Final Math DLL Q1-W5

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School Grade & Section

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS

Teaching Dates and July 3-7,2017 Quarter First Quarter – Week 5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to 20th, and money up to PhP100.
Performance is able to recognize and represent ordinal numbers up to 20th in various forms and contexts.

C. Learning identifies the 1st through reads and writes ordinal reads and writes ordinal numbers Identifies and uses the pattern of Answer test item
Competencie the 20th with the emphasis numbers from 1st through from 1st through the 20th. naming ordinal numbers from 1st to with 75% of
s/ on 11th to 20th object in a the 20th. M2NS-Ie-17.2 the 20th. success.
Objectives given set from a given point M2NS-Ie-17.2 Follow directions
of reference. properly.
M2NS-Ie-16.2 Answer test with
speed, accuracy
and honesty
II. CONTENT Ordinal Ordinal Numbers/Reading Ordinal Numbers/Reading and Patterns of Naming Ordinal Numbers/
numbers/Visualizing and and Writing Ordinal Writing Ordinal Numbers Lesson 15
Identifying Ordinal Numbers Lesson 14
Numbers/ Lesson 14
Lesson 13
III. LEARNING K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide
Grade 2 – Mathematics Grade 2 – Mathematics Grade 2 – Mathematics page 26- Grade 2 – Mathematics page 26-27,30
RESOURCES page 26-27,29 page 26-27, 30 27,30
A. References
1. Teacher’s TG in Mathematics pages TG in Mathematics pages TG in Mathematics pages 52-56 TG in Mathematics pages 57- 60
Guide Pages 48-52 52-56
2. Learner’s LM in Mathematics pages LM in Mathematics pages LM in Mathematics pages 38-40 LM in Mathematics pages 38-40
Materials 33-36 36-37
3. Text book
4. Additional 1. Number cards, charts, 1. Number Cards 1. Number Cards 1. Number Cards Test paper at lapis
Materials pieces of rolled papers, 2. manila paper 2. manila paper 2. Pocket chart
from activity sheets 3. charts, activity 3. charts, activity 3. Show Me Board
Learning Lesson 13 sheets/worksheets sheets/worksheets 4. Mystery Box of Knowledge
Resources 4. Mystery Box of 4. Mystery Box of Knowledge Lesson 15
Knowledge 5. calendar
5. calendar 6. List of Pupils
6. List of Pupils Lesson 14
Lesson 14
B. Other laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop
A. Reviewing 1. Drill 1.Drill 1.Drill 1.Drill
previous Game: “Do You Know Me” Identify the place value of Identify the place value of the given Game- “SHOW ME”
lesson or 2. Review the given digit digit 2.Review
presenting Directions: Order the Tell the position of a given set of objects
the new numbers from greatest to 2. Review 3. Review
lesson least by supplying the Post on the board the Post on the board the sentence in 3.Pre-Assessment
missing numbers. sentence in the box below. the box below. Supply the missing ordinal numbers.
3. Pre-Assessment

3.Pre-Assessment 3.Pre-Assessment
Present the list of Honor Present the list of Honor Pupils in
Pupils in Grade II for the Grade II for the First Grading. The
First Grading. The list must list must be written in Manila Paper
be written in Manila Paper and be posted on the board.
and be posted on the board.

B. 1.Motivation: 1.Motivation 1.Motivation B. Establishing a purpose

Establishing a Strategy: Story Telling- Strategy- Recognition Day Strategy- Recognition Day for the lesson
purpose Jumping Ropee Knowledge to know who will Knowledge to know who will be 1. Motivation
for the lesson score? ______________ be included in the top 20th. included in the top 20th. Story Telling- Bicycle Race
( Motivation)
C. Presenting Divide the class into five Divide the class into 5 Divide the class into 5 working Divide the class into 5 small working Present the test
Examples / small working groups. Assign working groups. Distribute groups. Distribute the pocket charts groups. (Groupings depend on the materials.
instances a group leader to each the pocket charts and 20 cut-outs of objects. Be sure number of pupils in a group.
of new lesson group. Distribute the and 20 cut-outs of objects. all groups have complete materials. Distribute the different geometric
( Presentatio different objects such as Be sure all groups have figures. Be sure all groups have the
n) stones, shells, fruits, complete materials. same number, kind and size of
vegetables, plastic cups, geometric figures.
seeds, and etc.
D. Discussing The Mathematics What do you observe about What do you observe about what What is Reagan’s rank?
new concepts Coordinator of Romblon what are written before the are written before the names of What letters do you see after 1 and 11? Explain the
and West Central School names of pupils? pupils? What letters do you see after 2 and 12? direction to them.
practicing administered the qualifying What letters do you see after 3, and
new skills #1 test to the Special 13th
( Modeling) mathematics Class. The next What letters do you see after the other
day, she published the top numbers?
ten scorers on the bulletin Is there any pattern/s in naming the
board. ordinal numbers?

E. Discussing E. Discussion of new E. Discussion of new E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and Giving the
new concepts concepts and practice of concepts and practice of practice of new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided Practice) standards
and new skills #2(Guided new skills #2(Guided Practice) Refer to the LM - Gawain Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina 38
practicing Practice) Refer to the LM - Practice) Refer to the LM - 1 A pahina sa LM
new skills #2 Gawain 1 pahina 33 sa LM Gawain 1 A pahina sa LM
F. Developing Test Proper
mastery Gawain 2, pahina 34 sa LM Gawain 2, pahina 37 sa LM Gawain 2, pahina 37 sa LM Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina 39
( Independen
t Practice)

G. Finding 1.Isulat ang ordinal na bilang 1.Danny is fifty-third. Jomar is fifty-fifth. Did you answer
Practical ng mga hayop simula sa Name the position of the person the test correctly?
applications baka. between them.
of concepts
and skills
H. Making What is ordinal Number? Ordinal numbers tell the Ordinal numbers tell the position of How do you use the pattern of naming What did you
generalizatio Ordinal Number tells the position of objects/things or objects/things or people in a ordinal numbers beyond 20? The learn today?
ns and position of objects or people in a definite order. definite order. numbers beyond 20 are written with the
abstractions persons arranged in order. name of the tens followed by first,
about the second, third, ninth and etc.
( Generalizati
I. Evaluating Supply the missing ordinal Write the following ordinal numbers From the given quotation as “The” as Checking the test
Learning numbers. in words. the point of reference, give the word
1. First corresponding to the given position.

Write the ordinal number of

the following toys. Count
from left to right.

J. Additional Gumuhit ng 20 bagay at Isulat ang mga pangalan ng Isulat ang mga pangalan ng lahat na LM p. 40 Checking the test
activities for isulat ang ordinal na bilang lahat na kasapi ng iyong kasapi ng iyong pamilya simula sa Gawing ordinals ang mga sumusunod na
application or simula sa 1st hanggang sa pamilya simula sa pinakamatanda hanggang sa bilang. Isulat lamang ang st, nd, rd or th.
remediation 20th simula sa unang bagay pinakamatanda hanggang sa pinakabata sa lahat. Gamitin ang
( Assignment) na iyong ginuhit. pinakabata sa lahat. Gamitin ordinal numbers simula sa 1st.
ang ordinal numbers simula
sa 1st.

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify
what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have successfully delivered due to:
teaching strategies successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully delivered due successfully delivered ___ pupils’ eagerness to learn
worked well? Why did due to: due to: to: due to: ___ complete/varied IMs
these work? ___ pupils’ eagerness ___ pupils’ eagerness ___ pupils’ eagerness to ___ pupils’ eagerness ___ uncomplicated lesson
to learn to learn learn to learn ___ worksheets
___ complete/varied ___ complete/varied ___ complete/varied IMs ___ complete/varied ___ varied activity sheets
IMs IMs ___ uncomplicated lesson IMs Strategies used that work well:
___ uncomplicated ___ uncomplicated ___ worksheets ___ uncomplicated ___ Group collaboration
lesson lesson ___ varied activity sheets lesson ___ Games
___ worksheets ___ worksheets Strategies used that work ___ worksheets ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ varied activity ___ varied activity well: ___ varied activity ___ Answering preliminary
sheets sheets ___ Group collaboration sheets activities/exercises
Strategies used that Strategies used that ___ Games Strategies used that ___ Carousel
work well: work well: ___ Solving work well: ___ Diads
___ Group ___ Group Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Group ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
collaboration collaboration ___ Answering collaboration ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
___ Games ___ Games preliminary ___ Games Poems/Stories
___ Solving ___ Solving activities/exercises ___ Solving ___ Differentiated Instruction
Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Carousel Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Answering ___ Answering ___ Diads ___ Answering ___ Discovery Method
preliminary preliminary ___ Think-Pair-Share preliminary ___ Lecture Method
activities/exercises activities/exercises (TPS) activities/exercises Why?
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Rereading of ___ Carousel ___ Complete IMs
___ Diads ___ Diads Paragraphs/ ___ Diads ___ Availability of Materials
___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share Poems/Stories ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
(TPS) (TPS) ___ Differentiated (TPS) ___ Group member’s Cooperation in
___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of Instruction ___ Rereading of doing their tasks
Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ ___ Role Playing/Drama Paragraphs/
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories ___ Discovery Method Poems/Stories ---------- others( specify)
___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Lecture Method ___ Differentiated
Instruction Instruction Why? Instruction
___ Role ___ Role ___ Complete IMs ___ Role
Playing/Drama Playing/Drama ___ Availability of Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method Materials ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? learn Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Group member’s ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of ___ Availability of Cooperation in ___ Availability of
Materials Materials doing their tasks Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness ___ Pupils’ eagerness ---------- others(specify) ___ Pupils’ eagerness
to learn to learn to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
Cooperation in Cooperation in Cooperation in
doing their tasks doing their doing their tasks
---------- others tasks---------- others ---------- others
( specify) (specify) (specify)

F. What difficulties did __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among __ Bullying among pupils
I encounter which my pupils pupils __ Pupils’ pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Colorful IMs
can help me solve? behavior/attitude behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs behavior/attitude __ Unavailable Technology
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Unavailable __ Colorful IMs Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable __ Science/ Computer/
Technology Technology Equipment Technology Internet Lab
Equipment Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment __ Additional Clerical works
(AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) __ Science/ Computer/ (AVR/LCD) ---------- others ( specify)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab ---------- others Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical ( specify) __ Additional Clerical
works works works
---------- others ---------- others ---------- others
( specify) ( specify) (specify)

G. What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
I use/discover which I __ Making big books __ Making big books __ Making big books __ Making big books __ Making big books from
wish to share with from from from from views of the locality
other teachers? views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ Recycling of __ Recycling of __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of __ local poetical composition-
plastics to be used as plastics to be used as to be used as Instructional plastics to be used as --------- others ( specify)
Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Materials Instructional Materials
__ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical
composition- composition composition composition
--------- others ----------others ---------- others ---------- others
( specify) ( specify) ( specify) ( specify)

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