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Odd M. Faltinsen and Olav F. Rognebakke

Department of Marine Hydrodynamics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway


Physical aspects of sloshing in ship tanks are discussed. The importance of

hydroelasticity for small angles between impacting fluid and body surface is
stressed. Performance requirements for numerical methods are presented. CFD
methods are reviewed. The drawbacks are long simulation time, sensitivity to
numerical parameters and general inability to predict impact loads and resulting
structural response. An analytically based sloshing model is therefore
recommended. Its drawbacks are that the tank has to be smooth with vertical
sides at the free surface. Shallow fluid phenomena are excluded. The method
consists of a basic method that assumes infinite tank roof height and a second
part, which accounts for tank roof impact. The importance of tank roof impact
damping on sloshing is demonstrated. Extensive validation of free surface
elevation, total forces and moments for 2-D flow in rectangular and prismatic
tanks are reported. This includes realistic motion excitation and studies close to
critical depth 0.3374 times the tank breadth.


A partially filled tank will experience violent fluid motion when the ship
motions contain energy in the vicinity of the highest natural period for the fluid
motion inside the tank. Impact between the fluid and the tank roof is then likely
to occur for larger filling ratios. The consequence is wave breaking, spray and
mixing of air (or gas) and fluid. Actually, extreme cases with air bubbles
everywhere in the fluid have been experimentally observed.
The resonant fluid motion has different main characteristics depending on
the fluid depth and the three-dimensionality of the flow. Swirling (rotational)
motion is a special feature of 3-D flow ([1],[2]). Our focus is on the highest
sloshing period, 2-D flow and finite fluid depth. It implies that typical shallow
water phenomena like travelling waves and hydraulic bores are excluded [3].
Since sloshing is a typical resonance phenomenon, it is not necessarily the
most extreme ship motions or external wave loads that cause the most severe
sloshing. This implies that external wave induced loads can in many practical
cases be described by linear theory. However, nonlinearities must be accounted
for in the tank fluid motions. Since it is the highest sloshing period (natural
period) that is of prime interest, vertical tank excitation is of secondary
Generally speaking the larger the tank size is and the less internal structures
obstructing the flow in the tank are present, the more severe sloshing is. The
reasons are: a) Increased tank size tends to increase the highest natural
sloshing period and hence higher sea states and larger ship motions will excite
the severe sloshing. b) Internal structures dampen the fluid motions.
[4] reported damages due to sloshing in bulk carriers, combination Oil-Bulk-
Ore (OBO) carriers and LNG carriers. Large and smooth tanks characterized
these. Partial fillings in LNG carriers are a consequence of boil-off of gas during
operations. Sloshing has always been an important design criterion for oil
tankers even if partial filling is rare in actual operation. Since environmental
concerns have caused requirements about double hull tankers and ship owners
do not want to use internal structures in cargo tanks for easier cleaning, this has
lead to wide and smooth oil tanks that increase the probability of severe
sloshing. Sloshing is also of concern for Floating Production Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) units and shuttle tankers. However, this is for shuttle tankers
only in a limited time during loading. Obviously the severity of sloshing is
connected to possible filling height restrictions for oil tankers, gas carriers,
shuttle tankers and FPSOs. Since ballast exchange is required outside the port
for a bulk carrier, there are possibilities for slamming damages. Damage to the
hatch cover is of particular concern.
The hydrodynamic loads occurring inside a tank are often classified as
impact loads and “dynamic” loads. Impact loads are of course also dynamic
loads. But in this context dynamic loads mean loads that have dominant time
variations on the time scale of the sloshing period, while impact loads may only
last 10-2 to 10-3 seconds. Both resulting fatigue and ultimate strength are of
Local structural response due to fluid impact (slamming) is an important
response variable. But loads on possible internal stringers, web-frames, cross-

ties, piping supports and equipment like LNG pump towers must also be
considered. Since some internal structures like a web-frame at the tank roof
may be out of the fluid at certain time intervals, impact as well as dynamic loads
may matter. Dynamic pressures on the tank wall and bottom as well as total
dynamic loads on the tank are also of interest. The latter is needed to estimate
tank support reactions and possible global interactions with the ship dynamics.
For instance, the horizontal but not the vertical support reaction is important for
spherical LNG tanks. Anti-rolling tanks exemplify that global interaction between
the tank fluid motion and ship motion, i.e. rolling, can be strong. If several tanks
are partially filled like it may be on a FPSO, global ship motions and wave
bending moments may be strongly affected.
The following study will concentrate on numerical methods and validation,
but starts out stating performance requirements of numerical methods and
physical aspects of sloshing.


A theoretical method has to be robust and time efficient. Long time

simulations are needed to obtain statistical estimates of the tank response. This
should ideally be coupled with the ship motions in a stochastic sea. Both impact
and non-impact loads should be evaluated. Impact loads may require
hydroelastic analysis. There is a variety of tank shapes. This includes
rectangular, prismatic, tapered and spherical tanks as well as horizontal
cylindrical tanks. The fluid may be oil, liquefied gas, water or heavy density
cargoes like molasses and caustic soda. The fluid dynamic properties of the two
last cargo types are not focused on in this context. Ideally one should be able to
predict two phase flow due to strong mixing of air (or gas) with the fluid.
However, this is not focused on. It is hard enough to predict one phase flow.
Internal structures obstructing the flow may be present. This causes flow
separation and implies that Navier-Stokes equations have to be solved. The
question of turbulence modeling arises, but may not be a dominant effect when
flow separation from sharp corners occurs. The argument is that dominant scale
effects due to difference between laminar and turbulent flow for separated flow
past a blunt body is due to differences in separation line position (or point for 2-
D flow). On the other hand the wake behind an internal structural part may
interact with another internal structure, the free surface and the tank
boundaries. A wake flow would in practice be turbulent. What turbulence model
to use is still a research issue. Numerical simulations of flow separation from
sharp corners require fine gridding in the vicinity of the corners. The main effect
of viscosity for a smooth tank with conventional fluid like oil is normally
concentrated in thin boundary layers along the tank boundaries. The boundary
layer flow may be laminar in model scale, but is turbulent in full scale. But
anyway the boundary layer flow has a negligible influence on tank response of
practical interest. It implies that Euler equations can be used for a smooth tank.
Further compressibility of the fluid is of secondary importance. Anyway a
smooth tank would give the most violent response and provide a conservative
estimate if internal structures are present. It is also possible to provide

estimates of the effect of internal structures in combination with potential flow. It
assumes the cross-dimensions of the internal structures are small relative to
fluid depth and tank breadth. The internal structures are then handled as
appendages with Morison type calculations [5]. Equivalent damping of the fluid
motion has to be introduced in a similar way as described later in connection
with tank roof impact damping.
The previous discussion assumes a submerged internal structure. Some
internal structures may be part of the time in and out of the fluid. Fluid impact
becomes then part of the problem. The impact pressures can become very
high. [2] reported full scale measured pressures up to 24 bar in an OBO tank.
We will in the following text discuss fluid impact in a more general sense.
Different physical effects occur during slamming. When the local angle between
the fluid surface and the body surface is small before impact, an air (or gas)
cushion may be formed between the body and the fluid. Compressibility
influences the airflow. The airflow interacts with the fluid flow, which is
influenced by the compressibility of the fluid. When the air cushion collapses, air
bubbles are formed. Air bubbles may also be entrapped in the fluid from
previous impacts. The ullage pressure influences the presence and behaviour
of air bubbles. The large loads that can occur during impact when the angle
between the fluid surface and body surface is small can cause important local
dynamic hydroelastic effects. The vibrations can lead to subsequent cavitation
and ventilation. These physical effects have different time scales. The important
time scale from a structural point of view is when maximum stresses occur. This
scale is given by the highest wet natural period ( Tn1 ) for the local structure.
Compressibility and the formation and collapse of an air cushion are important
initially and normally in a time scale smaller than the time scale of when local
maximum stresses occur. Hence, the effect on maximum local stress is
generally small. The theoretical and experimental studies of wave impact on
horizontal elastic plates of steel and aluminium presented by [6], [7], [8], [9] and
[10] are relevant in this context. Significant dynamic hydroelastic effects were
demonstrated. The physics can be explained as follows. The plate experiences
a large force impulse during a small time relative to the highest natural period
for the plate vibrations. (Structural inertia phase). This causes the space-
averaged relative velocity between the elastic vibration velocity and the rigid
body impact velocity V to be zero at the end of the initial phase. The plate then
starts to vibrate as a free vibration with an initial vibration velocity V and zero
deflection. Maximum strains occur during the free vibration phase. The details
of the pressure distribution during the first initial phase are not important. Very
large pressures that are sensitive to small changes in the physical conditions,
may occur in this phase. This can be seen from the collection of measured
maximum pressures during the tests. The measured maximum strains showed
a very small scatter for given impact velocity and plate even if maximum
pressure varied strongly. The largest measured pressure was approximately 80
bar for V equal to 6 m/s.
Fluid impact against a horizontal tank roof during sloshing has similarities
with water impact of elastic plates. The tank roof impact will also cause
hydroelastic vibrations in the tank wall adjacent to the impact area. [11] studied
this by a hydroelastic beam theory. The effect of a chamfered tank roof was

also investigated. This problem is similar to water entry of a wedge before the
horizontal roof part is reached. The effect of hydroelasticity decreases with
increasing deadrise angle of the wedge. The tank roof impact causes also
damping of the fluid motions. This will be further discussed later in the text.
[12] studied the relative importance of hydroelasticity for an elastic hull with
wedge-shaped cross-sections penetrating an initially cal+m water surface. A
stiffened plating between two rigid transverse frames was examined. A
parameter that is proportional to the ratio between the wetting time of the rigid
wedge and the natural period of a longitudinal stiffener, was introduced to
quantify the relative importance of hydroelasticity. We can associate the wetting
time of the wedge with the duration of the loading. If we make an analogy to a
simple mechanical system consisting of a mass and spring, then we know that
the duration of the loading relative to the natural period characterizes dynamic
effects. The wetting time depends on the impact velocity V and deadrise angle
β . It means that the importance of hydroelasticity increases with increasing V
and decreasing β . In practice we should be aware of hydroelastic effects when
β <≈ 5° .
The literature on sloshing contains many studies on slamming pressures.
There is a strong tendency to focus on the high slamming pressures that can
occur. Few seem to be aware of the importance of hydroelasticity. It is
misleading to use physical pressures as parameter for structural response when
the pressures become high and concentrated in time and space. What we are
saying is that the structure needs time to react. The previous discussion on fluid
impact has severe consequences for how sloshing should be numerically
It has become popular to use CFD to model sloshing. The problem has to be
solved in the time domain due to the strong nonlinearities associated with the
free surface conditions. There is a broad variety of numerical methods. The load
committee of the 13th ISSC has provided a survey in 1997. Normally the
Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations (RANSE) are solved, but also
Euler equations or potential flows for incompressible fluid are used. 2-D flow
studies are most common. The field equations are numerically solved by either
Finite Difference Methods (FDM), Finite Volume Methods (FVM) or Finite
Element Methods (FEM). The use of Boundary Element Methods (BEM) is
based on a velocity potential satisfying Laplace equation. Methods based on
field discretization can handle nonlinear free surface motion by height function
method, marker method, volume of fluid method or a level set technique.
More recently some meshless methods have been developed to deal with
large deformations and even fragmentation of the free surface. Among these,
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) [13] is currently under testing for
sloshing problems by Landrini and Colagrossi at INSEAN, Italy. A good
agreement with BEM solutions up to breaking has been obtained. Long time
simulation for cases with large excitation amplitudes show the ability to follow
the post breaking behaviour.
What are then the disadvantages and advantages of using CFD?
Advantages are that complex tank geometries, any fluid depth and general
excitation may in principle be considered. A CFD method may provide good
flow visualization. Flow separation around internal structures can be simulated

by a RANSE-code. A disadvantage is that the CFD methods are time
consuming which makes statistical estimates of tank response variables
difficult. Some methods may not be robust enough. For instance a Boundary
Element Method based on mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian method breaks down
when an overturning wave hits the free surface. Numerical problems may also
arise with a BEM at the intersection between the free surface and the tank
boundary. [14] discussed numerical problems associated with BEM and
sloshing. If not sufficient care is shown, some of the methods may numerically
loose or generate fluid mass on a long time scale. Since the highest natural
period of the fluid motion is strongly dependent on fluid mass, this can result in
an unphysical numerical simulation. This was demonstrated by Solaas [15] by
using the commercial, multipurpose FLOW-3D code, developed by Flow
Science, Inc. The method uses a combination of the SOLA finite difference
scheme for solving Navier-Stokes equations and the Volume of Fluid (VOF)
technique for tracing the free boundaries of the fluid. Kim [16] has presented a
CFD method where conservation of fluid mass is satisfied. The amount of fluid
in the tank is corrected for each time step by slightly moving the free surface.
The correction is so small that the global motion is not affected.
It seems generally accepted that CFD codes have difficulties in predicting
impact loads. This was also the conclusion of the load committee of 13th ISSC
in 1997. A reason is rapid changes in time and space occurring even for
relatively large local angles between the impacting free surface and the body
surface ([17]). Few codes include hydroelasticity during impact. However, if
doing so, the structural modeling requires also special care. [9] demonstrated
the numerical difficulties in modeling hydroelastic impact of a horizontal beam.
The complications are associated with the many structural modes that are
initially excited and the very rapid change of the wetted body surface. More
analytically based methods were therefore used to provide robust solutions.
There exist examples on satisfactory predictions of non-impact loading by
CFD (f. ex. [15] and [18]). However the load committee of the 13th ISSC
presented a comparative study by 12 different CFD codes belonging to different
classification societies, a shipyard, research organizations and universities. The
agreement in predicted free surface elevations in non-extreme cases was not
[15] illustrated the grid dependence and the sensitivity to parameters used in
numerical differentiation and iteration procedures in the FLOW-3D code. The
EPSADJ parameter gives an automatic adjustment of the convergence criterion
in the pressure iteration algorithm in order to fulfill the continuity equation. The
default value is 1.0, but a much smaller value had to be used for resonant fluid
motion to satisfy mass conservation. But even so the results were not perfect. A
case with EPSADJ=0.01 showed that the volume error was 4% after 30
oscillation periods. This illustrates also the problem of using a multipurpose
program. The different main applications have different main important physical
effects. The ALPHA parameter in FLOW-3D controls the weighting of the
advective flux terms in Navier-Stokes equation. ALPHA can be between 0 and
1. The default value is 1.0, which means fully upstream differencing and a first
order approximation of the advective flux terms is used. ALPHA=0.0 means
central differencing, but this gave a numerically unstable solution. It is difficult

from a physical point of view to state that the default value ALPHA=1.0 should
be used for sloshing. [15] demonstrated that there could be a large sensitivity to
choice of parameters and grid size. Convergence studies by decreasing the grid
size were performed. This gives a qualitative but not quantitative guidance on
how to select grid size. The reasons are that convergence is dependent on the
ALPHA parameter and that in some cases the results did not converge by
decreasing grid size. There is of course also a limit to how small the grid size
can be before the demand on computer resources gets too large.
Instead of developing a CFD code we have decided to develop a more
analytically based method. The method is time efficient and seems easy to
combine with the ship motions and external linear wave induced loads. The
simulation time depends on the chosen approximate modal model and
excitation parameters. Consider for instance a typical calculation of 100 forced
motion oscillation periods presented later in the paper. This may take from 1 to
20 seconds on a Pentium-III 500. The numbers are based on non-optimized
computer code. The fluid depth has to be finite. Our selected procedure applies
to any tank shape as long as the tank walls are vertical near the mean free
surface. Details have so far been developed for a rectangular 2-D tank and a
vertical circular tank. Since irrotational fluid motion is assumed, internal
structures causing flow separation can only be treated empirically by Morison
type calculations. The basic method assumes infinite tank roof height. The
effect of the tank roof impact is handled by generalizing Wagner's method [19].
Since analytically based methods are used, fluid impact load predictions are
robust. The effect of hydroelasticity can be incorporated. The method will be
described in more details in the next chapter.


We describe first the basic method, which assumes infinite tank roof height.
Details will be shown for 2-D flow and a rectangular rigid tank. The tank can
have a general forced motion in surge (or sway), heave and pitch (or roll), but
the main frequency component σ of the forced oscillation has to be in the
vicinity of the lowest natural frequency σ 1 for the tank fluid motion. The fluid is
incompressible and the flow is irrotational. The fluid depth and the breadth of
the tank are h and l . The coordinate system ( x, z ) is fixed relative to the tank
with origin in the mean free surface and the center of the tank (See Fig. 1). The
procedure is based on a Bateman-Luke
variational principle and use of the pressure in
the Lagrangian of the Hamilton principle. This
results in a system of nonlinear ordinary
differential equations in time. The unknowns
are generalized coordinates β i of the free
Figure 1: Coordinate system surface elevation. The free surface elevation
and tank dimensions ζ is written as

 πi ( x + 0.5l ) 
ζ = ∑ β i (t ) cos  (1)
i =1  l 

Since Eq. 1 assumes ζ to be a single valued function of x , it implies no

overturning waves and vertical tank sides in the free surface. Further Eq. 1 does
not permit travelling waves. The consequence is that shallow water conditions
cannot be simulated. The forced oscillation amplitude is assumed small and of
O (ε ) . There exist different possibilities for how to order β i , but it should reflect
that the fluid response is lower order than O (ε ) . This reflects that a strong
amplification of the flow occurs due to a small excitation. However, in order to
develop an asymptotic theory, we must assume ζ to be asymptotically small.
The original method presented by Faltinsen et al. [20] assumed β i = O(ε i / 3 ) ,
i = 1,3 . Higher order terms than ε are neglected in the nonlinear equations. The
following system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the generalized
coordinates describing the free surface are derived for forced motions

(β&& + σ β ) + d (β&& β
1 1 1 1 2 ) (
+ β&1β&2 + d 2 β&&1 β12 + β&12 β1 )
+ d 3 β&&2 β1 + P1 (v&0 x − S1ω& − gψ ) + Q1v&0 z β1 = 0
( )
β&&2 + σ 22 β 2 + d 4 β&&1 β1 + d 5 β&12 + Q2v&0 z β 2 = 0
( 3 3 3 )
β&& + σ 2 β + d β&& β + d β&& β 2 + d β&& β + d β& β&
6 1 2 7 1 1 8 2 1 9 1 2
+ d10 β&12 β1 + P3 (v&0 x − S3ω& − gψ ) + Q3v&0 z β 3 = 0
β&&i + σ i2 β ii + Pi (v&0 x − S iω& − gψ ) + Qi v&0 z β i = 0, i ≥ 4

Here dots mean time derivatives. v0 x and v0 z are projections of translational

velocity onto axes of Οxz , ω (t ) and ψ (t ) are the angular velocity and angle of
coordinate system Οxyz with respect to an earth fixed coordinate system. Both
v0 x and ω cannot be zero. g means acceleration of gravity. The calculation
formulas for the coefficients σ i , Pi , S i , Qi , i ≥ 1 and d j , j = 1,K ,10 are given in
Faltinsen et al. [20]. σ i means the natural frequencies. The equation system is
solved numerically by a fourth order Runge-Kutta method.
Faltinsen & Timokha [21] found that the excitation amplitude had to be very
small and that the depth should not be close to the critical value h / l = 0.3374 in
order for Eqs. 2 to be valid. This was explained to be due to secondary
resonance. An example of such mechanisms is as follows. Nonlinearities cause
oscillations with frequency 2σ , where σ is the excitation frequency of the rigid
body motion. If the second natural frequency σ 2 of the fluid is close to 2σ ,
secondary resonance will occur. The generalized coordinate β 2 will be
amplified and can be of same order as β1 . Nonlinear interactions can also
cause resonant oscillations at the other natural frequencies. If the excitation
amplitude is increased, the fluid response becomes large in an increased
frequency domain around the first natural frequency. This increases the
possibility that large nonlinearly excited resonance oscillations at a higher

natural frequency can occur. Both the second and third mode associated with
respectively β 2 and β 3 can be the same order as β1 . Since the amplification of
the fluid motion is relatively larger at the critical depth than at other fluid depths,
the upper bound of tank excitation amplitude where the theory of Faltinsen et al.
[20] is applicable for critical depth is relatively small. An adaptive procedure that
allows for different ordering of β i is presented by Faltinsen & Timokha [21].
This worked for all excitation periods as long as h / l > 0.24 . When h / l < 0.24 ,
good agreement with experiments was documented in isolated cases for h / l
down to 0.173.
When the water impacts on the tank roof, fluid damping is believed to occur.
The hypothesis is that the kinetic and potential energy in the jet flow caused by
the impact is dissipated when the jet flow later on impinges on the free surface.
The latter process resembles rainfall on water. We will illustrate the procedure
by the tank with chamfered tank roof shown in Fig. 3. The upper corner is one
half part of a wedge. When the water reaches this corner, the problem is similar
to water entry of a wedge. Rognebakke & Faltinsen [22] estimated the damping
of sloshing due to tank roof impact, by first evaluating the potential and kinetic
energy flux dE pot / dt and dE kin / dt into the jet caused by the impact. The
ambient flow was based on [20], but [21] can also be used. This theory gives a
time varying impact velocity and radius of curvature R of impacting surface. R
has to be large, i.e. run-up cannot be considered. The Wagner theory is
convenient to use because a time varying velocity, R and the change from the
wedge part to the horizontal part of the roof can be analytically accounted for.
The effect of the tank bottom and the opposite wall is negligible (Faltinsen &
Rognebakke [23]). Since the Wagner theory overpredicts dE pot / dt and
dE kin / dt , a correction factor based on the similarity solution by Dobrovol'skaya
[24] was introduced. An alternative is to use the generalized Wagner theory
presented by Faltinsen [25]. The linear damping terms 2ξσ i β& i are included in
each of eqs. 2. The damping is found as an equivalent damping so that the
energy ∆E removed from the system during one full cycle is equal to the kinetic
and potential energy lost in the impact, i.e. ξ = ∆E /(4πE ) . E is the total energy
in the system, which is found from E& = F v for forced surge motion. Here F is
x 0x x

the horizontal hydrodynamic force. An iterative procedure is followed. A

simulation over one period is started with no damping. A first estimate of ξ is
found. The simulation is repeated, which results in a new ∆E and thereafter a
new ξ . This is done for iteration i > 1 as 0.5(∆Ei + ∆Ei −1 ) / E = 4πξ . Typically, 5
iterations are sufficient for convergence. The procedure conserves fluid mass,
which is essential in sloshing problems. Further, when the basic method and the
tank roof impact model are combined, overturning waves are accounted for
through the impact model.
Faltinsen et al. [20] presented an extensive validation by comparing with
experimental values of free surface elevation in a rectangular tank with 2-D
flow. The tank was forced to oscillate in the horizontal direction in the cross-
sectional plane with excitation frequency in the vicinity of the lowest natural
frequency. It was demonstrated that it takes a very long time for transient fluid

motion to die out when the fluid does not hit the tank roof in a smooth tank. This
implies that damping is very low and that viscosity does not matter. Modulated
(beating) waves occurred as a consequence of transient and forced oscillations.
Strong nonlinearities were evident.
Faltinsen & Timokha [21] presented also an extensive validation for
rectangular and prismatic tanks. Steady state values of horizontal force and roll
moment amplitudes as well as free surface elevation were studied. The
maximum forced surge harmonic oscillation amplitude η1 was 0.1 times the
breadth and the maximum forced harmonic pitch oscillation amplitude was 0.1
rad. We will present one example and at the same time compare with FLOW-3D
calculated by [15] (Fig. 2).

Figure 2: Steady-state maximum wave elevation near the wall vs “forced period
(T ) -first natural period (T1 ) ratio”. Rectangular tank with h / l = 0.35 , η1 = 0.05l

The fluid depth is 0.35 times the breadth, which is close to the critical depth.
The grid size used in the FLOW-3D calculations was ∆x = ∆z = 0.025 m, where
∆x and ∆z are respectively the horizontal and vertical distance between
adjacent grid points. This means a total of 40×40 elements. The ALPHA and
EPSADJ parameters were respectively 0.5 and 1.0. Three different models
were used in the adaptive multimodal approach by Faltinsen & Timokha [21].
These correspond to different ordering of the generalized free-surface
coordinates β i (See Eq. 1). The first stage of the analysis by [21] is to locate
possible resonances for T / T1 between 0.45 and 1.65. The primary resonances
of the first and third mode occur at respectively T / T1 = 1 and T / T1 = 0.55 . The
secondary resonance of the second mode is predicted at T / T1 = 1.28 . The
secondary resonance of the third mode is at T / T1 = 1.55 . The positions of
primary and secondary resonances are important for selection of model. The
models are indicated as Model I,II and III. It was controlled that the models
overlap with each other in a small frequency domain. Model I was used for

0.5 ≤ T / T1 ≤ 0.65 . The expected resonances are due to primary excitation of the
third and first mode. They have the same main frequency response σ . No
secondary resonance is expected. This causes the relations β 1 ≈ β 3 = O(ε 1 / 3 ) .
This means that the secondary modes have the main harmonic 2σ . Such
modes are β 2 ≈ β 6 = O (ε 2 / 3 ) . Other modes (up to 9th) are considered as driven
and having O (ε ) . Model II was used for 0.6 ≤ T / T1 ≤ 1.25 . The system is of third
order in β1 and β 2 . It contains all the necessary terms in Eq. 2 as well as a
theory considering β 1 ≈ β 2 = O(ε 1 / 2 ) . The modes β 3 , β 4 , β 5 and β 6 were
included as driven. If the response is not too large, the modal system gives the
same results as Eqs. 2. When T / T1 > 1.28 , the third mode response was
assumed to have the same order as β1 and β 2 (Model III). The reason is the
influence of the secondary resonance of third mode at T / T1 = 1.55 . Model III
was used for 1.28 ≤ T / T1 ≤ 1.65 . The predicted values in Fig. 2 belong to
different branches of the steady-state periodic solution. The concept of
branches of the solutions was for instance extensively discussed by Faltinsen et
al. [20]. There exist in their solution an upper and lower branch. The lower
branch is divided into an upper and lower branch. The lower branch is divided
into a stable and unstable sub-branch with a turning point between them. A
jump in the solution will happen at an excitation period corresponding to the
turning point. The results in Fig. 2 have two jumps, one around T / T1 = 1.1 and
the other one around T / T1 = 1.3 . Fig. 2 shows that the multimodal approach by
Faltinsen & Timokha [21] agrees well with the experiments. No tank roof
damping was included. Even if the steady-state free surface elevation did not hit
the tank roof, impact would occur during the transient phase. The FLOW-3D
calculations agree also well with the experiments. However, it should be noted
that the results would depend on grid size and the ALPHA and EPSADJ
parameters previously discussed.
Horizontal forced harmonic oscillations of the LNG tank in Fig. 3 will now be
studied. Two-dimensional fluid motions occur. The mean fluid depth h is 0.4l
where l is the tank breadth. The forced oscillation amplitude η1 is 0.01l . Fig. 3
shows numerical and experimental predictions of steady-state maximum
horizontal force F as a function of the forced oscillation frequency σ . The
lowest natural frequency σ 1 is 4.36 rad/s. Different fluids with different viscosity
are used in the experiments. This has small influence on the non-dimensional
force. There are two theoretical curves based on Faltinsen & Timokha [21]. One
assumes infinite tank roof height and the other one accounts for tank roof
damping. The impact-induced horizontal force is not included in the latter case.
The effect of the two lower corners submerged in the fluid was neglected. The
error in doing so is small ([21]). The previous described Model II and III were
used for respectively 0.65 ≤ T / T1 ≤ 1.3 and 1.3 ≤ T / T1 ≤ 1.65 . Results by FLOW-
3D published by [15] are also presented in Fig. 3. The grid size was
∆x = 0.0276 m and ∆z = 0.02782 m corresponding to 50×37 elements. The effect
of the corners was accounted for. There are also shown two curves
corresponding to ALPHA=1.0 and 0.5. In both cases EPSADJ=0.01 which is

different from the value used in connection with Fig. 2. The presented results for
ALPHA=1.0 and 0.5 are clearly different. The results obtained with the default
value ALPHA=1.0 are furthest away from the experiments. The agreement
between FLOW-3D and the experiments is fair.

Figure 3: Maximum horizontal force F per unit length of LNG tank as a function
of forced oscillation frequency σ . Forced surge amplitude η1 = 0.01l (left) and
η1 = 0.1l (right). Mean fluid depth h = 0.4l . l =tank breadth, ρ =mass density of
the fluid. Experiments by Abramson et al. [2]. Length dimensions in [mm]

The results based on Faltinsen & Timokha [21] and accounting for tank roof
impact are in good agreement with experiments. The simulations with infinite
tank roof height give jumps between different solution branches at certain
frequencies. These jumps disappear when tank roof impact damping is
Fig. 3 shows also comparisons between theory and experiments for the
larger surge excitation amplitude η1 = 0.1l . This represents a realistic design
excitation. Only the analytically based sloshing models are used. We note the
significant effect of tank roof damping when σ >≈ 3.5 rad/s. Accounting for tank
roof impact was not straightforward for η1 = 0.1l . Very violent motions occurred
initially. An artificial damping coefficient was therefore introduced in the
transient phase. When steady state oscillations were achieved, our tank roof
damping model was switched on. Fig. 3 demonstrates good agreement
between theory and experiments. One may note that the sloshing force for
σ >≈ 4.0 rad/s is larger when tank roof impact is included in the calculations.
This will be explained by examining the force expression. The horizontal
hydrodynamic force for forced surge oscillations can according to [20] and [21]
be written as

 dv 0 x d 2 x C 
Fx = − ml  + 
 (3)
 dt dt 2 

where ml is the fluid mass and xC is the instantaneous horizontal position of
the mass-centre of the fluid relative to the tank fixed coordinate system. xC is a
function of the generalized coordinates β i . Fig. 4 shows how the magnitude is
increased and the phasing shifts for the term depending on xC , when impact
damping is accounted for. This leads to a larger total hydrodynamic force even
if the free surface elevation is smaller.

Figure 4: Contributions to the total hydrodynamic force on the LNG tank shown
in Fig. 3 for a forced sway frequency σ = 4.6 rad/s. η1 = 0.1l

The analytically based method provides a robust procedure for impact loads.
However, this has to be validated for cases where impact pressures are
relevant for local structural response. Abramson et al. [2] presented
experimental slamming predictions for the LNG tank shown in Fig. 3. This
included statistical distributions. The pressure transducer location is indicated
as P2 in Fig. 3. Viscosity seemed to be important when the forced surge
amplitude η1 was 0.01 times the tank breadth l , but not for η1 = 0.1l . Fig. 5
shows computed and experimental pressures for η1 = 0.1l . The computations
are for steady state motions. The experimental values are 10% exceedance
limits for the pressure. The computed values would represent the most
frequently occurring in a long time simulation. What the 10% exceedance level
would be depends on the time series. We can very well realize the level of
pressure shown in Fig. 5 in the transient phase of our computations. But we
would need the complete time series in the experiments to make a quantitative
estimate of the 10% exceedance limit. The way that the data by Abramson et al.
[2] were presented, suggest that they meant that the process is stochastic.
However, in our opinion this particular type of impact on a chamfered tank roof
is deterministic during harmonic excitation of the tank. Another matter is impact
on a horizontal tank roof. In that case the impact pressure may very well have a
stochastic behaviour, but as previously discussed, maximum pressure is then
an irrelevant parameter for local structural response.

Figure 5: Measured [2] and calculated impact pressures p at the location P2 in
the LNG tank shown in Fig. 3 presented as a function of forced oscillation
period T . η1 = 0.1l

Figure 6: Sway motions of a rectangular ship section in regular beam sea. σ 1 is

the first natural frequency of the fluid motion in the tanks for h = 0.184 m

The analytically based sloshing model facilitates coupling between fluid

motion in the tank and wave induced ship motion. Experimental 2-D studies with
a ship cross-section containing two tanks have therefore been carried out at the

wave flume of the Department of Marine Hydrodynamics at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology. The wave flume has an overall length of
13.5m and is 0.6m wide. It is equipped with an electronically operated,
computer controlled, single flap wavemaker, calibrated for a water depth of
1.03m. The wavemaker has the ability to dampen out waves reflected by the
model at the same time as new waves are generated. The rectangular ship
section shown in Fig. 6 is free to move in sway. The draught is 0.20m, and the
section is excited by regular beam waves with frequency ω . The length of the
ship model is 0.596m. The mass of the model is adjusted to be equal to the
buoyancy for both empty and half-filled tanks. The amplitude ζ a of the incoming
wave is lowered as the wave frequency increases to have acceptable wave
steepness. The relationship between ζ a and ω is shown in Fig. 6. The model
contains two identical tanks with an inner length l =0.376mm. The width of a
tank is 0.15m, and the height is 0.388m. The section is prevented from drifting
off by two springs with a total stiffness of 30.9 N/m.
Fig. 6 shows calculated and measured values for the sway amplitude η 2 of
the section. The calculations have presently not been performed with fluid
inside the tanks. The sway amplitude is normalized by the amplitude of the
incoming wave.

Figure 7: Example of time history of the sway motion of the ship section with
fluid in the tank. ω = 9.42 rad/s and ζ a = 0.015 m

Fig. 7 shows a typical time history of the measured sway motion of the ship
section. First there is a transient phase before the system reach a steady state.
A beating period of approx. 5 seconds is evident during the transient phase.
This is the eigenperiod for horizontal motion of the system consisting of the
springs and the ship model without fluid in the tanks. Due to 2. order drift force a

shift in mean position of the section occurs. The steady state is ended when
waves are reflected from the wavemaker and beach at the end of the wave
flume and a second transient phase starts. The steady state motions show
almost no trace of higher order harmonics. This indicates that the higher order
part of the sloshing force is filtered out by the system. The experimental results
for rigid mass agree well with the computed values from the linear seakeeping
code VERES. In these computations, infinite water depth is assumed. This
explains the discrepancy for low frequencies. Calculated results from long
wavelength, finite water depth theory show better agreement when the
wavelength is long compared to the water depth and section length.
We observe a large effect of the fluid motions inside the tanks for ω >≈ 7
rad/s. An excitation ω <≈ 9 rad/s results in a lower sway response for half-filled
tanks than for a rigid mass. The resulting force from the fluid motion in the tanks
acts then against the sway excitation force. When ω ≈ σ n there is almost no
sway motion. For ω >≈ 9 rad/s the sway motion is increased due to the filling of
the tanks. This behaviour can be explained by using a linear model for the
sloshing. We then find that the phase of the horizontal sloshing force shifts 180°
when the excitation frequency is changed from being slightly below to slightly
above the first natural frequency. This is well known from linear dynamic


Sloshing represents violent fluid motion with strong nonlinearities during

resonant motion in the vicinity of the highest natural period. The physical
behaviour during impact is discussed. The importance of hydroelasticity for
small angles between impacting fluid and body surface is stressed. The very
high slamming pressures are then unimportant for the structural response. CFD
methods are reviewed. The drawbacks are long simulation time, sensitivity to
numerical parameters and general inability to predict strong impact. An
analytically based sloshing model is therefore recommended. Its drawbacks are
that the tank has to be smooth with vertical sides at the free surface. Shallow
fluid phenomena are excluded. However, this can be studied by the method of
[3]. This was done with satisfactory results for horizontal forces by Abramson et
al. [2] for a 2-D rectangular tank with fluid depth 0.12 times the breadth. The
importance of tank roof impact damping on sloshing is demonstrated. Extensive
validation of free surface elevation, total forces and moments for 2-D flow in
rectangular and prismatic tanks are reported. This includes realistic motion
excitation and studies close to critical depth 0.3374 times the tank breadth.
The analytical method provides a robust way to predict impact pressures.
However, this has to be validated for cases where impact pressures are
relevant for local structural response. The study shows that steady-state impact
pressures are clearly lower than would occur during a transient phase.
The structure of our method facilitates coupling with the ship dynamics.
Experimental 2-D studies with a ship cross-section containing two tanks are
presently performed. These show that the ship response is strongly influenced
by the fluid motion in the tanks. The next step is to perform a complete time

domain solution of a ship by combining external linear wave loads with the
nonlinear analytically based sloshing model for head and beam sea conditions.
The details of the analytically based method have to be developed for a ship
tank with 3-D flow. A 3-D rectangular tank would represent a direct
generalization of the 2-D method for a rectangular tank. Analysis can be used to
the same extent. However, a tapered tank would require numerical methods to
describe the linear eigenfunctions as a part of the solution procedure.


The contributions from Dr. Hang Sub Urm from DNV concerning important
sloshing problems are appreciated.


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