Barch 3 Sem Structural Analysis As333 2018

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Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 B.Arch

3rd Semester Back Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70
Q.CODE : B888
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) State an example of 2D statically indeterminate structure with degree of static indeterminacy
as one. Draw the figure for the above 2D structure.
b) What are the various types of loads, which normally act on a beam?
c) What is the basic difference between a cantilever and a propped cantilever?
d) Draw a cantilever beam applied with uniformly distributed load throughout the span and draw
the deflected shape of the beam after deformation.
e) Between a fixed beam and a simply supported beam having same span and same loading,
which one is having higher deflection value and higher slope value?
f) Draw the figure for a three hinged arch and show different components.
g) For a simply supported beam of L with uniform moment of inertia, EI, having a point load, W
at centre, find the location and magnitude of maximum deflection.
h) Who formulated three moment theorem?
i) Define ILD.
j) State reciprocal theorem.

Q2 A simply supported beam of span 5 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m upto a (10)
distance of 3m measured from the left end support. Draw the loading diagram, shear force
diagram and bending moment diagram showing the S F and B M values at critical points.
Calculate the values of maximum shear force and maximum bending moment. Calculate the
values with step wise procedure.

Q3 Analyse a fixed beam of span length 5m, applied with a concentrated load of 8 kN at centre (10)
of span with uniform flexural rigidity, EI applying 3 moment method. Draw the shear force and
bending moment diagram for the beam.

Q4 A simply supported rectangular beam of 5 m span having 150 mm width and 300 mm depth (2+8)
carries a uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m throughout. Neglecting dead load of the beam
member, find the central deflection of the beam applying any suitable method. The uniform
flexural rigidity for the beam is EI.

Q5 Calculate the slope and deflection at the mid point of a cantilever beam of span 3 m applied (10)
with udl of 2 kN/m throughout using any suitable method.

Q6 A cantilever beam AB of length, 3 m is fixed at A and free at the other end, B. It is loaded with (10)
a point loads of 4 kN at an interval of 1m measured from the fixed end. Find the maximum
shear force, maximum bending moment and their respective locations. Draw the SFD and
BMD for the beam.

Q7 A udl of 4 kN/m covers left half of the span of a three hinged parabolic arch having span of (10)
30m and central rise of 3m. Find the horizontal thrust. Also , find the BM, SF and normal
thrust at the loaded quarter point.

Q8 Write short notes on any TWO. (5 x 2)

a) Statically indeterminate structure
b) Conjugate Beam and real beam
c) Normal thrust and radial shear of a three hinged arch
d) Suspension cable

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