Compre Reviewer
Compre Reviewer
Compre Reviewer
EDUC 202- Philosophical, Psychological, and the greater the effort exerted and the
Socio-Historical Foundations of Education possibility of success is greater.
Symbolic in which modeling occurs by The National Association for the Education
means of the media, including of Young Children (NAEYC) adopted this
movies, television, Internet, literature, and approach in 1987. NAEYC outlines five key
radio. Stimuli can be either real areas of early learning practices for
or fictional characters. effective teaching, which include:
ECED 203- Early Childhood Education learned in the process. The teacher's role is
Programs and Pedagogical Approaches designing the environment and as a support
to students. Focus is on providing materials
TYPES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS and activities that allow children exposure
to these key experiences.
provided in a private home with a small 10. REGGIO EMILIA- fosters intellectual
number of children. Often it is conveniently development through a focus on symbolic
located in the child’s own neighborhood. representation. The primary curriculum is in-
depth project work based on the interests of
2. CHILD CARE CENTERS- Facilities that offer the children. Children are encouraged to
full-day children’s programs. The focus of express themselves through 'natural
most of these centers is to provide care and languages', including drawing, painting,
education to meet the child’s basic working in clay, sculpting, constructing,
nutrition, health, and safety needs. conversing, and dramatic play. Reggio
educators believe these languages are to
3. HOME-BASED DAYCARE- a small childcare be cherished, celebrated, nurtured, and
business operated inside someone’s home. documented, and provide children with a
wide variety of materials to explore the
4. CENTER-BASED DAYCARE- located in possibilities of expression with.
commercial buildings and usually much
larger than home-based daycare centers ECED 204- Reading and Literacy
and can accommodate more kids. Development for Young Children
9. HIGH/SCOPE PROGRAM- students are You can help with all these areas of your
engaged in learning 'centers', including child’s early literacy development by:
building, dramatic play, math, reading,
music, writing, art, science, and motor 1. communicating with your child
development. The environment is planned in 2. reading together
such a way to allow children to manipulate 3. playing with rhyme and other sounds
and explore the materials and then to later with your child.
reflect and demonstrate what they have