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Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 / 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences.
A. Content Standards

The learner interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences The
B. Performance Standards learner shall be able to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the approach
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners analyze the social inequalities in terms of class conflict HUMSS_DIS11-IIIg-
Write the LC code for each
Conflict Perspective
Marxism as an Approach
Strength and weaknesses of Marxism


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-
Part that contains 10 parts

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the learners: 1. What are the differences among Ask the learners: 1. What are the differences among
presenting the new lesson Social Science and Natural Science and Humanities? Social Science and Natural Science and Humanities?

B. Establishing a purpose for the Teacher will present a picture of man’s evolution. Teacher will present a picture of man’s evolution. Process
lesson Process questions: 1. Are you familiar with the questions: 1. Are you familiar with the picture? 2. What
picture? 2. What element/s of the picture captured element/s of the picture captured your attention? 3.
your attention? 3. What branch of social science is What branch of social science is responsible for this
responsible for this picture? picture?
C. Presenting CLASS ACTIVITY: CLASS ACTIVITY: Each group will classify what among the
examples/instances of the SOCSCI PUZZLE The learners will supply the letters to listed things falls under the needs or wants. The learners
new lesson reveal the meaning of Anthropology. will present it to the class by group.
(8 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts and GROUP ACTIVITY: The teacher will ask the learners: 1. What is your own
practicing new skills #1 SOCSCI SORT The learners will sort the pictures into ideas regarding Economics?
the three branches of Anthropology (5 minutes) The keywords that may arise will be written by the
teacher on the board to come up with a definition of
(10 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss the methods used in The teacher will present a graphic organizer that shows
practicing new skills #2 studying Anthropology the relationship of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
(10 minutes)
(10 minutes)
F. Developing mastery (leads to GROUP ACTIVITY: Group Scenario The teacher will GROUP ACTIVITY: Group Scenario The teacher will assign
Formative Assessment 3) assign each group to the different branches and let each group to the different branches and let the learners
the learners relate it to the different methods used in relate it to the different methods used in Anthropology.
G. Finding practical applications The teacher will present another scenario to the The teacher will present another scenario to the learners:
of concepts and skills in daily learners: “If you are an anthropologist, what specific “If you are an anthropologist, what specific Filipino
living Filipino tradition will you be interested into? tradition will you be interested into?
H. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the learners about the definition, The teacher will ask the learners about the definition and
abstractions about the lesson branches and methods used in studying Anthropology fields of Economics.

Answers: 1. Anthropology is the study of humankind

2. 3 branches: Physical or Biological, Cultural, and Answers: Economics seeks to understand people’s
Archaeology activities concerning production, distribution and
3. Methods: Ethnography, Participant Observation, consumption of goods and services
Interview, Focused group discussion, life history
method, ocular inspection. The two fields of Economics are Microeconomics and
(5 minutes) Macroeconomics.
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask the learners to accomplish the 5- CONCEPT MAPPING: ECONOMICS
3-1 Chart (5-Methods, 3-Braches, 1-Definition) Expected output: (Needs, Wants, Microeconomics,

J. Additional activities for Review the lesson. Review the lesson.

application or remediation

Prepared by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator

Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 3/ 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Includes objectives related to content knowledge and competencies

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods.
Objectives (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3) The learners define Social Sciences as the study of society (HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-1)
Write the LC code for each Define Anthropology, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Anthropology.
Describe Economics, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Economics
Interpret Geography, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Geography.

Interpret History, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of History
Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences:
II. CONTENT 1. Anthropology 2. Economics 3. Geography 4. History

Log the references and other learning resources that

III. LEARNING RESOURCES the teacher will use for the lesson

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-

Part that contains 10 parts

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the learners: 1. 1. How do you find your budget Ask the learners: 1 1. What is Geography? 2. What are the
presenting the new lesson for today? Have you already planned how to manage fields of Geography? 3. Give a practical application of
it wisely? Geography?
B. Establishing a purpose for the GROUP ACTIVITY: SOUNDS LIKE From the assignment, the teacher will distribute paper
lesson The learners will be grouped into five. Each group strips among learners and require them to write the news
will be given a chance to pick a set of words that headlines that happened on their birthdates. Then, the
sound like specific geographic features through their learners will post it in the blackboard.
group representative.
Set of words 1. Mt. Everest= Mouth- Eve- Rey- East
2. Sahara Desert= Saw- Hour- Add- East- Earth
3. Pacific Ocean= Pass- Safe- Pick- Oust- Sun 4.
Bermuda Triangle= Bear- Mode- At- Try- Angle 5.
Palawan= Foul- Awe- Won
C. Presenting GROUP DISCUSSION: PROCESSING QUESTIONS: 1. What happened on your
examples/instances of the Each group will describe the completed set of words birthday? or What was happening on the day that you
new lesson Mt. Everest, Sahara Desert …) then present it to the were born? 2. Share your insights about your birthday
class headline. 3. Which branch of Social Science does our
activity represents? 4. Define history?
D. Discussing new concepts and Based from the learners’ analysis of the activity, The teacher will discuss. History has different fields.
practicing new skills #1 learners will be asked. 1. What is your idea about Accomplish the Wheel Graphic Organizer by identifying
Geography? the various branches of History that deals with the given
Elicit as many ideas as possible from the students themes, examples, or interests. Write at the center your
Teacher then clarifies what Geography is. answer. Example: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism,
Zoroastrianism, Hinduism = _____________ History
Different fields: Diplomatic, Economic, Asian, World,
European, Environment, Military, Legal, Cultural, Modern,
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will use power point presentation for the COMPLETE THE ANALOGY: Scientist: test tube Teacher:
practicing new skills #2 discussion about physical and human geography. chalk Historian: ______________________ Processing
Questions: 1. What is the connection between word-pairs?
(Presentation contains pictures of different land
2. What is the tool of a historian? 3. Why is a historian like
forms and bodies of water such as, Mt. Everest, a detective? 4. What is Historiography? 5. Differentiate
Cordillera, Bohol, Baguio, Tagaytay, Sahara Desert, primary sources from secondary sources.
Bodies of water such as Pacific Ocean, coastal areas,
rivers, lakes etc.)

F. Developing mastery (leads to CLASS ACTIVITY: PICK N STICK The learners will The teacher will require learners to accomplish a
Formative Assessment 3) classify words written on meta cards and post it on worksheet. (See attachment)
its corresponding field of Economics
G. Finding practical applications Teacher will ask “How does your environment affect Do you find History useful to your daily lives? Why did you
of concepts and skills in daily your way of living say so?
H. Making generalizations and From all of the aforementioned, what is your The teacher will ask the learners about the definition and
abstractions about the lesson understanding about Geography? fields of Economics.

Answers: Geography is the study of the features of Answers: Economics seeks to understand people’s
the earth and the location of living things on the activities concerning production, distribution and
planet. It is divided into two main branches- the consumption of goods and services
Physical Geography and Human Geography. The two fields of Economics are Microeconomics and
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Paper and Pencil Test (10-item quiz) Final Complete the sentence prompts.
Definition, Etymology, Branches of Geography History is the study of ________.
Among the fields of History, I am interested at _______
History because I’m fascinated with _______________.
An example of primary sources that I will deal with
_____________ History are ________________.
An example of secondary source that I will deal with
_____________ History are ________________.

J. Additional activities for The teacher will ask the learners to search the Review the lesson.
application or remediation internet for a significant event that happened during
the day of their birth.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator
Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11
Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 4 / 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Includes objectives related to content knowledge and competencies

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods.
Objectives (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3)
Write the LC code for each Define Linguistics, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Linguistics.
Describe Political Science, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Political Science.
Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences:
II. CONTENT 5. Linguistics 6. Political Science 7. Psychology 8. Demography

Log the references and other learning resources that

III. LEARNING RESOURCES the teacher will use for the lesson

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-

Part that contains 10 parts


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the learners: 1. What are the different disciplines Ask the learners: 1. What have we discussed yesterday?
presenting the new lesson of social science that have been discussed last week?

B. Establishing a purpose for the Group Activity Group the learners into five (5). Each Group Activity Group the learners into five (5). Each group
lesson group will pick a strip of paper with a statement will pick a strip of paper with a statement written on it.
written on it. Representative of each group will read Representative of each group will read what is written.
what is written. The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following questions: 1. Do you
questions: 1. Do you understand what is written on understand what is written on the strips? 2. What do you
the strips? 2. What do you think is the language used think is the language used in the statement
in the statement
3. What do you think is the reason why we have
many languages? 4. Where does language came from
C. Presenting Group Activity: WEB MAPPING Form a word map Group Activity: WEB MAPPING Form a word map using
examples/instances of the using the word LIGUISTICS. From the words, they the word LIGUISTICS. From the words, they formed the
new lesson formed the definition of Linguistics will then be definition of Linguistics will then be derived.
D. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Evolution of Language From the Group Activity Evolution of Language From the previous
practicing new skills #1 previous groupings. The learners will be asked to: 1. groupings. The learners will be asked to: 1. Cite 5 Filipino
Cite 5 Filipino words and determine their words and determine their corresponding translations
corresponding translations into Hippie, jejemon, gay into Hippie, jejemon, gay lingo, and text language. Ex. 
lingo, and text language. Ex.  Nanay- Ermats Nanay- Ermats (Hippie), nHanayhhzz(Jejemon)
(Hippie), nHanayhhzz(Jejemon)
(Gay Lingo)nnay (Text) 2. Use the 5 Filipino words
into a sentence using the Hippie, jejemon, gay lingo,
text language
The teacher will introduce the different fields of
Linguistics (Morphology-study of language form,
Syntaxstudy of how words are being formed into a
phrase, Phonology-study of sounds of language)
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Class recitation in a form of Board Work The teacher Class recitation in a form of Board Work The teacher will
Formative Assessment 3) will randomly distribute 9 words/phrases to the class. randomly distribute 9 words/phrases to the class. The
The assigned student will post it on the board assigned student will post it on the board according to its
according to its classification. classification.
(Morphology, Syntax, and Phonology) The class will
check if the given answers are correct
G. Finding practical applications Questions to be asked: 1. How do you use language Questions to be asked: 1. How do you use language
of concepts and skills in daily appropriately in your daily communication? (5 appropriately in your daily communication? (5 minutes)
living minutes)
H. Making generalizations and Recitation The following questions will be asked: 1. Recitation The following questions will be asked: 1. What
abstractions about the lesson What is Linguistics all about? 2. What are the three is Linguistics all about? 2. What are the three fields of
fields of Linguistics? Linguistics?
I. Evaluating learning Like or Unlike Teacher will read statements to the Like or Unlike Teacher will read statements to the class
class and learners will identify if the statements are and learners will identify whether the picture / scenarios
correct or not by raising a thumbs-up and thumbs- concern political science.


Prepared by: Checked by:

Grade 11 Adviser SHS Coordinator

Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 5/ 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Includes objectives related to content knowledge and competencies

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ The learners compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and
Objectives methods (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIbd-3)
Write the LC code for each
Historical context of the emergence of each discipline

Log the references and other learning resources that the

III. LEARNING RESOURCES teacher will use for the lesson

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources 1. Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-37.
2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSIdaTSG2Gg

IV. PROCEDURES Part that contains 10 parts

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the learners: 1. Enumerate the different disciplines of Social Ask the learners: 1. What have we discussed yesterday?
presenting the new lesson Science
B. Establishing a purpose for the Think- Pair- Share Direction 1. Student will look for a partner. 2.
lesson They will be instructed to ask each other about their similarities
and differences. 3. The teacher will ask volunteers to share their
C. Presenting Photo Analysis
examples/instances of the The teacher will show a photo of Identical Twins. (Richard and
new lesson Raymond Gutierrez) Question to be asked: 1. Do you think the
Gutierrez twins have similarities and differences? The teacher
will explain that just like an Identical Twins, the different
disciplines of social science have similarities despite their
D. Discussing new concepts and The class will be grouped into Eight (8). Each group will be
practicing new skills #1
collaborating on a specific discipline. (e.g. group 1
Anthropology. .) and will be given meta cards to write the
following definition and branches
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will post a Compare and Contrast Template on
practicing new skills #2 the board for students to accomplish.
Each group will discuss their output on the class.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Each group will choose a representative to compare and
Formative Assessment 3) contrast their assigned discipline to other disciplines of social
G. Finding practical applications Recitation: Ask the learners: 1. Among all the disciplines of
of concepts and skills in daily Social Science, what do you think would be the most useful
living discipline?
H. Making generalizations and Ask the students: 1. What is the significance of studying Social
abstractions about the lesson Science?

I. Evaluating learning 10 Item TRUE or FALSE quiz 10 item quiz


Prepared by: Checked by:

Grade 11 Adviser SHS Coordinator

Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 6/ 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and
Objectives methods (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIbd-3)
Write the LC code for each
Historical context of the emergence of each discipline


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources 1. Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-37.
2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSIdaTSG2Gg

IV. PROCEDURES Part that contains 10 parts

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the learners: 1. Enumerate the different disciplines of Social Ask the learners: 1. What have we discussed yesterday?
presenting the new lesson Science
B. Establishing a purpose for the Think- Pair- Share Direction 1. Student will look for a partner. 2.
lesson They will be instructed to ask each other about their similarities
and differences. 3. The teacher will ask volunteers to share their
C. Presenting Photo Analysis
examples/instances of the The teacher will show a photo of Identical Twins. (Richard and
new lesson Raymond Gutierrez) Question to be asked: 1. Do you think the
Gutierrez twins have similarities and differences? The teacher
will explain that just like an Identical Twins, the different
disciplines of social science have similarities despite their
D. Discussing new concepts and The class will be grouped into Eight (8). Each group will be
practicing new skills #1 collaborating on a specific discipline. (e.g. group 1
Anthropology. .) and will be given meta cards to write the
following definition and branches
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will post a Compare and Contrast Template on
practicing new skills #2 the board for students to accomplish.
Each group will discuss their output on the class.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Each group will choose a representative to compare and
Formative Assessment 3) contrast their assigned discipline to other disciplines of social
G. Finding practical applications Recitation: Ask the learners: 1. Among all the disciplines of
of concepts and skills in daily Social Science, what do you think would be the most useful
living discipline?
H. Making generalizations and Ask the students: 1. What is the significance of studying Social
abstractions about the lesson Science?

I. Evaluating learning 10 Item TRUE or FALSE quiz 10 item quiz


Prepared by: Checked by:

Grade 11 Adviser SHS Coordinator

Grades 1 to School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher MINERVA I. AMERICA Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week 6/ 3:00-4:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.

C. Learning Competencies/ The learners race the historical foundation and social context that lead to the development of each discipline
Objectives (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-4)
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Historical context of the emergence of each discipline
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources 1. Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp.
20-37. 2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSIdaTSG2Gg


A. Reviewing previous lesson or COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Compare and contrast the Matching type: On the column A are the social science
presenting the new lesson various social science disciplines and their fields, main disciplines (Anthropology, Economics, Geography, and
areas of inquiry, and methods using a Venn diagram. History). On the column B are the historical foundations
There will be four (4) sets of Venn Diagram. The class is of each discipline (time, date, place, event, and people).
divided into four (4) groups; each will be given meta The students will match each description to what
cards containing descriptions of various disciplines. discipline it belongs.
Each group will work on their assigned diagram.
Finished work will be posted on the board and group
representatives will explain it. This activity will last for
B. Establishing a purpose for the Short Video presentation: Teacher will present the The teacher play a dialectical song (e.g Manang Biday)
lesson short video entitled " An Animated Introduction to Student will be asked 1. What is message of the song? 2.
Social Science" Where the song came from? 3. Who are the
Government officials in that particular province? 4.
Upon hearing the song, what do you think is the way of
life of the people leaving in that place?
C. Presenting Categorizing: What are the different disciplines shown Word mapping :
examples/instances of the on the video? Picture analysis (old and new ways). Waray - Linguistic, Governor Umali- Political Science,
new lesson Example: Barter system (old) and Banking system Farming- Sociology/ demography.
(new). The teacher will ask how economics started.
D. Discussing new concepts and Presentation of the lesson: Teacher discusses the Open discussion of the word mapping
practicing new skills #1 historical foundation and social context that led to the
development of the latter discipline through power
point presentation
E. Discussing new concepts and The class will do their group activity; Each group will The class will be divided into five (5) groups; each group
practicing new skills #2 show a free style creative presentation (e.g. Rap, Song, will fill-up an info sheet and will be asked to create a
Poem, Tableau, etc.) of each discipline that will show tabular task sheet.
the emergence of each discipline.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Ask student randomly with the following questions: 1. The info sheet will be discussed in the group for 2
Formative Assessment 3) Who is the father of Anthropology? 2. Why was minutes and afterwards will pass to the next group. The
anthropology developed? 3. What is the two main activity will continue and end until all groups has
parts of History of Geography? 4. What is meant by discussed the entire info sheet. Task sheet are expected
history to be accomplished after ten (10) minutes: Discussion:
The teacher will elicit responses from student based on
the accomplished task sheet. (10 minutes)

G. Finding practical applications Think-Pair-Share: What are the anthropological, Reflection: Imagine Life without language, leaders, laws,
of concepts and skills in daily economic, geographical and historical activities at family.
living home? 5mins.
H. Making generalizations and Sentence Completion: The teacher will ask the class to Teacher ask student randomly with the following
abstractions about the lesson complete the sentence, Anthropology/Economics/Geo question: 1. Is linguistic is a science? Explain? Is Politics
graphy/History started during ________________ in a Science? Who first used the term politics? Who
____________ because ___________. Example: created the term Psychology? How did psychology
Economics started even before the ancient time in developed as a science? Explain? What sociology all
early civilizations because during that time, people about? Why do we need study demography? Explain?
have needs to be satisfied. They started producing
goods at the same time, exchange goods with others.
I. Evaluating learning Complete the table: There will be 5 columns and 6 Essay: Student will be asked to do a three- sentence
rows to be completed. Columns: Criteria, essay expressing and explaining how the development
Anthropology, Economics, Geography, and History. of each discipline occur from the perspective of history.
Rows: Criteria, Etymological name, Time/Date, Place,
People, and Event.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Grade 11 Adviser SHS Coordinator
Grades 1 to 12 School BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level HUMSS-11
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7/1:00-2:00pm Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

The learners demonstrate an understanding of Key The learners demonstrate an understanding of Key
A. Content Standards concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences
The learners shall be able to: The learners shall be able to:
B. Performance Standards 1. interpret personal and social experiences using 1. interpret personal and social experiences using relevant
relevant approaches in the Social Sciences. approaches in the Social Sciences.
2. Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the approach. 2. Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the approach.
C. Learning Competencies/ Competencies/ Objectives Write the LC code for each The learners interpret personal and social experiences
Objectives 1. Structural-Functionalism 1.1 Structuralism (the using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences
Write the LC code for each learners will interpret and evaluate structural
functionalism as dominant approach) HUMSS_DIS11 -
2. The learners define Structural Functionalism
3. The learners interpret personal and social experiences
using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Resources Resources
Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc., Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc.,


A. Reviewing previous lesson or The Teacher will ask the students to give the different Teacher will ask the Following.
presenting the new lesson fields study under the social sciences 1. Defined structural functionalism
2. What keeps societies together?
3. What other institutions can you consider as having
particular function in the society?
B. Establishing a purpose for the The Teacher will write the word CONSENSUS on the Group Activity.
lesson board and each student will write with his/her own idea Paper Tower Group the learners into 5. Give each group an
about CONSENSUS. (concept map) equal number of papers. Ask them to erect a tower. The
highest paper tower is the winner of the game.
Processing Questions:
1. How were you able to build the tower appropriately?
2. How does the activity relate to structural functionalism?

C. Presenting examples/instances of The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will
the new lesson present role playing that shows the role or function of the
following in society
(20 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts and Processing questions. (Brainstorming) The class will be asked to share with their
practicing new skills #1 1. How does each institution work in society according to groups their personal experiences about the principles of
structural-functionalism based on the activity? structural functionalism on the assign institution.
2. How important are the social functions of social 1. FAMILY
structure to the stability of society? 2. CHURCH
E. Discussing new concepts and One representative in each group will give the GIST of their
practicing new skills #2 discussion. After every presentation, the teacher will give
his/her input.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Video Analysis https://www.youtube.com/w atch? Group Activity
Formative Assessment 3) v=BKl6HSnlaIk The class will be divided into five groups each group will
present their personal experiences of structural
functionalism in the assign institution.
1. role playing 2. poster making 3. Tableau 4. talk show 5.
G. Finding practical applications of Teacher will ask the Following questions. Teacher will ask the Following questions.
concepts and skills in daily living 1. What GIST of the video? How did structural functionalism help you interpret some
2. What specific scene struck you the most? Why? personal experiences?
3. As a student and a member of the society, how will you
promote solidarity and stability?
H. Making generalizations and (5 minutes) Why is there’s a need to interpret personal experiences
abstractions about the lesson The teacher will ask the students. Why are the social using structural functionalism?
structures and social functions important in structural
I. Evaluating learning Define Structural functionalism Reflection Paper
The learners will reflect on the question below. How
important is structural functionalism in understanding the
different institutions in society?
J. Additional activities for application Research on the following:
or remediation 1. SOCIAL FUNCTION
Write/paste them down on your journal.

Prepared By: Noted By: Approved By:
Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator School Head


Teaching Dates and Time January 4-6, 2023 Quarter SECOND

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences.

B. Performance Standards The learner interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences The learner shall
be able to evealuate the strenghts and weaknesses of the approach
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners analyze the social inequalities in terms of class conflict HUMSS_DIS11-IIIg-
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Conflict Perspective Karl Marx Marxism as an Approach


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences by Tatel Jr, Carlos Peña


A. Reviewing previous Differentiate consensus and conflict Differentiate manifest from latent functions. Give the details about the life of Karl Marx
lesson or presenting the theories (2 minutes)
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will show the class a real Song Analysis: “TATSULOK” by Bamboo Picture Perfect: The class will be divided
for the lesson object (e.g. bananas) Expected scenario: Group the class into two groups. Assign into 3. A particular information and
the class will a (3 minutes) one facilitator and two reporters who will question about Karl Marx will be read by
discuss the message of the song. (10 the teacher. Group who got the correct
minutes answer in the least time gets the point
C. Presenting 1.How would you describe the situation? Do you have a personal experience that is Marxism (PowerPoint Presentation) (10
examples/instances of 2.Why do you think this scenario similar to the message of the song that we minutes
the new lesson occurred? 3. What did you realize after have analyzed? How did you cope up with
doing the activity? 4. Can you give other the experience that you encountered? Why
situations/circumstances similar to this? do you think that situation happened to you?
(5 minutes) Do you think other members of our society
experienced the same situation?
D. Discussing new Conflict perspective Envisions society as Class Discussion about the life of Karl Marx Class Discussion about Marxism
concepts and practicing an arena of inequality that generates
new skills #1 conflict and change.

E. Discussing new concepts Class Discussion

and practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery (leads Picture Analysis: Show an editorial Ask the learners the following questions: 1. Debate: Group the class into 2. Resolved:
to Formative Assessment 3) cartooning about social inequalities. How What are the details of Karl Marx life that led Should the Philippine government increase
can our personal and social experiences him to formulate his theory? 2. Was there a the daily minimum wage in the country?
about social inequality help us social phenomenon that happened during
understand others and our society as a Karl Marx lifetime that motivated him to
whole? formulate his theory?
G. Finding practical "What do you think are the reasons why How can our personal and social Is Marxism still relevant in today’s world?
applications of concepts social inequalities exist in the society experiences about social inequality help us Support your answer
and skills in daily living understand others and our society as a
H. Making generalizations How can you relate conflict theory to What do you think are the reasons why Why did Marxism exist as one of the
and abstractions about Karl Marx? social inequalities exist in the society? dominant approaches in Social Science?
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Write a one-paragraph essay about the Reflection paper: How our society influence Poster Making: Group the class into 5.
problems that may result from the or affect an individual’s principle? Each group will make a poster with the
existence of social inequalities theme” Marxism in today’s society”
J. Additional activities for Read about Karl Marx What are your life’s principles? Who are the
application or individual who influences your principles?

Prepared By: Noted By: Approved By:

Subject Teacher T-III/SHS Coordinator School Head


Teaching Dates and Time January 9-13, 2023 Quarter SECOND

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and approaches in the social sciences.

B. Performance Standards The learner shall be able to:

1. interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences, and
2. evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approach
C. Learning Competencies/ Symbolic Interactionism- The learners appraise the meanings that people attach to everyday forms of interaction in order to
Objectives explain social behavior. HUMSS_DIS11-IIIh-3.
Write the LC code for each The learners define symbolic interactionism.
The learners explain approaches and understanding of Symbolic Interactionism of various sociologists and advocates.
The learners interpret scenario/everyday forms of interactions as a symbolic meaning.
The learners interpret personal and social experiences using Symbolic Interactionism; and evaluate the strengths and
II. CONTENT Symbolic Interactionism


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences curriculum guide and various websites.


A. Reviewing previous Photo Analysis on Marxism. At reviews the concept of symbolic The teacher presents the Say/Ask: Yesterday, we
lesson or presenting least three images (e.g. Caste interactionism by saying a word pictures of various sociologists interpreted different
the new lesson that describes or characterizes it and proponents of Symbolic scenarios/everyday forms of
System, Social Inequality, etc.)
as an approach in understanding Interactionism. The learners interactions in which symbolic
will be shown to be depicted society. At least five (5) learners categorically identify them and interactionism approach is
and explained by the learners. will be called as the teacher asks shortly explain their used. What are possible
The learners answer the why and expounds learners’ contributions. symbols that affect human
following guide questions: 1. answer actions?
What is the picture shown? 2.
What does the picture depict?
B. Establishing a A video presentation on The learners will be grouped into Social Experiment. Learners The teacher now conducts
purpose for the people’s perspectives on life two (2) and play a charade game. will be grouped into five (5) draw lots whose group or who
lesson symbols will be presented via The first to acquire the higher and go out of the room to take performs first.
LCD projector. 1. How do you score shall be the winning team. pictures at least five (5) of any Painting, photography,
feel about the presentation? 2. The teacher throws these day-to-day school collage, and diorama require
What is the video all about? 3. questions: 1. Did everyone enjoy scenarios/everyday forms of defense/explanatio n as part of
What do you think the video the game? Why? 2. In which part interactions, individually. They the criteria.
tries to imply? Suggested video: of the game you felt most may use cellphone camera to Each group shall be given five
(http://www.you excited? 3. What were your capture each scenario they will minutes each to
tube.com/watch?v=Ql difficulties with the game? 4. select five (5) among the perform/explain their
0XPwtfFGY) What made them difficult? collected and captured images performance or output after
The following will be the content With the learners are their the allotted 20 minutes’ time
of charade game (Philippine journal for write ups and practice.
heroes): a. Apolinario Mabini; b. reflective entries as well as the
Gabriela Silang; c. Melchora details of the conduct of the
Aquino; d. Gregorio Del Pilar; e. social experiment..
Antonio Luna. (
C. Presenting Series of images of different The teacher asks the learners to Practice and conduct of output
examples/instances symbols/icon/things/e vents will bring out the assigned task and performance.
of the new lesson be shown before the learners yesterday. The teacher randomly *Note that each has been
(e.g. poison symbol, diamonds, asks the learners these questions: given enough time to practice
corporate attire, black board). 1. Who among the proponents of and make necessary
The following guide questions symbolic interactionism is easier to preparation prior this day”.
will be answered: 1. What research on? Why? 2. Who among
images did you see? 2. What them has the most recent
were your observations on the
pictures? 3. Do these
D. Discussing new Graphic Organizer. The learners The learners (by grouped)
concepts and will be grouped into five (5). Each randomly share their learning
practicing new skills group shall be assigned one experience outside the class
#1 symbolic interactionist. They will among their group for 5
be given ten (10) minutes to make minutes answering these guide
a graphic organizer on Symbolic questions: 1. What went well
Interactionism of the assigned and not? 2. What is your
proponent to the group. symbolic interpretation of the
They will be given scenario? 3. How was symbolic
cartolina/manila paper and art interactionism portrayed? 4.
materials in presenting their work. Vote for the first 5 images to be
One or two representatives will presente
explain their output shortly.
E. Discussing new Class Discussion
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery The teacher collects inputs from The teacher throws the following Presentation of output. One or
(leads to Formative the learners using metacards questions: How can these two members of the group will
Assessment 3) and marker. Learners right down perspectives on Symbolic share their work randomly.
their ideas in one phrase about Interactionism be applied in daily The following are the guide
the activities and post it on the living in the aspect of: a. Culture; questions: 1. Why did you
board. (The teacher uses a b. Social Classes; c. Societal come up with these images? 2.
tarpdesigned graphic organizer Aspect; d. Political Aspect. How do you consider these
[semantic web], if applicable). scenarios/ever yday forms of
The teacher then asks the interactions as portrayal of
learners: 1. Based from the symbolic interactionism? 3.
graphic organizer, how will you What symbols triggered you in
define symbolic interactionism? interpreting the scenario?
G. Finding practical Does symbolic interactionism
applications of affect our daily life? Why?
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making The teacher calls a volunteer The teacher asks the learners to The teacher throws this
generalizations and learner to recap their learning by generalize all the salient points question: “How can we interpret
abstractions about answering these questions: (particularly the common concern) symbols in day-to-day
the lesson 1. Did you enjoy the activities? 2. of various sociologists and interactions in our society?”
What is the most significant proponents of symbolic
interactionism. (at least three (3) students shall
learning in today’s activity?
- George Robert Mead- People answer the following questions)
3. Given the inputs from cope with the reality of things *Symbols are interpreted
everyone, what considerations according to their comprehension based on the primary
were considered in defining of the situation. - experience in experience of an individual. It
symbolic interactionism? given situations. can be changed through
subsequent experiences.
These vary from an individual’s
perception on these symbols.
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment. Define Formative assessment Pera o Formative assessment. The Performance Task. The
symbolic interactionism in your Bayong Concept: teacher presents his own teacher assesses learners’
journal. A=Mead scenario in the society which performance and output
B= Blumer the students identify how utilizing rubrics.
C= Cooley symbolic interactionism
D=Goffman approach is used.
E= Hochschild
The teacher throws a statement as
the student chooses who among
the sociologists described
symbolic interactionism
J. Additional activities for Research on the following (with Log all your
application or images): 1. Symbolic The teacher presents and records/photos/experi ences in
remediation interactionism sociologist: a. introduce learners grouped your journal and portfolio
Robert Mead; b. Herbert Blumer; performance tasks stipulated in answering this guide questions:
c. Charles Cooley; d. Erving the curriculum guide. The 1. Did you enjoy your
Goffman; e. Arlie Russell learners will choose among the performance? Why? 2. Did you
Hochschild. Write/paste them following: a. Dramatization/rol e properly interpret personal and
down on your journal. play/simulation; b. Music Video; social experiences using
c. Painting/Photogra phy; d. Symbolic Interactionism? How?
Collage; e. Diorama; f. Radio 3. What are the possible
Drama; g. Short Story; (Note: strengths, weaknesses,
Bring materials necessary in opportunities, and threats of
carrying out the performance symbolic interactionism? (relate
chosen. Learners will also to the second performance task
make their own rubrics for below)
grading subject to teachers’ The learners will make a SW
ratification. In the absence of analysis of symbolic
one, the teacher uses his own interactionism to be
rubrics). accomplished in an A4-sized
bond paper. Rubrics will be
explained and given. Make
various recommendations.
(The teacher may consider
discuss how SW is done.)
V. REMARKS Performance task may be
introduced a week before
depending on teacher’s
standards. Learners have the
freedom to take their
performance individually.
Prepared By: Noted By: Approved By:
Subject Teacher T-III/SHS Coordinator School Head

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