Maths D 2016

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Anshul GODHANI 56M

1. Mia made this repeating pattern. 4. A plane drops 10 food parcels at equal
intervals over a distance of 3 kilometres.
A I \16: j SA J \/
About how many metres is it between one
Which of these is the part that repeats to parcel and the next?
continue the pattern?
(A) 3
A £
~ A '-
\/ (8)

A l SA A 7 5. Sven made a pattern with some

(C) (0) cardboard shapes.

Which angle is the largest?

2. This is a standard paper clip.


What is the approximate mass of this
paper clip?

(A) 1 gram
(8) 1 milligram
(C) 3 millilitres
(0) 3 centimetres
f-------------------------1 6. Alana had a cube. She painted one
shape on each face. Alana painted
3. Taylor wrote the number 8.973. 2 circles, 3 stars and 1 cross.

What is the value of the 7?

(A) 7 tens
(8) 7 tenths
(C) 7 hundreds
(0) 7 hundredths Alana rolled the cube along a table.

What is the probability that the cube

finished with a star on top?

2 3
(A) (8)
6 6
2 3
(C) (0)
3 3

2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper 0 © EAA 2

7. Jamie is using this recipe to cook 9. Tony is cutting and folding a piece of
pumpkin soup. square paper to make an open box with
rectangular faces.

Serves 15


2100 grams The solid lines show where to cut.

Beef stock 1800 millilitres
The dashed lines show where to fold.

Which of these could make the box?

Jamie is cooking for 5 people.

How much pumpkin should he use?

(A) 420 grams

(B) 600 grams
(A) (B)
(C) 650 grams
(0) 700 grams

8. Abby is calculating 6015 x 98 + 49.

What is a good estimate for

Abby's answer? (C) (0)

(A) 12
(B) 120
(C) 1200 10. Mr Hay has fewer than 32 students in his
(0) 12000 class. Each student must play chess and
soccer, and take part in a debate.

He divided his class into groups:

• 2 groups for chess

• 5 groups for soccer with 1 student
left over
• 3 groups for debating with 2 students
left over

How many students are there in

his class?

(A) 16
(B) 22
(C) 26
(0) 30

3 2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA

11. Mr Martins opened a stall as he had 13. A rectangle has an area of 36 square
800 games to sell. metres. Its length and width are whole
The first day he sold 120 games.
Which of these could be its perimeter?
Each day after that he sold half as many
games as he sold the day before. (A) 40 metres
(8) 37 metres
How many games did Mr Martins have left (C) 20 metres
at the end of the third day? (0) 12 metres

(A) 440
(8) 590 14. It is likely that it will rain tomorrow.
(C) 620
(0) 680 Which position on the line represents the
chance that it will NOT rain tomorrow?

12. This is a playing card. Even

Impossible chance Certain
(A) (8) (C) (0)

15. Alana needs to colour in one more

square to make a shape with one line
of symmetry.

Which square does she need to colour in?

This image shows the top half of the card.

What must be done to this image in order

to create the bottom half of the card?

(A) Flip it over the horizontal line.

(8) Flip it over the vertical line.
(C) Rotate it a half turn.
(0) Rotate it a quarter turn.

2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA 4

16. Figure A Figure 8 18. Min folded a piece of paper twice.

t-----10.7 cm---~
t---- 8.2 cm -----1

Area = 50 ern" Area = 42 ern" i, Fold lines ~

---~:.~j~ II~
. .
Figure G
13.5 cm ------l

What distance must IIbe?

(A) 2.8 cm
(8) 3.5 cm
Area =? (G) 5.3 cm
(0) 5.4 cm
What is the area of Figure G?

(A) 84 ern" 19. Galan started with a number and followed

(8) 92 em- these steps. He ended up with 46 as his
(G) 100 ern" final answer.
(0) 117 ern-

17. Leila wanted to build a fence to enclose

her octagonal vegetable garden as shown.

Leila calculated the total length of fencing

What was his starting number?
At the hardware store, this total length
was rounded up to the nearest metre. (A) 33
Leila paid $5 per metre. (8) 36
(G) 53
What was the cost of fencing for the (0) 60
vegetable garden?

(A) $123 (8) $130

(G) $132 (0) $135

5 2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EM

20. There are many different nets of a cube. 22. The four countries that won the most
medals in the 2012 Summer Olympics
Which of these will NOT fold to make were Great Britain, Russia, the USA
a cube? and China.

Russia won a total of 81 medals.

The USA won equal numbers of silver and

bronze medals.

The combined number of gold and silver

(A) (B) medals won by China was three times the
number of bronze medals they won.

This unlabelled graph shows the number

of medals won by each of these countries.

Which option represents the medals won

by Great Britain?
(C) (0)
Olympic Medal Tally
50l gold
o silver
21. A rule is applied to the top number in each (f) 40- V~ • bronze

rectangle to give the bottom number. co

"C 32
E 30-
Q; 20-
~29 28



E I····
Z 10-

What number must 6 be? 0- "",l...-


(A) (B) (C) (0)

(A) 17
(B) 16
(C) 15
(0) 11

2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA 6

23. Edward is walking in a northerly direction 25. Kate is using a rule to generate her code.
along Pitt St towards Main St. When he
reaches Main St, he turns right. Then he For each letter, she uses the number of
turns left into the next street and left again its position in the alphabet, doubles this
into the next street. number and then subtracts 3.

For example, 8 is in position 2 so:


What code will Kate use for ITtJ [!ID m ?

(A) [ill~ III (8) ~ • m

What direction will Edward then be facing?
(C) [IDJ fa (0) ~ • m
(A) North (8) South
(C) East (0) West
f---------------------l 26. Lori had two identical white squares.
She drew a triangle in the first square and
24. Tim looked at the clock and said, shaded it.

In 2 hours' time it will

be twice as long until
noon as it will be in

She drew a shape, with the same area,

inside the other square.

Which of these could be Lori's

second square?

What is the time on the clock?

(A) 6:00 am
(8) 7:00 am (A) (8)
(C) 8:00 am ..
" I

(0) 9:00 am I

(C) (0)

7 2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper 0 © EAA

27. A digital timer counts down from 3 minutes 29. James has to visit the doctor twice. His
to zero, one second at a time. two visits must be sixteen days apart. His
second visit is the day after tomorrow.

Yesterday was Sunday.

For how many seconds does at least one On what day was his first visit?
of these digits show a 5?
(A) Saturday
(A) 45 (8) Friday
(8) 36 (C) Wednesday
(C) 24 (0) Monday
(0) 18

30. Zac's phone number has nine digits.

28. This map shows the bush tracks near
The sum of the digits is 49.
Pete's house and Jack's house.
All of the digits are odd numbers and
one digit appears exactly three times.

Zac wrote down the first six digits.


Which digit appears three times in Zac's

3 phone number?

(A) 3
(8) 5
~ (C) 7
100 m
(0) 9

Pete walked to Jack's house by the 31 . Tala overlapped two rectangles to make a
shortest route. new shape as shown. Each rectangle was
4 cm by 10 cm.
About how far did he walk? ~

(A) 600 metres

(8) 700 metres
(C) 800 metres
(0) 900 metres

What is the area of the new shape?

(A) 80 ern"
(8) 64 ern"
(C) 48 ern"
(0) 40 ern"

2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA 8

32. Mia is a goal shooter in netball. 34. Ben stacked his cubes to make
this pattern.
She scored 16 goals in the first game, 21
goals in the second game, 9 goals in the
third game, 14 goals in the fourth game
and 10 goals in the fifth game. Side 7

There were only 5 games.
How many more goals should Mia have
He wants to add more cubes so his
.)0 scored to get an average of 16 goals?
pattern matches these views.

I (A)

Top view Front view

33. Tracey drew the triangle PQR.
12 .-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~-.~-,
Side view
8 What is the minimum number of cubes
7 Ben needs to add?
5 (A) 2 (B) 3
4~----------+--+---I (C) 4 (0) 5


She then rotated the triangle a

quarter turn anticlockwise about Q.

What was the position of P after

the rotation?

(A) E1
(B) F1
(C) 02
(0) E2

9 2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA

35. Kim had a bag with white and blue Write your answer in the boxes provided on
marbles. the ANSWER SHEET and fill in the ovals that
match your answer.
The chance of picking a white marble

was one-third.
36. 14
She removed a marble from the bag
without looking. It was blue. 1
0- ('xl) = 10
Which of the following could be Kim's bag {?+.= 11
after she had removed the blue marble?

What is the value of 0 ?

37. This box holds 24 identical cubes with no

(A) (8) wasted space.

60 cm
/ /
(C) (D) "<:t

1 ~cm

This new box was designed to hold more

cubes than the original box.
f---- 105 cm --------1

T/ /

1'-----------"~ cm

How many cubes can fit in the new box?

2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EM 10

38. In the western calendar, leap years occur 40. Ten minutes before the concert was due
every 4 years except at the turn of a 1
to start, the hall was - full.
century. However, if the year is a multiple 3
of 400, it is also a leap year. The warning bell rang and 140 people
entered the hall and sat down.
In this scheme, the first leap year occurred
in 1752. 4
The hall was then - full.
How many leap years have occurred from
How many seats are there in the hall?
1752 to 2016 inclusive?

39. Mrs Jones is meeting her son, Guy, at

Waterfell Wharf at 6:00 pm. She needs
to catch two trains to get from Gadon
to Harbour Station and then a ferry to
Wate rfe II.

Train Timetable
Station Time :
Gadon 14:16 16:03 16: 11 16:22 116:40
Chatting 14:56 16:43 16:51 17:02 17:20
Forest 15:05 16:54 17:00 17: 11 17:29
Downing 15:15 17:04 17:10 17:19 17:37
Central 15:23 17:12 17:18 17:27 17:45

Station Time
Central 15:13 17:07 17:15 17:27 17:35
Downing 15:21 17:15 17:23 17:35 17:43
Harbour 15:24 17:18 17:26 117:38 17:46

Ferry Timetable
Wharf I Time I
Habour 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 I
Waterfell 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 I
What is the shortes amount of time, in
minutes, for Mrs Jo es 0 travel from
Gadon to Waterfell?

11 2016 ICAS Mathematics Paper D © EAA

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The following year levels should sit THIS Paper:

Australia Year 6
Brunei Primary 6
Indonesia Year 7
Malaysia Standard 6
New Zealand Year 7
Pacific Region Year 7
Singapore Primary 5
South Africa Grade 6

The following table shows the questions you answered correctly [2] and shades the questions that you ;
.0 ti
; e
answered incorrectly D. The questions are ranked from hardest at the top to easiest at the bottom.
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::J 15 0 ::J ::J
Question content Area assessed a 0 > iii <t
Read and interpret a timetable to find the fastest route Measures & Units 39 98 117 2%

Find the number of leap years over an extended period Number & Arithmetic 38 65 262 3%
iii Solve a packing problem involving rectangular prisms Measures & Units 37 126 40 6%
::J Use fractions of different amounts to find the capacity of the whole Number & Arithmetic 40 300 ,/ 15%
a Recognise the position of a vertex after a rotation Space & Geometry 33 A ,/ 22%
o Use substitution and logic to find the value of one variable Algebra & Patterns 36 58 ,/ 25%
~ ,/
0 Build a solid to match its top, side and front views Space & Geometry 34 C 27%
Solve a perimeter problem involving decimals and rounding Measures & Units 17 D ,/ 29%
Estimate the likelihood of a complementary event occurring Chance & Data 14 B ,/ 31%
Solve a problem involving time differences Measures & Units 24 C ,/ 34%
Estimate the length of the shortest route using the scale on a map Space & Geometry 28 B ,/ 38%
Solve a problem involving the sum of odd numbers Number & Arithmetic 30 C ,/ 40%
Complete the pattern to make a shape with one line of symmetry Space & Geometry 15 A ,/ 41%
Match the picture to a word description of the probability Chance & Data 35 B ,/ 42%
Solve a problem involving the difference of decimals Number & Arithmetic 18 D ,/ 43%
Find the perimeter of a rectangle with whole number sides given its area Measures & Units 13 A ,/ 46%
Find a missing value in a set of data given the average Chance & Data 32 C ,/ 50%
Follow a pattern to determine the missing code Algebra & Patterns 25 D ,/ 54%
Determine the frequency of a particular digit on a clock over a period of time Number & Arithmetic 27 A D 54%
Determine the value in a number pattern involving two operations Algebra & Patterns 21 A ,/ 54%
Solve a problem involving the number of days between given days of the week Measures & Units 29 D ,/ 54%
Find the area of two overlapping rectangles Measures & Units 31 B ,/ 54%
Find the area of a composite shape Measures & Units 16 A ,/ 56%
Name the value of a digit in the hundredths column Number & Arithmetic 3 D C 56%
Identify the transformation needed to form part of a shape Space & Geometry 12 C ,/ 56%
Find a compass point given directions Space & Geometry 23 D ,/ 59%
Identify the net that will not fold to make a cube Space & Geometry 20 A ,/ 60%
Use symmetry to identify two shapes with the same area Measures & Units 26 B ,/ 62%
Estimate an expression involving a product and a quotient Number & Arithmetic 8 D ,/ 62%
Solve a problem involving divisors and remainders Number & Arithmetic 10 C ,/ 63%
Solve a problem involving unit conversion and division Measures & Units 4 C D 64%
Find the approximate mass of a paperclip Measures & Units 2 A ,/ 67%
Divide a quantity in a recipe by three Number & Arithmetic 7 D ,/ 69%
Identify labels on a bar graph based on given information Chance & Data 22 C ,/ 71%
Identify the largest angle in a composite shape Space & Geometry 5 A
iii Solve a problem involving a pattern that decreases by half each time Algebra & Patterns 11 B 73%
::J Identify the instructions to create a box from paper Space & Geometry 9 B ,/ 75%
a Use factors and multiples to solve a flowchart problem Number & Arithmetic 19 C ,/ 75%
w Identify the part of a shape pattern that repeats Algebra & Patterns 1 B ,/ 79%
Calculate the probability of rolling a particular outcome on a dice Chance & Data 6 B ,/ 93%

ANSHUL GODHANI (0749-4204-69) - Year 6 Mathematics - BALWYN PRIMARY SCHOOL (01310303)

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