coating and a retired and winemaster John
proof version and the chocolate and fruit center. Hall took over. It is his precise
Canadian Club Sherry The finish lashes out with a and winelike approach to
Finish, which is an 8-year-old sharp prod at the end, then whiskeymaking that has
and benefits considerably smolders in the mouth for helped define this distillery’s
from the additional fruitiness a while. Not totally expected, products—in particular Forty
the second cask imparts. but captivating all the same. Creek Barrel Select, one of
Canadian Club 40% ABV Canada’s most appealing
Spirity and winey on the and intriguing whiskies.
nose. The palate is sharp Kittling Ridge Forty Creek is made using
and oily, with a splash of Grimsby, Ontario
three grains, but there is no
vanilla and then a spicy www.kittlingridge.com
mash bill for them. That is
finish, which is both Open to visitors Mar–
because they are fermented
short and sharp. Oct, or by appointment in batches separately, and
Canadian Club then individually distilled in
Classic 40% ABV l Toffee If it is a dramatic copper stills. Each of them is
and vanilla aromas location you then matured in white oak
on the nose, and want for your casks that have been selected
a palate that distillery, then specially for the individual
offers a big dose Kittling Ridge spirits, and each cask has a
of fruit, some Estate Wines different level of charring.
oak spice, and and Spirits fits Only when the whiskies
then a rich the bill perfectly. have been aged for between
caramel hit. It sits close to the six and 10 years are they
The finish is beaches of Lake blended and finished for
drier, spicier, Erie and about a further six months in oak
and longer than 40 miles (65 km) casks that have previously
many Canadian away from contained sherry made
whiskies. Canadian Club Classic Niagara Falls. by Hall himself.
Valleyfield, Canada’s only French- satisfying and quite intense from a three-column
speaking distillery, was once part finish. Impressive stuff. continuous still and aged
of a strong whiskeymaking region. for about three years. The
flavoring spirits are distilled
The resulting whiskey puts Palliser in a one-column still and
to rest once and for all the Lethbridge, Alberta
matured for about six years.
erroneous assumption that In a break with conventional
Canadian whiskies are bland Palliser Distillery lies about practice, the 6-year-old
and uninteresting. It has a two hours’ drive from the flavoring whiskies are mixed
varied and impressive taste US border and is the home into the base spirit when it is
profile that makes it not just of the Black Velvet Distilling newly distilled and before it
unique to Canada, but Company—a subsidiary is matured.
unique in the entire of Gilbey, the gin makers. The resulting whiskey is
world of whiskey. If Gilbey launched Black pleasant enough, without
you’re looking for hope Velvet Whiskey just after setting the world on fire.
for the future of World War II, and Black Velvet 40% ABV
Canadian whiskey, this opened the Palliser plant The nose is malty, fresh, and
distillery is surely it. as the demand for spicy; the palate clean and
Kittling Ridge does Canadian whiskey with a nice balance between
also produce a exploded. As we sweetness and spice. As for
couple of more know, though, the the finish, it heads for the
conventional boom days weren’t set exit signs almost immediately.
whiskies, in the shape to last, and Gilbey’s
of Pure Gold original whiskey
and the recently distillery was shut Valleyfield
released Mountain down and production Valleyfield, Quebec
Rock. The latter of other spirits
comes in an brought to Palliser. Quebec is, of course, the
unbreakable plastic Now the plant is French-speaking part of
bottle—its sales pitch best known for Canada, and Valleyfield is
being that it is Black Velvet making Smirnoff. the world’s only French-
“easy to pack Canadian Black Velvet is also speaking distillery outside
when traveling.” Whiskey produced here again, France. Maybe the French
Forty Creek Barrel and still enjoys influence has rubbed off on
Select 40% ABV l Assertive and considerable success, selling the whiskey production,
inviting on the nose, Forty in the region of two million because several of this large
Creek Barrel Select is full cases worldwide. However, it distillery’s whiskies are of
of plummy sherry and fruity very much plays second the highest quality.
promise. The palate is fiddle to the world-famous Also known as the Old
fullsome, with chunky vodka brand. Schenley Distillery, Valleyfield
orange fruit, chocolate, The base neutral spirit for lies about 30 miles (50 km)
and spice, followed by a Black Velvet is produced outside Montreal. It was
The first grain spirit made in Japan would possibly have been a
form of shochu made in Kyushu (where a barley-based spirit is
still made today), and there are records of yoshu (foreign spirits)
being made at the end of the 19th century in Japan.
ne of the firms experimenting In 1929, Japan’s first whiskey was
with yoshu was Gisuke Konishi, introduced. Called Shirofuda (“White
which was selling something Label”), it was a blend of Yamazaki
that it called whiskey in the late 1880s. malt and grain spirit from the firm’s
Shinjiro Torii, a nephew of its owner, Osaka distillery. By the start of the next
was employed at the firm before he left decade, Yamazaki’s whiskies were being
in 1899 to establish his own liquor retail exported. Then, in 1934, Taketsuru left.
and importing venture, Kotobukiya. By It appears that he and Torii were
1919 his brand, “Tory’s Finest Liqueur suffering from the distilling equivalent of
Scotch Whisky,” was being sold. Torii musical differences. Taketsuru argued that
had the whiskey bug—now he needed a the distillery should be located in the cool
distillery. By the start of the 1920s, Torii north, not in the middle of humid
had bought a large tract of land between Honshu. His preference was for peaty
Kyoto and Osaka to build his distillery. whiskies, whereas Torii felt that a lighter
All that was missing was a whiskeymaker. style would better suit the Japanese palate
Enter Masataka Taketsuru. and have greater commercial appeal.
A scion of a sake brewing family
from Hiroshima, Taketsuru was sent to Cool northern climes
Glasgow in 1918 to study whiskeymaking Taketsuru founded Dai-nippon-kaju. To
by Kihei Abe of Osaka-based distiller locate the perfect spot for a distillery, he
Settsu Shuzo. Although Takesuru studied followed his instinct and went to Japan’s
chemistry at Glasgow University, he northernmost island, Hokkaido. Here,
gained his whiskeymaking experience at Yoichi, he found everything he felt he
at first hand, with apprenticeships at needed to make whiskey his way: peat,
Longmorn and Hazelburn distilleries (see barley, a cold climate, and plentiful water
also p248). In 1920 he returned to Japan, supplies. In 1934, Yoichi Distillery started
along with his Scottish wife, and was its production. Torii’s firm Kotobukiya
soon snapped up by Torii as manager of now had a rival, and this duopoly has
Yamazaki, Japan’s first malt distillery. dominated Japanese whiskey ever since.
Kotobukiya pressed on with a raft of
Advertised here in Tokyo, Suntory was the first new brands, though it wasn’t until the
whiskey produced in Japan and remains a leading end of World War II that the Japanese
brand, famous at home and abroad. whiskey industry could start in earnest.
236 whiskey nations
Gotemba Distillery
GOTEMBA was built in 1973 by
Shibanta 970, Gotembashi, Canada’s Seagram.
a single column
Open to visitors
still, a linked
column still, and
At 2,000 ft (620 m) above sea a doubler (as
level, Gotemba is cool, and used by Kentucky
the maturation profile is, whiskeymakers) to
therefore, similar to that of produce three very
Suntory’s Hakushu Distillery different styles of
(see p239). That is beneficial, grain whiskey. All
the firm believes, for longer Scotland’s Strathisla Distillery the spirits are aged in
ageing. There’s a further (see p74), an ex-Seagram American oak barrels.
similarity with that alpine plant. The distillation is Today, Gotemba is
distillery, as both were built run so as to maximize the Japanese-owned. When
in 1973, during the Japanese interaction between vapor Seagram sold its distilling
whiskey boom. Gotemba is, and copper, which assists in interests, the drinks firm
however, the only example the creation of a light spirit. Kirin bought back its share
of a foreign firm—in this The grain distillery houses of the business—and
case the Canadian distiller three different types of still: snapped up the Four Roses
Seagram—investing in the
infrastructure of the finding the right location
Japanese distilling industry.
The style is similar to that Picking a site for a distillery is never an easy task. A number of
of Hakushu, though whether different criteria need to considered. Water is an obvious one;
this is due to altitude or a ease of access to market is another. Space comes into the
result of the “Seagram equation too. This last issue is of no concern to Kirin, the
template” is unclear. What brewer that owns Gotemba. If you stand on the viewing
is certain is that Kirin (the platform on the top of the distillery, there is nothing in front of
present owner) believes that it you but the slopes of Mount Fuji. The area behind is also clear,
is making a genuine Japanese as it is used as a Japanese Defense Force training site. While
style—delicate and light, many distillers may balk at building their still between an
and designed to accompany
active volcano and a bombing range, it doesn’t appear to
the country’s cuisine.
Not overly constrained by concern the workers at Gotemba. The main issue for choosing
space considerations, the site the site was the plentiful supply of lava-filtered snow melt,
is sprawling. The production which flows from Fuji-san. Its location, between Tokyo and
unit is surprisingly small, Osaka, allowed the firm quick access to Japan’s two largest
however, with a malt plant conurbations. It took three years of searching to find the site.
in one room and a grain
The snow-covered slopes of Mount
distillery in another. Four
Fuji provide water for Gotemba.
types of malt, from unpeated
to heavily peated, are used,
and the Japanese model of
crystal clear wort and a long,
cool fermentation in stainless
steel (using, in this case,
one of three yeasts cultured
at the plant) is employed
to assist in the creation of
all-important esters.
The four pot stills were
modeled on those at
238 whiskey nations
The air at Hakushu is clean and water that attracted Keizo Saji (son
cool, the first indication that the of Suntory’s founder, Shinjiro Torii)
distillery sits at 2,300 ft (700 m) to the location, not only for its
above sea level—more than twice purity and softness, but also
as high as Scotland’s highest because of the volumes that
single-malt distillery. The could be captured from the
maximum summer rivers that flow off the
temperature reaches 82˚F surrounding mountains.
(28˚C)—one reason why this Hakushu was one of the
part of the country is a distilleries built as a result of
popular destination for city- the Japanese whiskey boom and
bound people seeking a short it was built on a grand scale.
respite from the stifling Even so, in 1983 Suntory
summer plains. Hakushu decided to build a second wing,
Despite the distillery site 10-Year-Old Hakushu East, which made it
covering 9 million sq ft (850,000 sq the largest malt whiskey producer in
meters), there is an absence of any the world. These days, things have
thoughts of industrialization. Hakushu, been reined back considerably. The
for all its size, blends into the deep original distillery, with its large pot stills,
green forests. Over half of the site remains mothballed, and production
is kept as a nature reserve, and the centers on Hakushu East. Even so, the
distillery’s (extremely soft) process multiple variations on a theme, which
water is also bottled and sold by owner typify Japanese whiskeymaking, remain
Suntory (therefore making the perfect the central distilling ethos. Two types
dilutant for the single malt). It was the of barley are imported, unpeated and
heavily peated. This, in theory, will
Hakushu employs a great variety of pot stills to
create many different distilling conditions and
allow the distiller to blend barleys to
therefore a wide range of whiskies. produce even more variations.
Japan 239
Distillery (see p189) as or fall abruptly. There’s the spirit. All this esoteric
well. Since then, a new even one spirit still with a distilling theory becomes
brand, Fujisan, has been detachable lyne arm— academic, however, once the
launched as both a one arm points up, single malt is tasted.
single malt and a blend. another goes down. The Hakushu 10-year-old 43% ABV
Hopefully, this will different distilling Light in character with a
signal the start of conditions created by slight floral, almost pinelike
a concerted push this set-up will yield aroma, and just a hint
behind Gotemba’s dramatically different of smoke.
whiskies. spirits … and that is Hakushu 12-year-old 43% ABV
Fuji-Gotemba the point. Hakushu This is in many ways the
18-year-old 43% ABV was not built as a perfect introduction to the
Classic Gotemba distillery to produce Hakushu style. Clean and
lightness of character one style of bottled pure, with touches of light
on the nose, with single malt, but was grass, cut flowers, pine, and
biscuit and pear hints. developed to make as a little peach juice. A hint
The same leathery wide a variety of of linseed oil indicates its
note as Fujisanroku, flavoring whiskies as relative youth. The palate
but slightly more oily. Fuji-Gotemba possible for Suntory’s starts very sweet, and then
The palate is dry and 18-Year-Old range of blends. the peachy note returns
slightly tannic, with It is impossible before nuts come back
some sweet biscuit notes and for a visitor to make sense toward the (very clean)
tobacco. The finish is nutty. of the complicated set-up finish. A light whiskey,
Fuji-Gotemba single grain here. A quick look but a well-balanced one.
15-year-old 43% ABV l One of below the stills, for Hakushu
a very limited number of example, reveals 18-year-old 43% ABV
Japanese single grains twice the number of The oak is extremely
available. The Gotemba receiving tanks that well balanced—
Distillery uses maize for the you would expect. almost restrained in
base cereal. The whiskey is Whatever their the distillery’s older
very sweet, almost like a methods, Suntory expression. The
liqueur, with some honey, are keeping them flowers have shifted
sesame, and plenty of to themselves. to a more general
coconut from ageing in An on-site vegetal character,
American oak barrels. The cooperage carries alongside some green
palate is extremely soft, with out recharring and plum. The peach
a mix of succulent spirit and repair work on juice has moved into
buttery wood. different types of Hakushu mango, while the
cask, all of which are 18-Year-Old green grass has
held in 22 warehouses. shifted to dry hay.
HAKUSHU It is estimated that 35 million There’s a fresh acidity cut
Torihara 2913–1, Hakushucho,
gallons (160 million liters) of with a delicate sweetness.
Komagun, Yamanashi whiskey are maturing on site. The palate shows more
Hakushu’s whiskies are a toasty oak. Best drunk with
Open to visitors
crucial component of water on the side.
Suntory’s blends, but the
The key to Hakushu lies distillery is also building a
in the stillhouse. The reputation for its single
assortment of equipment malt. It first appeared as
at this distillery is a “Pure Malt” with no
nothing short of age statement in 1988,
astonishing. There but today the range
are six wash stills comprises 10, 12,
and five spirit stills— and 18-year-old
all bar one direct expressions. The
fired—but of a wide distiller claims that
variety of type, size, its reputation is
and shape. They run partially due to the
from minuscule altitude of the
“Macallan-type” distillery, which
pots to large “lamp- encourages low-
glass” monsters. pressure distillation, Hakushu Distillery handles the
Lyne arms stretch Hakushu which allows fewer important process of charring its
upward, dip gently, 12-Year-Old heavier elements into casks at its on-site cooperage.
240 whiskey nations
The plant has been expanded interact with the copper, one made from 100
twice (in 1979 and 1989) helping to create a light percent malted barley.
since its founding, and now style of spirit. The firm has launched,
has malt and grain distilleries Ageing takes place in limited quantities,
and extensive warehousing. in 18 warehouses a “Coffey Grain.”
Though the capacity of the scattered around the Malt devotees who
malt site is 132,000 gallons site. American oak taste this whiskey
(600,000 liters) a year, it is hoggies are the are usually pleasantly
currently operating at just favored type of surprised.
one third of that. The whole cask, though some In the export
process is computerized and European butts are markets, Miyagikyo
monitored from a central still used. They are is somewhat
control room. only ever stored two overshadowed by
As far as malt production high as this is an its more robust
goes, variety is the key, and earthquake zone. northern brother,
the approach is similar to The Miyagikyo whiskies Yoichi, but its make
the one taken at Yoichi, Five types of whiskey is more in keeping
though here only unpeated are made, but the Miyagiko with the Japanese
and lightly peated malt is standard Miyagikyo 15-Year-Old style of estery and
used. Two lauter tuns is fruity with an lightly fruity
produce worts that run as aromatic, estery lift. It’s a whiskies. And these single
clear as the Nikkawa’s water. lighter dram than Yoichi, malts possess an appealing
Different yeasts are used with less peat and a depth of character.
to help produce a range floral edge that drifts Miyagikyo 10-year-old 45% ABV
of flavors in the wash, into soft fruits: fresh in The standard bottled
which ferments slowly younger examples; dried product shows Miyagikyo to
in 22 stainless-steel or caramelized in be a gentle and fruity malt
washbacks. older expressions. with light floral touches and
Distillation takes The grain plant good depth. The 10-year-old
place in eight stills contains two Coffey is light and aromatic with
(four from the stills for continuous hints of lily and fennel on
original distillery distillation of grain the nose, with a butterscotch
and a second spirit. The stills nuttiness. Very clean and
quartet), which are were installed in precise. This is a medium-
set up to run in 1999, and provide bodied malt with a light
pairs. They are spirit for Nikka’s texture, touches of tangerine,
large and heavy- blends. A number and a pinelike finish.
bottomed, and of styles are made:
have fat necks that a malt/corn blend, a Sendai has a beautiful setting on
allow plenty of time Miyagiko 100 percent corn a watery plain where the Hikkawa
for the vapor to 12-Year-Old distillate, as well as and Hirose rivers meet.
244 whiskey nations
Miyagikyo 12-year-old 45% ABV surprised at being in what While Rikyu came looking
By the time the whiskey has seems to be the country for tranquillity, Yamazaki’s
reached 12 years old, the after the clustering chaos of founder, Shinjiro Torii (see
flavor has filled out with Kyoto. The noise of cicadas p238), was more excited by
dried peach and heavy is deafening as you walk the misty humidity generated
vanilla overtones. Medium- through narrow streets, over by the river waters. These,
bodied, it also shows a little a level crossing, and on he felt, would assist with
more oaky grip than the towards a looming brown maturation at this, Japan’s
younger example. building. Over the tracks, first malt whiskey distillery.
Miyagikyo you arrive in a wooded and The main distillery
15-year-old 45% ABV landscaped garden. There, buildings that can be seen
By 15 years everything has one path leads to the huge today were built when
deepened and softened. distillery, while another Yamazaki was doubled in
Toffee, chocolate, and takes you through the size in 1958. They are not
ripe soft fruits on the torii gate to a Shinto at all pretty, and are topped
nose. There’s also a shrine high in the trees. with two rounded pyramidal
touch of raisin on the The shrine is an protuberances that give the
palate. The most indication of the plant the air of a stylized
complex of the three, auspicious nature frog. Rather than being in
though the fresh of this location, any way decorative, though,
grassy notes of youth which is one reason they originally had a
are still discernable. why, in the 16th functional use as pagoda-
century, it was style chimneys for the
chosen as the site distillery’s on-site maltings.
Yamazaki of the first tea house The maltings closed in 1972,
Yamazaki 5–2–2,
built by Sen no and now, in common with
Honcho, Mishimagun, Rikyu, the creator every other Japanese
Osaka of chanoyu (the tea distillery, Yamazaki imports
Yamazaki ceremony). He was its malted barley, either
25-Year-Old drawn by the fact from Scotland or Australia.
Open to visitors
that Yamazaki is at There were further
Arriving at Yamazaki is the confluence of four rivers: expansions in 1980 and
unlike the approach to any namely Katsura, Kamo, 1989 as the Japanese whiskey
other distillery. You exit at Uji and Kizu; all four flow boom took hold. If you had
a small train station, into the Yodo river. visited over the last decade
or so, however, you would
a new age of connoisseurship have found a very different
sight. Like every other
The slump in sales of Japanese blended whiskey from the late Japanese distillery, Yamazaki
1990s left distillers with excess whiskey. Suntory had launched was on an enforced cut-back
Yamazaki as a single malt in 1984, but the firm’s main business in production as its owner
was blend based. However, premium whiskey and malt were to Suntory tried to balance
receive ever-greater focus as Suntory tried to persuade a new its stock surplus.
generation of drinkers to drink less quantity but better quality. The tough times appear to
This necessitated creating brands that would be receding, however, and in
appeal to this new consumer. The malt-drinkers’ 2005 Yamazaki had yet
palate, as they discovered, is different to that of another makeover,
conceivably its most radical
the blend lover. The old ways of mizuwari (lots
yet. While the first Yamazaki
of ice, lots of water) with whiskey as a thirst
had large steam-fired stills,
quencher was being replaced by a new and the 1989 rebuild saw
connoisseurship where malts (and top blends) medium-sized steam-fired
were served as shots with glasses of iced stills being brought in, the
water on the side. Mizuwari drinkers needed new Yamazaki has small,
light flavored whiskey; the new premium direct-fired stills. These have
drinkers demanded flavor above all else. been introduced with the
A change in approach by the consumer, aim of making a heavier
Suntory felt, justified a change in approach at style of whiskey. A mix of
the distillery. Scottish distillers may tweak condensers and worm tubs
their plant or wood policy to cope with shifts are also used. Production is
in demand. Suntory changed the stillhouse. now half of the previous
capacity, meaning that only
Yamazaki’s 1984 Single Malt one of the distillery’s two
mash tuns is being used.
japan 245
you head here in the winter Now the barley arrives ready
YOICHI when snow lies thick on the peated from Scotland.
Kurokawacho 7–6, Yoichimachi,
ground and covers the red- Malting in Japan is simply
Yoichigun, Hokkaido roofed pagodas of the kiln. too expensive an option for
This is where Masataka the country’s distillers, who
Open to visitors
Taketsuru headed when are already faced with higher
he left Kotobukiya (now fixed costs than most whiskey
Japan’s most northerly Suntory) to set up on his own makers elsewhere.
distillery is situated in a in the 1930s (see also p235). In common with its
small fishing port of 24,000 Building started on the great rival, Nikka needs to
people on the east coast of Yoichi Distillery in 1934 and produce a wide selection of
the island of Hokkaido. the first spirit ran from the different flavored whiskies at
Mountains rise around it on stills two years later. By 1940 this one site, though the
three sides, and on the other Yoichi’s whiskies were on the approach is different to that
is the Sea of Japan. If you Japanese market. On the taken by Suntory. Although
were to sail due west you face of it, little has changed the single-malt bottlings are
would reach Vladivostok since then. Sadly, though, the
on the coast of Russia. Not kiln has been silent since the
surprisingly, perhaps, the 1960s. No longer is it
setting is reminiscent of being fired with peat
Scotland, particularly if cut for it in Ishikari.
Yoichi Distillery was founded in
the 1930s, and is Japan’s most
northerly whiskeymaking plant.
japan 249
all peaty, there is unpeated aiming to recreate whisky show: rich deep flavors
barley used here as well. In from Scotland. What he with an earthy, almost dusty,
addition, Nikka uses different actually succeeded in doing quality. The sooty smoke
strains of yeast in order to was to give birth to an remains, though by now
create a range of flavor entirely new and subtly the fruits are beginning to
profiles, while fermentation different family of whiskies. emerge. The palate has an
times (always on the long Yoichi 10-year-old 45% ABV interesting mix of burned
side), are varied to assist A rare creature in Japanese heather, liquorice, and
in this process. whiskey, Yoichi 10-year- cooked fruits.
The stills are all large and old is a slightly malty Robust, yet elegant.
plain—similar, Nikka likes to dram. The peated Yoichi 15-year-old
say, to the stills with which element is quite light on 45% ABVl By this stage,
the founder first worked at the nose, though giving the whiskey has added
Longmorn in Scotland. a salty note. Sweet another layer. The
Direct firing is used and toffee notes balance rough edges of the
the distillate is condensed things well. The 12-year-old have
in worm tubs. Varying cut palate is slightly oily been thoroughly
points will also assist in with sooty smoke on smoothed off, and
widening the flavor the back palate along this is as sleek as
spectrum, but the key with muted dried Yoichi gets. Citrus
at Yoichi is weight on flowers. Deep notes, light tannin,
the palate. These and full-flavored, plenty of rich oak,
are deep whiskies but with the and the ever-present
that need cool energy of youth. smoke, but there’s
maturation— Yoichi 12-year-old sufficient weight to
in a variety of 45% ABVl Here, the full Yoichi give balance. A
casks from both Yoichi character is on 15-Year-Old big whiskey.
European and
to demonstrate
their full The aroma was familiar, yet alien—in its acidity and zestiness
complexity. reminiscent of a young rye whiskey, yet more perfumed and
Nikka has regular greatly more intense. It’s rare that you come across a completely
(though limited new aroma in whiskey, but this was one such moment. Seiichi
edition) bottlings Koshimizu, chief blender at Suntory, explained: “we say it
Yoichi from a wide smells of temples.” It was spot on. The aroma was of Japanese
10-Year-Old range of the incense, with the heady aromas of oudh, or aloeswood.
different styles It transpires that this whiskey (a single cask from Yamazaki)
made at the distillery.
had been matured in Japanese oak (Quercus mongolica). This is
Yoichi’s Whiskies
rare, as most Japanese oak has already been felled (some say to
It was a Yoichi whiskey
that helped to trigger the make coffins for British soldiers in World War II, others maintain
worldwide interest among as the result of the clearance program in Hokkaido to create
malt connoisseurs for pasture land). Distillers didn’t particularly like Japanese oak
Japanese whiskey. In 2001, casks, as they tended to leak, though they had to be used
the 10-year-old cask strength after World War II as there was no alternative. In addition,
won the inaugural “Best of blenders didn’t like the strong aroma the oak imparted,
the Best” blind tasting and as soon as ex-bourbon and ex-sherry casks
organized by Whisky were available, the industry switched. Suntory
Magazine. A year later, the coopered its last Japanese oak cask in 1975.
Scotch Malt Whisky Society Now, however, with the rise of single malt and of
broke with tradition and flavor, it is slowly finding favor once again.
bottled a single cask. Suntory has its own new plantation and has
From these two small started a very limited coopering program.
events, the start of Japanese Koshimizu-san is using Japanese oak as part
whiskey’s acceptance across of his blending palette, while Ichiro Akuto is
the world started. Yet
also laying down stock of new barrels. The
although these whiskies are
startling aroma may yet have a future.
among the fullest that are
created in Japan, they still
have the precision of flavor Ichiro’s Two of Clubs Malt, 2000 was
that defines the essential finished in Japanese oak, giving an
Japanese whiskey character. acidic finish to the whiskey.
Taketsuru may have been
250 whiskey nations
whiskey and a single malt, so waxy note allows it to hold energetic attack on the nose
read the label carefully. The to the tongue. with an aroma rarely seen in
distillery style is light and Japanese whiskey—a touch
estery. The single malt has of branlike maltiness. Some
older malts up to 24 years old GOLDEN HORSE nutty oak as well. The palate
blended in with it. Distillery: Hanyu
is light and crisp with some
Fujisanroku single malt grip from the oak, which is, at
18‑year-old 43% ABV l The This is the brand name this point in its life, still
aroma shows good age: originally used by Toa Shuzo, fighting with the inherently
there is a slight leathery note which owned the old Hanyu sweet spirit rather than
combined with dried peach. Distillery. The trademark has working in harmony with it.
At Suntory’s Yamazaki Distillery,
the emphasis is on producing a
variety of flavors for the blends.
japan 251
Hibiki 30-Year-Old
Producer: Suntory
ue to the climate, the southern a marked decline in sales.Typically
part of Europe concentrated on distilleries were started by existing
distilling fruits into a variety of companies, either producers of eaux-de-
eaux-de-vie, whereas the north used barley vie or brewers of beer. After all, without
to brew beer, or distilled gin and vodka the hops, whiskey is distilled beer.
from other grains, usually flavored with Today Austria is home to five whiskey
herbs, spices, and fruits. Austria for distillers, Germany ten, France eight, and
instance is famous for its wide variety of the Netherlands three. Several other
schnapps, flavored with whatever berries countries have just one or two whiskey-
the makers can lay their hands on. making distilleries. Spain, for example,
France’s most noble distillates are has been making a blended whiskey since
Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, and Mar, 1959 at DYC. The distillery is owned by
each made in specific regions. The Fortune Brands, which also owns the Islay
Germans also provide the lover of strong single malt Laphroaig, the bourbons
liquor with a variety of schnapps, while Maker’s Mark and Jim Beam, and
Scandinavian countries have been Teacher’s blended Scotch.
enjoying aquavit for ages. The Dutch Continental European whiskey-
have their own sort of gin, “genever;” distilling history is in most cases a short
the process for making this comes closest one and whiskey needs time to mature.
to the making of whiskey if flavoring Currently the Continentals offer rather
were left out and maturation introduced. young whiskies to the market in order
In the last 10 years or so, however, the to make an early return on their
interest in making whiskey has grown investments. Most whiskies in this section
slowly but surely on the Continent. are less than 10 years old and some have
Companies have kept a watchful eye on just passed the legal minimum of three
the development of whiskey in particular, years’ maturation. Those young ones
since it was the only liquor showing are hard to judge and it will take another
growth figures, whereas drinks like 10 to 15 years to see how they develop
genever, schnapps, and Cognac showed and which distilleries survive. In any
case, aficionados follow them with
Zuidam Distillery in the Netherlands, which has
great interest and can hardly wait to
this attractive windmill on site, introduced their taste fully matured 12 to 18-year-old
Millstone 5-Year-Old Malt in 2007. European single malts.
256 whiskey nations
France: Uberach single Malt 42.2% ABV —a grocery and tobacco
3 Rue du Maréchal
l This straw-colored malt is shop. Three years later he
Leclerc, Uberach young leather and cut attempted for the first time
grass, hay, light honey, to make pure malt whiskey.
Open by appointment only
becoming waxy. Dried Many attempts would
fruits (apricots) and a follow, honoring his motto:
Uberach is a small village spicy, peppery finish. “Practice, practice, practice.”
in the north of the Alsace Uberach Single Cask Malt Fleischmann began selling
and its distillery was 43.8% ABV l Amber with his whiskey in 1996. In 2000
founded in 1874 to pink tones. Chocolate his son Thomas and wife
produce brandy and aromas, with hints of Petra took over the company.
liqueurs. Whiskey old plum and a little The current offerings
production started in peat; deep, with fruity number five different
2002. Since Bertrand roundness. single malt whiskies.
also owns a brewery, Grüner Hund vintage 1991
malt is shared between 40 % ABV l At first slightly sour,
the beer and whiskey Blaue Maus almonds, then floral, nutty.
producers. Bertrand Germany:
Toasted almonds, slightly
has two expressions. Bamberger Strasse 2,
bitter, though creamy,
Uberach Single Malt is Eggolsheim-Neuses with a malty sweetness.
a blend using Bertrand’s www.fleischmann-
The finish is warming and
different casks (ex- Uberach whisky.de
medium long.
Banyuls sweet wine Single Malt Open by Blaue Maus vintage 1993 40 %
and new wood), aged appointment only ABV l Malty with oak notes.
Mackmyra Distillery
creates its individualistic
whiskies using equipment
from many countries.
europe 261
Volker Theurer
Jesinger Hauptstrasse 55/57,
Open by appointment only
Clean water, fresh air, and quality barley ought to make for a
perfect whiskey-producing environment. Yet it is really only
in recent years that Australia and New Zealand have begun
producing and exporting quality malts of their own.
ew Zealand’s very first distillery, Australia tells a similar tale, beginning
simply named the New Zealand with the opening of the Sorrell Distillery
Distillery Company, opened as in 1822. The output of this legal distillery
long ago as 1869, in response to a change was augmented by a plentiful supply from
in legislation that reduced the levy on illicit stills—Tasmania (then Van Diemen’s
locally distilled spirits to just half that of Land), especially, was awash with them.
imports. However, pressure from Scottish In response to the illicit trade, Lieutenant
distillers and concern about the drop in Governor Franklin introduced legislation
excise revenue forced the government to in 1939 that required distilleries to have
increase duty six years later. Conditions a minimum wash capacity of 594 gallons
became too difficult for the new distillery, (2,700 liters), which put an end to the
and it was forced to close. Tasmanian distilling industry in favor of
Around the same time, a man from ale production.
Aberdeenshire in Scotland started a new It wasn’t until the mid-1980s—when
brewery in the New Zealand town of Bill and Lyn Lark had to change federal
Dunedin. He went into partnership with legislation to allow them to operate their
his brother-in-law James Wilson, a fellow own still on the island state of Tasmania
Aberdonian, who in turn enlisted the —that Australia saw production of its
help of his son Charles. It was Charles first legally produced single malt in more
who made the malt extract Maltexo a than 100 years. Made with a specially
staple part of the New Zealand diet. It developed strain of barley to tolerate the
wasn’t until 13 years after his death in cool Tasmanian climate and local peat
1951, however, that his successors took for the malting, the Larks’ first whiskey
the link between malt and brewing a step was released in 1998.
further to transform the company into To best accommodate the fact that
Wilson Distillers Ltd. in 1964. It became the domestic industry has only been
the country’s first legal distiller in almost operating for such a short time, many
a century. In those intervening years, a distilleries opt to use smaller casks than
prolific and illicit “moonshining” their Scottish counterparts, which
tradition had erupted. results in the spirit maturing much faster.
Hobart in Tasmania is home to the Lark Distillery,
The result of this is whiskey that has
the first modern Australian whiskey producer. been favorably compared with some
The distillery has a harborside location. of the best malts from Scotland.
268 whiskey nations
In the 1980s and 90s, whiskey distilleries finally became fully established
in Australia and New Zealand with some degree of permanency.
Many now produce fast-maturing single malts of high quality.
australasian DISTILLERIES
+(//<(56 60$//
'DUZLQ 52$' &21&(51
/$5. 7$60$1,$
$8675$/,$ +REDUW
6287+(51 %$.(5<+,// $XFNODQG
6HHLQVHW =($/$1'
of Australia. DERYH
At Nant Distillery the barley is 6287+(51
grown, malted, distilled, and All the whiskies :,/621ǧ6
matured all on the one site. released are single cask
offerings. Some of the Peated Malt 46% ABV
bottlings are diluted with A rich gold color with a
Bakery Hill spring water to reduce subdued peat aroma.
Balwyn, Victoria, Australia
them to a traditional Kumquat and fruit
strength, one is finished mince tart scents give
in a wine cask to impart it a sweetness. On the
David Baker began making a slightly different flavor, palate are hints of
his own malt in the late while the others are tobacco leaf along
1990s, hoping that he could bottled at a powerful 60 with the smoky peat.
craft something reflective of percent ABV. The This malt carries
the “Australian Spirit.” With malts are free from the with it a long finish.
a scientific background that addition of any Double Wood Malt
included years investigating caramel so the flavor Matured in
46% ABV l
fermentation, and after you get is purely from former Jack Daniel’s
many visits to Tasmanian the production and barrels, and then
distilleries, David set out to maturation processes. finished in French
prove that Australia could Cask Strength Peated oak previously used
produce a malt to match the 60% ABV l Golden cedar Bakery Hill for wine. The nose
Scottish product. He’s had in color; a sharp peat Cask Strength opens with apricot,
great success, with distillery on the nose with crisp Peated Malt coconut, and plum.
awards as well as a number salt and dark cherry These aromas are
of gold and silver medals for notes. Toffee and followed by golden syrup,
his whiskey at blind tastings honeycomb on the palate plum pudding, and cloves.
by the Malt Whiskey Society along with rich malt and The palate is subdued with
a rounded lingering finish. marmalade overtones and
Cask Strength Classic a nougat sweetness offset
60% ABV l Rich amber to gold by oak. All contained in a
color, with overtones of burnished bronze color.
vanilla, orange, and bitter
dark chocolate. It’s mouth-
cleaning on the tongue with Great Southern
hints of spiced orange Albany, Western Australia,
Turkish delight intertwined Australia
with cereal and oak. www.distillery.com.au
Classic Single Malt 46% ABV
Green apples, spiced honey, This distillery is temporarily
and cider on the nose, while set up on the outskirts of
on the palate the flavors the Western Australian town
At Bakery Hill the spirit is distilled move through nutmeg, of Albany while the owner,
in a copper pot still and passed spiced honey, and on to Cameron Syme, awaits the
through a locked spirit safe. cereal and malt to finish. completion of his purpose-
Australasia 269
built distillery and visitor a week. Things have the setting up and
center. So new is this come a long way since production of a number
distillery that production they distilled their first of the malts now being
barrel numbers are still whiskey in 1999, and produced in Australia,
under 100 at the time of they now have over while his wife Lyn has
writing, but as soon as the 2,600 casks maturing. found inventive ways
new facility is up and Original Pure to include local fruits
running, the output is Australian Malt in the production of
expected to grow rapidly. 46.2% ABV l A pale unique liqueurs. Their
The southwestern location straw-colored liquid new harborside
not only provides pristine with vanilla, citrus, location offers visitors
source material for making and floral scents on a chance to walk
spirits, but also supplies 75 the nose. Mouth- through the distilling
percent of their electricity warming, it opens process, sample a few
via wind power. with cereal flavors drams at the whiskey
Having learned the trade followed by bitter dark bar, or simply take in
in Scottish and Tasmanian chocolate and just a the atmosphere.
distilleries, Cameron runs hint of smoked oak. Lark Single Tasmania Single Malt
the business with day-to-day Malt Whiskey 40% ABV Malty and
distillery manager Tony lightly peated on the
Browne. Great Southern Lark nose, it is complemented
will be bottling its first 14 Davey Street, Hobart, by the peppery spices
expression, “Limeburners,” in Tasmania, Australia that follow, with hints of
the second quarter of 2008. www.larkdistillery.com.au butterscotch. More malt
Currently the whiskey is Open to the public
on the tongue, offset with
being matured in a a clean, fruity flavor and
combination of ex-bourbon, Having opened the first legal powdery oak to offer further
ex-brandy, and American distillery in Australia in the complexity. The finish is
and French oak casks. last 100 years, Bill and Lyn spiced and delicate.
Lark are considered by many
to be the modern pioneers
Hellyers Road of the Australian whiskey Nant
53 Old Surrey Road, Burnie,
industry. Bill pondered why Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania, Australia it was that, with such an www.nantdistillery.com.au
abundance of quality raw
Open to the public
material and ideal conditions, The entire operation here is
Australia was not producing situated on a large riverside
The largest single malt a single malt of its own. The farm, allowing Nant to
distillery in Australia is idea gained support, and control the process from
a highly automated site, eventually the government barley to bottle. Franklin
everything being computer was persuaded to overturn barley is grown on the farm
controlled and capable of an 88-year-old piece of and ground in a former flour
being remotely monitored legislation that stood in
from the home of the head the way of founding a new Lark Distillery on Hobart Harbour
distiller. Hellyers Road is a distillery. Bill’s experience has a specialist whiskey bar with
subsidiary of Betta Milk Co- has led him to be involved in indoor and outdoor seating.
operative Ltd., and years of
running a successful milk
processing plant has given
owner Laurie House a wealth
of experience in maintaining
constant environments,
critical temperature points for
liquids, controlled storage,
and a sizeable level of capital
to establish a distillation
plant. With what could
possibly be the largest single
investment in a distillery in
the southern hemisphere,
Hellyers has also opened
up a 60-seat café and visitor
information center, and offer
tours of the distillery 7 days
270 whiskey nations
mill (originally built by Cradle Mountain Single Malt same distillation run. It has a
convicts). Mashing, brewing, 43% ABV Citrus notes on the
l sweet, fruity nose with hints
distilling, and ageing are all nose with hints of nuts and of spice and nuts. The palate
carried out here, and the first honey. The mouthfeel is is buttery in the mouth with
bottles will be ready in 2008. clean, as is the finish. chocolate and sherry flavors.
Visitors have the chance to Cradle Mountain Double It is followed by a toffee and
stay overnight and experience Malt 46–54.4% ABV l Lightly honey finish.
a fully Scottish-inspired peaty, with fruit, possibly
whiskey experience that pear, followed by honey.
extends to a round of golf on The Springbank imparts The Southern
the adjoining course and fly an obvious saltiness on Distilling Company
fishing in the on-site stream. the nose and the palate, Stafford Street,
with a soft finish. Timaro, New Zealand
Small Concern
Smith’s Sadly this is the only
Ulverstone, Tasmania, Australia
www.tasmanianwhisky.com.au Angaston, South
distillery still actively
Australia, Australia producing new
As its name suggests, this was www.yalumba.com
whiskey in New
a little distillery. The water Zealand. Thankfully,
for its whiskey came from a In the late 1990s, Malcolm Willmott
stream that begins in the Samuel Smith & Sons and Peter Wheeler,
nearby Cradle Mountain decided to make use the founders of the
National Park and flows of a pot still formerly distillery, are using it
along volcanic paths that are used to produce to keep the traditional
scattered across the island. brandy at their spirit of the New
Such purity of water ensured Yalumba winery. On Zealand whiskey alive.
a clean crispness in the final a few occasions in the Using a recipe dating
whiskey once produced here. late 1990s and again back to the late 1800s,
Unfortunately production in 2000, it was used Smith’s the distillery has tried
of their malts ceased in the for making whiskey. It Angaston to keep a whiskey
late 1990s, and the distillery has since been 7-Year-Old that is true to its
equipment was sold. Supply decommissioned, moonshining roots.
is obviously limited, but two which is a shame as it This moonshine is now
Small Concern whiskies can produced a fine whiskey that bottled and sold legally
be found. Cradle Mountain was similar in quality and by the distillery as “Old
Single Malt is triple distilled taste to Wilson’s Lammerlaw Hokonui,” and despite the
and smoother than most in (see opposite). The spirit was skull and crossbones on
the region. Cradle Mountain distilled from wash made the bottle’s label and the
Double Malt is a blended from local barley, and was somewhat intimidating
malt, made by combining aged in old sherry, old packaging, it is a pleasant
the Cradle Mountain Single French, old American, and drink with a smooth, sweet
Malt with Springbank Single new American casks. finish. The rest of the
Malt from Campbeltown in Smith’s Angaston 7-Year-old whiskies from this distillery
Scotland, which adds a little 40%ABV l This is a blend of take on a more traditionally
coastal saltiness. the various casks from the Scottish style with an island-
he definition of whiskey can be disadvantage, however, by allowing the
very different in Asia from that maturation to occur more quickly, giving
generally accepted elsewhere. Asian whiskies a complexity that belies
This is to such an extent that some spirit their age.
produced in the region and labeled as A few distilleries have attempted to
whiskey is derived from alcohol made replicate the Scottish conditions more
from molasses or sugar cane (much like closely. Mohan Meakin’s Kasauli
rum) combined with additives and spices Distillery, originally founded by an
to impart a whiskeylike flavor and color. Englishman in the 1820s, is located in the
And what is termed blended whiskey may cooler climes of the Himalayas. Less is
have only a passing inclusion of malt lost to the “angels,” and traditional barley,
whiskey (legally as little as 4 percent), with more suited to cooler temperatures, can
the rest made up of what’s known as extra be used in the production.
neutral spirit (see p276), which could be
distilled from molasses or a variety of Whiskey in a dry state
grains that grow well in the region but Also to be found in Asia is one of the
are unusual to whiskey, such as rice. few distilleries operating in an Islamic
Asian whiskey is rarely aged, partly country. The Murree Brewery in
because the region’s climate is bad for Pakistan is permitted by the local
maturation. The higher temperatures government to produce alcohol for non-
mean that the angels’ share (whiskey lost Muslims and foreigners. Although it
from the cask due to evaporation while started up in 1860, it wasn’t until a
maturing) can be as high as 15 percent century later, in the 1960s, that the
each year. Therefore, the whiskey needs distillery began producing a single malt.
to be bottled early to be at all profitable. Scottish distillers have had difficulty
By the time the whiskey has been casked selling whiskey in much of Asia, but
for its traditional minimum 3-year eastern Asia has been a considerable
maturation, the distillery could have lost consumer, and South Korea leads the
40 percent of the original volume. The way with their consumption of the major
increased heat does partially offset this premium export Scotch blends, such
Barley grown in the fertile plains at the base of
as Chivas Regal and Johnnie Walker.
the Himalayas is used for whiskeymaking by Amrut Surely it won’t be long before they
Distillers; they also source their water from the region. have a distillery of their own.
274 whiskey nations
The initials LMFL stood for “locally usually color adjusted with spirit
made foreign liquor.” The term caramel, and is not matured. Most
was used widely in Asia, though in Asian whiskies are in this category.
India the term IMFL, or “Indian Blended Whiskey Asian blended
Made Foreign Liquor,” was whiskies are a mix of ENA
preferred. This categorization whiskey and a portion of
became an instrument to either locally produced malt
balance the domestic alcohol whiskey or bulk imported
industry against the import Scotch whisky. Sometimes
trade. No national rules an age statement is given.
defining raw material and In such cases it is the age of
process were, or indeed are, the bulk imported whiskey
attached to the LMFL/IMFL. that is presented. However,
However, if production is MacDowell’s as the product contains
destined for export aimed at a Vintage ENA, it does not meet EU
specific market, such as the whiskey regulation.
European Union, then regulations Pure malt whiskey These are blends
prevailing at the target market have to of 100 percent malt whiskies from two
be followed. With tight EU rules for or more domestic or foreign distilleries.
whiskey designation, very little Asian Any pure malt whiskey matured in oak
spirit reaches this market. casks for 3 years or more qualifies for
the EU classification.
Definitions Single malt whiskey As with a
ENA whiskey Extra Neutral Alcohol Scottish malt, this is a pure malt
(ENA) is fermented and distilled in whiskey from a single distillery.
continuous stills using molasses, rice,
The bottling plant at the Jagatjit Distillery
millet, buckwheat, or any other produces a wide variety of spirits, but just
fermentable product. ENA whiskey is one malt whiskey, Aristocrat Premium.
malt whiskies; and No.1 When he built his distillery,
MeHkong whiskey? McDowell’s Centenary Edward Dyer had to sail the
Blended, which is a British-made equipment the
Thai Beverage Public
traditional blended Scotch, entire length of the Ganges River
Company Ltd. (ThaiBev) was (pictured) to reach Kasauli.
incorporated in 2003 in an using malt and grain whiskey.
effort to consolidate
Thailand’s leading beer and Mohan became the majority
spirits businesses. ThaiBev
MOHAN MEAKIN shareholder in the company
now controls all the major India:
and then its managing
Thai “whiskey” brands, Solan Distillery and Brewery,
director in 1949. The firm
including the well-known Shimla Hills, Solan, Himachal eventually changed name
Mehkong Whiskey. However, Pradesh; Kasauli Distillery, Solan to Mohan Meakin in 1967.
these spirits are no longer District, Himachal Pradesh Today, the company has
marketed by ThaiBev as www.mohanmeakin.com
two distilleries, one at Solan
whiskey, but as “Thai Rum.” and the other at Kasauli,
The origins of Mohan in the Himalayas. At an
Meakin go back to the altitude of over 6,600 ft
mid‑19th century and to an (2,000 m), Kasauli is the
Englishman named Edward highest distillery in the world.
Dyer. He set up the first When he established the
brewery in India at Kasauli in distillery, Dyer brought with
1855, and made indigenous
beer available to Indians as Nepal’s distillery
well as Britons. The Kasauli
plant switched to distilling Founded by Mathura Prasad
when the brewery moved Maskey, Shree Distillery at
to nearby Solan, and Dyer Naxal in Kathmandu, Nepal,
went on to set up furhter has been producing liquors
breweries at Simla, Murree, since 1992, with the
MacDowell’s Single Malt Rawalpindi, and Mandalay. technical assistance of
Another entrepreneur from T & A MacClelland Ltd. and
that combine to form the UK, HG Meakin, came Morrison Bowmore Distillers
a creamy note. The palate to India and bought the old of Scotland. Although their
is soft and somewhat Simla and Solan breweries produce uses ENA, and so
reminiscent of stewed from Edward Dyer. He doesn’t qualify as whiskey
peaches. A short, sweet finish. added more breweries in the internationally
Among the other whiskies at Ranikhet, Dalhousie, accepted definition, the
produced by McDowell’s Chakrata, Darjeeling, and Mount Everest brand is
are: McDowell’s Vintage, Kirkee in the early 20th worth a mention, as it is
which is a pure malt whiskey, century. The Dyer and blended with Scotch malt
matured in oak casks; Meakin businesses merged supplied by Morrison
McDowell’s Premium in 1937. Following India’s Bowmore Distillers.
Blended, a blend of pure independence in 1947, NN
278 whiskey nations
distillation. It has a strength of about 21% than passing along the lyne arm to the
ABV. Compare with high wines. condenser. By falling back, these vapors are
lyne arm (or “lye pipe”) The pipe running redistilled, becoming purer and lighter.
from the still to the condenser. The lyne Certain shapes of still contribute to the
arm’s angle, height, and thickness all have a degree of reflux, which may or may not
bearing on the characteristics of the spirit. be desirable, depending on the style of
malting The process of deliberately whiskey being made. Long-necked stills
starting and then stopping germination in have a greater degree of reflux and
grain. As the grain begins to germinate produce a lighter style of spirit than
(through the influence of heat and moisture), squatter stills, which tend to make heavier,
it becomes “green malt” (grain that has just “oilier” whiskies.
begun to sprout). The green malt undergoes run In batch distillation—as carried out
kilning to produce malt. using pot stills—the extent of a distillation is
marrying This refers to the mixing and referred to as a run. The spirit produced
maturing of whiskies. It most often applies to during the run is variable in quality, and is
blends, where whiskies of different types and divided by cut points.
from several distilleries are combined for a silent distillery a distillery in which
period in vats or casks prior to bottling. whiskeymaking has stopped, but possibly
mash The mix of grist and water. only temporarily.
mash tun The vessel in which the grist is silent spirit neutral-flavored spirit.
mixed with hot water to convert starch in the spirits safe a glass-fronted cabinet through
grain into sugars, ready for fermentation. which the distilled spirit passes and which is
The fermentable liquid that results is known used to monitor the purity of the spirit. The
as worts; the solid residue (husks and spent stillman operates the spirits safe during a run
grain) is draff. to make cut points.
maturation For new make spirit to become still The vessel in which distillation takes
whiskey, it must go through a period of place. There are two basic types: a pot still
maturation in oak casks. The length of and a continuous still.
time varies; in Scotland and Ireland, the tails see feints
minimum period is three years. triple distillation Most batch distillation
middle cut see cut points involves two distillations: in a wash still and
new make The clear, useable spirit that in a spirits still. Triple distillation, the
comes from the spirit still. It has a strength traditional method in Ireland, involves a
of about 70% ABV, and is dilluted to around third distillation, which is said to produce
63–64% before being put into casks for a smoother spirit.
maturation. In the US, new make is called uisge beatha / uisce beatha The Scots
white dog. gaelic and Irish gaelic terms, respectively,
peating Adding peat to the kiln ovens when from which the word whiskey derives. The
malting barley to impart a smoky, phenolic term means “water of life,” and so is
aroma and taste to the whiskey. Barley that synonymous with eau de vie and aqua vita.
has undergone this process is known as uisce poitín Historically, the Irish gaelic
peated malt. term for non-licensed whiskey, usually known
poteen see uisce poitín as poitín or poteen.
pot still The large onion-shaped vessels, wash The resultant liquid when yeast is
nearly always made of copper, used for batch added to worts, fermenting into a kind of ale.
distillation. Pot stills vary in size, and these Wash has an alcoholic strength of about 7%
variations affect the style of whiskey. ABV. It passes into the wash still for the
proof The old term for the alcoholic first distillation.
proportion of a spirit that has been washbacks The fermenting vessels in
superseded by ABV in most countries. The which yeast is added to the worts to make
American proof figure, which is different to wash. Called “fermenters” in the US.
Imperial proof, is twice that of the ABV. white dog see new make
rectifier still see continuous still worm / worm tubs see condensers
reflux The process by which heavier worts The sweet liquid produced as a result
alcoholic vapors fall back into the still rather of mixing hot water with grist.
282 whiskey
barrels 31 Burns, Robert 127, 148, 150
Barton Brands 141, 187, Bushmills 159, 160, 161,
223, 233 162, 169, 172
Bauernhof 256
8PM whiskies 279
100 Pipers 50, 118 Basil Hayden’s 197, 212 C
Baxter’s Barley Bree 120 Caledonian 113
A Begg, John 93, 94
Belgian Owl 261
Cambus 113
Cameronbridge 111, 136
A.H. Hirsch Bourbon 214
A Smith Bowman 185 Bell’s 57, 79, 120, 122 Campbeltown 47, 48,
Aberfeldy 77, 130 see also Arthur Bell & Sons 94–5, 248
Aberlour 19, 49, 125 Belgian whiskey 261 Canadian Club 229–31
Adelphi 39 Belmont Farms 204 Canadian Mist 223
ageing see maturation Benmore 120 Canadian whiskey 35, 219–33
Akuto, Ichiro see Ichiro Akuto Ben Nevis Distillery 78, 236 style 222, 225
Alberta Distillery 221 Benriach 52, 69 Caol Ila 103, 120, 139
Allt a’ Bhainne 49, 118 Benromach 52 Caperdonich 53
American whiskey 183–217 Bernheim Distillery 192, 193 Capone, Al 208, 210
American Whiskey Trail 207 Berry Brothers & Rudd 127 Cardhu 53, 54
Ammertal Whiskey 263 Bertrand 256 Carsebridge 113
Amrut 274 Biawa 61 Cascade Distillery 191
Anchor Distilling Co. 204 Black & White 47, 66, 82, 123 casks 30–33
Ancient Age 212 Black Bottle 102, 123 cask finishing 33
anCnoc 68 Black Douglas 124 Catdaddy Moonshine 207
angels’ share 32, 83 Black Velvet 232 Catto’s 124
Angus Dundee 75, 83 Bladnoch 108 Cayard, Jean-Pierre 140
Antiquity, The 118 Blair Athol 79, 120, 122, 148 Charbay 204
Ardbeg 99 Blanton’s Bourbon 189, 212 Chichibu 240
Ardmore 77, 152 Blaue Maus 256 Chivas Brothers 47, 53,
Arran Distillery, Isle of blended whiskey 34, 36–7 57, 74, 90, 113, 118, 121,
90, 148–9, 157 blended American 186 124, 125, 126, 141, 146,
Arthur Bell & Sons 57, blended Asian 276 148–9, 151, 152
67, 79, 122, 148 blended Irish 169–77 Chivas Regal 50, 61, 124
see also Bell’s blended Scotch 116–157 Churchill, Sir Winston 136
Asian whiskey 273–9 Boehm, Jacob 196 Clan Campbell 49, 125
styles 276 Bonnie Prince Charlie 157 Clan MacGregor 125
Asyla 119 Booker’s Kentucky Bourbon Claymore, The 125
Auchentoshan 108 197, 213 Clear Creek 204
Auchroisk 50 Boston Distillery 197 Clermont Distillery 196, 197
Aultmore 50, 154 bottlers see independent Clontarf 161, 169
Austin Nichols bottlers Cluny 127
Distilling Co. 199 bourbon 30–31, 35, 186 Clynelish 80
Australasian whiskey 267–71 Bourbon Heritage Center 193 Coaster, The 271
Austrian whiskey 255, 261, Bowmore 99–100, 205 cocktails 39
263, 264, 265 Braeval 53, 118 Coffey, Aeneas 27, 110, 116,
Braunstein 257 159, 172
B Bronfman, Sam 36, 126,
211, 219
Coffey still
see column still
Bacardi 130, 155
Bailie Nicol Jarvie 62, 119 Brora 80 Collins, Michael
Baker’s Kentucky Bourbon Brown, John 94 see Michael Collins
197, 212 Brown-Forman 188, 201, 223 Colonel’s Special Whisky 278
Bakery Hill 268 Bruichladdich 101 column still 27, 28
Balblair 78 Buchanan, James 66, 117, see also Coffey, Aeneas
Ballantine’s 57, 72, 119, 121 123, 124 Compass Box 111, 119, 157
Balmenach 50–51 Buchanan’s 124 condensers 29
Balvenie 22, 32, 51, 134 Buffalo Trace 188 Connemara Malts 163
Bardinet, Paul 150 Bulleit Bourbon 213 continuous distillation 26, 159
barley 20 Bunnahabhain 98, 102 Cook & Bernheimer 81
Barley Bridge 181 Burnfoot 84, 85 Cooley 160, 163, 164, 165,
Barnard, Alfred 50, 154, 161 Burn Stewart Distillers 97, 166, 172, 175
102, 123, 150 copper 27
index 283
Copper Fox 205 Distillers Company Ltd. French whiskey 255, 256, 257,
Cor, Friar John 45 see DCL 258, 260, 264
Cork Distilleries Company Doig, Charles 49, 52, 55, Frysk Hynder 262
(CDC) 167, 175 59, 72 Fuji-Gotemba 239
corn 20 Domaine Mavela 257 Fujisanroku 250
corn whiskey 35, 186 Don’t Look Now 70
Cornish Cyder Farm 181 Douglas Laing 39 G
Cradle Mountain 270 Drambuie 157 Gaelic Whiskey Company 147
Cragganmore 54 Duff, James 56 Gentleman Jack 194
Craig, Elijah 183 Duff, John 52, 62, 69 George V, King 140
Craigellachie 55 Dufftown 56, 120, 122 George VI, King 224
Crawford’s 127 Dumbarton 113 George Dickel 191
Crested Ten 169 Duncan Tayor 39 George T Stagg 189, 214
Crow, James 200 Dungourney 1964 163 Georgia Moon 193
Crown Royal 224 Dutch whisky 255, 262, 265 German whiskey 255, 256,
Cumming, Elizabeth Dyer, Edward 277, 278 258, 259, 261, 262, 263
54, 58 Gilbey, Sir Walter 117
Cumming, John 53 E Gimli 223
cut points 29 Eagle Rare 213 Girvan 111, 135
Cutty Sark 66, 127 Early Times 188 Glan ar Mor 258
Czech whiskey 261 Eddu Silver 257 glasses 40, 41
Edgefield 205 Glen Breton 228
D Edradour 82, 157 Glen Deveron 156
DCL (Distillers Edrington Group 75, 90, 102, Glen Elgin 59
Company Ltd.) 47, 62, 112, 127, 132 Glen Garioch 83
67, 71, 92, 95, 97, 111, 120, Edward VII 59 Glen Grant 61, 146
124, 131, 134, 136, 143 Edward VIII, Glen Moray 62
DYC 255, 258 Duke of Winsor 176 Glen Ord 88
Daftmill 109 Edward, Alexander 50, Glen Scotia 88
Dailuaine 56 55, 56 Glen Spey 66
Dai-nippon-kaju 235 Edward, David 52 Glenallachie 57
Dallas Dhu 56 Elijah Craig 183, 191, 213 Glenburgie 57, 120
Dalmore 80 Elizabeth II, Queen 148–9, Glencadam 83
Dalwhinnie 81 224 Glendronach 83
Danish whiskey 257 Elmer T. Lee 213 Glendullan 59, 139
Deanston 150 English whiskey 179–81 Glenfarclas 59
Deatsville Distillery 198 Evan Williams 183, 191, 213 Glenfiddich 30, 46, 47,
Delmé-Evans, William Excise Act of 1823 47, 48 51, 58, 60, 134, 135, 157
57, 91, 97 Glengoyne 84
Des Menhirs 257 F Glenkinchie 109, 120
Dewar, John 117, 131 Famous Grouse 66, 88, 102, Glenlivet 46, 48, 61, 63,
see also Dewar’s 132, 133 146, 154
Dewar, Tommy 78, 117, 124, Famous Grouse Glenlossie 62
131 see also Dewar’s Experience 90 Glenmorangie 47, 85, 119,
Dewar’s 50, 56, 77, 88, 92, Feckin’ Irish Whiskey 172 136, 143
94, 130, 131, 155 fermentation 26 Glenora 228
Dewar’s World of Whiskey 78 Fettercairn 82 Glenrothes 66, 127, 132
Diageo Findlater 134 Glentauchers 66
Scotch blends 118, 120, Findlater, Alexander 134 Glenturret 88, 132, 157
123, 124, 127, 130, 131, Findlater, James 72 Golden Horse 240, 250
136, 137, 139, 140, 141, Finnish whiskey 262 Gordon & MacPhail 39,
143, 148, 153, 154, 156 Fisselier 258 52, 72
Scottish distilleries 47, 54, Flaherty, Paddy see Paddy Gotemba 236, 237, 250
55, 59, 67, 73, 79, 82, 88, Fleming, James 49, 56 Gotland Distillery 259
92, 94, 103, 104, 109, 111, food pairing 41 grain 20
112, 113 Ford, John 166 grain distilleries 110–111
Irish whiskey 162 Fortune Brands 105, 121, 152, grain whiskey 34, 110–111
US whiskey 191, 192 197, 199, 255, 258 Grand Macnish 134
Dimple 136 Forty Creek Barrel Select 231 Grand Met 79, 192
distillation 19, 26–9 Four Roses 189 Grant, Major James 53, 61
284 whiskey
MacLeod, Ian 140 New Zealand whiskey 267, poteen 159, 177
Maison le Vignettes 260 270–71 pot stills 27, 28
Maker’s Mark 198 Nicol, Miss 57 pot still whiskey 168
Mallya, Vijay 90, 275 Nikka 79, 141, 236, 242–3, Potter’s Distillery 229
malting 24 248, 252–3 Powers 159, 167, 176
malt whiskey 34, 47 Niven, David 68 Pràban na Linne 147
Mannochmore 62 Noah’s Mill 215 Prince Charles 105
maps Nockland Whiskey 265 Prohibition 184, 208,
distilleries of: Noe, Booker and Fred 196 210–11, 219
Asia 274 North British 112
Australasia 268 North of Scotland Malt Q
England and Wales 180 Distillers’ Association 117 Queen Anne (blend) 146
Europe 256 nosing whiskey 40–41 Queen Victoria 93, 94,
Ireland 160 117, 121
Scotland O Queen Elizabeth II
Highlands 77 oak 148–9, 224
Islay 99 European & US 23, 30, 32, Queen Elizabeth, the
Lowlands 108 Japanese 249 Queen Mother 140
Speyside 49 Oban 91 Quoll Quaff 271
US 184 Old Charter 215
Martin’s 140, 143 Old Crow 197, 201, 216 R
Mary, Queen of Scots 136 Old Fitzgerald 193 Rabel 261
mashing 24 Old Forester 188, 201 Radico Khaitan 279
Matheson, William 85 Old Grand-Dad 197, 216 Rampur Distillery 279
maturation 30–33 Old Parr 59, 143 Rankin, Ian 90
McCarthy’s Oregon Malt 205 Old Portrero 204 Real Mackenzie, The 148
McCoy, Captain William 127, Old Pulteney 92, 157 Rebel Yell 216
211 Old Smuggler 146 Rebus, Inspector 90
McGregor, James 50 Old Taylor 197, 216 Redbreast 166, 168
McDowell’s 275 Orkney 89 Reiner Mösslein 261
Meakin, H.G. 277 Our Man in Havana 153 Reisetbauer 261
Mehkong 277 Owl, The 261 Revie, Don 79
Mellow Corn 193 Richardson, Sir Albert 75
Michael Collins 166, 175 P Ridgemount Reserve 187
Michter’s 214 P&M whiskey 257 Rittenhouse Rye 193
microdistilleries 200–209 Paddy 175 Robert Burns (blend) 148
Midleton 160, 161, 165, 166, palate 40–41 Rob Roy 119
167, 172, 175, 176 Palliser 232 Rob Roy McGregor 151
Milford whiskey 271 Parr, Thomas 59, 143 Rock Hill Farm 216
Millars Special Reserve 175 Passport 61, 146 Roseisle 73
Millennium Reserve 279 Pattisons 59–60, 142 Royal Brackla 93
Millstone Whiskey 265 peat 23 Royal Cambridge 279
Miltonduff 72, 120 Penderyn 31, 179, 180 Royal Commission on
Miyagikyo 242–3 Pepper, Elijah 200 Whiskey 1908/09 117
Mohan Meakin 273, 277 Peregrine Rock 208 Royal Lochnagar 93, 94
Mohan, N.N. 277 Pernod Ricard Royal Salute 148
Monkey Shoulder 67 Scotch blends 118, 121, Rudolf Jelinek 261
Morcambe, Eric 79 124, 125, 126, 141, 143, Russell, Jimmy 199
Morrison Bowmore 84, 100, 146, 149, 151, 152 Russia 264
108, 236 Scottish distilleries 49, 50, rye 20
Mortlach 72, 135, 139 61, 66, 67, 71, 82, 94 rye whiskey 35, 186
Mount Vernon 206, 207 Irish whiskey 174
Mountain Moonshine 209 Canadian whiskey 229 S
Munro, Captain Hugh 96 see also Chivas Brothers St. Columba 45, 97
Murree 273, 278 Piedmont Distillers 207 St. Drostan 49
Pig’s Nose 147 St. George Spirits 207
N Pikesville Supreme 193 St. George’s 179, 181
Nant Distillery 269 Pinwinnie Royale 147 St. James Spirits 208
New Zealand Distillery Politician, SS 82, 140 St. Valentine’s Day
Company 267 Port Dundas 113 Massacre 219
286 whiskey
acknowledgments: contributors
Dave Broom Whiskies Conference. Ian The Whiskey Couple
Dave is a contributing editor to writes for Whisky Magazine, (www.thewhiskycouple.com).
Whisky Magazine, a regular Scottish Field, and The Times, He has written and translated
columnist on many periodicals, and recently published a new 15 books on whisk(e)y. Hans
has written ten books, and won edition of Aeneas MacDonald’s also contributes to Whisky
three Glenfiddich Awards for 1930 classic Whisky. He is Passion, Whiskyetc, The Malt
his writing. He is a respected currently working on a history Advocate, and various whiskey
taster, and in demand as a of John Dewar & Sons. Ian websites. He contributed the
teacher and lecturer. For this wrote the chapter on European section.
book, Dave wrote the chapter Scotch blended whisky. Dominic Roskrow
on Japanese whiskey. Glenn Gillen Dominic is consultant editor to
Tom Bruce-Gardyne Australian-born Glenn was Whisky Magazine and edited
Tom is an expert on Scotch dragged into the world of the publication for four years.
malt and has written several whiskey by a former colleague He now runs his own drinks
books on the subject, including when he moved to Edinburgh. consultancy business, and
Scotch Whisky and The Scotch After countless distillery visits writes for titles such as The Malt
Whisky Book. He is a regular and hazy nights enjoying a Advocate and Beers of the World.
contributor to Whisky Magazine, dram or two, a plan was He is business development
Scotland Magazine, and the hatched to bring whiskey director for The Whisky Shop
Sunday Herald. Tom wrote appreciation to the masses retail chain and is president of
the section on Scotland’s through a whiskey-oriented Britain’s first national whisky
distilleries and malt whiskies. social networking site, club. He is also the author of
Ulf Buxrud whiskyd.com. His Need To Know Whiskies, to be
A member of Malt Maniacs contributions to this book published in March 2008. He
(www.maltmaniacs.org) and a are centered on Australasia. wrote the sections on England
Keeper of the Quaich since Peter Mulryan & Wales, and Canada.
1995, Ulf has done much to Peter is the author of three Gavin D. Smith
promote the drink in Sweden books on spirits: The Whiskeys Gavin is the author of 10
through lectures and tastings. of Ireland, Poteen—Irish whiskey-related books, is a
He is a contributor to whiskey Moonshine, and Bushmills— contributing editor to www.
periodicals and is author of 400 years. He has contributed whisky-pages.com, and was
Rare Malts, published in 2006. to numerous publications, founding editor of the drinks
For this book, Ulf contributed including Whisky Magazine, magazine Fine Expressions.
the section on Asian whiskey. and, as a television producer, He is a regular contributor to
Ian Buxton specializes in food and drink Whisky Magazine and Malt
Ian Buxton was elected programs. Peter contributed Advocate, and also conducts
Keeper of the Quaich (1991), the chapter on Irish whiskey. tutored whiskey tastings. For
and is a member of Whisky Hans Offringa this book, Gavin wrote the
Magazine’s “World Whisky With his wife Becky, Hans World of Whiskey and US
Awards” tasting panel. He is conducts presentations in chapters, and the section on
also Director of the World Europe and the US as Scottish grain whisky.
288 whiskey
acknowledgments: images
The Publisher would like to thank the following for their kind The Kobal Collection: (b)
permission to reproduce their photographs:
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Picture credits
Chapter Top Bar Images: The publisher would also like to thank the following for their
18–41 The World of Whisky: Corbis; 45–279 Whisky Nations: assistance with images:
DK Images; 280–288 Index: Alamy
Allied Domecq, A Smith Bowman, Amrut, Bacardi, Balmenach
AKG: 209 (b) Distillery, Barton Brands Ltd, Bakery Hill Distillery, Beam
Global Spirits & Wine, Benriach Distillery, Buffalo Trace, Burn
Alamy Images: 1, 2–3, 10 (c), 12–13 (b), 15 (b), 16–17 (b), 18, Stewart Distillers Ltd, The Brown-Forman Corporation, Berry
20 (cl, clm, crm, cr, crb), 22 (b), 23 (tr, b), 24 (c), 26 (b), 28 (t), Brothers & Rudd Ltd, Bertrand, Campari, Chivas Brothers,
30 (b), 31 (b), 38 (t), 40 (t, b), 41 (t), 42–43 (t), 44, 47 (b), 53 (t), Clear Creek Distillery, Diageo, CL WorldBrands Ltd, Copper
54 (t), 64–65, 72 (b), 74 (t), 76 (b), 77 (t), 79 (t, c, b), 80 (b), Fox Distillery, Cooley Distillery Plc, Compass Box, Des
81 (t), 83 (t, b), 85 (t), 88 (b), 90 (b), 93 (c), 95 (t), 97 (b), 99 (t, c), Menhirs, The Edrington Group, Four Roses Distillery, Fortune
101 (c), 102 (t, c, b), 103 (t), 105 (t, b), 106–7, 108 (b), 109 (b), Brands Inc, Jagatjit, Irish Distillers Ltd, Glenora Distillery,
114–13, 120 (b), 121 (b), 123 (t), 126 (t, b), 127 (t), 130 (b), George Dickel Distillery, Glenmorangie, Gilbeys, Guillon
131 (t, b), 134 (b), 136 (t, c), 138 (b), 139 (b), 140 (t), 141 (c, b), Distillery, Hanyu Distillery (Ichiro Akuto), Heaven Hill
143 (b), 144-5, 146 (b), 148 (b), 149 (b), 155 (b), 156 (t), 157 (b), Distilleries, Highland Park, Highland Distillers Plc, Highwood
158, 160 (b), 163 (t), 174 (t, b), 178, 179 (t), 180 (b), 181 (b), 182, Distillery, Höhler, Hyram Walker & Sons, Lark Distillery, Inver
183 (t), 187 (t), 189 (c), 194 (br), 198 (c), 199 (b), 200 (c), 202–3, House Distillers, Irish Distillers Group, Isle of Arran Distillers,
206 (c), 210 (c, b), 212 (c, b), 213 (b), 215 (c), 216 (b), 218, 219 John Dewar and Sons Ltd, Kirin Brewery Co, Lark Distillery,
(t), 221 (b), 225 (b), 226–7, 228 (b), 231 (t), 234, 235 (t), 237 (b), Mackmyra Distillery, Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd,
246–7, 251 (tr), 255 (t), 266, 267 (t), 273 (t), 277 (t) Mitchell & Son Wine Merchants Ltd, Murree, Nant Distillery,
Nikka, The Owl, Pernod Ricard, Piedmont Distillers Inc,
Axiom: 39 (t) Penderyn Distillery, Radico Khaitan, Reiner Mösslein,
Reisetbauer, Richard Joynson, Sazerac Company, Smith’s, The
Cephas: 21 (br), 26 (t), 27 (t, b), 28 (bl, bc), 33 (b), 57, 60 (t), Southern Distilling Company, Southern Distilleries Ltd,
62 (t), 63 (b), 72 (t), 75 (t), 83 (t), 85 (b), 167 (t), 214 (t), 241 (c, b) Spencerfield Spirits, St Georges Distillery, St George Spirits,
Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey, Suntory, Takara Shuzo &
Corbis: 11, 14 (tl), 42–43 (b), 45 (t), 48 (b), 110 (b), 116 (b), Okura Ltd, Tasmania Distillery, Thai Beverage Public
125 (t), 128–9, 139 (t), 153 (t), 162 (b), 167 (b), 169 (t), 197 (tr), Company Ltd, Tobermory Distillery, United Distillers &
207 (br), 220 (b), 221 (t), 224 (t), 225 (c), 232 (t), 233 (b), 272 Vintners Ltd, United Spirits, Van Winkle Whiskeys, Vallie,
Volker Theurer, Waldviertler Roggenhof, Whisky Castle,
Getty Images: 36 (b), 37 (b), 41 (br), 101 (b), 134 (t), 177 (b), Wolfram Ortner, Whyte and Mackay Ltd, Winchester Cellars,
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Hans Offringa: 172 (t), 186 (b), 189 (t, b), 190 (tl, b), All other images © Dorling Kindersley
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