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Roll No………………………..
Course Code: 101502CE
Examination: APRIL-MAY 2023

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Minimum Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all questions. Part (A) of each question is
compulsory and carries 4 marks; attempt any one part from part
(B) and (C) carrying 16 marks each.
Q1 A Differentiate between Rigid Jointed Plane Frames 4
and Pin Jointed Plane Frames.

B Determine 16
(i) The total static indeterminacy for the
following structures shown in the figure: -

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(ii) The total Kinematic Indeterminacy for the

following structures as shown in the figure: -


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C A space frame, shown in figure, is supported at A, 16

B, C and D in a horizontal plane through ball joints.
The member EF is horizontal, and is at a height of
3 m above the base. The loads at the joints E and F,
shown in the figure, act in a horizontal plane. Find
the forces in all the members of the frames.

Q2 A List down the preposition of Mohr’s Moment Area 4


B Determine the deflection at free end and the 16

maximum deflection for the given beam using the
Double Integration Method.
Take I = 600 cm4 and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2

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C For the given beam, Find: - 16

(i) Expression for elastic curve at point P.
(ii) Central Deflection
(iii) Maximum Deflection
(iv) Slopes at the end.
Use Moment Area Method.

Q3 A Explain Maxwell’s law of Reciprocal Theorem. 4

B Obtain an expression for the vertical displacement 16

of point A in the bent cantilever as shown in figure.

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C A steel tube having outside and inside diameters of 16

10 cm and 6 cm respectively is bent into the form
of a quadrant of 2 m radius. One end is rigidly
attached to a horizontal base plate to which a
tangent to that end is perpendicular, and the free
end supports a load of 1000 N. Determine the
vertical and horizontal deflections of the free end
under this load. the dimensions of the cross section
may be considered as small relative to the radius of
curvature. Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2

Q4 A Explain the concept of influence line and state its 4

B Four wheel loads of 6,4,8 and 5 KN cross a girder 16
of 20 m span, from left to right followed by U.D.L.
of 4 KN/m, 4 m long with the 6 KN load leading.
The spacing between the loads in the same order

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are 3 m, 2 m and 2 m. The head of the U.D.L. is at

2 m from the last 5 kN load. Using influence lines,
calculate the S.F. and B.M. at a section 8 m from
the left support when the 4 KN load is at the centre
of the span.
C The following system of wheel loads crosses a span 16
of 25 m.
Wheel Load

16 16 20 20 20

3 3 4 4

Find the maximum value of bending moment and

shearing force in the span.

Q5 A Explain briefly about stiffening girders and its uses. 4

B A suspension bridge cable hangs between two 16
points A and B separated horizontally by 120 m and
with B 20 m above A. The lowest point in the cable
is 4 m below A. The cable supports a stiffening
girder weighing ⅓ kN/m run which is hinged
vertically below A, B and the lowest point of the
cable. Calculate the maximum tension which
occurs in the cable when a load of 10 kN crosses
the girder A and B.

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C An arch in the form of a parabola with axis vertical 16

has hinges at the abutments and the vertex. The
abutments are at different levels, the horizontal
span being L and the heights of vertex above the
abutments being h1 and h2.
Show that the horizontal thrust due to a load w/unit
length uniformly distributed across the span is

2(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2)2

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