SoX 1-3

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SoX 1 C-19 Nobles’ Crypt Links: Gloomhaven

Requirements: Seeker of Xorn Personal Quest

Goal: Kill the Tormented Soul
Introduction: 1 Conclusion:
At dusk, you approach the old desolate After putting the Tormented Soul and the
crypt in a back alley of the eastern Coin Bursting into the main sepulchre, you
remaining cultists to rest, you search for
District. The town-guard told you that it witness the last phrases of incantation and
clues to what was happening here. Rifling
once belonged to a wealthy family who left the ensuing chaos thereafter. From a coffin
through the pockets of the dead intruders,
the city decades ago due to a dispute with a spectral form rises, glowing with a green
you find a small parchment with ancient
the military government. hue. An unearthly screech pierces your ears.
glyphs and a map showing an island east of
the Lingering Swamp. Maybe there you can
You decide to split up to cover both Special Rules: find answers.
entrances into the complex at once, and The elite Living Spirit is the Tormented Soul.
are greeted by some animated bones on It has HxC hit points, where H is an elite
Time to collect your fee from the guard for
the way in. Their rattling is accompanied Living Spirit’s regular hit point value and it is
this dangerous errand.
by voices chanting in a chorus further in. immune to STUN , DISARM and
There is definitely something foul at play IMMOBILIZE .
here. Rewards:
+1 reputation
Special Rules: Add City Event SoX2 to the deck
Add three CURSE cards to
each character’s attack modifier
deck as a scenario effect. (Item 102)
B: Gain “Sacrificial Robes“

Gain 10 gold A:
Treasure Index


N1a Treasure Tile

Cultist Living Living Living Stairs Dark Pit Sarcophagus Small

Bones Corpse Spirit (x2) (x3) (x4) Boulder (x5) 1
SoX 2 L-14 Flooded Crypt Links: Gloomhaven

Requirements: Seeker of Xorn Personal Quest, Water-Breathing (Global) COMPLETE

Goal: Loot all treasure tiles, then all characters must escape through the exit a
All characters and character summons
Introduction: deduct -1 Move from all of their Move
At the southern end of the Ward of Scales, a Emerging from the depths in close proximity
abilities (this is not a scenario effect).
huge military vessel lies docked. The crew is to the ship, you cough up seawater and the
in the process of boarding as you approach breathing spheres. As always, not the most
All Giant Vipers are Water Eels and add
the captain on the pier. pleasant experience. You hail loudly for the
MUDDLE to all their attacks.
crew and they quickly throw you a rope.
“You must be the company of mercenaries
The treasure tiles can only be looted using
sent by Argus. Come quickly on board, so As you climb back onto deck, you shiver
a Loot action, or, alternately, any character
that we can leave port. The Misty Sea is a bit, feeling the gust of the wind cooling
adjacent to a treasure tile may forgo a
calm today, so we can make some headway.” your wet skin and clothes. After you dry
bottom action (discarding one card instead)
to loot a treasure tile. They cannot be looted yourself and put on fresh garments, you
Hours later, after a soothing journey along have a brief moment to yourself to take a
by normal end-of-turn looting.
the western coast, the crew cast anchor look at the treasures you uncovered. Even
and you prepare for the trip into the after you did all the heavy lifting, the crew
depths. With a quick gulp, you swallow the still expects you to part with the majority
breathing spheres and jump into the waves. of them. Investigating closer, you notice that
A short moment after, you can already hear the relics emit an aura of frost sending even
the wails of the dead through the water. a more shivers down your spine.
Approaching the entrance, vile eels slither a
towards you, eyeing you hungrily. Judging
by the pieces of bone nearby, you are not
a Rewards:
the first adventurers to delve into their lair. Add City Event SoX3 to the deck
Choose only one of the following:
Special Rules: “Frigid Blade” (Item 077), or
Add two CURSE cards to each character’s “Wand of Frost” (Item 083), or
attack modifier deck as a scenario effect. “Wave Crest” (Item 111)


Goal A3a Goal

Giant Living Lurker Rubble Rock Column Stalagmites Sarcophagus Treasure Tile
2 Viper Spirit (x6) (x2) (x2) (x4) (x3)
SoX 3 O-2 Crypt of the Ancients Links: None

Requirements: Seeker of Xorn Personal Quest, Ancient Technology (Global) x3 COMPLETE

Goal: Loot all treasure tiles and kill all enemies
Introduction: Doors b are locked and open when any Conclusion:
After many days of travel through the two characters occupy pressure plates a The machinations of the terrors finally
Watcher Mountains, you finally crest the at the end of their turn. found their end! With your last speck of
highest ridge and spot a conspicuous strenght you were able to put them to
gateway in a fairly smooth section of the Door 1 is locked and opens when any rest. Now it’s time for the fun part of this
tallest peak. The door at the entrance two characters occupy pressure plates c expedition, looting! With a quick resurgence
appears rusted and does not give at first, at the end of their turn. of energy you work together to pry open
but with combined effort you manage the strongboxes you secured earlier.
to identify the locking mechanism and Night Demons are considered to have
disengage it. Flying and deduct -1 Move from all of You hoped to find some ancient relics or
their Move actions. usable gear within the treasure chests,
You enter a grand chamber marked by an but you only find stacks upon stacks
eerie, almost deafening silence. A second 1 of schematics, which detail plans to an
door bars your way further into the complex. unfinalized machine, and a purse with quite
Trying to pry it open, you are interrupted With the sound of grinding gears and a a hefty amount of coins in it. The money
by a shrill alarm. You’re beset on both sides heavy thud, the huge door creaks open. As was probably intended as payment for the
by ancient machines still beholden to their the shrilling wail of the alarm subsides it is construction of the outlined apparatus, but
timeless instructions. Perhaps a nearby replaced by piercing ghastly shrieks. now you can easily claim it as yours.
mechanism could put them to rest.
More ancient machinery start to animate Global Achievement:
Special Rules: and dark specters begin to coalesce from
Add three CURSE cards to each the shadows. Ancient Technology
character’s attack modifier deck as a
scenario effect. Rewards:
Add City Event SoX3 to the deck
50 collective gold
Goal Goal

c c
b b

b 1 b Maps:
a a A3b
Treasure Tile H3b

Ancient Night Stone Damage Trap POISON and Stone Pillar Sarcophagus Rubble
Artillery Demon Golem (x6) Damage Trap (x6) (x6) (x3) (x4)

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