Player Reference Card
Player Reference Card
Player Reference Card
FRIGHTENED This condition has a value. You take a status penalty RESTRAINED You can’t move, and you have the flat-footed
equal to this value to all your checks and DCs. At the end of condition (a –2 circumstance penalty to AC). You can can’t
each of your turns, the value of your frightened condition use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except
decreases by 1. When it reaches 0, you’re no longer frightened. to attempt to Escape (Hero’s Handbook 65). Restrained is
stronger than grabbed, so grabbed doesn’t affect you if
GRABBED You’re held in place by another creature. You’re unable you’re restrained.
to move and have the flat-footed condition (a –2 circumstance
penalty to AC). If you use a manipulate action while grabbed, SLOWED When you regain your actions at the start of your turn,
you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check (roll a 5 or higher on reduce the number of actions you regain by your slowed value.
a d20 with no statistics) or the action does nothing; roll the Because slowed has its effect at the start of your turn, you don’t
check after spending the action, but before its effects happen. immediately lose actions if you become slowed during your turn.
PERSISTENT DAMAGE Instead of taking persistent damage UNCONSCIOUS See Hero’s Handbook page 70.
immediately, you take it at the end of each of your turns as
long as you have the condition. Whatever gives you persistent WOUNDED See Hero’s Handbook page 70.
damage tells you the damage type and the dice; you roll the