ICAS Apper
ICAS Apper
ICAS Apper
Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
Measures & Units Identify the correct airplane flight using a time
1 B difference
2 D Space & Geometry Identify a pattern that satisfies a set of conditions
Space & Geometry Recognise a 3D shape from the front, side and top
9 B views
Read a scale to identify the container that will hold a
10 B Measures & Units given volume of liquid
Space & Geometry Add the minimum number of squares to make a design
11 C with line symmetry
Number & Arithmetic Solve a problem using multiplication, division and
12 C subtraction
13 C Measures & Units Calculate a total mass given average masses
Algebra & Patterns Substitute a value into a formula and solve the resulting
27 C equation
Number & Arithmetic Solve a magic square by placing the digits according to
28 D specific number properties
Algebra & Patterns Use a flowchart and use substitution to find two output
29 C values
Space & Geometry Follow a set of instructions to locate a point in a 3D
30 D coordinate system
Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
31 A Number & Arithmetic Solve a multi-step problem involving odd numbers
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